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《Chronobiology international》2013,30(1-2):315-327
A number of observational studies have found that treated hypertensive patients, even those with controlled clinic blood pressure (BP), might have poorer prognosis than untreated hypertensives. Different trials have also shown that relatively low cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk cannot be achieved in high-risk hypertensive patients, leading to the belief they have a “residual CVD risk” that cannot be attenuated by conventional treatment. All these conclusions disregard the facts that the correlation between BP level and CVD risk is stronger for ambulatory than clinic BP and that the BP-lowering efficacy and effects on the 24-h BP pattern of different classes of hypertension medications exhibit statistically and clinically significant treatment-time (morning versus evening) differences. Accordingly, we evaluated the potential differential administration-time-dependent effects on CVD risk of the various classes of hypertension medications and the number of them used for therapy in the MAPEC (Monitorización Ambulatoria para Predicción de Eventos Cardiovasculares, i.e., Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring for Prediction of Cardiovascular Events) study, a prospective, open-label, blinded-endpoint trial on 2156 hypertensive patients (1044 men/1112 women), 55.6?±?13.6 (mean?±?SD) yrs of age, randomized to ingest all prescribed once-a-day hypertension medications upon awakening or the entire daily dose of ≥1 of them at bedtime. Ambulatory BP was measured for 48?h at baseline, and again annually or more frequently (quarterly) when adjustment of treatment was necessary to achieve ambulatory, i.e., awake and asleep, BP control. CVD risk according to the number and classes of medications used at the final evaluation was calculated by comparison with that of 734 normotensive subjects who were identically followed and remained untreated. After a median follow-up of 5.6 yrs, CVD risk of hypertensive patients randomized to ingest all medications upon awakening was progressively higher with increase in the number of medications (adjusted hazard ratio [HR]: 1.75, 2.26, 3.02, and 4.18 in patients treated with 1, 2, 3, and ≥4 medications daily, respectively; p?<?.001 compared with normotensive subjects). CVD risk was markedly lower in patients ingesting ≥1 medications at bedtime (HR: .35, 1.45, .94, and 2.28 with 1, 2, 3, and ≥4 medications daily, respectively), and even lower in patients ingesting all medications at bedtime (HR: .35, .39, .87, and .79 with 1, 2, 3, and ≥4 medications daily, respectively). Patients ingesting ≥1 medications at bedtime evidenced significantly lower CVD risk than those ingesting all medications upon awakening, independent of class. Greater benefits were observed for bedtime compared with awakening treatment with angiotensin-II receptor blockers (ARBs) (HR: .29 [95% confidence interval, CI .17–.51]; p?<?.001) and calcium channel blockers (HR: .46 [95% CI: .31–.69]; p?<?.001). CVD risk was similar for all six classes of tested hypertension medications in patients randomized to ingest all of them upon awakening. Among patients randomized to ingest ≥1 medications at bedtime, however, ARBs were associated with significantly lower HR of CVD events than ingestion of any other class of medication also at bedtime (p?<?.017). We document significantly reduced CVD risk among hypertensive patients ingesting medications at bedtime, independent of the number of hypertension medications required to achieve proper ambulatory BP control. These findings challenge the current belief of “residual CVD risk,” as a bedtime-treatment regimen of current hypertension medications, even in risk-high patients, can reduce such risk. (Author correspondence: rhermida@uvigo. es) 相似文献
Not much is known about the feasibility or the advantages of treatment of subjects with only mild hypertension. There are also many unresolved problems in the outpatient management of hypertension of any severity. In this study an analysis is made of the results of a controlled treatment trial of 56 subjects with mild hypertension, 26 of whom were treated with active drug and 30 initially with placebo, and a treatment programme involving 81 patients with moderate or severe hypertension, all of whom received treatment with active drug. The drugs used in this study were bethanidine, debrisoquine, and guanethidine.Follow-up for 12 months or more was achieved in 87% of individuals admitted to the study with mild hypertension and in 80% with severe hypertension. Many subjects with only mildly raised blood pressure were found to have cardiac enlargement on chest x-ray (up to 45%) and left ventricular hypertrophy on electrocardiogram (up to 51%). Rapid rates of rise of blood pressure were observed in many placebo-treated subjects; but good blood pressure control was achieved in 63 out of 104 patients (61%) receiving active drug in both the mild and the severe hypertension groups. The drugs used showed approximately equal effectiveness in controlling blood pressure. 相似文献
Dongfeng Gu Jiang He Pamela G. Coxson Petra W. Rasmussen Chen Huang Anusorn Thanataveerat Keane Y. Tzong Juyang Xiong Miao Wang Dong Zhao Lee Goldman Andrew E. Moran 《PLoS medicine》2015,12(8)
Hypertension is China’s leading cardiovascular disease risk factor. Improved hypertension control in China would result in result in enormous health gains in the world’s largest population. A computer simulation model projected the cost-effectiveness of hypertension treatment in Chinese adults, assuming a range of essential medicines list drug costs.Methods and Findings
The Cardiovascular Disease Policy Model-China, a Markov-style computer simulation model, simulated hypertension screening, essential medicines program implementation, hypertension control program administration, drug treatment and monitoring costs, disease-related costs, and quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) gained by preventing cardiovascular disease or lost because of drug side effects in untreated hypertensive adults aged 35–84 y over 2015–2025. Cost-effectiveness was assessed in cardiovascular disease patients (secondary prevention) and for two blood pressure ranges in primary prevention (stage one, 140–159/90–99 mm Hg; stage two, ≥160/≥100 mm Hg). Treatment of isolated systolic hypertension and combined systolic and diastolic hypertension were modeled as a reduction in systolic blood pressure; treatment of isolated diastolic hypertension was modeled as a reduction in diastolic blood pressure. One-way and probabilistic sensitivity analyses explored ranges of antihypertensive drug effectiveness and costs, monitoring frequency, medication adherence, side effect severity, background hypertension prevalence, antihypertensive medication treatment, case fatality, incidence and prevalence, and cardiovascular disease treatment costs. Median antihypertensive costs from Shanghai and Yunnan province were entered into the model in order to estimate the effects of very low and high drug prices. Incremental cost-effectiveness ratios less than the per capita gross domestic product of China (11,900 international dollars [Int$] in 2015) were considered cost-effective. Treating hypertensive adults with prior cardiovascular disease for secondary prevention was projected to be cost saving in the main simulation and 100% of probabilistic simulation results. Treating all hypertension for primary and secondary prevention would prevent about 800,000 cardiovascular disease events annually (95% uncertainty interval, 0.6 to 1.0 million) and was borderline cost-effective incremental to treating only cardiovascular disease and stage two patients (2015 Int$13,000 per QALY gained [95% uncertainty interval, Int$10,000 to Int$18,000]). Of all one-way sensitivity analyses, assuming adherence to taking medications as low as 25%, high Shanghai drug costs, or low medication efficacy led to the most unfavorable results (treating all hypertension, about Int$47,000, Int$37,000, and Int$27,000 per QALY were gained, respectively). The strengths of this study were the use of a recent Chinese national health survey, vital statistics, health care costs, and cohort study outcomes data as model inputs and reliance on clinical-trial-based estimates of coronary heart disease and stroke risk reduction due to antihypertensive medication treatment. The limitations of the study were the use of several sources of data, limited clinical trial evidence for medication effectiveness and harms in the youngest and oldest age groups, lack of information about geographic and ethnic subgroups, lack of specific information about indirect costs borne by patients, and uncertainty about the future epidemiology of cardiovascular diseases in China.Conclusions
Expanded hypertension treatment has the potential to prevent about 800,000 cardiovascular disease events annually and be borderline cost-effective in China, provided low-cost essential antihypertensive medicines programs can be implemented. 相似文献6.
M L Blank F Snyder L W Byers B Brooks E E Muirhead 《Biochemical and biophysical research communications》1979,90(4):1194-1200
目的:探讨卡维地洛对轻中度高血压患者血脂代谢的影响。方法:随机选取我院2012年1月~2015年1月收治的80例轻中度高血压患者为研究对象,将其分为观察组和对照组,观察组采用卡维地洛对其治疗,对照组给予美托洛尔治疗,比较两组的治疗效果、治疗前后血压、心率及血脂水平的变化。结果:观察组患者的治疗总有效率为90%,而对照组患者的治疗总有效率为72.5%,显著低于观察组,差异具有显著性(P0.05)。治疗后,两组患者的收缩压、舒张压和心率均较治疗前均降低,差异具有显著性(P0.05),但两组之间收缩压、舒张压相比差异不具有统计学意义,而观察组患者的心率显著高于对照组(P0.05)。治疗后,观察组总胆固醇(TC)、甘油三酯(TG)及低密度脂蛋白(LDL-C)水平均较治疗前显著降低,且低于对照组,而高密度脂蛋白(HDL-C)水平显著高于治疗前,且高于对照组,差异均具有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:卡维地洛较美托洛尔可更有效治疗轻中度高血压患者,同时改善患者的血脂水平,且对患者心率的影响较小。 相似文献
Işman CA Gülpinar MA Kurtel H Alican I Yeğen BC 《Advances in physiology education》2003,27(1-4):53-61
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the strong or weak aspects of an interactive study module introduced during the "Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems Subject Committee" in the second year of the medical program. Five study groups consisting of 25 students attended two-hour module sessions for six weeks with the same tutor. According to the module assessment questionnaire, the majority of the students assessed the module as excellent or good. The students reported that they had gained not only in knowledge but also in skills development. The general opinion of the students was that both the organization and the implementation of the module met their expectations. Nearly one-half of the students reported that their expectations with regard to the educational environment and the participation of students were fully met. The major weakness in this new educational trial appears to be assessment of the module. 相似文献
Vanderhaeghe F Smolders AJ Roelofs JG Hoffmann M 《Plant biology (Stuttgart, Germany)》2012,14(2):271-277
Selecting an appropriate variable subset in linear multivariate methods is an important methodological issue for ecologists. Interest often exists in obtaining general predictive capacity or in finding causal inferences from predictor variables. Because of a lack of solid knowledge on a studied phenomenon, scientists explore predictor variables in order to find the most meaningful (i.e. discriminating) ones. As an example, we modelled the response of the amphibious softwater plant Eleocharis multicaulis using canonical discriminant function analysis. We asked how variables can be selected through comparison of several methods: univariate Pearson chi-square screening, principal components analysis (PCA) and step-wise analysis, as well as combinations of some methods. We expected PCA to perform best. The selected methods were evaluated through fit and stability of the resulting discriminant functions and through correlations between these functions and the predictor variables. The chi-square subset, at P < 0.05, followed by a step-wise sub-selection, gave the best results. In contrast to expectations, PCA performed poorly, as so did step-wise analysis. The different chi-square subset methods all yielded ecologically meaningful variables, while probable noise variables were also selected by PCA and step-wise analysis. We advise against the simple use of PCA or step-wise discriminant analysis to obtain an ecologically meaningful variable subset; the former because it does not take into account the response variable, the latter because noise variables are likely to be selected. We suggest that univariate screening techniques are a worthwhile alternative for variable selection in ecology. 相似文献
The antihypertensive effect of the diuretic benzothiadiazines has been attributed to salt depletion and the resultant reduction in plasma volume. The study described in this report was concerned with the effects of diazoxide, a non-diuretic analogue which had been found in animal experiments to have a hypotensive effect.Intravenous diazoxide (3 mg./kg.) reduced blood pressure an average of 26/16 mm. Hg in seven hypertensive subjects. An associated rise in cardiac output (0.7 to 5.7 1./min.) and decrease in peripheral vascular resistance occurred. There was no postural hypotension, or change in external salt balance or in the concentration of serum sodium or potassium.Oral administration of the drug (0.2 to 0.5 g./day for eight to 50 weeks) lowered blood pressure more than 15/10 mm. Hg in 26 of 30 hypertensive subjects. Associated effects were: (1) weight gain in 26 of 30 subjects, (2) anorexia in 15 of 30, (3) lacrimation in six of 30, (4) aggravation of diabetes in two, and (5) transient cardiac arrhythmias in four. This study suggests that this benzothiadiazine acts directly on arterioles to reduce peripheral vascular resistance. 相似文献
J B Lee 《Prostaglandins》1973,3(5):551-579
The increased heterogeneity in the distribution of social and biological risk factors makes the epidemiology of anaemia a real challenge. A cross-sectional study was conducted at Kassala, Eastern Sudan during the period of January ?? March 2011 to investigate the prevalence and predictors of anaemia among adults (> 15 years old).Findings
Out of 646, 234 (36.2%) adults had anaemia; 68 (10.5%); 129 (20.0%) and 37 (5.7%) had mild, moderate and severe anaemia, respectively. In logistic regression analyses, age (OR?=?1.0, CI?=?0.9?C1, P?=?0.7), rural vs. urban residency (OR?=?0.9, CI?=?0.7?C1.3, P?=?0.9), female vs. male gender (OR?=?0.8, CI?=?0.6?C1.1, P?=?0.3), educational level????secondary level vs. < secondary level (OR?=?1.0, CI?=?0.6?C1.6, P?=?0.8) and Hudandawa vs. non-Hudandawa ethnicity (OR?=?0.8, CI?=?0.6?C1, P?=?0.1) were not associated with anaemia.Conclusion
There was a high prevalence of anaemia in this setting, anaemia affected adults regardless to their age, sex and educational level. Therefore, anaemia is needed to be screened for routinely and supplements have to be employed in this setting. 相似文献16.
《Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry》2013,77(3):427-433
A double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial was conducted to evaluate the effects of ingesting an excess of tablets containing casein hydrolysate, incorporating angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory peptides such as Val-Pro-Pro (VPP) and Ile-Pro-Pro (IPP), in subjects with blood pressure ranging from normal to mild hypertension. A total of 48 subjects were given either 5 times more than the effective amount of casein hydrolysate or a placebo in tablet form for 4 weeks. In the active group, systolic blood pressure (SBP) decreased significantly as compared with the placebo group. In stratified analysis, however, this antihypertensive effect was not found in normotensive subjects. In addition, neither an acute or nor an excessive reduction in blood pressure nor clinically important adverse events were observed in this study. These findings suggest that intake of a 5-fold excess of tablets containing casein hydrolysate can lead to a mild improvement in hypertension without side effects. 相似文献
《BMJ (Clinical research ed.)》1993,307(6918):1541-1546
As part of the ongoing process of issuing guidelines for managing hypertension the World Health Organisation and International Society of Hypertension present a summary of the latest guidelines for the management of mild hypertension. In both young and elderly people this condition is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease and should be treated. Information is presented on methods of diagnostic evaluation and assessment of risk. Methods of treatment, including changes in lifestyle, are covered. 相似文献
We develop approximate methods to compare the efficiencies and to compute the power of alternative potential designs for sampling from a cohort before beginning to collect exposure data. Our methods require only that the cohort be assembled, meaning that the numbers of individuals Nkj at risk at pairs of event times tk and tj greater than or equal to tk are available. To compute Nkj, one needs to know the entry, follow-up, censoring, and event history, but not the exposure, for each individual. Our methods apply to any "unbiased control sampling design," in which cases are compared to a random sample of noncases at risk at the time of an event. We apply our methods to approximate the efficiencies of the nested case-control design, the case-cohort design, and an augmented case-cohort design, compared to the full cohort design, in an assembled cohort of 17,633 members of an insurance cooperative who were followed for mortality from prostatic cancer. The assumptions underlying the approximation are that exposure is unrelated both to the hazard of an event and to the hazard for censoring. The approximations performed well in simulations when both assumptions held and when the exposure was moderately related to censoring. 相似文献