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Summary This report gives the results of the first electron-microscopic examination of the cell layers covering the outer brain surface and the inner surface of the cartilaginous skull in the skate, Raja erinacea. The perivascular glial blood-brain barrier — a characteristic of elasmobranchs — extends to the outer surface of the brain. This outer barrier layer is surrounded, in turn, by a subarachnoid compartment (depth: 30–40 m), containing loose connective tissue and blood vessels; by an arachnoid-like epithelium (10–15 cell layers), impermeable to horseradish peroxidase; and, by perimeningeal fluid, a fluid with a slow turnover rate and a protein composition different from plasma. The inside of the skull, facing the perimeningeal fluid, is covered by a multilayered (10–15 layers) cuboidal epithelium, also impermeable to horseradish peroxidase. Closely apposed cells in the luminal layer of this epithelium have apical microvilli and numerous vesicular profiles, containing material of moderate electron density. These observations may explain, in terms of structure, the regulated protein content of perimeningeal fluid and the restricted exchange of solutes between brain and perimeningeal fluid in elasmobranchs.  相似文献   

The cytologic diagnosis of 312 stereotaxic samplings performed on 292 patients suspected of having a brain tumor over an eight-year period was reviewed. At different depths of the stereotaxic track, biopsy specimens were secured for cytologic and histologic observations. Smears for cytology were stained both by the May-Grünwald-Giemsa and the Papanicolaou methods since each of them disclosed information complementary to the other. Cytology and histology were in good agreement in 87.5% of the cases. Analysis of the data revealed a cytologic sensitivity of 88.8% and a specificity of 81.9%. The main difficulty encountered was differentiating between nonspecific glial hyperplasia and low-grade astrocytoma. To a lesser degree, differentiating metastases from glioblastoma sometimes was a problem. Stress is laid on the reliability of this type of cytology, its great help when sectioning of unfit specimens makes histologic evaluation hazardous, and its obvious importance when craniotomy is not desirable but a precise pathologic diagnosis is necessary for therapeutic decision. The stereotaxic procedure is briefly reviewed, and the main cytologic findings for the principal lesions encountered are illustrated and discussed.  相似文献   

The relationship between the degree of the expression of Cu/Zn SOD, GST-pi and bcl-2 in the initial and recurrent tumor tissue after radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy and the cellular heterogeneity obtained from DNA content by image cytometry was investigated. Subjects were 7 patients who had glial tumors which were surgically removed at onset and removed a second time at recurrence. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy were also administered after initial resection. Immunoreactivity for copper/zinc super oxide dismutase (Cu/Zn SOD), GST (glutathione-S-transferase)-pi, and bcl-2 were evaluated from routinely prepared tissue blocks. Tumors were classified into two groups by cytometric analysis of DNA ploidy in the G2M cell cycle phase. One tumor group consisted of single clonal cells in both the initial and recurrent tumors and the other group consisted of tumors with polyclonal cells in the initial and recurrent tumor. In this study, one patient (case 3) with single clonal cell glioblastoma at recurrence did not show high Cu/Zn SOD activity after radiotherapy and chemotherapy but showed a short survival time after recurrence. In three patients (cases 1, 2, 3) with single clonal-cell glioblastoma, the recurrent tumor cells showed high GST-pi immunoreactivity and survival time was short after recurrence. Tumor cells in two patients (cases 5, 7) with single clonal cell anaplastic glioma at recurrence, showed high GST-pi immunoreactivity and had a short survival time after recurrence. In three single clonal glioblastomas (cases 1, 2, 3), the recurrent tumor showed the increased bcl-2 immunoreactivity and showed a short survival time after recurrence. In two patients (case 5, 7) with single clonal cell anaplastic glioma at recurrence, tumor cells showed a high bcl-2 immunoreactivity and these patients showed a short survival time after recurrence. Although the number of subjects is very small, our study shows that the immunoreactivity of bcl-2 and GST-pi in malignant gliomas may be very important factors in radio- and chemosensitivity, and shows that GST-pi is induced by radiation and anti-cancer drugs.  相似文献   

The glucose 6-phosphate (Glc-6-P)-induced solubilization of mitochondrial hexokinase (ATP:d-hexose 6-phosphotransferase, EC from rat brain can be reversed by low concentrations (ionic strength <~0.02 m) of neutral salts. When compared to the original particulate enzyme (i.e., enzyme found on the particles prior to solubilization by Glc-6-P), the rebound enzyme is similar in distribution on sucrose gradients, Km for ATP, inhibition by antiserum to purified brain hexokinase, and resistance to removal by exhaustive washing of the particles. The effectiveness of chloride salts at promoting rebinding increases in the order Cs+< Rb+< K+≤ Na+< Li+< Mg2+. This salt-induced rebinding is attributed to the screening of negative charges on the enzyme and/or membrane by cations, thereby decreasing repulsive forces and enhancing attractive interactions between enzyme and membrane. Solubilization of the enzyme, both in the presence and absence of Glc-6-P, is increased at alkaline pH, as would be expected due to increasing repulsive interactions between negative charges on membrane and enzyme as the pH is increased beyond the pI of the enzyme (pI = 6.3). In contrast to previous interpretations, Pi displayed no special efficacy at reversing Glc-6-P-induced solubilization, being comparable to other neutral salts on an ionic strength basis. However, Pi and its structural analog, arsenate, were shown to counteract specifically the Glc-6-P-induced inhibition and conformational change in the enzyme. At higher concentrations (ionic strength >~ 0.02 m) neutral salts themselves lead to reversible dissociation of the enzyme from the mitochondria. The efficacy of the salts depends primarily on the pH and on the position of the anion in the Hofmeister series, with salts of chaotropic anions (SCN?, I?, Br?) being most effective. At pH 6, both chaotropic and nonchaotropic salts solubilize the enzyme, while at pH 8.5, only the chaotropes retain this ability. Neutral salts also have a reversible effect on the conformation of the enzyme, as reflected by enzymatic activity, with chaotropic salts again being most effective; there is no pronounced influence of pH (in the range of pH 6–8.5) on the ability of the salts to cause conformational change in the enzyme. Based on a lack of correlation between saltinduced solubilization and conformational changes affecting activity, it is concluded that the latter are not directly responsible for release of the enzyme from the membrane. In the presence of KSCN, the extent of solubilization decreased with increase in temperature, indicating a negative enthalpy for solubilization. In contrast, in the absence of salt, the enthalpy for solubilization was positive. These temperature effects and the effects of neutral salts on the hexokinase-membrane interaction are interpreted in terms of a model in which electrostatic forces are considered to be of major importance. At low ionic strength, repulsive forces between negative charges on enzyme and membrane predominate; screening of these charges by cations diminishes the repulsion, effectively enhancing attractive electrostatic forces between enzyme and membrane and thus promoting their interaction. At higher ionic strengths, the attractive electrostatic forces are themselves disrupted, resulting in dissociation of the enzyme from the membrane. It is proposed that the greater effectiveness of chaotropic salts at disrupting these attractive forces is due to their increased ability to penetrate through hydrophobic regions of enzyme and membrane to relatively inaccessible sites of electrostatic-interaction.  相似文献   

Removal of the outer membrane from brain mitochondria   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  



Previously we reported that the variable outer membrane lipoprotein Vsp1 from the relapsing fever spirochete Borrelia turicatae disseminates from blood to brain better than the closely related Vsp2 [1]. Here we studied the interaction between Vsp1 and Vsp2 with brain endothelium in more detail.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We compared Vsp1 to Vsp2 using human brain microvascular endothelial cell (HBMEC) association assays with aminoacid radiolabeled Vsp-expressing clones of recombinant Borrelia burgdorferi and lanthanide-labeled purified lipidated Vsp1 (LVsp1) and Vsp2 (LVsp2) and inoculations of the lanthanide-labeled proteins into mice. The results showed that heterologous expression of LVsp1 or LVsp2 in B. burgdorferi increased its association with HBMEC to a similar degree. Purified lanthanide-labeled lipidated Vsp1 (LVsp1) and LVsp2 by themselves were capable of associating with HBMEC. The association of LVsp1 with brain endothelium was time-dependent, saturable, and required the lipidation. The association of Vsp1 with HBMEC was inhibited by incubation at lower temperature or with excess unlabeled LVsp1 or LVsp2 but not with excess rVsp1 or mouse albumin or an anti Vsp1 monoclonal antibody. The association of LVsp2 with HBMEC and its movement from blood to brain parenchyma significantly increased in the presence of LVsp1.


Variable bacterial outer membrane lipoproteins interact with brain endothelium differently; the lipidation and variable features at the protein dome region are key modulators of this interaction.  相似文献   

Late-log phase cells of Klebsiella sp. 5246 could be converted into spheroplasts with a yield of better than 90% by ethylenediamine tetraacetate/lysozyme treatment in osmotically stabilizing media. Membrane fragments obtained after ultrasonication of spheroplasts were separated by centrifugation to sedimentation equilibrium on a sucrose density gradient. A light membrane fraction with a buoyant density of 1.17±0.02g/cm3 was sought and found to contain the enzymes NADH oxidase, succinate dehydrogenase and D-lactate dehydrogenase. A heavy membrane fraction having a buoyant density of 1.23 ±0.01g/cm3 was characterized by phospholipase A1 activity and lipopolysaccharide content. By analogy to other gram-negative bacteria, the light and the heavy fraction were assigned, respectively, to the cytoplasmic and the outer membrane of Klebsiella sp. 5246.The organism produced pullulanase in a cellbound form during the exponential phase of growth on soluble starch. Pullulanase was localized exclusively on the outer membrane. Pullulanase is the second protein of the outer membrane with defined enzyme function to become known among gram-negative bacteria, the other one being phospholipase A1.What had been inferred from physiological studies of growth characteristics on various carbon sources can now be proven directly: Pullulanase implicated in the utilization of branched -glucans in Klebsiella is capable of acting on macromolecular substrates in the environment of the cell by virtue of its association with the outer membrane.Non-Standard Abbreviations EDTA ethylenediamine tetraacetate - SDS sodium dodecyl sulphate - OD optical density List of Enzymes EC 3.2.1. 23 -galactosidase or -D-galactoside galactohydrolase - EC D-lactate dehydrogenase or D-lactate: NAD+ oxidoreductase - EC lysozyme or mucopeptide N-acetylmuramoylhydrolase - EC maltodextrin phosphorylase or 1,4--D-glucan: orthophosphate -glucosyltransferase - EC NADH oxidase or NADH: (acceptor) oxidoreductase - EC phospholipase A1 or phosphatide 1-acylhydrolase - EC pullulanase or pullulan 6-glucanohydrolase - EC succinate dehydrogenase or succinate: (acceptor) oxidoreductase  相似文献   

Loss of 3p or 11p alleles is associated with testicular cancer tumors   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Constitutional and tumor genotypes defined by polymorphic DNA markers were examined in 31 testicular cancer patients. Constitutional karyotypes were analyzed and clinical data presented. We analyzed 11 loci representing 8 chromosomes, including regions frequently deleted in other types of cancer. Loss of 3p or 11p sequences was detected in 8 of 28 heterozygotes (28%) and in 5 of 20 heterozygotes (25%). This gives a combined total loss of 40%. The other autosomal loci tested showed no loss or a loss of less than 10% of alleles. We suggest that this loss of heterozygosity for genetic material on chromosome 3p or on 11p is nonrandom and important in the development of a major subset of testicular neoplasms.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the discovery that amino acids, particularly L-glutamate and gamma-aminobutyrate (GABA), are central neurotransmitters. The crucial observations that lead to the conclusion that these two amino acids produce most of the synaptic excitation and inhibition in the central nervous system, were made in late 1950's. The combination of neurochemical knowledge and improved electrophysiological techniques was paramount in making these discoveries possible. In particular, the use of specific antagonists in microiontophoretic experiments provided the most decisive evidence. The relationship is also explored between these early findings and those of the present era characterised by extensive use of techniques of molecular biology and the development of drugs against targets identified 30 to 40 years ago.  相似文献   

Dendritic cell therapy of primary brain tumors.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
BACKGROUND: Although current treatment modalities for malignant gliomas, such as surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, have been improved markedly in the past two decades, the prognosis of these neoplasms remains poor, the two year survival rate being approximately 5%. Therefore, alternative treatment options, such as gene therapy and immunotherapy are rapidly gaining momentum. One of the most promising immunotherapeutic approaches for the treatment of cancer is the vaccination of cancer patients with dendritic cells (DC) pulsed with tumor antigens. Immunotherapy with DC seems to be able to overcome, at least partially, the immunosuppressive state associated with primary malignant gliomas. DC therapy proved to be safe in both animal models and clinical trials. No serious side effects and no evidence of autoimmune toxicity occurred. Most studies used DC pulsed with an array of tumor-associated antigens rather than single peptides, to allow for presentation of unknown tumor-specific antigens to DC. Routes of administration either were subcutaneous, intradermal or intraperitoneal, with multiple injections of DC to enhance antitumor immunity. DC therapy as an adjuvant treatment for patients with malignant glioma seems to be biologically safe. Further clinical studies are warranted.  相似文献   

Two common procoagulant activities associated with tumors are tissue factor and cancer procoagulant (CP), an activator of coagulation factor X. We have identified a convenient source of CP in transplanted Lobund-Wistar rat PA3 prostate tumors. CP activity was purified from 5 independent transplanted prostate tumors by column chromatography. The protein activated factor X in the absence of TF and factor VII. An antihuman CP antibody recognized rat CP in an ELISA and inactivated CP activity in a chromogenic assay. Lobund-Wistar prostate tumors may provide a convenient animal model useful in determining the role of CP in cancer development.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Cystic lesions of the brain may have diverse etiologies, ranging from true cysts to malignant tumors with cystic degeneration. Preoperative determination of the exact nature of them as well as intraoperative diagnosis may be sometimes difficult or even impossible. Sensitivity and specificity of diagnosis will be improved by introducing new methods or combining traditional procedures. CASES: Three metastatic brain carcinomas with primary sites of breast, pancreas and prostate presented as cystic lesions and were confused clinically with abscess. Intraoperative frozen section was not revealing. Cytologic study of sediments of aspirated fluid uncovered malignant cells. CONCLUSION: When combined with frozen section, intraoperative cytologic studies in the form of crush preparation, fine needle aspiration or evaluation of aspirated fluid in cystic lesions (as in our cases) can improve diagnostic accuracy by detecting important diagnostic features that otherwise may be missed.  相似文献   

In temporary freshwater systems, the type of vegetation within a system can influence community structure. Vegetation not only provides physical structure, but can also contribute to changes in abundance and quality of food and in water quality through decomposition. An experiment was undertaken using natural and artificial vegetation in small mesocosms to examine the influence of the physical structure of vegetation on invertebrate community structure in terms of water quality, food abundance, and physical structure. It was predicted that invertebrate community structure would be identical in natural and artificial treatments if the effect of vegetative decomposition was negligible. Furthermore, invertebrate community structure in bare ground treatments would be identical to those with vegetation if the physical structure of vegetation has no significant effect. Five treatments were used: a bare ground control, artificial vegetation (×2), and natural vegetation treatments (grass, eucalypt leaf litter). Water quality, food abundance, and invertebrate abundance were examined after six weeks of inundation. All treatments had high water temperatures (34–40°C), and natural vegetation treatments had slightly higher conductivity (208–316 mS cm−1) and lower turbidity (40–231 NTU) than other treatments (47–156 mS cm−1 and 55–400 NTU, respectively). The physical structure of artificial vegetation did not significantly influence invertebrate community structure compared to the bare ground treatment, whereas treatments with decomposing natural vegetation had relatively low abundances of microcrustaceans (0–96 individuals/mesocosm) and relatively high abundances of chironomids (192–1576 individuals/mesocosm) compared to other treatments (>100 microcrustaceans/mesocosm if present, and <370 chironomids/mesocosm, respectively). This suggests that food availability had greater importance than physical structure in determining community structure in these small aquatic ecosystems. Handling editor: S. M. Thomaz  相似文献   

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