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We assembled an international barley panel comprising 282 entries from 26 countries with various levels of field resistance to leaf rust caused by Puccinia hordei. The panel was screened for leaf rust response with an array of pathotypes at the seedling stage, and at the adult plant stage in multiple environments (2013–2015) in Australia and Uruguay, and genotyped using >?13 K polymorphic DArT-Seq markers. Multipathotype testing in the greenhouse postulated the presence of seedling resistance genes Rph1, Rph2, Rph3, Rph4, Rph7, Rph9.am, Rph12, Rph14, Rph15, Rph19, and Rph25. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) based on field data identified 13 QTLs significantly associated with DArT-Seq markers on chromosomes 2H (Rph_G_Q1, Rph_G_Q2, Rph_G_Q3, and Rph_G_Q4), 4H (Rph_G_Q5), 5H (Rph_G_Q6, Rph_G_Q7, Rph_G_Q8), 6H (Rph_G_Q9 and Rph_G_Q10), and 7H (Rph_G_Q11, Rph_G_Q12, and Rph_G_Q13). Three QTLs (Rph_G_Q3, Rph_G_Q5, and Rph_G_Q6) were detected under all environments, whereas the other ten were variable, being detected in 1–4 environments; Rph_G_Q1 and Rph_G_Q13 being detected only in Uruguay. Among the three QTLs detected under all environments, Rph_G_Q6 on chromosome 5H had the largest effect and corresponded to a region where the cataloged APR gene Rph20 is located. Rph_G_Q3 and Rph_G_Q5 detected on chromosome 2H and 4H aligned with QTLs reported in at least three previous studies. The studies provide useful information towards better understanding of the genetic architecture of seedling and adult plant resistance to leaf rust in diverse global barley germplasm.  相似文献   

Yellow rust caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. hordei is an important disease of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) in some parts of the world. We compared the effectiveness of different types of resistance in field plots at Ardabil Agricultural Research Station (Iran) during 2010–2011. Yield components along with slow rusting parameters including final rust severity (FRS), apparent infection rate (r), relative area under disease progress curve (rAUDPC) and coefficient of infection (CI) were evaluated for 25 barley cultivars. In all, two barley cultivars with race-specific resistance, 19 cultivars with different levels of slow rusting resistance and four susceptible cultivars were included in two experiments with and without fungicide protection under high disease pressure. Barley cultivars with slow rusting resistance displayed a range of severity responses indicating phenotypic diversity. Mean thousand kernels weight (TKW) losses for susceptible, race-specific and slow rusting genotypes were 31, 3 and 12%, respectively, and mean kernels per spike (KPS) losses for susceptible, race-specific and slow rusting genotypes were 19, 0.2 and 8%, respectively. Correlation coefficient of mean TKW and KPS losses with epidemiological parameters; rAUDPC, r, CI and FRS were highly significant. Slow rusting cultivars with low values of different parameters as well as genotypes with low yield component losses despite moderate disease levels were identified. Such genotypes can be used for breeding barely genotypes with high levels of resistance and negligible yield losses.  相似文献   

The genetic architecture of resistance   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Plant resistance genes (R genes), especially the nucleotide binding site leucine-rich repeat (NBS-LRR) family of sequences, have been extensively studied in terms of structural organization, sequence evolution and genome distribution. These studies indicate that NBS-LRR sequences can be split into two related groups that have distinct amino-acid motif organizations, evolutionary histories and signal transduction pathways. One NBS-LRR group, characterized by the presence of a Toll/interleukin receptor domain at the amino-terminal end, seems to be absent from the Poaceae. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that a small number of NBS-LRR sequences existed among ancient Angiosperms and that these ancestral sequences diversified after the separation into distinct taxonomic families. There are probably hundreds, perhaps thousands, of NBS-LRR sequences and other types of R gene-like sequences within a typical plant genome. These sequences frequently reside in 'mega-clusters' consisting of smaller clusters with several members each, all localized within a few million base pairs of one another. The organization of R-gene clusters highlights a tension between diversifying and conservative selection that may be relevant to gene families that are unrelated to disease resistance.  相似文献   

Wheat yellow rust (Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici) (PST) has been described as a strongly clonal species in both European and Australian populations, with very limited molecular diversity but rapidly evolving virulences. Contrastingly, marked genetic diversity has been reported in Chinese PST populations. To test whether such variability could originate from oversummering areas, we assessed the diversity of virulence and molecular markers (AFLP and SSR) using 412 PST isolates from the highlands of Tianshui county in Gansu province. Very marked phenotypic and genotypic diversity (38% and 89%, respectively) was found. No genetic structure dependent on the sites sampled (Fst = 0.004) or altitude distribution (Fst = 0.0098) was detected, indicating important gene flow at the county scale. This study also revealed genetic recombination between molecular markers and thus strongly suggests the existence of a sexual or parasexual cycle in PST in Tianshui county. The observations of higher rates of sexual spore production in genotypes originating from Tianshui are the very first elements suggestive of the existence of a sexual cycle in this species.  相似文献   

In order to elucidate the genetic control of resistance to Melampsora larici-populina leaf rust in hybrid poplars, a Populus deltoides x P. trichocarpa F(1) progeny was analysed for qualitative and quantitative rust resistances. This progeny was evaluated for three components of quantitative resistance (latent period, uredinia number and uredinia size) to seven M. larici-populina strains in controlled conditions, and for one component of field susceptibility (rust colonization on the most infected leaf). One qualitative resistance locus inherited from P. deltoides, R(1), was localized on the genetic map. It segregates 1 : 1 in the F(1) progeny and is effective against four of the studied strains. QTL analysis was performed separately on R(1) and r(1) genotype subsets. An additional detection was conducted on the entire F(1) progeny for the three strains able to overcome R(1) and for MAX2. A total of nine QTLs were detected. Two had large, broad-spectrum effects. One (R(US)) is inherited from the P. trichocarpa parent; the other is inherited from P. deltoides and colocalized with R(1). Seven QTLs had only limited and specific effects. Significant interaction effects were detected mainly between the two major QTLs. Implications of these results for durable resistance breeding strategies, and possible benefits from the Populus genome sequence, are discussed.  相似文献   

In order to investigate on inheritance and gene action for resistance to yellow rust, the resistant line C.B227 was crossed with the susceptible variety Avocet. Parents (P1 and P2) and the resulting F1, F2 and F3 generations were planted in a randomised complete block design with two replications in the field. The plants were inoculated with 70E0A+ pathotype of yellow rust in the research station of Gharakhil, Iran, and evaluated for resistance at adult plant stage. Disease severity and infection type of flag leaf were recorded for each single plant and final coefficient of infection was calculated. The results of weighted ANOVA indicated that the difference among the generations was significant (p?<?0.01) for the trait final infection type. Generation mean analysis showed that dominant effect was more important than additive one. The degree of dominance indicated the presence of complete dominance. Additive, dominance and epistasic additive?×?additive [i] effects were important in genetic control of resistance. The results of generation variance analysis were consistent with generation mean analysis.  相似文献   

抗条锈病小麦—中间偃麦草异附加系的生化与分子标记   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
对小麦-中间偃麦草部分双二倍体无芒中4、异附加系C076、宛7107和中国春进行了肽链内切酶(EP-1)等电聚焦电泳。结果表明,肽链内切酶在阳极处有一特异带。肽链内切酶已定位于小麦第7部分同源群,故附加的染色体为第7部分同源群的2条染色体,对中间偃麦草,无芒中4、C076和宛7107进行了RAPD分析。获得了可用于检测C076中外源染色体的3个RAPD标记,即OPI05-800、OPI10-600、OPK01-900。  相似文献   

Genetic analysis of durable resistance to yellow rust in bread wheat   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Yellow rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis, is one of the most damaging diseases affecting bread wheat in temperate regions. Although resistance to yellow rust is frequently overcome by new virulent races, a durable form of resistance in the French bread wheat Camp Rémy (CR) has remained effective since its introduction in 1980. We used 217 F7 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from the cross between CR and the susceptible cultivar Récital to identify and map quantitative trait loci (QTLs) involved in durable yellow rust resistance. Six significant QTLs that were stable over a 4-year period were detected. Two QTLs, denoted QYr.inra-2DS and QYr.inra-5BL.2, were located on the short arm of chromosome 2D and the long arm of chromosome 5B, respectively. Each explained on average 25–35% of the observed phenotypic variation and were probably inherited from Cappelle Desprez, a parent of CR that confers durable adult plant resistance to yellow rust. QYr.inra-2DS probably corresponds to the Yr16 gene. The most consistent QTL, designated QYr.inra-2BL, was located on the centromeric region of chromosome 2B and explained 61% of the phenotypic variation in 2003. This QTL was responsible for seedling-stage resistance and may correspond to a cluster of genes, including Yr7. The remaining QTLs were mapped to the short arm of chromosome 2B (R2=22–70%) and to the long arm of chromosomes 2A (R2=0.20–0.40) and 5B (R2=0.18–0.26). This specific combination of seedling and adult plant resistance genes found in CR and CD may constitute the key to their durable resistance against yellow rust.  相似文献   

A sequence-tagged-site (STS) marker has been developed for a gene conferring yellow rust resistance originating from the wheat cultivar Moro. The single, dominant, seedling yellow rust resistance gene, designated YrMoro, was mapped to the group 1 chromosomes. The STS marker was developed from an AFLP band which cosegregated with the YrMoro gene. Sequence-specific primers were made which incorporated the selective bases of the AFLP primers, plus 16 and 17 additional bases extending into the AFLP band. This simple, PCR-based marker will allow wheat breeders to pyramid this resistance gene, along with other resistance genes, into a single wheat genotype.  相似文献   

The genetics of non-host disease resistance in wheat to barley yellow rust   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Non-host resistance is investigated as a potential source of durable resistance. However, the genetics of non-host resistance between closely related plant species and their corresponding pathogens would indicate that in these interactions, non-host resistance primarily involves major genes that operate on a gene-for-gene principal similar to that seen in host resistance. Wheat is a non-host of the barley-attacking form of the fungus responsible for yellow rust, i.e. Puccinia striiformis f. sp. hordei. While P. striiformis f. sp. hordei is generally unable to infect wheat, a partial susceptibility was exhibited by the wheat variety Chinese 166. Consequently, in the cross Lemhi × Chinese 166 two major QTLs for resistance to P. striiformis f. sp. hordei were identified: one on chromosome 1D and a second on 2B. These two QTLs accounted for 43.5% and 33.2% of the phenotypic variance for resistance to barley yellow rust, respectively. In addition, two QTLs of smaller effect were also identified: one on chromosome 5A, contributing 5.1% of the variance and a second on chromosome 6A, contributing 10.9% to the phenotype. The QTL on 6A was derived from the susceptible variety, Chinese 166. In all cases the resistance towards P. striiformis f. sp. hordei was associated with a visual chlorosis/necrosis response typical of race-specific host resistance.  相似文献   


Key message

Loci conferring resistance to the highly virulent African stem rust race TTKSK were identified in advanced barley breeding germplasm and positioned to chromosomes 5H and 7H using an association mapping approach.


African races of the stem rust pathogen (Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici) are a serious threat to barley production worldwide because of their wide virulence. To discover and characterize resistance to African stem rust race TTKSK in US barley breeding germplasm, over 3,000 lines/cultivars were assessed for resistance at the seedling stage in the greenhouse and also the adult plant stage in the field in Kenya. Only 12 (0.3 %) and 64 (2.1 %) lines exhibited a resistance level comparable to the resistant control at the seedling and adult plant stage, respectively. To map quantitative trait loci (QTL) for resistance to race TTKSK, an association mapping approach was conducted, utilizing 3,072 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers. At the seedling stage, two neighboring SNP markers (0.8 cM apart) on chromosome 7H (11_21491 and 12_30528) were found significantly associated with resistance. The most significant one found was 12_30528; thus, the resistance QTL was named Rpg-qtl-7H-12_30528. At the adult plant stage, two SNP markers on chromosome 5H (11_11355 and 12_31427) were found significantly associated with resistance. This resistance QTL was named Rpg-qtl-5H-11_11355 for the most significant marker identified. Adult plant resistance is of paramount importance for stem rust. The marker associated with Rpg-qtl-5H-11_11355 for adult plant resistance explained only a small portion of the phenotypic variation (0.02); however, this QTL reduced disease severity up to 55.0 % under low disease pressure and up to 21.1 % under heavy disease pressure. SNP marker 11_11355 will be valuable for marker-assisted selection of adult plant stem rust resistance in barley breeding.  相似文献   

The inheritance of resistance in red raspberry (Rubus idaeus) to yellow rust (Phragmidium rubi-idaei) was studied in a diallel cross among the cultivars Boyne, Meeker, Mailing Jewel, Glen Prosen and Glen Clova. The progenies and clonally propagated parents were exposed initially in a rust-infected plantation where the incidence and severity of infection was assessed at the telial stage. The following spring leaves on new canes of the same plants were inoculated with urediniospores in a glasshouse at 18 ± 2 °C. The latent period and number of uredinia per cm2 of abaxial leaf surface were determined 13 and 18 days after inoculation. Cv. Boyne developed only chlorotic flecking on inoculated leaves in the glasshouse and no sporulation was observed. It is postulated that this reaction was determined by a major gene which is designated Yr. Some of the other parents showed incomplete resistance of the slow rusting type, and segregants of Boyne selfed that were susceptible also showed low levels of rust, which suggests that Boyne carries both major- and minor-gene resistance. Diallel analyses of both the field and glasshouse data from the susceptible segregates indicated that the degree of incomplete resistance present was determined predominantly by additive gene action, though small but significant non-additive effects also occurred: cv. Meeker was the most resistant parent and contributed the most resistance to the progenies. The Meeker progenies also segregated for gene H, which determines cane hairiness and is known to be associated with resistance to other diseases. Segregants without hairs (genotypes hh) were found to be the more resistant to rust.  相似文献   

DNA-based molecular markers have been used in numerous studies for tagging specific genes in wheat for subsequent use in marker-assisted selection. Usually in plant breeding, procedures for mapping genes are based on analysis of a single segregating population. However, breeding programmes routinely evaluate large numbers of progeny derived from multiple-related crosses with some parental lines shared. In most such related crosses, the number of progeny is quite small. Thus, statistical techniques for detecting quantitative trait loci (QTLs) using data from conventional multi-cross breeding programmes are interesting. The objective of this study is to present a mixture model for QTL mapping in crosses of multiple inbred varieties with non-normal phenotype distributions and to use this model to map QTLs for yellow rust resistance in elite wheat breeding material. Three doubled haploid populations consisting of 41, 42 and 55 lines, respectively, originating from four parental varieties were studied. Multi-cross QTL analysis with three specific pathogen isolates of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici and a mixture of the isolates revealed QTLs for resistance at four different genomic locations. These QTLs were found on chromosome 2AL, 2AS, 2BL and 6BL and explained between 21 and 41% of the phenotypic variation. Two of these QTLs, one on the long arm of chromosome 2A and one on the short arm of chromosome 2A were identical to the known yellow rust resistance genes Yr32 and Yr17, respectively, whereas the QTLs located on the long arms of chromosomes 2B and 6B may reflect types of resistance to yellow rust, which have not previously been mapped.  相似文献   

Despite considerable theoretical advances in the evolutionary biology of host–parasite systems, our knowledge of host–parasite coevolution in natural systems is often limited. Among the reasons for the lag of experimental insight behind theory is that the parasite's virulence is not a simple trait that is controlled by the parasite's genes. Rather, virulence can be expressed in several traits due to the subtle interactions between the host and the parasite. Furthermore, the host might evolve tolerance to the parasite if there is sufficient genetic variance to reduce the detrimental effect of the parasite on these traits. We studied the traits underlying virulence and the genetic potential to evolve tolerance to infection in the host–parasite system Aedes aegypti – Brachiola algerae . We reared the mosquitoes in a half-sib design, exposed half of the individuals in each full-sib family to the parasite and measured several life history traits – juvenile mortality, age at pupation and adult size – of infected and uninfected individuals. Virulence was due in large part to a delay of the mosquito's age at pupation by about 10%. Although this imposes strong selection pressure on the mosquito to resist the parasite, all of the mosquitoes were infected, implying a lack of resistance. Furthermore, although additive genetic variance was present for other traits, we found no indication of additive genetic variation for the age at pupation, nor for the delay of pupation due to infection, implying no potential for the evolution of tolerance. Overall, the results suggest that in this host–parasite system, the host has little evolutionary control over the expression of the parasite's virulence.  相似文献   

In a mapping population derived from the Ethiopian barley line L94 × Vada, natural infection by barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) occurred. While line L94 hardly showed symptoms, Vada was severely affected. The 103 recombinant inbred lines segregated bimodally. The major gene responsible for this resistance mapped to chromosome 6H. We propose to name the locus Ryd3. A subset of recombinant inbred lines, L94, and Vada were planted in a subsequent field test which confirmed the previous field observations. Double antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (DAS-ELISA) indicated that the epidemic was due to a combination of the serotypes BYDV-PAV and BYDV-MAV. In the accessions with the least BYDV symptoms no virus was detected, justifying the consideration of the gene as conferring true resistance rather than tolerance to these viruses. In a laboratory/gauze house trial a near-isogenic line carrying the Vada chromosome 6H fragment in an L94 background was affected as much as Vada. The effect of Ryd3 was quantified, and compared with that of the only other known major gene for resistance to BYDV, Ryd2, which is also of Ethiopian origin and is located on chromosome 3H. Both genes seemed to reduce the chance of the viral isolate used in this study to establish infection. In plants in which it became established, the virus concentration reached a similar level as in susceptible accessions, but with less dramatic symptom development. Inoculated plants in which the virus failed to multiply tended to show an increase in the number of ears per plant, resulting in higher grain yield per plant. Ryd3 co-segregates with several PCR-based molecular markers that may serve for marker assisted selection.  相似文献   

The Yr17 gene, which is present in many European wheat cultivars, displays yellow rust resistance at the seedling stage. The gene introduced into chromosome 2A from Aegilops ventricosa was previously found to be closely linked (0.5 cM) to leaf and stem rust resistance genes Lr37 and Sr38, respectively. The objective of this study was to identify molecular markers linked to the Yr17 gene. We screened with RAPD primers, for polymorphism, the DNAs of cv. Thatcher and the leaf rust-resistant near-isogenic line (NIL) RL 6081 of cv. Thatcher carrying the Lr37 gene. Using a F2 progeny of the cross between VPM1 (resistant) and Thésée (susceptible), the RAPD marker OP-Y15580 was found to be closely linked to the Yr17 gene. We converted the OP- Y15580 RAPD marker into a sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR). This SCAR marker (SC-Y15) was linked at 0.8 ± 0.7 cM to the Yr17 resistance gene. We tested the SC-Y15 marker over a survey of 37 wheat cultivars in order to verify its consistency in different genetic backgrounds and to explain the resistance of some cultivars against yellow rust. Moreover, we showed that the Xpsr150-2Mv locus marker of Lr gene described by Bonhomme et al. [6] which possesses A. ventricosa introgression on the 2A chromosome was also closely linked to the Yr17 gene. Both the SCAR SC-Y15 and Xpsr150-2Mv markers should be used in breeding programmes in order to detect the cluster of the three genes Yr17, Lr37 and Sr38 in cross progenies. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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