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水稻抽穗期是重要的农艺性状之一,对水稻品种的地理分布和适应性起到关键性作用。适宜的抽穗期是获得高产的前提。因此确定水稻抽穗期的遗传基础在育种计划中具有重要的意义。本研究用一套来源于亲本IR64/Azucena的双单倍体(DH)群体在两个种植季节的试验资料,用基于混合线性模型的复合区间作图方法,对水稻抽穗期QTL的加性、上位性及其与环境互作效应进行了研究。结果表明共有14个QTL影响水稻抽穗期,它们分布在除第5和第9条染色体外的10条染色体上,有8个位点携带单位点效应,5对位点携带双位点互作效应,2个单位点和1对双位点存在与环境的互作,所有效应值介于1.179~2.549天之间,相应的贡献率为1.04%~4.84%。基于所估算的QTL效应值,本研究预测了两个亲本和两个极端型品系的遗传效应值,并讨论了影响遗传效应值与实际观测值偏差的可能原因,以及研究群体所具有的遗传潜力。对水稻抽穗期QTL的定位结果与前人研究基本一致,并进一步证实了上位性和QE互作效应是水稻抽穗期的重要遗传基础。  相似文献   

水稻株高上位性效应和QE互作效应的QTL遗传研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用基因混合模型的QTL定位方法研究了由籼稻品种IR64和粳稻品种Azucena杂交衍生的DH群体在4个环境中的QTL上位性效应和环境互作效应,结果表明,上位性是数量性状的重要遗传基础,并揭示了上位性的几个重要特点,所有的QTL都参与了上位性效应的形成,64%的QTL还具有本身的加性效应,因此传统方法对QTL加性效应的估算会由于上位性的影响而有偏,其他36%的QTL没有本身的加性效应,却参与了48%的上位性互作用,这些位点可能通过诱发和修饰其他位点而起作用,上位性的特点还包括,经常发现了一个QTL与多个QTL发生互作;大效应的QTL也参与上位性互作;上位性互作受环境影响,QTL与环境的互效应比QTL的主效应更多地被检测到,表明数量性状基因的表达易受环境影响。  相似文献   

水稻株高、抽穗期和有效穗数的QTL与环境的互作分析   总被引:26,自引:3,他引:26  
株高、抽穗期和有效穗数是水稻的重要农艺性状,合适的株高、抽穗期和有效穗数对水稻的高产稳产是至关重要的。该实验应用中156/谷梅2号的重组自交系(RIL)群体,建立由168个DNA分子标记组成的遗传连锁图,以一年两季作为不同的环境效应,对水稻株高、抽穗期和有效穗数进行了非条件和条件QTL定位,在非条件QTL定位中共检测到7个株高QTLs、5个抽穗期QTLs和3个有效穗数QTLs和10对加加上位性互作位点,条件QTL定位结果表明,抽穗期这一性状对株高和有效穗数QTLs的表达既有抑制作用,也有较大的贡献率。  相似文献   

钠离子(Na+)、钾离子(K+)含量和Na+/K+值是影响水稻耐盐性的关键指标。水稻的耐盐性由数量性状位点(QTL)控制,目前在水稻苗期已经鉴定了大量Na+、K+含量和Na+/K+的QTL,但在田间生长期鉴定的QTL数量较少。该研究以粳稻‘东农425’和‘长白10’杂交衍生的重组自交系(RIL)群体为材料,对田间试验条件下的盐胁迫和对照进行联合分析,在水稻不同发育时期鉴定Na+、K+含量和Na+/K+的发育动态QTL,并采用混合线性模型(MCIM)分析各QTL的加性(A)和上位性(AA)及其与环境的互作效应(QE)。结果表明:(1)盐胁迫条件下,亲本和RIL群体的茎Na+含量(SNC)、茎Na+/K+(SN/K)、叶Na+含量(LNC)和叶Na+/K+(LN/K)在各时期均高于对照,茎K+含量(SKC)和叶K+含量(LKC)均低于对照,对照条件下双亲性状在大多数时期均无显著差异;盐胁迫下两个亲本的多个性状在不同发育时期存在显著差异,其中,SNC和LKC在4个时期差异显著,SN/K和LN/K在3个时期差异显著,SKC和LNC在2个时期差异显著。(2)采用非条件和条件QTL作图方法,共检测到13个加性QTL和11对上位性QTL,其中包括14个非条件QTL和10个条件QTL;而13个加性QTL中有8个,11对上位性QTL中有7个具有环境互作效应。(3)qSKC5 1在水稻4个发育阶段均被检测到,其在调控水稻耐盐性中发挥着重要作用。SNC、SN/K和LN/K的所有QTL均检测到加性×环境互作效应,2对控制SNC的上位性QTL均检测到上位性×环境互作效应,说明这些性状的QTL对盐环境较为敏感。研究发现,田间生长条件下水稻Na+、K+含量和Na+/K+的QTL表达与发育时期密切相关;水稻田间生长条件下耐盐性的遗传非常复杂,在利用分子标记辅助选择(MAS)培育耐盐水稻新材料应该考虑上位性和环境互作效应。  相似文献   

在耐旱性筛选设施内对一套水稻重组自交系群体(共185个株系)进行两年的水分胁迫和非胁迫处理,调查每穗颖花数(SNP)、单边柱头外露率(PSES)、双边柱头外露率(PDES)和柱头总外露率(PES)等4个开花相关性状。方差分析结果显示年份、株系和水分处理,以及相互间互作的效应均达显著水平。表型相关以PSES和PES间最高(r=0.9752***),其次为PDES和PES(r=0.7150***),最次为PSES和PDES间(r=0.5424***)。利用203个SSR标记建立的连锁图,胁迫和非胁迫条件下各检测到6个SNP的主效QTL,3~4个PSES、PDES和PES的主效QTL;检测到1~9对上位性QTL影响颖花数和柱头外露率。大部分加性和上位性效应的贡献率较低(0.76%~9.92%),仅有少数QTL或上位性QTL解释总方差的10%以上。一些主效和上位性QTL在PSES、PDES和PES间被共同检测到,解释了不同柱头外露率指标间高度正相关关系。几乎没有在水分胁迫和非胁迫两种条件下都检测到的QTL,暗示着干旱对颖花数和柱头外露率有严重的影响。  相似文献   

水稻苗期耐旱性基因位点及其互作的分析   总被引:25,自引:3,他引:25  
随着全球水资源的日益贫乏和旱灾的日趋严重,水稻耐旱性的研究越来越重要,对籼稻窄叶青8号(ZYQ8)和粳稻京系17(JX17)以及由它们构建的加倍单倍体(DH)群体,参照国际水稻研究所的耐旱鉴定方法,在苗期进行断水,调查期耐旱性,利用该群体的分子连锁图谱进行数量性状座位(QTL)区间作图分析,共检测到2个耐旱的QTL(qDT-5和qDT-12),分别位于第5染色体的GA41-GA257之间的和第12染色体的RG457-Y12817R之间,这两个QTL的加性效应均来自ZYQ8的等位基因,用Epistat软件检测到2个单位点,即GA257和Y12817R,与区间作图分析的结果一致,Epistat还检测到与GA257互作的3个位点(RG541、G318和G192,分别位于第1、4和8染色体上)和与Y12817R互作的1个位点(CT234,位于第3染色体上)。  相似文献   

抽穗期是水稻(Oryza sativa)品种的重要农艺性状之一,适宜的抽穗期是获得理想产量的前提。鉴定和定位水稻抽穗期基因/QTL,分析其遗传效应对改良水稻抽穗期至关重要。以籼稻品种9311(Oryzasativa ssp.indica‘Yangdao 6’)为受体,粳稻品种日本晴(Oryza sativa ssp.japonica‘Nipponbare’)为供体构建的94个染色体片段置换系群体为材料,以P≤0.01为阈值,对置换片段上的抽穗期QTL进行了鉴定。采用代换作图法共定位了4个控制水稻抽穗期的QTL,分别位于第3、第4、第5和第8染色体;QTL的加性效应值变化范围为–6.4––2.7,加性效应百分率变化范围为–6.4%––2.7%;qHD-3和qHD-8加性效应值较大,表现主效基因特征。为了进一步定位qHD-3和qHD-8,在目标区域加密16对SSR引物,qHD-3和qHD-8分别被界定在第3染色体RM3166–RM16206之间及第8染色体RM4085–RM8271之间,其遗传距离分别为13.9cM和6.4cM。研究结果为利用分子标记辅助选择改良水稻抽穗期奠定了基础。  相似文献   

以晋豆23栽培大豆(Glycine max)为母本、灰布支黑豆(ZDD2315,半野生大豆)为父本衍生出447个RIL群体,通过构建SSR遗传图谱及利用混合线性模型分析方法,对2年大豆小区产量及主要植物学性状进行QTL定位,并作加性效应、加性×加性上位互作效应及环境互作效应分析。结果显示,共检测到12个与小区产量、单株粒重、单株茎重、单株粒茎比、有效分枝、主茎节数、株高和结荚高度相关的QTL,分别位于A1、A2、H_1、I、J_2和M连锁群上。其中小区产量、株高、单株粒重、有效分枝和主茎节数均表现为遗传正效应,即增加其性状的等位基因来源于母本晋豆23。同时,检测到11对影响小区产量、单株粒重、单株茎重、株高和结荚高度的加性×加性上位互作效应及环境互作效应的QTL,发现22个QTL与环境存在互作。实验结果表明,上位效应和QE互作效应对大豆小区产量及主要农艺性状的遗传影响很大。进行大豆分子标记辅助育种时,既要考虑效应起主要作用的QTL,又要注重上位性QTL,这样有利于性状的稳定表达和遗传。  相似文献   

水稻种子活力QTL定位及上位性分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
利用1个粳/籼交来源(Lemont/Teqing)、包含264个重组自交系的作图群体,采用纸卷法在18℃培养箱中进行2次重复的发芽实验,考察了种子发芽7d、9d和1ld的发芽率,种子发芽15d后的芽长及干重等种子活力的相关性状。结合一张含有198个DNA标记的连锁图谱,用作图软件QTLMapper1.0定位与种子活力相关的QTL。共检测到13个主效应QTL,这些QTL对性状的贡献率为2.9%~12.7%,平均贡献率为6.2%。同时检测到18对贡献率≥5%的互作位点,其贡献率为5.1%~11.8%,平均贡献率为6.9%,比检测到的主效应QTL的平均贡献率稍大。种子活力相关性状的大多数主效应和互作QTL成串分布于少数几个染色体区段(Chromosome Regions,CRs),并且成串分布在同一染色体区段的QTL效应的方向总是一致,该结果与这些性状在表型上的正相关相一致。若将成串分布有3个及3个以上种子活力相关性状QTL的CRs视为与种子活力高度相关的CRs,则共检测到7个上述与种子活力高度相关的CRs,分别分布在水稻12条染色体中的7条染色体上。根据所含QTL的种类(主效应QTL或/和上位性QTL)可将这些CRs分成以下3种:1)M-CRs:只含有主效应QTL,如CR^sv-7;2)E-CRs:所含位点没有主效应,但与其他位点发生互作,如CR^sv-1、CR^sv-6和CR^sv-12;3)ME-CRs:既含有主效应QTL、也含有与其他位点产生互作的互作位点,如CR^sv-2、CR^sv-5和CR^sv-8。另外还发现,有的CR上的位点同时与多个不同CR上的位点互作,影响种子活力的相关性状。与前入的研究结果相比较,发现有些与种子活力高度相关的CR可在不同研究者所用的不同定位群体中被检测到,而有的CR只在特定的定位群体中被检测到。由此表明,水稻种子活力具有丰富的遗传多样性和复杂的遗传基础,其主效QTL和互作位点可能基于遗传背景的不同而相互转化。  相似文献   

以粳稻Azucena为父本与灿稻IR64杂交发展的一双单倍体(DH) 本,与灿稻IR1552杂交发展的一重组自交系(RI)群体为材料,应用分子标记图说对2个群体在大田答舅栽2个环境下的穗长进行QTLs及上位性效应分析,DH群体中共检测6个穗长QTLs,位于第1、4长染色体上的3个QTLs,,在2个环境中稳定表达,未检测一闰性效应,加性效应为穗长遗传主效应,RI群体中,共检测到3个穗长QTLs及6对  相似文献   

Summary The genetics of heading date was investigated in an 8×8 diallel set of crosses involving diverse rice cultivars. Wr, Vr graph analysis revealed the presence of a complementary type of non-allelic interaction which apparently affected the position and slope of the regression line such as if there were overdominance. Omission of two interacting parents resulted in a 6×6 subset of diallel crosses from which, as observed in the Wr, Vr graph, the non-allelic interaction had disappeared and the regression line exhibited partial dominance. Estimates of the genetic components of variation were in close conformity with the results obtained from the Wr, Vr graph: the average degree of dominance, as measured by (H1/D)1/2, was in overdominance range in the interacting 8×8 set of diallel crosses whereas it was reduced to partial dominance in the non-interacting 6×6 set of crosses. Further analysis by a standardized deviations graph indicated that earliness was controlled, on the average, by an excess of dominant alleles.  相似文献   

One hundred twenty six doubled-haploid (DH) rice lines were evaluated in nine diverse Asian environments to reveal the genetic basis of genotype × environment interactions (GEI) for plant height (PH) and heading date (HD). A subset of lines was also evaluated in four water-limited environments, where the environmental basis of G × E could be more precisely defined. Responses to the environments were resolved into individual QTL × environment interactions using replicated phenotyping and the mixed linear-model approach. A total of 37 main-effect QTLs and 29 epistatic QTLs were identified. On average, these QTLs were detectable in 56% of the environments. When detected in multiple environments, the main effects of most QTLs were consistent in direction but varied considerably in magnitude across environments. Some QTLs had opposite effects in different environments, particularly in water-limited environments, indicating that they responded to the environments differently. Inconsistent QTL detection across environments was due primarily to non- or weak-expression of the QTL, and in part to significant QTL × environment interaction effects in the opposite direction to QTL main effects, and to pronounced epistasis. QTL × environment interactions were trait- and gene-specific. The greater GEI for HD than for PH in rice were reflected by more environment-specific QTLs, greater frequency and magnitude of QTL × environment interaction effects, and more pronounced epistasis for HD than for PH. Our results demonstrated that QTL × environment interaction is an important property of many QTLs, even for highly heritable traits such as height and maturity. Information about QTL × environment interaction is essential if marker-assisted selection is to be applied to the manipulation of quantitative traits.Communicated by G. Wenzel  相似文献   


Key message

A minor QTL for heading date located on the long arm of rice chromosome 1 was delimitated to a 95.0-kb region using near isogenic lines with sequential segregating regions.


Heading date and grain yield are two key factors determining the commercial potential of a rice variety. In this study, rice populations with sequential segregating regions were developed and used for mapping a minor QTL for heading date, qHd1. A total of 18 populations in six advanced generations through BC2F6 to BC2F11 were derived from a single BC2F3 plant of the indica rice cross Zhenshan 97 (ZS97)///ZS97//ZS97/Milyang 46. The QTL was delimitated to a 95.0-kb region flanked by RM12102 and RM12108 in the terminal region of the long arm of chromosome 1. Results also showed that qHd1 was not involved in the photoperiodic response, having an additive effect ranging from 2.4 d to 2.9 d observed in near isogenic lines grown in the paddy field and under the controlled conditions of either short day or long day. The QTL had pleiotropic effects on yield traits, with the ZS97 allele delaying heading and increasing the number of spikelets per panicle, the number of grains per panicle and grain yield per plant. The candidate region contains ten annotated genes including two genes with functional information related to the control of heading date. These results lay a foundation for the cloning of qHd1. In addition, this kind of minor QTLs could be of great significance in rice breeding for allowing minor adjustment of heading date and yield traits.  相似文献   

A double-haploid (DH) population and a recombinant inbred (RI) line population, derived from a cross between a tropical japonica variety, Azucena, as male parent and two indica varieties, IR64 and IR1552, as female parents respectively, were used in both field and pot experiments for detecting QTLs and epistasis for rice panicle number in different genetic backgrounds and different environments. Panicle number (PN) was measured at maturity. A molecular map with 192 RFLP markers for the DH population and a molecular map with 104 AFLP markers and 103 RFLP markers for the RI population were constructed, in which 70 RFLP markers were the same. Six QTLs were identified in the DH population, including two detected from field experiments and four from pot experiments. The two QTLs, mapped on chromosomes 1 and 12, were identical in both field and pot experiments. In the RI population, nine QTLs were detected, five QTLs from field conditions and four from the pot experiments. Three of these QTLs were identical in both experimental conditions. Only one QTL, linked to CDO344 on chromosome 12, was detected across the populations and experiments. Different epistasitic interaction loci on PN were found under different populations and in different experimental conditions. One locus, flanked by RG323 and RZ801 on chromosome 1, had an additive effect in the DH population, but epistatic effects in the RI population. These results indicate that the effect of genetic background on QTLs is greater than that of environments, and epistasis is more sensitive to genetic background and environments than main-effect QTLs. QTL and epistatic loci could be interchangeable depending on the genetic backgrounds and probably on the environments where they are identified. Received: 26 May 2000 / Accepted: 19 October 2000  相似文献   

Association of morphological and RFLP markers in rice (Oryza sativa L.).   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Seventeen morphological marker genes were associated with restriction fragment length polymorphism markers in rice by using four F2 populations, each segregating for a few observable traits, and 14 near isogenic lines (NILs), each containing one morphological mutant gene. The location of five genes was confirmed on the basis of F2 analysis: Purple hull (Pr) (16.8 +/- 7.9 cM away from RG163 on chromosome 4); Phenol staining (Ph) (20.8 +/- 8.4 cM away from RG163 on chromosome 4); glabrous leaf and hull (gl-1) (14.3 +/- 7.4 cM away from RG182, and 20.9 +/- 8.3 cM from RG403 on chromosome 5); Brown pericarp (Rc) (12.5 +/- 7.2 cM away from RG30 on chromosome 7); and lazy growth habit (la) (28.8 +/- 9.4 cM away from RG118 on chromosome 11). In addition, 12 other morphological markers, including the agronomically important genes semi-dwarf (sd-1) and Pollen restoring factor (Rf-1) were tentatively associated with mapped DNA clones based on screening pairs of NILs.  相似文献   

Lemont and Teqing are both semidwarf rice varieties that differ in heading date by only 6 days. However, when Lemont and Teqing are crossed there is transgressive segregation for both heading date (HD) and plant height (PH). By testing 2418 F4 lines with 113 well-distributed RFLP markers, we identified and mapped chromosomal regions that were largely responsible for this transgressive segregation. QHd3a, a QTL from Lemont that gives 8 days earlier heading, was identified on chromosome 3 approximately 3 cM from the marker RG348. Another QTL with a large effect, QHd8a, which gives 7 days earlier heading, was identified on chromosome 8 of Teqing between RG20 and RG1034. Along with a QTL, QHd9a with a phenotypic effect of 3.5 days, these genomic regions collectively explain 76.5% of the observed phenotypic variance in heading date. Four QTLs which altered plant height from 4 to 7 cm were also mapped; these collectively explain 48.8% of the observed phenotypic variation in plant height. None of the QTLs for plant height mapped to chromosome 1, the location of the semidwarf gene sd-1. All three of the HD loci mapped to approximately the same genomic locations as PH QTLs, and in all cases, there was a reduction in height of approximately 1 cm for every day of earlier heading. The correspondence between the HD and some of the PH loci suggests that genes at these chromosome locations may have pleiotropic effects on both HD and PH. The observed heterosis in the F1 plants for HD can be largely explained by the dominance for earliness of the identified HD loci and distribution of earlier heading alleles in the parents. However, overdominance observed at one of the PH QTL may, at least in part, be responsible for the observed heterosis in PH.  相似文献   

The segregation pattern and chromosomal location of a slender glume mutation, induced by gamma-ray irradiation, was investigated. The mutation is genetically unstable: in the selfed progenies of slender glumed plants, not only plants with normal glumes but also plants that are chimeric for glume shape almost always appear at low frequency. The results showed that the mutation is controlled by a single recessive, mutable mutant gene slg. The frequency of reversion of slg to its wild-type state was little affected by crossing, backcrossing, genetic background or cytoplasmic factors. Conventional trisomic and linkage analyses revealed that the slg locus was located close to the rfs (rolled fine stripe leaf) locus on chromosome 7. In a subsequent RFLP analysis, slg was found to be located between the two RFLP loci XNpb20 and XNpb33, with recombination values of 3.0 and 3.2%, respectively. Southern analysis indicated that the mutability of slg is caused by none of the known transposable elements in rice. From these results, we infer that slg has a novel transposable DNA insert in its vicinity, which was possibly activated by gamma-ray irradiation. Received: 28 September 1998 / Accepted: 18 December 1998  相似文献   

Z X Wang  N Iwata 《Génome》1996,39(2):307-313
Four rice (Oryza sativa L.) deficiencies, involving chromosomes 4 (Df4), 8 (Df8), and 11 (Df11-1, Df11-2), were studied. The deficiencies were induced by means of the pseudodominance technique, i.e., strains carrying one or more recessive marker genes were fertilized with irradiated pollen of a strain carrying normal alleles at corresponding loci. No characteristic morphological features were found in the deficiencies, as compared with the normal F1 plants in the progeny. The deficiencies showed high or complete seed sterility. Genetic and cytological studies indicated deficiencies in chromosomes 4, 8, and 11. The fragment chromosomes in Df4, Df8, and Df11-2 were short, possibly being derived from the heterochromatin regions of the chromosomes, including kinetochores, and the fragment chromosome in Df11-1 was long, with about 75% of the long arm missing. At metaphase I, Df4, Df8, and Df11-2 showed only the chromosome configuration of 11 II (bivalents) + 2I (univalents), and Df11-1 only that of 12 II. It seems that the short fragments tend to stay as univalents in meiosis, probably because of their shortness. On the other hand, long fragments act as normal chromosomes and associate with their homologues. The deficiencies were not transmitted to the progenies, although only a few offspring were examined. By using the induced deficiencies Df4 and Df11-1, two morphological marker genes, lg (liguleless) and la (lazy growth habit), were located on the long arm of chromosomes 4 and 11, respectively. This is the first report in rice utilizing induced chromosome deficiencies to locate a gene on a specific arm of a chromosome. The use of induced deficiencies for studying the structure of the rice genome is discussed. Key words : rice, chromosome, deficiencies, cytology, transmission.  相似文献   

The limit dextrinases from ungerminated oats and rice have been purified, and their substrate specificity compared with a bacterial isoamylase preparation. Both cereal enzymes could hydrolyse (1 yields6)-alpha-D-glucosidic linkages in oligosaccharide alpha-dextrins, pullulan, amylopectin, and the beta-limit dextrins of amylopectin and glycogen. However, under comparable conditions, they were unable to attack glycogens.  相似文献   

Two genes related to extremely early heading were identified in populations derived from crosses between Hoshinoyume, a variety adapted to the northernmost limit of rice cultivation (Hokkaido), and Nipponbare, a variety adapted to the temperate region of Japan. The segregations for heading date clearly revealed that a two-gene model determined the extremely early heading in the F2 and BC1F1 populations under natural field conditions in Hokkaido. Using molecular markers corresponding to ten known quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for heading date, we carried out QTL analysis in the BC1F1 population and detected two QTLs, qDTH-7-1 and qDTH-7-2, both on chromosome 7, and observed epistatic interaction between them. We conclude that the recessive alleles of these two genes contribute to extremely early heading for the adaptation to Hokkaido environment and to stable rice production in Hokkaido. The relationships between the two QTLs identified in this study and known QTLs are discussed.  相似文献   

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