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Book Reviews     
《American anthropologist》1970,72(4):966-967
Book reviewed in this article:
ARCHEOLOGY: The Summerstown Station Site. J ames F. P endergast .
ARCHEOLOGY: Archaeology of Rice Lake, Ontario. R ichard B. J ohnston .
ARCHEOLOGY: The Bennett Site. J. V. W right and J. E. A nderson .  相似文献   

Book Notes     
《American anthropologist》1952,54(2):264-274
The Systems of Land Tenure in the Kikuyu Land Unit . H. E. L ambert
Hawaiian Antiquities (Moolelo Hawaii ). D avid M alo
Navaho Means People . L eonard M c C ombe , E von Z. V ogt , and C lyde K luckhohn
Paradox and Nirvana . R obert L awson S later
The North American Buffalo. A Critical Study of the Species in Its Wild State . F rank G ilbert R oe
The Wulfing Plates: Products of Prehistoric Americans . V irginia D rew W atson
The Medora Site. West Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana . G eorge I. Q uimby
The Crable Site, Fulton County, Illinois. A Late Prehistoric Site in the Central Illinois Valley . H ale G illiam S mith
Archaeology of the Columbia-Fraser Region . M arian W. S mith
Cattle Point: A Stratified Site in the Southern Northwest Coast Region . A rden R. K ing
Hyperbrachycephaly as Influenced by Cultural Conditioning . J. F ranklin E wing
Surgery of the Shoulder . A. F. D e P alma
The Mark of Oppression, A Psychological Study of the American Negro . A bram K ardiner and L ionel O vesey
Race Relations: The Interaction of Ethnic Groups . B rewton B erry
The Sociology of Georg Simmel . Translated, edited, and with an introduction by K urt H. W olff
Social Behavior and Personality: Contributions of W. I. Thomas to Theory and Social Research . Edited by E dmund H. V olkart
Handbook of Latin American Studies : 1948, No. 14. F rancisco A guilera , ed
Area Studies in American Universities . W endell C. B ennett  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Archeology: Burrill Lake and Currarong: Coastal Sites in Southern New South Wales. R. J. LAMPERT
Archeology: Archaeology of the Gallus Site, Koonalda Cave. R. V. S. WRIGHT  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1979,83(1):285-295
Book Reviewed in This Article:
Tropische Nutzpflanzen. By H einz B rücher .
The Molecular Biology of Plant Cells. Ed. by H. S mith .
Plant Metabolism. By H. D. K umar and H. N. S ing h.
The Ribonucleic Acids. Ed. by P. R. S tewart and D. S. L etham .
Transport Phenomena in Plants. By D. A. B aker .
Transport of Ions and Water in Animals. Ed. by B. L. G upta , R. B. M oreton , J. L. O scham and B. J. W all .
Water in Plants Bibliography. Ed. by J. P ospisilova and J. S olarova .
Advances in Botanical Research. Vol. 4. Ed. by R. D. P reston and H. W. W oolhouse .
Progress in Botany: Morphology: Physiology: Genetics: Taxonomy: Geobotany. Ed. by H einz E llenerg , K arl E sser , H ermann M erxmuller , E berhard S chnepf and H ubert Z eigler .
Progress in Botany – Morphology, Physiology, Genetics, Taxonomy, Geobotany. Ed. by H. E llenberg , K. E sser , H. M erxmüller , E. S chnepf and H. Z iegler .
Plant Root Systems. By R. S cott R ussell .
Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises. Edited by K enneth S. N orris .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Benzodiazepine Recognition Site Ligands: Biochemistry and Pharmacology (Advances in Biochemical Psychopharmacology, Vol. 38) edited by G. Biggio and E. Costa
Experimental Allergic Encephalomyelitis—A Useful Model for Multiple Sclerosis (Progress in Clinical and Biological Research, Vol. 146) edited by E. C. Alvoid, M. W. Kies, and A. J. Suckling. Alan R. Liss
Cellular Components of the Cerebral Cortex (Cerebral Cortex, Vol. 1) edited by A. Peters and E. G. Jones  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
O ther : Cooperation among Animals with Human Implications by W. C. A llee .
O ther : Methodology and Techniques for the Study of Animal Societies by J. P. S cott , J ohn B. C alhoun , C. R. C arpenter , N. E. C ollins , J ohn T. E mlen , J. L. F uller , L eonard J. G oss , L awrence I rving , B ernard F. R iess , T. C. S chneirla , and J ohn W. S cott .
O ther : Of Societies and Men by C aryl P. H askins .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1983,95(2):345-347
Book reviewed in this article
Growth Regulators in Plant Science, Monograph 8. Ed. by M. B. J ackson , B. G rout and I. A. M ackenzie .
An Introduction to Plant Taxonomy. By C. J effrey .
Pest and Diseases of Tropical Crops , Vol. 1. By D. S. H ill and J. M. W aller .
Flora of Turkey , Vol. 7 ( Orobanchaceae to Ceratophyllaceae and Ruhiaceae ). Ed. by P. H. D avis , assisted by J. R. E dmondson , R. R. M ill and K. T an .
Plant Growth Curves. The Functional Approach to Plant Growth Analysis. By R oderick H unt .
Bryophyte Ecology. Ed. by A. J. E. S mith . Bryophyte Ecology. Ed. by A. J. E. S mith . Bryophyte Ecology. Ed. by A. J. E. S mith . Bryophyte Ecology. Ed. by A. J. E. S mith .
Forest Succession: concepts and application. Ed. by D. C. W est , M. H. S hugart and D. B otkin .  相似文献   

Book reviews     
THE BIOLOGY OF MOSSES. by D. H. S. R ichardson
CYTOGENETICS . By J urgen S chulz -S chaeffer
PLANT SCIENCE: AN INTRODUCTION TO WORLD CROPS . By J. J anick , R. W. S chery , F. W. W oods , & V. W. R uttan  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Mammal Review》1985,15(2):103-106
Book reviewed in this article: JUST BATS. By M. Brock Fenton. MONOTREMES AND MARSUPIALS: THE OTHER MAMMALS. By T. J. Dawson. Edward Arnold, MAMMAL SKIN. By V. E. Sokolov, University of California Press, PRINCIPLES OF ECOLOGY. By R. J. Putman and S. D. Wratten. Croom Helm, MAMMALS OF THE NORTHERN GREAT PLAINS. By J. K. Jones, Jr, D. M. Armstrong, R. S. Hoffmann and C. Jones. ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR: AN EVOLUTIONARY APPROACH. 3rd edn. By J. Alcock. Sinauer Associates Inc., Sunderland, Massachusetts, VEGETATION CHANGE IN UPLAND LANDSCAPES. By D. F. Ball, J. Dale, J. Sheal and O. W. Heal. CLIMATOLOGICAL MAPS OF GREAT BRITAIN. By E. J. White and R. I. Smith. A FIELD GUIDE FOR CLASSIFYING BRITISH WOODLAND VEGETATION: PART 1. By R. G. H. Bunce. PARASITIC PROTOZOA IN BRITISH WILD ANIMALS. By J. R. Baker. THE UNDERSTANDING OF ANIMALS: A NEW SCIENTIST GUIDE. Edited by G. Ferry, Black ANIMAL MIND-HUMAN MIND. Vol. 24 Life Sciences Research Report. Edited by D. R. Griffin.  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1983,95(3):505-508
Book reviewed in this article
Mycoplasma Diseases of Trees and Shrubs. Ed. by K. M aramorosch and S. P. R aychaudhuhi .
Alpine Rasengesellschaften auf Silikatgestein bei Davos. By L uca V etterli .
The Rust Fungi. Ed. by K. J. S cott and A. K. C hakravorty .
Environment and Plant Ecology. By J. R. E thehington .
Cryptogams. By K. E sser
Nitrogen fixation. Volume 1: Ecology. Ed. by W. J. B roughton .
Agricultural Plants. By R. H. M. L anger and G. D. H ill
Decomposer Basidiomycetes: their Biology and Ecology. Ed. by J. C. F rankland , J. N. H edger and M. J. S wift .
Cell Walls'81: Proceeding of the Second Cell Wall Meeting held in Gottingen, April 8–11, 1981. Ed. by D. G. R obinson and H. Q uader .  相似文献   

Books: Andrews , I.J. 1995. The Birds of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Barrows , E.M. 1995. Animal Behavior Desk Reference Briffett , C. & Supari , Sutari bin Catchpole , C.K. & Slater , P.J.B. 1995. Bird Song: Biological themes and variations Clement , P. 1994. The Chiffchaff Collar , N.J., Crosby , M.I. & Stattersfield , A.J. 1994. Birds to Watch 2: The world list of threatened birds Flade , M. 1994. Die Brutvogelgemeinschaften Mittel- und Nord-deutschlands Gehlbach . F.R. 1994. The Eastern Screech Owl: Life history, ecology and behavior in the suburbs and countryside Gill , F.B. 1995. Ornithology. 2nd edition Holz , R. 1994. Bibliographie ornithologischer Artikel aus Zeit-schriften und Periodika der DDR Hora , J., Kanuch , P. et al. 1992. Important Bird Areas in Europe Czechoslovakia Howell , S.N.G. & Webb , S. 1995. A Guide to the Birds of Mexia and Northern Central America Jackson , C. 1994. Bird Painting: The eighteenth century Krattiger , A.F., Mc Neely , J.A., Lesser , W.H., Miller , K.R., ST. Hill , Y. & Senanayake , R. (eds) Love , J.A. 1994. Penguins Reilly , P. 1994. Penguins of the World Lutwack , L. 1994. Birds in Literature Miller , R.I., ed. 1994, Mapping the Diversity of Nature Nechaev , V.A. 1995. Game- and Protected Birds of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands (in Russian) Nettleship , D.N., Burger , J. & Gochfeld , M. 1994. Seabirds on Islands: Threats, case studies and action plans Olsen , K.M. & Larsson , H. 1995. Terns of Europe and North America Ridley . M. 1995. Animal Behavior Searcy , W.A. & Yasukawa , K. 1995. Polygyny and Sexual Selection in Red-winged Blackbirds Small , A. 1994. California Birds: Their status and distribution Summers , R.W. & Mc Adam , J.H. 1993. The Upland Goose: A study of the interaction between geese, sheep and man in the Falkland Islands Sutherland , W.J. & Hill , D.A. (eds). 1995. Managing Habitats for Conservation Walters , M. 1994. Birds' Eggs Wheeler , B.K. & Clark , W.S. 1995. A Photographic Guide to North American Raptors Also Received: Cabot , D. 1995. Irish Birds Chandler , D. & Langman , M. 1995. Bird Habitats and Conservation Chebez , J.C. & Bertonatti , C.C. 1994. La Avifauna de la Isla de los Estados, Mas de Aflo Nuevo y Mar circundante Tierra de Fuego, Argentina Dawson , L. & Langman , M. 1995. Bird Behaviour Dekker , R.W.R.J., Mc Gowan , P.J.K. & WPA/Birdlife /Species Survival Commission Megapode Specialist Group Granlund , J., Mc Peck , G.A. & Adams , R.J. 1995. The Birds of Michigan Geligan , J., Smith , M., Rogers , D. & Contreras , A. (eds). 1994 Green , I. & Moorhouse , N. 1995. A Birdwatchers' Guide to Turkey Hayman , P., Arlott , N. & Tarboton , W. 1994. Birds of Southern Africa: The SASOL Plates Collection Hustings , F. & van Dijk , K. 1994. Bird Census in the Kizilirmak Delta, Turkey, in Spring 1992 Inskipp , C. & Inskipp , T. 1994. An Introduction to Birdwatching in Bhutan Jenkins , D. (ed.). 1995. Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Grouse, 20–24 September 1993, Udine, Italy Kivit , H., Nijmeijer , H. & Ovaa , A. (eds). 1994. Wader and Waterfowl Migration in the Cukurova Deltas, South Turkey, Spring 1990 Kutac . E.A. & CARAN, C. 1994. Birds and Other Wildlife of South Central Texas: A handbook Monroe , B.L., JR. 1995. The Birds of Kentucky Noble , W.T. de (ed.). 1995. Birds of the Messolonghi Wetlands, Eastern Mediterranean Wader Project, Spring 1990 Olney , P.J.S., Ellis , P. & Fisken , F.A. (eds) Olsen , J. 1994. Some Time with Eagles and Falcons Palmer , M. 1994. A Birdwatching Guide to the Costa Blanca. Revised edition Piper , S.E. 1994. Mathematical Demography of the Cape Vulture Rogers , D.W. 1994. Site Guides: Costa Rica, a guide to the best birding locations. Pp. 90. McMinnville, Oregon: Cinclus Rogers , D.W. 1994. Site Guides: La Ruta Maya, a guide to the best birding locations of the Yucatan, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador Rogers , D.W. 1993. Site Guides: Venezuela, a guide to the best birding locations SKARPHÉØINSSON, K.H., PÉTURSSON. G. & HEMARSSON, J.Ó. 1994. Uatbreisla varpfugla à Suvesturlandi: Könnum 1987–1992 [Atlas of Breeding Birds in Southwestern Iceland: A survey 1987–19921 Speight , G. 1995. Finding Birds in Britain: A site guide Stone , C.J., et al. 1995. An Atlas of Seabird Distribution in Northwest European Waters Sueur , F. & Commecy , X. 1990. Guide des Oiseaux de la Baie de Somme Thomson , T. 1994. Birding in Ohio. 2nd edition Walters , M. 1995. The Pocket Guide to Birds of Britain and Europe Zink , G. & Bairletn , F. 1995. Der Zug europäischer Singvögel: Ein Atlas der Wiedefunde beringter Vögel  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
M. S. Ridout 《Biometrics》2002,58(2):470-479
Books reviewed in this article:
LELE, S. R. and RICHTSMEIER, J. T. An Invariant Approach to the Statistical Analysis of Shapes.
HEYDE, C. C. and SENETA, E. (editors). Statisticians of the Centuries.
LAWSON, A. B. Statistical Methods in Spatial Epidemiology.
EVERITT, B. S. and PICKLES, A. Statistical Aspects of the Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials.
KERR, S. R. and DICKIE, L. M. The Biomass Spectrum: A Predator-Prey Theory of Aquatic Production.
DER, G. and EVERITT, B. S. A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using SAS, 2nd Edition.
HAND, D., MANNILA, H. and SMYTH, P. Principles of Data Mining.
INDRAYAN, A. and SARMUKADDAM, S. B. Medical Biostatistics.
EWENS, W. J. GRANT, G. R. Statistical Methods in Bioinformatics: An Introduction.
HARRELL, F. E. Regression Modeling Strategies with Applications to Linear Models, Logistic Regression and Survival Analysis.
CONGDON, P. Bayesian Statistical Modelling.
CAMAZINE, S., DENEUBOURG, J.-L., FRANKS, N. R., SNEYD, J., THERAULAZ, G. and BONABEAU, E. Self-Organization in Biological Systems.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Journal of neurochemistry》1984,43(4):1201-1201
Book reviewed in this article:
Current Methods in Cellular Neurology, Vol. II: Biochemical Techniques edited by J. L. Barker and J. F. McKelvy.
Review of Neuroradiology, Vol. 4: The Clinical Neurosciences edited by R. N. Rosenberg, R. G. Grossman, S. S. Schochet, Jr., E. R. Heinz, and W. D. Willis, Jr.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
M icroalgae (1994) By E.W. Becker.
T he E volutionary B iology of V iruses (1994). Edited by S.S. Morse.
MCQ s in M edical M icrobiology and I nfectious D iseases (1993). By P.W. Ross and F.X.S. Emmanuel.
T uberculosis : B ack to T he F uture (1994). Edited by J.D.H. Porter and K.P.W. McAdam.
M aking S afe F ood : A M anagement G uide for M icrobiological Q uality (1991). By W.F. Harrigan and R.W.A. Park.
B acterial P rotein T oxins : FEMS S ymposium No. 73. (1994). Edited by J. Freer, R. Aitken, J.E. Alouf, G. Boulnois, P. Falmagne, F. Fehrenbach, C. Montecucco  相似文献   

《Marine Mammal Science》1985,1(2):179-184
Book reviews in this article:
C ommunication and B ehavior of W hales . R. Payne (ed.).
S trandings : W ays T o S ave W hales . F. D. r obson .
O rders and F amilies of R ecent M ammals of T he W orld . S. Anderson and J. Knox Jones, Jr. (eds.).
S oviet -A merican C ooperative R esearch on M arine M ammals . V olume l—P innipeds . F. H. Fay and G. A. Fedoseev (eds.).
P athobiology of M arine M ammal D iseases . E. B. Howard (ed.).
S eals of T he W orld . (Second Edition.) J. E. Ring. British Museum and Cornell University Press.
T he G ray W hale : E schrichtius R obustus . M. L. Jones, S. L. Swartt and S. Leatherwood.
T he S ierra C lub H andbook of W hales and D olphins . S. Leatherwood and R. R. Reeves.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Freshwater Biology》1994,32(3):651-653
Book reviewed in this article:
Behaviour of Teleost Fishes, 2nd edn. Edited by T.J. P itcher
The IUCN Review of the Southern Okavango Integrated Water Development Project by T. S cudder , R.E. M anley , R.W. C olev , R.K. D avis , J. G reen , G.W. H oward , S.W. L awry , D. M artz , P.P. R ogers , A.R.D. T aylor , S.D. T urner , G.F. W hite and E.P. W right  相似文献   

L eakey , L. S. B., and S avage , R. J. G. (Ed.): Fossil Vertebrates of Africa. Vol. 2 .
N aaktgeboren , C., und S lijper , E. J.: Biologie der Geburt .
W illiams , J ohn G.: Sägetiere und seltene Vögel in den Nationalparks Ostafrikas .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
East African Monographs in Biology Vol. 2: 'The Ruminant Stomach'. By R. R. Hoffmann.
East African Vegetation. By E. M. Lind and M. E. S. Morrison.
Mammals of East and Central Africa. By R. M. B ere
Wild Cats of the World. By C. A. W. G uggisberg
Elephants and Their Habitats; The Ecology of Elephants in North Bunyoro, Uganda. By R. M. L aws , I. S. C. P arker & R. C. B. J ohnstone
Hyaena. By H ans K ruuk
The Biology of Hystricomorph Rodents. Edited by I. W. Rowlands & Barbara J. Weir
Handy Matrices. By C. J. P ennycuick  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1969,68(1):215-232
Book reviewed in this article:
Excursion Flora of the British Isles , 2nd edn. By A. R. C lapham , T. G. T utin and E. F. W arburg .
Critical Supplement to the Atlas of the British Flora . Ed. by F. H. P erring assisted by P. D. S ell .
Drawings of British Plants . Part XXIV. Labiatae . By S tella R oss -C raig .
Britain's Green Mantle , 2nd edn. By the late A. G. T ansley . Revised by M. C. F. P roctor .
The Flora of Berkshire . By H. J. M. B owen .
Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands . By P. H. D avis , assisted by J. C ullen and M. J. E. C oode .
Plants and Man on the Seychelles Coast . By J. D. S auer .
Key to the Families of Flowering Plants of the World . Revised and enlarged by J. H utchinson .
The Diversity of Green Flants . By P. R. B ell and C. L. F. W oodcock .
IBP Handbook No . 5: Handbook to the Conservation Section of the International Biological Programme . By E. M. N icholson .
Plants, Man and Life , 2nd edn. By E dgar A nderson .
Production and Mineral Cycling in Terrestrial Vegetation . By L. E. R odin and N. I. B azilevich . Translation by Scripta Technica Ltd (Ed. by G. E. F ogg ).
'Torrey Canyon' Pollution and Marine Life . A Report by the Plymouth Laboratory of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. Ed. by J. E. S mith .
Geobotanische Untersuchungen auf der Feddersen Wier de . By U. K örber -G rohne .
Cell Walls and Membranes . By H. J. R ogers and H. R. P erkins .
Wachstums regulatoren bei Pflanzen . Ed. by E. L ibbert and B. S teyer .
The Ecology of Soil Bacteria ( An International Symposium ). Ed. by T. R. G. G ray and D. P arkinson .
Genetics of Fungi . By K arl E sser and R udolf K uenen . Translated by E rich S teiner .
Plant Pathologist's Pocketbook . Compiled by The Commonwealth Mycological Institute.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Social Anthropology . By Godfrey Lienhardt Rethinking Anthropology . By E. R. Leach Societies: Evolutionary and Comparative Perspectives . By Talcott Parsons Kinship and Family Organization . Bernard Farber The Impact of Urbanization in By G. Breese . Societies Series. Cliffs, N.J., 1965. Paperbound, no price stated. Industry. By W. E. Moore; Newly Developing Countries The Hunters . By Elman R. Service The New Guinea Villager . By C. D. Rowley. F. W. Cheshire Behind the Ranges : Patrolling in New Guinea. By J. P. Sinclair Australian Aboriginal Portraits . By Charles P. Mountford Animal Species and Their Evolution . By A. J. Cain The Concise Encyclopadia of Archaeology . Edited by Leonard Cottrell Archaeology: An Introduction . By Clement W. Meighan Marine Archaeology . Edited by Joan du Plat Taylor The Land of Shinar . By Leonard Cottrell Ancient Europe : A Survey. By Stuart Piggott The North Britons : the Prehistory of a Border People. By Richard Feachem The Hardin Village Site . By Lee H. Hanson Pattern and Process in the Early Intermediate Pottery of the Central Coast of Peru . By Thomas C. Patterson  相似文献   

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