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Preprotein translocase catalyzes membrane protein integration as well as complete translocation. Membrane proteins must interrupt their translocation and be laterally released from the translocase into the lipid bilayer. We have analyzed the translocation arrest and lateral release activities of Escherichia coli preprotein translocase with an in vitro reaction and the preprotein proOmpA carrying a synthetic stop-transfer sequence. Membrane protein integration is catalytic, occurs with kinetics similar to those of proOmpA itself and only requires the functions of SecYEG and SecA. Though a strongly hydrophobic segment will direct the protein to leave the translocase and enter the lipid bilayer, a protein with a segment of intermediate hydrophobicity partitions equally between the translocated and membrane-integrated states. Analysis of the effects of PMF, varied ATP concentrations or synthetic translocation arrest show that the stop-translocation efficiency of a mildly hydrophobic segment depends on the translocation kinetics. In contrast, the lateral partitioning from translocase to lipids depends solely on temperature and does not require SecA ATP hydrolysis or SecA membrane cycling. Thus translocation arrest is controlled by the SecYEG translocase activity while lateral release and membrane integration are directed by the hydrophobicity of the segment itself. Our results suggest that a greater hydrophobicity is required for efficient translocation arrest than for lateral release into the membrane.  相似文献   

The human mitochondrial outer membrane is biophysically unique as it is the only membrane possessing transmembrane β-barrel proteins (mitochondrial outer membrane proteins, mOMPs) in the cell. The most vital of the three mOMPs is the core protein of the translocase of the outer mitochondrial membrane (TOM) complex. Identified first as MOM38 in Neurospora in 1990, the structure of Tom40, the core 19-stranded β-barrel translocation channel, was solved in 2017, after nearly three decades. Remarkably, the past four years have witnessed an exponential increase in structural and functional studies of yeast and human TOM complexes. In addition to being conserved across all eukaryotes, the TOM complex is the sole ATP-independent import machinery for nearly all of the ∼1000 to 1500 known mitochondrial proteins. Recent cryo-EM structures have provided detailed insight into both possible assembly mechanisms of the TOM core complex and organizational dynamics of the import machinery and now reveal novel regulatory interplay with other mOMPs. Functional characterization of the TOM complex using biochemical and structural approaches has also revealed mechanisms for substrate recognition and at least five defined import pathways for precursor proteins. In this review, we discuss the discovery, recently solved structures, molecular function, and regulation of the TOM complex and its constituents, along with the implications these advances have for alleviating human diseases.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial dysfunction has long been associated with the aging process and the onset of numerous diseases. Regulation of the complex protein-folding environment within the organelle is essential for maintaining efficient metabolic output. Over time, dysregulation of protein homeostasis arises through stress induced by the accumulation of reactive oxygen species and mutations in the mitochondrial genome introduced during replication. To preserve organelle function during biogenesis, remodeling and stress, quality control of mitochondrial proteins must be monitored by molecular chaperones and proteases stationed in the four compartments of the organelle. Here, we review mitochondrial protein quality control with a focus on organelle biogenesis and aging.  相似文献   

Many polypeptides can self-assemble into functional structures while others assemble only in the presence of additional proteins (molecular chaperones) which are not components of the final structure. We discuss here the effect that the recognition of the essential roles played by these proteins in assembly processes may have on the principle of spontaneous self-assembly.  相似文献   

Heat shock proteins: molecular chaperones of protein biogenesis.   总被引:47,自引:2,他引:45       下载免费PDF全文
Heat shock proteins (Hsps) were first identified as proteins whose synthesis was enhanced by stresses such as an increase in temperature. Recently, several of the major Hsps have been shown to be intimately involved in protein biogenesis through a direct interaction with a wide variety of proteins. As a reflection of this role, these Hsps have been referred to as molecular chaperones. Hsp70s interact with incompletely folded proteins, such as nascent chains on ribosomes and proteins in the process of translocation from the cytosol into mitochondria and the endoplasmic reticulum. Hsp60 also binds to unfolded proteins, preventing aggregation and facilitating protein folding. Although less well defined, other Hsps such as Hsp90 also play important roles in modulating the activity of a number of proteins. The function of the proteolytic system is intertwined with that of molecular chaperones. Several components of this system, encoded by heat-inducible genes, are responsible for the degradation of abnormal or misfolded proteins. The budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has proven very useful in the analysis of the role of molecular chaperones in protein maturation, translocation, and degradation. In this review, results of experiments are discussed within the context of experiments with other organisms in an attempt to describe the current state of understanding of these ubiquitous and important proteins.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of erythromycin, chloramphenicol, cycloheximide, pyrimethamine, chromate, cadmium, lead, nickel, 4-nitro-quinoline-1-oxide and thioacetamide on yeast and human cells were studied. Inhibition of the synthesis of mitochondrial proteins resulted in the loss of cytochromes as well as in morphological changes in the cellular membranes and mitotic arrest. The data are discussed.  相似文献   

 The structure of a new biological redox cofactor – topaquinone (TPQ), the quinone of 2,4,5-trihydroxyphenylalanine – was elucidated in 1990. TPQ is the cofactor in most copper-containing amine oxidases. It is produced by post-translational modification of a strictly conserved active-site tyrosine residue. Recent work has established that TPQ biogenesis proceeds via a novel self-processing pathway requiring only the protein, copper, and molecular oxygen. The oxidation of tyrosine to TPQ by dioxygen is a six-electron process, which has intriguing mechanistic implications because copper is a one-electron redox agent, and dioxygen can function as either a two-electron or four-electron oxidant. This review adopts an historical perspective in discussing the structure and reactivity of TPQ in amine oxidases, and then assesses what is currently understood about the mechanism of the oxidation of tyrosine to produce TPQ. Aspects of the structures and chemistry of related cofactors, such as the Tyr-Cys radical in galactose oxidase and the lysine tyrosylquinone of lysyl oxidase, are also discussed. Received: 23 May 1998 / Accepted: 19 October 1998  相似文献   

Proteins that are able to translocate across biological membranes assume a loosely folded structure. In this review it is suggested that the loosely folded structure, referred to here as the 'pre-folded conformation', is a particular structure that interacts favourably with components of the export apparatus. Two soluble factors, SecB and GroEL, have been implicated in maintenance of the pre-folded conformation and have been termed 'molecular chaperones'. Results suggest that SecB may be a chaperone that is specialized for binding to exported protein precursors, while GroEL may be a general folding modulator that binds to many intracellular proteins.  相似文献   

Recent insight into the biochemical mechanism of protein translocation in Escherichia coli indicates that SecA ATPase is required both for the initial binding of preproteins to the inner membrane as well as subsequent translocation across this structure. SecA appears to promote these events by direct recognition of the preprotein or preprotein-SecB complex, binding to inner-membrane anionic phospholipids, insertion into the membrane biiayer and association with the preprotein translocator, SecY/SecE. ATP binding appears to control the affinity of SecA for the various components of the system and ATP hydrolysis promotes cycling between its different biochemical states. As a component likely to catalyse a rate-determining step in protein secretion, SecA synthesis is co-ordinated with the activity of the protein export pathway. This form of negative reguiation appears to rely on SecA protein binding to its mRNA and repressing translation if conditions of rapid protein secretion prevail within the cell. A precise biochemical scheme for SecA-dependent catalysis of protein export and the details of secA regulation appear to be close at hand. The evolutionary conservation of SecA protein among eubacteria as well as the general requirement for translocation ATPases in other protein secretion systems argues for a mechanistic commonality of all prokaryotic protein export pathways.  相似文献   

The biogenesis and functions of exosomes   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
Exosomes are membrane vesicles with a diameter of 40–100 nm that are secreted by many cell types into the extracellular milieu. They correspond to the internal vesicles of an endosomal compartment, the multivesicular body and are released upon exocytic fusion of this organelle with the plasma membrane. Intracellularly, they are formed by inward budding of the endosomal membrane in a process that sequesters particular proteins and lipids. The unique composition of exosomes may confer specific functions on them upon secretion. Although their physiological role in vivo is far from being unraveled, it is apparent that they function in a multitude of processes, including intercellular communication during the immune response. Exosomes may have evolved early in the evolution of multicellular organisms and also seem to be important for tissue developmental processes.  相似文献   

Biosynthesis of a functional mitochondrion requires the coordinate expression of genes in both mitochondrial and nuclear DNAs. In yeast, three mitochondrial genes are split and RNA splicing plays a pivotal role in their expression. The recent finding that some introns are capable of self-splicing activity in vitro has permitted analysis of the mechanisms involved in RNA catalysis and may eventually shed light on the evolution of splicing mechanisms in general. Most mitochondrial proteins are encoded by nuclear genes, synthesized in the cytoplasm and imported by the organelle. The availability of cloned genes coding for several constituent subunits of the ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase, which are imported by mitochondria, has allowed study of selected steps in the addressing of proteins to mitochondria and their intercompartmental sorting within the organelle. Recent developments are discussed.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli preprotein translocase comprises a membrane-embedded trimeric complex of SecY, SecE and SecG. Previous studies have shown that this complex forms ring-like assemblies, which are thought to represent the preprotein translocation channel across the membrane. We have analyzed the functional state and the quaternary structure of the SecYEG translocase by employing cross-linking and blue native gel electrophoresis. The results show that the SecYEG monomer is a highly dynamic structure, spontaneously and reversibly associating into dimers. SecG-dependent tetramers and higher order SecYEG multimers can also exist in the membrane, but these structures form at high SecYEG concentration or upon overproduction of the complex only. The translocation process does not affect the oligomeric state of the translocase and arrested preproteins can be trapped with SecYEG or SecYE dimers. Dissociation of the dimer into a monomer by detergent induces release of the trapped preprotein. These results provide direct evidence that preproteins cross the bacterial membrane, associated with a translocation channel formed by a dimer of SecYEG.  相似文献   

Summary— A review of the proteinaceous machinery involved in protein sorting pathways and protein folding and assembly in mitochondria and peroxisomes is presented. After considering the various sorting pathways and targeting signals of mitochondrial and peroxisomal proteins, we make a comparative dissection of the protein factors involved in: i) the stabilization of cytosolic precursor proteins in a translocation competent conformation; ii) the membrane import apparatus of mitochondria and peroxisomes; iii) the processing of mitochondrial precursor proteins, and the eventual processing of certain peroxisomal precursor, in the interior of the organelles; and iv) the requirement of molecular chaperones for appropriate folding and assembly of imported proteins in the matrix of both organelles. Those aspects of mitochondrial biogenesis that have developed rapidly during the last few years, such as the requirement of molecular chaperones, are stressed in order to stimulate further parallel investigations aimed to understand the origin, biochemistry, molecular biology and pathology of peroxisomes. In this regard, a brief review of findings from our group and others is presented in which the role of the F1-ATPase α-subunit is pointed out as a molecular chaperone of mitochondria and chloroplasts. In addition, data are presented that could question our previous indication that the immunoreactive protein found in the rat liver peroxisomes is due to the presence of the F1-ATPase α-subunit.  相似文献   

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