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Periodontitis and dental caries are common oral diseases, in these days, and the passive immunization is one of the most effective approaches for prevention. For this purpose, we have constructed mouse and human monoclonal antibodies to inhibit the Porphyromonas gingivalis-associated hemagglutination and coaggregation. In addition, an artificial antibody, single-chain variable fraction, or scFv, which also inhibited the hemagglutination, was constructed. Specifically for dental caries, mouse and human monoclonal antibodies that inhibited the glucosyltransferase (GTF) activity, responsible for biofilm formation, were also constructed. The advantage of scFv over the native antibody is that the former molecule does not induce possible side-effects due to Fc, such as autoimmune disease, because it consists only of variable regions originating from both heavy and light chains. To increase the abilities of the antibody preparations, we attempted to construct an additional scFv using Bacillus brevis, a secretion-proficient gram-positive bacterium, as a host cell. An scFv protein possessing the same biological activity as that of the parental antibody was successfully secreted from a B. brevis transformant following the construction of a chimeric shuttle plasmid, which was accomplished by employing a new heterodimer system.  相似文献   

Sporulating cells of Bacillus brevis ATCC 9999 produced a high level of an intracellular serine protease when grown in nutrient medium. The protease activity in the crude extracts of this strain appeared at hour 5 (t5) after the end of exponential growth and increased gradually during sporulation, reaching a maximum at t12 to t13. The enzyme isolated in a partially purified state showed a pH optimum between 7.3 and 9.0 and had an apparent molecular weight of about 60,000. The activity was completely inhibited by phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, diisopropyl fluorophosphate, EDTA, and ethylene glycol-bis(beta-aminoethyl ether)-N,N-tetraacetic acid. The protease possessed a high activity for azocoll and low activities for azocasein and 14C-labeled hemoglobin. It cleaved the cyclic decapeptide gramicidin S specifically at the peptide linkage between valine and ornithine and hydrolyzed the oxidized insulin B-chain mainly at peptide bonds 4-5 (Glu-His), 6-7 (Leu-CysSO3H), and 15-16 (Leu-Tyr). No catalysis of bond cleavage by the enzyme on a variety of small peptides or esters was detected. Unlike other Bacillus species, B. brevis ATCC 9999 grown in nutrient medium excreted no extracellular proteases.  相似文献   

In this study, a gfp-based novel markerless allelic exchange integration system was developed. By employing gfp gene and sacB gene as counter-selectable markers, an ortho-nitrophenol degradation operon (onpABC gene cluster) was successfully inserted into the chromosome of meta-nitrophenol utilizer Cupriavidus necator JMP134. Through two rounds of recombination, the engineered strain (strain JMP134-ONP) was directly selected from the plate by fluorescence screening and has the ability to degrade both ortho-nitrophenol and meta-nitrophenol, simultaneously. This relatively simple and efficient method can be used as an alternative strategy of allelic exchange insertion for the application of metabolic engineering in various bacterial strains, complementary to existing gene knock-in procedures.  相似文献   

Y Nagami  M Kimura  Y Teranishi  T Tanaka 《Gene》1988,69(1):59-69
A shuttle vector has been constructed by fusing the Bacillus subtilis trimethoprim-resistance-carrying (TpR) plasmid pNC601 with the Escherichia coli plasmid pBR322. The resultant plasmid pNBL1 can replicate in both B. subtilis and E. coli, conferring Tp resistance on both cells and ampicillin resistance (ApR) on E. coli. The B. subtilis dihydrofolate reductase operon (dfr) on pNC601 and therefore on pNBL1 consists of the thymidylate synthase B gene (thyB) and the TpR-dihydrofolate reductase gene lacking the C-terminal seven codons (designated as drfA' as compared with the complete dfrA gene). A direct-expression vector pNBL3 has been constructed by inserting synthetic oligodeoxynucleotides containing a Bacillus ribosome-binding site (RBS) and the ATG codon downstream from dfrA' on pNBL1. When the E. coli lacZ gene was placed downstream from the dfrA' gene in pNBL3, efficient synthesis of beta-galactosidase was observed in both cells, showing that the polycistronic expression system is suitable for directing expression of heterologous genes. Translational efficiency of the lacZ gene on pNBL3 was further examined in B. subtilis by changing the sequence upstream from lacZ. Unlike the results previously reported [Sprengel et al., Nucleic Acids Res. 13 (1985) 893-909], when RBS was present, the high level of lacZ expression was preserved irrespective of spacing between the stop codon of the upstream dfrA' gene and the start codon of the downstream lacZ gene. However, in the absence of RBS, the spacing between both genes affected lacZ expression. That is, translational coupling of dfrA'-lacZ was observed, although the translational efficiency was very low.  相似文献   

Hybrid plasmid DNA cloned in Escherichia coli undergoes deletions when returned to competent Bacillus subtilis, even in defined restriction and modification mutants of strain 168. We have isolated a mutant of B. subtilis MI112 which is stably transformed at high frequency by chimeric plasmid DNA propagated in E. coli.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium tumefaciens is a plant-pathogenic bacterium capable of secreting several virulence factors into extracellular space or the host cell. In this study, we used shotgun proteomics analysis to investigate the secretome of A. tumefaciens, which resulted in identification of 12 proteins, including 1 known secretory protein (VirB1*) and 11 potential secretory proteins. Interestingly, one unknown protein, which we designated hemolysin-coregulated protein (Hcp), is a predicted soluble protein without a recognizable N-terminal signal peptide. Western blot analysis revealed that A. tumefaciens Hcp is expressed and secreted when cells are grown in both minimal and rich media. Further biochemical and immunoelectron microscopy analysis demonstrated that intracellular Hcp is localized mainly in the cytosol, with a small portion in the membrane system. To investigate the mechanism of secretion of Hcp in A. tumefaciens, we generated mutants with deletions of a conserved gene, icmF, or the entire putative operon encoding a recently identified type VI secretion system (T6SS). Western blot analysis indicated that Hcp was expressed but not secreted into the culture medium in mutants with deletions of icmF or the t6ss operon. The secretion deficiency of Hcp in the icmF mutant was complemented by heterologous trans expression of icmF, suggesting that icmF is required for Hcp secretion. In tumor assays with potato tuber disks, deletion of hcp resulted in approximately 20 to 30% reductions in tumorigenesis efficiency, while no consistent difference was observed when icmF or the t6ss operon was deleted. These results increase our understanding of the conserved T6SS used by both plant- and animal-pathogenic bacteria.  相似文献   

Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology - Bacillus sp. strains as attractive hosts for the production of heterologous secretory proteins usually play important roles in bio-industry....  相似文献   

Bacillus brevis 47 contains two surface layer proteins, termed the outer wall protein and the middle wall protein (MWP), which form a hexagonal array in the cell wall. Introduction of the MWP structural gene into Bacillus subtilis by using a low-copy-number plasmid led to the synthesis of an immunoreactive polypeptide with a molecular mass almost the same as that of the MWP synthesized by B. brevis 47. Biochemical analysis indicated that most of the MWP synthesized by B. subtilis was localized in the cytoplasmic fraction. This was further confirmed by using immunogold electron microscopy. The amino-terminal amino acid sequence of the MWP purified from the cytoplasm of B. subtilis indicated that the MWP was precursor with a signal peptide of 23 amino acid residues to the amino terminus of the mature protein. The precursor of the MWP possessed the ability to reassemble in vitro on the B. brevis 47 peptidoglycan layer, resulting in the formation of almost the same hexagonal arrays as with the mature MWP purified from B. brevis 47, judging from images averaged at a resolution of about 2.5 nm. Furthermore, a center-to-center distance of the hexagonal lattice on the envelope reconstituted by using the precursor MWP was calibrated as 18.3 nm, which was almost identical to the value of 17.8 nm obtained with the mature protein.  相似文献   

1. An improved 11000g cell-free system for the incorporation of [(14)C]valine into gramicidin S has been obtained. The cell-free extract used was the supernatant obtained by treating Bacillus brevis with ultrasonics for 1min. followed by centrifugation at 11000g. The optimum pH for the incorporation was 8.2-8.4 and the optimum Mg(2+) concentration 0.05m. The presence of ammonium sulphate (0.1m) and K(+) (0.01m) increased the incorporation. 2. Cell-free extracts prepared from cells harvested in the early phase of growth (extinction value 0.1) incorporated negligible amounts of [(14)C]valine into gramicidin S compared with that incorporated by cell-free extracts prepared from cells harvested in the late phase of growth (extinction value 0.5). This was not due to the presence of inhibitors in the cell-free extracts prepared from cells harvested early, since there was no marked decrease in gramicidin S synthesis in a mixture of extracts prepared from cells harvested early and late in the growth phase. 3. The small incorporation of [(14)C]valine into protein, which took place in cell-free extracts from cells harvested in the late growth phase, was not inhibited by puromycin, chloramphenicol and ribonuclease. However, the substantial incorporation that took place in cell-free extracts prepared from cells harvested in the early phase of growth was completely inhibited by puromycin, chloramphenicol and ribonuclease. On mixing cell-free extracts prepared from cells harvested early and late in the growth phase, it appeared that the small incorporation that occurs in extracts from cells harvested in the late phase of growth was not due to cellular inhibitors.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of a cryptic plasmid (pRMG1) isolated from a type 1 Streptococcus pneumoniae has been determined and two recombinant plasmids, pRMGE1 and pRMGE2, bearing the pRMG1 replicon have been constructed. pRMGE2 is a shuttle vector for Escherichia coli and S. pneumoniae. The important characteristics of this cloning vector are: a size of 5.5 kb including a 1.4 kb fragment of pRMG1 (containing a double-stranded replication origin and an open reading frame encoding a putative replication initiation protein), a multicloning site, two antibiotic resistance markers for selection of plasmid containing cells, and blue-white colony screening in E. coli for identification of insert-containing plasmids.  相似文献   

An alpha-amylase gene from Bacillus coagulans has previously been cloned in Escherichia coli and shown to direct the synthesis of an enzymically active protein of 60,000 Dal (Cornelis et al., 1982). In one particular E. coli host, strain HB101, amylase was found to accumulate in the periplasmic space. To study the processing and the location of the amylase, plasmid pAMY2 was introduced into E. coli 188 which is a strain constitutive for alkaline phosphatase, a periplasmic marker, and for beta-galactosidase, a cytoplasmic marker. Abnormally large amounts of both alpha-amylase and beta-galactosidase were found in the culture fluid of cells grown in rich medium. Furthermore a severe growth defect was found when cells containing pAMY2 were grown in maltose and glycerol media, while the ability to grow on glucose remained normal. This defect could be reversed by two types of spontaneous mutations. Mutations in the first class are located on the plasmid and correspond to the insertional inactivation of the amylase gene by IS1. Mutations in the second class are located on the host chromosome. These results suggest that the synthesis and export of B. coagulans alpha-amylase is deleterious to E. coli, especially in media containing maltose or glycerol as sole carbon source.  相似文献   

Bacillus brevis 47 contains two major cell wall proteins. Each protein forms a hexagonal array in the cell wall. A 4.8-kilobase HindIII fragment of B. brevis 47 DNA cloned into Escherichia coli with pBR322 as a vector directed the synthesis of polypeptides cross-reactive with antibody to the middle wall protein. A 700-base-pair BamHI-HpaI fragment was shown to be the essential region for the synthesis of immunoreactive polypeptides. Furthermore, this fragment appeared to contain the promoter activity. The 3.5-kilobase BamHI fragment covering the essential region as well as its downstream sequence was subcloned into the corresponding restriction site of pUB110 by using Bacillus subtilis as the cloning host. Both E. coli and B. subtilis carrying the cloned DNA synthesized several immunoreactive polypeptides which were mainly found in the cytoplasm. B. subtilis secreted polypeptides cross-reactive with antibody to the middle wall protein. These extracellular polypeptides were degraded upon prolonged culture.  相似文献   

【目的】构建带有苏云金芽孢杆菌cry3a基因非芽孢依赖启动子和绿色荧光蛋白基因gfp(Green Fluorescent Protein)的原核表达载体,并转化从桑粒肩天牛幼虫肠道分离的两株常驻细菌短短芽孢杆菌CQUBb和苏云金芽孢杆菌CQUBt,以检测cry3a启动子在昆虫肠道常驻菌中的启动子活性,获得GFP标记菌株,为常驻菌在昆虫幼虫肠道中的定殖情况和杀虫工程菌的构建奠定基础。【方法】采用重叠延伸PCR将cry3a基因启动子和gfp基因进行融合,并与pHT304载体连接构建重组质粒pHT3AG,获得的重组质粒以电脉冲转化肠道常驻菌短短芽孢杆菌CQUBb和苏云金芽孢杆菌CQUBt,于可见光和荧光显微镜下观察荧光并通过SDS-PAGE分析重组菌株的蛋白表达情况,然后对重组菌株进行生长动力学分析和稳定性测试。【结果】重组菌在营养期大量组成型表达GFP,经电泳分离在凝胶上出现约29kDa的特异蛋白条带;重组菌生长曲线与出发菌没有显著差异,说明外源质粒未对宿主菌的生长带来明显不利影响;抗性条件下传代30次后两菌株外源质粒稳定性仍可达95%、67%;两个菌株比较,CQUBb比CQUBt质粒转化率高、重组菌GFP表达时间长、表达量大,并且重组菌株稳定性好。【结论】成功地将cry3a基因核心启动子和gfp基因转入桑粒肩天牛幼虫肠道常驻菌,实现了该启动子在Bt之外的菌株中发挥作用,构建了两个GFP标记菌株;重组基因工程菌株表达量大,稳定性好,可以用作昆虫肠道内微生态研究和芽孢杆菌表达系统以及杀虫菌株的构建。  相似文献   

Alfredson DA  Korolik V 《Plasmid》2003,50(2):152-160
A small cryptic plasmid, pCJ419, was identified in a human clinical isolate of Campylobacter jejuni, cloned and sequenced. pCJ419 is a circular molecule of 4013 bp with a G+C content of 27.1%. The products of four open reading frames (ORFs) share significant sequence similarity with putative proteins from known C. jejuni and Campylobacter coli plasmids. ORF-1 encodes a putative mobilisation protein (Mob). ORF-2 and ORF-3 encode proteins that have high identity to putative RepA and RepB proteins, respectively, of known C. jejuni and C. coli plasmids. ORF-4 encodes a protein that has high identity to a hypothetical protein of unknown function, Cjp32, previously described in a pVir plasmid of C. jejuni. Tandem repeating 22-bp sequences typical of a plasmid replication origin (ori) were identified upstream of the DNA sequences encoding putative replication initiation proteins. An Escherichia coli-Campylobacter shuttle cloning vector, pGU0202, was constructed using plasmid pMW2 that harbours a Campylobacter-derived kanamycin resistance gene [aph(3')-III]. The sequences encoding pCJ419 mob, RepA and RepB proteins were inserted upstream of aph(3')-III resulting in a stable construct of 6174 bp that was used to transform both E. coli and Campylobacter.  相似文献   

Although calcium ions are crucial in a variety of bacterial processes, including spore development, reports of calmodulin in procaryotes have been few. We have purified to homogeneity a calmodulinlike protein (CaLP) from sporulating cells of Bacillus subtilis grown in a chemically defined sporulation medium; purification involved heat treatment, fractionation with ammonium sulfate, affinity chromatography, and gel filtration on high-performance columns. The protein was eluted from a phenothiazine affinity column in a calcium ion-dependent manner, stained poorly with Coomassie blue and silver stain dyes, bound poorly to nitrocellulose filters, and was not an inhibitor of the major intracellular serine proteinase. It stimulated bovine brain phosphodiesterase in a dose- and Ca2(+)-dependent manner and stimulated NAD kinase from peas in a dose-dependent manner. The B. subtilis calmodulin reacted with anti-bovine brain calmodulin antibodies in enzyme-linked immunoabsorbance assays. The amino acid composition data showed it to be distinctly different from eucaryotic calmodulins, having particularly high levels of serine and glycine. The pI of the protein was estimated to be 4.9 to 5.0. The molecular weight was estimated to be 23,000 or 25,000, based on amino acid composition and detergent gel electrophoresis, respectively. The protein reacted with rhodamine isothiocyanate, which blocked its enzyme-activating capacity and greatly increased its electrophoretic mobility and Coomassie dye-binding ability.  相似文献   

A complete cDNA encoding a potato tuber lectin has been identified and sequenced. Based on the deduced amino acid sequence, the still enigmatic molecular structure of the classical chimeric potato lectin could eventually be determined. Basically, the potato lectin consists of two nearly identical chitin-binding modules, built up of two in-tandem arrayed hevein domains that are interconnected by an extensin-like domain of approximately 60 amino acid residues. Although this structure confirms the 'canonical' chimeric nature of the Solanaceae lectins, it differs fundamentally from all previously proposed models. The new insights in the structure are also discussed in view of the physiological role of the Solanaceae lectins.  相似文献   

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