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The natural spread of Erysiphe cichoracearum was assessed weekly on alternate leaves of irrigated and non-irrigated tobacco plants of Kutsaga 51 variety, grown in field plots in 1962-63. Leaf area, air temperature and humidity within the plots, relative turgidity of the leaves and soil moisture were also measured. Leaves emerged over a period of 37 days. A minimum of 29 days elapsed between leaf emergence and infection; irrigation lengthened this period by 2–6 days for leaves 2–6 and shortened it by 2–10 days for leaves 10–18. The duration of the initial resistant phase, in leaves at comparable stalk positions, appeared to be directly proportional to the eventual size of the leaves at reaping. Leaves were not infected until they were almost fully expanded. The longest dry period, when most irrigation water was applied, occurred when most lower leaves (2–8) were fully expanded and already infected; upper leaves (10–18)w ere then still expanding and not yet infected. Irrigation increased infection in all leaves; it increased the growth of the pathogen during dry weather and the subsequent susceptibility of leaves that were still actively expanding but not yet infected. Irrigation increased the percentage of susceptible leaf area infected, of intact plants, threefold and that of topped plants ninefold. Topped plants had less infection than intact ones.  相似文献   

Powdery mildew of tobacco (Erysiphe cichoracearum DC.)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In water culture experiments, tobacco plants of Hicks variety were supplied with factorial combinations of high and low concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Incidence of powdery mildew and growth and chemical composition of infected and healthy plants were compared.
There was more disease when all elements were supplied at the higher of two concentrations, but the increase in infection was less than the increase in growth. Plants grown in media containing a low ratio of potassium to nitrogen produced the least susceptible leaves; their disease indices were up to 30 times less than those of plants that received the full nutrient treatment. Potassium-deficient leaves had thinner cell walls, larger water content, smaller sugar and potassium contents, and greater amino nitrogen and magnesium contents, compared with those of plants grown in any of the other media. The possible relation between these characteristics and susceptibility to Erysiphe cichoracearum DC. are discussed.  相似文献   

A Hirst volumetric spore trap, at a height of 30 cm., was used to assess the diurnal distribution of Erysiphe conidia in the air in tobacco crops infected with E. cichoracearum in Rhodesia. Air temperature and humidity, and the length of time leaves were wet each day, were also recorded at the same height, amongst the plants. In four seasons, most conidia were caught between 13.00 and 15.00 hr. There were close positive correlations in 1962 between numbers of conidia per m.3 of air per hour and saturation deficit and air temperature during the same hours (10.00–18.00 hr.) Correlations of total Erysiphe conidia per day with temperature and humidity were very variable; temperature had no apparent effect during three seasons, but in one (1961)there was a highly significant positive correlation between numbers of conidia and the daily duration of temperatures > 25d? C. More conidia were also caught when the air was dry for long periods that season, though temperature probably had the greater effect. In 1962, more conidia were caught per day the longer the air was humid (s.D. 0–1 mb.) In 1961, the amount of rain per day had no apparent effect on numbers of conidia, but in 1962 more were caught the greater the daily rainfall. However, rain, which nearly always fell in the afternoon, also removed most conidia from the air that afternoon. Neither windspeed nor duration of leaf wetness appeared to affect spore dispersion.  相似文献   

Percentage germination, and growth of hyphae from single conidia of Erysiphe cichoracearum DC., were measured on leaf discs from topped and intact tobacco plants, grown in aerated nutrient solutions consisting of basal medium plus large or small amounts of potassium. The effect of supplying sodium was also studied. Discs were incubated on water and on 10% sucrose solution. Changes in free amino nitrogen and carbohydrate in comparable uninfected leaf discs, before and after incubation, were also measured. Potassium deficiency resulted in more free amino nitrogen and soluble carbohydrate and less insoluble carbohydrate, per cm.2 of leaf. Spore germination was not greatly affected by treatments, though it was usually less on discs from potassium-deficient leaves. The pathogen grew slower on potassium-deficient leaf discs, whether they were incubated on water or on sucrose. Incubating discs from some leaves on sucrose, compared with water, gave greatly increased sugar content and less fungal growth; discs from other leaves had a much smaller increase in sugar, and hyphal length was similar to that on discs incubated on water. Sodium, when potassium was scarce, increased potassium deficiency symptoms, free amino nitrogen and sugar content, and resistance to powdery mildew.  相似文献   

Subcellular events of Erysiphe cichoracearum infections of epidermal cells were visualized in living tissues of Arabidopsis plants carrying various green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged organelles via laser scanning confocal microscopy. Early in the infection sequence, cytoplasm and organelles moved towards penetration sites and accumulated near penetration pegs. Peroxisomes appeared to accumulate preferentially relative to the cytoplasm at penetration sites. Another early event, which preceded haustorium formation, was the aggregation of some GFP-tagged plasma membrane marker proteins into rings around penetration sites, which extended across cell-wall boundaries into neighboring cells. This feature localized to sites where papillae were deposited. The extrahaustorial membrane (EHM) encases the fungal feeding structure, the haustorium, separating it from the host cytoplasm. Eight plasma membrane markers were excluded from the EHM and remained in a collar-like formation around the haustorial neck. These observations support the suggestions that the EHM is a unique, specialized membrane and is different from the plasma membrane. Our results suggested two possibilities for the origin of the EHM: invagination of the plasma membrane coupled with membrane differentiation; or de novo synthesis of the EHM by targeted vesicle trafficking.  相似文献   

The powdery mildew species Erysiphe cichoracearum has a described host range of over 300 plant species from among several families. Host-range testing indicates host-specialized subdivision within this taxonomic species. However, the extent of subdivision remains largely undetermined among host-limited forms. We have characterized diversity among field collections of E. cichoracearum from a variety of hosts, and from other powdery mildew species, with RFLPs from a PCR amplified ribosomal DNA (rDNA) segment The E. cichoracearum samples expressed six distinct RFLP haplotypes. Each haplotype was specific to either a single host or to a set of related host species. These haplotypes formed a continuum of divergence ranging from about 18–35% average pairwise distance from one another, while those from other mildew species clustered at consistently higher average pairwise distances from E. cichoracearum and from each other. Our findings support earlier suggestions, based on host-range and morphological characterizations, that E. cichoracearum is a complex of morphologically similar, but host-limited forms. Also, comparisons of rDNA haplotype distance between E. cichoracearum and Blumeria (Erysiphe) graminis were consistently greater than between E. cichoracearum and Sphaerotheca fulginea. This result supports earlier questions concerning the monophyletic nature of Erysiphe.  相似文献   

BAKSHI  B. K. 《Annals of botany》1951,15(1):53-62
Two species of the fungus Ceratocystis are described which havebeen isolated from beetle galleries in Japanese larch. The detaileddevelopment of reproductive structures is described in each,confirming the work of Varitchak in the case of C. piceae. C.autographa is diagnosed as a new heterothallic species.  相似文献   

In two meteorologically quite different years, 2002 and 2003, efficacy of three natural substances with a fungicidal activity (sulphur, soya lecithin, salicylic acid) for control of Erysiphe cichoracearum on chicory was tested. In a block designed field experiment, there were statistically significant differences in the mean index of infection of exterior leaves, in the mean total weight and mean net weight of the plants (= total weight − weight of removed damaged leaves). There was also a significant difference in firmness of the heads of nine chicory varieties that was established in both years. In 2002, when no extreme weather conditions occurred, the fungus spread to a substantially larger extent. Yet no statistically significant differences were found in the efficacy of environmentally friendly fungicidal substances for control of the fungus. In the hotter and drier year of 2003, which was less favourable for spread of the pathogen, sulphur‐containing fungicide was the most effective. In 2002, chicory yield was lower than in 2003. Generally, yield loss due to removal of damaged leaves was from 30.7 to 45.0% in the first year, and from 11.3 to 24.8% in the second. The highest mean total yield and net yield of chicory were in plants, which were treated three times with sulphur‐containing fungicide. In 2002, the most firm heads were in plants treated with sulphur. In 2003, no significant differences among substances were detected. The most infected with the powdery mildew caused by E. cichoracearum, were the less productive varieties of chicory. A statistically significant relationship was not found between the firmness of the heads and the degree of infection. Among different parameters in this experiment, the only relevant and high statistically significant positive correlation (r2 = 0.71) was determined between the total weight of the plants and yield loss of chicory due to infection with the fungus in question.  相似文献   

Specificity of interactions between eight Lactuca species and 8 Bremia lactucae isolates was studied in seedlings and adult plants of 36 Lactuca accessions plus one L. serriola × L. sativa hybrid. Pathogenicity of the isolates and/or plant susceptibility was expressed by sporulation intensity. A highly compatible relationship was observed in all of L. serriola accession/isolate interactions tested. A differential reaction was found in numerous cases testifying to physiological specialization of the pathogen in a wild pathosystem. Nonspecific nondifferential compatibility (quantitative resistance) can be expected in L. serriola PI 281876. Age dependent resistance (seedlings versus adult plants, and vice versa) and heterogeneity of reactions were also recorded. The comparisonof B. lactucae isolates from L. sativa and L. serriola has shown a significant shift of pathogenicity in favour of L. serriola accessions. A high level of resistance was found in the L. serriola × L. sativa hybrid. The existence of basic incompatibility can be expected in L. saligna and L. virosa as well as in such taxonomically remote species as L. viminea, L. squarrosa and L. biennis. Other taxonomically remote species, i.e. L. dentata and L. alpina, exhibited a compatible reaction, although the reaction of the former was differential. A high level of sporulation was recorded in all accession/isolate interactions of L. alpina.  相似文献   

Treatments that produced different rates of growth in attached tobacco leaves and leaf discs, also affected the growth of powdery mildew on them. Topping (removal of flower head) increased the resistance of upper leaves, and attached leaves of topped and intact plants were more susceptible than leaf discs from them incubated on water. Hyphal growth increased on leaf discs incubated on water at increasing light intensities, as did dry and fresh mass of healthy discs. On kinetin, dry and fresh mass also increased with light intensity but hyphal growth decreased slightly. Discs incubated at all light intensities on kinetin had less hyphal growth than those on water at the lowest intensity (< 50 lx). Floating leaf discs on chloramphenicol at 500 μ/ml restricted fungal growth but not quite as much as kinetin (10 μ/ml); kinetin inhibited the fungus in the presence of chloramphenicol. Actinomycin D (2.μ5 μ/ml) and puromycin (5.0 μml) had little effect on the fungus.  相似文献   

In the period 1996–2001 the natural occurrence of Bremia lactucae (lettuce downy mildew) on Asteraceae plants was studied in the Czech Republic. Lactuca serriola (prickly lettuce) is the most common naturally growing host species of B. lactucae. Infection of plants was recorded during the whole vegetation season with the first occurrence in April and last in November. Bremia lactucae was found on host plants in all developmental stages. High percentages of naturally infected populations of L. serriola were recorded. Host plants exhibited broad variation in phenotypic expression of disease symptoms and degree of infection, however, the intensity of infection was rather low in the majority of populations. Geographic distribution of B. lactucae was studied in the two main parts of Czech Republic, central and southern Moravia, and eastern, northern and central Bohemia. Bremia lactucae was recorded in all these areas. Nevertheless, in the warmest parts of the Czech Republic (southern Moravia) only sporadic occurrence of the pathogen was recorded. Bremia lactucae infection on L. serriola and disease severity was judged also in relation to the type of habitat, and the size and density of host plant populations. However, no substantial differences among various habitats were found; only host plants growing in urban areas were frequently free of infection and the degree of infection was very low. Nevertheless, these plants were commonly infected with powdery mildew (Golovinomyces cichoracearum), which is most aggressive pathogen of this type of habitat.  相似文献   

The anti-fungal activity of two alkaloids isolated from bulbs of Zephyranthes citrina was observed against 10 fungi, viz, Aternaria solani, A. triticina, Curvularia lunata, C. maculuns, Cercospora malvacearum, Erysiphe sp., Fusarium udum, Helminthosporium pisi, H. speciferum and Ustilago cynodontis. Different concentrations (200, 400, 600, 800, 1000 µg/ml of alkaloids (A and B) were used. Spore germination was inhibited at 600, 800, 1000 µg/ml. B alkaloid was used against Erysiphe cichoracearum causing powdery mildew in balsam (Impatiens balsamina) in the field as pre- and post-inoculation treatments at 1000, 1500, 2000 µg/ml doses. The extract was effective in both pre- and post-inoculation treatments. Foliar application of this alkaloid resulted in inducing synthesis of phenolic acid in the leaves of balsam. Maximum phenolics were detected in the leaves treated with 1500 µg/ml in both pre- and post-inoculation treatments. The increase in the production of phenolics in treated leaves of balsam can be correlated with the induction of resistance in treated plants against powdery mildew. The significant efficacy of the alkaloid under field conditions opens the possibility of its use by farmers for also controlling other diseases.  相似文献   

Callus cultures derived from isogenic lines of the tomato cultivars Moneymaker and Craigella, resistant or susceptible to F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici, were inoculated with Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici race 1. Fungal growth was restricted on callus derived from resistant plants, after inoculation with a conidial suspension, whereas callus derived from susceptible plants was totally overgrown by the fungus within 7 days. The concentration of the phytoalexin rishitin was significantly higher in the callus culture derived from a resistant tomato line compared with the callus culture from a susceptible line, 2 and 3 days after inoculation with mycelium. The results of the experiments were compared with experiments with whole plants. Rishitin production as well as growth of the fungus was comparable with responses in plant-fungus interaction. Therefore callus culture may be useful in studying the interaction between tomato plants and race 1 of F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici.  相似文献   

Occurrence of Enterococci on Plants in a Wild Environment   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Enterococci were obtained from 14% of nearly 2,200 flowers, 3.4% of non-floral structures of angiosperms, and from 8.3% of samples of soil, water, and lesser plants of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, an area little influenced by the presence of man. The enterococci were recovered from one or more flowers or flower clusters of 1,515 samples in 47 taxa, but not from flowers of 67 taxa with 654 samples. The per cent of recovery was influenced adversely by dense forest cover and by increase in elevation, as compared with recovery from flowers in sunny locations in the lower elevations. The per cent recovery increased directly with rising seasonal temperature, with the maximal per cent of recovery occurring in September. In no instance did all samples of a species of flower or plant yield enterococci on culture, and with only three genera, Cacalia, Delphinium, and Mitchella, were the bacteria obtained from more than 50% of the samples. Approximately 11% of the cultures isolated were identified as Streptococcus faecalis, 64% as the soft curd producing, caseolytic variant of S. faecalis, 4% as S. faecalis var. zymogenes, and 20% as S. faecium. The per cent distribution of these species on plants was reasonably similar to the distribution within wild animals in the same environment. It was concluded that the enterococci occurring on plants arise commonly from the wild animals, and that they do not represent plant-specific species or variants of the enterococci.  相似文献   

In previous work, UEA1 and UCSC1, two geographically distinct, powdery mildew isolates, were recognized for their ability to infect Arabidopsis thaliana. We have clarified the identity of these isolates by determining their host ranges, reexamining their morphology, and comparing their DNA sequences for the 5.8S ribosomal RNA and two flanking internal transcribed spacer sequences. These experiments confirm that UEA1 is a member of Erysiphe cruciferarum and that UCSC1 belongs to E. cichoracearum. Interactions of the two Erysiphe isolates with 360 A. thaliana accessions were examined to provide a comprehensive profile of naturally occurring powdery mildew resistance in this weedy species. The majority of A. thaliana accessions (213) were susceptible to both isolates. Among the accessions exhibiting some degree of resistance, most (84) responded differentially to UEA1 and UCSC1 and the remainder were resistant to both isolates. Notably, resistance to UCSC1 cosegregated with RPW7, a locus previously demonstrated to confer resistance to UEA1 in Ms-0 x Landsberg (erecta) crosses. With this large collection of resistant accessions, questions about species specificity, genetic diversity and the evolution of resistance to powdery mildews can be addressed.  相似文献   

[This corrects the article on p. 563 in vol. 33.].  相似文献   

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