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The structural gene (appA) for the periplasmic acid phosphatase (optimum pH 2.5) of Escherichia coli was cloned into a plasmid by using a combination of in vivo and in vitro techniques. The position and orientation of the appA gene within the cloned DNA fragment were identified by using fusions to the alkaline phosphatase gene (phoA) generated by Tn5 IS50L::phoA (TnphoA) insertions. For TnphoA-generated hybrid proteins to have high enzymatic activity, it appears that the phoA gene must be fused to a target gene coding for a signal which promotes protein export. The approach used to identify the appA gene thus appears to provide a simple general means of selectively identifying genes encoding membrane and secreted proteins.  相似文献   

M Tadayyon  J K Broome-Smith 《Gene》1992,111(1):21-26
A transposon, TnblaM, designed for the direct selection of bacterial mutants with insertions in genes encoding cell envelope and secreted proteins, was constructed and subcloned into plasmid and bacteriophage lambda delivery vectors. TnblaM is a spectinomycin-resistant derivative of Tn5 with an unexpressed open reading frame encoding mature beta-lactamase (BlaM) at its left end. Therefore, when it inserts into genes in the correct orientation and reading frame, gene fusions encoding hybrid proteins are generated. By introducing TnblaM into bacterial cells and selecting ampicillin-resistant (ApR) colonies, the subset of isolates producing extracytoplasmic BlaM, and hence containing TnblaM inserted in genes encoding secreted proteins and cell envelope proteins, can be directly selected. TnblaM, like TnphoA, can therefore be used to preferentially mutagenise genes encoding extracytoplasmic proteins, but it has the advantage over TnphoA that the desired mutants can be isolated by direct selection (as ApR colonies) rather than by phenotypic screening. Isolates in which TnblaM occupies sites in the chromosome from which it can transpose at high frequency are readily identifiable, and constitute TnblaM donors, with which to simply and efficiently generate rare types of insertion mutants. Moreover, the ApR selection that is used with TnblaM can be fine-tuned to obtain blaM fusions to poorly or well-expressed genes.  相似文献   

Abstract A bank of 5000 random gene fusions to lacZ was screened for amino acid auxotrophs and for gene fusions in which β-galactosidase was only expressed anaerobically. Since the number of genes involved in the synthesis of amino acids is known, estimation of the number of anaerobically regulated genes is possible. This estimate that Escherichia coli contains about 50 anaerobically induced genes, is somewhat larger but of the same order as the number of anaerobically induced polypeptides seen on the 2-D gels of Smith and Neidhardt.  相似文献   

This communication deals with the location of penicillin-binding proteins in the cell envelope of Escherichia coli. For this purpose, bacterial cells have been broken by various procedures and their envelopes have been fractioned. To do so, inner (cytoplasmic) and outer membranes were separated by isopycnic centrifugation in sucrose gradients. Some separation methods (Osborn et al., J. Biol. Chem. 247:3962-3972, 1972; J. Smit, Y. Kamio, and H. Nikaido, J. Bacteriol. 124:942-958, 1975) revealed that penicillin-binding proteins are not exclusively located in the inner membrane. They are also found in the outer membrane (A. Rodríguez-Tébar, J. A. Barbas, and D. Vásquez, J. Bacteriol. 161:243-248, 1985). Under the milder conditions for cell rupture used in this work, an intermembrane fraction, sedimenting between the inner and outer membrane, can be recovered from the gradients. This fraction has a high content of both penicillin-binding proteins and phospholipase B activity and may correspond to the intermembrane adhesion sites (M. H. Bayer, G. P. Costello, and M. E. Bayer, J. Bacteriol. 149:758-769, 1982). We postulate that this intermembrane fraction is a labile structure that contains a high amount of all penicillin-binding proteins which are usually found in both the inner and outer membranes when the adhesion sites are destroyed by the cell breakage and fractionation procedures.  相似文献   

Three Escherichia coli phages, TuIa, TuIb, and TuII, were isolated from local sewage. We present evidence that they use the major outer membrane proteins Ia, Ib, and II, respectively, as receptors. In all cases the proteins, under the experimental conditions used, required lipopolysaccharide to exhibit their receptor activity. For proteins Ia and II, an approximately two- to eightfold molar excess of lipopolysaccharide (based on one diglucosamine unit) was necessary to reach maximal receptor activity. Lipopolysaccharide did not appear to possess phage-binding sites. It seemed that the lipopolysaccharide requirement reflected a protein-lipopolysaccharide interaction in vivo, and lipopolysaccharide may thus cause the specific localization of these proteins. Inactivation of phage TuII by a protein II-lipopolysaccharide complex was reversible as long as the complex was in solution. Precipitation of the complex with Mg2+ led to irreversible phage inactivation with an inactivation constant (37 degrees C)K = 7 X 10-2 ml/min per microgram. With phages TuIa and TuIb and their respective protein-lipopolysaccharide complexes, only irreversible inactivation was found at 37 degrees C. The activity of the three proteins as phage receptors shows that part of them must be located at the cells surface. In addition, the association of proteins Ia and Ib with the murein layer of the cell envelope makes this pair trans-membrane proteins.  相似文献   

The proU locus of Escherichia coli encodes a high-affinity, binding-protein-dependent transport system (ProU) for the osmoprotectant glycine betaine. We cloned this locus into both low-copy-number lambda vectors and multicopy plasmids and demonstrated that these clones restore osmotically controlled synthesis of the periplasmic glycine betaine binding protein (GBBP) and the transport of glycine betaine in a delta (proU) strain. These clones allowed us to investigate the influence of osmolarity on ProU transport activity independent of the osmotically controlled expression of proU. ProU activity was strongly stimulated by a moderate increase in osmolarity and was partially inhibited by high osmolarity. This activity profile differs from the profile of the osmotically regulated proU expression. The proU locus is organized in an operon and the position of the structural gene (proV) for GBBP is defined using a minicell system. We determined that at least three proteins (in addition to GBBP) are encoded by the proU locus. We also investigated the permeation of glycine betaine across the outer membrane. At low substrate concentration (0.7 microM), permeation of glycine betaine was entirely dependent on the OmpF and OmpC porins.  相似文献   

The response regulator EvgA controls expression of multiple genes conferring antibiotic resistance in Escherichia coli (K. Nishino and A. Yamaguchi, J. Bacteriol. 184:2319-2323, 2002). To understand the whole picture of EvgA regulation, DNA macroarray analysis of the effect of EvgA overproduction was performed. EvgA activated genes related to acid resistance, osmotic adaptation, and drug resistance.  相似文献   

The fhuA gene of Escherichia coli K-12 encodes an outer membrane protein that acts as the ferrichrome-iron(III) receptor. To determine the export signals and sorting information within FhuA, gene fusions of fhuA'-'lacZ and fhuA'-'phoA were constructed. Although a FhuA'-'LacZ hybrid protein was detected in the Triton X-100-insoluble fraction of the cell envelope, direct immunoelectron microscopic observation showed that this protein remained in the cytoplasm. FhuA'-'PhoA hybrid proteins were all exported across the cytoplasmic membrane. Those hybrids containing up to 88 amino acids of FhuA (FhuA88) fused to PhoA were released along with other periplasmic proteins. Hybrids containing 180 or more amino acids of FhuA (FhuA180) fused to PhoA were associated with the outer membrane. It is proposed that some information inherent in the sequences between FhuA88 and FhuA180 confers stable association with the outer membrane.  相似文献   

We report the identification, cloning, and mapping of a new cell envelope gene, murG. This lies in a group of five genes of similar phenotype (in the order murE murF murG murC ddl) all concerned with peptidoglycan biosynthesis. This group is in a larger cluster of at least 10 genes, all of which are involved in some way with cell envelope growth.  相似文献   

The primary amine coupling reagents succinimidyl-6-biotinamido-hexanoate (NHS-A-biotin) and sulfosuccinimidyl-6-biotinamido-hexanoate (NHS-LC-biotin) were tested for their ability to selectively label Escherichia coli cell envelope proteins in vivo. Probe localization was determined by examining membrane, periplasmic, and cytosolic protein fractions. Both hydrophobic NHS-A-biotin and hydrophilic NHS-LC-biotin were shown to preferentially label outer membrane, periplasmic, and inner membrane proteins. NHS-A- and NHS-LC-biotin were also shown to label a specific inner membrane marker protein (Tet-LacZ). Both probes, however, failed to label a cytosolic marker (the omega fragment of beta-galactosidase). The labeling procedure was also used to label E. coli cells grown in low-salt Luria broth medium supplemented with 0, 10, and 20% sucrose. Outer membrane protein A (OmpA) and OmpC were labeled by both NHS-A- and NHS-LC-biotin at all three sucrose concentrations. In contrast, OmpF was labeled by NHS-A-biotin but not by NHS-LC-biotin in media containing 0 and 10% sucrose. OmpF was not labeled by either NHS-A- or NHS-LC-biotin in E. coli cells grown in medium containing 20% sucrose. Coomassie-stained gels, however, revealed similar quantities of OmpF in E. coli cells grown at all three sucrose concentrations. These data indicate that there was a change in outer membrane structure due to increased osmolarity, which limits accessibility of NHS-A-biotin to OmpF.  相似文献   

Radioactive proteins from Escherichia coli cell envelope fraction were separated by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Electrophoresis was carried out under several sets of conditions, and autoradiographs were obtained. Many of the proteins were separated at well-defined positions with good reproducibility. Some of the proteins moved relative to these stationary proteins depending at least two factors, i.e. the amount of proteins applied in the first dimension and the electric current applied in the second dimension. Among more than 200 spots, methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein and flagellin were identified by using labelled or cold preparations of these proteins as markers. Some of the spots were assigned to proteins from the outer membrane of the bacteria. The results provide a good foundation for comparative studies of membrane proteins from genetically altered strains of the bacteria.  相似文献   

Mutants ton A and ton B of Escherichia coli K12, known to be resistant to bacteriophage phi80, were found to be insensitive as well to albomycin, an analogue of the specific siderochrome ferrichrome. Ferrichrome at micromolar concentrations strongly inhibited plaque production by phi80. Preincubation with ferrichrome did not inactivate the phage. At a concentration at which ferrichrome allowed 90% inhibition of plaque formation, the chromium analogue of ferrichrome showed no detectable activity. Similarly, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, ferrichrome A, and certain siderochromes structurally distinct from ferrichrome, such as ferrioxamine B, schizokinen, citrate, and enterobactin, did not show detectable inhibitory activity. However, rhodotorulic acid showed moderate activity. A host range mutant of phi80, phi80h, was also inhibited by ferrichrome, as was a hybrid of phage lambda possessing the host range of phi80. However, phage lambdacI- and a hybrid of phi80 possessing the host range of lambda were not affected by ferrichrome. Finally, ferrichrome and chromic deferriferrichrome were shown to inhibit adsorption of phi80 to sensitive cells, ferrichrome giving 50% inhibition of adsorption at a minimal concentration of 8 nM. It is suggested that a component of the ferrichrome uptake system may reside in the outer membrane of E. coli K12 and may also function as a component of the receptor site for bacteriophage phi80, and that ferrichrome inhibition of the phage represents a competition for this common site.  相似文献   

We have followed the synthesis and secretion of a number of periplasmic and outer membrane proteins in three strains of Escherichia coli, a secA amber mutant, a secA temperature-sensitive mutant, and a strain that blocks protein secretion due to a high level of expression of an export-defective hybrid protein between maltose-binding protein and beta-galactosidase (MalE-LacZ). Our results show that after several hours under nonpermissive conditions the specificity and extent of the export blocks in the secA temperature-sensitive mutant and the strain producing the MalE-LacZ hybrid protein are identical, affecting at least four major outer membrane proteins and most but not all periplasmic proteins. The secA gene product, therefore, appears to be an essential component of the major export pathway in E. coli which is used by many envelope proteins independent of whether they are cotranslationally or post-translationally secreted. In contrast, the synthesis of only a subset of these envelope proteins is reduced in the secA amber mutant after shift to the nonpermissive condition. These results indicate that the SecA protein serves roles both in the synthesis and the secretion of certain cell envelope proteins.  相似文献   

The bacterial cytoplasmic membrane is a principal site of protein translocation, lipid and peptidoglycan biogenesis, signal transduction, transporters and energy generating components of the respiratory chain. Although 25–30% of bacterial proteomes consist of membrane proteins, a comprehensive understanding of their influence on fundamental cellular processes is incomplete. Here, we show that YciB and DcrB, two small cytoplasmic membrane proteins of previously unknown functions, play an essential synergistic role in maintaining cell envelope integrity of Escherichia coli. Lack of both YciB and DcrB results in pleiotropic cell defects including increased levels of lipopolysaccharide, membrane vesiculation, dynamic shrinking and extension of the cytoplasmic membrane accompanied by lysis and cell death. The stalling of an abundant outer membrane lipoprotein, Lpp, at the periplasmic face of the inner membrane leads to lethal inner membrane–peptidoglycan linkages. Additionally, the periplasmic chaperone Skp contributes to yciB dcrB mutant cell death by possibly mistargeting stalled porins into the inner membrane. Consistent with the idea of a compromised envelope in the yciB dcrB mutant, multiple envelope stress response systems are induced, with Cpx signal transduction being required for growth. Taken together, our results suggest a fundamental role for YciB and DcrB in cell envelope biogenesis.  相似文献   

An Escherichia coli mutant carrying delta malE12-18, a 21-base pair deletion confined to the coding DNA of the maltose-binding protein signal peptide, is unable to export maltose-binding protein to the periplasm efficiently. Consequently, such a strain is defective for the utilization of maltose as a sole carbon source. We obtained 16 mutants harboring extragenic delta malE12-18 suppressor mutations that exhibit partial restoration of export to the mutant maltose-binding protein. A genetic analysis of these extragenic suppressor mutations demonstrated that 15 map at prlA, at 72 min on the standard E. coli linkage map, and that 1 maps at a new locus, prlD, at 2.5 min on the linkage map. Our evidence indicates that the prlA and prlD gene products play an important role in the normal pathway for export of proteins to the cell envelope. Efficient execution of the secretory process requires that these prl gene products interact properly with each other so that a productive interaction of these gene products with the signal peptide also can occur. Our data suggest that proper assembly of a complex is required for efficient export of E. coli envelope proteins to their various extracytoplasmic compartments.  相似文献   

Random TnphoA and TnlacZ translational fusions were introduced into an Escherichia coli strain with a deletion of the multiple antibiotic resistance (mar) locus, complemented in trans by a temperature-sensitive plasmid bearing the mar locus with a constitutively expressed mar operon. Five gene fusions (two with lacZ and three with phoA) regulated by the mar operon were identified by increased or decreased marker enzyme activity following loss of the complementary plasmid at the restrictive temperature. Expression of LacZ from both lacZ fusions increased in the presence of the mar operon; expression from the three phoA fusions was represented by the mar operon. The lacZ fusions were mapped at 31.5 and 14 min on the Escherichia coli chromosome. One of the phoA fusions was located at 51.6 min while the two others mapped at 77 min. Cloning and sequencing of a portion of the fused genes showed all of them to be different. The phoA fusions at 77 min were located in a recently identified gene, slp, a lipoprotein of unknown function (D.M. Alexander and A. C. St. John, Mol. Microb. 11:1059-1071, 1994). The others showed no homology with any known genes of E. coli. The insertions caused small but reproducible changes in the antibiotic susceptibility profile. This approach has enabled the identification of new genes in E. coli which are regulated by the marRAB operon and involved in the Mar phenotype.  相似文献   

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