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Oviducal sperm storage in the viviparous (lecithotrophic) colubrid snake Seminatrix pygaea was studied by light and electron microscopy. Out of 17 adult snakes examined from May–October, sperm were found in the oviducts of only two specimens. In a preovulatory female sacrificed 14 May, sperm were found in the oviducal lumen and sperm storage tubules (SSTs) of the posterior infundibulum. In a nonvitellogenic female sacrificed 9 June, sperm were found in the lumen and glands of the posterior uterus and anterior vagina, indicating a recent mating. The glands in the posterior infundibulum and vagina were simple or compound tubular, whereas glands in the uterus always were simple tubular. The epithelium of the sperm storage glands was not modified from that lining the rest of the oviduct. The cuboidal or columnar epithelium consisted of alternating ciliated and secretory areas. The secretory product released into the lumen by a merocrine process contained mucoprotein. Lipid droplets also were numerous in the epithelium. Portions of sperm sometimes were embedded in the apical cytoplasm or in secretory material. A carrier matrix containing a mucoid substance, desquamated epithelium, lipids, membranous structures, and possibly phagocytes was found around sperm in the posterior uterus. J. Morphol. 241:1–18, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In mature male snakes and lizards, a distal portion of the nephron is hypertrophied in relation to its appearance in females and immature males. This sexual segment of the male kidney apparently provides seminal fluid that is mixed with sperm and released into the female cloaca during copulation. In this article, we provide the first study at the ultrastructural level of seasonal variation in the sexual segment of the kidney of a squamate, the natricine snake Seminatrix pygaea. Previous workers have indicated that the sexual segment is secretory only when the testes are spermatogenically active. The sexual segment of the kidney in S. pygaea does not go through an extended period of inactivity but does show a cycle of synthesis and secretion that can be related to the spermatogenic cycle and mating activity. We show that synthesis of secretory product is initiated with the onset of spermatogenic activity in the spring and culminates with completion of spermiation in the fall. Secretion of the product, however, occurs in a premating period in March when the testes are inactive. Secretion during this premating period is probably necessary to provide time for the passage of the products down the ureter in order to mix with sperm during mating later in spring.  相似文献   

In this study, the anterior testicular ducts of the North American natricine snake Seminatrix pygaea are described using light and electron microscopy. From the seminiferous tubules, the rete testis passes into the epididymal sheath, a structure along the medial border of the testis heavily invested with collagen fibers. The rete testis consists of simple, nonciliated cuboidal epithelium (principal cells). The intratesticular ducts of the rete testis are narrow (50–70 μm) at their junction with the seminiferous tubules, widen (80–100 μm) as they extend extratesticularly, and divide into smaller branches as they anastomose with the next tubules, the ductuli efferentes. The ductuli efferentes are lined by simple cuboidal epithelium but possess nonciliated principal cells as well as ciliated cells. These are the only ducts in the male reproductive system with ciliated cells. The ductuli efferentes are narrow (25–45 μm), divide into numerous branches, and are highly convoluted. The ductus epididymis is the largest duct in diameter (240–330 μm), and the diameter widens and the epithelium thins posteriorly. The ductus epididymis is lined by nonciliated, columnar principal cells and basal cells. No regional differences in the ductus epididymis are apparent. Ultrastructural evidence suggests that all of the nonciliated principal cells in each of the anterior testicular ducts function in both absorption and secretion. Absorption occurs via small endocytic vesicles, some of which appear coated. Secretion is by a constitutive pathway in which small vesicles and a flocculent material are released via a merocrine process or through the formation of apocrine blebs. The secretory product is a glycoprotein. Overall, the characteristics of the anterior testicular ducts of this snake are concordant with those of other amniotes, and the traditional names used for snakes are changed to conform with those used for other sauropsids and mammals. J. Morphol., 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The germ cell development strategy during spermatogenesis was investigated in the black swamp snake (Seminatrix pygaea). Testicular tissues were collected, embedded in plastic, sectioned by ultramicrotome, and stained with methylene blue and basic fuchsin. Black swamp snakes have a postnuptial pattern of development, where spermatogenesis occurs from May to July and spermiation is completed by October. Though spatial relationships are seen between germ cells within the seminiferous epithelium during specific months, accumulation of spermatogonia and spermatocytes early in spermatogenesis and the depletion of spermatocytes and accumulation of spermatids late in spermatogenesis prevent consistent cellular associations. This temporal germ cell development within an amniotic testis is consistent with that seen in other recently studied temperate reptiles (slider turtle and wall lizard). These reptiles’ temporal development is more similar to the developmental strategy found in anamniotes than the spatial germ cell development that characterizes birds and mammals. Our findings also imply that a third germ cell development strategy may exist in temperate breeding reptiles. Because of the phylogenetic position of reptiles between anamniotes and other terrestrial amniotes, this common germ cell development strategy shared by temperate reptiles representing different orders may have significant implications as far as the evolution of sperm development within vertebrates.  相似文献   

Several components of the female reproductive system of Pharyngostomoides procyonis, including the vitellaria and vitelline duct, ovary and oviduct, Laurer's canal, and Mehlis' gland and associated ducts, were observed with the electron microscope. Vitelline follicles contain cells in various stages of development. Mature vitelline cells contain membrane-delimited clusters of vitelline globules near the plasma membrane. Cilia are present in the vitelline duct. The ovary contains germ cells in various stages of maturation. Oogonia are found in the peripheral region. Mature oocytes contain numerous dense bodies near the plasmalemma. Also included in the cytoplasm of mature oocytes are "nucleolus-like bodies," myelin-like bodies, and mitochondria containing dense granules and few cristae. The epithelium of the oviduct is ciliated. Sperm are present in the oviduct and in Laurer's canal. Two types of secretory cells found in Mehlis' gland are described.  相似文献   

The physiological and behavioral factors underlying the annual reproductive cycle of the squirrel monkey were evaluated under controlled laboratory conditions. Mating activity following the formation of two social groups served to synchronize the reproductive phases during the subsequent year of observation. Changes in male and female reproductive status were assessed during four designated phases: breeding, pregnancy, lactation and fatting. Behavioral and somatic changes in gonadectomized subjects, living in the social groups, were also evaluated. The variations in behavior and physiology across the year were considered in terms of factors constraining the timing of the natural reproductive pattern.  相似文献   

Histologically derived estimates and ink suspension vascular casts were used to examine oviducal vascular changes. Vascularity peaked during gravidity and was correlated with maximal plasma progesterone concentrations. The vascular increase in the oviducal tissue was attributed exclusively to increased capillary densities. The greatest change occurred in the anterior uterus where incubation and egg shell secretion occur. Similar patterns of change in vascularity occurred in the infundibulum, although not as extreme as that seen in the anterior uterus, whereas no significant alterations were noted in the posterior uterus. These modifications mimic the pattern of vascular change occurring in viviparous lizards during simple placentation. We suggest that major changes in uterine vascularity may not be required for the evolution of simple chorioallantoic placentae in lizards.  相似文献   

We studied the structural and cellular organisation of the oviduct of Erythrolamprus miliaris including its morphological variation during the reproductive cycle using light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Four anatomically distinct regions compose the oviduct of E. miliaris including the anterior and posterior infundibulum, glandular uterus, non-glandular uterus and pouch. The cells of the oviductal epithelium secrete material by apocrine and merocrine processes, which vary between the anatomical regions and according to each phase of the reproductive cycle. The infundibular epithelium secretes electron dense vacuoles, which suggests the production of lipids, whereas the epithelial secretion of the glandular uterus, non-glandular uterus and pouch creates lucent and slightly electron dense vacuoles, indicating the production of glycoproteins. The timing of mating, vitellogenesis and sperm storage directly influences the morphofunctional alterations in the oviducts of E. miliaris. Sperm storage occurs only in the infundibular receptacles with increased production of the neutral carbohydrates in the presence of male gametes. Sperm storage happens in vitellogenic, non-vitellogenic and pregnant females of E. miliaris. Thus, females may be able to produce multiple clutches at different seasons of the year regardless of mating during autumn.  相似文献   

The flame bulb is formed by a terminal cell and a proximal canal cell. The weir consists of interdigitating ribs all of which form one circle, i.e. alternating ribs do not have distinctly 'internal' or 'external' positions. Cytoplasmic cords are absent and all ribs, i.e. those continuous with the proximal canal cell and those continuous with the terminal cell, form external leptotriches. At least some external leptotriches have interconnected branches extending along the flame bulb. Internal leptotriches are not branched and arise from the basal perikaryon of the terminal cell. In the cytoplasmic cylinder at the tip of the flame bulb, structures resembling incomplete septate junctions were seen. However, neither the cytoplasmic cylinder nor the small protonephridial capillaries contain complete septate junctions as found in all other Monogenea Polyopisthocotylea, Monogenea Monopisthocotylea, Trematoda Aspidogastrea and Trematoda Digenea examined to date. In the lack of a septate junction, Anoplodiscus resembles Udonella, Amphilinidea, Gyrocotylidea and Eucestoda. However, the presence in this species of rudimentary septate junctions in the small capillaries and of complete junctions in larger ones indicates that complete junctions have been secondarily lost. Anoplodiscus resembles the Monogenea and Trematoda in the presence of lamellae in the larger protonephridial ducts. For the first time in a monogenean, the ultrastructure of the excretory bladder is described. A nucleated convoluted duct opens through a narrow connecting duct into the bladder, which in turn opens through a narrow connecting duct into the excretory pore lined by tegument. Convoluted duct, connecting ducts and bladder are lined by a lamellated epitheliu.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

刘佳宁  秦道正 《昆虫学报》1950,63(9):1125-1135
【目的】明确斑衣蜡蝉Lycorma delicatula雌成虫生殖系统整体形态及超微结构特征,为蜡蝉总科昆虫分类及系统发育探讨提供更多形态学证据。【方法】采用光学显微镜与透射电子显微镜,观察斑衣蜡蝉雌成虫生殖系统整体形态和各主要器官的超微结构。【结果】斑衣蜡蝉雌成虫生殖系统主要包括1对卵巢、1个中输卵管、1个交配囊、1个交配囊管、1个前阴道、1个后阴道、1个受精囊、1个受精管和2根受精囊附腺。卵巢为端滋式,由14根卵巢小管组成,卵室由固有膜、滤泡细胞和卵细胞组成,卵巢小管中的滋养细胞清晰可见;中输卵管位于前阴道基部,由中输卵管腔、上皮细胞、肌肉鞘和基膜组成;交配囊膨大呈圆球状,囊壁由上皮细胞、肌肉层和基膜组成;交配囊管呈圆柱状,连接交配囊和后阴道,由肌肉鞘、上皮细胞层和管腔组成;前、后阴道超微结构相似,主要由肌肉鞘、基膜、上皮细胞和管腔组成,但后阴道上皮细胞细胞核周围存在分泌颗粒,且管腔内有大量微绒毛,而前阴道壁内包含有大量囊泡结构;受精管从中输卵管末端延伸至受精囊,由基膜、厚层肌肉鞘和管腔组成;受精囊为受精管近末端略膨大的囊状结构,由肌肉鞘、基膜、上皮细胞和囊腔构成;雌性受精囊附腺着生于受精囊末端,为均匀的螺旋管状,主要由肌肉层、上皮细胞层和附腺中心管腔组成。【结论】斑衣蜡蝉雌性生殖系统与已报道的蜡蝉总科其他类群的雌性生殖系统结构相似,但卵巢小管数目有差异;蝉亚目中不同总科雌成虫雌性附腺与受精囊附腺的形态特征存在明显区别;斑衣蜡蝉雌性生殖系统超微结构与叶蝉总科和沫蝉总科昆虫也存在部分差异。这些差异是否可以作为头喙亚目高级阶元的划分依据仍有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   

This study describes the male reproductive cycle of Sibynomorphus mikanii from southeastern Brazil considering macroscopic and microscopic variables. Spermatogenesis occurs during spring–summer (September–December) and spermiogenesis or maturation occurs in summer (December–February). The length and width of the kidney, the tubular diameter, and the epithelium height of the sexual segment of the kidney (SSK) are larger in summer–autumn (December–May). Histochemical reaction of the SSK [periodic acid‐Schiff (PAS) and bromophenol blue (BB)] shows stronger results during summer–autumn, indicating an increase in the secretory activity of the granules. Testicular regression is observed in autumn and early winter (March–June) when a peak in the width of the ductus deferens occurs. The distal ductus deferens as well as the ampulla ductus deferentis exhibit secretory activities with positive reaction for PAS and BB. These results suggest that this secretion may nourish the spermatozoa while they are being stored in the ductus deferens. The increase in the Leydig cell nuclear diameter in association with SSK hypertrophy and the presence of sperm in the female indicate that the mating season occurs in autumn when testes begin to decrease their activity. The peak activity of Leydig cells and SSK exhibits an associated pattern with the mating season. However, spermatogenesis is dissociated of the copulation characterizing a complex reproductive cycle. At the individual level, S. mikanii males present a continuous cyclical reproductive pattern in the testes and kidneys (SSK), whereas at the populational level the reproductive pattern may be classified as seasonal semisynchronous. © J. Morphol., 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary The male reproductive system of Labidocera aestiva produces a flask-shaped spermatophore connected to a chitin-like coupling apparatus. As immature spermatozoa leave the anterior region of the testis, they pass through the lumen of a long, sinuous duct composed of a ductus deferens and seminal vesicle. Ultrastructural examination of the ductus deferens reveals a highly glandular, columnar epithelium. The cells contain arrays of rough endoplasmic reticulum and abundant, well-developed Golgi complexes. This region produces and releases into the lumen, a flocculent substance and two granular secretions that constitute the seminal fluid. In its terminal part, the ductus deferens synthesizes another secretion that forms the spermatophore wall enclosing the spermatozoa and seminal fluid. Final synthesis of the spermatophore wall occurs within the thin-walled seminal vesicle, although this region functions primarily as a storage organ. Contiguous to the seminal vesicle is an elongate, highly glandular spermatophore sac. The chitin-like coupling apparatus, which functions to attach the spermatophore to the female, is formed in the anterior region of the sac by secretions from eight cell types. The posterior region of the sac stores the flask-shaped spermatophore and produces secretions that aid ejaculation of the entire spermatophore complex.Contribution No. 236, Harbor Branch Foundation, Inc.  相似文献   

Ovaries up to the 8th day pupae of Dermatobia hominis were studied by transmission electron microscopy. Ovarioles were recognized in ovaries of 4-day old pre-pupae, surrounded by a thin tunica propria of acellular fibrillar material similar in structure to the internal portion of the external tunica of the ovary. There is continuity of the tunica propria and the ovarian tunica, indicating that the former structure originates from the tunica externa. In 5 to 7-day pupae the interstitial somatic cells from the apical region of the ovary, close to the ovarioles, show delicate filamentous material inside of their rough endoplasmic reticulum cisternae; similar material is seem among these cells. Our observations suggest that interstitial somatic cells do not originate the tunica propria but contribute to its final composition.  相似文献   

A morphological study of the intracranial microvasculature of the Black bear (Ursus americanus) using vascular casts was undertaken. The object was to provide basic information regarding structural modifications of the microvasculature that might provide insight into the ability to cope with low blood flow states that occur during winter sleep. Vascular casts were prepared from 6 animals. The microvasculature of the brain disclosed characteristic features of the small vessels in mammals, including vascular sphincters of two types and numerous arterial and arteriolar anastomoses.  相似文献   

Morphological changes in the sexual organs of the pulmonates were observed throughout a year and correlated with reproductive-cycle periods. Reproductive-organ weights of the snail Megalobulimus abbreviatus were recorded seasonally and gonad sections were analyzed morphologically. The weights were used to obtain the organosomatic index. Mean oocytic diameter and oocytic maturation index were based on gonad sections. It was concluded that M. abbreviatus is an iteroparous snail whose annual reproductive cycle is characterized by mating and egg laying throughout spring and early summer, and also by reproductive system preparation, occurring over the remainder of the summer until the end of winter, for a new breeding season.  相似文献   

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