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Studies of pollen dispersion by wind show, that pollen spectra of the deposits of small lakes and bogs and also those of a near-shore zone of the sea reflect the composition of the vegetation growing in the neighborhood. In the pollen spectra of marine deposits distant from the shore an average composition of the vegetation of large territories is reflected. These pollen spectra are rather monotonous, the prevalence of the most transportable Pinus pollen is typical of them.When marine and continental deposits are correlated it is important to reveal the specificity of the change succession in the composition of pollen spectra of the sections compared, to use data on the concentration of pollen and spores in the deposits, to ascertain the location of the sections compared with respect to the former shore, genesis and composition of the deposits, and to take into account the results of the mentioned deposits studied by other methods.  相似文献   

Studies of the modern relationship between pollen, vegetation and land-use are essential to infer past human impact on vegetation from pollen records. Nevertheless, such investigations are relatively few in China. We present here a study of pollen assemblages from sediment samples collected from irrigation pools in the Tuoliang and Qipanshan catchments in northern China. Pollen and spores from natural vegetation such as Artemisia, Chenopodiaceae, Pinus and Selaginella sinensis dominate the pollen assemblages, while pollen types which could be from crops such as cereals, Brassicaceae, Fabaceae, Solanaceae, Apiaceae and Cucurbitaceae are common but not abundant. Pollen percentages of Artemisia and Chenopodiaceae become less with decreasing altitude, while Pinus and S. sinensis percentages increase, indicating that saccate Pinus pollen and S. sinensis spores are transported further than non-saccate Artemisia and Chenopodiaceae pollen, and differential sorting of pollen is occurring during transport in river water. Proportions of pollen from farmland and crops increase with decreasing altitude, showing that pollen percentages of crops might be a good indicator of the extent of farmland. A linear correlation analysis between pollen percentages and vegetation proportions shows that pollen percentages of crops are positively correlated with proportions of farmland, while correlation between pollen percentages of trees, shrubs and herbs and proportions of woodland, scrubland and grassland respectively is poor. This study indicates that the relationship between pollen percentages and vegetation proportions can be explained by the differences of pollen productivity, dispersal and deposition, and might be the basis for a modelling approach to infer past vegetation cover in northern China.  相似文献   

Pollen records of two swamp sections, located at Taibai Mountain, the highest peak in the Qinling Mountains of central China, show variations of vegetation and climate for the last 3 500 cal BP. The pollen assemblage at the Foyechi and Sanqingchi sections and the surface soil pollen allowed us to reconstruct a high-altitude vegetation history at Taibai Mountain for the first time. The data indicated that there was a cold-dry climate interval between 3 500 and 3 080 cal BP and a relatively warm and wet period compared with the present from 3 080 to 1 860 cal BP. The warmest period in the late Holocene on Taibai Mountain was from 1 430 to 730 cal BP, with an approximate 2℃ increase in mean annual temperature compared with today.There was a relatively cool-dry climate interval from 730 to 310 cal BP. After 310 cal BP, a mountain tundra vegetation developed again and the position of the modern tree line was established.  相似文献   

We examined the reliability of measurements from a single Burkard volumetric trap to represent the distribution of airborne concentrations of spores of Alternaria and pollen across two towns in rural Australia. Each town was sampled with three traps, sited 2.0 to 4.9 km apart, simultaneously. Substantial intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC) were observed between all three sites (ICC~0.52, 95% CI 0.30-0.71 to 0.76, 95% CI 0.61-0.87) when counts of pollen and Alternaria spores were relatively high. The correlation was poor when counts were low. Highly variable distributions of cypress pollen were found to be location dependent. We further compared two central lengthwise microscopic traverses of Burkard trap samples collected daily over one year. Correlation was strong for Alternaria spores (ICC~0.95, 95% CI 0.94-0.96), grass pollen (ICC~0.94, 95% CI 0.91-0.96) and total non-grass pollen (ICC~0.91, 95% CI 0.89-0.93). We conclude that a single central traverse of a Burkard trap sample collected at one location provides an acceptable measure of the concentrations of spores of Alternaria and grass pollen across the two rural towns when counts are relatively high. The measure is less reliable when counts are low.  相似文献   

Summary Abundance and distribution of vascular plants and vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi across a soil moisture-nutrient gradient were studied at a single site. Vegetation on the site varied from a dry mesic paririe dominated by little bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium) to emergent aquatic vegetation dominated by cattail (Typha latifolia) and water smartweed (Polygonum hydropiperoides). Plant cover, VAM spore abundance, plant species richness, and number of VAM fungi represented as spores, had significant positive correlations with each other and with percent organic matter. The plant and VAM spore variables had significant negative correlations with soil pH and available Ca, Mg, P and gravimetric soil moisture. Using stepwise multiple regression, Ca was found to be the best predictor of spore abundance. Test for association between plant species and VAM fungal spores indicated that the spores of Glomus caledonium are associated with plants from dry, nutrient poor sites and spores of gigaspora gigantea are positively associated with plants occurring on the wet, relatively nutrient rich sites. Glomus fasciculatum was the most abundant and widely distributed VAM fungus and it had more positive associations with endophyte hosts than the other VAM fungi. We found no relationship between beta niche breadth of plant species and the presence or absence of mycorrhizal infection. However, our data suggest that some plant species may vary with respect to their infection status depending upon soil moisture conditions that may fluctuate seasonally or annually to favor or hinder VAM associations.  相似文献   

A small assemblage of macro- and micro floral remains comprising fossil leaf impressions, silicified wood, spores, and pollen grains is reported from the Paleocene–lower Eocene Vagadkhol Formation (=Olpad Formation) exposed around Vagadkhol village in the Bharuch District of Gujarat, western India. The fossil leaves are represented by five genera and six species, namely, Polyalthia palaeosimiarum (Annonaceae), Acronychia siwalica (Rutaceae), Terminalia palaeocatapa and T. panandhroensis (Combretaceae), Lagerstroemia patelii (Lythraceae), and a new species, Gardenia vagadkholia (Rubiaceae). The lone fossil wood has been attributed to a new species, Schleicheroxylon bharuchense (Sapindaceae). The palynological assemblage, consisting of pollen grains and spores, comprises eleven taxa with more or less equal representation of pteridophytes, gymnosperms, and angiosperms. Angiospermous pollen grains include a new species Palmidites magnus. Spores are mostly pteridophytic but some fungal spores were also recovered. All the fossil species have been identified in the extant genera. The present day distribution of modern taxa comparable to the fossil assemblage recorded from the Vagadkhol area mostly indicate terrestrial lowland environment. Low frequency of pollen of two highland temperate taxa (Pinaceae) in the assemblage suggests that they may have been transported from a distant source. The wood and leaf taxa in the fossil assemblage are suggestive of tropical moist or wet forest with some deciduousness during the Paleocene–early Eocene. The presence of many fungal taxa further suggests the prevalence of enough humidity at the time of sedimentation.  相似文献   

Eighty-eight species of spores and pollen referred to 66 genera including one new species from the Fuxian Formation in Yulin-Hengshan region of Shaanxi province have been studied. The sporo-pollen assemblage may be dividied into two subassemblages. The main characters are described as follows: There are 30.7% of spores of pteridophyta. The pollen grains of gymnospermae arno:rots for 69.3%. Among the spores, those of the genus of Deltoidospora (9.2%), Cyathidites (5.6%) and Undulatisporites (4.6%) are dominant, Among the pollen grains, those of the genus Classopoilis of Chiolepidiaceae is predominant (41.8%) and Chasmatosporites(6.1%) are comparatively abundant. Besides these, there are some other Jurassic common species found in the assemblage. Comparing with the known assemblages of other places, the author considers that the Fuxian Formation belongs to Early Jurassic Lias Series. The lower part of the formation might correspond the Hettangian stage or the Simemurian Stage It: the early Jurassic, the climate should be comparatively humid with flourishing vegetation in the early stage, and hot and arid in the middle-late stage.  相似文献   

Abstract. In two fen areas of northeastern Germany, different techniques of re-introduction to establish reed-bed species in formerly intensively used, species-poor, grasslands, after rewetting, were studied under three hydrological regimes (permanent inundation, temporary inundation, border irrigation) with the aims (1) to establish peat-forming vegetation and (2) to enhance species richness. Establishment was successful for nearly all species investigated under all hydrological variants. There were differences between individuals sown and those which had been planted. Wet, but not inundated soil linked with vegetation gaps create ‘safe sites’ which enable successful germination and seedling establishment. The survival rate for both planted and sown individuals was generally high, with the exception of Cladium mariscus, Eupatorium cannabinum and Phragmites australis Recommendations for restoration management include the establishment of the following successful species: Carex acutiformis, C elata and C paniculata to establish peat-forming vegetation; Iris pseudacorus, Lysimachia vulgaris, Lythrum salicaria to enhance species richness.  相似文献   

In ice-wedge polygon mires, small-scaled microrelief of ridges enclosing small depressions results in a short-distance vegetation mosaic. The correct recognition of these landscape elements in palaeoecological studies of peat sections in order to reconstruct their patterns and dynamics requires insight in the short-distance relationship between vegetation and pollen deposition. This paper presents an analysis of pollen surface samples in a high-resolution (1 m) transect across an ice-wedge polygon near Kytalyk (NE Siberia), including a discussion on the morphology of some critical pollen types and non-pollen palynomorphs (NPPs). We found a strong correlation between vegetation and surface elevation and a fair correspondence between pollen deposition and vegetation. Distribution of NPPs reflects surface elevation well, with algal spores dominating deep spots and testate amoebae prevailing on higher spots. Peak pollen/spore values unrelated to high species coverages (e.g. of Salix, Betula, Sphagnum, Poaceae) indicate that single plants within a population may cause the bulk of the pollen production. The absence of pollen of taxa with an important presence in the vegetation (e.g. Utricularia) must be attributable to low pollen productivity. Distributional patterns point at pollen transport by water in the polygon troughs/depressions. Our study shows that Arctic pollen records mainly reflect short-distance vegetation patterns. Palaeosequences consequently allow accurate reconstruction of local microtopography and its dynamics, but should not be over-interpreted in terms of changing (over)regional vegetation patterns and associated drivers.  相似文献   

Sediments deposited in fen carr environments are frequently used in pollen-based reconstructions of vegetation history, although few studies of modern pollen–vegetation relationships in fen carr have been undertaken to aid the interpretation of fossil assemblages. It is often assumed that the wetland pollen signal will reflect the overall composition of the fen carr system although, given the closed canopy context, it may actually be dominated by local vegetation elements. This paper seeks to determine whether the vegetation heterogeneity within a modern fen carr is reflected in the pollen signal of the wetland taxa. Vegetation composition was recorded around a series of moss polster sample points at Calthorpe and Wheatfen, two areas of fen carr in the Norfolk Broadland, UK. The spatial interrelationship between the wetland components of the vegetation and their palynological equivalents in the moss polster pollen assemblages is explored through trend surfaces and a correlation based statistical test (the Mantel Test). The representation of the major vegetation components in the pollen record is highly variable. Values for Alnus glutinosa, a dominant canopy species, range from 5.3% to 73% of total land pollen (TLP) at Calthorpe and 2.5–61% TLP at Wheatfen. In part, this variation reflects the enhanced input of pollen from dry land sources close to the wetland edge although the variation recorded at points equidistant from the dry land margin suggests that other processes are also influential. The strongest positive associations in the Mantel Test are for under-storey and ground flora elements that are poorly represented in the pollen record. Taxa for which there is no association include those with few vegetation occurrences and those for which a large proportion of the pollen appears to have been derived from outside the study areas. We conclude that modern pollen samples collected from fen carr broadly reflect the vegetation composition of the study areas. However, the input of pollen from fen carr species is spatially inconsistent. Differences between the sample points can be attributed to the distribution and pollination biology of the under-storey and ground flora elements and the structure of the vegetation around sites. The results caution against assuming that changes in the pollen representation of wetland taxa, in fossil sequences constructed from fen carr deposits, necessarily reflect changes in the overall composition of the community.  相似文献   

This study explores the past, present and future ecological changes in the highest Mediterranean temporary pond (Omalos pond) in western Crete, Greece. Data from downcore pollen analysis (including pollen and spores from both aquatic vegetation, and terrestrial herbaceous, arboreal and shrub vegetation), modern vegetation monitoring and existing climate scenarios have been combined to provide a picture of the ecological changes in the pond over the last 13,600 years. Downcore pollen analysis throughout the last 13,600 years indicated the presence of species typical of Mediterranean Temporary Pond (MTP) habitats and suggested relatively drier conditions towards the present. The low number of non-native, cultivated species (such as herbaceous Trifolium and Plantago species) observed over this period suggested relatively low impact from crop agriculture, despite the increasing grazing pressure in the area. In the absence of independent proxies, we cannot reliably distinguish between natural and human-induced changes. The presence of aquatic Isoetes in the palaeo-record indicates the existence of an ephemeral pond in the area as early as the beginning of the Holocene suggesting resilience of the ecosystem over time. However, the degraded state of pollen in depths over 55 cm (i.e. 3600 year BP) increases the uncertainty of the interpretation. Currently, the pond holds 76 plant species belonging to 25 families. Therophytes and chamaephytes were the most frequent, suggesting a typical ephemeral habitat life form spectrum. Species richness was found to increase during spring surveys whereas the highest turnover was observed between summer surveys of consecutive years. Cluster analysis demonstrated a distinct zonation in four vegetation belts from the periphery to the centre of the pond which is typical of these environments. Modelling, based on two IPPC scenarios (A2 and B2), predicted relatively low climate change impacts on the pond’s hydroperiod for the next 100 years (i.e. a decrease of 16 and 24 days, respectively). This reduction in the hydroperiod of the pond will have an effect on the physiognomy and spatial extent of vegetation, particularly for the transitional belts between the core and its outer area, while it will exert more pressure on the pond as a water resource for sheep in the region. However, cumulative effects and complex interactions of climate-driven environmental changes and other anthropogenic disturbances might act synergistically to accelerate impacts in the future.  相似文献   

The results of palynological analyses from the Mérida Andes, Venezuela, from seven stratigraphic sections covering the last 13,000 years are discussed. An interpretation of the climate and vegetation for this time interval shows that the composition of the high montane vegetation and its altitudinal position was not constant during the Late Quaternary, the climate changed at the end of the Pleistocene and there were small oscillations during the Holocene.

The representation and abundance of arboreal pollen and spores in the old sediments as compared with modern deposition indicates the presence of: I. families and genera with high pollen or spore production and dispersion (Podocarpus, Alnus, Hedyosmum, and Cyatheaceae); 2. families with low pollen dispersion power, among them the Moraceae and Myrtaceae; 3. one genus among the Compositae (Coespeletia) which is probably anemophilous; 4. one species of montane Gramineae (Pariana stenolemma) which is probably not anemophilous, presenting the first case of insect-pollinated grasses in the tropics of South America.  相似文献   

Sheila Hicks 《Aerobiologia》1992,8(2):220-230
Summary Aerobiology involves the study of particles present in the air. Of these, palaeoecologists are most interested in pollen and spores, specially those which come to rest on the surface of the ground. Pollen sampling in palaeoecological studies, therefore, uses a pollen trap which is placed at ground level and the sampling period is a whole season or year.Using examples from northern Finland, for each vegetation type sampled, a pollen analogue is obtained which comprises percentage presence and deposition values cm–2 year–1 for the pollen types recorded. This analogue is used to interpret pollen assemblages from the past. In general, the tree pollen provides information of the regional situation and the herbaceous pollen of specific local conditions. Both natural and man-made environments are considered. The absolute deposition values are often crucial in distinguishing between two plant communities with otherwise similar percentage pollen values. They can also be used to follow the location of the boundaries between different vegetation types through time. Seasonal records of pollen deposition are sometimes useful in distinguishing the different source of the pollen reaching a specific site. In certain instances, annual pollen deposition values can be employed to estimate the rate of accumulation of a peat deposit. In addition, long series of annual pollen deposition values can be compared with meteorological data for the same period to test for trends and correlations. This, potentially, allows both a more detailed interpretation of past climatic changes and provides a basis for models predicting futures ones.  相似文献   

In order to provide new insights into phylogenetic relationships among the neotropical taxa of Phyllanthus , 28 illustrations are provided of the pollen grains of 22 selected species studied from 11 sections of the subgenera represented in the neotropics. Special attention has been given to subgenus Conami because of its variability in pollen morphology: of eight species illustrated, the apertures are diploporate colpi in three species and pores in five species; exine ornamentation is vermiculate in two species and pilate in the other six species. The six species in the neotropical sections Pityrocladus and Microglochidion (subgenus Emblica ) are characterized by prolate grains with an increased number of colpi (4–8). Of particular interest are species in which the pollen exine is clypeate (with exine shields); clypeate pollen grains are illustrated in two species of subgenus Xylophylla and in one species of section Cyclanthera that has unique exine shields with single central pila. The pollen of the one Brazilian phylloclade-bearing species illustrated (in section Choretropsis ) has 3-colporate grains with reticulate exine, typical for subgenus Phyllanthus , and very different from the clypeate grains of the West Indian phylloclade-bearing species in section Xylophylla . This pollen evidence clearly demonstrates homoplasy in the origin of phylloclades in Phyllanthus . Pollen morphological data suggest that the neotropical taxa of Phyllanthus have arisen following colonization from Africa (subgenus Kirganelia ) and Asia (subgenus Emblica ). © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 138 , 325–338.  相似文献   

Keys for identification of pollen and spores of extant plants in Grevena´Province, northwestern Greece are presented at the lowest commonly achievable taxonomic rank, based on light microscope observation. As the Province includes a range of vegetation from lowland evergreen oak woods, through semi-deciduous and deciduous oak and mixed deciduous forests at middle elevations, to higher altitude beech and pine woods and alpine meadows, the keys cover most common pollen and spores encountered in Quaternary deposits in upland areas of southeastern Europe. Special attention has been paid to closely identifying pollen and spores of particular interest to the archaeologist. Based on compilations of existing data and new observations, separate special keys are included for Caryophyllaceae, Cyperaceae, Gramineae, Malvaceae, Plantaginaceae, and Rosaceae. A full list of species included in each pollen type is provided.  相似文献   

The dry cold climate in the highland of the eastern Kunlun Mountains in Qinghai Province, north‐western part of China supports the establishment of alpine grassland, consisting of Poaceae and Cyperaceae species and dwarf shrub communities dominated by Potentilla and Krascheninnikovia shrubs. The phytosociological vegetation studies carried out around Lake Heihai (36°00′N/93°26′E, 4446 m a.s.l.) reveals a complex pattern of high mountainous vegetation, including three major vegetation communities. A Polygonum sibiricum community occupies wet and slightly saline sites close to the Heihai lake shoreline and Kobresia robusta and Poa pachyantha communities are characteristic for the drier slopes. These communities differ in ecological conditions, exposure and several characteristic species that form local subunits. Main ecological factors influencing plant growth are moisture coming from glacial melt water and the composition and texture of the surface sediments. The atmospheric circulation (i.e. monsoonal wind system) and the different amount of insolation of the southern and northern slopes are of minor importance for the establishment of the different communities. The reflection of the vegetation composition in the modern pollen rain is generally poor, since the pollen spectrum is highly influenced by the local appearance of taxa. Though the vegetation unit of a alpine steppe can be detected. (© 2013 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Reliable information on past and present vegetation is important to project future changes, especially for rapidly transitioning areas such as the boreal treeline. To study past vegetation, pollen analysis is common, while current vegetation is usually assessed by field surveys. Application of detailed sedimentary DNA (sedDNA) records has the potential to enhance our understanding of vegetation changes, but studies systematically investigating the power of this proxy are rare to date. This study compares sedDNA metabarcoding and pollen records from surface sediments of 31 lakes along a north–south gradient of increasing forest cover in northern Siberia (Taymyr peninsula) with data from field surveys in the surroundings of the lakes. sedDNA metabarcoding recorded 114 plant taxa, about half of them to species level, while pollen analyses identified 43 taxa, both exceeding the 31 taxa found by vegetation field surveys. Increasing Larix percentages from north to south were consistently recorded by all three methods and principal component analyses based on percentage data of vegetation surveys and DNA sequences separated tundra from forested sites. Comparisons of the ordinations using procrustes and protest analyses show a significant fit among all compared pairs of records. Despite similarities of sedDNA and pollen records, certain idiosyncrasies, such as high percentages of Alnus and Betula in all pollen and high percentages of Salix in all sedDNA spectra, are observable. Our results from the tundra to single‐tree tundra transition zone show that sedDNA analyses perform better than pollen in recording site‐specific richness (i.e., presence/absence of taxa in the vicinity of the lake) and perform as well as pollen in tracing vegetation composition.  相似文献   

H. Triltsch 《BioControl》1997,42(1-2):125-131
During two years adultCoccinella septempunctata L. were sampled at two localities in cereals and at another location throughout the whole year in different habitats. Frequency of different food types was recorded using gut dissection. Food remains were classified into aphids, other arthropods, fungal spores, pollen, soil particles. Soil particles were relatively frequent only in early spring and pollen in late summer, whereas fungal spores were most frequent in both these periods. During ladybird reproduction in winter wheat, aphid remains were present in 76.9–91.7% of all individuals and surprisingly spores were again more frequent than remains of other arthropods. Cannibalism was rare. Food ofC. septempunctata was very uniform, because nearly always the same spores (Alternaria sp.) and other arthropods (Thysanoptera) were found. Additionally a semiquantitative analysis was performed with a simple scale of gut fullness. Only in certain cases significant positive correlation were determined between aphid density in the field and the calculated “feeding state” as well as frequency of aphid remains.  相似文献   

Want a glimpse at past vegetation? Studying pollen and other plant remains, which are preserved for example in lake sediments or mires for thousands of years, allows us to document regional occurrences of plant species over radiocarbon‐dated time series. Such vegetation reconstructions derived from optical analyses of fossil samples are inherently incomplete because they only comprise taxa that contribute sufficient amounts of pollen, spores, macrofossil or other evidences. To complement optical analyses for paleoecological inference, molecular markers applied to ancient DNA (aDNA) may help in disclosing information hitherto inaccessible to biologists. Parducci et al. (2013) targeted aDNA from sediment cores of two lakes in the Scandes Mountains with generic primers in a meta‐barcoding approach. When compared to palynological records from the same cores, respective taxon lists show remarkable differences in their compositions, but also in quantitative representation and in taxonomic resolution similar to a previous study (Jørgensen et al. 2012). While not free of assumptions that need critical and robust testing, notably the question of possible contamination, this study provides thrilling prospects to improve our knowledge about past vegetation composition, but also other organismic groups, stored as a biological treasure in the ground.  相似文献   

The use of historical analogues for interpreting fossil pollen records   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Modern vegetational analogues of palaeo-landscapes, which could be useful for interpreting fossil pollen assemblages, are often not available, because increased human impact all over the world has altered the vegetation, and the way in which vegetation is recorded by pollen assemblages, including changes in species composition, pollen production, dispersal and sedimentation. Historical maps, survey records and other sources may, however, provide vegetation data for periods prior to this increased human impact, and these may be compared with pollen assemblages from the same period to provide historical analogue data sets. In this paper we review the use of historical analogues in pollen analysis to describe past vegetation patterns in relation to soil properties, climate and fire regimes, and to reconstruct past land use changes, forest composition and species range limits. The methods used include qualitative interpretations, analogue matching, ordination techniques and regression. Because the historical data sources were originally created for other purposes, they may lack the precision or detail needed for quantitative analysis.   相似文献   

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