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A-type lamins gene (LMNA) mutations cause an autosomal dominant inherited form of Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy (EDMD). EDMD is characterized by slowly progressive muscle weakness and wasting and dilated cardiomyopathy, often leading to heart failure-related disability. EDMD is highly penetrant with poor prognosis and there is currently no specific therapy available. Clinical variability ranges from early onset with severe presentation in childhood to late onset with slow progression in adulthood. Genetic background is a well-known factor that significantly affects phenotype in several mouse models of human diseases. This phenotypic variability is attributed, at least in part, to genetic modifiers that regulate the disease process. To characterize the phenotype of A-type lamins mutation on different genetic background, we created and phenotyped C57BL/6JRj-LmnaH222P/H222P mice (C57Lmna p.H222P) and compared them with the 129S2/SvPasCrl-LmnaH222P/H222P mice (129Lmna p.H222P). These mouse strains were compared with their respective control strains at multiple time points between 3 and 10 months of age. Both contractile and electrical cardiac muscle functions, as well as survival were characterized. We found that 129Lmna p.H222P mice showed significantly reduced body weight and reduced cardiac function earlier than in the C57Lmna p.H222P mice. We also revealed that only 129Lmna p.H222P mice developed heart arrhythmias. The 129Lmna p.H222P model with an earlier onset and more pronounced cardiac phenotype may be more useful for evaluating therapies that target cardiac muscle function, and heart arrhythmias.  相似文献   

孟晓伟  汪洁  马晴雯 《遗传》2018,40(3):207-217
唐氏综合征(Down syndrome, DS)是最常见的常染色体异常疾病,由人类21号染色体(human chromosome 21, Hsa21)的重复引起。由于Hsa21的直系同源基因分散于小鼠16、17和10号染色体上,所以用小鼠模拟人类唐氏综合征并不容易。早期的Ts65Dn小鼠虽然具有DS表型特征,但其重复片段由电离辐射产生,未包含所有Hsa21直系同源基因。2004年,Cre/LoxP重组酶系统介导的染色体编辑技术在Ts1Rhr小鼠中的成功应用,解决了特定片段重复化的难题,使DS小鼠模型在基因重复和表型模拟方面实现了精准化。本文从同源基因重复和DS表型模拟两方面简要介绍了不同时期DS小鼠模型的优势和局限,为科研人员在DS研究中对不同小鼠模型的选用提供了参考。  相似文献   

Gap junctions are assemblies of intercellular channels that regulate a variety of physiologic and developmental processes through the exchange of small ions and signaling molecules. These channels consist of connexin family proteins that allow for diversity of channel composition and conductance properties. The human connexin 43 gene, or GJA1, is located at human chromosome 6q22-q23 within the candidate region for the oculodentodigital dysplasia locus. This autosomal dominant syndrome presents with craniofacial (ocular, nasal, and dental) and limb dysmorphisms, spastic paraplegia, and neurodegeneration. Syndactyly type III and conductive deafness can occur in some cases, and cardiac abnormalities are observed in rare instances. We found mutations in the GJA1 gene in all 17 families with oculodentodigital dysplasia that we screened. Sixteen different missense mutations and one codon duplication were detected. These mutations may cause misassembly of channels or alter channel conduction properties. Expression patterns and phenotypic features of gja1 animal mutants, reported elsewhere, are compatible with the pleiotropic clinical presentation of oculodentodigital dysplasia.  相似文献   

How a central apoptosis mechanism could be modulated during a specific developmental or homeostatic process to comply with the specific needs of a particular tissue is poorly understood. Bcl-2 is a key anti-apoptosis regulator and its deletion resulted in multiple defects in mice, indicating its broad involvement in development and homeostasis of various tissues. We found that the severity and extensiveness of the defects could be greatly influenced by the genetic background of the mice. Hence, Bcl-2-deficient mice predominantly on C57BL/6 background had the most severe presentation with increased embryonic lethality, whereas Bcl-2-deficient mice predominantly on 129/SvJ background had a significantly minor phenotype. In particular, the 129/SvJ background could almost completely rescue the polycystic kidney disease phenotype of the Bcl-2 deficiency, resulting in normal renal functions. These observations would be consistent with the assumption that the C57BL/6 background is more pro-death while the 129/SvJ background is more pro-survival. Concurrent deletion of Bid, a BH3-only molecule, in either genetic background, could significantly increase the birth rate of the Bcl-2 deficient progenies and lessen lymphocytopenia, although the double knockout mice still developed the polycystic kidney diseases. Overall, our work indicates that the phenotype of Bcl-2 deficiency can be affected by multiple genetic elements, resulting in tissue-specific modulations of the cell death program during development and cellular homeostasis.  相似文献   

The conditionally-lethal pso4-1 mutant allele of the spliceosomal-associated PRP19 gene allowed us to study this gene’s influence on pre-mRNA processing, DNA repair and sporulation. Phenotypes related to intron-containing genes were correlated to temperature. Splicing reporter systems and RT–PCR showed splicing efficiency in pso4-1 to be inversely correlated to growth temperature. A single amino acid substitution, replacing leucine with serine, was identified within the N-terminal region of the pso4-1 allele and was shown to affect the interacting properties of Pso4-1p. Amongst 24 interacting clones isolated in a two-hybrid screening, seven could be identified as parts of the RAD2, RLF2 and DBR1 genes. RAD2 encodes an endonuclease indispensable for nucleotide excision repair (NER), RLF2 encodes the major subunit of the chromatin assembly factor I, whose deletion results in sensitivity to UVC radiation, while DBR1 encodes the lariat RNA splicing debranching enzyme, which degrades intron lariat structures during splicing. Characterization of mutagen-sensitive phenotypes of rad2Δ, rlf2Δ and pso4-1 single and double mutant strains showed enhanced sensitivity for the rad2Δ pso4-1 and rlf2Δ pso4-1 double mutants, suggesting a functional interference of these proteins in DNA repair processes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.  相似文献   

The translocation frequency response in the chromosomes of peripheral blood lymphocytes is widely used for radiation biomonitoring and dose estimation. However, this assay is based upon several assumptions that have not been rigorously tested. It is typically assumed that the translocation frequency in blood lymphocytes reflects the level of genomic damage in other hemopoietic tissues and is independent of the chromosome probe and genetic background. We conducted studies to evaluate these assumptions using mice with different genetic backgrounds. Six different whole-chromosome fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) probes were used to detect translocations in peripheral blood lymphocytes at multiple times after whole-body irradiation. Translocation frequencies were chromosome-independent at 6 and 16 weeks after exposure but were chromosome-dependent at 1. 5 years after exposure. Similar translocation frequencies were observed in blood, bone marrow and spleen at 1.5 years, supporting previous suggestions that genetically aberrant peripheral blood lymphocytes may derive from precursor populations in hemopoietic tissues. Translocations measured 66 h after irradiation differed among some strains. We conclude that the translocation frequency response is a complex phenotype that is influenced not only by exposure dose but also by genetic background, the choice of chromosome analyzed, and time after exposure. These results raise important considerations for the use of the FISH-based translocation frequency response for radiation dosimetry and biomonitoring.  相似文献   

The groups of codons which correspond to the same amino-acid in the genetic code (synonyms) are compared to theoretical codes constructed so as to resist best to the effects of mutations. The analysis shows that the genetic code presents synonymy structures which are optimized against translation errors.  相似文献   

'Nude', a new hairless gene with pleiotropic effects in the mouse   总被引:45,自引:0,他引:45  

Rye is one of the most important crops in Eastern and Northern Europe. Despite the numerous beneficial features of rye, its annual production decreases successively which correlates with the lack of progress in its breeding compared with other cereals. Biotechnological methods could effectively improve the breeding of rye. However, their application is highly limited by the absence of an efficient procedure for plant regeneration in vitro, since rye is one of the most recalcitrant cereals with regard to the tissue culture response (TCR), and successful regeneration is highly dependent on genotype. Efforts to understand the genetic mechanisms controlling TCR of rye have elucidated some basic aspects, and several genes and genome regions controlling this trait have been identified. The aim of this review is to summarize the limited current knowledge of this topic.  相似文献   

Two cell division mutants (Ftn2 and Ftn6) of the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942 were studied using scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy methods. This included negative staining and ultrathin section analysis. Different morphological and ultrastructural features of mutant cells were identified. Ftn2 and Ftn6 mutants exhibited particularly elongated cells characterized by significantly changed shape in comparison with the wild type. There was irregular bending, curving, spiralization, and bulges as well as cell branching. Elongated mutant cells were able to initiate cytokinesis simultaneously in several division sites which were localized irregularly along the cell. Damaged rigidity of the cell wall was typical of many cells for both mutants. Thylakoids of mutants showed modified arrangement and ultrastructural organization. Carboxysome-like structures without a shell and/or without accurate polyhedral packing protein particles were often detected in the mutants. However, in the case of Ftn2 and Ftn6, the average number of carboxysomes per section was less than in the wild type by a factor of 4 and 2, respectively. These multiple morphological and ultrastructural changes in mutant cells evinced pleiotropic responses which were induced by mutations in cell division genes ftn2 and ftn6. Ultrastructural abnormalities of Ftn2 and Ftn6 mutants were consistent with differences in their proteomes. These results could support the significance of FTN2 and FTN6 proteins for both cyanobacterial cell division and cellular physiology.  相似文献   

The cyclin-dependent phosphoprotein kinase Pho85p is involved in the regulation of metabolism and cell cycle in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. It is known that mutations in the PHO85 gene lead to constitutive synthesis of Pho5p acidic phosphatase, a delay in cell growth on media containing nonfermentable carbon sources, sensitivity to high temperature, and other phenotypic effects. A lack of growth at 37 degrees C and on a medium with alcohol as the carbon source was shown to be associated with the rapid accumulation of nuclear ts and mitochondrial [rho-] mutations occurring in the background of gene PHO85 inactivation. Thus, Pho85p seems to play an important role in the maintenance of yeast genome stability.  相似文献   

To examine whether polymorphic mtDNA mutations that do not induce significant respiration defects regulate phenotypes of tumor cells, we used mouse transmitochondrial tumor cells (cybrids) with nuclear DNA from C57BL/6 (B6) strain and mtDNA from allogenic C3H strain. The results showed that polymorphic mutations of C3H mtDNA in the cybrids induced hypoxia sensitivity, resulting in a delay of tumor formation on their subcutaneous inoculation into B6 mice. Therefore, the effects of polymorphic mutations in normal mtDNA have to be carefully considered, particularly when we apply the gene therapy to the embryos to replace their pathogenic mtDNA by normal mtDNA.  相似文献   

Coyne and Elwyn report that, using Drosophila stocks provided by us, they were unable to replicate our experiments measuring the effects of desaturase-2 on stress tolerance. In this note, we provide evidence that these authors did not properly control for the differences in genetic background between the lines. Their experiments are thus not meaningful replications of our previous ones. We discuss ways of circumventing this problem in studies involving induced mutations in single genes.  相似文献   

Four of 23 H-2 alloantisera screened for anti-TL activity contained such activity. One of these alloantisera, D-35, defined a new TL specificity, TL.5, and a new Tla allele, Tlad. TL.5 has all the characteristics of a TL antigen and has a different strain distribution than previously known ones. This new complexity at the Tla locus and the previous finding of other serologically defined genes in the Tla region indicate that this genetic region cannot be ignored in analyzing antisera produced in strains made congenic for the major histocompatibility complex.  相似文献   

Erythropoietin (EPO) is a multi-functional cytokine, which exerts erythropoietic effects but also carries anti-apoptotic and immune-modulatory activities upon binding to two distinct receptors which are expressed on erythroid, parenchymal and immune cells, respectively. Whereas EPO ameliorates hemolytic anemia in malaria or trypanosomiasis and improves the course of autoimmune diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease or autoimmune encephalomyelitis, it deleteriously inhibits macrophage functions in Salmonella infection in animal models. Thus, the specific modulation of extra-erythropoietic EPO activity forms an attractive therapeutic target in infection and inflammation.  相似文献   

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