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Bearded sakis are seed predators, but are also known to consume arthropods. This is the first detailed report of arthropod predation in southern bearded sakis (Chiropotes satanas). Two groups were monitored-one in continuous forest, and one on a small island-between January 2003 and February 2004. The arthropod prey included spiders and six insect orders. Island group members spent more time foraging for arthropods (3.8% vs. 2.6% of activity time) but ingested less prey (3.7% vs. 4.6% of feeding time). Arthropods accounted for a small proportion of feeding records in most months, but there were occasional sharp peaks due to the exploitation of temporary agglomerations of insects. In November, arthropods accounted for 26.6% and 14.2% of the feeding records of the mainland and island groups, respectively. The results suggest that bearded sakis actively seek arthropods as a dietary supplement, but that they represent a minor resource during most of the year, even under conditions of intense habitat fragmentation (island group).  相似文献   

We compared the prey capture strategies of red titi monkeys, Callicebus cupreus, with those of sympatric mustached, Saguinus mystax, and saddleback tamarins, Saguinus fuscicollis, to examine whether animal prey is important in niche differentiation between these Neotropical primates. We collected data on strata and substrate use during foraging, on prey searching and capturing, and on prey type of two C. cupreus groups and one group each of S. mystax and S. fuscicollis during a 5-month field study in northeastern Peruvian Amazonia. Our results showed that C. cupreus differed both from S. mystax and S. fuscicollis in prey capture strategies: (1) C. cupreus used lower forest strata for prey search and capture than S. mystax and higher forest strata than S. fuscicollis. (2) C. cupreus captured prey on a higher variety of substrates than S. mystax and more often on open microhabitats compared to S. fuscicollis. (3) C. cupreus captured prey more often directly than S. mystax and rarely by manual search, in contrast to S. fuscicollis. (4) C. cupreus fed exclusively on arthropods and focused on Hymenoptera, in contrast to both tamarin species that focused on Orthoptera and included vertebrates in their diet. These findings indicate that animal prey plays a role in niche differentiation between C. cupreus and S. fuscicollis/S. mystax and might facilitate the coexistence of these three sympatric species.  相似文献   

Sleeping sites are an important aspect of an animal's ecology given the length of time that they spend in them. The sleep ecology of wild saddleback and mustached tamarins is examined using a long-term data set covering three mixed-species troops and 1,300+ tamarin nights. Seasonal changes in photoperiod accounted for a significant amount of variation in sleeping site entry and exit times. Time of exit was more closely correlated with sunrise than time of entry was with sunset. Both species entered their sleeping sites when light levels were significantly higher than when they left them in the morning. Troops of both species used >80 individual sites, the majority being used once. Mustached tamarins never used the same site for more than two consecutive nights, but saddlebacks reused the same site for up to four consecutive nights. Mustached tamarins slept at significantly greater heights than saddleback tamarins. There were consistent interspecific differences in the types of sites used. Neither the presence of infants, season, nor rainfall affected the types or heights of sites chosen. Sleeping sites were located in the central area of exclusive use more often than expected, and their position with respect to fruiting trees indicated a strategy closer to that of a multiple central place forager than a central place forager. These findings are discussed in light of species ecology, with particular reference to predation risk, which is indicated as the major factor influencing the pattern of sleeping site use in these species.  相似文献   

Past positive experiences can increase herbivores’ motivation to eat low-quality foods. However, this is not always translated into a higher preference for low-quality foods in choice tests among foods of higher nutritional quality. Foraging behavior is also affected by properties of the feeding context because the quality and abundance of foods in nature change in time and space. We hypothesized that in a choice situation, the expression of a past positive experience with a low-quality food is modulated by the costs associated with selecting a high-quality food option. A total of 24 sheep were randomly assigned into two groups (n=12). During conditioning phase, one group (CS+; i.e., conditioned group) was fed with oat hay (a low-quality food) for 20 min and immediately after a ration of soybean meal (a nutritious food), whereas the other group was also fed with oat hay but the offer of soybean meal was delayed 5 h (CS−; i.e., control group). After conditioning, we assessed sheep motivation to eat the oat hay in an experimental arena in which accessibility to alfalfa hay (a high-quality food) was increasingly restricted. When alfalfa hay was readily accessible, CS+ and CS− sheep almost exclusively selected this food, showing a small and similar preference for oat hay. However, when accessibility to alfalfa hay decreased, intake and selection of oat hay was greater in the CS+ sheep than in the CS− sheep. The latter was a consequence of differential changes in behavior between groups; for example, sheep in CS+ spent more time foraging oat hay and were more likely to switch to oat hay if they had previously been eating alfalfa hay than sheep in CS−. Our results show that behavioral expression of the conditioned preference for a low-quality food depends on parameters of the feeding context (e.g., availability). We suggest that this can be the link between learning models and optimal foraging models of diet selection.  相似文献   

The numerous remarkable traits characterizing the ecology and behavior of callitrichids have inspired considerable research and discussion of the flexible mating system (cases of monogamy, polygyny, and polyandry), cooperative breeding, reproductive inhibition by dominant females, rapid reproductive rate, significance of dietary differences (gum feeding, frugivory, and insectivory), and demographics and social characteristics of the four genera, Cebuella, Callithrix, Saguinus, and Leontopithecus. The majority of functional explanations evaluate costs, benefits, and alternative strategies but do not address the critical selective forces that led to the behaviors in the first place. In this paper, it is argued that Callithrix and Saguinus evolved to occupy a small insectivore/frugivore niche in secondary growth forest patches (gaps arising from tree falls), and other successional forests and edge habitats; that Cebuella evolved to occupy a gum-feeding/insectivore niche in inundated forest; and that Leontopithecus is above all a small animal predator/frugivore and a mature forest genus. The keys to explanations concerning the evolution of the social and reproductive systems of these animals lie in an understanding of the resource base in these different habitats. Finally, it should be remembered that studies of callitrichids have in the main part been carried out in habitats highly altered by human activities (especially the Brazilian Atlantic forest, home to marmosets and lion tamarins) and are not the environments in which their social and breeding behavior evolved. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Lion tamarins (Callitrichidae: Leontopithecus) are small frugi-faunivores that defend large home ranges. We describe results from the first long-term investigation of wild golden-headed lion tamarins (L. chrysomelas; GHLTs). We present data about activity budgets, daily activity cycles, diet, daily path length, home range size, home range overlap, and territorial encounters for three groups of GHLTs that were studied for 1.5-2.5 years in Una Biological Reserve, Bahia State, Brazil, an area characterized by aseasonal rainfall. We compare our results to those from other studies of lion tamarins to identify factors that may influence foraging and ranging patterns in this genus. Ripe fruit, nectar, insects, and small vertebrates were the primary components of the GHLT diet, and gums were rarely eaten. Fruit comprised the majority of plant feeding bouts, and the GHLTs ate at least 79 different species of plants from 32 families. The most common foraging sites for animal prey were epiphytic bromeliads. The GHLTs defended large home ranges averaging 123 ha, but showed strong affinities for core areas, spending 50% of their time in approximately 11% of their home range. Encounters with neighboring groups averaged two encounters every 9 days, and they were always aggressive. Data about time budgets and daily activity cycles reveal that the GHLTs spent most of their time foraging for resources or traveling between foraging sites distributed throughout their home ranges. The GHLTs spent much less time consuming exudates compared to lion tamarins in more seasonal environments. Additionally, the GHLTs had much larger home ranges than golden lion tamarins (L. rosalia), and did not engage in territorial encounters as frequently as L. rosalia. GHLT ranging patterns appear to be strongly influenced by resource acquisition and, to a lesser extent, by resource defense.  相似文献   

Abstract Orb web spiders face a dilemma: forage in open habitats and risk predation or forage in closed habitats to minimize risk but at reduced foraging profitability. We tested whether Argiope keyserlingi opts for safer habitats at the expense of foraging success by (i) determining habitat selection indices in open and closed habitats; (ii) marking and releasing individual juvenile, subadult and adults over two 4‐week periods to determine if life‐history stage influences habitat selection; and (iii) determining the biotic and abiotic environmental parameters that relate to A. keyserlingi abundance. We found that A. keyserlingi selected closed habitats. Sedge and anthropogenic structures were selected and trees were avoided. Juveniles were never found in open habitats, most likely because of high postdispersal mortality. Subadults and adults may shift from closed to open habitats while juveniles never shifted habitat. Foliage density, plant height, potential prey abundance, and mantid and bird abundance were correlated with A. keyserlingi abundance, with only bird abundance explaining habitat selection. We measured web capture area, spiral distance (distance between spiral threads) and the number of decoration arms (0, 1, 2, 3 or 4) in the field and did laboratory experiments to test the influence of (i) space and vegetation; (ii) prey abundance; and (iii) web damage, on web architecture. Argiope keyserlingi webs exhibited geometric plasticity by having larger prey capture areas and spiral distances in open habitats. Decoration design did not differ between habitats however. Variation in space availability, air temperature, prey abundance and web damage explained the variations in web architecture. Potential prey size and diversity differed between habitats but prey abundance did not. As large prey may be important for spider survivorship, foraging success appears to be compromised by occupying closed habitats.  相似文献   

Space-use and foraging strategies are important facets to consider in regard to the ecology and conservation of primates. For this study, we documented movement, ranging, and foraging patterns of northern pigtailed macaques (Macaca leonina) for 14 months in a degraded habitat with old growth Acacia and Eucalyptus plantations at the Sakaerat Biosphere Reserve in northeastern Thailand. We used hidden Markov models and characteristic hull polygons to analyze these patterns in regard to fruit availability. Macaques' home range (HR) was 599 ha and spanned through a natural dry-evergreen forest (DEF), and plantation forest. Our results showed that active foraging increased with higher fruit availability in DEF. Macaques changed to a less continuous behavioral state during periods of lower fruit availability in DEF, repeatedly moving from foraging to transiting behavior, while extending their HR further into plantation forest and surrounding edge areas. Concomitantly, macaques shifted their diet from fleshy to dry fruit such as the introduced Acacia species. Our results showed that the diet and movement ecology adaptations of northern pigtailed macaques were largely dependent on availability of native fruits, and reflected a “high-cost, high-yield” foraging strategy when fresh food was scarce and dry fruit was available in plantation forest. Conversely, wild-feeding northern pigtailed macaque populations inhabiting pristine habitat approached a “low-cost, low-yield” foraging strategy. Our results outline the effects of habitat degradation on foraging strategies and show how a flexible species can cope with its nutritional requirements.  相似文献   

During reproduction, seabirds need to balance the demands of self- and offspring-provisioning within the constraints imposed by central place foraging. To assess behavioral adjustments and tolerances to these constraints, we studied the feeding tactics and reproductive success of common murres (also known as common guillemots) Uria aalge , at their largest and most offshore colony (Funk Island) where parents travel long distances to deliver a single capelin Mallotus villosus to their chicks. We assessed changes in the distance murres traveled from the colony, their proximate foraging locations and prey size choice during two successive years in which capelin exhibited an order of magnitude decrease in density and a shift from aggregated (2004) to dispersed (2005) distributions. When capelin availability was low (2005), parental murres increased their maximum foraging distances by 35% (60 to 81 km) and delivered significantly larger capelin to chicks, as predicted by central place foraging theory. Murres preferred large (>140 mm) relative to small capelin (100–140 mm) in both years, but unexpectedly this preference increased as the relative density of large capelin decreased. We conclude that single prey-loading murres target larger capelin during long foraging trips as parents are 'forced' to select the best prey for their offspring. Low fledgling masses suggest also that increased foraging time when capelin is scarce may come at a cost to the chicks (i.e. fewer meals per day). Murres at this colony may be functioning near physiological limits above which further or sustained adjustments in foraging effort could compromise the life-time reproductive success of this long-lived seabird.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic activities often cause specialized and fragmentation‐sensitive species to be replaced by competitive commensal or invasive species, resulting in reduced diversity and biotic homogenization. However, biotic homogenization driven by increased dominance of a native species has rarely been investigated. Increased abundance of competitive species can have important consequences for assemblage dynamics including homogenization of foraging strategies and, potentially, ecological services. This study assesses how changes to bird assemblages due to the occurrence of an aggressive honeyeater alter the foraging profiles of avifauna in 400 woodland sites in nine study regions across eastern Australia, and explores the potential implications for ecological services. We compared beta diversity among sites with a high and low abundance of the aggressive Noisy Miner Manorina melanocephala. Shifts in ecological characteristics of bird assemblages of sites with high and low abundance of Noisy Miners, including mean and variation in niche position, bill length and body size, were explored. Sites with a high abundance of Noisy Miners were more taxonomically and ecologically homogeneous and had fewer species than sites with a low abundance of Noisy Miners. The mean niche positions of bird assemblages changed and were increasingly dominated by larger vertebrate feeders, granivores and frugivores as Noisy Miner abundance increased. The mean body size and bill length of the insectivore species present at a site increased with Noisy Miner abundance. This change in the bird community along with reduced diversity in foraging strategies implies a loss of the ecological functions provided by smaller‐bodied species, potentially affecting plant dispersal and regeneration, insect herbivory and ultimately woodland resilience. Our study demonstrates a substantial shift in ecological profile over a broad geographical area as a result of a single native species.  相似文献   

Aiming to understand the relationship between body mass and abundance, a community of middle-sized and larger mammals was studied in a seasonally dry forest in the far north of the Brazilian Amazonia. Diurnal and nocturnal surveys were carried out by the line-transect method along a 10-km transect. Data were collected on density, biomass, use of forest types, forest strata, diet and feeding strategies by the mammals. Biomass explained animal abundance better than did body mass across the two forest types: Terra Firme forest and mixed forest. There was a statistically significant positive relationship between the biomass of all the 33 mammals studied and group density, as well as between biomass and group size, in both forests. When terrestrial and arboreal mammals, and also different feeding guilds were considered separately, they exhibited very similar results, where biomass alone was positively associated with group density and group size. The slope of the relationships between body mass and group density, body mass and group size, biomass and group density, and biomass and group size varied considerably, with significant scatter around the regression line. Food and food competition shaped the relationship between animal mass and abundance, and this relationship can even vary widely between assemblages. As a result of competition for the available resources, group density increased with increasing biomass.  相似文献   

In patchy forest areas, the size of the forest patch where birds breed has a strong influence on their breeding success. However, the proximate effects contributing to lowering the breeding success in small forest patches remain unclear; and a shortage of crucial resources in those forest patches has been suggested to account in some degree for this failure. With the aim to further investigate this issue, we have monitored the breeding cycle of blue and great tits in three ‘large’ forest patches (ranging between 26.5 and 29.6 ha) and twelve ‘small’ forest patches (ranging between 1.1 and 2.1 ha) in a Mediterranean area in central Spain, during three years (2011–2013). We also recorded the nestling diet inside the nest-boxes with the aid of handy-cams. Only males significantly differed between forest patch size categories; being on average younger and with better body condition in small patches for great and blue tits respectively. Reproductive traits did not vary between forest patch size categories, but the body condition of blue tit nestlings and the size of great tit nestlings did, being significantly better and larger respectively in large forest patches. The recruitment rate of blue tit nestlings was also higher in large patches. Regarding nestling diet, blue tits did not differ but great tits did, delivering a larger amount of caterpillars in large forest patches. Most variation in the reproductive traits occurred between years, probably due to annual differences in environmental conditions. This study suggests that food supply could be limiting the breeding success of birds above all in small patches, but also in large patches under particular environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Animals experiencing a trade-off between predation risk and resource acquisition must accurately predict ambient levels of predation risk to maximize fitness. We measure this trade-off explicitly in larvae of the damselfly Enallagma antennatum, comparing consumption rates in the presence of chemical cues from predators and injured prey. Damselflies distinguished among types of chemical cues based on species of prey injured or eaten. Injured coexisting heterospecific and unknown heterospecific chemical cues did not reduce foraging relative to starved predator cues, while cues arising from predators eating a coexisting heterospecific did decrease foraging. This study shows a cost in terms of reduced foraging in response to chemical cues and further defines the ability of prey to respond discerningly to chemical cues.  相似文献   

Cymothoid fish parasites settle on hosts in ways that may impact fish health and energetics. High abundances of Artystone minima observed in Nannostomus beckfordi from the Jeju River in eastern Amazonia were investigated to answer the following questions: (a) What factors are associated with the high prevalence at this locality?; (b) Is high abundance associated with co‐infestation of alternative hosts?; and (c) Is parasite presence associated with host species growth and/or reproduction? Fish assemblages were sampled quarterly (August 2017–May 2018) from five habitats along with environmental data. Parasitic indices were calculated, and parasite presence used to evaluate differences in growth of hosts using analysis of covariance considering host sex and sampling season (wet vs. dry). Parasites were only abundant in one of the habitats, a large, shallow backwater bay with macrophytes. Abiotic environmental factors (flow and depth) likely impact parasite transmission and are, therefore, particularly important in producing these local patterns. Two secondary hosts, Hyphessobrycon cf. rosaceus and Moenkhausia collettii, were found in the wet season. Based on host biology compared to other fish in the habitat, parasite infestation is inferred to be depth associated and long‐term infestation is apparently limited in alternative hosts. Parasite presence was significantly associated with reduced weight (standardized for length) of female Nannostomus beckfordi in the wet season. Furthermore, ovaries of non‐parasitized females from the wet season presented a range of maturation stages, while parasitized females were all immature, indicating a significant association of parasites with host reproductive capacity. Abstract in Portuguese is available with online material  相似文献   

We present data on aspects of the behavioral ecology of a free- ranging group of Saguinus fuscicollis weddelliat a site in Brazilian Amazonia where a second callitrichid, Callithrix emiliae,is syntopic. Diet, activity patterns, and ranging behavior are broadly similar to those of S. fuscicollisfrom sites in Bolivia, Brazil, and Perú, though significant seasonal changes include an extreme and atypical form of ranging behavior in which they foraged in central-place fashion around a source of exudate—Parkia pendula. S. f. weddelliwas active at relatively low levels in the forest both in absolute terms and relative to C.emiliae, which appears to be an important factor in their niche partitioning. Association between the two species appeared to be less systematic overall than those observed between S. fuscicollisand congeners at other sites, though this may be partly a result of observation conditions. During the period of central-place foraging, the two species exhibited a high degree of association. Other characteristics of the behavior of S. f. weddelliat the study site include the frequent use of tree holes as sleeping sites.  相似文献   

Age-0 brown trout, Salmo trutta, inhabit shallow and slow-flowing habitats where they can easily maintain stationary swimming positions. However, recent results have shown that they use deeper and faster habitats during daylight than at night, suggesting the occurrence of a nocturnal movement toward stream-margin habitats. Experiments were conducted to describe precisely when this diel pattern of habitat use appears during ontogeny. In two indoor channels, free-embryo brown trout were deposited under the gravel. When emerging, alevins were free to choose between margin (2 cm deep, 0-2 cm s-1) or deep habitat (12 cm, 2-4 cm s-1), or to leave the channel (upstream or downstream). During the week of emergence, upstream and downstream catches, fish habitat use (deep habitat or margin), and fish behavior (resting or swimming) were measured by direct observations and trap counts. Three treatments were performed: (1) fish artificially fed on drifting invertebrates, (2) fish exposed to predators (bullhead, Cottus gobio), and (3) control channels (no food, no predator). In control and food channels, a diel pattern of habitat use was observed 1-2 days after the emergence started. Most fish rested in the margin at night, whereas they moved towards the deep habitat during daylight to hold stationary swimming positions. In the presence of bullhead, most trout were cryptic, and visible fish stood in the margin during both daylight and at night. The importance of predation risk and foraging behavior on the ontogeny of the diel pattern of habitat use is discussed. Results support the direct development without larva from free-embryo via alevin in brown trout.  相似文献   

I examined how Sulawesi Tonkean macaques (Macaca tonkeana) respond in terms of their diet and activity patterns to anthropogenic habitat alteration in Lore Lindu National Park, Sulawesi, Indonesia. Anthropogenic habitat alteration comprised clearing of forest for agriculture and small-scale forest product collection. I quantified the diet and activity of 2 groups (CH and Anca), occupying habitats with different levels of alteration, via scan sampling. Tree abundance, key food specific density, and fruit production were greater in the minimally altered habitat (CH), substantiating the characterization of the group’s habitat as higher quality. For the group in the heavily altered habitat (Anca), alternative foods, e.g., insects, fungus, young and mature leaves, shoots, and stems, accounted for a significantly greater proportion of the diet. Dietary diversity is significantly lower in the Anca group, with 52% of their diet being palm fruits from Arenga pinnata. The activity patterns of the Anca group—more time foraging, less time moving, and more time resting than the CH group—reflect the lower resource availability in their habitat and their reliance on more alternative food items, coupled with their extremely small group size (6–9 individuals). The group may be at the optimal size in which foraging efficiency is maximized for the habitat, a response, in conjunction with dietary and behavioral flexibility, to alteration of their habitat. The results are contextualized with respect to the conservation value of human-modified landscapes.  相似文献   

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