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A single cell of wild-type Dictyostelium discoideum forms a visible colony on a plastic dish in several days, but due to enhanced cell migration, amiB-null mutant cells scatter over a large area and do not form noticeable colonies. Here, with an aim to identify genes involved in cell migration, we isolated suppresser mutants of amiB-null mutants that restore the ability to form colonies. From REMI (restriction enzyme-mediated integration)-mutagenized pool of double-mutants, we identified 18 responsible genes from them. These genes can be categorized into several biological processes. One cell line, Sab16 (Suppressor of amiB) was chosen for further analysis, which had a disrupted phospholipase D pldB gene. To confirm the role of pldB gene in cell migration, we knocked out the pldB gene and over-expressed gfp-pldB in wild-type cells. GFP-PLDB localized to plasma membrane and on vesicles, and in migrating cells, at the protruding regions of pseudopodia. Migration speed of vegetative pldB-null cells was reduced to 73% of that of the wild-type. These results suggest that PLDB plays an important role in migration in Dictyostelium cells, and that our screening system is useful for the identification of genes involved in cell migration.  相似文献   

Summary During development and differentiation of the cellular slime mould Dictyostelium discoideum there appears to be a relationship between the cell cycle and cell fate: amoebae halted in G2 phase during early development differentiate into spores whereas stalk cells are formed from amoebae halted in GI phase. It is proposed that this is because a major effect of the cell cycle is to generate heterogeneity in the cell surface properties of the developing amoebae.  相似文献   

Summary NADP-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase from Dictyostelium discoideum was purified 9300 fold with a yield of 4.6%. The enzyme is a hexamer of apparent molecular weight 294 kDa on Sephacryl S400 and a subunit molecular weight of 52 kDa as determined by SDS gel electrophoresis. The apparent KmS for -ketoglutarate, NADPH and NH inf4 sup+ are 1.2 mM, 9.7 µM and 2.2 mM respectively, and the purified enzyme has a broad pH optimum with a peak at pH 7.75. GTP has a slight stimulatory effect (22% at 83 µM) as does ADP (11% at 1 mM), and AMP is slightly inhibitory (9% at 1 mM) whereas adenosine, ATP and cAMP have little or no effect. Neither the Zn2+ chelating compound 1,10-phenanthroline nor EDTA have any effect on the enzyme while p-hydroxymercuribenzoic acid inhibits enzyme activity (50% at 80 µM) yet N-ethylmaleimide does not.In addition, the NADP-GDH activity varies little during the various stages of morphogenesis.Abbreviations EDTA Ethylenediamine Tetraacetic Acid - Tris Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane - Bis-tris bis(2-hydroxyethyl)imino-tris(hydroxymethyl)methane - TRITON X-100 iso-octylphenoxypoly-ethoxyethanol - pHMB p-Hydroxymercuribenzoic acid  相似文献   

Glutathione (GSH) is the most abundant non-protein thiol in eukaryotic cells and acts as reducing equivalent in many cellular processes. We investigated the role of glutathione in Dictyostelium development by disruption of gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase (GCS), an essential enzyme in glutathione biosynthesis. GCS-null strain showed glutathione auxotrophy and could not grow in medium containing other thiol compounds. The developmental progress of GCS-null strain was determined by GSH concentration contained in preincubated media before development. GCS-null strain preincubated with 0.2 mM GSH was arrested at mound stage or formed bent stalk-like structure during development. GCS-null strain preincubated with more than 0.5 mM GSH formed fruiting body with spores, but spore viability was significantly reduced. In GCS-null strain precultured with 0.2 mM GSH, prestalk-specific gene expression was delayed, while prespore-specific gene and spore-specific gene expressions were not detected. In addition, GCS-null strain precultured with 0.2 mM GSH showed prestalk tendency and extended G1 phase of cell cycle. Since G1 phase cells at starvation differentiate into prestalk cells, developmental defect of GCS-null strain precultured with 0.2 mM GSH may result from altered cell cycle. These results suggest that glutathione itself is essential for growth and differentiation to prespore in Dictyostelium.  相似文献   

 Shortly after initiation of Dictyostelium fruiting body formation, prespore cells begin to differentiate into non-motile spores. Although these cells lose their ability to move, they are, nevertheless, elevated to the tip of the stalk. Removal of the amoeboid anterior-like cells, located above the differentiating spores in the developing fruiting body, prevents further spore elevation although the stalk continues to elongate. Furthermore, replacement of the anterior-like cells with anterior-like cells from another fruiting body largely restores the ability to lift the spores to the top of the stalk. However, if amoeboid prestalk cells are used to replace the anterior-like cells, there is no restoration of spore elevation. Finally, when a droplet of mineral oil replaces differentiating spores, it is treated as are the spores: the mineral oil is elevated in the presence of anterior-like cells and becomes arrested on the stalk in the absence of anterior-like cells. Because a similar droplet of mineral oil is totally ignored by slug tissue, it appears that there is a dramatic transformation in the treatment of non-motile matter at this point in Dictyostelium development. Received: 26 January 1998 / Accepted: 27 May 1998  相似文献   

The specific activity of cathepsin B-like, cathepsin D-like, and leucine aminopeptidase enzymes was measured in dormant, aging, and germinating spores of wild-type and mutant Dictyostelium discoideum.The activity of leucine aminopeptidase was relatively constant during spore aging and spore germination. The level of cathepsin D-like activity was highest in young dormant spores but decreased during germination or aging.The level of cathepsin B-like activity remained constant in wild-type spores which were aged for 13 days. The dormant spores of spontaneous germination mutants initially contained low levels of cathepsin B-like activity which increased during aging. Thus, there was no correlation between the level of endogenous cathepsin B activity and the ability to be autoactivated or heat-activated. The level of cathepsin B-like activity does not have a role in the generation of energy for the swelling stage of germination. Finally, the combined level of endogenous and exogenous cathepsin B activity increased more than 20-fold during the emergence of myxamoebae suggesting that the enzyme(s) may play a role at this development stage of germination.  相似文献   

Six monoclonal antibodies were isolated which react with common antigens shared by multiple glycoconjugate species in the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum. Based on competition of antibody binding by glycopeptides and simple sugars, and inhibition of antibody binding by antigen pretreatment with Na periodate, it is argued that at least five of the six antibodies recognize epitopes which contain carbohydrate. These epitopes are consequently referred to as glycoantigens (GAs).Three of the GAs are expressed during growth and throughout the developmental cycle, but are eventually enriched in prestalk and stalk cells. The remaining three are expressed only during and/or after aggregation and are exclusively expressed or highly enriched in prespore cells and spores. These conclusions are derived from Western blot immunoanalysis of purified cell types, immunofluorescence, and EM immunocytochemistry.The two GAs found only in prespore cells appear to be exclusively enclosed within prespore vesicles. The third GA of this type, which is only enriched in prespore cells compared to prestalk cells, is also found in other vesicle types as well as on the cell surface.Two of the GAs enriched in prestalk cells are initially found in all cells of the slug. They are undetectable in spores and prominent in stalk cells. The third GA, though found in the interiors of both prestalk and prespore cells, is enriched on the cell surface of prestalk cells.The chief characteristics of expression of four of these GAs are conserved in the related species D. mucoroides. This species is characterized by continuous trans differentiation of prespore cells into prestalk cells. This shows that the prespore cells maintain specific mechanisms for turning over their cell type specific GAs and that prestalk cells express a specific mechanism for inducing at least one of their cell-type specific GAs.These observations identify specific carbohydrate structures (as GAs) whose synthesis, subsequent localization and turnover are developmentally regulated. The exclusive association of two GAs with prespore vesicles identifies these GAs as markers for this organelle and raises questions regarding the functional significance of this association. The restricted cell surface localization of the other four GAs, together with data from cell adhesion studies, suggest the possibility of a potential role for these GAs in intercellular recognition leading to cell sorting.This paper is dedicated to the memory of the late Daniel McMahon.  相似文献   

In recent years, the myosin superfamily has kept expanding at an explosive rate, but the understanding of their complex functions has been lagging. Therefore,Dictyostelium discoideum, a genetically and biochemically tractable eukaryotic amoeba, appears as a powerful model organism to investigate the involvement of the actomyosin cytoskeleton in a variety of cellular tasks. Because of the relatively high degree of functional redundancy, such studies would be greatly facilitated by the prior knowledge of the whole myosin repertoire in this organism. Here, we present a strategy based on PCR amplification using degenerate primers and followed by negative hybridization screening which led to the potentially exhaustive identification of members of the myosin family inD. discoideum. Two novel myosins were identified and their genetic loci mapped by hybridization to an ordered YAC library. Preliminary inspection ofmyoK andmyoM sequences revealed that, despite carrying most of the hallmarks of myosin motors, both molecules harbor features surprisingly divergent from most known myosins.  相似文献   

The three basic cell types in the migrating slug of Dictyostelium discoideum show differential chemotactic response to cyclic AMP (cAMP) and differential sensitivity to suppression of the chemotaxis by ammonia. The values of these parameters indicate a progressive maturation of chemotactic properties during the transdifferentiation of slug cell types. We present a model that explains the localization of the three cell types within the slug based on these chemotactic differences and on the maturation of their chemotactic properties.  相似文献   

Phosphodiesterase plays an important role in regulating inflammatory pathways and T cell function. The development of phosphodiesterase 7 inhibitor may give better efficacy profile over phosphodiesterase 4 inhibitors. However, the recombinant phosphodiesterase 7 is required in large quantity for high-throughput screening of new drugs by in vitro enzymatic assays. In the present study, recombinant human PDE7A1 was expressed in Dictyostelium discoideum under the control of constitutively active actin-15 promoter. The cytosolic localization of the expressed protein was confirmed by immunofluorescence studies. Upto 2 mg of recombinant protein was purified using His-Tag affinity column chromatography followed by ion-exchange Resource Q column purification. The recombinant protein expressed in D. discoideum followed Michaelis–Menten kinetics similar to the protein expressed in mammalian system and showed no major changes in affinity to substrate or inhibitors. Thus, our study clearly demonstrates a robust expression system for successful bulk production of pharmacologically active isoform of human PDE7A1 required for high-throughput assays.  相似文献   

The localization of fluorescent substance was observed microscopically in livingDictyostelium discoideum cells. The fluorescence was localized in the vacuoles of the vegetative cells. The fluorescent vacuoles were not observed in the dead cells. The fluorescent vacuoles in the cytoplasm were lost in starved cells which are able to form an aggregate and to differentiate. The fluorescent vacuoles were not lost but decreased slightly in the cytoplasm of full grown cells and of cells grown in liquid nutrient medium for an extended period of time (stationary phase cells). On a solid substratum, fluorescent vacuoles were also lost from the cells, where the vegetative cells aggregate and form a slug-shaped mass of cells. The whole slug showed homogeneous fluorescence. In a finally constructed fruiting body, the spore mass showed fluorescence. In a spore mass, the fluorescence was not observed in the spores but in the interspore space of the spore mass. It is suggested that vegetative cells secrete fluorescent substance into the inter-cellular space in the mass of cells during development.  相似文献   

Summary A mutation (mhcA1 in strain HMM) created by insertional gene inactivation was used to map the Dictyostelium discoideum myosin heavy chain gene (mhcA) to linkage group IV. Three phenotypic traits associated with this mutation (slow colony growth, inability of the mutant to develop past aggregation, and the presence of five to ten integrated vector copies) cosegregated as expected for the consequences of a single insertional event. This linkage was confirmed using a restriction fragment length polymorphism. The mhcA1 mutation was recessive to wild type and was nonallelic with mutations at the following loci on linkage group IV: aggJ, aggL, couH, minA, phgB and tsgB. This work demonstrates the ability to apply standard techniques developed for D. discoideum parasexual genetic analyses to mutants generated by transformation, which is of particular relevance to analysis of genes for which no classical mutations or restriction fragment length polymorphisms are available.  相似文献   

SG mutant and aged wild type spores of the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum germinate in the absence of an externally applied activation treatment. This type of germination is referred to as autoactivation. During the swelling stage of autoactivation, spores release a factor, the autoactivator, capable of stimulating germination in subsequent spore populations. The autoactivator was not present in the dormant spore, but it or a precursor was produced internally during the first hour of autoactivation. This production was sensitive to moderately high temperatures (+31° C) and was completely destroyed by heat activation (45° C for 30 min). Internal production of the autoactivator was not sensitive to protein synthesis inhibitors. However, the release of the activator from the spore appeared to be regulated by protein synthesis. Internal autoactivator was also produced in the aged wild type strain during the postautoactivation lag phase. The activator could not be directly isolated from within the germinating spore. Its activity on the rest of the spore population was dependent upon its release from the germinating spore. A model is presented integrating the effects of heat, cycloheximide, autoinhibitor and autoactivator on spores of D. discoideum.  相似文献   

It has previously been shown that DIF-1, a differentiation-inducing factor of the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum, possesses antitumor activities in mammalian tumor cells and that neuronal differentiation of PC12 cells can be induced with furanodictines (FDs), aminosugar analogs found in D. discoideum, or dictyoglucosamines (DGs), N-acetyl glucosamine derivatives (DG-A from D. purpureum and DG-B from D. discoideum). Thus, cellular slime molds are attractive natural resources that may provide valuable lead compounds to be utilized in the field of pharmacology and medicine. In this study, we have isolated a novel aromatic compound, 4-methyl-5-n-pentylbenzene-1,3-diol (MPBD), from fruiting bodies of the cellular slime mold D. mucoroides and assessed the in vitro antiproliferative activities of MPBD, FDs, and DGs in human leukemia K562 and HL-60 cells. MPBD at 20-80 microM dose-dependently suppressed cell growth in both K562 and HL-60 cells. While FDs at 10-80 microM did not affect cell growth, DGs at 10-40 microM dose-dependently suppressed cell growth in the cells. Although we failed to find the roles of FDs and DGs in the original organisms, MPBD at 5-20 microM was found to promote stalk cell formation in D. discoideum. The present results indicate that MPBD, DGs or their derivatives may have therapeutic potential in the treatment of cancer and confirm our expectations regarding cellular slime molds as drug resources.  相似文献   

In the 1930s John Tyler Bonner began studying the slime mold, Dictyostelium discoideum, as a way to investigate how organisms develop. With a life cycle that includes periods of unicellularity and multicellularity, Dictyostelium raises questions fundamental to development and evolution. In Morphogenesis: An Essay on Development (1952), Bonner built on his work with Dictyostelium to inform developmental theory and practice. By exploring how Bonner’s early work with Dictyostelium motivated his synthetic approach in Morphogenesis, this paper presents an example of how those who studied development sought ways to gain traction in the rapidly changing life sciences. While a biochemical viewpoint of development became dominant, morphogenesis provided a way to reintroduce and emphasize biological organization at the organismal level. Bonner’s early work offers a window to mid-twentieth century studies of development, an understudied area in the history of science, and shows that it was a time when growing experimental evidence enabled new ways of thinking about the relationship between ontogeny and evolution, and more broadly, about how the parts of nature might fit together.  相似文献   

Using a fluorospectrophotometer, we examined the fluorescence of a crude preparation from the spore masses ofDictyostelium discoideum. Fluorescence emission spectra and excitation spectra suggested that the fluorescence of the crude preparation was a lumazine-like fluorescence rather than a pterin-like fluorescence. By using a microspectrophotometer, we observedin situ the fluorescence emission of a lumazine-like substance localized only in the spore mass of the fruiting body.  相似文献   

Mutant spores of Dictyostelium discoideum, strain SG-10, differ from wild type spores in their ability to spontaneously germinate, to be activated with 5% dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO), and to be deactivated with 0.2 M sucrose. Both heat-activated wild type and mutant spores began to swell after a lag of 60–75 min at ambient temperature. Suspension of heat activated spores in 5% DMSO resulted in blockage of spore swelling and a concomitant severe inhibition of respiration; removal of 5% DMSO allowed resumption of respiration and the spores began to swell after a lag of only 15 min. It was concluded that 5% DMSO allowed the early reactions (M) to proceed but blocked the later reactions (R) of post-activation lag.Treatment of one day old spores with 20% DMSO solution for 30–120 min quantitatively activated the population. The post-activation lag time was directly dependent on the time of 20% DMSO treatment. Spores activated with 20% DMSO treatment could be deactivated by incubation at 0°C; the spores most quickly deactivated at 0°C were those within 10 min of swelling. Mitochondrial transport inhibitors such as azide and cyanide caused deactivation in an analogous manner. It is hypothesized that spores proceed to the second portion of the lag phase called (R) before the environment determines if dormancy is reimposed or if germination will proceed. The sensitive strain (SG-10) showed a greater degree of damage than the wild type after supraoptimal treatment with 40% DMSO. The spores became more resistant with age to the damaging action of 40% DMSO. All the observed effects of DMSO treatment were compatible with our multistate model of activation which suggests that the early portion of the lag phase (M) may involve a relative uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation while the later portion (R) may require tight coupling.  相似文献   

At the end of heat activation the distribution of spore plasma membrane particles between the two fracture faces (PF and EF) is drastically changed. While in dormant spores the particle number ratio of PF/EF was about 1:1, it increased up to 9:1 in heat activated spores, indicating a subtle change in plasma membrane properties. The permeability of spores increased within 30 min following heat activation as determined by efflux measurements of radioactively labelled spores. At the onset of swelling this efflux was accelerated. During germination the osmotically active material within the spores increased, part of which could be recovered from the supernatant. The combined experiments point to the plasma membrane as possible target site of heat activation in this system.  相似文献   

Chen J  Lu Y  Xu Z  Cen P  Fang X 《Biotechnology letters》2007,29(6):859-863
Human Fas ligand (hFasL) is a member of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) family with many medical interests. To produce this protein efficiently, an improved vector which could express the recombinant hFasL protein with a 6-his tag at its C-terminal was constructed. The new vector was transformed into Dictyostelium discoideum AX3 which then produced 157 μg hFasL l−1. Using one-step Ni-affinity chromatography, it was purified with a recovery of 92% and purity of 91%.  相似文献   

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