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The role of the cell nucleus in the development of African swine fever virus in Vero cells has been studied. No viral growth could be detected in enucleated cells under conditions that allow normal development of Sindbis virus. Furthermore, African swine fever virus DNA synthesis was inhibited more than 95% after infection of enucleated Vero cells as compared with normal cells.  相似文献   

The published data on the characteristics and properties of structural and nonstructural polypeptides of the African porcine virus are reviewed. Localization of the viral proteins in virions and infected cells, kinetics of biosynthesis, glycosylation, phosphorylation and the antigenicity of the proteins are discussed.  相似文献   

Lamarche BJ  Tsai MD 《Biochemistry》2006,45(9):2790-2803
We recently demonstrated that African swine fever virus DNA polymerase X (Pol X) is extremely error-prone during single-nucleotide gap-filling and that the downstream ASFV DNA ligase seals 3' mismatched nicks with high efficiency. To further assess the credence of our hypothesis that these proteins may promote viral diversification by functioning within the context of an aberrant DNA repair pathway, herein we characterize the third protein expected to function in this system, a putative AP endonuclease (APE). Assays of the purified protein using oligonucleotide substrates unequivocally establish canonical APE activity, 3'-phosphatase and 3'-phosphodiesterase activities (in the context of a single-nucleotide gap), 3' --> 5' exonuclease activity (in the context of a nick), and nucleotide incision repair activity against 5,6-dihydrothymine. The 3' --> 5' exonuclease activity is shown to be highly dependent upon the identity of the nascent 3' base pair and to be inhibited when 2-deoxyribose-5-phosphate, rather than phosphate, constitutes the 5' moiety of the nick. ASFV APE retains activity when assayed in the presence of EDTA but is inactivated by incubation with 1,10-phenanthroline in the absence of a substrate, suggesting that it is an endonuclease IV homologue possessing intrinsic metal cofactors. The activities of ASFV APE, when considered alongside those of Pol X and ASFV DNA ligase, provide an enhanced understanding of (i) the types of damage that are likely to be sustained by the viral genome and (ii) the mechanisms by which the minimalist ASFV DNA repair pathway, consisting of just these three proteins, contributes to the fitness of the virus.  相似文献   

The role of microtubules in intracellular transport of African swine fever virus (ASFV) and virus-induced inclusions was studied by immunofluorescence using anti-ASFV and anti-tubulin antibodies, by electron microscopy of infected Vero cells and by in vitro binding of virions to purified microtubules. MTC, a reversible colchicine analogue, was used to depolymerize microtubules. In cells treated with MTC multiple large inclusions containing ASFV antigens and particles were observed in the cytoplasm. Removal of the drug lead to migration and fusion of the inclusions at a perinuclear location. To study the effect of microtubule repolymerization on virus particle distribution, the particles were counted in thin sections of MTC treated cells and at different times after removal of the drug. In cells treated with MTC 6.8% and 3.6% of the virus particles were found respectively in the cytoplasm and at the cell membrane while 38% of the particles were located around the virosome. With reversal of the drug effect the number of virus particles around the virosomes progressively decreased to 10% at 2 h while the number of particles in the cytoplasm and at the cell membrane increased. At 2 h after removal of the drug 33.5% of the particles were found budding from the cell membrane. Virus particles were found closely associated with microtubules in cytoskeletons obtained by Triton X-100 extraction of taxol treated cells. The association of virus particles with microtubules was also observed in vitro using purified microtubules and virus particles. The results show that microtubules are involved in the transport of African swine fever virus particles from the assembly site to the cell surface and in the movement and fusion of the virus inclusions.  相似文献   

非洲猪瘟病毒的免疫逃逸策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
非洲猪瘟(African swine fever,ASF)是由非洲猪瘟病毒(African swine fever virus,ASFV)引起的一种猪烈性传染病。目前无商品化的ASF疫苗,一旦发病,仅能依靠快速扑杀进行防控,严重威胁我国养猪及相关行业的健康发展。ASF疫苗研发面临的主要困难是对ASFV的毒力相关基因、致病及其免疫逃逸机制知之甚少。本文对ASFV的免疫逃逸研究进行了总结,探讨了ASFV免疫逃逸基因及其编码蛋白的功能,以便加深对ASFV及其免疫逃逸策略的认知,为致病机制研究和疫苗研发提供借鉴。  相似文献   

African swine fever virus attachment protein.   总被引:1,自引:8,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Treatment of African swine fever virus particles with nonionic detergents released proteins p35, p17, p14, and p12 from the virion. Of these proteins, only p12 bound to virus-sensitive Vero cells but not to virus-resistant L or IBRS2 cells. The binding of p12 was abolished by whole African swine fever virus and not by similar concentrations of subviral particles that lacked the external proteins. A monoclonal antibody (24BB7) specific for p12 precipitated a protein that, when analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the absence of 2-mercaptoethanol, showed a molecular mass of 17 kDa (p17*) instead of 12 kDa as found in the presence of 2-mercaptoethanol. The relationship between these two proteins was confirmed by the conversion of p17* to p12 when the former was isolated from polyacrylamide gels in the absence of 2-mercaptoethanol and subsequently treated with the reducing agent. The supernatant obtained after immunoprecipitation with the p12-specific antibody lacked the virus-binding protein.  相似文献   

Purification and properties of African swine fever virus   总被引:2,自引:18,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
We describe a method for African swine fever (ASF) virus purification based on equilibrium centrifugation in Percoll density gradients of extracellular virions produced in infected VERO cells that yielded about 15 +/- 9% recovery of the starting infectious virus particles. The purified virus preparations were essentially free of a host membrane fraction (vesicles) that could not be separated from the virus by previously described purification methods. The purified virus sedimented as a single component in sucrose velocity gradients with a sedimentation coefficient of 3,500 +/- 300S, showed a DNA-protein ratio of 0.18 +/- 0.02 and a specific infectivity of 2.7 X 10(7) PFU/micrograms of protein, and remained fully infectious after storage at -70 degrees C for at least 7 months. The relative molecular weights of the 34 polypeptides detected in purified virus particles ranged from 10,000 to 150,000. Some of these proteins were probably cellular components that might account for the reactivity of purified virus with antiserum against VERO cells.  相似文献   

Jia  Lijia  Jiang  Mengwei  Wu  Ke  Hu  Juefu  Wang  Yang  Quan  Weipeng  Hao  Mengchan  Liu  Haizhou  Wei  Hongping  Fan  Wenhui  Liu  Wenjun  Hu  Rongliang  Wang  Depeng  Li  Jing  Chen  Jianjun  Liu  Di 《中国科学:生命科学英文版》2020,63(1):160-164
正Dear Editor,African swine fever (ASF) is one of the most pathogenic viral diseases in pigs caused by African swine fever virus(ASFV). The fatality rate is almost 100%, which brings huge economic losses to the hog industry in countries with epi-  相似文献   

Cross-links in African swine fever virus DNA.   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
African swine fever virus DNA sediments in neutral sucrose density gradients as a single component with a sedimentation coefficient of 60S. In alkaline sucrose density gradients, this material shows two components with sedimentation coefficients of 85S and 95S, respectively. The sedimentation rate value of alkali-denatured virus DNA in neutral sucrose density gradients and the renaturation velocity of denatured DNA show that is reassociated much faster than expected from its genetic complexity. This behavior is compatible with the existence of interstrand cross-links in the molecule. We also present results which suggest that there are only a few such cross-links per molecule, that they are sensitive to S1 nuclease digestion, and that they are probably located next to the ends of the DNA.  相似文献   

The early interactions between African swine fever virus (ASFV) and monkey kidney cells in culture, and the effect of chloroquine were studied by electron microscopy. Our results indicate that ASFV uptake occurs by endocytosis: after attachment to the cell surface, the virions were seen in coated pits and were internalized by endocytosis in endosomes and finally in lysosomes. Virions in coated vesicles were never seen. All these steps were completed in about 15 min. Direct penetration of viruses through the plasma membrane was never observed. In order to elucidate the participation of an acidic intracellular compartment in the penetration of ASFV, we studied the effect of chloroquine, a lysosomotropic drug known to increase the pH of acidic intracellular vacuoles and to inhibit ASFV infection. In the presence of this drug there were no apparent alterations on binding, endocytosis and intracellular distribution of the viral particles. The main effect of chloroquine was to retain the virions in lysosomes. When the drug was removed from the medium, the viral particles disappeared and images of binding of viral membranes with the membranes of the intracellular vacuoles were obtained, suggesting that the inhibited step is the uncoating of the virus. Viral fusion with the plasma membrane was obtained when the medium was acidified to pH 5-6. These results suggest that ASFV enters the cells by adsorptive endocytosis and that the uncoating process takes place intracellularly in a way similar to that described for Semliki Forest virus and other enveloped viruses.  相似文献   

Two methods were evaluated for the inactivation of African swine fever (ASV) and swine vesicular disease (SVD) viruses in pig slurry: chemical treatment and heat treatment. The addition of NaOH or Ca(OH)2 at different concentration/time combinations at 4 degrees C and 22 degrees C was examined, as was virus stability at different temperature/time combinations. ASF virus (ASFV) was less resistant to both methods than SVD virus (SVDV). In slurry from one source, ASFV was inactivated at 65 degrees C within 1 min, whereas SVDV required at least 2 min at 65 degrees C. However, it was found that thermal inactivation depended on the characteristics of the slurry used. Addition of 1% (w/v) of NaOH or Ca(OH)2 caused the inactivation of ASFV within 150 s at 4 degrees C; 0.5% (w/v) NaOH or Ca(OH)2 required 30 min for inactivation. NaOH or Ca(OH)2 (1% (w/v)) was not effective against SVDV at 22 degrees C after 30 min, and 1.5% (w/v) NaOH or Ca(OH)2 caused inactivation of SVDV at both 4 degrees C and 22 degrees C. At higher chemical concentrations or temperatures, ASFV and SVDV inactivation was faster in slurry than in buffered medium.  相似文献   

为了探究ASFV E248R蛋白调控cGAS-STING信号通路的机制,利用双荧光素酶报告系统验证ASFV E248R蛋白够剂量依赖性地抑制cGAS-STING和HT-DNA诱导的IFN-β的产生。通过相对定量PCR技术验证,过表达E248R抑制IFNB1、RANTES、IL-6和TNF-αβ基因的转录水平。免疫共沉淀和激光共聚焦试验结果表明,E248R与STING相互作用。通过蛋白印迹试验证实,过表达E248R可抑制STING的表达。研究表明ASFV E248R蛋白通过抑制STING的表达拮抗天然免疫应答。该结果将扩展对ASF免疫逃逸的认知,为疫苗的研制提供新的思路。  相似文献   

A specific interaction of ASFV p54 protein with 8 kDa light chain cytoplasmic dynein (DLC8) has been previously characterized and this interaction is critical during virus internalization and transport to factory sites. During early phases of infection, the virus induces the initiation of apoptosis triggering activation of caspase-9 and -3. To analyze the role of the structural protein p54 in apoptosis, transient expression experiments of p54 in Vero cells were carried out which resulted in effector caspase-3 activation and apoptosis. Interestingly, p54 mutants, lacking the 13 aa dynein-binding motif lose caspase activation ability and pro-death function of p54. This is the first reported ASFV protein which induces apoptosis.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy of African swine fever virus hemadsorption.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

非洲猪瘟(African swine fever,ASF)是由非洲猪瘟病毒(African swine fever virus,ASFV)引起的一种猪烈性传染病,是全球养猪业的"头号杀手",强毒株引发的超急性和急性感染死率高达100%。2018年8月ASF首次传入我国,截止2019年6月6日,已有32个省份累计暴发137起疫情,给我国社会、经济构成巨大威胁。ASF疫苗的研制始于20世纪60年代,但均以失败而告终,其主要原因是对ASFV生物学特性缺乏深入的研究。有效控制当前ASF疫情扩散、研制安全有效的疫苗将是我国面临的巨大挑战。本文对ASFV形态与基本结构、传播途径、致病机制、基因组及编码蛋白、入侵机制、免疫逃逸等生物学特性进行了概述,并分析了当前疫苗研制面临的难点,以期为我国有效控制ASF疫情及病原研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Du C  Fang M  Li Y  Li L  Wang X 《Cell》2000,102(1):33-42
We report here the identification of a novel protein, Smac, which promotes caspase activation in the cytochrome c/Apaf-1/caspase-9 pathway. Smac promotes caspase-9 activation by binding to inhibitor of apoptosis proteins, IAPs, and removing their inhibitory activity. Smac is normally a mitochondrial protein but is released into the cytosol when cells undergo apoptosis. Mitochondrial import and cleavage of its signal peptide are required for Smac to gain its apoptotic activity. Overexpression of Smac increases cells' sensitivity to apoptotic stimuli. Smac is the second mitochondrial protein, along with cytochrome c, that promotes apoptosis by activating caspases.  相似文献   

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