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A novel two-stage bioreactor has been designed for a combined submerged (SF) and solid substrate fermentation (SSF) of wheat straw. The straw was pretreated with steam, and cellulases from the culture fluid of Trichoderma reesei were adsorbed on it for increased bioconvertibility. SSF was conducted in the top part of the bioreactor by inoculating the straw with a 36-h mycelial culture of T. reesei, or Coriolus versicolor. In the bottom part of the fermenter, Endomycopsis fibuliger was grown in SF. The SF liquor was recirculated through the SSF stage at 24 h intervals to remove glucose and other metabolites that may inhibit growth, and to maintain optimum moisture level and temperature. The removed glucose and other metabolites provided nutrients for the yeast in the SF stage. The combined fermentation resulted in overall higher biomass yield, increased bioconversion, increased cellulase production, and increased digestibility compared with single SSF or SF.  相似文献   

Heat transfer simulation in solid substrate fermentation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A mathematical model was developed and tested to simulate the generation and transfer of heat in solid substrate fermentation (SSF). The experimental studies were realized in a 1-L static bioreactor packed with cassava wet meal and inoculated with Aspergillus niger. A simplified pseudohomogeneous monodimensional dynamic model was used for the energy balance. Kinetic equations taking into account biomass formation (logistic), sugar consumption (with maintenance), and carbon dioxide formation were used. Model verification was achieved by comparison of calculated and experimental temperatures. Heat transfer was evaluated by the estimation of Biot and Peclet heat dimensionless numbers 5-10 and 2550-2750, respectively. It was shown that conduction through the fermentation fixed bed was the main heat transfer resistance. This model intends to reach a better understanding of transport phenomena in SSF, a fact which could be used to evaluate various alternatives for temperature control of SSF, i.e., changing air flow rates and increasing water content. Dimensionless numbers could be used as scale-up criteria of large fermentors, since in those ratios are described the operating conditions, geometry, and size of the bioreactor. It could lead to improved solid reactor systems. The model can be used as a basis for automatic control of SSF for the production of valuable metabolites in static fermentors.  相似文献   

Summary A study of the influence of temperature, aeration rate, and substrate water content on sporulation of Penicillium roqueforti on buckwheat seeds in a fixed bed reactor is described. Use of an experimental procedure based on a 23 factorial design allowed optimum to be determined as 23.5° C for temperature, 0.48 g/g dry matter for substrate water content and 4.42 VVH for aeration rate.  相似文献   

Attempts have been made to compare solid substrate fermentation (SSF) with submerged fermentation for the production of proteases by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. In submerged fermentation it produced 800,000 units of enzyme under optimal conditions in a 20-litre fermentor whereas in solid substrate, it produced 250,000 units/g. Owing to the simplicity and easiness of operation of SSF and for applications like unhairing, biodetergents and bating the former would be advantageous for the production of proteases.  相似文献   

Optimization of solid substrate fermentation of wheat straw   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Optimal conditions for solid substrate fermentation of wheat straw with Chaetomium cellulolyticum in laboratory-scale stationary layer fermenters were developed. The best pretreatment for wheat straw was ammonia freeze explosion, followed by steam treatment, alkali treatment, and simple autoclaving. The optimal fermentation conditions were 80% (w/w) moisture content; incubation temperature of 37 degrees C; 2% (w/w) unwashed mycelial inoculum; aeration at 0.12 L/h/g; substrate thickness of 1 to 2 cm; and duration of three days. Technical parameters for this optimized fermentation were: degree of substance utilization, 27.2%; protein yield/substrate, 0.09 g; biomass yield/bioconverted substrate, 0.40 g; degree of bioconversion of total available sugars in the substrate, 60.5%; specific efficiency of bioconversion, 70.8%; and overall efficiency of biomass production from substrate, 42.7%. Mixed culturing of Candida utilis further increased biomass production by 20%. The best mode of fermentation was a semicontinuous fed-batch fermentation where one-half of the fermented material was removed at three-day intervals and replaced by fresh substrate. In this mode, protein production was 20% higher than in batch mode, protein productivity was maintained over 12 days, and sporulation was prevented.  相似文献   

Optimization of phytase production by solid substrate fermentation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The production of phytase by three feed-grade filamentous fungi (Aspergillus ficuum NRRL 3135, Mucor racemosus NRRL 1994 and Rhizopus oligosporus NRRL 5905) on four commonly used natural feed ingredients (canola meal, cracked corn, soybean meal, wheat bran) was studied in solid substrate fermentation (SSF). A. ficuum NRRL 3135 had the highest yield [15 IU phytase activity/g dry matter (DM)] on wheat bran. By optimizing the supplementation of wheat bran with starch and (NH4)2SO4, phytase production increased to 25 IU/g DM. Optimization was carried out by Plackett-Burman and central composite experimental designs. Using optimized medium, phytase, phosphatase, alpha-amylase and xylanase production by A. ficuum NRRL 3135 was studied in Erlenmeyer flask and tray SSF. By scaling up SSF from flasks to stationary trays, activities of 20 IU phytase activity/g DM were reproducibly obtained. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

《Process Biochemistry》1999,34(1):11-16
In a comparison of submerged cultivation (SC) with solid substrate fermentation (SSF) for the production of bacterial exopolysaccharides (EPS), the latter technique yielded 2 to 4.7 times more polymer than the former, on the laboratory scale. SSF was performed using inert solid particles (spent malt grains) impregnated with a liquid medium. The polymer yields obtained from SSFs, as referred to the impregnating liquid volumes, were as follows: 38.8 g/litre xanthan from Xanthomonas campestris, 21.8 g/litre succinoglycan from Rhizobium hedysari and 20.3 g/litre succinoglycan from Agrobacterium tumefaciens PT45. These results make this technique promising for a potential application on the industrial scale. A further advantage with this fermentation process is found in the availability and low cost of substrates, which are obtained as by-products or wastes from the agriculture or food industry.  相似文献   

Effect of operating conditions on solid substrate fermentation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this work the effects of environmental parameters on the performance of solid substrate fermentation (SSF) for protein production are studied. These parameters are (i) air flow rate, (ii) inlet air relative humidity, (iii) inlet air temperature, and (iv) the heat transfer coefficient between the outer wall of the fermentor and the air in the incubator. The air flow is supplied to effect cooling of the fermented mass by evaporation of water. A dynamic model is developed, which permits estimation of biomass content, total dry matter, moisture content, and temperature of the fermented matter. The model includes the effects of temperature and moisture content on both the maximum specific growth rate and the maximum attainable biomass content. The results of the simulation are compared with actual experimental data and show good agreement with them. The most important conclusions are that (i) the evaporative cooling of the biomass is very effective for temperature control and (ii) the air flow rate and the heat transfer coefficient have strong effects but they affect the biomass morphology and are not controllable easily. Also, a simple technique for the determination of the optimum temperature and moisture content profile for cell protein production is applied. The simulated biomass production increases considerably employing the optimum temperature and moisture content profiles. The ultimate goal is to implement the determined effects of the environmental parameters on the SSF biomass production and the temperature and moisture variation profiles to effectively control the SSF and optimize the biomass production. (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary An integrated computerized control system, consisting of temperature and moisture sensors, a variable relative humidity air stream and water sprayers was used to control temperature and moisture in the solid substrate fermentation of extruded corn withRhizopus oligosporus in a 15 l rotary drum fermenter. Dry air was blown through the substrate to force evaporative cooling, balanced by spraying of cold water to maintain constant moisture.  相似文献   

A laboratory-scale system for controlled dynamic solid substrate fermentation was developed and tested. The fermentation takes place in a stainless steel discontinuously rotating drum reactor, under controlled conditions of temperature, gas composition, relative humidity and direction and rate of rotation. The system was tested on a model fermentation of soya beans with Rhizopus oligosporus. In contrast to the traditional tempe fermentation, a granular product is obtained and build-up of heat and mass gradients is restricted. Despite the discontinuous rotation, the fungal growth continues, as evidenced by the production of heat. The rate of cooling depends on the temperature of the gas flushed through the reactor, the gas flow rate and the lenght of the rotation period. As a consequence of the homogeneous temperature control, the fungal heat development continued up to 70 h of fermentation. This is in clear contrast with the traditional tempe fermentation, which is already limited after 36 h by its own heat accumulation. Correspondence to: M. J. R. Nout  相似文献   

《Process Biochemistry》1999,34(2):115-119
A novel solid substrate fermentation system was used to produce fuel ethanol from sweet sorghum and sweet potato using a thermotolerant Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain (VS3) and a local isolate of amylolytic Bacilllus sps. (VB9). The process was carried out on a laboratory scale using broth cultures. Alcohol produced was estimated by gas chromatography after an incubation time of 72 h at 37 and 42°C. More ethanol was produced in co-culture with a mixed substrate than with the thermotolerant yeast (VS3) alone. The maximum amount of ethanol produced in co-culture with a mixed substrate was 5 g/100 g of substrate at 37°C and 3·5 g/100 g of substrate at 42°C.  相似文献   

Sugar cane bagasse was subjected to a mixed culture, solid substrate fermentation with Trichoderma reesei QM9414 and Aspergillus terreus SUK-1 to produce cellulase and reducing sugars. The highest cellulase activity and reducing sugar amount were obtained in mixed culture. The percentage of substrate degradation achieved employing mixed culture was 26% compared to 50% using separate cultures of the two molds. This suggests that the synergism of enzymes in mixed culture solid substrate fermentation have lower synergism than in pure culture.  相似文献   

Summary Cellulolytic and hemicellulolytic enzymes were produced on extracted sweet sorghum silage by mixed culture solid substrate fermentation with Trichoderma reesei LM-1 (a Peruvian mutant) and Aspergillus niger ATCC 10864. Optimal cellulose and xylanase levels of 4 IU/g dry weight (DW) and 180 IU/g DW, respectively, were achieved in 120 h-fermentation when T. reesei, inoculated at 0 h, was followed by the inoculation of A. niger at 48 h.  相似文献   

《Process Biochemistry》2007,42(2):224-234
For any given large-scale solid substrate fermentation (SSF) bioreactor, to assess how well a control system will work in practice requires the most realistic model possible. This model needs to account fully for complicated dynamic reactor behaviour and, in addition, has to include a specific noise model that is capable of reproducing the disturbances observed in SSF bioreactor measurements. In this work, noisy data collected historically from SSF pilot scale fermentations was used to develop such a model. Applying standard signal processing techniques, each measured variable was separated into deterministic and noise signals. Deterministic signals were used to calibrate a previously developed phenomenological model of the bioreactor. Noise signals were used to construct a realistic noise model for each measured variable in turn. Finally, the two models were combined to attain simulations that compared well with real measurements. This integrated model will provide realistic simulations that will prove useful in the design of effective control systems for intermittently mixed SSF bioreactors.  相似文献   

Summary Disinfected cassava root pieces were incubated with and without fungal inoculation. The resulting flours from non-inoculated incubated cassava showed significantly lower (P=0.004) cyanogenic glucoside levels than those from non-incubated cassava, and significantly higher (P < 0.0001) levels than those from the fermented pieces. The fungi played a role in the reduction of the cyanogenic glucoside levels.  相似文献   

A basic procedure was developed to produce a fermented product by solid substrate fermentation using Rhyzopus oligosporus and chickpea as substrate. Water activity was kept at 0.92 throughout the process. Fermentation increased total, ‘true’ and soluble proteins, soluble solids and soluble carbohydrates, and decreased fiber content and pH. About 12% of solids were lost during 72 h of fermentation. The content of most fatty acids was enhanced by fermentation, whereas peroxide value and tannins declined. The color of the fermented product was not deteriorated after 72 h of fermentation. Scanning electron microscopy studies of microbial growth on the substrate showed penetration of the fungus hyphae and degradation effects on the chickpea cotyledon cells.  相似文献   

Summary Aerobic fermentation of swine waste combined with corn produced differences in microbial and biochemical patterns dependent on use of fresh or stored excrement. Lactic acid fermentation and odor control resulted with either waste. Homofermentative lactic acid bacteria were present initially at 107 organisms/dry g with stored waste-corn cultures and total microflora amounted to 108 organisms/dry g. Fresh waste-corn fermentations initially yielded heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria at 107 organisms/dry g and total viable population was 109 organisms/dry g. These respective groups of lactic acid bacteria dominated from 12 through 144 h in cultures with either waste, and acid production (0.2 meq/dry g) decreased pH by 2 units to 4.5. The major acid component with stored waste-corn was lactic acid, whereas fresh waste-corn fermentation produced both lactic and homologous fatty acids from acetic through valeric acid. Coliform bacteria present initially at 105 organisms/dry g in stored waste-corn cultures were not detected after 36 h; coliform bacteria in fresh waste-corn fermentations persisted at 106 organisms/dry g. A silage-like fermentation product resulted which may have use in animal feed formulations.  相似文献   

A crude enzyme preparation, obtained by solid substrate fermentation (SSF) with a Gliocladium spp. and added at the 5% level to wilted or non-wilted alfalfa, improved the fermentation characteristics and stability of alfalfa silages as effectively as commercial preparations, Novo-Nordisk Celluclast 1.5 L and Viscozyme 120 L, applied at the 0.025% level. The effective dose of the crude enzyme costs about one-fourth of the cost of the commercial enzymes.  相似文献   

The conditions of the filter paper activity (FPA) assay were standardized for solid substrate fermentation (SSF). The FPA is a relative measure of the overall cellulose hydrolysing capacity of microbial cellulase preparations, thus reliable and comparable data may be obtained only under standardized conditions. The standardization developed for submerged fermentation (SF) cannot be translated directly to SSF. In SSF, the FPA is strongly dependent on the extraction volume and on the dilution of the enzyme in the assay. The optimal extraction volume was substrate dependent in SSF of corn fiber, spent brewing grains and wheat straw for cellulase production by Trichoderma reesei Rut C30. Other cellulolytic enzyme assays (endoglucanase, beta-glucosidase and xylanase) were much less sensitive to the extraction volume.  相似文献   

A comparative study on solid substrate fermentation (SSF) of sago 'hampas', oil palm frond parenchyma tissue (OPFPt) and rubberwood sawdust with Pycnoporus sanguineus for laccase production was carried out. Optimal mycelial growth of Pyc. sanguineus was observed on all the substrates studied over a 21 days time-course fermentation. Laccase productivity was highest during degradation of sago 'hampas' and OPFPt and a range from 7.5 to 7.6 U/g substrate on the 11th day of fermentation compared to degradation of rubberwood sawdust with a maximum laccase productivity of 5.7 U/g substrate on day 11 of SSF. Further optimization of laccase production was done by varying the inoculum age, density and nitrogen supplementation. SSF of OPFPt by Pyc. sanguineus gave maximum productivity of laccase of 46.5 U/g substrate on day 6 of fermentation with a 30% (w/w) of 4 weeks old inoculum and 0.92% nitrogen in the form of urea supplemented in the substrate. The extraction of laccase was also optimized in this study. Recovery of laccase was fourfold higher at 30.6 U/g substrate on day 10 of SSF using unadjusted tap water at pH 8.0 as extraction medium at 25+/-2 degrees C compared to laccase recovery of 7.46 U/g substrate using sodium acetate buffer at pH 4.8 at 4 degrees C. Further optimization showed that laccase recovery was increased by 50% with a value of 46.5 U/g substrate on day 10 of SSF when the extraction medium was tap water adjusted to pH 5.0 at 25+/-2 degrees C.  相似文献   

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