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Efficient production of thermophilic α-amylase from Bacillus stearothermophilus was investigated using recombinant Escherichia coli HB101/pH1301 immobilized with κ-carrageenan by the addition of glycine. The effects of glycine, the concentrations of κ-carrageenan and KCI on the production of the enzyme as well as the stability of plasmid pHI301 were studied. In the absence of glycine, the enzyme was localized in the periplasmic space of the recombinant E. coli cells and a small amount of the enzyme was liberated in the culture broth. Although the addition of glycine was very effective for release of α-amylase from the periplasm of E. coli entrapped in gel beads, a majority of the enzyme accumulated in the gel matrix. (In this paper, production of the enzyme from recombinant cells to an ambient is expressed by the term “release”, while diffusion-out from gel beads is referred to by the term “liberate”.) Concentrations of KCI and immobilizing support significantly affected on the liberation of α-amylase to the culture broth. Mutants which produced smaller amounts of the enzyme emerged during a successive culture of recombinant E. coli, even under selective pressure, and they predominated in the later period of the passages. The population of plasmid-lost segregants increased with cultivation time. The stability of pHI301 for the free cells was increased by the addition of 2% KCI, which is a hardening agent for carrageenan. Although the viability of cells and α-amylase activity in the beads decreased with cultivation time during the successive culture of the immobilized recombinant E. coli, the plasmid stability was increased successfully by immobilization. Efficient long-term production of α-amylase was attained by an iterative re-activation-liberation procedure using the immobilized recombinant cells. Although the viable cell number, plasmid stability and enzyme activity liberated in the glycine solution decreased at an early period in the cultivation cycles, the process attained steady state regardless of the addition of an antibiotic.  相似文献   

Summary Bacillus amyloliquefaciens 321S cells were immobilized with 3.4% -carrageenan gel in bead form, and -amylase production by the immobilized cells was studied. Cells in the gel, after the population reached maximum were restricted to a layer of 50 m thickness, from the surface of the gel, suggesting that oxygen diffusion is the growth limiting factor. The specific respiratory activity and the growth rate of the entrapped cells under such conditions were 1/2 and 1/5 1/10, respectively, that of free cells. In spite of the repressed respiration and growth, the specific rate of -amylase production of the entrapped cells reached the maximum value of free cells or higher.In continuous culture, in an aerated vessel with a volume ratio of gel beads to medium of 1:2, the maximum production rate of -amylase was obtained at a dilution rate of 1.0 h–1, which was double the maximum specific growth rate of the strain.These results showed that bacterial -amylase production, which is a nongrowth-associated type of synthesis was achieved with the use of immobilized cells.  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》1986,207(1):105-109
A tetrameric inhibitor that is active against α-amylase from the larvae of the insect Tenebrio molitor, but inactive against the enzyme from human saliva and against the endogenous one, has been described in barley endosperm. The subunits of the inhibitor have been identified as the previously characterized proteins CMa, CMb and CMd, of which only CMa was inhibitory by itself.  相似文献   

Robert Locy  Hans Kende 《Planta》1978,143(1):89-99
The involvement of the endomenbrane system of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) aleurone cells in the secretion of gibberellin-induced hydrolases has been investigated at the biochemical level. Our results show that at least 40–60% of the -amylase activity in homogenates of aleurone layers occurs in a membrane-bound, latent form. The latent -amylase can be assayed quantitatively following disruption of membranes by treatment with Triton X-100, ethanol, sonication, or osmotic shock and shear. The association of -amylase with the membrane is not an artifact arising from homogenization of the tissue, and acid protease is also enriched in the same subcellular fraction as the -amylase. The membrane fraction with which the -amylase is associated has many properties of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). When membranebound -amylase is prepared in buffers containing 3 mM MgCl2 two fractions from a sucrose step gradient contain most of the -amylase activity. These fractions are enriched in the ER marker enzyme, NADH-dependent cytochrome-c reductase, and show densities characteristic of smooth and rough ER during subsequent purification on continuous gradients. In step gradients prepared with ethylenediaminete-traacetic-acid-treated membranes, -amylase activity is contained primarily in one fraction having the density of smooth ER. Electron microscopy of the purified fractions is consistent with -amylase being associated with smooth and rough ER. However, it has not been ruled out that the enzyme is also associated with plasma membrane, Golgi membranes, or tonoplast. Examination of the isoenzyme patterns of secreted, of total-homogenate and of membrane-associated -amylases, as well as the results from pulsechase experiments using L-[3H]leucine for labeling of -amylase, are all consistent with the hypothesis that membrane-associated -amylase is an intermediate in the secretory process.Abbreviations CNTPE N-carbobenzoxy-L-tyrosine p-nitrophenylester - Cyt oxidase Cytochrome oxidase - ER endoplasmic reticulum - EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - GA3 gibberellic acid - IDPase inosine diphosphatase - K+-ATPase pH 6.5 K+-stimulated adenosine triphosphatase - MES 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid - MOPS 3-(N-morpholino)propanesulfonic acid - NADH: Cyt c reductase cyanide-insensitive NADH-linked cytochrome-c reductase - RER rough endoplasmic reticulum - Tris tris-(hydroxymethyl)-aminomethane  相似文献   

Hsp100 family of molecular chaperones shows a unique capability to resolubilize and reactivate aggregated proteins. The Hsp100-mediated protein disaggregation is linked to the activity of other chaperones from the Hsp70 and Hsp40 families. The best-studied members of the Hsp100 family are the bacterial ClpB and Hsp104 from yeast. Hsp100 chaperones are members of a large super-family of energy-driven conformational "machines" known as AAA+ ATPases. This review describes the current mechanistic model of the chaperone-induced protein disaggregation and explains how the structural architecture of Hsp100 supports disaggregation and how the co-chaperones may participate in the Hsp100-mediated reactions.  相似文献   

Summary The localization of -amylase (EC in barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv Himalaya) aleurone protoplasts was studied using electron microscope immunocytochemistry. Antibodies were raised against total barley -amylase, i.e., -amylase containing both highisoelectric point (high-pI) and low-pI isoforms, as well as against purified high- and low-pI isoforms. All antibodies localized -amylase to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and Golgi apparatus (GApp) of the aleurone cell, and various controls showed that the labeling was specific for -amylase. Labeling of protein bodies and spherosomes, which are the most abundant organelles in this cell, was very low. There was no evidence that -amylase isoforms were differentially distributed within different compartments of the endomembrane system. Rather, both high- and low-pI isoforms showed the same pattern of distribution in ER and in the cis, medial, and transregions of the GApp. We conclude that in the Himalaya cultivar of barley, all isoforms of -amylase are transported to the plasma membrane via the GApp.Abbreviations ER endoplasmic reticulum - GA3 gibberellic acid - GApp Golgi apparatus - PBS phosphate buffered saline - PCR partially coated reticulum - PM plasma membrane - TBS Tris buffered saline - TGN trans-Golgi network  相似文献   

α-Amylases secreted by the aleurone layer of whole barley grains were relatively rich in histidine and relatively poor in glutamate/glutamine and serine when compared to other eukaryotic proteins. The secreted α-amylases had an estimated 0.5 residues each of glucose, mannose and N-acetylglucosamine per molecule of protein (MW 41 400 daltons), and gave positive staining reactions for carbohydrate on sodium dodecylsulfate polyacrylamide gels. Because the average α-amylase molecule had less than one sugar residue per enzyme molecule, it was concluded that secreted α-amylases were heterogeneous with respect to glycosylation. A second protein co-purified with α-amylase, but the amino acid composition of this protein was different from that of barley or wheat α-amylase. This protein was composed of two 21 500 dalton polypeptides. No significant amounts of L-leucine (14C-U) were incorporated into this second protein in isolated aleurone tissue during incubation with gibberellic acid, perhaps because much of it was already present in the starchy endosperm at the time of hormone addition.  相似文献   

J. V. Jacobsen  R. B. Knox 《Planta》1973,112(3):213-224
Summary Gibberellic-acid(GA3)-induced -amylase has been localised in barley aleurone layers using cytochemical methods and light microscopy. Evidence obtained from the use of a starch substrate film method as well as immunofluorescence indicated that the first amylase to appear in the cell was associated with aleurone grains, apparently with the outer membrane, and also with the peripheral cytoplasm. In GA3-treated tissue, the amylase distribution was much more diffuse, although patchy, throughout the cytoplasm and it tended to accumulate in the endosperm side of the cell. The possibility that the aleurone grain membrane is the site of gibberellin-induced enzyme synthesis and that it proliferates to become rough endoplasmic reticulum is considered. Immunological information was obtained which supports earlier indications that induced -amylase consists of two different proteins, each with molecular heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Two experimental approaches demonstrate that different types of RNA complementary to -amylase mRNA are present in barley. S1 nuclease assays identify an RNA that is complementary to essentially the full length of both the type A and type B -amylase mRNAs. Complementarity, however, is imperfect: the S1 nuclease-resistant products can only be identified if they are electrophoresed as RNA-DNA hybrids. This RNA is present in developing endosperm + aleurone tissue and in mature aleurone tissue cultured in the absence of hormonal treatment or in the presence of abscisic acid, but not in shoot or root tissue. In mature aleurone tissue treated with abscisic acid, its steady-state abundance is similar to that of -amylase mRNA. Northern blot analysis indicated the presence of a second type of antisense RNA. Under conditions of moderate stringency, antisense-specific probes detect discrete hybridizing species of 1.6, 1.4, and 1.0 kilobases in mature aleurone and shoot tissues that do not represent spurious hybridization to rRNA, -amylase mRNA, or the abundant, G+C-rich mRNA for a probable amylase/protease inhibitor. The different results are consistent with the fact that the hybridization assay can tolerate relatively short regions of complementarity separated by large, nonhomologous sequences, while the nuclease protection assay cannot.  相似文献   

Localisation of -amylase (EC in low-temperature-embedded isolated barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) aleurone has been achieved using rhodamine-labelled secondary antibodies and the protein A-gold technique. Treatment with gibberellic acid (GA3) resulted in an increase of immunofluorescence in the cytoplasm of aleurone cells and also its appearance in specific regions of the cell walls. Cytoplasmic label was neither perinuclear nor associated specifically with aleurone grains as had been found in earlier work, but was present throughout the cytoplasm of all cells. A relatively high level of labelling occurred in hydrolysed wall regions. Label was also associated with plasmodesmata in both hydrolysed and unhydrolysed wall regions. The pattern of labelling indicates that -amylase is released from aleurone via digested wall channels and that, except for the inner wall layer, unhydrolysed regions are impermeable to the enzyme. It is suggested that the resistant wall tubes around plasmodesmata may facilitate enzyme release by providing a pathway for transfer, especially of wall hydrolases, into the more impermeable parts of the wall.Abbreviations ER endoplasmic reticulum - GA3 gibberellic acid - RER rough endoplasmic reticulum  相似文献   

Summary Two cDNA clones were characterized which correspond to different RNA species whose level is increased by gibberellic acid (GA3) in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) aleurone layers. On the criteria of amino terminal sequencing, amino acid composition and DNA sequencing it is likely that one of these clones (pHV19) corresponds to the mRNA for -amylase (1,4--D-glucan glucanohydrolase, EC, in particular for the B family of -amylase isozymes (Jacobsen JV, Higgins TJV: Plant Physiol 70:1647–1653, 1982). Sequence analysis of PHV19 revealed a probable 23 amino acid signal peptide. Southern hybridization of this clone to barley DNA digested with restriction endonucleases indicated approximately eight gene-equivalents per haploid genome.The identity of the other clone (pHV14) is unknown, but from hybridization studies and sequence analysis it is apparently unrelated to the -amylase clone.Both clones hybridize to RNAs that are similar in size (1500b), but which accumulate to different extents following GA3 treatment: -amylase mRNA increases approximately 50-fold in abundance over control levels, whereas the RNA hybridizing to pHV14 increases approximately 10-fold. In the presence of abscisic acid (ABA) the response to GA3 is largely, but not entirely, abolished. These results suggest that GA3 and ABA regulate synthesis of -amylase in barley aleurone layers primarily through the accumulation of -amylase mRNA.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - CHA cyclohepta-amylose - CMC carboxymethyl cellulose - GA3 gibberellic acid  相似文献   

A diploid yeast strain displaying both α-amylase and glucoamylase was developed for repeated fermentation from raw starch. First, the construct of α-amylase was optimized for cell surface display, as there have been no reports of α-amylase-displaying yeast. The modified yeast displaying both glucoamylase and α-amylase produced 46.5 g/l of ethanol from 200 g/l of raw corn starch after 120 h of fermentation, and this was 1.5-fold higher when compared to native α-amylase-displaying yeast. Using the glucoamylase and modified α-amylase co-displaying diploid strain, we repeated fermentation from 100g/l of raw starch for 23 cycles without the loss of α-amylase or glucoamylase activity. The average ethanol productivity and yield during repeated fermentation were 1.61 g/l/h and 76.6% of the theoretical yield, respectively. This novel yeast may be useful for reducing the cost of bio-ethanol production and may be suitable for industrial-scale bio-ethanol production.  相似文献   

《Process Biochemistry》2004,39(11):1745-1749
A moderately thermophilic Bacillus subtilis strain, isolated from fresh sheep’s milk, produced extracellular thermostable α-amylase. Maximum amylase production was obtained at 40 °C in a medium containing low starch concentrations. The enzyme displayed maximal activity at 135 °C and pH 6.5 and its thermostability was enhanced in the presence of either calcium or starch. This thermostable α-amylase was used for the hydrolysis of various starches. An ammonium sulphate crude enzyme preparation as well as the cell-free supernatant efficiently degraded the starches tested. The use of the clear supernatant as enzyme source is highly advantageous mainly because it decreases the cost of the hydrolysis. Upon increase of reaction temperature to 70 °C, all substrates exhibited higher hydrolysis rates. Potato starch hydrolysis resulted in a higher yield of reducing sugars in comparison to the other starches at all temperatures tested. Soluble and rice starch took, respectively, the second and third position regarding reducing sugars liberation, while the α-amylase studied showed slightly lower affinity for corn starch and oat starch.  相似文献   

The gene (1,542 bp) encoding thermostable Ca2+-independent and raw starch hydrolyzing α-amylase of the extremely thermophilic bacterium Geobacillus thermoleovorans encodes for a protein of 50 kDa (Gt-amyII) with 488 amino acids. The enzyme is optimally active at pH 7.0 and 60 °C with a t 1/2 of 19.4 h at 60 and 4 h at 70 °C. Gt-amyII hydrolyses corn and tapioca raw starches efficiently and therefore finds application in starch saccharification at industrial sub-gelatinisation temperatures. The starch hydrolysis is facilitated following adsorption of the enzyme to starch at the C-terminal domain, as confirmed by the truncation analysis. The adsorption rate constant of Gt-amyII to raw corn starch is 37.6-fold greater than that for the C-terminus truncated enzyme (Gt-amyII-T). Langmuir–Hinshelwood kinetic analysis in terms of equilibrium parameter (K R) suggested that the adsorption of Gt-amyII to corn starch is more favourable than that of Gt-amyII-T. Thermodynamics of temperature inactivation indicated a decrease in thermostabilisation of Gt-amyII upon truncation of its C-terminus. The addition of raw corn starch increased t 1/2 of Gt-amyII, but it has no such effect on Gt-amyII-T. It can, therefore, be stated that Gt-amyII binds to raw corn starch via C-terminal region that contributes to its thermostability. Phylogenetic analysis confirmed that starch binding region of Gt-amyII is, in fact, the non-catalytic domain C, and not the typical SBD of CBM families. The role of domain C in raw starch binding throws light on the evolutionary path of the known SBDs.  相似文献   

Li  Gao-Xiang  Linko  Yu-Yen  Linko  P. 《Biotechnology letters》1984,6(10):645-650
Summary Aspergillus niger mycelia or spores were immobilized in calcium alginate gel beads and employed for production of glucoamylase and -amylase by repeated batch process. The immobilized mycelium produced lower enzyme activities than immobilized spores germinated in a growth medium and subsequently cultured in an enzyme production medium. In repeated batch experiments, free cells could be used for only 4 4-day batches, whereas with immobilized spores at least 11 4-day batches with a gradual increase in enzyme activities in each successive batch were possible. The activity ratio of glucoamylase and -amylase produced was altered by immobilization.  相似文献   

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