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In situ localization of mRNA was carried out on two cDNAs (Osc4 and Osc6) that had been isolated from rice anthers at the microspore stage. The mRNA corresponding to each cDNA was shown to be localized only in the tapetal cells of the rice immature anthers, but not in the microspores or the mature pollen. The corresponding genomic clone, Osg6B, was isolated, and its 5-upstream region was found to regulate -glucuronidase expression in the tapetum of transgenic tobacco. A set of 5 deletions was also generated and a 1095 bp 5 region was revealed to be necessary for activation of the Osg6B promoter in transgenic tobacco.  相似文献   

Abstract. Mustard seedlings in the early stages of growth are sensitive to the presence of excess moisture, growth of the radicle and anthocyanin synthesis being retarded by water at a suction of less than 3 cm water for seedlings growing on a plane surface. This inhibitory effect commences at about 12-15 h from wetting of the seed. It can be counteracted by increasing the partial pressure of oxygen in the atmosphere or by de-coating the seed, suggesting that the inhibition is caused by a restricted flow of oxygen through the mucilaginous seed coat. The positive effect of gravity on anthocyanin synthesis in the developing seedling can be wholly accounted for in terms of the removal of excess moisture. This explanation largely accounts for the improved growth of the root, but a tonic effect of gravity on root growth can also be discerned.  相似文献   

Jane A. Rest  J. G. Vaughan 《Planta》1972,105(3):245-262
Summary The cotyledons of Sinapis alba L. seed are the storage organs and first photosynthetic organs. The development of the cotyledon cell contents was studied using electron and light microscopy. From the heart shaped embryo (11 days from petal fall) to the mature seed, nine stages were examined.Both types of protein grains (designated aleurone grains and myrosin grains) were found to form within vacuoles, but the mode of protein accumulation differed with each type of grain.Oil bodies were apparent with the EM from 18 days onwards, but could not be seen to arise from the ER. They were granular in appearance at early stages, but later became electron transparent.  相似文献   

Two highly homologous Brassica napus flower cDNA clones, Sta 41-2 and Sta 41-9, were isolated and characterized. These clones were shown to correspond to genes expressed in the tapetum from the early uninucleate microspore stage to the dinucleate stage. The predicted Sta 41-2 and Sta 41-9 proteins possessed characteristics similar to oleosins such as a polar N-terminal domain, a large relatively conserved hydrophobic domain and a long C-terminal domain which consisted of four different groups of repeats. In addition, like oleosins, the Sta 41-2 and Sta 41-9 proteins have a basic pl, lack a signal peptide and are found in a tissue which accumulates lipids in small lipid bodies.  相似文献   

We present clear evidence of ancestral genome triplication in Sinapis alba, a close relative of the cultivated Brassica species. Exceptionally high levels of heterozygosity in the parents of an F1 intercross permitted the mapping of an estimated 87% of all detected restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) loci, with each RFLP probe typically detecting 2 or 3 loci. These duplicated loci were arranged in 8 triplicated homologous linkage blocks and 2 small, duplicated, homologous linkage blocks covering the majority of the S. alba genome. Several large-scale inversions and translocations appear to have rearranged the order of loci within homologous blocks. The role of successive polyploidization events on the evolution of crucifer species is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. An analysis of three biochemical parameters during growth of white mustard in continuous white light (WL) has been undertaken at 10°, 15° and 20°C. The time required for anthocyanin and chlorophyll content and nitrate reductase [E.C. 1661 NAD(P)H: nitrate oxidoreductase] activity (NRA) to reach a peak in the cotyledons is shown to be temperature dependent, the rise in chlorophyll content being delayed to a much greater extent than anthocyanin content. In addition, with NRA, there is a significant increase in the level of the peaks with a lowering of temperature.
The NRA in dark-grown plants has been investigated in detail at 10°C. The pre-competence time for this response is increased to 20–24 h, compared with 14 h in seeds grown at 25°C. Other responses are affected far more by the lower temperature; for example, time for 50% loss of photoreversibility of a red (R) pulse in 48-h-old seeds is approximately 13 h, compared with 8 min in seeds grown at 25°C. At 25°C, light treatments during precompetence have been found to increase significantly the effectiveness of a subsequent R pulse on NRA; at 10°C, this effect appears to be almost entirely absent.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. The time-course of anthesis of Echium vulgare is described.
2. Diel changes in the sugar concentration of the nectar, the quantity of nectar and the quantity of sugar per flower are illustrated for E.vulgare and for Sinapis alba.
3. These changes are interpreted in terms of (a) the periodicity of secretion and (b) the influence of microclimate and insect visits on post-secretory changes in the composition and volume of nectar.
4. There was hour-to-hour and day-to-day variation in the species composition and the proportion of workers taking nectar rather than nectar plus pollen among the social bees visiting E.vulgare.
5. Honeybee visits to E.vulgare were more numerous in humid weather, when there was enough nectar per flower for their relatively short tongues to reach, and in an area where the corollas grew shorter than they did elsewhere.
6. The significance of changes in the caloric content, volume, concentration, viscosity and sugar composition is discussed from the points of view of insects and ecologists.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of wax esters has been investigated in maturing seeds of Sinapis alba. Exogenous long-chain alcohols are incorporated exclusively into alkyl moieties of wax esters. Oxidation of the long-chain alcohols is not detected. Exogenous fatty acids are incorporated into acyl moieties of wax esters to a low extent. A reduction of fatty acids to alcohols is not observed. Synthesis of wax esters is localized exclusively in the testa; both outer and inner integument are equally active in wax ester biosynthesis. The biosynthesis of wax esters is specific with regard to both chain length and degree of unsaturation of long-chain alcohols. Exogenous and endogenous sterols are not esterified.  相似文献   

A cDNA for pea glutathione reductase has been cloned and sequenced. The derived amino acid sequence of 562 residues shows a high degree of homology to the previously published GR sequences from human erythrocytes and from two prokaryotes: Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The pea enzyme differs from other GRs in having an N-terminal leader sequence of about 60-70 residues which may be a chloroplast transit peptide and a 20 amino acid C-terminal extension of unknown function.  相似文献   

D. Bajracharya  H. Falk  P. Schopfer 《Planta》1976,131(3):253-261
Summary The development of mitochondria from promitochondria is regulated by phytochrome. This conclusion is based on four lines of evidence: 1. The activity of representative mitochondrial marker enzymes (fumarase, EC; succinate dehydrogenase, EC; cytochrome oxidase, EC is increased by continuous far-red light and (in 2 of the 3 enzymes) by brief red pulses, the effect of which is reversible by brief far-red pulses. These effects do not merely represent a general growth or proliferation of mitochondria already present but specific responses of individual enzymes. Inhibitors of protein synthesis but not of RNA synthesis suppress the increase of these enzyme activities. 2. Continuous far-red light changes some structural properties of the mitochondrial membranes, detectable by an increased requirement of detergent (Triton X-100) for the solubilization of cytochrome oxidase and a more efficient retainment of the matrix enzyme fumarase during isolation of mitochondria. Continuous far-red light increases the apparent buoyant density of mitochondria on a sucrose density gradient. 3. Continuous far-red light has a strong effect on the morphology of the inner mitochondrial membrane system. Electron micrographs from dark-grown cotyledons show arrays of parallel, plate-like cristae while typical plant mitochondria with irregularly oriented sacculi are formed in the light. These responses indicate the involvement of mitochondria in cytophotomorphogenesis during the transition of the cotyledons from dissimilatory to assimilatory metabolism.Abbreviations DCPIP 2.6-dichlorophenole indophenole - EDTA Na2-ethylenediaminetetraacetate - HEPES 2-[4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-piperazine-(1)ethanesulfonic acid - PMS phenazine methosulfate  相似文献   

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