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目的:通过对广州、深圳、珠海等地几所大学生的艾滋病知识、态度及行为的现况调查,了解他们艾滋病知识、态度、行为之间的相关关系分析,并对大学生知识-态度-行为相关关系模式的探讨,提出有效防控措施.方法:采用流行病学横断面研究方法,对广东省珠三角地区的广州、深圳、珠海三个城市10所大学院校学生,进行问卷调查,并对获得基础数据应用SPSS软件进行统计分析.结果:广州-深圳-珠海等地被抽调的大学生对艾滋病知识的知晓率不高,仍有部份大学生对艾滋病及其患者存在一些错误理解和歧视,对艾滋病存在恐惧心理,同时大学生性行为发生率高,安全套使用率低,部分大学生还存在滥用药物和同性性行为的现象.结论:政府应组织有关技术部门从理论到实践来探讨艾滋病预防中知识-态度-行为相关模式,并制定有针对性的干预计划,合理设计教育内容与方式提供科学依据,使大学生在获得知识的基础上发生态度及行为的改变,最终降低青少年人群的艾滋病感染率.  相似文献   

目的了解平顶山市湛河区艾滋病自愿咨询检测(voluntary counseling and testing, VCT)的人类免疫缺陷病毒(human immunodeficiency virus, HIV)抗体情况,为全区科学防治艾滋病工作提供理论依据。方法通过湛河区疾病预防控制中心2014—2018年3 205例VCT HIV抗体分析,研究同期报告的艾滋病病例的感染状况和人群分布特征。结果 2014—2018年湛河区疾病预防控制中心对3 205人次VCT并进行HIV抗体筛查,阳性21例,阳性率0.66%。VCT HIV抗体阳性和阳性率最高的年份是2016和2017年,各年份间无明显趋势变化,各年份差异无统计学意义;男女性别比为1.60∶1,男性VCT HIV抗体阳性和阳性率高于女性,性别差异无统计学意义;年龄分布以青壮年为主,年龄集中在>20~40岁组,占64.93%;文化程度分布,以初中及以下人群的构成比最高;婚姻状况分布发现,已婚VCT HIV抗体阳性和阳性率最多;不同高危人群HIV抗体检测,男男性行为抗体阳性率是异性性行为的23.24倍。结论疾病预防控制中心VCT是HIV阳性发现的主要部门,需进一步重视和扩大VCT门诊;加强人们艾滋病预防知识的普及工作,特别针对外来务工人员、高危行为者中男男性行为者的健康教育和行为干预;同时对婚检人群抗体阳性的出现引起足够的重视。  相似文献   

目的了解广西靖西县1997—2012年HIV/AIDS流行病学状况,分析流行趋势,为制定艾滋病防治措施提供科学依据。方法采用描述流行病学分析方法,对靖西县1997—2012年艾滋病疫情监测资料进行分析。结果靖西县1997—2012年累计报告HIV/AIDS 147例,其中HIV感染者60例,AIDS病人47例,死亡40例;男性95例,女性52例,男女性别比为1.83∶1;以20~49岁青壮年为主,这些年龄组发病率为3.24/10万;传播途径以性接触传播为主,占90.48%;其次为静脉注射毒品传播,占6.80%。结论靖西县艾滋病流行近年呈明显上升趋势,艾滋病已经从高危人群向普通人群扩散传播,性接触传播已经成为艾滋病的主要传播途径,应加强对高危人群性行为的干预,遏制艾滋病传播蔓延。  相似文献   

目的调查268例吸毒女性人乳头瘤病毒感染情况并分析其相关高危因素。方法选取我院2016年1月-2018年1月收入的268例吸毒女性作为研究对象,根据是否感染人乳头瘤病毒分为感染组70例及未感染组198例,比较两组吸毒女性基本资料,运用Logistic回归分析模型对具有统计学意义的因素进行分析,总结相关高危因素。结果 268例吸毒女性中人乳头瘤病毒感染者70例,感染率为26.12%且以高危型为主;两组吸毒女性基本资料中除年龄、受教育程度、肿瘤家族病史、盆腔炎病史无明显差异外,其他因素均有统计学意义(P0.05)。Logistic回归分析结果显示,免疫功能低下、初次性行为年龄过早(18周岁)、多个性伴侣(≥3个)、危险性行为、性伴侣吸毒、长期吸毒(≥3年)为女性吸毒人群人乳头瘤病毒感染的高危因素(OR=4.420、4.551、4.778、4.569、5.110、5.475,Ps0.05)。结论女性吸毒人群人乳头瘤病毒感染率较高且以高危型为主,Logistic回归分析证实,吸毒女性中存在多种高危因素,应该及早针对高危因素采取干预措施。  相似文献   

目的分析许昌市小学生了解传染病途径及行为,以期为进一步加强传染病预防控制及实践工作提供科学依据。方法采用两阶段分层整群抽样法,对许昌市6个区县18所小学2160名小学生,通过问卷调查小学生传染病获取途径、知晓率及行为情况。结果小学生传染病知识知晓率调查显示,女生流感预防措施、艾滋病传播途径、手足口病传染途径、乙肝传播途径、接种禁忌证、肺结核症状体征、狗咬伤处理方法知晓率高于男生(P0.05),城市流感预防措施、手足口病传染途径、麻疹预防方法、接种禁忌证、艾滋病传播途径、肺结核症状体征、狗咬伤处理方法高于郊区(P0.05)。经课堂教学、多媒体录像、电视及周围人群谈论知晓率分别为32.08%、26.44%、23.70%及17.78%,饭前便后洗手率、毛巾共用率、洗手使用肥皂率、吐痰至痰盂率、有疾病症状通知师长率分别为71.25%、35.79%、43.10%、90.32%、68.19%。结论许昌市小学生传染病知识知晓率仍有不足,通过前期调查了解,依据小学生掌握情况及特点,结合多种途径进行健康教育促进其健康行为提升。  相似文献   

短尾猴和日本猴雄性性行为的比较研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
本文比较研究了短尾猴和日本猴的雄性性行为。短尾猴属单次爬跨射精型种类,每次交配平均持续23.2秒,日本猴属多次爬跨射精型种类,每次交配平均持续8.2分,交配期间雄性平均爬跨雌性lO.6次才能达到射精。短尾猴第1顺位雄性是群中的主要交配者,它占有交配总数的70.9 %;而日本猴第5顺位以下的雄性占交配总数的64%。交配中,两种猴雄性间相互打搅行为的发生频率大致相当。短尾猴高顺位雄性的打搅行为能使低顺位雄性的交配中断,但日本猴高顺位的打搅行为只能使低顺位雄性交配的54.3%中断。  相似文献   

目的探讨贫困山区艾滋病(HIV/AIDS)流行特点,制定防治对策。方法对2010年1月~2015年5月广西忻城县HIV/AIDS的流行特点进行调查研究。结果报告发现艾滋病病例498例,其中男340例,女158例;农民399例,占80.12%;性传播485例,占97.39%;注射毒品8例,占1.61%;母婴传播3例,占0.60%;不详2例,占0.40%;死亡194例。在本院出现发热等感染症状筛查初诊75例,占15.06%。结论贫困山区艾滋病的流行以农民为主,性传播为多,预防措施以低档暗娼干预及社会管理模式为主;住院患者出现感染症状应注意HIV的筛查。  相似文献   

目的:健康相关危险行为是产生常见病、多发病的重要原因,其形成受社会、家庭等多种环境因素和自身因素影响。初中阶段是养成良好健康行为的关键时期,了解初中生健康危险行为现状,可为制定干预措施提供科学依据。方法:对西安市城区1608名初中生进行健康危险行为问卷调查,分析各种健康危险行为检出率的性别差别。结果:34.3%的初中生存在偏食行为,42.6%的初中生在过去30天内采取过减肥措施;62.2%的初中生最多有2天运动超过30分钟;65.3%的初中生骑自行车违规;9.6%的初中生目前吸烟。过去1个月有大量饮酒行为者占8.4%。因上网影响学习者占17.0%;参与过类似赌博的娱乐活动者占9.8%。多数健康危险行为检出率男生高于女生(P值均0.05)。结论:西安市城区初中生健康危险行为发生率较高,男女生间存在差异,应针对男女生不同健康危险行为,采取有针对性的综合干预措施进行干预,以及早纠正健康危险行为,促进青少年健康发展。  相似文献   

摘要 目的:探究江苏省2017年至2019年度艾滋病哨点监测人群丙型肝炎病毒(Hepatitis C virus,HCV)、梅毒螺旋体(Treponema Pallidum,TP)以及人类免疫缺陷病毒(Treponema Pallidum,HIV)感染状况,以期为制定对应的疾患干预手段提供临床数据支撑。方法:严格按照《全国艾滋病哨点监测实施方案操作手册(2012版)》对入组的900例个体开展相关问卷调查,并对入组对象进行HCV、TP以及HIV感染血清学检测,分别统计3年总体感染情况、年度感染情况、不同年龄段人群感染情况以及合并感染情况。结果:(1)性工作者HCV、TP以及HIV感染率分别为3.00 %、4.00 %和9.00 %,吸毒人群感染率分别为13.00 %、73.00 %和13.00 %,孕产妇感染率分别为1.00 %、0.67 %和1.33 %,比较显示,吸毒人群HCV、TP以及HIV感染率明显高于其余两类人群(P<0.05);(2)就各年度不同人群HCV、TP以及HIV感染率开展年度横向比较显示,不同年度不同人群的HCV、TP以及HIV感染率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);(3)针对不同年龄段不同人群的HCV、TP以及HIV感染率开展比较显示,吸毒人群中≥50岁HCV和HIV感染率明显高于其他年龄段(P<0.05),性工作者中18~20岁HIV感染率明显高于其他年龄段(P<0.05),其余差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);(4)合并感染情况分析显示合并TP以及HIV感染率要高于其他合并感染。结论:吸毒人群是江苏省HCV、TP以及HIV感染高发群体,以≥50岁年龄段感染率最高,总体来看HCV、TP以及HIV感染率呈现逐年降低趋势,但仍应该加强对上述疾患的防控工作。  相似文献   

2004年,我国制定和明确了“预防为主,防治结合,重点干预,广泛覆盖,依法管理”的精神卫生工作指导原则,制定了一系列工作目标,包括到2010年普通人群心理健康知识和精神疾病预防知识知晓率达到50%,儿童和青少年精神疾病和心理行为问题发生率降到12%,精神分裂症治疗率达到60%,精神疾病治疗与康复工作覆盖人口8亿人等。  相似文献   

We conducted the first study to examine rates of sexual activity, sexual risk behaviors, sexual protective behaviors, injection drug use (IDU), needle sharing, and knowledge about HIV/AIDS among outpatients with severe mental illness (SMI) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Using a measure with demonstrated reliability, we found that 42% of 98 patients engaged in vaginal or anal sex within the past three months. Comorbid substance use disorder was significantly associated with sexual activity. Only 22% of sexually active patients used condoms consistently, despite having better HIV knowledge than those who were sexually abstinent. Overall, 45% of patients reported not engaging in any HIV protective behaviors. There were no reports of drug injection. Adults with SMI in Brazil are in need of efficacious HIV prevention programs and policies that can sustain these programs within mental health treatment settings.  相似文献   

Due to their geographical mobility and long periods of separation from intimate partners, migrant workers are at increased risk for a variety of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including HIV/AIDS. This study sought to investigate patterns in HIV/AIDS related knowledge, attitudes and sexual behaviour in migrant workers in Croatia. In 2003, 566 male migrant workers were recruited during regular required medical examinations and surveyed at seven locations throughout the country. Each participant was asked to complete a self-administered KABP (sexual knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and practices) questionnaire. The average age of respondents was 38.2 years and the majority worked as seafarers (77.3%) and construction workers (20.5%). Only 18.5% of respondents were able to correctly answer all 13 questions assessing knowledge of HIV/AIDS. Seafarers reported higher levels of knowledge than did construction workers. The average respondent reported having had two sexual partners in the last 12 months, with slightly over half of the respondents (55.3%) reporting condom use at their last intercourse with a casual partner. One fifth of the respondents (20.3%) who reported having had intercourse with a sex worker during the last year reported not using condoms at last intercourse. The number of sexual partners was correlated with age, marital status, faith in God, and personal HIV risk assessment. Attitudes toward condom use, co-workers' HIV/AIDS concerns and the duration of migrant status (within the last two years) were shown to be significant correlates of condom use at last intercourse with a casual partner. The effect of HIV/AIDS related knowledge on analyzed behaviors did not reach statistical significance. Inadequate patterns of migrant workers' condom use, gaps in knowledge about HIV transmission and modes of protection, as well as widespread ignorance regarding available anonymous HIV testing found by this study suggest a critical need for expert intervention to avert the potential for an increase in new HIV/AIDS cases. A coordinated, systematic campaign for HIV/AIDS prevention among Croatian migrant workers should focus on increasing peer communication about HIV/AIDS, especially among younger migrant workers, and on reducing the frequency of sexual risk taking.  相似文献   

To examine the actual and potential spread of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) from an acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) epicenter to surrounding neighborhoods, we studied the prevalence of the viral infection and AIDS risk behaviors from 1988 to 1989 in a representative sample of unmarried whites, African Americans, and Hispanics living in San Francisco. We surveyed 1,770 single men and women aged 20 to 44 years (a 64% response rate) in a random household sample drawn from 3 neighborhoods of varying geographic and cultural proximity to the Castro District where the San Francisco epidemic began. Of 1,369 with blood tests, 69 (5%) had HIV antibodies; all but 5 of these reported either homosexual activity (32% HIV-positive; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 23%, 41%), injection drug use (5% HIV-positive; CI = 1%, 14%), or both (59% HIV-positive; CI 42%, 74%). Homosexual activity was more common among white men than among African-American or Hispanic men, but the proportion of those infected was similar in the 3 races. Both the prevalence of homosexually active men and the proportion infected were much lower in the 2 more outlying neighborhoods. Risk behaviors in the past year for acquiring HIV heterosexually--sex with an HIV-infected person or homosexually active man or injection drug user, unprotected sexual intercourse with more than 4 partners, and (as a proxy) having a sexually transmitted disease--were assessed in 1,573 neighborhood residents who were themselves neither homosexually active men nor injection drug users. The prevalence of reporting at least 1 of these risk behaviors was 12% overall, and race-gender estimates ranged from 5% among Hispanic women to 21% among white women. We conclude that in San Francisco, infection with HIV is rare among people who are neither homosexually active nor injection drug users, but the potential for the use spread of infection is substantial, as 12% of this group reported important risk behaviors for acquiring the virus heterosexually.  相似文献   

X Gao  Y Wu  Y Zhang  N Zhang  J Tang  J Qiu  X Lin  Y Du 《PloS one》2012,7(9):e44881


Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) are among the most complex health problems in the world. Young people are at high risk of HIV and AIDS infections and are, therefore, in need of targeted prevention. School-based HIV/AIDS health education may be an effective way to prevent the spread of AIDS among adolescents.


The study was a school-based intervention conducted in three middle schools and two high schools in Wuhan, China, which included 702 boys and 766 girls, with ages from 11 to 18 years old. The intervention was a one-class education program about HIV/AIDS for participants. HIV/AIDS knowledge, attitude, and high-risk behaviors were investigated using an anonymous self-administered questionnaire before and after the education intervention. Chi-square test was used to compare differences before and after the intervention. Non-conditional logistic regression analysis was used to identify the factors that affect HIV/AIDS knowledge.


Misconceptions about basic medical knowledge and non-transmission modes of HIV/AIDS among all the students prevail. Approximately 10% to 40% of students had negative attitudes about HIV/AIDS before the intervention. After the intervention, all of the students had significant improvements in knowledge and attitude about HIV/AIDS (P<.05), indicating that educational intervention increased the students’ knowledge significantly and changed their attitudes positively. Logistic regression analyses indicated that before the intervention the students’ level of knowledge about HIV/AIDS was significantly associated with grade, economic status of the family, and attitudes toward participation in HIV/AIDS health information campaigns.


HIV/AIDS education programs were welcomed by secondary students and positively influenced HIV/AIDS-related knowledge and attitudes. A systematic and long-term intervention among secondary school students must be conducted for the prevention of HIV.  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to investigate the association between social support and AIDS high-risk behaviors in commercial sex workers (CSWs) in China.


A cross-sectional study was performed based on a convenience sample. Data were collected through questionnaire interviews including information about social demographic characteristics, the Social Support Rating Scale (SSRS) and AIDS knowledge. Multiple logistic regression was performed to evaluate the association between social support and AIDS high-risk behaviors, specifically condom use during commercial sex.


A total of 581 commercial sex workers from 4 counties in East China participated in the study. The majority of the participants were 15 to 30 years old (79.7%). Sources of individual and family support were mainly provided by their parents (50.3%), relatives and friends (46.3%), spouses (18.4%), respectively. Univariate analysis revealed that marital status, hobbies, smoking habit, individual monthly income and family monthly income were all significantly correlated with current levels of social support being received (P = 0.04, P = 0.00, P = 0.01, P = 0.01, P = 0.01, respectively). Furthermore, Multiple logistic regression analysis indicated that after adjusting for confounding factors, high levels of social support were significantly correlated with increased condom use at the last sexual encounter (P = 0.02, OR = 1.86, 95%CI: 1.10–3.16); and consistently in the past month with clients (P = 0.03, OR = 2.10, 95%CI: 1.09–4.04).


CSWs with high levels of social support are more likely to use condoms during commercial sex. This suggests that increasing social support can potentially reduce AIDS-related high-risk behaviors and accordingly play an important role in AIDS prevention.  相似文献   

Objective To compare the demographic characteristics and risk behaviors for hepatitis B infection among injection drug users younger than 30 years with those aged 30 or older and to evaluate participants'' knowledge, attitudes, and experiences of infection, screening, and vaccination against hepatitis B virus. Design A systematic sample of injection drug users not currently in a treatment program were recruited and interviewed at needle exchange programs and community sites. Participants 135 injection drug users younger than 30 years and 96 injection drug users aged 30 or older. Results Injection drug users younger than 30 were twice as likely as drug users aged 30 or older to report having shared needles in the past 30 days (36/135 [27%] vs 12/96 [13%]). Injection drug users younger than 30 were also twice as likely to report having had more than two sexual partners in the past 6 months (80/135 [59%] vs 29/96 [30%]). Although 88 of 135 (68%) young injection drug users reported having had contact with medical providers within the past 6 months only 13 of 135 (10%) had completed the hepatitis B vaccine series and only 16 of (13%) perceived themselves as being at high risk of becoming infected with the virus. Conclusion Few young injection drug users have been immunized even though they have more frequent contact with medical providers and are at a higher risk for new hepatitis B infection than older drug users. Clinicians caring for young injection drug users and others at high risk of infection should provide education, screening, and vaccination to reduce an important source of hepatitis B infection.  相似文献   

R Allard  G Lambert 《CMAJ》1992,146(3):353-359
OBJECTIVES: To measure the perceived risk of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) among international travellers, to measure their knowledge of the transmission and prevention of HIV infection abroad and to identify some of the determinants of this knowledge. DESIGN: Survey. SETTING: Travellers'' immunization clinic providing mostly primary preventive care to international travellers. PARTICIPANTS: All clients aged 18 to 50 years seen at the clinic between Oct. 2 and Dec. 21, 1989, before their departure. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Sixteen statements measured knowledge of transmission and prevention of HIV infection. Standardized scales measured health beliefs. RESULTS: The response rate was 81% (331/409). Compared with other diseases AIDS was perceived to be associated with a low risk except by those travelling to countries with a high prevalence of AIDS. Most of the clients were found to have a good knowledge of HIV transmission to travellers, although some myths remained popular and some real routes of transmission, especially blood, remained underrated. In all, 70% of the subjects believed in the efficacy of condoms when used with local people, as compared with 79% when used with other tourists; this difference was greatest among travellers who perceived AIDS as being particularly severe but difficult to prevent. The determinants of the knowledge of HIV transmission and prevention were a high level of education, a mother tongue other than French, unmarried status, a high prevalence of AIDS at the destination, the duration of the trip and a high perceived risk of HIV infection. CONCLUSIONS: Counselling should teach travellers (a) not to underestimate their risk of HIV infection during their trip, (b) to decrease the risk of requiring health care in developing countries and (c) to rely on their own prudent sexual behaviour rather than on their assessment of the level of risk posed by the environment.  相似文献   

Li XP  Xiao SZ  Wan QQ  Song SL  Teng YX 《Cell research》2005,15(11-12):891-894
The objective of this study is to explore a potentially effective training method for the hospital professionals to educate drug users and to enhance their knowledge of HIV infection. One hundred and sixty one subjects, who came from 13 different provinces and were admitted in a drug relief hospital in Beijing, were recruited for this study. The average age of these subjects was 35.21 +/- 6.24 year old. The average numbers of years for drug addiction were 7 years, and the average numbers of drug relief treatment received in the past was 5.5 times. The level of AIDS knowledge of these subjects, including pathogenic factors, source of infection, route of transmission and preventive measures, were evaluated before and after receiving the AIDS educational training to these drug users. Our results showed that there was a statistically significant increase (P<0.01) in the knowledge of HIV infection and prevention among these subjects. Positive attitude and behavioral tendencies toward HIV prevention were also improved. Therefore, it is imperative for the medical professionals to incorporate AIDS education into drug relief treatment to achieve the maximum effect on the knowledge of AIDS and improvement of positive attitudes and behaviors toward HIV prevention among drug users.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To measure the prevalence of HIV and to describe established risk factors in female prostitutes. DESIGN--A cross sectional survey. SETTING--A genitourinary medicine clinic, streets, and magistrates'' courts in London. SUBJECTS--280 female prostitutes recruited between April 1989 and August 1991. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Infection with HIV-1, reported risk behaviours, and prevalence of sexually transmitted infections. RESULTS--228 of the women had HIV tests, and two (0.9% (95% confidence interval 0% to 2.1%)) were infected with HIV-1. Reported use of condoms was high for commercial clients and low for non-paying partners: 98% (251/255) of women used condoms with all clients and 12% (25/207) with non-paying partners for vaginal intercourse. Twenty two women were current or past injecting drug users. Of the 193 women examined for sexually transmitted infections, 27 had an acute infection (gonorrhoea, chlamydia, trichomonas, or primary genital herpes) at the time of interview. Infection was associated with younger age and increasing numbers of non-paying sexual partners, but not with duration of prostitution, numbers of clients, or reports of condom failures. When age and numbers of non-paying partners were analysed by logistic regression they remained significantly associated with sexually transmitted infections. CONCLUSIONS--A large and diverse sample of prostitutes had a low prevalence of infection with HIV and high levels of use of condoms in commercial sex. There was a significant risk of other sexually transmitted infections associated with prostitutes'' non-commercial sexual relationships, in which unprotected sex is common. Interventions to reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections in prostitutes should address both commercial and non-commercial sexual partnerships.  相似文献   

Summary This study describes Finnish university students' knowledge and attitudes towards HIV and AIDS, homosexuality and sexual risk behaviour. Finnish-speaking students were randomly selected from all registered students at two universities in Finland (N=9715, n=950). The data were collected by using a modified version of the State University of New York at Buffalo School of Nursing AIDS Study Questionnaire on sexual risk behaviour developed by Held and Chng. The total response rate was 35% (n=333). The data were analysed using quantitative statistical methods. Normally distributed data were analysed by t-test and one-way ANOVA, with Bonferroni corrections. Non-normally distributed data were analysed using the Mann-Whitney U-test and Kruskal-Wallis test, followed by a post-hoc test. The majority of students were familiar with HIV and AIDS, including its mode of transmission. However, there were still some misconceptions concerning HIV and AIDS. The oldest students and women had a more positive attitude towards people living with HIV and AIDS (PLWHA). Of patients with HIV or AIDS, intravenous drug users were perceived most negatively. Male students had more homophobic attitudes. Students who reported that religion had an important role in their lives had significantly stricter attitudes towards sexual risk behaviour. Students' knowledge correlated positively with general attitudes towards HIV and AIDS. Knowledge about HIV and AIDS will lead to more positive attitudes towards HIV and AIDS as a disease, towards those infected as well as homosexual people. There is a need to focus on preventive health care and sexual health promotion by educating young people and changing their attitudes towards sexual risk behaviour.  相似文献   

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