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Viral quasispecies are endowed with a memory of their past evolutionary history in the form of minority genomes of their mutant spectra. To determine the fate of memory genomes in evolving viral quasispecies, we have measured memory levels of antigenic variant of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) RED, which includes an Arg-Glu-Asp (RED) at a surface antigenic loop of the viral capsid. The RED reverted to the standard Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD), and the RED remained as memory in the evolving quasispecies. In four parallel evolutionary lineages, memory reduction followed a strikingly similar pattern, and at passage 60 memory levels were indistinguishable from those of control populations (devoid of memory). Nucleotide sequence analyses indicated that memory loss occurred synchronously despite its ultimate molecular basis being the stochastic occurrence of mutations in the evolving quasispecies. These results on the kinetics of memory levels have unveiled a deterministic feature of viral quasispecies. Molecular mechanisms that may underlie synchronous memory loss are the averaging of noise signals derived from mutational input, and constraints to genome diversification imposed by a nucleotide sequence context in the viral genome. Possible implications of the behaviour of complex, adaptive viral systems as experimental models to address primary mechanisms of neurological memory are discussed.  相似文献   

RNA viruses replicate as complex mutant distributions termed viral quasispecies. Despite this, studies on virus populations subjected to positive selection have generally been performed and analyzed as if the viral population consisted of a defined genomic nucleotide sequence; such a simplification may not reflect accurately the molecular events underlying the selection process. In the present study, we have reconstructed a foot-and-mouth disease virus quasispecies with multiple, low-frequency, genetically distinguishable mutants that can escape neutralization by a monoclonal antibody. Some of the mutants included an amino acid substitution that affected an integrin recognition motif that overlaps with the antibody-binding site, whereas other mutants included an amino acid substitution that affected antibody binding but not integrin recognition. We have monitored consensus and clonal nucleotide sequences of populations passaged either in the absence or the presence of the neutralizing antibody. In both cases, the populations focused toward a specific mutant that was surrounded by a cloud of mutants with different antigenic and cell recognition specificities. In the absence of antibody selection, an antigenic variant that maintained integrin recognition became dominant, but the mutant cloud included as one of its minority components a variant with altered integrin recognition. Conversely, in the presence of antibody selection, a variant with altered integrin recognition motif became dominant, but it was surrounded by a cloud of antigenic variants that maintained integrin recognition. The results have documented that a mutant spectrum can exert an influence on a viral population subjected to a sustained positive selection pressure and have unveiled a mechanism of antigenic flexibility in viral populations, consisting in the presence in the selected quasispecies of mutants with different antigenic and cell recognition specificities.  相似文献   

We review evidence that cloned (or uncloned) populations of most RNA viruses do not consist of a single genome species of defined sequence, but rather of heterogeneous mixtures of related genomes (quasispecies). Due to very high mutation rates, genomes of a quasispecies virus population share a consensus sequence but differ from each other and from the consensus sequence by one, several, or many mutations. Viral genome analyses by sequencing, fingerprinting, cDNA cloning etc. indicate that most viral RNA populations (quasispecies) contain all possible single and double genomic site mutations and varying proportions of triple, quadruple, etc. site mutations. This quasispecies structure of RNA virus populations has many important theoretical and practical implications because mutations at only one or a few sites may alter the phenotype of an RNA virus.  相似文献   

High mutation rates, bottlenecks, and robustness of RNA viral quasispecies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Manrubia SC  Escarmís C  Domingo E  Lázaro E 《Gene》2005,347(2):273-282
Population bottlenecks are stochastic events that strongly condition the structure and evolution of natural populations. Their effects are readily observable in highly heterogeneous populations, such as RNA viruses, since bottlenecks cause a fast accumulation of mutations. Considering that most mutations are deleterious, it was predicted that the frequent application of bottlenecks would yield a population unable to replicate. However, in vitro as well as in vivo systems evolving through bottlenecks present a remarkable resistance to extinction. This observation reveals the robustness of RNA viruses and points to the existence of internal mechanisms which must confer a high degree of adaptability to fast mutating populations. In this contribution, we review experimental observations regarding the survival of RNA viruses, both in laboratory experiments and in natural populations. By means of a simple theoretical model of evolution which incorporates strong reductions of the population size, we explore the relationship between the number of replication rounds that a single founder particle undergoes before the next bottleneck is applied, and the mutation rate in a particular environment. Our numerical results reveal that the mutation rate has evolved in a concerted way with the degree of optimization achieved by the population originated from the founder particle. We hypothesize that this mechanism generates a mutation-selection equilibrium in natural populations that maximizes adaptability while maintaining their structure.  相似文献   

A PCR-based method for the controlled manipulation of individual genomic sites of poliovirus with concomitant preservation of the sequence heterogeneity of the rest of the genome is proposed. The new approach can be used for the creation of stable DNA repositories of populations of extremely heterogenous RNA viruses and may have implications for live vaccine technology.  相似文献   

High mutation rates occurring during replication allow RNA viruses to evolve rapidly and adapt continuously to new environments. This poses an enormous challenge to vaccine and drug development which, to be effective, must consider RNA virus variability and follow approaches that minimize the probability of escape or resistant mutants arising.  相似文献   

Beneficial mutations fuel adaptation by altering phenotypes that enhance the fit of organisms to their environment. However, the phenotypic effects of mutations often depend on ecological context, making the distribution of effects across multiple environments essential to understanding the true nature of beneficial mutations. Studies that address both the genetic basis and ecological consequences of adaptive mutations remain rare. Here, we characterize the direct and pleiotropic fitness effects of a collection of 21 first‐step beneficial mutants derived from naïve and adapted genotypes used in a long‐term experimental evolution of Escherichia coli. Whole‐genome sequencing was able to identify the majority of beneficial mutations. In contrast to previous studies, we find diverse fitness effects of mutations selected in a simple environment and few cases of genetic parallelism. The pleiotropic effects of these mutations were predominantly positive but some mutants were highly antagonistic in alternative environments. Further, the fitness effects of mutations derived from the adapted genotypes were dramatically reduced in nearly all environments. These findings suggest that many beneficial variants are accessible from a single point on the fitness landscape, and the fixation of alternative beneficial mutations may have dramatic consequences for niche breadth reduction via metabolic erosion.  相似文献   

Handedness, homicide and negative frequency-dependent selection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Humans exhibit hand preference for most manual activities in which they are specialized. Right- and left-handers have coexisted at least since the Upper Palaeolithic, and left-handers are in the minority in all human populations. The persistence of the polymorphism of handedness is a puzzle because this trait is substantially heritable and several fitness costs are associated with left-handedness. Some countervailing benefit is required to maintain the polymorphism. Left-handers may have a frequency-dependent advantage in fights--the advantage being greater when their frequency is lower. Sports data from Western societies are consistent with this prediction. Here, we show that the frequency of left-handers is strongly and positively correlated with the rate of homicides across traditional societies. It ranges from 3% in the most pacifistic societies, to 27% in the most violent and warlike. This finding is consistent with a frequency-dependent selection mechanism maintaining left-handedness in these societies.  相似文献   

Theoretical studies of quasispecies usually focus on two properties of those populations at the mutation-selection equilibrium, namely asymptotic growth rate and population diversity. It has been postulated that, as a consequence of the high error rate of quasispecies replication, an increase of neutrality facilitates population optimization by reducing the amount of mutations with a deleterious effect on fitness. In this study we analyse how the optimization of equilibrium properties is affected when a quasispecies evolves in an environment perturbed through frequent bottleneck events. By means of a simple model we demonstrate that high neutrality may be detrimental when the population has to overcome repeated reductions in the population size, and that the property to be optimized in this situation is the time required to regenerate the quasispecies, i.e. its adaptability. In the scenario described, neutrality and adaptability cannot be simultaneously optimized. When fitness is equated with long-term survivability, high neutrality is the appropriate strategy in constant environments, while populations evolving in fluctuating environments are fitter when their neutrality is low, such that they can respond faster to perturbations. Our results might be relevant to better comprehend how a minority virus could displace the circulating quasispecies, a fact observed in natural infections and essential in viral evolution.  相似文献   



In this report we re-examine some recent experiments with digital organisms to test some predictions of quasispecies theory. These experiments revealed that under high mutation rates populations of less fit organisms previously adapted to such high mutation rates were able to outcompete organisms with higher average fitness but adapted to low mutation rates.  相似文献   

Microsatellite variation from eight loci was studied in five populations of Drosophila teissieri, a fruit-fly found only in the rain forests of sub-Saharan Africa. Five noncontiguous rain forest sites (from Tanzania, Gabon and Ivory Coast) were sampled to measure the effects of historical forest fragmentation on population structure in an obligatory forest-dwelling species. The Ivory Coast and Gabon populations showed a wider range of alleles, different modal alleles and had a higher genetic diversity than the three East African populations. As could be expected, genetic differentiation (FST) was significantly correlated with physical distance, but the westernmost population (Ivory Coast) showed values that were intermediate between the central (Gabon) and Eastern (Tanzania) populations. A migration-drift equilibrium in a stable continuum of populations did not appear adequate to describe the observed distribution. It seems probable that the species has undergone abrupt changes involving isolation, merging and migration of populations, as a consequence of repeated waves of forest fragmentation and coalescence.  相似文献   

Negative frequency dependent selection (NFDS) is supposed to be the main force controlling allele evolution at the gametophytic self-incompatibility locus (S-locus) in strictly outcrossing species. Genetic drift also influences S-allele evolution. In perennial sessile organisms, evolution of allelic frequencies over two generations is mainly shaped by individual fecundities and spatial processes. Using wild cherry populations between two successive generations, we tested whether S-alleles evolved following NFDS qualitative and quantitative predictions. We showed that allelic variation was negatively correlated with parental allelic frequency as expected under NFDS. However, NFDS predictions in finite population failed to predict more than half S-allele quantitative evolution. We developed a spatially explicit mating model that included the S-locus. We studied the effects of self-incompatibility and local drift within populations due to pollen dispersal in spatially distributed individuals, and variation in male fecundity on male mating success and allelic frequency evolution. Male mating success was negatively related to male allelic frequency as expected under NFDS. Spatial genetic structure combined with self-incompatibility resulted in higher effective pollen dispersal. Limited pollen dispersal in structured distributions of individuals and genotypes and unequal pollen production significantly contributed to S-allele frequency evolution by creating local drift effects strong enough to counteract the NFDS effect on some alleles.  相似文献   

We document the rapid alteration of fitness of two foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) mutants resistant to a neutralizing monoclonal antibody. Both mutants showed a selective disadvantage in BHK-21 cells when passaged in competition with their parental FMDV. Upon repeated replication of the mutants alone, they acquired a selective advantage over the parental FMDV and fixed additional genomic substitutions without reversion of the monoclonal antibody-resistant phenotype. Thus, variants that were previously kept at low frequency in the mutant spectrum of a viral quasispecies rapidly became the master sequence of a new genomic distribution and dominated the viral population.  相似文献   

Norovirus is a major cause of acute gastroenteritis worldwide. Over 30 different genotypes, mostly from genogroup I (GI) and II (GII), have been shown to infect humans. Despite three decades of genome sequencing, our understanding of the role of genomic diversification across continents and time is incomplete. To close the spatiotemporal gap of genomic information of human noroviruses, we conducted a large-scale genome-wide analyses that included the nearly full-length sequencing of 281 archival viruses circulating since the 1970s in over 10 countries from four continents, with a major emphasis on norovirus genotypes that are currently underrepresented in public genome databases. We provided new genome information for 24 distinct genotypes, including the oldest genome information from 12 norovirus genotypes. Analyses of this new genomic information, together with those publicly available, showed that (i) noroviruses evolve at similar rates across genomic regions and genotypes; (ii) emerging viruses evolved from transiently-circulating intermediate viruses; (iii) diversifying selection on the VP1 protein was recorded in genotypes with multiple variants; (iv) non-structural proteins showed a similar branching on their phylogenetic trees; and (v) contrary to the current understanding, there are restrictions on the ability to recombine different genomic regions, which results in co-circulating populations of viruses evolving independently in human communities. This study provides a comprehensive genetic analysis of diverse norovirus genotypes and the role of non-structural proteins on viral diversification, shedding new light on the mechanisms of norovirus evolution and transmission.  相似文献   

Lipid droplets (LDs) are organelles found in most types of cells in the tissues of vertebrates, invertebrates, and plants, as well as in bacteria and yeast. They differ from other organelles in binding a unique complement of proteins and lacking an aqueous core but share aspects of protein trafficking with secretory membrane compartments. In this minireview, we focus on recent evidence supporting an endoplasmic reticulum origin for LD formation and discuss recent findings regarding LD maturation and fusion.  相似文献   

Variation in O-antigens, niche-specific selection and bacterial populations   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Bacterial populations usually consist of distinct clones, often apparently adapted to specific niches. A formal model is developed whereby niche-specific selection maintains the polymorphisms involved in clonal adaptation. Infrequent transfer of non-adaptive alleles to a clone is balanced by the selection for the resident adaptive allele. The model can account for the extensive polymorphism in surface antigens observed in bacteria, and also for the existence of sympatric clones of pathogenic species which differ in host range and/or mode of pathogenesis. Niche-specific selection combined with low levels of genetic transfer can also account for the high level of neutral variation in bacteria, and indirectly for their ability to respond rapidly to environmental changes.  相似文献   

Kama A  Tannenbaum E 《PloS one》2010,5(11):e14113
The goal of this paper is to develop a mathematical model that analyzes the selective advantage of the SOS response in unicellular organisms. To this end, this paper develops a quasispecies model that incorporates the SOS response. We consider a unicellular, asexually replicating population of organisms, whose genomes consist of a single, double-stranded DNA molecule, i.e. one chromosome. We assume that repair of post-replication mismatched base-pairs occurs with probability , and that the SOS response is triggered when the total number of mismatched base-pairs is at least . We further assume that the per-mismatch SOS elimination rate is characterized by a first-order rate constant . For a single fitness peak landscape where the master genome can sustain up to mismatches and remain viable, this model is analytically solvable in the limit of infinite sequence length. The results, which are confirmed by stochastic simulations, indicate that the SOS response does indeed confer a fitness advantage to a population, provided that it is only activated when DNA damage is so extensive that a cell will die if it does not attempt to repair its DNA.  相似文献   

Sexual selection is traditionally measured at the population level, assuming that populations lack structure. However, increasing evidence undermines this approach, indicating that intrasexual competition in natural populations often displays complex patterns of spatial and temporal structure. This complexity is due in part to the degree and mechanisms of polyandry within a population, which can influence the intensity and scale of both pre- and post-copulatory sexual competition. Attempts to measure selection at the local and global scale have been made through multi-level selection approaches. However, definitions of local scale are often based on physical proximity, providing a rather coarse measure of local competition, particularly in polyandrous populations where the local scale of pre- and post-copulatory competition may differ drastically from each other. These limitations can be solved by social network analysis, which allows us to define a unique sexual environment for each member of a population: ‘local scale’ competition, therefore, becomes an emergent property of a sexual network. Here, we first propose a novel quantitative approach to measure pre- and post-copulatory sexual selection, which integrates multi-level selection with information on local scale competition derived as an emergent property of networks of sexual interactions. We then use simple simulations to illustrate the ways in which polyandry can impact estimates of sexual selection. We show that for intermediate levels of polyandry, the proposed network-based approach provides substantially more accurate measures of sexual selection than the more traditional population-level approach. We argue that the increasing availability of fine-grained behavioural datasets provides exciting new opportunities to develop network approaches to study sexual selection in complex societies.  相似文献   

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