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P190-B RhoGAP (p190-B, also known as ARHGAP5) has been shown to play an essential role in invasion of the terminal end buds (TEBs) into the surrounding fat pad during mammary gland ductal morphogenesis. Here we report that embryos with a homozygous p190-B gene deletion exhibit major defects in embryonic mammary bud development. Overall, p190-B-deficient buds were smaller in size, contained fewer cells, and displayed characteristics of impaired mesenchymal proliferation and differentiation. Consistent with the reported effects of p190-B deletion on IGF-1R signaling, IGF-1R-deficient embryos also displayed a similar small mammary bud phenotype. However, unlike the p190-B-deficient embryos, the IGF-1R-deficient embryos exhibited decreased epithelial proliferation and did not display mesenchymal defects. Because both IGF and p190-B signaling affect IRS-1/2, we examined IRS-1/2 double knockout embryonic mammary buds. These embryos displayed major defects similar to the p190-B-deficient embryos including smaller bud size. Importantly, like the p190-B-deficient buds, proliferation of the IRS-1/2-deficient mesenchyme was impaired. These results indicate that IGF signaling through p190-B and IRS proteins is critical for mammary bud formation and ensuing epithelial-mesenchymal interactions necessary to sustain mammary bud morphogenesis.  相似文献   

We previously reported that cells chronically exposed to ethanol show alterations in actin cytoskeleton organization and dynamics in primary cultures of newborn rat astrocytes, a well-established in vitro model for foetal alcohol spectrum disorders. These alterations were attributed to a decrease in the cellular levels of active RhoA (RhoA-GTP), which in turn was produced by an increase in the total RhoGAP activity. We here provide evidence that p190RhoGAPs are the main factors responsible for such increase. Thus, in astrocytes chronically exposed to ethanol we observe: (i) an increase in p190A- and p190B-associated RhoGAP activity; (ii) a higher binding of p190A and p190B to RhoA-GTP; (iii) a higher p120RasGAP-p190A RhoGAP complex formation; and (iv) the recruitment of both p190RhoGAPs to the plasma membrane. The simultaneous silencing of both p190 isoforms prevents the actin rearrangements and the total RhoGAP activity increase triggered both by ethanol. Therefore, our data directly points p190RhoGAPs as ethanol-exposure molecular targets on glial cells of the CNS.  相似文献   

Previous studies demonstrated that p190RhoGAP (p190) negatively affects cytokinesis in a RhoGAP-dependent manner, suggesting that regulation of Rho may be a critical mechanism of p190 action during cytokinesis. P190 localizes to the cleavage furrow (CF) of dividing cells, and its levels decrease during late mitosis by an ubiquitin-mediated mechanism, consistent with the hypothesis that high RhoGTP levels are required for completion of cytokinesis. To determine whether RhoGTP levels in the CF are affected by p190 and to define the phase(s) of cytokinesis in which p190 is involved, we used FRET analysis alone or in combination with time-lapse microscopy. In normal cell division activated Rho accumulated at the cell equator in early anaphase and in the contractile ring, where it co-localized with p190. Real-time movies revealed that cells expressing elevated levels of p190 exhibited multiple cycles of abnormal CF site selection and ingression/regression, which resulted in failed or prolonged cytokinesis. This was accompanied by mislocalization of active Rho at the aberrant CF sites. Quantified data revealed that in contrast to ECT2 and dominate negative p190 (Y1283Ap190), which resulted in hyper-activated Rho, Rho activity in the CF was reduced by wild type p190 in a dose-dependent manner. These results suggest that p190 regulates cytokinesis through modulation of RhoGTP levels, thereby affecting CF specification site selection and subsequent ring contraction.  相似文献   

p190RhoGAP-A (p190) is a GTPase-activating protein known to regulate actin cytoskeleton dynamics by decreasing RhoGTP levels through activation of Rho intrinsic GTPase activity. We have previously shown that p190 protein levels are cell cycle-regulated, decreasing in mitosis, and that this decrease is mediated by the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. In addition, overexpression of p190 results in decreased RhoGTP levels at the cleavage furrow during cytokinesis, p190 and the RhoGEF Ect2 play opposing roles in cytokinesis, and sustained levels of p190 in mitosis are associated with cytokinesis failure, all findings that suggest but do not directly demonstrate that completion of cytokinesis is dependent on reduced levels of p190. Here we report, using an RNAi reconstitution approach with a degradation-resistant mutant, that decreased p190 levels are required for successful cytokinesis. We also show that the multinucleation phenotype is dependent on p190 RhoGAP activity, determine that the N-terminal GBDS1 region is necessary and sufficient for p190 mitotic ubiquitination and degradation, and identify four N-terminal residues as necessary for the degradation of p190 in mitosis. Our data indicate that in addition to activation of RhoGEF(s), reduction of RhoGAP (p190) is a critical mechanism by which increased RhoGTP levels are achieved in late mitosis, thereby ensuring proper cell division.  相似文献   

The precise biological role of Thy-1, a glycophosphatidyl-inositol (GPI)-linked cell surface glycoprotein in non-caveolar lipid raft microdomains, remains enigmatic. Evidence suggests that Thy-1 affects intracellular signaling through src-family protein kinases, and modulates adhesive and migratory events, such as thymocyte adhesion and neurite extension. Primary fibroblasts sorted based on presence or absence of cell surface Thy-1 display strikingly distinct morphologies and differ with respect to production of and response to cytokines and growth factors. It is unclear the extent to which Thy-1 mediates these differences. Findings reported here indicate a novel role for Thy-1 in regulating the activity of Rho GTPase, a critical regulator of cellular adhesion and cytoskeletal organization. Endogenous or heterologous Thy-1 expression promotes focal adhesion and stress fiber formation, characteristic of increased Rho GTPase activity, and inhibits migration. Immunoblotting following transfection of RFL6 fibroblasts with Thy-1 demonstrates that Thy-1 expression inhibits src-family protein tyrosine kinase (SFK) activation, resulting in decreased phosphorylation of p190 Rho GTPase-activating protein (GAP). This results in a net increase in active Rho, and increased stress fibers and focal adhesions. We therefore conclude that Thy-1 surface expression regulates fibroblast focal adhesions, cytoskeletal organization and migration by modulating the activity of p190 RhoGAP and Rho GTPase.  相似文献   

Products resulting from oxidation of cell membrane phospholipid 1-palmitoyl-2-arachidonoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphorylcholine (OxPAPC) exhibit potent protective effects against lung endothelial cell (EC) barrier dysfunction caused by pathologically relevant mechanical forces and inflammatory agents. These effects were linked to enhancement of peripheral cytoskeleton and cell adhesion interactions mediated by small GTPase Rac and inhibition of Rho-mediated barrier-disruptive signaling. However, the mechanism of OxPAPC-induced, Rac-dependent Rho downregulation critical for vascular barrier protection remains unclear. This study tested the hypothesis that Rho negative regulator p190RhoGAP is essential for OxPAPC-induced lung barrier protection against ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI), and investigated potential mechanism of p190RhoGAP targeting to adherens junctions (AJ) via p120-catenin. OxPAPC induced peripheral translocation of p190RhoGAP, which was abolished by knockdown of Rac-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factors Tiam1 and Vav2. OxPAPC also induced Rac-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation and association of p190RhoGAP with AJ protein p120-catenin. siRNA-induced knockdown of p190RhoGAP attenuated protective effects of OxPAPC against EC barrier compromise induced by thrombin and pathologically relevant cyclic stretch (18% CS). In vivo, p190RhoGAP knockdown significantly attenuated protective effects of OxPAPC against ventilator-induced lung vascular leak, as detected by increased cell count and protein content in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, and tissue neutrophil accumulation in the lung. These results demonstrate for the first time a key role of p190RhoGAP for the vascular endothelial barrier protection in VILI.  相似文献   

Rho GTPases direct actin rearrangements in response to a variety of extracellular signals. P190 RhoGAP (GTPase activating protein) is a potent Rho regulator that mediates integrin-dependent adhesion signaling in cultured cells. We have determined that p190 RhoGAP is specifically expressed at high levels throughout the developing nervous system. Mice lacking functional p190 RhoGAP exhibit several defects in neural development that are reminiscent of those described in mice lacking certain mediators of neural cell adhesion. The defects reflect aberrant tissue morphogenesis and include abnormalities in forebrain hemisphere fusion, ventricle shape, optic cup formation, neural tube closure, and layering of the cerebral cortex. In cells of the neural tube floor plate of p190 RhoGAP mutant mice, polymerized actin accumulates excessively, suggesting a role for p190 RhoGAP in the regulation of +Rho-mediated actin assembly within the neuroepithelium. Significantly, several of the observed tissue fusion defects seen in the mutant mice are also found in mice lacking MARCKS, the major substrate of protein kinase C (PKC), and we have found that p190 RhoGAP is also a PKC substrate in vivo. Upon either direct activation of PKC or in response to integrin engagement, p190 RhoGAP is rapidly translocated to regions of membrane ruffling, where it colocalizes with polymerized actin. Together, these results suggest that upon activation of neural adhesion molecules, the action of PKC and p190 RhoGAP leads to a modulation of Rho GTPase activity to direct several actin-dependent morphogenetic processes required for normal neural development.  相似文献   

Assembly of the mitotic spindle is essential for proper chromosome segregation during mitosis. Maintenance of spindle poles requires precise regulation of kinesin- and dynein-generated forces, and improper regulation of these forces disrupts pole integrity leading to pole fragmentation. The formation and function of the mitotic spindle are regulated by many proteins, including Aurora A kinase and the motor proteins Kif2a and Eg5. Here, we characterize a surprising role for the RhoA GTPase-activating protein, p190RhoGAP, in regulating the mitotic spindle. We show that cells depleted of p190RhoGAP arrest for long periods in mitosis during which cells go through multiple transitions between having bipolar and multipolar spindles. Most of the p190RhoGAP-depleted cells finally achieve a stable bipolar attachment and proceed through anaphase. The multipolar spindle phenotype can be rescued by low doses of an Eg5 inhibitor. Moreover, we show that p190RhoGAP-depleted multipolar cells localize Aurora A to all the poles, but the kinase is only activated at the two centriolar poles. Overall, our data identify an unappreciated connection between p190RhoGAP and the proteins that control spindle poles including Aurora A kinase and Eg5 that is required to prevent or correct spindle pole fragmentation.  相似文献   

The tumor suppressor p53 is important for inhibiting the development of breast carcinomas. However, little is known about the effects of increased p53 activity on mammary gland development. Therefore, the effect of p53 dosage on mammary gland development was examined by utilizing the p53+/m mouse, a p53 mutant which exhibits increased wild-type p53 activity, increased tumor resistance, a shortened longevity, and a variety of accelerated aging phenotypes. Here we report that p53+/m virgin mice exhibit a defect in mammary gland ductal morphogenesis. Transplants of mammary epithelium into p53+/m recipient mice demonstrate decreased outgrowth of wild-type and p53+/m donor epithelium, suggesting systemic or stromal alterations in the p53+/m mouse. Supporting these data, p53+/m mice display decreased levels of serum IGF-1 and reduced IGF-1 signaling in virgin glands. The induction of pregnancy or treatment of p53+/m mice with estrogen, progesterone, estrogen and progesterone in combination, or IGF-1 stimulates ductal outgrowth, rescuing the p53+/m mammary phenotype. Serial mammary epithelium transplants demonstrate that p53+/m epithelium exhibits decreased transplant capabilities, suggesting early stem cell exhaustion. These data indicate that appropriate levels of p53 activity are important in regulating mammary gland ductal morphogenesis, in part through regulation of the IGF-1 pathway.  相似文献   

Fyn is a member of the Src-family protein tyrosine kinases and plays important roles in both neurons and oligodendrocytes. Here we report association of Fyn with p250GAP, a RhoGAP protein that is expressed predominantly in brain. p250GAP interacts with Fyn both in vitro and in vivo. p250GAP is tyrosine phosphorylated by Fyn when co-expressed in HEK293T cells. This phosphorylation appears to enhance the interaction between p250GAP and Fyn. Furthermore, the level of tyrosine phosphorylation of p250GAP increases upon differentiation of the oligodendrocyte cell line CG4. Given that Fyn activity is up-regulated during oligodendrocyte maturation, the results argue that p250GAP is phosphorylated by Fyn in oligodendrocytes. Tyrosine phosphorylation of p250GAP by Fyn would regulate its RhoGAP activity, subcellular localization, or interactions with other proteins, leading to morphological and phenotypic changes of oligodendrocytes.  相似文献   

Podosome formation in vascular smooth muscle cells is characterized by the recruitment of AFAP-110, p190RhoGAP, and cortactin, which have specific roles in Src activation, local down-regulation of RhoA activity, and actin polymerization, respectively. However, the molecular mechanism that underlies their specific recruitment to podosomes remains unknown. The scaffold protein Tks5 is localized to podosomes in Src-transformed fibroblasts and in smooth muscle cells, and may serve as a specific recruiting adapter for various components during podosome formation. We show here that induced mislocalization of Tks5 to the surface of mitochondria leads to a major subcellular redistribution of AFAP-110, p190RhoGAP, and cortactin, and to inhibition of podosome formation. Analysis of a series of similarly mistargeted deletion mutants of Tks5 indicates that the fifth SH3 domain is essential for this recruitment. A Tks5 mutant lacking the PX domain also inhibits podosome formation and induces the redistribution of AFAP-110, p190RhoGAP, and cortactin to the perinuclear area. By expressing a catalytically inactive point mutant and by siRNA-mediated expression knock-down we also provide evidence that p190RhoGAP is required for podosome formation. Together our findings demonstrate that Tks5 plays a central role in the recruitment of AFAP-110, p190RhoGAP, and cortactin to drive podosome formation.  相似文献   

《Tissue & cell》2016,48(6):577-587
RNA binding proteins (RBPs) regulate gene expression by controlling mRNA export, translation, and stability. When altered, some RBPs allow cancer cells to grow, survive, and metastasize. Cold-inducible RNA binding protein (CIRP) is overexpressed in a subset of breast cancers, induces proliferation in breast cancer cell lines, and inhibits apoptosis. Although studies have begun to examine the role of CIRP in breast and other cancers, its role in normal breast development has not been assessed. We generated a transgenic mouse model overexpressing human CIRP in the mammary epithelium to ask if it plays a role in mammary gland development. Effects of CIRP overexpression on mammary gland morphology, cell proliferation, and apoptosis were studied from puberty through pregnancy, lactation and weaning. There were no gross effects on mammary gland morphology as shown by whole mounts. Immunohistochemistry for the proliferation marker Ki67 showed decreased proliferation during the lactational switch (the transition from pregnancy to lactation) in mammary glands from CIRP transgenic mice. Two markers of apoptosis showed that the transgene did not affect apoptosis during mammary gland involution. These results suggest a potential in vivo function in suppressing proliferation during a specific developmental transition.  相似文献   

We have studied the role of the cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) inhibitor p27(Kip1) in postnatal mammary gland morphogenesis. Based on its ability to negatively regulate cyclin/Cdk function, loss of p27 may result in unrestrained cellular proliferation. However, recent evidence about the stabilizing effect of p27 on cyclin D1-Cdk4 complexes suggests that p27 deficiency might recapitulate the hypoplastic mammary phenotype of cyclin D1-deficient animals. These hypotheses were investigated in postnatal p27-deficient (p27(-/-)), hemizygous (p27(+/)-), or wild-type (p27(+/+)) mammary glands. Mammary glands from p27(+/)- mice displayed increased ductal branching and proliferation with delayed postlactational involution. In contrast, p27(-/-) mammary glands or wild-type mammary fat pads reconstituted with p27(-/-) epithelium produced the opposite phenotype: hypoplasia, low proliferation, decreased ductal branching, impaired lobuloalveolar differentiation, and inability to lactate. The association of cyclin D1 with Cdk4, the kinase activity of Cdk4 against pRb in vitro, the nuclear localization of cyclin D1, and the stability of cyclin D1 were all severely impaired in p27(-/-) mammary epithelial cells compared with p27(+/+) and p27(+/-) mammary epithelial cells. Therefore, p27 is required for mammary gland development in a dose-dependent fashion and positively regulates cyclin D-Cdk4 function in the mammary gland.  相似文献   

The Rho GTPases are critical regulators of the actin cytoskeleton and are required for cell adhesion, migration, and polarity. Among the key Rho regulatory proteins in the context of cell migration are the p190 RhoGAPs (p190A and p190B), which function to modulate Rho signaling in response to integrin engagement. The p190 RhoGAPs undergo complex regulation, including phosphorylation by several identified kinases, interactions with phospholipids, and association with a variety of cellular proteins. Here, we have identified an additional regulatory mechanism unique to p190A RhoGAP that involves priming-dependent phosphorylation by glycogen synthase-3-beta (GSK-3beta), a kinase previously implicated in establishing cell polarity. We found that p190A-deficient fibroblasts exhibit a defect in directional cell migration reflecting a requirement for GSK-3beta-mediated phosphorylation of amino acids in the C-terminal "tail" of p190A. This phosphorylation leads to inhibition of p190A RhoGAP activity in vitro and in vivo. These studies identify p190A as a novel GSK-3beta substrate and reveal a mechanism by which GSK-3beta contributes to cellular polarization in directionally migrating cells via effects on Rho GTPase activity.  相似文献   

Aromatase transgenic mice exhibit hyperplastic and dysplastic changes, attesting to the importance of local estrogen in breast carcinogenesis. These mice also show increased levels of the estrogen receptor and β (ER, ERβ) suggesting that this receptor may play an important role in the initiation of estrogen-mediated mammary hyperplasia observed in these mice. To address the specific role of ER in the mammary development and in the induction of estrogen-mediated hyperplasia in aromatase transgenic mice, we have generated MMTV-aromatase × ER knockout cross (referred as aromatase/ERKO). Even though ERβ is expressed in aromatase/ERKO mice, lack of ER leads to impaired mammary growth in these mice. The data suggest that ER plays an important role in the mammary gland development as well as in the induction of mammary hyperplasia in aromatase transgenic mice. Lack of ER expression in the aromatase/ERKO mice resulted in a decrease in the expression of Cyclin D1, PCNA and TGFβ relative to the aromatase parental strain. The studies involving aromatase/ERKO mice show that lack of ER results in impaired mammary development even in the presence of continuous tissue estrogen, suggesting estrogen/ER-mediated actions are critical for mammary development and carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

The Rnd proteins Rnd1, Rnd2, and Rnd3/RhoE are well known as key regulators of the actin cytoskeleton in various cell types, but they comprise a distinct subgroup of the Rho family in that they are GTP bound and constitutively active. Functional differences of the Rnd proteins in RhoA inhibition signaling have been reported in various cell types. Rnd1 and Rnd3 antagonize RhoA signaling by activating p190 RhoGAP, whereas Rnd2 does not. However, all the members of the Rnd family have been reported to bind directly to p190 RhoGAP and equally induce activation of p190 RhoGAP in vitro, and there is no evidence that accounts for the functional difference of the Rnd proteins in RhoA inhibition signaling. Here we report the role of the N-terminal region in signaling. Rnd1 and Rnd3, but not Rnd2, have a KERRA (Lys-Glu-Arg-Arg-Ala) sequence of amino acids in their N-terminus, which functions as the lipid raft-targeting determinant. The sequence mediates the lipid raft targeting of p190 RhoGAP correlated with its activation. Overall, our results demonstrate a novel regulatory mechanism by which differential membrane targeting governs activities of Rnd proteins to function as RhoA antagonists.  相似文献   

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