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We carried out a study of Hanuman langurs in Sariska Tiger Reserve, Rajasthan, India during three months in 1990. The area surveyed included habitat disturbed by human activity, with both the grazing of livestock and firewood collecting resulting in degraded forest. Langur population density was estimated to be between 19 and 36 animals/km2. The density of langurs in disturbed areas was significantly lower than in undisturbed areas. Both tree cover, total tree, and shrub cover were positively correlated with langur density, suggesting that a lack of trees in disturbed areas may have caused the lower langur densities. Although bisexual groups were significantly more common in undisturbed areas the distribution of all male groups did not appear to be affected by human disturbance, suggesting that male bands are likely to inhabit more disturbed habitats than bisexual groups. We suggest that either a lack of food trees or the high density of predators in Sariska may prevent bisexual groups from inhabiting areas where tree cover is low, although the more mobile male groups can survive in these areas. Although Hanuman langurs are a relatively common species in India, these results suggest that they are not, as is commonly assumed, immune to the effects of human disturbance. In areas where langurs appear to survive in disturbed habitats the different response of bisexual and all male groups to disturbance may still result in serious disruption to the population structure.  相似文献   

Female dispersal in gregarious animals can involve the desertion of a site, desertion of a social group, or both. Group desertion may be related to inbreeding avoidance. Group fidelity may result from cooperation among females in a group. Site fidelity will be more likely when food can be monopolized and when the population density is close to habitat saturation. The degree of habitat saturation was approximated with a measure of human disturbance. The influence of these various factors on the incidence of female dispersal was investigated for langur populations using data from the literature. The results suggest that female dispersal in langurs involved site desertion, not group desertion. The incidence of female dispersal may affect the social organization of langurs. I propose that when females do not disperse, male takeovers prevail, whereas in populations where female dispersal regularly occurs bisexual groups are disbanded or new groups are formed, a process I call female split-merger. Male takeover is thought to occur when site fidelity is high, female split-merger when site fidelity is low. These processes were indeed found to occur in these circumstances. The dispersal of females might prevent infanticide, whereas male takeover might promote it. Indeed, in studies with male takeover, more infants fell victim to infanticide than in studies with female split-merger. Therefore, female dispersal in langurs is an effective female counterstrategy to infanticide. The factor that had the most profound effect on female dispersal, social organization, and infanticide was habitat saturation. Habitat saturation was measured as the degree of human disturbance, and its influence on the behavior of langurs is probably of relatively recent date. This may lead to an evolutionary transient situation and may explain the discrepancy between current socioecological theories and the behavior of langurs in populations lacking female dispersal. Am. J. Primatol. 44:235–254, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

1999年至2000年,采用瞬间采样法对贵州省麻阳河国家级自然保护区干扰生境中的野生成年黑叶猴的日活动规律进行了研究。结果表明:干扰生境中野生成年黑叶猴在全年的行为时间分配中表现为休息和摄食所占比例最多,分别为35.41%和31.67%;其次是游走、拥坐和嬉戏,分别为14.44%、9.61%和8.54%;仅将很少时间用于理毛行为,为0.33%。与未干扰生境相比,干扰生境下黑叶猴全年中除用于休息的时间下降外,用于其余活动类型的时间均有所提高。研究还表明野生成年黑叶猴的活动规律在不同季节存在一定差异性。休息和摄食行为在各季节日活动规律中都存在显著高峰期,但高峰期持续时间和强度不同。游走、嬉戏和拥坐行为在各季节的日活动规律所占比例均较低。理毛行为存在季节有或无的现象。  相似文献   

Luo Y  Zhang M H  Ma J Z  Wu A K  Wang S X  Zhang S S 《农业工程》2007,27(5):1715-1722
The daily activity pattern of wild Francois' langurs (Trachypithecus francoisi francisi) was observed in disturbed habitat at Mayanghe National Nature Reserve of Guizhou Province, China, between 1999 and 2000. The behaviors of wild adult Francois' langurs were recorded at a 5-min interval using an instantaneous sampling method. The results indicate that resting, foraging, traveling, huddling, playing and grooming activities account for 35.41%, 31.67%, 14.44%, 9.61%, 8.54% and 0.33%, respectively, in the daily time budget of these adult Francois' langurs during the study period. In comparison with the results in undisturbed habitat, the decreased food availability in disturbed habitat changes the foraging behavior of langurs, and also changes time budgets of other behaviors, such as the increase of the proportion of traveling and the decrease of the proportion of resting. At the same time, the higher frequency of human activity in the disturbed habitat influences the time budget of daily social behavior of the langurs including playing, huddling and grooming. The patterns of activity rhythms of wild adult Francois' langurs in the disturbed habitat show some seasonal differences which are also discussed.  相似文献   

We studied the socioecology of white-headed langurs (Trachypithecus leucocephalus) from September 1997 to September 1998 in Fusui Precious Animal Reserve, SW Guangxi, China. We collected data on climate, phenology of food plant species, and foods consumed by langurs living in habitats with different levels of human disturbance. Feeding records showed that the most food is from less common plant species. Young leaves were the staple food item in all langur groups, and consumption correlates with availability. Consumption of mature leaves is not significantly correlated with their availability, but the langurs fed on them, and other food items such as fruits and seeds, when the availability of young leaves was low. Langurs in different areas had broadly similar diets, but they varied most in the proportion of supplementary items such as fruit. Groups in more disturbed habitat did not increase the overall proportion of mature leaves in their diet, but instead maintained their intake of young leaves from a greater diversity of species, and incorporated more immature fruit. Conservationists should direct efforts toward protection of rare plant species providing preferred food items, particularly supplementary foods at times when, and in areas where, preferred food items are less available.  相似文献   

Free-ranging wild vertebrates need to cope with natural and anthropogenic stressors that cause short and/or long-term behavioural and physiological responses. In areas of high human disturbance, the use of glucocorticoid (GC) hormones as biomarkers to measure stress responses is an increasingly common tool for understanding how animals cope with human disturbance. We conducted a meta-analysis to investigate how human disturbances such as habitat conversion, habitat degradation, and ecotourism influence baseline GC hormones of free-ranging wild vertebrates, and we further test the role of protected areas in reducing the impact of such disturbances on these hormones. A total of 58 studies met the inclusion criteria, providing 152 data points for comparing levels of GC hormones under disturbed and undisturbed conditions. The overall effect size suggests that human disturbance does not cause a consistent increase in levels of GC hormones (Hedges' g = 0.307, 95% CI = −0.062 to 0.677). However, when the data were analysed by disturbance type, living in unprotected areas or in areas with habitat conversion were found to increase GC hormone levels compared to living in protected or undisturbed areas. By contrast, we found no evidence that ecotourism or habitat degradation generates a consistent increase in baseline GC hormone levels. Among taxonomic groups, mammals appeared more sensitive to human disturbance than birds. We advocate the use of GC hormones for inferring major human-caused contributors to the stress levels of free-ranging wild vertebrates – although such information needs to be combined with other measures of stress and interpreted in the context of an organism's life history, behaviour, and history of interactions with human disturbance.  相似文献   

We studied the feeding ecology of white-headed langurs (Trachypithecus leucocephalus) from September 1997 to September 1998 in Fusui Rare and Precious Animal Reserve, SW Guangxi, China. We collected data in the central part of a group of limestone hills where the main population pool of langurs was located. The langurs fed on 50 plant species (belonging to 42 genera from 28 families) out of 164 species in the habitat (belonging to 112 genera from 48 families). Most of the food plant species were not common in the habitat. There are 16 important food species, including 6 key species. White-headed langurs were extremely folivorous, feeding mainly on young leaves (75% of total feeding records) of a broad range of less common plant species, which were in less disturbed areas. Thus, langur groups in high quality habitat had greater access to preferred foods, and the future of langurs in the Reserve may depend on immediate cessation of tree felling.  相似文献   

We examined tree species diversity, density, dispersion patterns and size class distributions in Brachystegia woodland of Arabuko-Sokoke Forest, Kenya. The metrics varied with human disturbance (disturbed versus relatively undisturbed areas). Julbernardia magnistipulata Harms occurred only in the undisturbed site. Brachystegia spiciformis Benth. had the highest importance value (IV) at both study sites, whereas the IVs for the other tree species were greater within the undisturbed than the disturbed sites. Simpson's Diversity Index and tree densities were greater in the undisturbed site than in the disturbed site. All seven tree species exhibited random dispersions in the disturbed site, but three species were clumped in the undisturbed areas. Smaller individuals of B. spiciformis were over-represented in the disturbed habitat relative to the undisturbed habitat. In contrast, J. magnistipulata , Lannea schweinfurthii Engl. and Mimusops obtusifolia Wall. exhibited a greater proportion of smaller trees in the undisturbed site. The tree size class distributions may provide an index of regeneration for these four tree species in the disturbed and undisturbed sites respectively. Active management and restoration may be desirable for J. magnistipulata but appears unnecessary for the remaining common tree species. Illegal logging has persisted in the forest despite its conservation status over many decades. If logging activities cease, it would be instructive to document changes in vegetation composition and structure over time.  相似文献   

The propensity of males to behave territorially may be greatly affected by the perceived quality of the habitat. In suboptimal habitats, the cost of defence may be prohibitively large compared to the associated benefits, and territorial behaviour may be expected to decline. We tested this hypothesis in a population of black-capped chickadees breeding in adjacent habitats: one habitat consisted of an 85-ha patch of early seral forests regenerating after clear-cut logging (disturbed site), and the other consisted of an 85-ha patch of mature mixed-wood forests (undisturbed site). Breeding success of pairs in the disturbed site was significantly lower than in the undisturbed site, suggesting a difference in the relative quality of the two habitats. During the spring of 2000 and 2001, we mapped the actively defended areas and song posts of colour-marked chickadees and found that pairs occupying the disturbed site were subject to more territorial intrusions than pairs in the undisturbed mature woodlands. Five pairs of chickadees in the disturbed habitat and five pairs in the undisturbed habitat were radiotagged and we conducted repeated focal observations on the movement patterns of the birds. All five pairs in the disturbed habitat regularly intruded into areas actively defended by neighbouring birds; only one of the five pairs in the undisturbed habitat ever intruded onto the known territory of another pair during an observation period. Our results suggest that the quality of the disturbed habitat may have been sufficiently low so as to make normal levels of exclusive defence cost inefficient. Conversely, birds in disturbed habitat may have intruded more frequently into neighbouring territories because resource levels in their own exclusively defended territory were insufficient to meet energetic requirements during the breeding season.  相似文献   

In Europe, the number of areas supporting breeding Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa has halved over the last 30 years. Although the decline has been primarily attributed to habitat deterioration, human disturbance has also been implicated. We undertook a controlled experimental study at the Danish Special Protection Area (SPA) reserve at Tipperne, comparing bird behaviour and breeding densities from two baseline years with those in 3 years with two experimental levels of disturbance. Black-tailed Godwits flushed and showed mobbing behaviour significantly more often when disturbed. The duration of simultaneous flights by breeding pairs was greater when disturbed, leaving nests susceptible to predation. Behavioural observations suggested birds were highly sensitive to human disturbance and unlikely to habituate. Disturbance levels of seven walkers/day affected territory densities up to 500 m from routes taken by walkers, causing effective habitat loss to breeding Black-tailed Godwits. The species' sensitivity to disturbance may help explain why it has disappeared from many areas. Effective conservation of important breeding areas and maintenance of high densities of Black-tailed Godwit and other meadow birds necessitates control of public disturbance to breeding areas.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1986,34(3):785-789
Observations of infanticide in a troop of undisturbed, forest hanuman langurs by members of an invading all-male band are reported. The data, whilst consistent with the sexual selection hypothesis, did not support the social pathology hypothesis. Data from different langur populations supported the prediction, derived from the sexual selection hypothesis, that troop take-overs should occur between the birth and mating seasons. The occurrence of take-overs in different langur populations was associated with a predominantly one-male troop structure and not with high density.  相似文献   

Habitat Quality and Activity Budgets of White-Headed Langurs in Fusui,China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Within a species, habitat quality may be a factor causing different activity budgets between populations. The habitat of white-headed langurs (Trachypithecus leucocephalus) has been seriously disturbed in Fusui Rare and Precious Animal Nature Reserve, China, where we carried out a study of their socioecology from September 1997 to September 1998. We collected data on langur activity budgets from the main population located in the central part of a group of limestone hills. We classified habitat quality into 4 grades according to the extent of human disturbance. We showed that the two main study groups of white-headed langurs spent on average 50% of time resting, 13% feeding, 18% moving (including foraging), 11% grooming, and 7% playing. Langur time budgets showed no significant seasonal change, but they differed among different sex-age classes. Infants and juveniles spent about 20.3% of time playing, whereas adults spent only 0.2% playing. The group in high quality habitat engaged less in feeding and more in playing than the group in low quality habitat did. Habitat quality influenced the playing time of young white-headed langurs and may be vital to their successful maturation.  相似文献   

Testing ecological or socioecological models in primatology often requires estimates of individual energy intake. It is a well established fact that the nutrient content (and hence the energy content) of primate food items is highly variable. The second variable in determining primate energy intake, i.e., the ingestion rate, has often been ignored, and few studies have attempted to estimate the relative importance of the two predictors. In the present study individual ingestion rates were measured in two ecologically very different populations of Hanuman langurs (Semnopithecus entellus) at Jodhpur, India, and Ramnagar, Nepal. Protein and soluble sugar concentrations in 50 and 100 food items. respectively, were measured using standardized methods. Variation in ingestion rates (gram of dry matter per minute) was markedly greater among food items than among langur individuals in both populations, but did not differ systematically among food item categories defined according to plant part and age. General linear models (GLMs) with ingestion rate, protein, and soluble sugar content explained 40-80% of the variation in energy intake rates (kJ/min). The relative importance of ingestion rates was either similar (Ramnagar) or much greater (Jodhpur) than the role of sugar and/or protein content in determining the energy intake rates of different items. These results may impact socioecological studies of variation in individual energy budgets, investigations of food choice in relation to chemical composition or sensory characteristics, and research into habitat preferences that measures habitat quality in terms of abundance of important food sources. We suggest a definition of food quality that includes not only the amount of valuable food contents (energy, vitamins, and minerals) and the digestibility of different foods, but also the rate at which the food can be harvested and processed. Such an extended definition seems necessary because time may constrain primates when feeding competition is intense and foraging is risk-prone.  相似文献   

人类休闲活动对森林鸟类群落无有害影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我们对西班牙马德里森林深处(未受到人类干扰)、森林小路沿线(间或有徒步旅行者经过)以及森林野餐区(有较持久干扰)的鸟类进行了调查,以查明人类休闲活动对该地区鸟类群落的分布和多度的影响.结合样方法对以上3类区域鸟类群落的总体特征(如:鸟类的多度、物种的丰富度和多样性)、不同鸟类群体的特征(如:鸦科鸟类的多度,营巢或者取食集团的特征)、各鸟种的多度等参数进行了比较.结果表明:小路沿线和野餐区样方内鸟类的多度和物种丰富度比森林深处更高,已查明14种鸟类的多度在人为干扰区域比森林深处高,只有5种鸟类的多度在森林深处更高一些;在树冠层筑巢的鸟类、在树干和地面觅食的鸟类及鸦科鸟类在休闲活动区有更高的多度;地巢性鸟类在休闲区的多度较低,这种差别尤以阔叶落叶林中加明显.而森林小路的鸟类群落结构与森林内部非常相似,说明人类休闲活动对这些林区鸟类群落的影响更多缘自野餐.原因是野餐区常常具有以下特点:具有高大的乔木、中层植被稀疏、有较多的洞和缝隙以及野餐后会遗留下一些垃圾.以上结论与研究的预期目标正好相反,人类的这些休闲活动可能会降低地巢性鸟类的适宜度,但是对大多数鸟的类栖息地没有不利影响.  相似文献   

In June 2005, we collected 115 fecal samples from wild primates in western Uganda and examined them for Cryptosporidium sp. and Giardia sp. with the use of immunofluorescent antibody (IFA) detection. We sampled primates from an undisturbed forest in Kibale National Park and from 3 highly disturbed forest fragments outside the park. Of disturbed forest samples, red colobus (Pilocolobus tephrosceles) and red-tailed guenons (Cercopithecus ascanius) harbored species of Cryptosporidium or Giardia, but black-and-white colobus (Colobus guereza) did not. All primate samples from undisturbed forest were negative for both parasites. Seven of 35 (20%) red colobus and 1 of 20 red-tailed guenons (5%) from forest fragments were infected with either Cryptosporidium sp. or Giardia sp. The presence of Cryptosporidium and Giardia species in primates living in forest fragments, but not in primates in undisturbed forest, suggests that habitat disturbance may play a role in transmission or persistence of these pathogens.  相似文献   

As undisturbed habitat becomes increasingly rare, managers charged with ensuring the survival of endangered primate species must increasingly utilize disturbed and degraded habitats in species survival plans. Yet we have an imperfect understanding of the true long‐term viability of primate populations in disturbed habitat, and census data can be misleading because density is not necessarily correlated with habitat quality and population viability in predictable ways. Here we present clinical laboratory data on hematology, serum biochemistry, fat‐soluble vitamins, minerals, iron analytes, viral serology, and parasitology of diademed sifaka (Propithecus diadema), derived from the capture of 26 individuals spanning eight groups and two habitats (undisturbed vs. disturbed and fragmented) at Tsinjoarivo, Madagascar. Blood from fragment individuals had significantly lower values for several factors: white blood cell counts, bilirubin, total protein, albumin, calcium, sodium, chloride, manganese, zinc, iron and total iron‐binding capacity. Several biochemical variables were higher in immature individuals, probably due to active growth. The large number of interhabitat differences suggests that habitat disturbance has an impact on physiological health within this population, perhaps reflecting dietary stress and/or immunosuppression. These results, combined with previous data showing altered diet, slower juvenile growth, and reduced activity in disturbed forest fragments, suggest that fragment sifakas may be less healthy than continuous forest groups. Finally, Tsinjoarivo sifakas have extremely low blood urea nitrogen (perhaps reflecting protein limitation) and selenium levels relative to other lemurs. Despite their survival and reproduction in the short term in fragments, these sifakas may represent a riskier conservation investment than conspecifics in undisturbed forest, and may be more susceptible to environmental stressors. However, more data on the fitness consequences of these biochemical differences are needed for a better interpretation of their impacts on long‐term viability prospects. Am. J. Primatol. Am. J. Primatol. 72:1013–1025, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Very few studies have evaluated whether habitat disturbance affects behavioral consistency and plasticity. We measured shyness–boldness and exploration–avoidance for the first time in naked-footed mice (Peromyscus nudipes) in two adjacent habitats with differing level of disturbance in Costa Rica. Each habitat was measured in different, consecutive years. With these data, we explored the possibility of habitat differences in individual- and population-level behavioral plasticity, magnitude of behavior, and consistency. Mice in both habitats behaved consistently across time with high repeatability (i.e., showed personality). The strength of consistency of shyness–boldness and exploration–avoidance over time was higher in the disturbed habitat, and individuals in the undisturbed habitat were bolder and less exploratory. Behaviors were correlated with each other in both habitats, indicating that behavioral syndromes do not always break down in disturbed areas. Mice changed the magnitude of their response the second time they were tested, indicating population-level plasticity. There was also greater individual plasticity among mice in the undisturbed habitat. Our study suggests the possibility that habitat disturbance can affect behavioral plasticity and personality and that shyer/more exploratory individuals might colonize and/or persist in disturbed habitats. These results are preliminary and exploratory because we did not control for temporal differences between habitats.  相似文献   

Primate home range size and habitat use are affected by resource availability, which may change seasonally. Limestone langurs (Trachypithecus genus), including the Critically Endangered Cat Ba langur (Trachypithecus poliocephalus), live on limestone karst hills with shrubby and discontinuous vegetation. This study explores home range size and habitat use in relation to substrate, vegetation coverage, and hill type for Cat Ba langurs living on Cat Ba Island. We predicted that home range size would be similar to that of other limestone langurs and that as resources vary seasonally and across habitat types, habitat use would vary with season and behavior, with foraging concentrated on slopes, where food is plentiful. We collected 180 days of observational data on two reproductive groups (N?=?7 and N?=?10–13), taking GPS fixes of the group whenever they moved farther than the typical group spread to determine home ranges, and 10-min instantaneous scans to assess habitat use. The two groups had home ranges of 22 ha and 50 ha (0.32 and 0.20–0.26 individuals/ha respectively). Ranges for both groups were smaller in the dry season than the wet season, although we could not assess seasonal variation statistically. The langurs spent most scans on rocks, in sparsely vegetated areas, and on exposed slopes and steep cliffs; however they foraged primarily on gradually inclined slopes, especially in the dry season. These results suggest that conservation efforts should focus on protecting nutritionally important valleys and exposed slopes to ensure year-long access to food resources. It may, however, be difficult to balance human and nonhuman primate habitat use.  相似文献   

Logging and wildfire are significant anthropogenic disturbance agents in tropical forests. We compared the abundance and species richness of selected terrestrial wildlife taxa including small mammals, amphibians, reptiles, and terrestrial invertebrates in areas burned by wildfire and then logged and in adjacent undisturbed areas of a tropical humid forest in Bolivia. Disturbed areas had 24% less canopy cover than undisturbed areas but had 2.6 times the cover of large woody debris. Understory cover did not differ between disturbed and undisturbed areas. Small mammal abundance and species richness in disturbed areas were 43 and 70% higher, respectively, than in adjacent undisturbed areas. Herpetofaunal abundance did not differ significantly among disturbed and undisturbed areas, but trends for higher abundance were observed for both reptiles and amphibians in disturbed areas. Herpetofaunal species richness was significantly higher in disturbed compared to undisturbed areas. Total terrestrial invertebrate abundance, as estimated by pitfall traps, was significantly higher in undisturbed compared to disturbed areas mostly due to higher abundances of Formicidae and Blattidae. However, two invertebrate groups, Orthoptera and Lepidoptera (larvae) were more abundant in disturbed areas. Wildlife conservation strategies for areas where logging or wildfire occur should take into account species- or guild-specific responses to these disturbance agents.  相似文献   

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