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The hypothesis that high levels of exogenous estradiol administered to heifers during the prepubertal period would decrease subsequent negative feedback of estradiol on luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion was tested. Fourteen prepubertal heifers were ovariectomized on Day 0. Ovariectomized heifers received either no further treatment (OVX, n = 4), a single estradiol implant on Day 0 (OVXE, n = 5), or the single implant on Day 0 and two additional implants between Days 16 and 30 (OVXE+ E, n = 5). Ten ovary-intact heifers received either no treatment (INT, n = 5) or were administered the two estradiol implants between Days 16 and 30 (INT+ 5, n = 5). Comparison of LH secretion in OVXE to OVXE+E, and in INT to INT+E resulted in significant time-by-treatment interactions (p less than 0.05 for both). As pubertal age approached, mean concentration of LH (p less than 0.05) and pulse frequency (p less than 0.05) increased more rapidly in OVXE+E and INT+E than in OVXE and INT, respectively. Amplitude of LH pulses was unaffected by treatment. When data were standardized to day of puberty in INT and INT+E heifers, mean LH concentration and LH pulse frequency increased as puberty approached in both groups. These data confirm earlier reports indicating that secretion of LH increases gradually as puberty approaches in heifers. It was concluded that administration of estradiol during the prepubertal period hastened the decline in the subsequent negative feedback of estradiol. Precocious puberty was not induced in ovary-intact females.  相似文献   

The control of luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion was investigated in ovariectomized, prepubertal Yorkshire pigs by comparing the effects of anterior (AHD), complete (CHD), and posterior (PHD) hypothalamic deafferentation to sham-operated controls (SOC). Gilts (n = 16) were assigned randomly to treatments, fitted with an indwelling jugular catheter, and ovariectomized 2 days before deafferentation or sham-operation (Day 0). Blood for radioimmunoassay (RIA) of LH was collected sequentially at 20-min intervals for a period of 2 h before and 24, 48, 72, and 96 h after hypothalamic deafferentation or SOC. Episodic LH release after AHD or CHD was abolished (p less than 0.01), but not after PHD or SOC. Concentrations of serum LH in AHD and CHD dropped (p less than 0.01) at 24 and 48 h after surgery. Levels of LH before and after surgery in PHD and SOC were similar (p greater than 0.05). Infusion of 25 micrograms LH-releasing hormone (LHRH) i.v. at 72 and 96 h after hypothalamic deafferentation and SOC increased (p less than 0.01) serum LH to peak levels within 15 min. after infusion; LH returned to basal levels 60-80 min later. By 96 h after surgery, LH response to LH-releasing hormone (LHRH) was less in AHD and CHD as compared with the response at 72 h postinjection. Concentrations of LH in PHD and SOC were similar (p greater than 0.05) at 72 and 96 h, respectively. The results from this study clearly indicate that neural stimuli originating or traversing the neural areas rostral to the median eminence are required for secretion of LH in the pig.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to test the working hypothesis that mean plasma concentrations of luteinizing hormone (LH) increase as a result of an increase in the frequency and amplitude of the pulsatile releases of LH in postpubertal boars after removal of gonadal steroid hormones by castration. It was further hypothesized that these changes in secretion of LH would be the result of changes in sensitivity of the pituitary to gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH). In Experiment 1, plasma LH was monitored in 10 postpubertal crossbred boars (13 to 14 mo old and weighing 159 +/- 6.0 kg) at 12-min intervals for 6 h before and 1 h after GnRH (375 ng/kg of body weight) on Days -1, 7, 14, 21 and 29 relative to castration. In Experiment 2, plasma LH was monitored in four castrated and five intact postpubertal boars (11 to 12 mo old and weighing 150 +/- 5.1 kg) after each of three doses of GnRH (94, 188 and 375 ng/kg) were administered to each animal. Sample collection occurred 5 wk after castration. Mean LH and frequency of pulsatile releases of LH increased as a result of castration (P<0.0001), with changes evident by Day 7 after castration. However, the amplitude of the LH pulses increased minimally after castration (P<0.10). The response to exogenous GnRH increased throughout Experiment 1 (P<0.0001), even though the amplitude of the pulsatile releases of LH (response to endogenous GnRH) did not change. Castrated animals in Experiment 2 had a greater response of LH to GnRH stimulation than intact boars (P<0.05). The dose-response curve of castrated animals was not parallel (P<0.001) to that of intact boars, and indicated that sensitivity of the pituitary to GnRH had increased in the absence of gonadal steroids. Thus, the hypotheses stated above can be accepted with the exception that castration may have a minimal effect on LH pulse amplitude. Based on the results of these experiments, we suggest that gonadal steroid hormones modulate both the size of releasable stores of LH and pituitary sensitivity to GnRH in boars.  相似文献   

Concentrations of circulating LH were determined in conscious, free-moving ovariectomized rats. All of the animals had been ovariectomized at 24 days of age. Between 30 and 90 days there was an increase in mean blood LH concentrations; a more vigorous pulsatile release of LH characterized by an increase in amplitude and frequency of LH release; and an elevated responsiveness to LHRH administration. Rats which had been ovariectomized for 1 year still had elevated blood LH levels but had episodic pulses of reduced amplitude and a decrease in responsiveness to LHRH. These data suggest that important alterations occur with age in the neuroendocrine mechanisms responsible for the release of LH.  相似文献   

The negative effect of estradiol-17beta (E2) on LH, based on exogenous E2 treatments, and the reciprocal effect of LH on endogenous E2, based on hCG treatments, were studied throughout the ovulatory follicular wave during a total of 103 equine estrous cycles in seven experiments. An initial study developed E2 treatment protocols that approximated physiologic E2 concentrations during the estrous cycle. On Day 13 (ovulation = Day 0), when basal concentrations of E2 and LH precede the ovulatory surges, exogenous E2 significantly depressed LH concentrations to below basal levels. Ablation of all follicles > or = 10 mm when the largest was > or =20 mm resulted in an increase in percentage change in LH concentration within 8 h that was greater (P < 0.03) than for controls or E2-treated/follicle-ablated mares. Significant decreases in LH occurred when E2 was given when the largest follicle was either > or =25 mm, > or =28 mm, > or =35 mm, or near ovulation. Treatment with 200 or 2000 IU of hCG did not affect E2 concentrations during the initial portion of the LH surge (largest follicle, > or =25 mm), but 2000 IU significantly depressed E2 concentrations before ovulation (largest follicle, > or =35 mm). Results indicated a continuous negative effect of E2 on LH throughout the ovulatory follicular wave and may be related to the long LH surge and the long follicular phase in mares. Results also indicated that a reciprocal negative effect of LH on E2 does not develop until the E2 surge reaches a peak.  相似文献   

This study used pituitary cells in culture firstly to test the hypothesis that NPY may augment the pituitary LH response to LHRH and secondly to determine whether this interaction is dependent on the presence of estradiol. LHRH (10(-10)-10(-6) M) caused a significant increase in LH secretion from dispersed ovine pituitary cells maintained in culture for six days, a response which was enhanced when cells were pretreated for three days with 4 x 10(-11) M estradiol. NPY 10(-10)-10(-6) M) had no effect on basal LH release from ovine pituitary cells maintained either in the presence or absence of estradiol. NPY (10(-10) and 10(-8) M) also had no effect on LHRH-stimulated LH release either in the presence or absence of estradiol. These results substantiate previous observations that physiologically relevant concentrations of estradiol enhance the LH response to LHRH in cultured ovine pituitary cells. However, in contrast to experiments carried out using rat pituitary cells in culture, the present data provide no evidence to support the hypothesis that NPY alone interacts with LHRH in the control of LH secretion from the ovine pituitary gland.  相似文献   

Eleven heifers, between 63 and 197 days of age, were exposed to 18 hr light/day (L) or natural photoperiods (N), beginning October 19, 1979. They were ovariectomized 8 weeks later. LH concentrations after ovariectomy were not affected by photoperiod, but the rate of increase of FSH after ovariectomy was greater (P<0.10) for group L than for group N. Three weeks after ovariectomy, heiters were injected, IV, with 0.1 mug/kg estradiol-17beta. LH concentrations initially decreased after injection. This was followed by a series of pulses larger than those prior to injection. FSH concentrations declined after injection and remained low throughout the sampling period. The net response of LH concentrations to estradiol (mean post-injection concentration minus mean pre-injection concentration) was greater (P=0.05) for group L (4.7 +/- 0.49 ng/ml) than for group N (2.9 +/- 0.37 ng/ml). Photoperiod did not affect the net response of FSH concentrations to estradiol. We concluded that exposing prepubertal heifers to 18 hr light/day during the winter resulted in a greater rate of increase of FSH after ovariectomy and greater estrogen-induced LH release. Because the response of LH to estradiol-17beta differed from the response of FSH, these hormones may be regulated differently.  相似文献   

The pituitary response to three different doses of exogenously administered LHRH was examined in prepubertal (9-wk-old) and postpubertal (32-wk-old) male ferrets. The doses of 5, 10, and 15 ng LHRH/kg body weight tested in this study produced dose-related increases in circulating LH concentrations in both pre- and postpubertal groups. In addition, a significant effect of age on LH response was observed, with the prepubertal animals demonstrating significantly greater serum LH values in response to the two higher doses than the postpubertal males. Prepubertal ferrets also exhibited a significant increase in endogenous LH pulse amplitude in sampling periods following exogenous administration of LHRH compared to baseline pulse amplitudes in periods prior to the LHRH infusions. These results suggest that the low frequency of endogenous LH pulses previously observed in prepubertal ferrets is not due to unresponsiveness of the pituitary gland to LHRH. Thus, suppression of the hypothalamo-hypophyseal axis observed in the prepubertal ferret is probably mediated at the level of the hypothalamus.  相似文献   

This experiment was designed to determine the age at which estradiol-17beta (E(2)) first induces a preovulatory-like surge of luteinizing hormone (LH) in prepubertal heifers. Responses of prepubertal animals 3 to 4 and 5 to 6 months of age were compared with those of postpubertal heifers that received 25 mg prostaglandin F(2)alpha at 0800 hr on day 15 of the estrous cycle. E(2) (500mug) induced surges of LH in 1 5 heifers 3 to 4 months of age, 3 3 heifers 5 to 6 months of age and 5 5 postpubertal heifers. Duration of response and interval between E(2) injection and peak of the response were longer in postpubertal heifers than in those 5 to 6 months old (P<0.10). Peak response and total amount of LH released were greater in animals 5 to 6 months old (P<0.10). Only one prepubertal heifer had elevated concentrations of progesterone following an LH surge. Four of 5 postpubertal heifers receiving E(2) and 3 of 4 postpubertal heifers receiving corn oil had corpora lutea and similar patterns of progesterone concentrations. We conclude that ability to release an LH surge in response to E(2) develops in heifers between 3 and 5 months of age, but that this induced surge does not cause ovulation.  相似文献   

Ketamine hydrochloride, an n-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist was used in an experiment that tested the hypothesis that fasting-induced increases in growth hormone (GH) secretion is mediated by excitatory amino acid (EAA) neurotransmission in boars. The effects of the drug on circulating concentrations of luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone were also evaluated. Blood was sampled at 15-min intervals for 8 h from 12 boars fitted with jugular vein catheters. At Hours 4 and 6, fasted boars (feed was withdrawn 48 h before the start of blood sampling) received i.m. injections of ketamine (19.9 mg/kg body weight; n=4) or .9% saline (n=4). Boars allowed feed on an ad libitum basis (n=4) received i.v. injections of n-methyl-d,l-aspartate (NMA; 2.5 mg/kg body weight), an NMDA receptor agonist, at Hours 4 and 6. Secretion of GH increased after NMA injections but was unaffected by treatment with ketamine or saline. Circulating concentrations of LH and testosterone were increased by injections of ketamine but were unaffected by injections of NMA or saline. Our results suggest that NMA is a potent GH secretagogue, but do not support the hypothesis that EAA neurotransmission drives the increased GH secretion displayed in fasted boars. Our finding that ketamine increased LH and testosterone release supports the notion that EAA have inhibitory effects on gonadotropin secretion in acutely fasted swine.  相似文献   

Variation in ability of boars to produce testosterone and luteinizing hormone (LH) in response to both gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) stimulation, as well as quantitative relationships between pretreatment and posttreatment responses, were assessed in a population of 38 boars of similar age and breeding. Peripheral testosterone concentrations following either GnRH or ACTH increased (P less than 0.01) to peak circulating levels of 7.16 +/- 0.62 and 8.42 +/- 0.81 ng/ml by 120 and 45 min, respectively. Post-GnRH testosterone area varied from 7.44 to 50.84 ng/ml X h (CV = 47.44%) and post-ACTH testosterone area ranged from 3.05 to 28.78 ng/ml X h (CV = 46.09%). GnRH-induced increases in testosterone were preceded by elevations (P less than 0.01) in peripheral LH concentrations but ACTH had no effect upon LH levels. Post-GnRH area varied from 7.07 to 125.45 ng/ml X h (CV = 76.61%). Significant (P less than 0.01) correlations were obtained between pre-GnRH and post-GnRH testosterone areas (r = 0.58) and between pre-ACTH and post-ACTH testosterone areas (r = 0.67). Nonsignificant (P greater than 0.10) correlations were obtained between post-GnRH and post-ACTH testosterone areas (r = 0.006) and between post-GnRH testosterone and LH areas (r = 0.09). The testosterone producing ability of boars was highly variable and their innate ability to produce testosterone influenced their response to GnRH and ACTH. Additionally, the mechanisms by which GnRH and ACTH influence testosterone production in boars appear to differ. Variation in the ability of boars to produce testosterone could not be explained on the basis of differences in circulating levels of LH.  相似文献   

Between Days 6-11 of pregnancy or pseudopregnancy, the decidual tissue of the rat produces a prolactin-like hormone, decidual luteotropin, which can sustain luteal progesterone production when prolactin is suppressed. However, this effect is dependent upon the presence of the pituitary. The present investigation was undertaken to determine whether decidual luteotropin and luteinizing hormone (LH) act together to sustain luteal steroidogenesis and if so, to find out whether the need for LH is due to the inability of the decidual tissue to produce LH-like material and/or whether LH affects decidual luteotropin production. Pseudopregnant rats with or without decidual tissue were hypophysectomized on Day 8 and treated with either 1.5 IU human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)/day or with vehicle. Within 24 h, serum progesterone dropped in both vehicle-treated groups and decidual luteotropin levels declined by 80% in the decidual tissue. Human CG administration had no effect on progesterone production in the control group. Yet in rats with decidual tissue, hCG stimulated progesterone production for at least 48 h and maintained the decidual tissue content of decidual luteotropin. Progesterone, but not hCG treatment, maintained decidual luteotropin concentrations in ovariectomized rats. To compare the luteotropic activity of the decidual tissue with that of the placenta, pregnant or pseudopregnant rats with decidual tissue were hypophysectomized on Day 8 and treated with 1.5 IU hCG. Control groups had decidual tissue or placentas removed and were similarly treated. Human CG stimulated progesterone production only in rats with placental or decidual tissue.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine if there is an age related reduction in the sensitivity of the negative feedback action of 17β-estradiol (estradiol) on luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion in the prepubertal gilt. Ovariectomized gilts at 90 (n=12), 150 (n=11) or 210 (n=12) days of age received estradiol benzoate (EB) osmotic pump implants 6/group and the remaining animals received vehicle control (C) implants except for 150-day C (n=5) on Day 0. On Day 10 blood samples were collected every 15 min for 8h and serum LH and estradiol concentrations were measured. Serum estradiol concentrations averaged 5 ± 1, 5 ± 1 and 7 ± 2 pg/ml for the 90-, 150- and 210-day-old gilts implanted with estradiol, respectively, whereas, serum estradiol concentrations was undetectable in C gilts. Mean serum LH concentrations, basal LH concentrations and serum LH pulse amplitude were less in EB-treated gilts at all ages compared to control animals. In contrast, LH pulse frequency initially was less in EB-treated gilts but subsequently increased (P<0.04) with age (from 0.8 ± 0.2 at 90 days to 5.2 ± 0.2/8h at 210 days), and at 210 days of age the pulse frequency was similar to C gilts. These results demonstrate an age related reduction in the sensitivity to the negative feedback action of estradiol on LH secretion and support the idea that the gilt conforms to the gonadostat hypothesis.  相似文献   

Various methods have been proposed for the selection of suitable sturgeon broodstock for artificial reproduction. In this study, serum levels of reproductive hormones, namely sturgeon homologues of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), testosterone (T), estradiol (E2) and progestrone (P), were measured by radioimmunoassay (RIA) in 36 mature broodstock before and after injection of pituitary extract, and the results correlated with sex, age and oocyte polarization index (p). Mature males were significantly younger than females, and showed significant differences in serum P and T levels following pituitary extract injection, although not before that. A significant difference was found between LH, E2 and T before and after injection in the female group. There was also a significant difference between serum levels of T and P in the fertile and infertile groups. Stepwise discriminant function analysis was used to discriminate between fertile and infertile groups. The function had 93,8% overall correct classification, i.e. amongst 100 female broodstock fish, almost 94% of them would be correctly allocated to the relevant group. So the proposed model provides a reliable method for selecting suitable broodstock fish.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to evaluate the effects of acute (24 h) thermal stress on anterior pituitary function in hens. Circulating levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) were measured and the ability of the pituitary to respond to luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) challenge was determined. Moreover, bioassayable hypothalamic LHRH content was assessed by using dispersed anterior pituitary cells. In two separate experiments, circulating levels of LH were reduced in hens exposed to acute thermal stress (35 degrees C). Injection of LHRH did not result in significant differences in release of LH between normothermic and hyperthermic hens. However, the hypothalamic content of bioassayable hypothalamic releasing activity from hyperthermic hens were significantly reduced compared with normothermic hens. Taken together, these data suggest that the reproductive decline in the acutely heat-stressed hen is mediated by reduced LH releasing ability of the hypothalamus.  相似文献   

The effects of naloxone, an antagonist of opioid peptides, on circulating concentrations of luteinizing hormone (LH), testosterone, and growth hormone (GH) were determined in sexually mature boars. Blood samples were collected at 15-min intervals for three hr from five crossbred boars. Two hr after initiation of blood sampling, boars received an i.v. challenge of naloxone (1 mg/kg body weight; n=2) or 0.9% saline (n=3). Twenty-four hr later the experiment was repeated, but boars that previously received naloxone received saline and vice versa. A time by treatment interaction (p=0.09) was detected for concentrations of LH in serum, and levels of LH were greater (p<0.03) after treatment with naloxone compared to saline. Concentrations of testosterone in serum were affected by time (p<0.01), but not treatment (p= 0.59) or treatment by time (p=0.74). A treatment by time interaction (p=0.02) was detected for serum GH concentrations. Levels of GH increased in saline-treated boars (p<0.01), but not in boars receiving naloxone (p>0.1). Our results are consistent with the theory that opioid peptides suppress LH secretion and stimulate GH release in sexually mature boars.  相似文献   

To evaluate the roles of FSH and LH in follicular growth, GnRH-immunized anestrous heifers (n = 17) were randomly assigned (Day 0) to one of three groups (n = 5 or 6). Group 1 received i.m. injections of 1.5 mg porcine FSH (pFSH) 4 times/day for 2 days; group 2 received i.v. injections of 150 microg pLH 6 times/day for 6 days; group 3 received both pFSH and pLH as described for groups 1 and 2. After slaughter on Day 6, measurements were made of follicle number and size, and follicular fluid concentrations of progesterone (P(4)), estradiol (E(2)), and aromatase activity. Injection of pFSH increased (P: < 0.01) the serum concentrations of FSH between 12 and 54 h. Infusion of pLH increased (P: < 0.05) mean and basal concentrations of LH and LH pulse frequency. Serum E(2) concentrations were higher (P: < 0.05) for heifers given pFSH + pLH than those given either pFSH or pLH alone. There was no difference (P: > or = 0.24) between treatments in the number of small follicles (<5 mm). Heifers given pFSH or pFSH + pLH had more (P: < or = 0.02) medium follicles (5.0-9.5 mm) than those that were given pLH alone (none present). Heifers given pFSH + pLH had more (P: = 0.04) large follicles (> or =10 mm) than those given either pLH or pFSH alone (none present). Overall, only 1 of 35 small follicles and 2 of 96 medium follicles were E(2)-active (i.e., E(2):P(4) >1.0), whereas 18 of 21 large follicles (all in the pFSH + pLH treatment) were E(2)-active; of these, 8 of 18 had aromatase activity. Concentrations of E(2) and E(2) activity in follicular fluid were correlated (r > or = 0.57; P: < 0.0001) with aromatase activity in heifers given pLH + pFSH. In conclusion, pLH failed to stimulate follicle growth greater than 5 mm; pFSH stimulated growth of medium follicles that were E(2)-inactive at slaughter and failed to increase serum E(2) concentrations; whereas pFSH + pLH stimulated growth of medium follicles and E(2)-active large follicles, and a 10- to 14-fold increase in serum E(2) concentrations.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to determine the effect of sampling interval on serum concentrations of LH, FSH, and prolactin (PRL) in prepubertal, ovariectomized, and cycling gilts. In all experiments, blood samples were drawn at 2-min intervals for 4 h from indwelling jugular catheters. Mean serum hormone concentrations, mean number of peaks, and mean and maximum peak heights of LH, FSH, and PRL were calculated using values reflecting 2-, 6-, 10-, 20-, 30-, and 60-min sampling intervals. For LH, FSH, and PRL, mean serum concentrations can be obtained through blood samples drawn at hourly intervals. Since LH peaks are very distinct in pigs, the number of secretory peaks and mean peak height can be obtained via samples drawn at 20-min intervals. Since FSH and PRL peaks are less well defined, a more frequent sampling interval (10 min) is needed to determine number of peaks and mean peak height. To obtain the maximum peak height or the number of minutes for LH, FSH, or PRL to rise from its nadir to zenith, blood samples need to be drawn at 2-min intervals. Regardless of reproductive state, these data indicate that the sampling interval needed to characterize serum concentrations of LH, FSH, and PRL in the gilt is dependent upon the parameter in question.  相似文献   

The hypotheses that secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) varies with season and that estradiol may modulate the seasonal fluctuation in secretion of LH in cows were investigated. Seven mature cows were ovariectomized approximately 30 days before initiation of the experiment. Three of the ovariectomized cows (OVX-E2) were administered a subcutaneous estradiol implant that provided low circulating levels of 17 beta-estradiol. The remaining 4 cows (OVX) were not implanted. From December 21, 1982, to September 20, 1984, blood samples were collected sequentially (at 10-min intervals for 6 h) at each summer and winter solstice, and each spring and autumn equinox. In addition, from March 17, 1983, to March 17, 1984, sequential samples were collected midway between each solstice and equinox. Concentration of LH was measured in all samples, and concentration of estradiol was measured in pools of samples. An annual cycle in mean serum concentration of LH and amplitude of LH pulses was detected in both groups of cows. The seasonal pattern did not differ in the two treatment groups. Serum concentration of LH and amplitude of LH pulses were highest around the spring equinox, decreased gradually to the autumn equinox, and then increased and peaked again during the following spring equinox. Frequency of LH pulses and concentration of estradiol in serum did not vary with season. Circulating concentrations of LH and amplitude of pulses tended to be higher in OVX-E2 than OVX cows throughout the experimental period. Frequency of pulses of LH was lower in OVX-E2 than OVX cows throughout the experiment. Concentrations of estradiol were higher in the implanted cows.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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