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Immersion of newly hatched pike fry in an aqueous solution of 1·85 MBq ml−185Sr did not affect their growth or survival over 3 weeks. Cannibal pike fry retained only l.2–3·3% of the 85Sr from their labelled prey. Newly hatched 85Sr-marked fry stocked into two lakes in 3 years were distinguishable from wild fish 4–6 weeks later. Stocked and wild fry grew equally well, and stocked pike survived best where density of wild pike was highest. There was no evidence of increase in density as a result of Stocking.  相似文献   

Experimental infection of fertilized pike eggs with 'red-disease' virus produced 100% mortality in the fry. This mortality was associated with a disease that had previously been described as hydrocephalus internus, indicating that 'red-disease' and hydrocephalus are different manifestations of the same disease. The name pike fry rhabdovirus disease (PFRD) is suggested for the disease complex, and the name pike fry rhabdovirus (PFR) for the causative agent. Exposure of PFR to a Wescodyne * solution containing 25 ppm of iodine resulted in an inactivation of at least 99–99% of viral activity within 30 sec. Experimental egg transmission of PFR could be interrupted by disinfecting the eggs in a Wescodyne solution, suggesting that the virus was located on the egg surface. Conclusive evidence of a naturally occurring vertical transmission in pike culture is still lacking because, using FHM cells as a detection system, PFR could not be found in spawners and their sexual products. The susceptibility of pike fry to PFR rapidly decreases at increasing age.  相似文献   

RNA polymerase associated with virions of pike fry rhabdovirus.   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  

Stress produces a haemoconcentration, elevated blood lactate, increased glucose concentrations and alters the plasma electrolyte balance in two groups (brackish- and freshwater) of the northern pike, Esox leucius L., after one month's starvation. A method for dorsal aorta catheterization and a receptacle for cannulating fish is described.
The blood glucose level of the freshwater pike was twice that of the brackish-water group, and the plasma sodium and magnesium concentrations in the brackish-water pike were significantly higher. The haematocrit, haemoglobin and blood lactic acid concentrations were higher in freshwater pike. The plasma potassium and calcium concentrations in the two groups did not differ.
Haemoconcentration due to stress by handling for 1.5 min was shown by changes in haematocrit and haemoglobin values. The haemoglobin concentration returned to normal in freshwater pike after 4 h but in brackish-water pike after 12 h.
As a result of handling, the blood lactic acid level rose steeply and required 12 h to return to normal.
The blood glucose concentration rose to its maximum value within 1 h of handling and required two days to return to normal.
The plasma sodium level remained stable after handling, but the potassium level was erratic. In brackish-water, the potassium concentration of the pike remained high for 12 h after stress, but in the freshwater group, after a rise, the concentration fell to below the initial level within 4 h. The changes of the potassium concentrations in relation to sampling time are discussed. The changes in the divalent ion concentrations were marked and similar in the two groups; with an increase lasting 1–4 h and then a fall below the initial level, which was regained after two days.  相似文献   

Yolk-sac pike fry were stocked at densities of 0.74 – 81.4 m−2 in two ponds, each divided into eight sectors (mean area 155.8 m2). Growth and survival were recorded from May to December 1985. The growth rates were variable within each sector. The size-range of sampled fish increased throughout the year, but showed no significant correlation with density. Fry survival was initially density-independent but switched by late June/July to density-dependence, ranging from 0.5 to 43.6% of initial stocking numbers. The highest mean daily mortality rates occurred during May-July. The final survival in December ranged between sectors from 0.059 to 11.25% of the starting stock densities. The final biomass per unit area of pike surviving in December was not related to initial stocking density. In Pond 1 the mean biomass produced was 2.21 gm−2 and in Pond 2 was 3.49gm−2.
Pike fry < 30 mm fed only on invertebrates; those 30–100 mm took a wide range of invertebrates, cyprinids. sticklebacks and other pike. Cannibalism occurred at most densities between 5.45 and 81.4 fish m−2.
Where attempts are made to increase pike production in managed populations by releasing small fry, an upper stock density of 5 fry m−2 is advised if large, density-dependent mortalities are to be avoided.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments demonstrated that both alizarin complexone and strontium are useful in mass marking of pike Esox lucius fry otoliths. Visual detection of alizarin complexone marks was considered more reliable than the quantitative analysis of strontium for differentiating marked and unmarked individuals after release in a Danish lake.  相似文献   

The emergence timing, quality and diet of chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha , fry were studied as they emerged from ten natural redds. The impact of selected environmental factors on emergence was studied also. Samples of fry were obtained daily using redd traps.
The mean period of total emergence for redds with more than 450 fry emerging was 44.8 days (range 25–57 days), but for 80% of the fry in each redd to emerge the mean time elapsed was 10.8 days (range 6–21 days). No fry sampled had a visible yolk sac. The effect of temperature and light on emergence timing was weak, but stream flow had a strong influence. Fry length was constant for each redd throughout emergence, but fry weight tended to decline; consequently condition factor declined also. There was evidence that fry fed before emergence, but they did not grow. The major prey item, Deleatidium spp. (47.4% of the contents of all stomachs sampled), was the most abundant invertebrate in stream benthos and drift. Empty stomachs were prevalent at the start of emergence, with full stomachs becoming more common as emergence progressed.
The time distribution of numbers of fry emerging was usually unimodal, but occasionally bimodal. Over one third of fry emerged during the best 2 days of sampling.  相似文献   

Pike fry were kept in 0.054-m3 tanks at densities of 50, 100 and 150 (277, 555, 833 fry m−2) for seven weeks during which the development of social and feeding behaviour was observed. Zooplankton, macro-invertebrates and perch fry were provided sequentially as food; the pike fry were allowed to feed ad libitum.
Zooplanktivorous fry stopped growing at 22 mm whilst, in the presence of abundant suitable alternative prey, 1–4% turned cannibalistic at 5 weeks of age; cannibals subsequently grew rapidly (mean 1.88 mm day−1). Cannibalism ensued in all tanks when the ratio of predator size: prey size was c .2:1.
Fry tended to space-out evenly in the tanks with no overt aggression or territoriality. Behaviour was typified by remaining still for long periods, particularly subsequent to the onset of cannibalism. Cannibals were attracted by fry movements which often initiated attacks.
Daily per capita mortality rates showed no crowding effects before cannibalism but significant density-dependent mortality due to cannibals. Consumption rates of cannibals varied between 0.63 and 6.0 fry per cannibal per day. Cannibals accounted for 54–96% of daily mortality in the experimental tanks. These results are discussed in relation to proposed mechanisms of pike population density regulation.  相似文献   

Power-law relationships have been estimated between fecundity and fish length, weight and age for pike from two gravel pit lakes (Main Lake and St Peter's Lake) in Buckinghamshire, England. Relative fecundity, estimated at 17.6 eggs g−1 for Main Lake pike and 19.4 g−1 for St Peter's Lake pike, did not differ significantly between the lakes. Population fecundity for the Main Lake was estimated at 10.6 million eggs and 6.4 million eggs in 1986 and 1987, respectively.
Experimental work involving samples of eggs from 18 artificially fertilized Main Lake female pike showed a significant relationship between egg diameter and female length, and a significant difference between mean egg diameters for 41-cm and 101-cm females. No significant relationships were found between mean egg size and mean fry size, nor between fry length and adult length. Mean size differences between newly hatched, 18-day-old and 41-day-old fry from the 41-cm and 101-cm females were not significant.
Samples of eggs taken at 2-day intervals from 6 April to 5 May in a pike spawning area of the Main Lake revealed clumped distributions of eggs, with average egg densities ranging from 1 to 47 eggs per 0.071 m2 (14–671 m 2) on sand and silt substrata. The maximum egg density of 51 per 0.071 m2 (729 m−2) was found on flooded grass. The stages of development of the eggs were identified over the sampling period. Survival from stage 1 to fry was estimated at 3–6%. Egg losses were estimated at 9–10% day−1.
Egg survival experiments gave overall hatching success rates of 11 % on sand/silt compared with 2.5% on aquatic plants (1986), and 18.9% on undisturbed sand/silt compared with 7.9% on disturbed sand/silt (1987). The effect of siltation on egg hatching is discussed.  相似文献   

Insect predation on pike fry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Laboratory tests evaluated the predatory impact of the macroinvertebrates Erythromma najas larvae (Odonata, Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae), Notonecta glauca (Heteroptera: Notonectidae), Ilyocoris cimicoides (Heteroptera: Naucoridae), Libellula depressa larvae (Odonata, Anisoptera: Libellulidae), Dytiscus marginalis larvae (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) and Anax imperator larvae (Odonata, Anisoptera: Aeshnidae) on 3-, 12-, 21- and 30-day-old pike fry Esox lucius . All these insect predators captured and ate pike fry during the test, although the numbers killed varied among species. Dytiscus marginalis, Anax imperator and Notonecta glauca were the most Voracious predators.  相似文献   

During the last decade, brackish northern pike populations in Denmark have been subject to stocking programmes, using nonindigenous pike from freshwater lakes, in order to compensate for drastic population declines. The present study was designed to investigate the genetic impact of stocking freshwater pike into a brackish pike population in Stege Nor, Denmark. We analysed polymorphism at eight microsatellite loci in samples representing the indigenous Stege Nor population prior to stocking (ie from 1956 to 1957), along with a sample of the contemporary Stege Nor population and samples from the three populations used for stocking. Despite large numbers of stocked fry, the results from both individual and population level admixture analyses demonstrated extremely poor performance and <1% introgression of stocked freshwater pike into the brackish pike population. Furthermore, pairwise F(ST) estimates between samples demonstrated close genetic relationship among temporal samples from Stege Nor, indicating temporal stability over the last 45 years. We also estimated the effective population size (N(e)) of pike in Stege Nor and applied a test for recent population bottlenecks. The harmonic mean of N(e) was relatively high (>250), but there were indications of bottlenecks in all samples and populations. We ascribe this finding to historical rather than recent bottlenecks, possibly dating back to founder events associated with postglacial recolonisation.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. .1. Chalkstream trout are fast-growing, short-lived with a stable age structure that is a consequence of the lack of extremes in the abiotic environment, especially of water temperature and flow.
2. Levels of secondary (invertebrate) production arc high and there is no evidence that interspecific or intraspecific competition for food resources limits growth.
3. Dietary studies show a broad similarity between trout and other species, but indicate differences that reflect variations in the micro-habitat distributions between fish species.
4. Trout numbers appear to be limited initially by the availability of gravel spawning areas, and then by areas suitable for newly-emerged fry. Reduction in stream discharge in the spring, either naturally or by man, can lower the number of 0+ trout that survive.
5. Eels are not important predators on trout eggs or fry. but a reduction in pike numbers can lead to a decrease in the mean weight of pike. Small pike do not pose a serious threat to stocked yearling trout.  相似文献   

Carnitine treatment has an appreciable effect on the hatchery-reared sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax , fry.
The administration of the laevorotatory isomer (1-carnitine) which is engaged in the transport of the acyl and acetyl groups through the mitochondrial membrane, stimulating lipid metabolism, increases the growth rate and the protein content of the treated fry.
The dextrorotatory isomer (d-carnitine), which is an antagonist of the 1-carnitine, has an opposite effect on the growth and metabolism of the treated fry.  相似文献   

Tagged pike Esox lucius L. in a drainable pond were fished by hook and line, using either a spinner or a small live fish as bait. Catch per unit effort could be used as a measure for catchability because all captured pike were immediately returned to the pond and mortality was low.
Catchability to spinner fishing decreased to very low levels after about half of the population had been caught in this way. Catchability to live bait fishing remained unaffected both by intensive spinner and live bait fishing.
It was difficult to capture pike more than once by spinning. In live bait fishing, on the other hand, the number of recaptures closely matched the number expected if catchability remains unaffected by earlier capture.
The advantages are discussed of the use of artificial baits over live baits in hook and line fishing for pike.  相似文献   

Prey intake, amount of time feeding, pursuit and manipulation times and growth rate were studied in the pike, Esox lucius , in relation to prey weight. Predator and prey were observed in tanks at 15°C and with a 14:10 h LD photoperiod. A total of 444 captures were recorded from five 1 g prey weight groups varying from 0 to 4.9 g. Ten pike were used weighing between 50 and 149 g.
As prey weight increased, the number and weight of prey consumed decreased as did the time spent feeding, which became concentrated into the first trial of the day. Pursuit time did not vary with prey weight, but manipulation time and the weight of prey gained per unit pursuit plus manipulation time increased with prey weight.
The growth rate of pike was a positive function of ration size and a negative function of the amount of time spent capturing each gramme of prey (capture cost). Growth rate was also correlated with the mean length and weight of prey eaten.
The most profitable prey, as estimated from optimal foraging theory, need only be available once every 84 min for pike to maximize their net energy gain. The data show that feeding behaviour can have a direct influence on the reproductive success of pike through its effect on growth rate.  相似文献   

This paper is a review of most of the research work on fish that has been carried out by the Freshwater Biological Association, and includes not only what has been done at Windermere, but also some past work carried out elsewhere. However, current work at the River Laboratory, which is now a separate establishment, has been excluded.
The history of the Association i s traced from its formation in 1929 and its first laboratory at Wray Castle, to its present quarters at the Ferry House. Thc pre-war work of Allen on trout, perch and salmon is described and an account is given of the war time research and fishery for eels and perch, and of how this has led to the experimental removal of perch and pike from Windermere on a large scale. The physiological research, and work on trout fry, on char and other species, as well as many subsidiary investigations, are mentioned. As far as possible brief summaries of the main results are given for most of the 99 papers mentioiicd.  相似文献   

Metabolic effects of partial pancreatectomy (70%) after 1 month were studied in the Northern pike, Esox lucius L. Plasma protein and haematocrit levels were significantly reduced in the pancreatectomised fish when compared with sham-operated controls. By contrast, however, blood glucose, plasma amino acid nitrogen and cholesterol levels remained unaltered.
The tolerance to intra-arterial glucose and amino acid loading was compared in pancreatectomised and control fish. Pancreatectomy resulted in a significantly impaired clearance of amino acids from the plasma whereas glucose tolerance was similar in both groups. Neither glucose nor ketones could be detected in the urine of pancreatectomised pike after 1 month. These data indicate that partial pancreatectomy does not cause the development of a diabetic state in this species over a 1 month period.  相似文献   

Pike growth was generally slower in small Finnish lakes than has been reported from large lakes or brackish coastal waters. Growth was unrelated to pH, alkalinity, COD, or conductivity of the water, but length of 1–2-year-old pike correlated positively with water colour (i.e. humic content), nitrogen content, and phosphorus content. These water properties also correlated with each other. Growth of 1–2-year-old pike was negatively correlated with lake area in lakes smaller than 20 ha.
In lakes with a strong roach population or without ruffe the 0 group pike grew faster than in lakes without roach or with ruffe. The growth of pike aged 1–4 years in two very acid and practically fishless lakes did not differ clearly from the rest of the lakes, although the pike were forced to forage for abundant acid resistant invertebrates like dragonfly nymphs (Odonata) or Asellus aquatlcus .
The results of this work support earlier studies where the growth rate above all depends on water temperature and food availability. Acidity was not shown to affect the growth rate of pike.  相似文献   

The alimentary tract of the pike is described, relating its feeding habits to its intestinal gut histology. It is a carnivorous species having a short oesophagus, pouch-like stomach and a short intestine with two convolutions. Stratified epithelium with columnar cells and many goblet cells are present in the oesophagus, columnar epithelial cells only in the stomach, and both cell types in the intestine.
Eosinophils in the mucosa of the oesophagus originate from connective tissue cells and lymphocytes and neutrophils are present. The lamina propria is composed of a stratum granulosum, stratum compactum, blood vessels and loose areolar tissue. The stratum compactum is a strengthening substance, composed of collagen, characteristic of carnivorous teleosts. The circular and longitudinal muscle layers and serosa are similar to those of other carnivorous teleosts.
The pancreas and liver are briefly described, the pancreas being the unusual compact type not often found in teleosts. The B cells are seen in the periphery and a cells in the centre of the islets. The liver is a unilobular organ, having oil storage as a major function.
The distribution of goblet cell mucin is given, differentiating it into neutral and acid mucosubstances. Nine levels of alimentary tract were examined in the mucin distribution study. The functions of mucin in the pike are digestion, absorption, protection and lubrication.  相似文献   

The efficiency of northern pike (Esox lucius Linnaeus) fry production via hormonal treatment of wintered broodstock is, in general, relatively low due to low egg fertilization percentage. It has been experimentally demonstrated that administration of acetone-dried carp pituitary extract in a slow-release vehicle of aqueous dispersion of Carbopol 971 P resin (CP) resulted in a higher mean fertilization percentage, possibly because the gradual hormone action could optimally control ovarian follicle maturation and ovulation. This new method of hormonal induction of ovulation was tested in a large-scale hatchery production of northern pike fry. In the present study, data on fertilization percentage collected between 2002 and 2006 at two prominent hatcheries in Hungary were analyzed. Administration of acetone-dried carp pituitary in a 2.5% CP vehicle resulted in higher fertilization (76.4 ± 7.7%; mean ± SD) compared to the saline vehicle group (59.3 ± 10.8%). The vehicle used did not affect the ovulation ratio. According to these results from large-scale production, the new method could be suitable to have wide application for induced breeding of northern pike. Guest editors: J. M. Farrell, C. Skov, M. Mingelbier, T. Margenau & J. E. Cooper International Pike Symposium: Merging Knowledge of Ecology, Biology, and Management for a Circumpolar Species  相似文献   

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