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Capsular contracture results in dissatisfaction and deformity among the 2 million women who have had silicone implants. The literature describes contracture rates as high as 74 percent. I present a comparison of rates and incidences of contracture in patients augmented with smooth and textured double-lumen silicone implants. A total of 165 "smooth" and 63 "textured" implant patients were included in this study, which spans 12 years, 1978-1990. All patients underwent bilateral aesthetic augmentation performed by the same surgeon. Of the 165 smooth implant patients, 74 (44.8 percent) experienced contractures requiring treatment. Of the 63 textured implant patients, 3 (4.8 percent) previous contracture patients experienced sudden fibrosis within 3 months. All others remained soft. It appears that deeply textured silicone surfaces delay or decrease the rate and incidence of clinical capsular contracture, at least for 2 years.  相似文献   

D Fagrell  A Berggren  E Tarpila 《Plastic and reconstructive surgery》2001,108(7):2108-12; discussion 2113
In a previous prospective randomized clinical study comparing in the same patient textured and smooth saline-filled mammary implants (Biocell) with large pore size (300 to 600 microm), we saw no difference in capsular contracture. This study was undertaken in a similar way to compare capsular contracture around smooth and textured saline-filled prostheses with pores of small size. During a period of 7.5 years, the breast hardness was followed up, and at the end of the study patient satisfaction was evaluated.Twenty healthy women with a mean age of 30 years were operated on for breast augmentation. Two surgeons performed all operations in a standardized way. Each patient received subglandularly a Siltex textured saline-filled prosthesis with a pore size of 30 to 70 microm in one breast, and a smooth saline-filled prosthesis in the other. The hardness of the breasts was evaluated after 0.5, 1, and 7.5 years using Baker grading and applanation tonometry. Eighteen patients completed 1-year and 7.5-year follow-up. Two breasts with smooth prostheses were contracted after 6 months (Baker III or IV). After 1 year, four patients with smooth prostheses and one with a textured prosthesis had capsular contracture (p = 0.34). Seven and one-half years after surgery, six patents with smooth and four with textured implants had contracture (p = 0.66). On two patients with smooth prostheses and one patient with a textured prosthesis, the capsule around the implant hardened between 6 and 12 months. Between 1 year and 7.5 years, three breasts with smooth and textured implants contracted and one with a textured implant softened.The patients reported on a Visual Analogue Scale (1 to 10) the impact of the augmentation on their quality of life to be 9 +/- 1. Four patients preferred the breast with the smooth prosthesis, three preferred the breast with the textured prosthesis, and the others found both breasts equal. This study showed no significant difference of contracture with smooth versus fine textured implants. The majority of the patients preferred the smooth implants. The patients reported that the breast augmentation had had an extremely high impact on their quality of life.  相似文献   

This study was initiated to understand why talc was found in the entrance wounds and pericapsular scars of patients with silicone breast implants. Twenty-five surgical gloves made between 1977 and 1992 by a major glove manufacturer were evaluated with infrared spectroscopy. Seven gloves manufactured before early 1983 contained talc. Later manufactured gloves contained calcium carbonate instead of talc. Talc-containing gloves were submitted to independent laboratories for scanning electron microscopic examination and x-ray microanalysis to obtain finer detail. Remnants of the mold-release agent talc were found in the matrix of the patient-contact side of the glove. Wetting studies showed that silicone oil (gel bleed) immediately wet the surface of rubber glove. After donning, silicone oil was massaged between the thumb and index finger of each washed, talc-containing glove for 1 minute and then daubed from the glove to a microscopic slide. The slide was viewed with polarized light microscopy for the presence of talc crystals. Transfer of talc occurred using silicone oil, but not saline, in each talc-containing glove. Three factors were likely involved in the greater talc deposition that occurred with patients undergoing silicone gel-filled breast implantation than in patients undergoing other surgical procedures. (1) The wetting of the gloves with silicone gel bleed from implants loosened the talc in the glove matrix. (2) Hand-intensive surgical use freed the talc from the gloves. (3) Loose talc adhered to the silicone elastomer of the breast implants and was deposited with implant placement.  相似文献   

S Bern  A Burd  J W May 《Plastic and reconstructive surgery》1992,89(6):1037-42; discussion 1043-4
Capsular contracture remains the major complication of reconstructive and aesthetic breast surgery. The purpose of this investigation was to determine if a silicone implant with a textured surface will form a capsule of significantly different biophysical and histologic properties than conventional smooth silicone. Thirty smooth and 30 textured silicone tissue expanders were implanted under the panniculus carnosus of rabbits. After 3 months, measurements related to contracture were performed on anesthetized animals in an investigator-blinded, controlled manner. Intraexpander pressures were measured as saline was injected over time. We found a significant correlation between intraexpander pressures, applanation tonometry, and Baker class. Histology revealed a thicker, more adherent, and inflammatory capsule around the textured silicone implants as compared with the smooth silicone implants. Dynamic pressures were plotted against volume of saline within the two types of implants. Statistical analysis revealed that the textured implants form a tighter and thicker capsule than the smooth implants after 3 months of observation (p less than 0.005).  相似文献   

Although textured silicone breast implants have been shown to reduce the incidence of capsular contracture, there is little evidence if this effect is maintained in the long term. It has been 10 years since the double-blind randomized trial in which 53 patients received either Mentor smooth (26) or textured silicone gel implants (27). Of the 14 patients who were not known to have developed a contracture in the smooth group, 11 were reviewed. Three had bilateral contractures. In the textured group, 18 of the 24 patients not known to have contractures were reviewed. None had developed contractures. At 10 years, the incidence of capsular contracture was 65 percent of patients with smooth implants (an increase of 6 percent on the 3-year results) and 11 percent for the textured implant patients (no change on the 3-year results). A database containing the details of 1100 patients reinforces these results by examining the differences in contracture rates of textured, smooth, and polyurethane-coated implants. The effect of submuscular placement on reducing contracture rates regardless of texturing is discussed, as is the apparent increase in capsular contracture in patients who smoke.  相似文献   

Miniature "soft gel" filled breast prostheses were implanted into rats, and half of these were purposefully ruptured upon insertion. At sacrifice of the animals later, the position of the exuded gel, the variability of the capsule thickness, and the extent of the capsule formation were evaluated. The capsule thickness was significantly increased around the ruptured prostheses, in response to the exuded gel. Also, the gel migrated through the fibrous capsule and into the surrounding tissue, eliciting an inflammatory response there to produce capsule thickening.  相似文献   

Metaplasia is a reversible phenomenon that usually occurs in response to chronic irritation and/or inflammation. It allows for the substitution of fragile cells with those that are better able to survive under various circumstances. Our study aims to describe the histology of one unusual type of metaplasia results in the formation of a synovial-like membrane typical of joints inside a female patient’s breasts around silicone implants. We analyzed samples from 22 female patients, who underwent delayed-staged breast reconstructions. Attention was paid especially to tissue that was in direct contact with the silicone expander and that was under permanent pressure and friction between the implant and the surrounding tissue. Biopsies of explanted periprosthetic capsules were processed for examination by light microscopy. Immunohistochemical staining (ten different primary antibodies) was performed to examine a variety of cell-specific antigens. At the interface between the tissue capsule and the silicone breast expander, we typically observed a 50–200-μm cellular lining. Thanks to the high cellular density, this cellular layer resembled epithelium. However, there was no basement membrane, and cells were negative for cytokeratin. The cells forming the superficial layer were strongly positive for vimentin and podoplanin and weakly positive for the S100 protein. These cells did not express desmin or smooth muscle actin. Within the most superficial layer (synovial intima), we distinguished two types of cells: phagocytic (CD68-positive) and fibroblast-like synovial cells. We conclude that the cellular lining surrounding silicone breast implants looks like a true synovial membrane resembling a fibrous form of synovium.  相似文献   

We present evidence of the following. 1. Modern silicone bag-gel breast implants leak silicone gel through the bag. 2. The amount of silicone leaked by an intact implant varies from one implant to another, and is not constant for any type or brand. 3. The leaked silicone, together with fibrous thickening and various degrees of inflammation will be found in capsules surrounding the implants if extensive biopsies are taken and many sections are examined.  相似文献   

The use of a pneumatic tourniquet to release fibrous capsular contracture around a breast implant is described. This method protects the operator's hands and, we believe, is potentially safer for the patient and for the breast prosthesis.  相似文献   

Variability in the properties of silicone gel breast implants.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Several generations of silicone gel breast implants have been produced by implant manufacturers. The primary material usually viewed as the base material in the manufacture of implants is polydimethylsiloxane. Polymeric reactions are notorious for their variability and nonuniformity. The elastomer used in different types of implants can have vastly different properties. Furthermore, the material properties associated with a particular type of implant can vary considerably from one lot to the next. Considering the various designs, styles, and manufacturing techniques associated with silicone gel implants, knowledge of the original properties of the implants before implantation is important in determining the effects of aging in vivo. This study was conducted to investigate differences in key mechanical and chemical properties of silicone gel breast implant materials. The two types of implants chosen for analysis were Silastic I and Silastic II control implants. Material property data were determined for both types of controls and significant differences were found in their values. Lot-to-lot variability was also investigated and found to be significant.  相似文献   

It has long been known that the formation of a fibrous capsule around an implant is a general phenomenon in nature, an inevitable result of the tissue defense mechanism called the foreign body reaction. We have investigated this reaction in animals and find it consists of a series of interrelated processes in which the final result may vary, depending on the susceptibility of the foreign material to phagocytosis, incorporation by giant cells, or isolation by fibrosis. This susceptibility depends, in turn, on the physical and chemical properties of the implant. The process of capsule formation, as well as the structure of the final capsule, is similar in animal models and in humans--so that investigations of human encapsulation may be done in animals. The cause of abnormal induration around human breast implants is still unknown, and the question of whether normal induration in the animal model can be used to elucidate abnormal clinical induration depends on further investigation of both phenomena.  相似文献   

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