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Blood coagulation factor VIII is a large glycoprotein that circulates in plasma at relative low concentration (0.1 microgram/ml). It consists of a heterogeneous mixture of a series heavy-chain peptides (90-200 kDa), each associated with a light chain of 80 kDa. To gain insight into the physical properties of the protein, we have characterized purified human factor VIII by electron microscopy and rotary shadowing. Electron microscopy of rotary shadowed factor VIII molecules showed predominantly a single globular domain structure, with a somewhat asymmetric shape, while two-domain structures were also encountered. The overall dimensions of the globular domains ranged from 4 x 6 nm to 8 x 12 nm. EDTA treatment of factor VIII reduced the overall dimensions (2.5 x 5 nm to 6 x 10 nm) while treatment with thrombin reduced the dimensions to a small extent. In complexes with von Willebrand factor, factor VIII appeared localized at the globular domains of von Willebrand factor multimers. In addition, incubation of factor VIII with Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease fragments SpII and SpIII revealed only binding to the globular domains of SpIII. In this study, the first morphological characterization of human factor VIII is presented, together with its direct localization on von Willebrand factor multimers.  相似文献   

Factor VIII and von Willebrand factor are two plasma proteins essential for effective hemostasis. In vivo, they form a non-covalent complex whose association appears to be metal ion dependent. However, a precise definition of the nature of the molecular forces governing their association remains to be defined, as does their binding affinity. In this paper we have determined the dissociation constant and stoichiometry for Factor VIII binding to immobilized von Willebrand factor. The data demonstrate that these proteins interact saturably and with relatively high affinity. Computer assisted analyses of the Scatchard data favour a two site binding model. The higher affinity site was found to have a Kd of 62 (+/- 13) x 10(-12) M while that of the lower affinity site was 380 (+/- 92) x 10(-12) M. The density of Factor VIII binding sites (Bmax) present on von Willebrand factor was 31 (+/- 3) pM for the high affinity binding site and 46 (+/- 6) pM for the lower site, corresponding to a calculated Factor VIII: von Willebrand factor binding ratio of 1:33 and 1:23, respectively.  相似文献   

The binding of 35S-labeled recombinant human Factor VIII to activated human platelets was studied in the presence and absence of exogenous plasma von Willebrand factor. In the absence of added von Willebrand Factor, platelets bound 210 molecules of Factor VIII/platelet when the unbound Factor VIII concentration was 2.0 nM (Kd = 2.9 nM). As the von Willebrand factor concentration was increased, the number of Factor VIII molecules bound/platelet decreased to 10 molecules of Factor VIII bound/platelet at 24 micrograms/ml of added vWF. Addition of an anti-vWF monoclonal antibody that inhibits the vWF-Factor VIII interaction attenuated the ability of vWF to inhibit binding of Factor VIII to platelets. In contrast, addition of a control anti-vWF antibody that does not block the vWF-Factor VIII interaction did not affect the ability of vWF to inhibit Factor VIII binding to platelets. From the vWF concentration dependence of inhibition of Factor VIII-platelet binding, a dissociation constant for the Factor VIII-vWF interaction was calculated (Kd = 0.44 nM). To further elucidate the role that vWF may play in preventing the interaction of Factor VIII with platelets, the platelet binding properties of a Factor VIII deletion mutant (90-73) which lacks the primary vWF-binding site was studied. The binding of this mutant was unaffected by added exogenous vWF. These observations demonstrate that Factor VIII can interact with platelets in a manner independent of vWF but that excess vWF in plasma can effectively compete with platelets for the binding of Factor VIII. In addition, since cleavage of Factor VIII by thrombin separates a vWF-binding domain from Factor VIIIa, we propose that activation of Factor VIII by thrombin may elicit release of activated Factor VIII from vWF and thereby make it fully available for platelet binding.  相似文献   

von Willebrand factor (vWF) plays a central role in blood coagulation, mediating the adhesion of the initial platelet plug to the subendothelium, and serving as the carrier for factor VIII (FVIII) in the circulation. In previous studies, we have mapped the epitope for an anti-vWF monoclonal antibody which inhibits the interaction between FVIII and vWF to a region spanning Thr78 to Thr96 of the mature protein (Bahou, W.F., Ginsburg, D., Sikkink, R., Litwiller, R., and Fass, D. N. (1989) J. Clin. Invest. 84, 56-61). We now report the identification of a mutation within this region of vWF that results in decreased FVIII binding. Sequence analysis of polymerase chain reaction amplified platelet vWF mRNA from a von Willebrand disease (vWD) patient with a disproportionately low FVIII level identified a single nucleotide substitution (G----A), resulting in the conversion of Arg91----Gln. Recombinant vWF carrying this substitution showed decreased binding to FVIII compared with wild-type vWF or vWF carrying a polymorphic substitution in the same region (Arg89----Gln). These observations suggest a critical role for Arg91 in the interaction of vWF with FVIII and identify the molecular mechanism for a variant of vWD associated with unusually low FVIII levels.  相似文献   

Purified human factor FVIII (FVIII; 6000-8000 U/mg) was radiolabeled and bound to immobilized von Willebrand factor (vWF). The complex was incubated with human thrombin. Thrombin induced a release of 65% of the radioactivity initially bound. Released FVIII fragments and fragments remaining bound during incubation with thrombin were analyzed using gel electrophoresis. This led to the following observations. Released fragments largely consisted of Mr-70000 and Mr-50000 fragments; Mr-90000 and Mr-80000 fragments were only found in the fractions remaining bound to vWF and decreased with time. In contrast to these digestion products of FVIII, the Mr-42000 heavy-chain fragment remained bound to vWF, comprising the larger part of the radioactivity after a 2-h incubation. No thrombin-induced cleavages were observed in vWF. Furthermore, vWF-coated wells preincubated with thrombin were still able to bind 125I-FVIII. These results implicate a new concept for the activation of vWF-bound FVIII. Activation is a multistep process in which several cleavages are necessary to produce and release a coagulant-active FVIII molecule (FVIIIa), which is probably an Mr-50000/70000 heterodimer. Inactivation of FVIIIa is likely to be the result of a nonproteolytic dissociation due to loss of the joining divalent cation(s).  相似文献   

Factor VIII (FVIII) is a glycoprotein that plays an important role in the intrinsic pathway of coagulation. In circulation, FVIII is protected upon binding to von Willebrand factor (VWF), a chaperone molecule that regulates its half-life, distribution, and activity. Despite the biological significance of this interaction, its molecular mechanisms are not fully characterized. We determined the equilibrium and activation thermodynamics of the interaction between FVIII and VWF. The equilibrium affinity determined by surface plasmon resonance was temperature-dependent with a value of 0.8 nM at 35 °C. The FVIII-VWF interaction was characterized by very fast association (8.56 × 10(6) M(-1) s(-1)) and fast dissociation (6.89 × 10(-3) s(-1)) rates. Both the equilibrium association and association rate constants, but not the dissociation rate constant, were dependent on temperature. Binding of FVIII to VWF was characterized by favorable changes in the equilibrium and activation entropy (TΔS° = 89.4 kJ/mol, and -TΔS(++) = -8.9 kJ/mol) and unfavorable changes in the equilibrium and activation enthalpy (ΔH° = 39.1 kJ/mol, and ΔH(++) = 44.1 kJ/mol), yielding a negative change in the equilibrium Gibbs energy. Binding of FVIII to VWF in solid-phase assays demonstrated a high sensitivity to acidic pH and a sensitivity to ionic strength. Our data indicate that the interaction between FVIII and VWF is mediated mainly by electrostatic forces, and that it is not accompanied by entropic constraints, suggesting the absence of conformational adaptation but the presence of rigid "pre-optimized" binding surfaces.  相似文献   

Five different guanidinium (Gu)-derivatized agarose matrices were investigated for their potential in chromatographically resolving the Factor VIII/von Willebrand complex, VIII/vWf, fibrinogen, Fg, and fibronectin, Fn, from cryoprecipitate. Using conventional NaCl gradient methodology it was found that the order of elution of specific plasma proteins, and the yield of VIII/vWf, varied with the methods used to derivatize the agarose beads. Good yields of VIII:C (generally 30-45%) were obtained with Gu-matrices prepared by bis-oxirane coupling procedures. Cryoprecipitate binding studies showed that the capacity of Gu-Sepharose 4B, prepared by isourea modification of amino-Sepharose 4B, was 36 units VIII/vWf per ml matrix. The product, depleted of both Fg and Fn, had a specific activity of 2 units VIII:C per mg total protein, (yield 100% vWf:Ag and 47% VIII:C).  相似文献   

It has been suggested that epidermal growth factor-like (EGF-like) domains, containing conserved carboxylate residues, are responsible for the high-affinity calcium binding exhibited by a number of vitamin K-dependent plasma proteins involved in the control of the blood coagulation cascade. These include the procoagulant factors IX and X, and the anticoagulants protein C and protein S. To test this hypothesis we have expressed the first EGF-like domain from human factor IX (residues 46-84) using a yeast secretion system, and examined calcium binding to the domain. Using 1H-NMR to measure a calcium-dependent shift assigned to Tyr69 we have detected a high-affinity calcium binding site (Kd = 200-300 microM). We suggest that other EGF-like domains of this type may have similar calcium binding properties. In addition, we have completely assigned the aromatic region of the NMR spectrum by NOESY and COSY analysis, and have used these data to discuss the effect of calcium and pH on the conformation of the domain with reference to a model based on the structure of human EGF.  相似文献   

The acidic region of the Factor VIII light chain was studied with regard to structural requirements for the formation of a functional von Willebrand factor (vWF)-binding site. Factor VIII mutants lacking the B domain, with additional deletions and an amino acid replacement within the sequence 1649-1689 were constructed using site-directed mutagenesis and expressed in Cos-1 cells. These mutants, which were recovered as single-chain molecules with similar specific activities, were compared in their binding to immobilized vWF. Deletion of amino acids 741-1648 or 741-1668 did not affect the binding of Factor VIII to vWF. However, a mutant with a deletion of residues 741-1689 was no longer capable of interacting with vWF. This indicates a role for residues within the sequence 1669-1689 in the formation of a vWF-binding site. When recombinant Factor VIII was expressed in the presence of chlorate, an inhibitor of protein sulfation, the resulting Factor VIII displayed strongly reduced binding to vWF. vWF binding was completely abolished when within the sequence 1669-1689 the tyrosine residue Tyr1680, which is part of a consensus tyrosine sulfation sequence, was replaced by phenylalanine. The Factor VIII sequence 1673-1689 was identified as a high affinity substrate for tyrosylprotein sulfotransferase (Km = 57 microM) in cell-free sulfation studies. It is concluded that sulfation of Tyr1680 is required for the interaction of Factor VIII with vWF. Two synthetic peptides that represent the sequence 1673-1689, but differ with respect to sulfation of Tyr1680 are shown to have vWF binding affinity that is considerably lower than the Factor VIII protein. Several models to accommodate our findings are discussed.  相似文献   

von Willebrand factor (vWF) is a multimeric glycoprotein that promotes platelet aggregation and stabilizes coagulation factor VIII in the plasma. vWF is also required for the stable accumulation of recombinant factor VIII secreted from cells in a heterologous expression system. In this report, we show that vWF can promote the in vitro reconstitution of factor VIII activity from dissociated heavy and light chains of factor VIII, suggesting that vWF may act to promote stable assembly of factor VIII subunits at the site of secretion. The structural requirements for vWF propeptide cleavage and for vWF multimerization in its binding and stabilization of factor VIII was examined using specifically altered recombinant vWF. The mutant vWF molecules were also assayed for their function in ristocetin-induced platelet agglutination mediated through the platelet receptor GPIb. Deletion of the vWF propeptide produced a dimeric vWF molecule that failed to mediate platelet agglutination, suggesting that multimerization is required for vWF to attain functional GPIb binding. This mature dimeric form of vWF, however, was fully capable of binding to and supporting stable secretion of factor VIII. A vWF mutant with an altered propeptide cleavage site formed large multimers of uncleaved pro-vWF that functioned in platelet agglutination. However, this noncleavage mutant neither bound to or supported stable accumulation of factor VIII. Analysis of the vWF propeptide, expressed independently, demonstrated that it could not bind factor VIII or stabilize its secretion. These results show that the dimeric mature vWF subunit is sufficient to bind and stabilize factor VIII and that the presence of uncleaved vWF propeptide inhibits both factor VIII binding and stabilization.  相似文献   

Von Willebrand factor (VWF) is a pro-hemostatic multimeric plasma protein that promotes platelet aggregation and stabilizes coagulation factor VIII (FVIII) in plasma. The metalloproteinase ADAMTS13 regulates the platelet aggregation function of VWF via proteolysis. Severe deficiency of ADAMTS13 is associated with thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, but does not always correlate with its clinical course. Therefore, other proteases could also be important in regulating VWF activity. In the present study, we demonstrate that VWF is cleaved by the cytotoxic lymphocyte granule component granzyme M (GrM). GrM cleaved both denaturated and soluble plasma-derived VWF after Leu at position 276 in the D3 domain. GrM is unique in that it did not affect the multimeric size and pro-hemostatic platelet aggregation ability of VWF, but instead destroyed the binding of VWF to FVIII in vitro. In meningococcal sepsis patients, we found increased plasma GrM levels that positively correlated with an increased plasma VWF/FVIII ratio in vivo. We conclude that, next to its intracellular role in triggering apoptosis, GrM also exists extracellularly in plasma where it could play a physiological role in controlling blood coagulation by determining plasma FVIII levels via proteolytic processing of its carrier VWF.  相似文献   

Specific antibodies against anti-human FVIII/vW protein were isolated by affinity chromatography on glutaraldehyde-activated gel (Ultrogel AcA22). They were coupled directly with peroxidase or visualized with anti-rabbit IgG (sheep)-peroxidase (Institut Pasteur). Fab fragments of the same specific antibodies were prepared to enhance the intracellular penetration and coupled to peroxidase. In washed human platelets, staining was observed on the plasma membrane and in the canalicular system, whereas in previous studies whole specific antibodies incubated with fixed platelets showed the labeling only on the plasma membrane. After thrombin activation, the release of granules containing FVIII/vW protein was better visualized in the surface canalicular system. This localization was discussed in regard to the exocytosis process: membrane fusion, granule labeling.  相似文献   

Specific antibodies against anti-human FVIII/vW protein were isolated by affinity chromatography on glutaraldehyde-activated gel (Ultrogel AcA22). They were coupled directly with peroxidase or visualized with anti-rabbit IgG (sheep)-peroxidase (Institut Pasteur). Fab fragments of the same specific antibodies were prepared to enhance the intracellular penetration and coupled to peroxidase. In washed human platelets, staining was observed on the plasma membrane and in the canalicular system, whereas in previous studies whole specific antibodies incubated with fixed platelets showed the labeling only on the plasma membrane. After thrombin activation, the release of granules containing FVIII/vW protein was better visualized in the surface canalicular system. This localization was discussed in regard to the exocytosis process: membrane fusion, granule labeling.  相似文献   

Factor VIII (anti-hemophilia A factor) is isolated from human plasma. Purification is carried out by a combination of precipitation and chromatographic procedures. After precipitation, the first step in virus inactivation is achieved through the effect of a non-ionic detergent such as Tween 80, and a solvent, e.g. tri-n-butylphosphate (TnBP). By subsequent anion-exchange chromatography, a highly enriched product is isolated, consisting of a complex formed by factor VIII and von Willebrand factor (FVIII-vWF). This treatment also removes the virus-inactivating reagents to quantities in the low ppm range. The second step in virus inactivation is aimed specifically at the non-enveloped viruses and consists of pasteurization at temperatures higher than 60°C for 10 h. Through the addition of stabilizers, between 80% and 90% of the initial activity of FVIII is preserved during the modified pasteurisation. Along with the possibly denatured proteins the stabilizers, such as sugars, amino acids and bivalent cations, are subsequently removed by ion-exchange chromatography. The two-fold virus inactivation, by solvent/detergent treatment and subsequent pasteurisation, allows the destruction of both lipid-enveloped and non-enveloped viruses. During the procedure FVIII is stabilized through the high content of vWF. The complex consisting of FVIII and vWF can be dissociated by adding calcium ions. Subsequently both glycoproteins from this complex are separated from one another by further anion-exchange chromatography.  相似文献   

Human von Willebrand factor, a plasma glycoprotein which plays a critical role in regulating hemostasis, binds heparin, but the physiological importance and mode of this interaction is poorly understood. Using the motif of an amino acid sequence of a consensus heparin binding synthetic peptide, a 23-residue sequence (Tyr565-Ala587) of human von Willebrand factor was identified that retains the consensus motif and binds heparin with affinity comparable with native von Willebrand factor and the consensus peptide. In a fluid phase binding assay, the Tyr565-Ala587 peptide competed effectively with von Willebrand factor for binding heparin. Synthesis and testing of peptides overlapping Tyr565-Ala587, as well as adjacent cationic regions, showed this core sequence to be the optimal linear binding domain. Far ultraviolet circular dichroism spectrometry of the Tyr565-Ala587 peptide suggested that the peptide undergoes conformational change upon binding heparin. The Tyr565-Ala587 peptide thus encompasses part (or all) of a functionally important heparin binding domain of von Willebrand factor. Further study of this and related peptides may be useful for exploring how heparin may influence von Willebrand factor-mediated platelet hemostasis.  相似文献   

Activation of human Glu-plasminogen, Lys-plasminogen and low-Mr plasminogen (lacking lysine-binding sites) by pro-urokinase (pro-UK), obtained from a human lung adenocarcinoma cell line (Calu-3, ATCC), obeys Michaelis-Menten kinetics. Activation occurs with a comparable affinity (Km 0.40-0.77 microM), while the catalytic rate constant (kcat) is comparable for Glu-plasminogen (0.0022s-1) and low-Mr plasminogen (0.0034 s-1), but is somewhat higher for Lys-plasminogen (0.0106 s-1). The rate of activation of plasminogen by pro-UK is not significantly influenced by the presence of 6-aminohexanoic acid, purified fragments LBS I or LBS II or histidine-rich glycoprotein, indicating that the high affinity of pro-UK for plasminogen is not mediated via the high-affinity lysine-binding site of plasminogen located in kringles 1-3 (LBS I) nor via the low-affinity lysine-binding site comprised within kringle 4 (LBS II). The site(s) in plasminogen involved in the high-affinity interaction with pro-UK thus appear to be located within the low-Mr plasminogen moiety.  相似文献   

von Willebrand factor binds to fibrillar type I collagen in a rapid, temperature-independent, reversible, specific, and saturable manner. Evaluation of binding isotherms by Scatchard-type analysis demonstrated that 6-18 micrograms of von Willebrand factor bind per mg of collagen, with Ka between 2 and 8 X 10(8) M-1. Five distinct tryptic fragments, purified under denaturing and reducing conditions and representing over 75% of the molecular mass of the von Willebrand factor subunit, were tested for their capacity to inhibit the von Willebrand factor-collagen interaction. Complete inhibition was obtained with a 52/48-kDa fragment at a concentration of approximately 1 microM. The location of this fragment in the subunit was established to be between Val-449 and Lys-728. Fifteen monoclonal antibodies against the 52/48-kDa fragment inhibited von Willebrand factor binding to collagen. Six antibodies against other portions of the von Willebrand factor subunit had no inhibitory effect. The tryptic fragment was a competitive inhibitor of von Willebrand factor binding to collagen and, therefore, recognizes the same interaction site as the intact molecule. These studies precisely define a domain in the von Willebrand factor subunit that interacts with type I collagen.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Hemophilia A is a congenital disorder caused by a deficiency of the blood-clotting factor VIII (FVIII) and is an attractive candidate for gene therapy. Most of the studies have only explored the potential of hepatocytes and muscle cells as the targets for gene transfer. Attempts to transfer the genes into hematopoietic cells have so far been mostly unsuccessful due to inefficiency of most viral vectors to transduce these cells and the supposed inability of the cells to express FVIII. METHODS: We demonstrate the generation of an engineered Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) vector with a BAC backbone that has the unique capacity to carry either the full-length FVIII cDNA or its B-domain-deleted form; a modified version of the vector that carries B-domain-deleted FVIII along with the von Willebrand factor (vWF) cDNA or the reporter gene DsRed2 was also used. All these vectors have been safety modified with viral thymidine kinase cDNA to transduce human B-cells in culture. RESULTS: Low-level expression of FVIII in the order of 5-8 ng FVIIIC/ml were observed in the cells stably transduced with full-length FVIII, while cells with the B-domain-deleted version expressed 8-16 ng FVIIIC/ml. Expression of vWF and B-domain-deleted FVIII resulted in a moderate expression of 18-30 ng FVIIIC/ml. Long-term expression for 12-16 weeks was observed in these cells regardless of selection pressure. CONCLUSIONS: These results support the development of an episomal engineered EBV vector for treatment of hemophilia A using the hematopoietic cells as a target for providing immediate secretion of functionally active product in the circulating bloodstream.  相似文献   

Human factor VIII/von Willebrand factor protein containing 120 +/- 12 nmol of sialic acid and 135 +/- 13 nmol of galactose/mg of protein was digested with neuraminidase. The affinity of native factor VIII/von Willebrand factor and its asialo form for the hepatic lectin that specifically binds asialoglycoproteins was assessed from in vitro binding experiments. Native factor VIII/von Willebrand factor exhibited negligible affinity while binding of the asialo derivative was comparable to that observed for asialo-alpha1-acid glycoprotein. Incubation of asialo-factor VIII/von Willebrand factor with Streptococcus pneumoniae beta-galactosidase removed only 62% of the galactose but abolished binding to the purified hepatic lectin. When the asialo derivative was incubated with purified beta-D-galactoside alpha2 leads to 6 sialyltransferase and CMP-[14C]NeuAc, only 61% of the galactose incorporated [14C]NeuAc. From the known specificites of these enzymes, it is concluded that galactose residues important in lectin binding are present in a terminal Gal/beta1 leads to 4GlcNAc sequence on asialo-factor VIII/von Willebrand factor. The relative ristocetin-induced platelet aggregating activity of native, asialo-, and agalacto-factor VIII/von Willebrand factor was 100:38:12, respectively, while procoagulant activity was 100:100:103.  相似文献   

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