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Over the last decade, historically low market prices for Coffea arabica have affected smallholder shade coffee-growing households throughout northern Latin America. In an effort to better understand household response to the coffee crisis and associated landscape changes, this paper examines agricultural production choices and land use patterns among Huastec Maya coffee-growing households. Using data compiled from 47 household interviews, I describe the cultural-geographical landscape in which the Huastec Maya land use system is embedded. In addition, I examine the economics of household production through a financial cost-benefit analysis and through an exploration of the relationship between land availability and land use patterns. Results show that economic inputs and returns from agriculture are highly variable, and that, in 2001, coffee cultivation was not a viable cash-generating strategy for most households. Land availability was found to have a significant effect on land use decisions, especially the proportion of land area devoted to fallow. Most importantly, however, the case study suggests that a purely economic approach does not suffice in explaining why the Huastec Maya continued to grow coffee in 2001, after years of low prices. Household production choices and livelihood strategies must also be viewed within a cultural context.  相似文献   

In landscapes dominated by agriculture, conspicuous edges often occur between landscape elements. However, there is disagreement about the existence and intensity of edge effects, and information about species‐specific responses remains scarce. Studying such edge effects can help elucidate functional landscape connectivity and contribute to agricultural management. We, therefore, assessed whether sun‐grown coffee represents a barrier to dung beetles in an Andean agricultural landscape. We also evaluated whether the response to edge effects differs among species. We found that diversity and abundance tend to decrease from forest to sun‐grown coffee and that there are sharp increases in species turnover at the forest–coffee edge. We detected several different species‐specific responses to the forest–coffee edge, suggesting differences in the mobility of the species (or spillover) and in the degree of penetration that takes place from forest patches to sun‐grown coffee plantations. This study demonstrates that the sun‐grown coffee matrix constitutes a barrier to forest species and suggests that the forest–coffee ecotone is more complex than expected. Our results support the notion that the conservation value of native forest patches in agricultural scenarios depends on the functional connectivity of forest units in the landscape to maximize the opportunities species have to disperse through the agricultural matrix.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Intensive agricultural practices drive biodiversity loss with potentially drastic consequences for ecosystem services. To advance conservation and production goals, agricultural practices should be compatible with biodiversity. Traditional or less intensive systems (i.e. with fewer agrochemicals, less mechanisation, more crop species) such as shaded coffee and cacao agroforests are highlighted for their ability to provide a refuge for biodiversity and may also enhance certain ecosystem functions (i.e. predation).
2. Ants are an important predator group in tropical agroforestry systems. Generally, ant biodiversity declines with coffee and cacao intensification yet the literature lacks a summary of the known mechanisms for ant declines and how this diversity loss may affect the role of ants as predators.
3. Here, how shaded coffee and cacao agroforestry systems protect biodiversity and may preserve related ecosystem functions is discussed in the context of ants as predators. Specifically, the relationships between biodiversity and predation, links between agriculture and conservation, patterns and mechanisms for ant diversity loss with agricultural intensification, importance of ants as control agents of pests and fungal diseases, and whether ant diversity may influence the functional role of ants as predators are addressed. Furthermore, because of the importance of homopteran-tending by ants in the ecological and agricultural literature, as well as to the success of ants as predators, the costs and benefits of promoting ants in agroforests are discussed.
4. Especially where the diversity of ants and other predators is high, as in traditional agroforestry systems, both agroecosystem function and conservation goals will be advanced by biodiversity protection.  相似文献   

The agricultural matrix surrounding forested areas serves critical functions as dispersal corridors and alternate habitat for wildlife. Agricultural intensification, however, can reduce the conservation value of these areas. To evaluate the effects of agroecosystem management on bat assemblages, we studied the abundance and diversity of leaf-nosed bats (family: Phyllostomidae) in southwestern Chiapas, Mexico, a landscape dominated by shade coffee agroforestry. During 2104 mist-net hour (MNH), we captured 3167 bats of 27 phyllostomid species. Total species richness in each land-use type varied from 24 species in forest fragments to 22 species in commercial shade polycultures. Although the cumulative observed species richness showed little change in response to management intensity, the number of bats captured per MNH declined significantly in the more intensively managed (i.e., low-shade monocultures) plantations. Intensively managed coffee plantations had lower phyllostomid diversity and species similarity, and had lower proportions of nectarivorous and animalivorous bats. Among frugivores, the proportion of large (>25 g) frugivores captured increased with management intensity. Recapture frequency was significantly higher than expected in forest fragments, and lower than expected in more intensively managed coffee. Our results suggest that less intensively managed coffee agroforests can serve as valuable feeding and commuting areas for most leaf-nosed bats, and that maintaining forest fragments in agricultural landscapes contributes to bat diversity. Declines in populations of gleaning insectivores, however, could compromise natural suppression of insect pests in these agricultural areas.  相似文献   

Ethiopian Afromontane moist forests where coffee grows as understorey shrub are traditionally managed by the local communities for coffee production through thinning of the shade tree canopy and slashing of competing undergrowth. This management practice has a negative impact on the coffee shrubs, because the removal of shade tree saplings and seedlings reduces the succession potential of the shade tree canopy, which threatens the very existence of the shade coffee production system. We assessed the functionality of small exclosures to initiate coffee shade tree canopy restoration through natural regeneration. Our results show that small exclosures have a strong restoration potential for the coffee shade trees preferred by farmers (Albizia schimperiana, A. gummifera and Millettia ferruginea), as evidenced from their seedling abundance, survival and growth. The regeneration of late‐successional tree species of the moist Afromontane forest was not successful in the small exclosures, most probably due to the low abundance or absence of adult trees as seed sources for regeneration. Therefore, temporary establishment of small exclosures in degraded coffee forest fragments where shade trees are getting old or dying is recommended for sustainable shade coffee production.  相似文献   

The effects of Beauveria bassiana strains on coffee berry borers (CBB), which emerge from infested berries left on soil, and its impact on the infestation of coffee berries on tree branches were evaluated at two Experimental Stations (Naranjal-Caldas and Paraguaicito-Quindio) in the Colombian coffee zone. Using a completely randomized design with 10 repetitions, 50 coffee berries artificially infested with CBB were placed on the base of a coffee tree. Four treatments including B. bassiana strain Bb9205, a mixture of Cenicafé strains (Bb9001, Bb9024 and Bb9119), a commercial formulation of B. bassiana and a control (water) were sprayed with 1×109 conidia per tree. After 30 days, all fungal strains lowered the infestation levels of the coffee berries on the trees at both locations. The mixture of Cenicafé strains decreased the tree infestation between 50 and 30% at both locations. In the berries dissected from each treated tree, insect mortality was about 40% at both locations compared to 15% in the control. B. bassiana strains also decreased the insect population inside the newly infested berries on the trees by 55–75%. The mixture of Cenicafé strains was the most effective for decreasing insect populations. B. bassiana significantly decreased CBB populations that emerged from fallen, infested, coffee berries and reduced future insect generations.  相似文献   

Much of the remaining “forest” vegetation in eastern Chiapas, Mexico is managed for coffee production. In this region coffee is grown under either the canopy of natural forest or under a planted canopy dominated by Inga spp. Despite the large differences in diversity of dominant plant species, both planted and rustic shade coffee plantations support a high overall diversity of bird species; we recorded approximately 105 species in each plantation type on fixed radius point counts. We accumulated a combined species list of 180 species on repeatedly surveyed transects through both coffee plantation types. These values are exceeded regionally only by moist tropical forest. Of the habitats surveyed, shade coffee was second only to acacia groves in the abundance and diversity of Nearctic migrants. The two plantation types have similar bird species lists and both are similar in composition to the dominant woodland—mixed pine-oak. Both types of shade coffee plantation habitats differ from other local habitats in supporting highly seasonal bird populations. Survey numbers almost double during the dry season—an increase that is found in omnivorous migrants and omnivorous, frugivorous, and nectarivorous resident species. Particularly large influxes were found for Tennessee warblers (Vermivora peregrina) and northern orioles (Icterus galbula) in Inga dominated plantations.  相似文献   

Our knowledge of ecological interactions that bolster ecosystem function and productivity has broad applications to the management of agricultural systems. Studies suggest that the presence of generalist predators in agricultural landscapes leads to a decrease in the abundance of herbivorous pests, but our understanding of how these interactions vary across taxa and along gradients of management intensity and eco‐geographic space remains incomplete. In this study, we assessed the functional response and biocontrol potential of a highly ubiquitous insectivore (lizards in the genus Anolis) on the world's most important coffee pest, the coffee berry borer (Hypothalemus hampei). We conducted field surveys and laboratory experiments to examine the impact of land‐use intensification on species richness and abundance of anoles and the capacity of anoles to reduce berry borer infestations in mainland and island coffee systems. Our results show that anoles significantly reduce coffee infestation rates in laboratory settings (Mexico, = .03, = 5.13 df = 1, 35; Puerto Rico, = .014, = 8.82, df = 1, 10) and are capable of consuming coffee berry borers in high abundance. Additionally, diversified agroecosystems bolster anole abundance, while high‐intensity practices, including the reduction of vegetation complexity and the application of agrochemicals were associated with reduced anole abundance. The results of this study provide supporting evidence of the positive impact of generalist predators on the control of crop pests in agricultural landscapes, and the role of diversified agroecosystems in sustaining both functionally diverse communities and crop production in tropical agroecosystems.  相似文献   

The distribution, diversity, and assembly of tropical insects have long intrigued ecologists, and for tropical ants, can be affected by competitive interactions, microhabitat requirements, dispersal, and availability and diversity of nesting sites. Arboreal twig‐nesting ants are limited by the number of hollow twigs available, especially in intensive agricultural systems. Ant diversity and abundance may shift along elevation gradients, but no studies have examined if the proportion of occupied twigs or richness of arboreal twig‐nesting ants vary with elevation. In coffee agroecosystems, there are over 40 species of arboreal twig‐nesting ants. We examined communities of twig‐nesting ants in coffee plants along an elevational gradient to answer the following questions: (1) Do species richness and colony abundance decline with elevation or show a mid‐elevation peak? (2) Does community composition change with elevation? (3) Is elevation an important predictor of change in ant abundance, richness, and relative abundance of common species? We surveyed 42 10 × 10 m plots in 2013 from 450 to1550 m elevation across a coffee landscape in Chiapas, Mexico. We sampled a total of 2211 hollow coffee twigs, 77.1 percent of which were occupied by one of 28 species of ants. Pseudomyrmex simplex was more abundant in lower elevations, whereas Pseudomyrmex ejectus dominated in high elevations. Species richness and the percent of occupied hollow twigs both peaked at mid‐elevations (800–1050 m). In sum, we found that species richness, abundance, and composition of arboreal twig‐nesting ants shift with elevation. These findings may provide important insights for understanding ant communities in coffee agroecosystems.  相似文献   

Frugivorous are one of the main diaspore dispersers in tropical ecosystems, particularly in open areas and sites in the early stages of ecological succession. Frugivorous bat species respond differentially to habitat modification, and in the context of their diaspore dispersal functions it is important to understand species' ecological requirements. We compared the diversity of diaspores, obtained from fecal samples and from fruits carried by frugivorous bats, among five shaded coffee plantations under different management regimes and a montane rain forest in southeastern Chiapas, Mexico. At each site, bats were captured every 2 mo from March 2004 to July 2005, using six mist‐nets, during two consecutive nights. We captured 2589 individuals from 18 frugivorous species, from which we collected 969 fecal samples, containing 42 diaspore species associated with early and late successional plants. Although, we captured more frugivorous bat species in montane rain forest, the number of diaspore species in this site (N=14) was not significantly different from the coffee plantations under different management regimes (16–24). In montane rain forest, Sturnira ludovici fed mainly on Piper auritum, but in coffee plantations ate Peperomia sp., Saurauia madrensis, Solanum chrysotrichum and Solanum diphyllum. Artibeus jamaicensis and Artibeus intermedius feed mostly Cecropia obtusifolia and Ficus cookii in all coffee plantations. We suggest that the presence of frugivorous bats in shaded coffee plantations is favored by trees and shrubs associated with secondary and introduced vegetation that farmers have allowed to grow within or around the plantations.  相似文献   

Species differ in vulnerability to anthropogenic land use changes. Knowledge of the mechanisms driving differential sensitivity can inform conservation strategies but is generally lacking for species‐rich taxa in the tropics. The diverse bat fauna of Southeast Asia is threatened by rapid loss of forest and expanding agricultural activities, but the associations between species, traits, vulnerability to agriculture, and the underlying drivers have yet to be elucidated. We studied the responses of speciose insectivorous bat assemblages to robusta coffee cultivation in Sumatra, Indonesia. We compared abundance, species richness, and assemblage structures of bats between forests and coffee farms based on trapping data and evaluated the influence of vegetation complexity on assemblage composition and species‐level reactions. Bat abundance and species richness were significantly lower in coffee farms than in forests. Bat assemblage structure differed between land uses, and the overall variation can be largely explained by vegetation simplification. Species sensitive to coffee agriculture were associated with more complex vegetation structure, whereas tolerant species were associated with simpler vegetation structure. Sensitive and tolerant species differed in the type, frequency, and bandwidth of echolocation calls and roost use. Species sensitive to coffee use broadband and high‐pitched frequency‐modulated calls, which are efficient at detecting insects in complex vegetation, and roost in plant structures that may be lost as vegetation is simplified. In contrast, tolerant species used lower pitched constant‐frequency calls and roost in caves. We advocate for greater use of trait analyses in studies seeking to clarify the influence of agriculture on diverse tropical bat faunas. Abstract in Indonesian is available with online material.  相似文献   

The current status of coffee berry disease (CBD) caused by Colletotrichum kahawae was intensively assessed and examined in 152 sample coffee farms from 22 districts across major coffee growing regions of Ethiopia. The results showed that CBD was prevalent with significantly (p < 0.001) varied intensity of damage among fields, districts and zones. The highest disease incidence of 70.7, 65.3 and 59.3% was recorded in Hararghe, Gedeo and Jimma, with correspondingly higher severity of 42.7, 46.7 and 32.0%, respectively. The national average incidence and severity of CBD was 52.5 and 29.9% that indicated the present status of the disease is remarkably on increasing trend. The increased intensity of CBD was strongly associated with reduced disease management practices (r = 0.50), altitude (r = 0.42), coffee cultivars (r = 0.23) and production systems (r = 0.28). This empirical evidence shows that CBD is on an upsurge and remains a major challenge to Arabica coffee production in Ethiopia.  相似文献   


Goal, Scope and Background

Brazil is the world's biggest producer of coffee beans with approx. a 30% market share. Depending on climate conditions, approx. 30 million bags of coffee beans are exported annually from Brazil, while domestic consumption is around 10 million bags, which makes Brazil the world's third largest coffee-consuming country. Therefore, the goal of this paper is to present the LCA of green coffee produced in Brazil for the reference crops 2001/02 and 2002/03 in order to generate detailed production inventory data as well as to identify the potential environmental impacts of its tillage in order to realize how to reduce those impacts and increase the environmental sustainability of this product. Only the inputs and outputs relative to the coffee tillage were considered. The production of fertilizers, correctives and pesticides were not included in the boundary, but only their amounts. The functional unit selected for this study was 1,000 kg of green coffee destined for exportation.


The LCI was performed according to the ISO 14040 standard series. All information considered in this study (use of water, fossil based energy, fertilizers and chemicals) were taken up in in-depth data collection and evaluation by questionnaires applied on a farm level and/or received by mail. Four Brazilian coffee producer regions were evaluated: Cerrado Mineiro, South of Minas Gerais State, the Marília and Alta Mogiana regions in São Paulo State. These regions have the following geographic coordinates: 44 to 50° W longitude and 18 to 24° S latitude. The data refer to a production of 420,000 coffee bean bags and a productive area of approx. 14,300 ha. The varieties of coffee beans considered in this study were Mundo Novo, Catuaí (yellow and red), Icatu (yellow and red), Catucaí (yellow and red) and Obatã. Farm specific data along with agricultural production data have been combined to elaborate a coffee cultivation inventory, which will be applied in an emissions estimation.

Results and Conclusion

The production of 1,000 kg of green coffee in Brazil requires approx. 11,400 kg of water, 94 kg of diesel, 270 kg of fertilizers as NPK, 900 kg of total fertilizers, 620 kg of correctives, 10 kg of pesticides and 0.05 hectare of annual land use. Outputs related to these functional units are approx. 3,000 kg of waste water from coffee washing, 8,500 kg of waste water from the wet method and 750 kg of organic residue that is reincorporated to the tillage as fertilizer. The publication of an LCI of agricultural products is a fundamental step for understanding the potential environmental impacts of each tillage and then establishes the basis for product sustainability. In this way, this work is the first Brazilian initiative for applying LCA to coffee cultivation.

Recommendation and Perspective

Different agricultural practices demonstrate different environmental profiles. The amount of agricultural pesticide is directly related to agricultural practices as tillage rotation, density of plants, etc. This study supplied important results for a better correlation of the agricultural practices and potential environmental impacts of coffee. Future updates of this study will show the evolution of the natural resource management such as land use, new agricultural practices, lower fertilizers and chemicals use.  相似文献   


Variation of the Italian agricultural landscape in relation to the evolution of the agronomic techniques.- The agricultural activity and the practices that are connected with it more or less directly, have been transformed during the history of mankind according to the evolution of the various societies and policies. These variations are with no doubt the most “responsible” of the evolution of the agricultural landscape. The agronomic techniques that were used in the ancient agricultural societies were initially rough, the land being used temporarly by nomadic people and then abandoned when fertility or weather were not favourable to crop growth and replaced with new fertile areas. Therefore the impact of ancient agriculture on the landscape was very limited, also because of the low population density.

The permanent agriculture developed with the beginning of the great civilisations when the rural environment begun to assume a more stable aspect. During the Reinassance the diversification of agricultural activities had beneficial effects on the landscape, that used to be very variable, both as a result of the mixed cropping systems and the multiple agronomic techniqies used.

The most important upsetting of the agricultural landscape occurred in the last century, when agriculture become an economic activity, with the same dignity of the other productive sectors and related advantages and disadvantages. In this paper the impact of the main aspects of agricultural activity on the agricultural landscape are analysed, with particular attention to the choices that farmers had to make about crops, livestock and management of the rural landscape.  相似文献   

Ecological speciation through host‐shift has been proposed as a major route for the appearance of novel fungal pathogens. The growing awareness of their negative impact on global economies and public health created an enormous interest in identifying the factors that are most likely to promote their emergence in nature. In this work, a combination of pathological, molecular and geographical data was used to investigate the recent emergence of the fungus Colletotrichum kahawae. C. kahawae emerged as a specialist pathogen causing coffee berry disease in Coffea arabica, owing to its unparalleled adaptation of infecting green coffee berries. Contrary to current hypotheses, our results suggest that a recent host‐jump underlay the speciation of C. kahawae from a generalist group of fungi seemingly harmless to coffee berries. We posit that immigrant inviability and a predominantly asexual behaviour could have been instrumental in driving speciation by creating pleiotropic interactions between local adaptation and reproductive patterns. Moreover, we estimate that C. kahawae began its diversification at <2200 bp leaving a very short time frame since the divergence from its sibling lineage (c. 5600 bp ), during which a severe drop in C. kahawae’s effective population size occurred. This further supports a scenario of recent introduction and subsequent adaptation to C. arabica. Phylogeographical data revealed low levels of genetic polymorphism but provided the first geographically consistent population structure of C. kahawae, inferring the Angolan population as the most ancestral and the East African populations as the most recently derived. Altogether, these results highlight the significant role of host specialization and asexuality in the emergence of fungal pathogens through ecological speciation.  相似文献   

This is the first report of a hyperparasitoid of Prorops nasuta, a primary parasitoid of the coffee berry borer. Aphanogmus sp. is a gregarious ectoparasitoid of larval and pupal stages of P. nasuta, which was found in coffee berry samples collected on the ground of an organic coffee plantation in Western Kenya. The hyperparasitoid shows a clear pattern of emergence from year to year, following its host. Aphanogmus sp. parasitizes around 10% of P. nasuta immature stages under field conditions.  相似文献   

The consequences of sex‐specific selection for patterns of diversification remain poorly known. Because male secondary sexual traits are typically costly to express, and both costs and benefits are likely to depend on ambient environment and individual condition, such traits may be expected to diversify via changes in reaction norms as well as the scaling of trait size with body size (static allometry). We investigated morphological diversification within two species of Australian neriid flies (Telostylinus angusticollis, Telostylinus lineolatus) by rearing larvae from several populations on larval diets varying sixfold in nutrient concentration. Mean body size varied among populations of T. angusticollis, but body size reaction norms did not vary within either species. However, we detected diversification of reaction norms for body shape in males and females within both species. Moreover, unlike females, males also diversified in static allometry slope and reaction norms for static allometry slope of sexual and nonsexual traits. Our findings reveal qualitative sex differences in patterns of morphological diversification, whereby shape–size relationships diversify extensively in males, but remain conserved in females despite extensive evolution of trait means. Our results highlight the importance of incorporating plasticity and allometry in studies of adaptation and diversification.  相似文献   

Coffee is one of the most important agricultural export commodities in the world and it represents the main export from some developing countries. Therefore, the development of new methods of coffee management that improves production without causing any damage to the environment is an attractive alternative for producers. Much effort has been invested towards understanding the mode of action of compounds that can induce resistance against several pathogens without injuring the environment. Many researches have considered silicon efficient in avoiding plant pathogen penetration and development. Our aim was to verify the effect of potassium silicate and calcium/magnesium silicate in the development of coffee seedlings ( Coffea arabica cv. Mundo Novo ) as well as to evaluate the incidence of coffee leaf rust development under greenhouse conditions. The experiment was a completely randomized design with 12 treatments with 10 plants per treatment. The treatments were 0, 0.25, 1.25, 2.5, 4 and 5  μ m of Si for each source of silicon incorporated into the soil. The seedlings were inoculated with a urediniospores suspension of Hemileia vastatrix (2 mg/ml) at the seventh month after planting (six pair of leaves). Evaluations were performed by counting the number of lesions per leaf. The statistical analysis showed that the number of lesions reduced by up to 66% at the highest silicon dose when compared to the number of lesions in control plants. Infected plants were found to have a linear decrease of lesions with the increase of silicate concentration. The lowest number of lesions per leaf area was observed in plants that received 5  μ m of Si from potassium silicate. This result indicates the use of silicon as an alternative for an ecological management system for coffee disease protection.  相似文献   

In natural and managed systems, connections between trees are important structural resources for arboreal ant communities with ecosystem‐level effects. However, ongoing agricultural intensification in agroforestry systems, which reduces shade trees and connectivity between trees and crop plants, may hinder ant recruitment rates to resources and pest control services provided by ants. We examined whether increasing connectivity between coffee plants and shade trees in coffee plantations increases ant activity and enhances biological control of the coffee berry borer, the most devastating insect pest of coffee. Further, we examined whether artificial connections buffer against the loss of vegetation connectivity in coffee plants located at larger distances from the nesting tree. We used string to connect Inga micheliana shade trees containing Azteca sericeasur ant nests to coffee plants to compare ant activity before and after placement of the strings, and measured borer removal by ants on coffee plants with and without strings. Ant activity significantly increased after the addition of strings on connected plants, but not on control plants. Borer removal by ants was also three times higher on connected plants after string placement. Greater distance from the nesting tree negatively influenced ant activity on control coffee plants, but not on connected plants, suggesting that connections between coffee plants and nest trees could potentially compensate for the negative effects that larger distances pose on ant activity. Our study shows that favoring connectivity at the local scale, by artificially adding connections, promotes ant activity and may increase pest removal in agroecosystems. Abstract in Spanish is available with online material.  相似文献   

Shade coffee plantations can be important refuges for epiphytes, but are not suitable for all species. To test if the performance of early life stages, often the most sensitive phase, is responsible for the species’ ability to colonize coffee plantations, we compared growth and mortality rates of three epiphytic bromeliad species that differ in their ability to colonize secondary arboreal vegetation by transplanting juveniles to trees in forests, and shade trees in old and young coffee plantations in Central Veracruz, Mexico. Growth rates of Tillandsia viridiflora, generally restricted to forests, and Tillandsia juncea, an early colonizer, were related to the pattern of the species occurrence among habitats with growth rates of T. viridiflora being generally higher in forests and growth of T. juncea higher in coffee plantations. Performance of the third species, Tillandsia heterophylla, which is intermediate in habitat preference, was not clearly related to habitat. No difference in growth rates was found between plants transplanted in wet or dry season. In general, mortality in transplanted bromeliads was relatively low (mostly < 5% per month). In coffee plantations herbivory had a severe effect during part of the wet season, when mortality in young coffee plantations reached between 15 and 24 percent per month. Given the substantial contribution of herbivory to the mortality of juvenile plants and the significant differences between habitats, herbivory may be co‐limiting the colonization of young coffee plantations by some epiphytic bromeliads.  相似文献   

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