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During a primatological survey on the Río Curaray in north-eastern Peruvian Amazonia, observations on the ecology and behaviour of the golden-mantled tamarin, Saguinus tripartitus, were made. Two groups consisting of 6 and 9 individuals were observed. The diet of one group that was observed in some detail consisted of fruit, insects (tettigoniid orthopterans) and gums. Patterns of height use were very similar to those observed in saddle-back tamarins, Saguinus fuscicollis. This similarity and the lack of evidence for sympatry with either S. fuscicollis or S. nigricollis lead to the suggestion that S. tripartitus should be reconsidered as a subspecies of S. fuscicollis rather than a species on its own; alternatively, other subspecies of S. fuscicollis should be raised in taxonomic rank.  相似文献   

Studies of Río Negro subsistence farming and fishing activities are used to estimate the human carrying capacity for the region and the likely pattern of human land-use during prehistory. Ceramic evidence suggests human presence in the region more than 3000 years ago. Traditional farming is labor intensive and relatively unproductive. Nevertheless, farmers achieve an energy return of 15.21, and produce 2600 kcal per work hour. Fish are the major protein source, but fish catch per unit of effort and fish yield per hectare of floodplain are very low; fishermen are probably exploiting local fish resources very close to their limit. The low human population density would suggest that the Río Negro forest has been relatively undisturbed. Nevertheless, charcoal is widespread and abundant in forest soils. This charcoal is probably from anthropogenic or natural wildfires. These results suggest a much more complex history for Amazonia than previously thought.K. Clark is a free-lance biologist residing in Lima, Peru  相似文献   

Influences of vegetation management on soil erosion have been extensively studied. However, interactive effects between land use and soil are poorly documented in literature. Given the importance of understanding such effects for successful watershed management, the objective of this study was to examine the land use–soil interactive effects on water and sediment yields for the 117,845-ha drainage area upstream of the U.S. Geological Survey flow gauging station 08101000 in the Cowhouse Creek watershed located in north central Texas. The examination was implemented using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), a distributed watershed model that has been widely used to tackle problems relevant to nonpoint source pollution. A SWAT model was calibrated and validated in accordance with the observed daily streamflows at this gauging station. Subsequently, the calibrated model was used to examine changes of water and sediment yields as a result of the conversion of range brush to range grasses on an individual soil basis. The results indicated that for the study area, the removal of range brush would result in an annual water yield increase of 24 mm ha?1 treated area. However, the removal on an upland soil with a moderately high permeability was predicted to increase the annual water yield by 80 mm ha?1 treated area, while it would result in a small increase of annual sediment loading (4.2 t ha?1 treated area) and a minimal alteration to the existing spatial patterns of sediment sources. The increase of water yield would be larger for the removal of range brush on a soil that is adjacent to the stream channels. For a given soil, the predicted water yield increase was greater for the wetter hydrologic condition than that for the drier one. A reasonable generalization of this study was that the development of best management practices for watershed health and sustainability may need to take into account land use–soil interactive effects on an individual soil basis.  相似文献   

Morphometric and meristic data from 32 specimens from Río Negro Province do not allow differentiation between G. donosobarrosi and G. chilensis. The significance of morphological and genetic differentiation among Argentinian tortoises is yet to be determined; southern Chaco tortoises undergo ontogenetic and sexual dichromatism. Geochelone chilensis has an extensive latitudinal range (Map 1). Field investigations indicate that Chaco tortoises occupy, and apparently excavate, burrows in the southern portion of the range, prior reports of the species’ southern limit are evaluated and the link between tortoise distribution and “monte”; vegetation is discussed. The season of reproduction and clutch size are noted. Extensive internal pet traffic has markedly affected tortoise populations in some areas; near the southern limit of the range, however, there is little commercial collecting.  相似文献   

Due to its highly metalliferous waters and low pH, the Rio Tinto has shown its potential for modelling both acid mine drainage systems and biohydrometallurgical operations. Most geomicrobiological studies of these systems have focused on the oxic water column. A sequence-based approach in combination with in situ detection techniques enabled us to examine the composition and structure of the microbial communities associated with the suboxic and anoxic sediments along the river course and to compare them with the planktonic communities inhabiting the water column. The results obtained with the different approaches were consistent and revealed some major patterns: higher cell density and higher richness (75 vs. 48 operational taxonomic units) in the sediments than in the water column. The microbial communities were related but the river sediments appear to be enriched in certain populations, some of which have not previously been reported in the Rio Tinto basin. The differences detected between sampling stations along the river correlate with certain environmental parameters (e.g. iron concentration gradient). The biological and geochemical data show the importance of the sediments as representing a phase of particular high diversity, probably related to key metabolic processes within both the iron and the sulfur cycles.  相似文献   

Riparian vegetation performs important ecosystem functions, since it maintains regional biodiversity and provides a range of environmental services. However, anthropogenic activity, land use type, and edge effects are factors that modify the riparian species assemblage and properties. The present study analyzes the influence of adjacent land use on the structure and diversity of riparian vegetation in four hydrographic regions that form the watershed of the river Duero, in the state of Michoacán, Mexico. Using a survey of woody plants of dbh ≥ 2.5 cm in ten different 0.1 ha sites, we found that the average number of stems and individuals was lower under agricultural (AGR) and urban (URB) land use, compared to forested areas (FOR). The proportion of multistemmed plants differs among land uses: this value was greater in AGR than in the FOR and URB categories. This proportion also differed among the four hydrographic regions. The land use type FOR presented the highest alpha and beta diversity, with a high number of native species occurring only in areas defined by this land use. The results indicate that the category FOR plays an important role in the conservation of regional flora and is a possible source of germplasm for restoration programs in sites degraded by human disturbance. This study shows how anthropogenic activities affect riparian vegetation and highlights the importance of further study of this ecosystem to apply sustainable management strategies that are compatible with its conservation.  相似文献   

A major irrigation system in the Lower Valley of the Rió Negro, Argentina, has been invaded by aquatic plants, with Potamogeton illinoensis Morong dominant in irrigation channels and Potamogeton pectinatus L. dominant in drainage channels. Although several other macrophytes are present, problems are largely caused by the dominant species. Results are presented for plant biomass response to weed control treatments using a chain-cutting method in the principal irrigation channel of the system. Peak above-ground biomass of Potamogeton illinoensis was reduced by about 38% by this physical control regime. The treated populations regrew rapidly after spring clearance, but did not regrow after subsequent mid- and late-season clearance operations, even though untreated population biomass remained high during this period. The highest density of Potamogeton illinoensis ramets was found in treated areas. Chain- cutting produced no discernible effect on dissolved oxygen, water temperature, water conductivity, pH or light extinction coefficient compared with untreated check sectors of the channel.  相似文献   

A priority issue in ecology and biogeography is understanding the patterns in species diversity and the causal factors of their distribution, which allows the generation of information for conservation strategies. The longitudinal distribution of fishes and their relationships with environmental variables were studied in the Guayalejo-Río Tamesí system (northeastern Mexico) from February 2000 to July 2001. A total of 5918 fish were caught in 27 collections along an altitudinal gradient in the main river course, from high mountain (1500 masl) to coastal plain near Tampico. Forty-three native and five exotic species, belonging to 35 genera in 23 families, were identified. Cluster analyses identified four major fish habitats in the river system. A distinctive euryhaline marine fish habitat (1) occurs near the mouth with native and two exotic species. Two other habitats consist essentially of freshwater fish species that are distributed along the longitudinal gradient. One of these habitats (habitat 4) shows greater diversity, as per the Shannon index value, and also includes amphidromous fish, in addition to two exotic freshwater fish; the other (habitat 2) includes freshwater, euryhaline and three exotic species. The changes in the frequency of occurrence and the abundance of Gambusia vittata, Astyanax mexicanus, and Xiphophorus variatus contribute to explaining differences between these habitats. Another habitat (3) is represented by two sampling sites located near the mouth and consist of freshwater and euryhaline fish and three exotic cyprinids with broad salinity tolerance. The low abundance and richness of exotic species suggest little impact on native fish fauna in this river. The fish assemblage of the Guayalejo-Tamesí river system species changes along a longitudinal gradient with the addition, replacement and presence of indicator species. Upstream fish fauna is mostly composed of freshwater species, some of them generalists that inhabit the entire longitudinal gradient, others that are restricted to certain sites, and the remainder of species is an assemblage composed of a mixture of euryhaline freshwater and marine species near the mouth.  相似文献   

Biomarkers are molecules that are produced by or can be associated with biological activities. They can be used as tracers that give us an idea of the ancient biological communities that produced them, the paleoenvironmental conditions where they lived, or the mechanism involved in their transformation and preservation. As a consequence, the preservation potential of molecules over time depends largely on their nature, but also on the conditions of the environment, which controls the decomposition kinetics. In this context, proteins and nucleic acids, which are biomolecules bearing biological information, are among the most labile molecules. In this research, we report the presence of short-chained peptides obtained from extracts of ferruginous sedimentary deposits that have been produced under the acidic and oxidizing solutions of Río Tinto, Spain. These preliminary results go against the paradigmatic idea that considers the acidic and oxidizing environments inappropriate for the preservation of molecular information.  相似文献   

New studies are showing that the El Ni?o Southern Oscillation (ENSO) has major implications for the functioning of different ecosystems, ranging from deserts to tropical rain forests. ENSO-induced pulses of enhanced plant productivity can cascade upward through the food web invoking unforeseen feedbacks, and can cause open dryland ecosystems to shift to permanent woodlands. These insights suggest that the predicted change in extreme climatic events resulting from global warming could profoundly alter biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in many regions of the world. Our increasing ability to predict El Ni?o effects can be used to enhance management strategies for the restoration of degraded ecosystems.  相似文献   

Río Tinto (Huelva, Spain) is located in one of the most important mining regions in the world. Its soils are characterized by their extreme acidity and elevated concentrations of heavy metals. Due to these characteristics, the Tinto ecosystem is considered unique and an ideal location to study biological adaptations to this type of habitat. Plant species that present these adaptations might be useful to mining and other metal pollution restoration programs. This study reports the results for the screening of Ca, Mg, Na, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, and Pb in aerial tissues of 97 plant species from the Tinto basin flora. In addition, plant–soil relationships were analyzed using the biological absorption coefficient (BAC) to detect the main plant adaptations in the Tinto flora. The species selected are representative of the biomass of the main dominant edaphophile and climatophile vegetation communities of the three river sections, forest, and subseral stages. Plant and soil elemental analyses were performed using inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry technique (ICP-MS). The results indicate that in general, Tinto flora shows a pattern of accumulation of the analyzed elements in aerial tissues which agrees with the nutritional requirements of vascular plants (macronutrients > micronutrients > indifferent or toxic elements). Among macronutrients, Ca seems to be an essential element in this habitat. This element accumulates in the aerial plant tissues. Basically, the Río Tinto flora is made of Fe, Cu, Zn, Ni, As, and Pb excluders, although some analyzed species of Erica, Quercus, Lavandula, Cistus, Genista, and Cytisus genera can be considered Mn accumulators. The results of this study make up a body of fundamental knowledge of the strategies used by plants to thrive in habitats with high concentrations of toxic heavy metals. This information is vital when it comes to planning a restoration program. Plants must be selected and used according to the requirements, always respecting the characteristics of the territory and facilitating the development of suitable vegetation.  相似文献   

The biogeography and ecological preferences of Neotropical freshwater ostracods are poorly known, and more so the dynamics of populations and habitat selection of species living in pleustonic environments of temporary ponds. In the present survey we analyze the population changes of ostracods living in pleustonic environments of small freshwater bodies on Martín García Island (Río de la Plata, Argentina). Between June 2005 and June 2007, monthly samples of floating vegetation from eight different ponds on the island were collected, and limnological parameters were measured in situ. The results of multivariate logistic regression showed that the presence of ostracods was significantly related to high dissolved oxygen content and high water temperature. In addition, multivariate regression analysis indicated that, when ostracods were present, their total abundance was negatively related to floating vegetation dry weight. Four ostracod species were found: Strandesia bicuspis, Chlamydotheca incisa, Cypridopsis vidua, and Bradleytriebella trispinosa. The seasonal variation in abundances indicated that populations of the most common species, S. bicuspis and C. incisa, were denser during the summer and autumn months. The results of canonical correspondence analysis showed that individuals of S. bicuspis were more abundant at higher temperatures and lower conductivity than C. incisa. Further research is needed to clarify the observed negative correlation between floating vegetation dry weight and ostracod density and the possible differential thermal preference of the two species studied.  相似文献   

Armendáriz  Laura C.  César  Inés I. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,463(1-3):207-216
The objective of this paper is to provide data on the distribution and ecology of oligochaetes and aphanoneurans occurring in the Río de la Plata, Argentina, including details regarding, their densities, faunal characteristics, species richness, diversity and equitability. Between 1995 and 1997, a total of five stations on the Río de la Plata were sampled on eight different occasions. The taxocenosis of Oligochaeta and Aphanoneura included 30 species belonging in six families: Naididae, Tubificidae, Narapidae, Enchytraeidae, Lumbricidae and Aeolosomatidae. The density varied between 44495 ind m–2 and 57 ind m–2. Species richness varied between 1 and 17, the diversity ranged from 0.07 to 2.55, and equitability varied between 0.08 and 0.64. According to dominance and frequency, the dominant, constant and widely distributed species were: Nais variabilis, Stephensoniana trivandrana, Amphichaeta leydigi, Chaetogaster diastrophus, Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri, Aulodrilus pigueti, Narapa bonettoi and the species of Enchytraeidae and Aeolosomatidae.  相似文献   

The ecology of Chroothece was studied in the highly calcareous Río Chícamo, south-east Spain, in order to explain its success there, but rarity elsewhere. The river, which originates mainly from an underground aquifer, has water with high conductivity, sulphate and nitrate but low phosphate concentrations, the latter mainly organic. Chroothece occurs in mats and in lobed colonies reaching 4 cm in the broadest dimension. The colony surface consists of one layer of cells, each of which is attached to a stalk, which dichotomizes when the cell divides; stalks often extend to the colony base. The central region of many mat cells and almost all colony cells has a yellow to orange-brown colour, associated with the numerous lipid droplets densely covering the surface of the pyrenoid and arms of the star-shaped chloroplast. Field material and laboratory isolates indicate that stalk formation occurs under moderate P limitation and both stalks and cell sheath show high phosphatase activities. This also occurred in a culture collection strain maintained for 30 years in a very P-rich medium, but then transferred to a moderately P-limiting medium (c. 0.9 mg l?1). We suggest that colony formation is initiated by aggregation of motile cells following P pulses in the water. Comparisons are made with Rivularia, a competitor in this nitrate-rich river, in spite of being a N2-fixer. One difference is that Chroothece cells lie at the periphery of the colonies and are therefore exposed to maximum sunlight, whereas Rivularia trichomes grow inside colonies with photoprotection by scytonemin. However, the ability to withstand heavy grazing pressure may be an especially important factor favouring Rivularia here.  相似文献   

Pit lakes (abandoned flooded mine pits) represent a potentially valuable water resource. However, acid mine drainage (AMD) generation due to mining activities often results in pit lake waters with low pH, high sulphate and dissolved metal concentrations. Sulphate reduction-based bioremediation offers tremendous scope for removal of acidity and metals from pit lake water. In this study, the effect of storing sewage on its carbon quality for bioremediation of acidic pit lake water was studied. In addition, the effectiveness of labile organic carbon (lactic acid and ethanol) on SRB activity was tested. Bioremediation experiments were performed in controlled and replicated microcosms with acidic (pH 2.2) water from a pit lake by addition of stored (3 years at 4 °C) sewage for stimulation of sulphate reducing bacteria (SRB) activity. This sewage had been previously used successfully in remediating to pH 7 water from this pit lake. The initial aim was to test the sewage at lower doses (18 and 28 g/L) and in a pulsed addition (over 5 weeks). Bioremediation efficacy was evaluated by measuring pit lake water pH increase, redox potential decrease, and acidity and sulphate removal. Though the stored sewage had retained a very similar high total organic carbon (TOC) equivalent to prior to storage, it failed to increase dissolved organic carbon (DOC) levels in pit lake water. Microcosms amended with doubled doses of sewage and an extended remediation time still failed to demonstrate any substantial improvement in water quality, other than a small amount of sulphate reduction and direct neutralisation by the sewage. In order to determine if low DOC concentrations in sewage were the cause of the bioremediation failure, labile organic carbon (LOC), consisting of 50:50 (w/w) lactic acid and ethanol, was added to all microcosm treatments at concentrations of 3000, 6000 and 9000 mg/L. After LOC addition, water quality improved with effective removal of acidity, sulphate and metals in the lowest carbon concentration (3000 mg/L). However, 6000 and 9000 mg/L LOC concentrations showed a delay in response due to the increased acidity associated with the lactic acid addition. The experiments showed that pulsed dosing of carbon simply slowed the commencement of remediation but it was ultimately able to reach the same effectiveness as the equivalent quantity added all at once. Prolonged storage of sewage leads to loss of LOC. In situ pit lake remediations which aim to make use of sewage as the main carbon source will need to factor in the storage time required to obtain sufficient sewage for the treatment into the design. Pulsing may help reduce issues with storage or supplementation with LOC may need to be considered. Results highlight that LOC is a more useful indicator of material effectiveness compared to a simple measures of TOC.  相似文献   

Paracreptotrema rosenthali sp. n. was discovered in the intestine of Xiphophorus malinche and Pseudoxiphophorus jonesii, collected from the headwaters of Río Malila, tributary of Río Conzintla, in the Río Pánuco basin, Hidalgo, México, during 2008–2009. The new species differs from the five known species of Paracreptotrema Choudhury, Pérez-Ponce de León, Brooks & Daverdin, 2006 by having vitelline follicles that extend from a level anterior to the pharynx to mid-testes, the seminal vesicle which is more extensively folded, and a wider cirrus sac. The new species resembles Paracreptotrema heterandriae in the length of its ceca, which surpasses the posterior margin of the ovary but do not reach the testes. A key to the species of Paracreptotrema is provided.  相似文献   

Whereas the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) affects weather and climate variability worldwide, the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) represents the dominant climate pattern in the North Atlantic region. Both climate systems have been demonstrated to considerably influence ecological processes. Several other large-scale climate patterns also exist. Although less well known outside the field of climatology, these patterns are also likely to be of ecological interest. We provide an overview of these climate patterns within the context of the ecological effects of climate variability. The application of climate indices by definition reduces complex space and time variability into simple measures, ''packages of weather''. The disadvantages of using global climate indices are all related to the fact that another level of problems are added to the ecology-climate interface, namely the link between global climate indices and local climate. We identify issues related to: (i) spatial variation; (ii) seasonality; (iii) non-stationarity; (iv) nonlinearity; and (v) lack of correlation in the relationship between global and local climate. The main advantages of using global climate indices are: (i) biological effects may be related more strongly to global indices than to any single local climate variable; (ii) it helps to avoid problems of model selection; (iii) it opens the possibility for ecologists to make predictions; and (iv) they are typically readily available on Internet.  相似文献   

Understanding biotic versus abiotic forces that shape community structure is a fundamental aim of microbial ecology. The acidic and heavy metal extreme Río Tinto (RT) in southwestern Spain provides a rare opportunity to conduct an ecosystem-wide biodiversity inventory at the level of all three domains of life, because diversity there is low and almost exclusively microbial. Despite improvements in high-throughput DNA sequencing, environmental biodiversity studies that use molecular metrics and consider entire ecosystems are rare. These studies can be prohibitively expensive if domains are considered separately, and differences in copy number of eukaryotic ribosomal RNA genes can bias estimates of relative abundances of phylotypes recovered. In this study we have overcome these barriers (1) by targeting all three domains in a single polymerase chain reaction amplification and (2) by using a replicated sampling design that allows for incidence-based methods to extract measures of richness and carry out downstream analyses that address community structuring effects. Our work showed that combined bacterial and archaeal richness is an order of magnitude higher than eukaryotic richness. We also found that eukaryotic richness was highest at the most extreme sites, whereas combined bacterial and archaeal richness was highest at less extreme sites. Quantitative community phylogenetics showed abiotic forces to be primarily responsible for shaping the RT community structure. Canonical correspondence analysis revealed co-occurrence of obligate symbionts and their putative hosts that may contribute to biotic forces shaping community structure and may further provide a possible mechanism for persistence of certain low-abundance bacteria encountered in the RT.  相似文献   

The Oligochaeta of some streams flowing into the Rio de La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina, were investigated. Twenty nine taxa (twenty four naidids, five tubificids) were identified. Most species are cosmopolitan, but Dero evelinae, Pristina leidyi, Slavina isochaeta and Bothrioneurum sp. are neotropical. Bratislavia unidentata, Haemonais waldvogeli and Nais pardalis are reported for the first time in Argentina. Variants occurr in the shape of the distal end of the penial sheaths of Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri. The dominant Naidid genera are Dero and Pristina. In the polluted El Gato stream only L. hoffmeisteri and L. claparedeianus were found.  相似文献   

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