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Microbial activity in the rhizosphere can have positive and negative effects on plants. Some of the beneficial processes act by minimizing the negative effects or by modifying the cropping environment to enhance productivity. Processes that are considered here include the provision of nitrogen, phosphorus and iron to the plant, the biocontrol of diseases and deleterious organisms and the stabilization of soil structures. The use of genetic engineering techniques in studying these processes and generating novel strains which may enhance them is discussed, along with the possible consequences of the release of organisms into the environment.  相似文献   

The importance of facilitative processes due to the presence of nitrogen-fixing legumes in temperate grasslands is a contentious issue in biodiversity experiments. Despite a multitude of studies of fertilization effects of legumes on associated nonfixers in agricultural systems, we know little about the dynamics in more diverse systems. We hypothesised that the identity of target plant species (phytometers) and the diversity of neighbouring plant species would affect the magnitude of such positive species interactions. We therefore sampled aboveground tissues of phytometers planted into all plots of a grassland biodiversity–ecosystem functioning experiment and analysed their N concentrations, δ15N values and biomasses. The four phytometer species (Festuca pratensis, Plantago lanceolata, Knautia arvensis and Trifolium pratensis) each belonged to one of the four plant functional groups used in the experiment and allowed the effects of diversity on N dynamics in individual species to be assessed. We found significantly lower δ15N values and higher N concentrations and N contents (amount of N per plant) in phytometer species growing with legumes, indicating a facilitative role for legumes in these grassland ecosystems. Our data suggest that the main driving force behind these facilitative interactions in plots containing legumes was reduced competition for soil nitrate (“nitrate sparing”), with apparent N transfer playing a secondary role. Interestingly, species richness (and to a lesser extent functional group number) significantly decreased δ15N values, N concentrations and N content irrespective of any legume effect. Possible mechanisms behind this effect, such as increased N mineralisation and nitrate uptake in more diverse plots, now need further investigation. The magnitude of the positive interactions depended on the identity of the phytometer species. Evidence for increased N uptake in communities containing legumes was found in all three nonlegume phytometer species, with a subsequent strong increase in biomass in the grass F. pratensis across all diversity levels, and a lesser biomass gain in P. lanceolata and K. arvensis. In contrast, the legume phytometer species T. pratense was negatively affected when other legumes were present in their host communities across all diversity levels.  相似文献   

Multilevel interactions between ethylene and auxin in Arabidopsis roots   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Hormones play a central role in the coordination of internal developmental processes with environmental signals. Herein, a combination of physiological, genetic, cellular, and whole-genome expression profiling approaches has been employed to investigate the mechanisms of interaction between two key plant hormones: ethylene and auxin. Quantification of the morphological effects of ethylene and auxin in a variety of mutant backgrounds indicates that auxin biosynthesis, transport, signaling, and response are required for the ethylene-induced growth inhibition in roots but not in hypocotyls of dark-grown seedlings. Analysis of the activation of early auxin and ethylene responses at the cellular level, as well as of global changes in gene expression in the wild type versus auxin and ethylene mutants, suggests a simple mechanistic model for the interaction between these two hormones in roots, according to which ethylene and auxin can reciprocally regulate each other's biosyntheses, influence each other's response pathways, and/or act independently on the same target genes. This model not only implies existence of several levels of interaction but also provides a likely explanation for the strong ethylene response defects observed in auxin mutants.  相似文献   

Many interactions between organisms are based on the emission and perception of volatiles. The principle of using volatile metabolites as communication signals for chemo-attractant or repellent for species-specific interactions or mediators for cell-to-cell recognition does not stop at an apparently unsuitable or inappropriate environment. These infochemicals do not only diffuse through the atmosphere to process their actions aboveground, but belowground volatile interactions are similarly complex. This review summarizes various eucaryotes (e.g., plant (roots), invertebrates, fungi) and procaryotes (e.g., rhizobacteria) which are involved in these volatile-mediated interactions. The soil volatiles cannot be neglected anymore, but have to be considered in the future as valuable infochemicals to understand the entire integrity of the ecosystems.  相似文献   

An experimental and computational study of screw pullout from cortical bone has been conducted. A novel modification of standard pullout tests providing real time image capture of damage mechanisms during screw pullout was developed. Pullout forces, measured using the novel test rig, have been validated against standard pullout tests. Pullout tests were conducted, considering osteon alignment, to investigate the effect of osteons aligned parallel to the axis of the orthopaedic screw (longitudinal pullout) as well as the effect of osteons aligned perpendicular to the axis of the screw (transverse pullout). Distinctive alternate failure mechanisms, for longitudinally and transversely orientated cortical bone during screw pullout, were uncovered. Vertical crack propagation, parallel to the axis of the screw, was observed for a longitudinal pullout. Horizontal crack propagation, perpendicular to the axis of the screw, was observed for a transverse pullout. Finite element simulation of screw pullout, incorporating material damage and crack propagation, was also performed. Simulations revealed that a homogenous material model for cortical bone predicts vertical crack propagation patterns for both longitudinal and transverse screw pullout. A bi-layered composite model representing cortical bone microstructure was developed. A unique set of material and damage properties was used for both transverse and longitudinal pullout simulations, with only layer orientations being changed. Simulations predicted: (i) higher pullout forces for transverse pullout; (ii) horizontal crack paths perpendicular to screw axis for transverse pullout, whereas vertical crack paths were computed for longitudinal pullout. Computed results agreed closely with experimental observations in terms of pullout force and crack propagation.  相似文献   

In our study population, neighbouring song sparrows typically share two or more of their 6-10 song types. In an earlier experiment, we found that established neighbours typically reply to playback of neighbour-shared song with a different song they share with that neighbour ('repertoire matching'), rather than with the same song ('type matching') or with a nonshared song. In the present experiment, we considered the hypothesis that type matching is a threat or warning signal (Krebs et al. 1981, Animal Behaviour, 29, 918-923). We tested the specific prediction that a bird is more likely to type-match early in the breeding season when territory boundaries are new and still unstable, and more likely to repertoire-match later in the season, once those boundaries have become well established. Birds were played a shared song of a new neighbour once early (April) and again late (June) in the breeding season. As predicted, early in the season birds usually type-matched the playback (73% of the trials) but late in the season they type-matched only rarely (18%); birds never replied (early or late) with a nonshared song type. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that plants compete actively by allocating more resources to competitive organs and activities in response to neighbours, and this can reduce population performance, such as yield in crops. Root proliferation and reduced aboveground growth in response to the presence of roots of a neighbouring plant in experiments with vs. without root dividers between pairs of plants has been reported in several studies, but this result has been criticized as a possible artefact resulting from differences in soil volume available to roots in the two treatments. To address this possible confounding effect, we conducted a pot experiment with a traditional landrace and a modern cultivar of wheat (Triticum aestivum). Pairs of spring wheat plants were grown in pots with two types of root dividers (a) film, which completely divides the soil into two volumes, and (b) fine nylon net, through which roots cannot grow but chemical cues can move. We hypothesized that the root proliferation in response to root interactions would reduce aboveground growth. Wheat plants produced significantly more belowground and less aboveground biomass when interacting through the net dividers than when roots were completely separated. This effect was smaller, but still significant, in the modern cultivar. Our results confirm neighbour-induced root proliferation resulting in a so-called “tragedy of the commons” in an important crop species. The results also suggest that this response has decreased over the course of crop breeding, due to inadvertent “group selection”, and that there is further potential to increase yields by reducing or eliminating this response.  相似文献   

The pattern of parental investment (PI) seen in nature is a product of the simultaneous resolution of conflicts of interest between the members of a family. How these conflicts are resolved depends upon the mating system, the genetic mechanism, on whether extra PI affects current or future offspring, and the behavioural mechanisms underlying supply and demand of PI. Until recently very little empirical work has been done to underpin these key determinants of conflict resolution. This review examines recent empirical progress in understanding both (1) how conflict is resolved and (2) its evolutionary consequences. How offspring demand interacts with parental supply of resources determines how conflict is resolved. Two extremes are: passive parental choice of competing offspring, relating to offspring control of resource allocation, and active parental choice relating to parental control. Although most previous empirical work has tended to conclude or assume that parents primarily control resource allocation decisions, recent studies explicitly examining predictions from theoretical analyses have shown that offspring control of resource allocation is more important than previously realised. The amount of PI supplied at resolution depends not on who controls food allocation, however, but on the nature of the supply and demand mechanisms. These have yet to be established experimentally, but a recent regression model illustrates how this could be achieved in the field. Determination of the effect of supply on demand (ESD) and the effect of demand on supply (EDS) mechanisms is critical to parent–offspring conflict theory, which has not been adequately tested empirically. There is an underlying, and until recently untested, assumption of models of intrafamilial conflict that there is genetic variation for both offspring demand and parental supply behaviours, so that the behaviours can coevolve. Recent studies on great tits, burrower bugs and mice all found evidence for genetic variation in supply and demand behaviours, but the predicted negative correlation between genes expressed in mothers and their offspring (i.e. parent–offspring coevolution), was found only for burrower bugs. The lack of a negative relationship for great tits and mice may have been a consequence of antagonistic coevolution between the sexes (sexual conflict). These studies illustrate the importance of the underlying genetics and mating system in determining conflict resolution, and point to the need for new models (especially of interbrood competition) taking differences in the genetics and the co-evolution of the ESD and EDS mechanisms into account. We also discuss the importance of the comparative approach in determining evolutionary consequences of conflicts, and use the recent work on growth costs of begging to illustrate the difficulties of measuring costs of conflict in an evolutionary currency. The recent growth in empirical work on conflicts in families illustrates an increasing, and increasingly productive, integration between theoreticians and empiricists.  相似文献   

Field studies have shown that the addition of Zn to Cd-containing soils can help reduce accumulation of Cd in crop plants. To understand the mechanisms involved, this study used 109Cd and 65Zn to examine the transport interactions of Zn and Cd at the root cell plasma membrane of bread wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) and durum wheat ( Triticum turgidum L. var. durum ). Results showed that Cd2+ uptake was inhibited by Zn2+ and Zn2+ uptake was inhibited by Cd2+. Concentration-dependent uptake of both Cd2+ and Zn2+ consisted of a combination of linear binding by cell walls and saturable, Michaelis-Menten influx across the plasma membrane. Saturable influx data from experiments with and without 10 µm concentrations of the corresponding inhibiting ion were converted to double reciprocal plots. The results revealed a competitive interaction between Cd2+ and Zn2+, confirming that Cd2+ and Zn2+ share a common transport system at the root cell plasma membrane in both bread and durum wheat. The study suggests that breeding or agronomic strategies that aim to decrease Cd uptake or increase Zn uptake must take into account the potential accompanying change in transport of the competing ion.  相似文献   

M. J. Emes  M. W. Fowler 《Planta》1979,145(3):287-292
Using density gradient techniques we have shown that in addition to a location within the cytoplasm all the enzymes of the pentose phosphate pathway are also present within the plastids of apical cells of pea roots. The data are discussed in relation to the hypothesis that the pentose phosphate pathway provides the NADPH for nitrite assimilation, the enzymes of which pathway have previously been shown to be located within the plastids of apical cells of pea roots.  相似文献   

Some properties of exact tests for unit roots   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BHARGAVA  ALOK 《Biometrika》1996,83(4):944-949

Movement of multiple segment limbs requires generation of appropriate joint torques which include terms arising from dynamic interactions among the moving segments as well as from such external forces as gravity. The interaction torques, arising from inertial, centripetal, and Coriolis forces, are not present for single joint movements. The significance of the individual interaction forces during reaching movements in a horizontal plane involving only the shoulder and elbow joints has been assessed for different movement paths and movement speeds. Trajectory formation strategies which simplify the dynamics computation are presented.  相似文献   

Changing interactions between astrocytes and neurons during CNS maturation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The environments of the developing brain and injured adult brain differ in their abilities to support axonal growth. To determine if astrocytes contribute to this difference, neurons were plated onto astrocytes cultured from the neonatal rat cortex and from the injured adult brain. Two patterns of neurite growth were observed in these two astrocyte culture systems. Neurons contacting the neonatal astrocytes had neurites that were twice as long as those contacting the injured adult astrocytes. Furthermore, in cultures with neonatal astrocytes, neurites faithfully followed the astrocytic processes, maximizing their contact, while in cultures of injured adult astrocytes, the neurites had a tendency to cross the processes orthogonally, minimizing their interaction with the astrocytes. When neurons were grown suspended over either neonatal or injured adult astrocytes, no difference in neurite length or the pattern of neurite growth was observed, indicating that neurite growth was not differentially affected by soluble factors released from the two populations of astrocytes. The addition of fetal calf serum, which is known to contain protease inhibitors, did not alter neurite growth when compared to serum-free medium, suggesting that a substantial difference in protease activity does not account for the variations in neurite length observed. Based on these results, it appears that the molecular components of the external surface of injured adult astrocytes do not support neurite growth to the same extent as those found on neonatal astrocytes. The differing abilities of these two populations of cultured astrocytes to support neurite growth in culture may reflect a change in the functional role of these cells that occurs during the development of the central nervous system.  相似文献   

In the mammalian visual system, retinal ganglion cell axons terminate within the LGN in a series of alternating eye-specific layers. These layers are not present initially during development. In the cat they emerge secondarily following a prenatal period in which originally intermixed inputs from the two eyes gradually segregate from each other to give rise to the characteristic set of layers by birth. Many lines of evidence suggest that activity-dependent competitive interactions between ganglion cell axons from the two eyes for LGN neurons play an important role in the final patterning of retinogeniculate connections. Studies of the branching patterns of individual ganglion cell axons suggest that during the period when inputs from the two eyes are intermixed, axons from one eye send side branches into territory later occupied exclusively by axons from the other eye. Ultrastructural studies indicate that these branches in fact are sites of synaptic contacts, which are later eliminated since the side branches disappear as axons form their mature terminal arbors in appropriate territory. In vitro microelectrode recordings from LGN neurons indicate that they can receive convergent synaptic excitation from electrical stimulation of the optic nerves before but not after the eye-specific layers form, suggesting that at least some of the synaptic contacts seen at the ultrastructural level are functonal. Finally, experiments in which tetrodotoxin was infused intracranially during the two week period during which the eye-specific layers normally form demonstrate that it is possible to prevent, or at least delay, the formation of the layers. Accordingly, individual axons fail to develop their restricted terminal arbor branching pattern and instead branch widely throughout the LGN. These results indicate that all of the machinery necessary for synaptic function and competition is present during fetal life. Moreover, it is highly likely that neuronal activity is required for the formation of the eye-specific layers. If so, then activity would have to be present in the form of spontaneously generated action potentials, since vision is not possible at these early ages. Thus, the functioning of the retinogeniculate system many weeks before it is put to the use for which it is ultimately designed may contribute to the final patterning of connections present in the adult.  相似文献   

New chitosanase acidic isoforms have been shown in Glomus mosseae-colonized tomato roots and their induction, together with the previously described mycorrhiza-related chitinase isoform, has been further corroborated in plants colonized with another Glomus species (G. intraradices),as well as in tomato roots colonized in vitro by Giaspora rosea. The induction of these chitosanase isoforms appears as a specific response to the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis, and does not correspond to unspecific defence mechanisms, since these isoforms were not induced by the pathogen Phytophthora parasitica. Analysis by isoelectrofocusing showed two closely migrating chitinase isoforms, specific to mycorrhizal plants colonized either with G. mosseae or G. intraradices, and their isoelectric points were estimated to be 4.5 and 4.7. The estimated molecular mass of chitosanases was 20 kDa, and after isoelectrofocusing, the chitosanase activities were detected along the acidic pH range (6.5-3.5). Constitutive and induced isoforms were also investigated during a time-course study. In some experiments, chitin and chitosan were embedded together as substrates in polyacrylamide gels with the aim of studying the capacity of some isoforms to display both chitinase and chitosanase activities. In extracts from plants colonized with either G. mosseae or G. intraradices, some constitutive chitinases and the previously described mycorrhiza-related chitinase isoform, appeared to display chitosanase activity, while this bifunctional character was not found for the chitinases from non-mycorrhizal tissue, nor in Phytophthora-infected plants. These results suggest some diversity in the chitinase activities concerning substrate specificity in mycorrhizal plants. The possible implications of these observations in the functioning of the symbiosis is discussed.Key words: Arbuscular mycorrhizas, chitinases, chitosanases, Phytophthora parasitica, tomato, Lycoperiscon esculentum.   相似文献   

Ag recognition is achieved through the communication across intercellular contacts between T cells and APCs such as dendritic cells (DC). Despite remarkable progress in delineating detailed molecular components at the intercellular contacts, little is known about the functional roles of physical cross-junctional adhesion between T and DC in shaping T cell responses. In addition, the mechanisms underlying sensitivity and specificity of Ag discrimination by T cells at intercellular contacts remain to be elucidated. In this study, we use single-cell force spectroscopy to probe the mechanical interactions between DC and T cells in response to stimulation with a panel of altered peptide ligands. The results show that intercellular interactions of DC-T cell conjugates exhibited different ranges of interaction forces in peptide-dependent manners that match the ability of the peptides to activate T cells. Elevated calcium mobilization and IL-2 secretion by T cells were only promoted in response to antigenic peptides that induce strong interaction forces, suggesting that mechanically stable DC-T cell contacts are crucial for driving T cell activation. Strong interactions were not solely dependent on cell-surface molecules such as TCRs and the adhesion molecule LFA-1, but were also controlled by cytoskeletal dynamics and the integrity of membrane lipid rafts. These data provide novel mechanical insights into the effect of Ag affinity on intercellular contacts that align with T cell responsiveness.  相似文献   

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