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New bryozoans of the suborder Ptilodictyina of the order Cryptostomida are described from the Upper Famennian of Transcaucasia: those of the family Worthenoporidae, i.e., a genus Geranopora gen. nov. comprising three species G. fabulosa sp. nov. (type species), G. fida sp. nov., and G. finitima sp. nov., and those of a new family Mysticellidae fam. nov., i.e., a genus Mysticella gen. nov. comprising four species M. labyrinthica sp. nov. (type species), M. laudativa sp. nov., M. sacrosancta sp. nov., and M. ortiva sp. nov. Thus, a Late Devonian part of the evolutionary line of ptilodictyines is revealed that shows their radiation at the levels of families, genera, and species.  相似文献   

The brachiopods (e.g., Heterelasma sp. nov., Uniplicatorhynchia sp. nov., Quadratirhynchia sp., and Sphriganaria sp.) discovered from the Olenekian deposits of the Kamenushka River basin and Russky Island, South Primorye, allow refining the information on the stratigraphic range of the relevant families and recovery of the biota after the Late Permian mass extinction. A new terebratulid genus, Bittnerithyris gen. nov., and a new rhynchonellid species, Piarorhynchella tazawai sp. nov., are established.  相似文献   

The tribe Formicini (Formicinae) from the Late Eocene Baltic, Bitterfeld, Rovno, and Scandinavian ambers is revised. Ants are recorded for the first time from the Bitterfeld and Scandinavian ambers. Two new genera (Cataglyphoides gen. nov. and Conoformica gen. nov.) and six new species (Cataglyphoides intermedius sp. nov., Conoformica bitterfeldiana sp. nov., Formica kutscheri sp. nov., F. palaeopolonica sp. nov., F. radchenkoi sp. nov., F. zherikhini sp. nov.) are described. A new combination, Cataglyphoides constrictus (Mayr, 1868), comb. nov., is established. A lectotype of Camponotus constrictus Mayr, 1868 and a neotype of Formica phaethusa Wheeler, 1915 are designated. Formica clymene Wheeler, 1915 is recognized as a new synonym of F. phaethusa Wheeler, 1915. An identification key for workers of Formicini species from Late Eocene European ambers is provided.  相似文献   

Five mite species of the family Pygmephoridae (Pygmephorus dashoguzensis Chydyrov sp. n., Petalomium margushensis Chydyrov sp. n., Petalomium messori Chydyrov sp. n., Scutacarus berdyevi Chydyrov sp. n., and Scutacarus monstrificus Chydyrov sp. n.) from different localities of Turkmenistan are described.  相似文献   

Six new species are described from Abkhazia: Charimachilis abchasica sp. n., Lepismachilis abchasica sp. n., Trigoniophthalmus longitarsus sp. n., T. nematocerus sp. n., T. abchasicus sp. n., and T. subalpinus sp. n. Species of the genus Lepismachilis and the subgenus Trigoniophthalmus s. str. (T. longitarsus sp. n.) are described from the Caucasus for the first time. A key to the species of the genus Trigoniophthalmus from the Caucasus is given.  相似文献   

A review of species of the genus Hyperaxis Gemminger et Harold from Vietnam is given. Five new species (H. dentifemur sp. n., H. longipilosa sp. n., H. sonlanga sp. n., H. phanrangi sp. n. and H. buonloica sp. n.) and a new subspecies (H. buonloica darlaki subsp. n.) are described. A key to all the 11 species of the Vietnamese fauna is given. The genitalia are figured for all species. Lectotype is designated for Hyperaxis pallidipes Pic.  相似文献   

The scaphopod families Pulsellidae and Gadilidae from sandy and clayey beds of the Jurassic (Callovian?Volgian) of European Russia are investigated. In Pulsellidae, the following taxa are described: Annulipulsellum with two subgenera, Annulipulsellum (species A. ambiguum sp. nov., A. rugosum sp. nov.) and Mesopulsellum subgen. nov. (A. alternoides sp. nov., A. calloviense sp. nov., A. hirtistriatum sp. nov., A. medium sp. nov.), Gracilipulsellum gen. nov. (G. iodaense sp. nov.), Gardneridentalium gen. nov. (G. primitivum sp. nov., G. reticulatum sp. nov.), and Mesoentalina gen. nov. (M. fabulosa sp. nov.). New taxa of the family Gadilidae include the genus Mesoantalis gen. nov. with the species M. clava sp. nov., M. expolitum sp. nov., and M. volgense sp. nov.  相似文献   

Three new bivalve species of Crassatella (C. necopina sp. nov., C. personata sp. nov., C. singulata sp. nov.) from detrital sand of the Rybal’sky quarry of Dnepropetrovsk are described. Based on the study of additional material, the subspecies C. (C.) parisiensis Orbigny duplex Berezovsky, 2004 is ranked species (Upper Eocene; Ukraine Dnepropetrovsk, Rybal’sky quarry, Mandrikovka Beds).  相似文献   

Endelus (Kubaniellus) indicus sp. n. from India, E. (K.) lao sp. n. and E. (K.) khnzoriani sp. n. from Laos, E. (s. str.) sausai sp. n. from China, and E. (s. str.) dembickyi sp. n. from India are described, the two latter species are included in the Endelus bicarinatus Théry, 1932 species-group recently established by the author. E. collinus Obenberger, 1922 is included in this group; lectotype of this species is designated. Keys to species of the subgenus Kubaniellus and of the E. collinus group are provided. E. (K.) kareni Kalashian is for the first time recorded for Shaanxi Prov., E. pacholatkoi Kalashian, E. smaragdinus Desc. et Vill., and E collinus Obenb., for Laos (the latter species, also for Myanmar).  相似文献   

Five new species of sepulcids (Hymenoptera: Sepulcidae) are described from the Lower Cretaceous of Transbaikalia and Mongolia (localities Khasurty, Baissa, and Bon-Tsagan). The new species belong to the subfamilies Ghilarellinae and Trematothoracinae: Ghilarella alexialis sp. nov., G. masculina sp. nov., Trematothorax zhangi sp. nov., T. brachyurus sp. nov., and T. extravenosus sp. nov. The genus Trematothoracoides Zhang et al., 2001 (syn. nov.) is synonymized with Trematothorax Rasnitsyn, 1988. A complete list of species of Sepulcidae is provided.  相似文献   

The new subtribes Palaeorhamphina subtrib. nov. of the tribe Rhamphini and Eocenesibiniina subtrib. nov. of the tribe Tychiini, new genera Archaeoeugnomus gen. nov. (type species A. balticus sp. nov.), Palaeorhamphus gen. nov. (type species P. primitivus sp. nov.), and Eocenesibinia gen. nov. (type species E. prussica sp. nov.), new subgenus Palaeoleiosoma subgen. nov. (type species L. klebsi sp. nov.) of the genus Leiosoma Stephens, and new species Leiosoma klebsi sp. nov., Caulophilus rarus sp. nov., C. squamosus sp. nov., Ceutorhynchus alekseevi sp. nov., C. electrinus sp. nov., Dorytomus nudus sp. nov., Pachytychius eocenicus sp. nov., Archaeoeugnomus balticus sp. nov., Palaeorhamphus primitivus sp. nov., Orchestes tatjanae sp. nov., and Eocenesibinia prussica sp. nov. are described. Electrotribus Hustache, 1942 placem. nov. is transferred from the tribe Derelomini of the subfamily Curculioninae to the tribe Acicnemidini of the subfamily Molytinae. Succinostyphlus erectosquamata (Rheinheimer, 2007) placem. nov. et comb. nov. is transferred from the genus Electrotribus Hustache, 1942 to the genus Succinostyphlus Ku?ka, 1996. These are the first records of representatives of the tribes Plinthini, Acicnemidini, Eugnomini, and Rhamphini in the Baltic amber.  相似文献   

Parendacustes (Minizacla) papua sp. n., P. (M.) wasile sp. n., Longizacla lambusango sp. n., Luzonogryllus (Squamizacla) palawanensis meridionalis subsp. n., subtribe Parendacustina (Phalangopsini), Phalangopsina clara sp. n., Indozacla gen. n., subtribe Indozaclina subtrib. n. (Phalangopsini), and Brevizacla desultor sp. n., subtribe Brevizaclina (Paragryllini), are described from Indonesia and India. The genus Pseudendacustes Chopard, 1928 stat. resurr. from an uncertain subtribe of the tribe Paragryllini is restored from the synonymy of the genus Paragryllodes Karny, 1909. New data on the distribution and systematic position of some other taxa of the subfamily Phalangopsinae from Southeast Asia and Oceania are also provided.  相似文献   

New genera, Pseudochirotenon gen. nov. (with the type species P. eocaenicus sp. nov.), Archaeoheilus gen. nov. (type species A. scudderi sp. nov.), Primocentron gen. nov. (type species P. wickhami sp. nov.), and Pseudophaops gen. nov. (type species Otiorhynchus perditus Scudder, 1876), and new species, Pseudochirotenon eocaenicus sp. nov., Perapion rasnitsyni sp. nov., Archaeoheilus scudderi sp. nov., A. ovalis sp. nov., Primocentron wickhami sp. nov., and Eudiagogus vossi sp. nov., from the Early–Middle Eocene of the Green River are described. New combinations of names (Apionion evestigatum (Scudder, 1893), comb. nov., Archaeoheilus packardii (Scudder, 1893), comb. nov., A. provectus (Scudder, 1876), comb. nov., A. deleticius (Scudder, 1893), comb. nov., A. lacoei (Scudder, 1893), comb. nov., Pseudophaops perditus (Scudder, 1876), comb. nov.) are established. The first fossil records of the tribe Ecelonerini from the New World and genus Perapion from the Green River Formation are provided.  相似文献   

One new genus (Rovnodidactylomyia Fedotova et Perkovsky, gen. n.) and four new species (Didactylomyia dlusskyi sp. n., Rovnodidactylomyia zosimovichi gen. n. et sp. n., R. sidorenkoi sp. n., and R. iconica sp. n.) are described from an amber sample of the late Eocene Period (Rovno District, Ukraine). Two species from a Baltic amber sample of the late Eocene Period, described earlier in the genus Bryocrypta, are attributed to the genus Rovnodidactylomyia (R. girafa (Meunier, 1904) comb. n. and R. capitosa (Meunier, 1904)). The first fossil species of the genus Didactylomyia is described for the first time; two contemporary Palaearctic species are recorded. Keys to the species of the genus Didactylomyia are given.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of the genus Leptosciarella Tuomikoski, 1960 in the Altai Area within Altai Territory and the Altai Republic was studied. Eleven species were recognized, including three new species which are described and illustrated here: Leptosciarella (L.) ulagana Komarova sp. n., L. (L.) angustistylus Komarova sp. n., L. (L.) senex Komarova sp. n. Additionally, L. (L.) fuscipalpa (Mohrig et Mamaev 1979) and L. (L.) truncata (Tuomikoski 1960) are recorded from Altai for the first time. A key to the Altai species is provided.  相似文献   

The occurrence of preimaginal stages of Diptera (excluding Chironomidae and Simuliidae) in the Tatra Mountain lakes, their inlets and outlets, and the influence of acidification on the presence of these taxa were assessed. At 21 sites, 18 Diptera taxa were recorded in 2000 and 2001. The most frequent were Dicranota sp. (73%), Pedicia (C.)rivosa (50%) and Wiedemannia sp. (14%). Diptera were ordinated by RDA; relationships between taxa and environmental variables were significantly determined by temperature and habitat characteristics (altitude, habitat, alkalinity, Ca2+, pH, temperature, conductivity). The RDA diagram confirmed the existence of four Diptera assemblage groups corresponding with four habitat types. Group 1 — alpine and subalpine oligotrophic lakes at higher altitudes threatened by acidification, with the acid tolerant taxa Tipula rufina, T. alpium, Dicranota sp. and Rhypholophus sp. Group 2 — subalpine oligotrophic lakes not threatened by acidification with the acid sensitive taxa Wiedemannia sp., Hemerodromia sp., Tipula (S.) benesignata, Orimarga sp., Chionea sp., Pedicia (C.) rivosa and Bazarella subneglecta which prefer higher temperature. Group 3 — subalpine oligotrophic lakes, with the acid sensitive species Berdeniella illiesi, which prefers cold water. Group 4 — outlets of submontane oligotrophic lakes with characteristic taxa Tricyphona sp. and Tipula goriziensis. Acidified alpine and subalpine Tatra lakes are situated mostly at higher altitudes (1705–2145 m. a.s.l.) and have specific taxonomic composition.  相似文献   

Cockroaches (Dictyoptera, Mylacridina) from the Chunya locality (Upper Carboniferous of the Central Siberian Plateau) are considered. New representatives of the family Phyloblattidae Schneider, 1983 (Phyloblatta majuscula sp. nov., P. chunyensis sp. nov., Hesperoblatta vishniakovae sp. nov., and H. secunda sp. nov.) are described.  相似文献   

Penicillium and Talaromyces species have a worldwide distribution and are isolated from various materials and hosts, including insects and their substrates. The aim of this study was to characterize the Penicillium and Talaromyces species obtained during a survey of honey, pollen and the inside of nests of Melipona scutellaris. A total of 100 isolates were obtained during the survey and 82% of those strains belonged to Penicillium and 18% to Talaromyces. Identification of these isolates was performed based on phenotypic characters and β-tubulin and ITS sequencing. Twenty-one species were identified in Penicillium and six in Talaromyces, including seven new species. These new species were studied in detail using a polyphasic approach combining phenotypic, molecular and extrolite data. The four new Penicillium species belong to sections Sclerotiora (Penicillium fernandesiae sp. nov., Penicillium mellis sp. nov., Penicillium meliponae sp. nov.) and Gracilenta (Penicillium apimei sp. nov.) and the three new Talaromyces species to sections Helici (Talaromyces pigmentosus sp. nov.), Talaromyces (Talaromyces mycothecae sp. nov.) and Trachyspermi (Talaromyces brasiliensis sp. nov.). The invalidly described species Penicillium echinulonalgiovense sp. nov. was also isolated during the survey and this species is validated here.  相似文献   

A new psyllid species, Cacopsylla biwa Inoue, sp. nov., is described from Tokushima Prefecture, Shikoku, Japan. This new species develops only on Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb.) Lindl. (Rosaceae), causing severe damage to its fruits and flowers. It is strongly suspected that C. biwa is an alien species. Morphological similarities and host-plant relationships indicate that C. biwa is most closely related to Cacopsylla eriobotryae (Yang) comb. nov. (transferred from Edentatipsylla Li), which occurs in Taiwan and feeds on Eriobotrya deflexa (Hemsl.) Nakai. Morphological diagnostic characteristics of C. biwa and differences from the other congeners are discussed. Information is provided on the biology and life cycle of the new species.  相似文献   

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