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In this work, synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy (SFS) is evaluated as a new tool for real-time bioprocess monitoring of animal cell cultures. This technique presents several advantages over the traditional two-dimensional (2D) fluorometry since it provides data on various fluorescent compounds in a single spectrum, showing improved peak resolution and recording speed. Bioreactor cultures of three monoclonal antibody-producing CHO cell lines were followed in situ by both 2D and synchronous fluorometry techniques. The time profiles of the main spectral features in each data type present some differences, but principal component analysis indicated both as containing enough information to distinguish the cultures. Partial least squares regression models were then independently developed for viable cell density and antibody levels on the basis of the different fluorescence signals recorded, hiding half of the dataset for subsequent validation purposes. Regardless of the signal used, model predictions fit very well the off-line measurements; still, the synchronous spectra collected at a wavelength difference of 20 nm allowed comparable and superior performances for cell density and antibody titer, respectively, with validation accuracies higher than 91%. Therefore, SFS compares favorably with the traditional 2D approach, becoming an improved, faster option for real-time monitoring of cells and product titer over culture time. The readiness in data acquisition facilitates the design of process control strategies meeting the requirements of a PAT application.  相似文献   

Cell culture technology has become a widely accepted method used to derive therapeutic and diagnostic protein products. Mammalian cells adapted to grow in bioreactors now play an integral role in the development of these biologicals. A major limiting factor determining the output efficiency of mammalian cell cultures however, is apoptosis or programmed cell death. Methods to delay apoptosis and increase the longevity of cell cultures can lead to more economical processes. Researchers have shown that both genetic and chemical strategies to block apoptotic signals can increase cell culture productivity. Here, we discuss various strategies which have been implemented to improve cellular viabilities and productivities in batch cultures.  相似文献   

The main objective of the present study was to investigate the use of in situ 2D fluorometry for monitoring key bioprocess variables in mammalian cell cultures, namely the concentration of viable cells and the concentration of recombinant proteins. All studies were conducted using a recombinant Baby Hamster Kidney (BHK) cell line expressing a fusion glycoprotein IgG1-IL2 cultured in batch and fed-batch modes. It was observed that the intensity of fluorescence signals in the excitation/emission wavelength range of amino acids, vitamins and NAD(P)H changed along culture time, although the dynamics of single fluorophors could not be correlated with the dynamics of the target state variables. Therefore, multivariate chemometric modeling was adopted as a calibration methodology. 2D fluorometry produced large volumes of redundant spectral data, which were first filtered by principal components analysis (PCA). Then, a partial least squares (PLS) regression was applied to correlate the reduced fluorescence maps with the target state variables. Two validation strategies were used to evaluate the predictive capacity of the developed PLS models. Accurate estimations of viable cells density (r(2) = 0.95; 99.2% of variance captured in the training set; r(2) = 0.91; 97.7% of variance captured in the validation set) and of glycoprotein concentration (r(2) = 0.99 and 99.7% of variance captured in the training set; r(2) = 0.99 and 99.3% of variance captured in the validation set) were obtained over a wide range of reactor operation conditions. The results presented herein confirm that 2D fluorometry constitutes a reliable methodology for on-line monitoring of viable cells and recombinant protein concentrations in mammalian cell cultures.  相似文献   

This review article has been written for the journal, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, to commemorate the 70th birthday of Daniel I.C. Wang, who served as doctoral thesis advisor to each of the co-authors, but a decade apart. Key roots of the current PAT initiative in bioprocess monitoring and control are described, focusing on the impact of Danny Wang's research as a professor at MIT. The history of computer control and monitoring in biochemical processing has been used to identify the areas that have already benefited and those that are most likely to benefit in the future from PAT applications. Past applications have included the use of indirect estimation methods for cell density, expansion of on-line/at-line and on-line/in situ measurement techniques, and development of models and expert systems for control and optimization. Future applications are likely to encompass additional novel measurement technologies, measurements for multi-scale and disposable bioreactors, real time batch release, and more efficient data utilization to achieve process validation and continuous improvement goals. Dan Wang's substantial contributions in this arena have been one key factor in steering the PAT initiative towards realistic and attainable industrial applications.  相似文献   

Insulin is involved in a number of cellular functions, including the stimulation of cell growth, cell cycle progression and glucose uptake and is a common protein supplement in serum-free mammalian cell culture media. However, several trace metals have previously been reported to exhibit insulin-like effects on specific cell types. As a step towards developing chemically-defined, protein-free media for mammalian cells, we tested the effectiveness of five trace metals (cadmium, nickel, lithium, vanadium and zinc) as a replacement for insulin. Four cell lines of biotechnological relevance were used, including the hybridoma CRL1606, the myeloma NS0, and the Chinese hamster ovary cell lines CHO-IFN and CHO-K1. Zinc was found to be an effective insulin replacement for the hybridoma, myeloma and CHO-K1 cells. Cell growth, cell cycle progression and antibody production was not affected by the substitution. Furthermore, no adaptation procedure was required.  相似文献   

The application of PAT for in‐line monitoring of biopharmaceutical manufacturing operations has a central role in developing more robust and consistent processes. Various spectroscopic techniques have been applied for collecting real‐time data from cell culture processes. Among these, Raman spectroscopy has been shown to have advantages over other spectroscopic techniques, especially in aqueous culture solutions. Measurements of several process parameters such as glucose, lactate, glutamine, glutamate, ammonium, osmolality and VCD using Raman‐based chemometrics models have been reported in literature. The application of Raman spectroscopy, coupled with calibration models for amino acid measurement in cell cultures, has been assessed. The developed models cover four amino acids important for cell growth and production: tyrosine, tryptophan, phenylalanine and methionine. The chemometrics models based on Raman spectroscopy data demonstrate the significant potential for the quantification of tyrosine, tryptophan and phenylalanine. The model for methionine would have to be further refined to improve quantification.  相似文献   

A comparison between expanded bed adsorption and conventional packed bed Protein A Fast Flow to purify the anti-rHBsAg mAbs from feedstock is presented in this work. Direct capture by STREAMLINE expanded bed adsorption chromatography resulted in 92% product recovery and sevenfold more concentrated product with similar purity levels compared to that obtained by the standard packed method. The process time and buffer consumption were reduced in the expanded bed adsorption method not only with the binding-elution conditions but also with the use of NaOH during the cleaning-in-place step. The latter is the most widely accepted agent in downstream processing, being a cost effective technique that provides not only efficient cleaning but also sanitizes complete column systems and destroys pirogens.  相似文献   

The number and use of automated cell culture systems for mammalian cell culture are steadily increasing. Automated cell culture systems require miniaturized analytics with a high throughput to obtain as much information as possible from single experiments. Standard analytics commonly used for conventional bioreactor samples cannot handle the high throughput and the low sample volumes. Spectroscopic methods provide a means of meeting this analytical requirement and afford fast and direct access to process information. In the first part of this review, UV/VIS, fluorescence, Raman, near‐infrared, and mid‐infrared spectroscopy are presented. In the second part of the review, these spectroscopic methods are evaluated in terms of their applicability in the new field of mammalian cell culture processes in automated cell culture systems. Unlike standard bioreactors, these automated systems have special requirements that apply to the use of spectroscopic methods. Therefore, they are compared with regard to cell culture automation, throughput, and required sample volume.  相似文献   

Distribution,ontogeny and ultrastructure of the mammalian secretin cell   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary Immunocytochemically, secretin cells have been demonstrated to occur in the duodenum and jejunum of several mammals. Calculations on the relative frequency of such cells indicate that the bulk of secretin occurs in the jejunum, a fact supporting the view that secretin may be released by physiological stimulants other than hydrochloric acid. Electron microscopical identification of cat and pig secretin cells confirmed their identity with the ultrastructurally defined S cells, and staining experiments revealed that secretin cells were argyrophilic both with the method of Grimelius and with that of Hellerström and Hellman. Secretin cells are detected already in the 17-day old fetal rat duodenum and show a developmental pattern similar to that displayed by the gastrin cells. It is suggested that secretin may play a role in the early regulation of growth of the fetal gastrointestinal tract. Acknowledgements: Supported by grants from the Danish and Swedish MRC  相似文献   

The proposed role of the mammalian cell entry protein 1A (Mce1A) of Mycobacterium tuberculosis is to facilitate invasion of host cells. The structure of Mce1A was modelled on the basis of the crystal structure of Colicin N of Escherichia coli by fold prediction and threading. Mce1A, as the model predicts, is an alpha/beta protein consisting of two major (alpha and beta) domains, connected by a long alpha helix. The model further revealed that the protein contains 12 helices, 9 strands, and 1 turn. The final model of Mce1A was verified through the program VERIFY 3D and more than 90% of the residues were in the favourable region. A mouse monoclonal antibody, TB1-5 76C, is directed to an epitope within a 60-mer peptide that has been shown to promote uptake of bacteria in mammalian cells. We show here that the epitope could be narrowed down to a core of 4 amino acids, TPKD. Upstream flanking residues, KRR also contributed to binding. Mce2A does not promote uptake in mammalian cells and sequence comparison of Mce1A and Mce2A indicates that the epitope mediates uptake. The epitope was located at the surface of the Mce1A model at the distal beta strand-loop region in the beta domain. The localization of this epitope in the model confirms its potential role in promoting uptake of M. tuberculosis in host cells.  相似文献   

Albumin has a long historical involvement in design of media for the successful culture of mammalian cells, in both the research and commercial fields. The potential application of albumins, bovine or human serum albumin, for cell culture is a by-product of the physico-chemical, biochemical and cell-specific properties of the molecule. In this review an analysis of these features of albumin leads to a consideration of the extracellular and intracellular actions of the molecule, and importantly the role of its interactions with numerous ligands or bioactive factors that influence the growth of cells in culture: these include hormones, growth factors, lipids, amino acids, metal ions, reactive oxygen and nitrogen species to name a few. The interaction of albumin with the cell in relation to these co-factors has a potential impact on metabolic and biosynthetic activity, cell proliferation and survival. Application of this knowledge to improve the performance in manufacturing biotechnology and in the emerging uses of cell culture for tissue engineering and stem cell derived therapies is an important prospect.  相似文献   

An on-line high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) system capable of measuring amino acids and carbohydrates was used to study metabolism in mammalian cell culture systems. The HPLC method utilized anion-exchange chromatography followed by integrated pulsed amperometric detection. The method is capable of measuring 19 amino acids plus glucose with a complete method time of 65 min. In actual cell cultures, the method was shown to be useful for monitoring 17 amino acids plus glucose. The two amino acids that were not accurately monitored were arginine and lysine, possibly due to their elution near the void volume of the column. The HPLC system was used to study variability in metabolism across different cell culture processes, as well as the effect of glucose and glutamine limitation on a single cell culture process. Chemometric analysis was used to draw statistically meaningful conclusions from the highly correlated, multivariate data set that resulted from these experiments. Using chemometrics, variation between processes was linked to differences in uptake rates of seven amino acids. Similarly, lactate concentration, cell density, and aspartate uptake rate were linked to glucose and glutamine limitation. The effect of nutrient limitation on glutamate, alanine, and ammonium was also considered.  相似文献   

The in-situ microscope is a system developed to acquire images of mammalian cells directly inside a bioreactor (in-situ) duringa fermentation process. It requires only minimal operator intervention and it is well suited for either batch or long-termperfusion fermentation runs. The system fits into a 25 mm standard port and has a retractable housing, similar to the industry standard InTrac. Therefore, it can be cleaned and serviced without interruption of the process or risking contamination. A sampling zone inside the bioreactor encloses adefined volume of culture and an image sequence is taken. The height of the sampling zone is set by the control program and canbe adjusted during the cultivation to accommodate a wide range of change in cell density. The system has an infinity correctedoptical train and uses a progressive scan CCD camera to acquirehigh quality images. Process relevant information like cell density is extracted fromthe images by digital image processing software, currently in development for mammalian cells (CHO, BHK). The first version ofthe software will be able to estimate the cell density, cellsize distribution and to give information of the degree of aggregation (single and double cells, cell clusters).  相似文献   

Mass spectrometry: A tool for on-line monitoring of animal cell cultures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The magnetic sector mass spectrometer is able to detect oxygen uptake and carbon dioxide production rates from animal cell cultivations performed in 101 biorectors. Such data have not been available with the use of classic exhaust gas analysis applying paramagnetic analyzers and infra-red sensors due to the insensitivity of the apparatus available. In the course of the present work we were able to demonstrate, that the oxygen uptake rate correlates to the number of viable cells. Additionally oxygen uptake rates supplied on-line information about the actual physiology of the cells: When the rates changed during the cultivation process, this immediately indicated the occurrence of limitations of components in the medium. The information could be useful in timing key events, such as performing splits or harvesting the bioreactor.Abbreviations OUR oxygen uptake rate - CDPR carbon dioxide production rate - RQ respiratory quotient This publication is dedicated to the 65 th birthday of Prof. Dr. F. Wagner, University of Braunschweig.  相似文献   

Serine proteases constitute the major protein granule content of cells of several hematopoietic cell lineages. A subgroup of these proteases, including the mast cell chymases, neutrophil cathepsin G, and T cell granzymes B to F and N, are in all investigated mammals encoded in one locus, the chymase locus. It is interesting to note that this locus has diversified greatly during the last 95 Myr of mammalian evolution. This divergence is exemplified by the presence of Mcpt8-related genes and multiple β-chymases in the mouse and rat, which lack direct counterparts in primates and in seven functional granzyme genes in the mouse where the human locus has only two. To study the expansion of the locus during rodent evolution and to better understand the evolutionary origin of β-chymases and the Mcpt8-family, we have performed a detailed analysis of the chymase locus of four mammalian species, i.e., human, dog, mouse, and rat. As a result, we report here a second chymase-like gene in dog, Cma2, which clusters with β-chymases in phylogenetic analyses. This finding supports a duplication of the common ancestor for α- and β-chymases before the major radiation of placental mammals, and a loss of the ancestral β-chymase gene sometime during primate evolution. Moreover, we show that in the rat, the Mcpt8-family diversified relatively recently together with sequences related to the β-chymase Mcpt2. Eight novel genes were identified in the duplication region, four of which are predicted to be functional. Duplications of rat granzyme B- and C-like sequences occurred seemingly independently within a similar time frame, but did not give rise to functional genes. Due to the duplications in rat and deletions in the carnivore/primate lineage, the rat chymase locus is approximately 15 and 9 times larger than its counterparts in dog and human, respectively. These findings illustrate the importance of gene duplications in conferring rapid changes in mammalian genomes.  相似文献   

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Nuclear counts determined by crystal violet staining from samples of stationary or microcarrier cultures of hybridomas, CHO or Vero cells were consistently and significantly higher than cell concentrations determined by the trypan blue or Coulter counter methods. This difference was attributed to the presence of a significant proportion of binucleated cells, which are assumed to be 35% of the cell population in the stationary phase of Vero cultures. The proportion of such cells during exponential growth was variable. However, continuous sub-culture of these cells induced a degree of synchrony during growth which resulted in a cyclic variation of the difference between the cell and nuclei counting techniques. This data indicates that care should be taken in interpreting cell culture profiles based solely on crystal violet nuclei staining counts.  相似文献   

The ability to regulate apoptosis in mammalian cell cultures represents one approach to developing more economical and efficient processes. Genetic modification of cells using anti-apoptotic genes is one method that may be used to improve cellular performance. This study investigates a method to inhibit upstream apoptosis pathways through the overexpression of MDM2, an E3 ubiquitin ligase for p53. Both 293 and CHO cells expressing MDM2 were examined under both batch and spent media conditions. For batch cultures, MDM2 overexpression increased viable cell densities and viabilities over control cells with the largest enhancements observed in CHO cells. When CHO cells were passaged without medium exchange, cells expressing MDM2 reached a viable cell density that was nearly double the control and survived for an extra day in culture. When exposed to spent media initially, both 293-MDM2 and CHO-MDM2 cells continued to grow for 2 days while the control cells stopped growing after the first day. DNA analysis using flow cytometry confirmed that while CHO controls were found to be undergoing DNA fragmentation, CHO-MDM2 cells exhibit DNA degradation at a much slower rate. When compared to Bcl-2-expressing cells, MDM2 expression showed greater protection against apoptosis in passaged culture, spent medium, and following transient p53 overexpression. However, expression of the RING sequence of MDM2 responsible for E3 ligase activity without the other components of the protein was found to be toxic to 293 cells in culture. These results suggest that the overexpression of heterologous MDM2 represents a promising method to delay apoptosis in mammalian cell cultures.  相似文献   

A total of 200 cell lines including different human, monkey, mice, hamster and rat cell types were examined for mycoplasma infection status. PCR assay using generic-specific universal primers showed that 40 (20%) of the cell lines are contaminated with mycoplasma. Employment of species-specific primers within these infected cell lines revealed infection with M. hyorhinis (42.5%), M. fermentas (37.5%), M. arginini (37.5%), M. orale (12.5%) and A. laidlawii (7.5%). A number of the cultures were coinfected with 2 or 3 different species. Contaminated samples were treated with BM-Cyclin, Ciprofloxacin and mycoplasma removal agent (MRA). Mycoplasma eradication was subsequently checked by PCR following 2 weeks continuous culture of treated cells in antibiotic free culture medium. Mycoplasmal infections were eradicated in 100, 70 and 42% of infected cell lines when the samples were treated with BM-Cyclin, MRA and Ciprofloxacin, respectively. However, 12% (BM-Cyclin), 62.5% (MRA) and 82.5% (Ciprofloxacin) of mycoplasma regrowth was observed 4 months after the treatment. Notably, the risk of spontaneous culture death was 17.5, 12.5 and 0% for BM-Cyclin, MRA and Ciprofloxacin, respectively.  相似文献   

Abstract Monoclonal antibodies were obtained by the classic hybridoma technique with lymphocytes of BALB/c mice immunized with formalin killed Listeria monocytogenes cells. Among 1000 hybridomas issued from the fusion, four monoclonal antibodies (mAbs A6 A E4, C10 A F7, G4 A D6, G7 A D5) gave interesting results. By Western-blot analysis with various soluble extracts of different Listeria species, the four mAbs reacted with two major antigens of 38 and 41 kDa, with all Listeria species tested. The mAb A6 A E4 is an IgG2b with κ light chains and reacted only with Listeria antigens without any cross reaction with other organisms tested by ELISA, dot-blotting and Western-blotting. With the same conditions, the three other mAbs reacted with Listeria and with other genus extracts, particularly with Streptococcus and Enterococcus . mAb A6 A E4-reactive antigens are proteins, and glycoprotein immunoassay indicated that the epitope is devoid of carbohydrate moiety. This mAb A6 A E4-reactive protein was neither expressed on cell surface nor released outside the bacteria; immunogold electron microscopy showed that these antigens were localized in the cytoplasma area.  相似文献   

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