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The Ran binding protein RanBP1 is localized to the cytosol of interphase cells. A leucine-rich nuclear export signal (NES) near the C terminus of RanBP1 is essential to maintain this distribution. We now show that RanBP1 accumulates in nuclei of cells treated with the export inhibitor, leptomycin B, and collapse of the nucleocytoplasmic Ran:GTP gradient leads to equilibration of RanBP1 across the nuclear envelope. Low temperature prevents nuclear accumulation of RanBP1, suggesting that import does not occur via simple diffusion. Glutathione S-transferase (GST)-RanBP1(1-161), which lacks the NES, accumulates in the nucleus after cytoplasmic microinjection. In permeabilized cells, nuclear accumulation of GST-RanBP1(1-161) requires nuclear Ran:GTP but is not inhibited by a dominant interfering G19V mutant of Ran. Nuclear accumulation is enhanced by addition of exogenous karyopherins/importins or RCC1, both of which also enhance nuclear Ran accumulation. Import correlates with Ran concentration. Remarkably, an E37K mutant of RanBP1 does not import into the nuclei under any conditions tested despite the fact that it can form a ternary complex with Ran and importin beta. These data indicate that RanBP1 translocates through the pores by an active, nonclassical mechanism and requires Ran:GTP for nuclear accumulation. Shuttling of RanBP1 may function to clear nuclear pores of Ran:GTP, to prevent premature release of import cargo from transport receptors.  相似文献   

A human protein that is 92% identical and 97% homologous at the amino acid level to RanBP1 from mouse was identified by the two-hybrid method, using two types of target cDNAs fused to sequences encoding the GAL4 DNA-binding domain. The target cDNAs encoded the human Ran/TC4 and human RCC1 proteins, respectively. An in vitro binding experiment showed that RanBP1 binds to RCC1 with the aid of Ran. Partially purified, GST-fused RanBP1 inhibited RCC1-stimulated guanine nucleotide release from Ran in vitro. Consistent with this in vitro finding, overproduction of human RanBP1 was detrimental to growth of tsBN2, a temperature-sensitive BHK21 hamster cell line defective in the RCC1 gene, and inhibited the growth of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae rcc1 mutants prp20, mtr1 and srm1. The specific effect of RanBP1 on rcc1 cells was confirmed by the finding that overproduction of RanBP1 induces significant levels of expression of a FUS1-lacZ gene and an increase in mating efficiencies in a ste3, pheromone receptor-deficient yeast mutant. This phenotype is similar to the srm1, a mutant isolated as a suppressor that restores mating to receptorless mutants. These findings indicate that RanBP1 negatively regulates RCC1.  相似文献   

RanBP1 stabilizes the interaction of Ran with p97 nuclear protein import   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
In this study we tested the hypothesis that fusion mediated by the influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) is a cooperative event. To so this we characterized 3T3 cell lines that express HA at nine different defined surface densities. HA densities ranged from 1.0 to 12.6 x 10(3) HA trimers/microns2 as determined by quantitative fluorescent antibody binding. The lateral mobility and percent mobile fraction of HA did not vary significantly among these cells, nor did the contact area between HA-expressing cells and target RBCs. The fusion reaction of each HA- expressing cell line was analyzed using a fluorescence dequenching assay that uses octadecylrhodamine (R18)-labeled RBCs. For each cell line we measured the lag time preceding the onset of fusion, the initial rate of fusion, and final extent of fusion. The final extent of fusion was similar for all cell lines, and the initial rate of fusion as a function of HA surface density displayed a Michaelis-Menten-type dependence. However, the dependence of the lag time preceding the onset of fusion on HA surface density was clearly sigmoidal. Kinetic analysis of the data for the reciprocal lag time vs HA surface density, by both a log/log plot and a Hill plot, suggested that the observed sigmoidicity does not reflect cooperativity at the level of formation of HA aggregates as a prerequisite to fusion. Rather, the cooperativity of the process(es) that occur(s) during the lag time arises at a later step and involves a minimum of three, and most likely four, HA trimers. A model is proposed to explain HA cooperativity during fusion.  相似文献   

A nuclear localization signal binding protein in the nucleolus   总被引:20,自引:11,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
《The Journal of cell biology》1990,111(6):2235-2245
We used functional wild-type and mutant synthetic nuclear localization signal peptides of SV-40 T antigen cross-linked to human serum albumin (peptide conjugates) to assay their binding to proteins of rat liver nuclei on Western blots. Proteins of 140 and 55 kD (p140 and p55) were exclusively recognized by wild-type peptide conjugates. Free wild-type peptides competed for the wild-type peptide conjugate binding to p140 and p55 whereas free mutant peptides, which differed by a single amino acid from the wild type, competed less efficiently. The two proteins were extractable from nuclei by either low or high ionic strength buffers. We purified p140 and raised polyclonal antibodies in chicken against the protein excised from polyacrylamide gels. The anti-p140 antibodies were monospecific as judged by their reactivity with a single nuclear protein band of 140 kD on Western blots of subcellular fractions of whole cells. Indirect immunofluorescence microscopy on fixed and permeabilized Buffalo rat liver (BRL) cells with anti-p140 antibodies exhibited a distinct punctate nucleolar staining. Rhodamine- labeled wild-type peptide conjugates also bound to nucleoli in a similar pattern on fixed and permeabilized BRL cells. Based on biochemical characterization, p140 is a novel nucleolar protein. It is possible that p140 shuttles between the nucleolus and the cytoplasm and functions as a nuclear import carrier.  相似文献   

CRM1 exports proteins that carry a short leucine-rich peptide signal, the nuclear export signal (NES), from the nucleus. Regular NESs must have low affinity for CRM1 to function optimally. We previously generated artificial NESs with higher affinities for CRM1, termed supraphysiological NESs. Here we identify a supraphysiological NES in an endogenous protein, the NS2 protein of parvovirus Minute Virus of Mice (MVM). NS2 interacts with CRM1 without the requirement of RanGTP, whereas addition of RanGTP renders the complex highly stable. Mutation of a single hydrophobic residue that inactivates regular NESs lowers the affinity of the NS2 NES for CRM1 from supraphysiological to regular. Mutant MVM harboring this regular NES is compromised in viral nuclear export and productivity. In virus-infected mouse fibroblasts we observe colocalization of NS2, CRM1 and mature virions, which is dependent on the supraphysiological NS2 NES. We conclude that supraphysiological NESs exist in nature and that the supraphysiological NS2 NES has a critical role in active nuclear export of mature MVM particles before cell lysis.  相似文献   

XAB1/Gpn1 is a GTPase that associates with RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) in a GTP-dependent manner. Although XAB1/Gpn1 is essential for nuclear accumulation of RNAPII, the underlying mechanism is not known. A XAB1/Gpn1-EYFP fluorescent protein, like endogenous XAB1/Gpn1, localized to the cytoplasm but it rapidly accumulated in the cell nucleus in the presence of leptomycin B, a chemical inhibitor of the nuclear transport receptor Crm1. Crm1 recognizes short peptides in substrate proteins called nuclear export sequences (NES). Here, we employed site-directed mutagenesis and fluorescence microscopy to assess the functionality of all six putative NESs in XAB1/Gpn1. Mutating five of the six putative NESs did not alter the cytoplasmic localization of XAB1/Gpn1-EYFP. However, a V302A/L304A double mutant XAB1/Gpn1-EYFP protein was clearly accumulated in the cell nucleus, indicating the disruption of a functional NES. This functional XAB1/Gpn1 NES displays all features present in most common and potent NESs, including, in addition to Φ1-Φ4, a critical fifth hydrophobic amino acid Φ0. Therefore, in human Gpn1 this NES spans amino acids 292-LERLRKDMGSVAL-304. XAB1/Gpn1 NES is remarkably conserved during evolution. XAB1/Gpn1 NES was sufficient for nuclear export activity, as it caused a complete exclusion of EYFP from the cell nucleus. Molecular modeling of XAB1/Gpn1 provided a mechanistic reason for NES selection, as functionality correlated with accessibility, and it also suggested a mechanism for NES inhibition by intramolecular masking. In conclusion, we have identified a highly active, evolutionarily conserved NES in XAB1/Gpn1 that is critical for nucleo-cytoplasmic shuttling and steady-state cytoplasmic localization of XAB1/Gpn1.  相似文献   

Nucleophosmin (NPM/B23) is a key regulator in the regulation of a number of processes including centrosome duplication, maintenance of genomic integrity, and ribosome biogenesis. While the mechanisms underlying NPM function are largely uncharacterized, NPM loss results in severe dysregulation of developmental and growth-related events. We show that NPM utilizes a conserved CRM1-dependent nuclear export sequence in its amino terminus to enable its shuttling between the nucleolus/nucleus and cytoplasm. In search of NPM trafficking targets, we biochemically purified NPM-bound protein complexes from HeLa cell lysates. Consistent with NPM's proposed role in ribosome biogenesis, we isolated ribosomal protein L5 (rpL5), a known chaperone for the 5S rRNA. Direct interaction of NPM with rpL5 mediated the colocalization of NPM with maturing nuclear 60S ribosomal subunits, as well as newly exported and assembled 80S ribosomes and polysomes. Inhibition of NPM shuttling or loss of NPM blocked the nuclear export of rpL5 and 5S rRNA, resulting in cell cycle arrest and demonstrating that NPM and its nuclear export provide a unique and necessary chaperoning activity to rpL5/5S.  相似文献   

We investigated the role of RanBP3, a nuclear member of the Ran-binding protein 1 family, in CRM1-mediated protein export in higher eukaryotes. RanBP3 interacts directly with CRM1 and also forms a trimeric complex with CRM1 and RanGTP. However, RanBP3 does not bind to CRM1 like an export substrate. Instead, it can stabilize CRM1–export substrate interaction. Nuclear RanBP3 stimulates CRM1-dependent protein export in permeabilized cells. These data indicate that RanBP3 functions by a novel mechanism as a cofactor in recognition and export of certain CRM1 substrates. In vitro, RanBP3 binding to CRM1 affects the relative affinity of CRM1 for different substrates.  相似文献   

Tob, a member of the Tob and BTG antiproliferative protein family, plays an important role in many cellular processes including cell proliferation. In this study, we have addressed molecular mechanisms regulating subcellular localization of Tob. Treatment with leptomycin B, an inhibitor of nuclear export signal (NES) receptor, resulted in a change in subcellular distribution of Tob from its pan-cellular distribution to nuclear accumulation, indicating the existence of NES in Tob. Our results have then identified an N-terminal region (residues 2-14) of Tob as a functional NES. They have also shown that Tob has a functional, bipartite nuclear localization signal (NLS) in residues 18-40. Thus, Tob is shuttling between the nucleus and the cytoplasm by its NES and NLS. To examine a possible relationship between subcellular distribution of Tob and its function, we exogenously added a strong NLS sequence or a strong NES sequence or both to Tob. The obtained results have demonstrated that the strong NLS-added Tob has a much weaker activity to inhibit cell cycle progression from G0/G1 to S phase. These results suggest that cytoplasmic localization or nucleocytoplasmic shuttling is important for the antiproliferative function of Tob.  相似文献   

Receptor-mediated nucleocytoplasmic transport is dependent on the GTPase Ran and Ran-binding protein 1 (RanBP1). The acidic C terminus of Ran is required for high affinity interaction between Ran and RanBP1. We found that a novel Ran mutant with four of its five acidic C-terminal amino acids modified to alanine (RanC4A) has an approximately 20-fold reduced affinity for RanBP1. We investigated the effects of RanC4A on nuclear import and export in permeabilized HeLa cells. Although RanC4A promotes accumulation of the nuclear export receptor CRM1 at the cytoplasmic nucleoporin Nup214, it strongly stimulates nuclear export of GFP-NFAT. Since RanC4A exhibits an elevated affinity for CRM1 and other nuclear transport receptors, this suggests that formation of the export complex containing CRM1, Ran-GTP, and substrate is a rate-limiting step in export, not release from Nup214. Conversely, importin alpha/beta-dependent nuclear import of bovine serum albumin, coupled to a classical nuclear localization sequence is strongly inhibited by RanC4A. Inhibition can be reversed by additional importin alpha, which promotes the formation of an importin alpha/beta complex. These results provide physiological evidence that release of Ran-GTP from importin beta by RanBP1 and importin alpha is critical for the recycling of importin beta to a transport-competent state.  相似文献   

Matrin 3, a nuclear matrix protein has potential (1) to withhold promiscuously edited RNAs within the nucleus in cooperation with p54(nrb) and PSF, (2) to mediate NMDA-induced neuronal death, and (3) to modulate promoter activity of genes proximal to matrix/scaffold attachment region (MAR/SAR). We identified a bipartite nuclear localization signal (NLS) of chicken matrin 3 (cmatr3) at residues 583-602. By expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) fused to the NLS mutant in chicken DT40 cells, we showed an essential role of the NLS for cell proliferation. Furthermore, we showed that both clusters of basic amino acids and a linker of the bipartite NLS were essential and sufficient for the nuclear import of GFP. Exogenous cmatr3 rescued the HeLa cells where human matrin 3 was suppressed by RNA interference, but cmatr3 containing deletions at either of the basic amino acid clusters or the linker could not.  相似文献   

The full range of sequences that constitute nuclear localization signals (NLSs) remains to be established. Even though the sequence of the classical NLS contains polybasic residues that are recognized by importin-alpha, this import receptor can also bind cargo that contains no recognizable signal, such as STAT1. The situation is further complicated by the existence of six mammalian importin-alpha family members. We report the identification of an unusual type of NLS in human Ran binding protein 3 (RanBP3) that binds preferentially to importin-alpha3. RanBP3 contains a variant Ran binding domain most similar to that found in the yeast protein Yrb2p. Anti-RanBP3 immunofluorescence is predominantly nuclear. Microinjection of glutathione S-transferase-green fluorescent protein-RanBP3 fusions demonstrated that a region at the N terminus is essential and sufficient for nuclear localization. Deletion analysis further mapped the signal sequence to residues 40 to 57. This signal resembles the NLSs of c-Myc and Pho4p. However, several residues essential for import via the c-Myc NLS are unnecessary in the RanBP3 NLS. RanBP3 NLS-mediated import was blocked by competitive inhibitors of importin-alpha or importin-beta or by the absence of importin-alpha. Binding assays using recombinant importin-alpha1, -alpha3, -alpha4, -alpha5, and -alpha7 revealed a preferential interaction of the RanBP3 NLS with importin-alpha3 and -alpha4, in contrast to the simian virus 40 T-antigen NLS, which interacted to similar extents with all of the isoforms. Nuclear import of the RanBP3 NLS was most efficient in the presence of importin-alpha3. These results demonstrate that members of the importin-alpha family possess distinct preferences for certain NLS sequences and that the NLS consensus sequence is broader than was hitherto suspected.  相似文献   

Dok1 is believed to be a mainly cytoplasmic adaptor protein which down-regulates mitogen-activated protein kinase activation, inhibits cell proliferation and transformation, and promotes cell spreading and cell migration. Here we show that Dok1 shuttles between the nucleus and cytoplasm. Treatment of cells with leptomycin B (LMB), a specific inhibitor of the nuclear export signal (NES)-dependent receptor CRM1, causes nuclear accumulation of Dok1. We have identified a functional NES (348LLKAKLTDPKED359) that plays a major role in the cytoplasmic localization of Dok1. Src-induced tyrosine phosphorylation prevented the LMB-mediated nuclear accumulation of Dok1. Dok1 cytoplasmic localization is also dependent on IKKbeta. Serum starvation or maintaining cells in suspension favor Dok1 nuclear localization, while serum stimulation, exposure to growth factor, or cell adhesion to a substrate induce cytoplasmic localization. Functionally, nuclear NES-mutant Dok1 had impaired ability to inhibit cell proliferation and to promote cell spreading and cell motility. Taken together, our results provide the first evidence that Dok1 transits through the nucleus and is actively exported into the cytoplasm by the CRM1 nuclear export system. Nuclear export modulated by external stimuli and phosphorylation may be a mechanism by which Dok1 is maintained in the cytoplasm and membrane, thus regulating its signaling functions.  相似文献   

Proteins destined for import into the nucleus contain nuclear localization signals (NLSs) that are recognized by import receptors termed karyopherins or importins. Until recently, the only nuclear import sequence that had been well defined and characterized was the classical NLS (cNLS), which is recognized by importin alpha. However, Chook and coworkers (Lee, B. J., Cansizoglu, A. E., Süel, K. E., Louis, T. H., Zhang, Z., and Chook, Y. M. (2006) Cell 126, 543-558) have provided new insight into nuclear targeting with their identification of a novel NLS, termed the PY-NLS, that is recognized by the human karyopherin beta2/transportin (Kapbeta2) receptor. Here, we demonstrate that the PY-NLS is conserved in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and show for the first time that the PY-NLS is a functional nuclear targeting sequence in vivo. The apparent ortholog of Kapbeta2 in yeast, Kap104, has two known cargos, the mRNA-binding proteins Hrp1 and Nab2, which both contain putative PY-NLS-like sequences. We find that the PY-NLS-like sequence within Hrp1, which closely matches the PY-NLS consensus, is both necessary and sufficient for nuclear import and is also required for receptor binding and protein function. In contrast, the PY-NLS-like sequences in Nab2, which vary from the PY-NLS consensus, are not required for proper import or protein function, suggesting that Kap104 may interact with different cargos using multiple mechanisms. Dissection of the PY-NLS consensus reveals that the minimal PY-NLS in yeast consists of the C-terminal portion of the human consensus, R/H/KX(2-5)PY, with upstream basic or hydrophobic residues enhancing the targeting function. Finally, we apply this analysis to a bioinformatic search of the yeast proteome as a preliminary search for new potential Kap104 cargos.  相似文献   

The transport of proteins into the nucleus requires the recognition of a nuclear localization signal sequence. Several proteins that interact with these sequences have been identified, including one of about 66 kDa. We have prepared antibodies that recognize the 66-kDa nuclear localization signal binding protein (NLSBP) and inhibit nuclear localization in vitro. By immunofluorescence, it is seen that the NLSBP is predominantly cytoplasmic and is distributed peripherally around the nucleus and the microtubule organizing center. There is also a weak punctate staining of the surface of the nucleus. Methanol-fixed cells can also be stained directly with fluorescently labeled karyophilic proteins. These stains reveal the same cytoplasmic structures as anti-NLSBP. The expression of the NLSBP is growth dependent. When cells grown to confluence are examined, the cytoplasmic staining is greatly reduced, leaving the punctate nuclear staining as the predominant feature. In serum-starved cells, very little staining of either the cytoplasm or the nucleus can be seen. Upon simulation by the addition of serum, the original cytoplasmic and nuclear envelope staining is restored. Cells grown in the presence of colchicine or taxol have an altered NLSBP distribution but apparently normal cytoplasmic nuclear transport.  相似文献   

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