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Sciatic nerve lesion in newborn rats is known to cause degeneration of a large number of axotomized motoneurones and spinal ganglion cells. Some of the surviving motoneurones exhibit abnormal firing properties and the projection pattern of central terminals of sensory neurones is altered. We report here on long-term changes in spinal cord reflexes in adult rats following neonatal nerve crush. In acutely spinalized and anaesthetized adult rats 4-6 months old in which the sciatic nerve had been crushed on one side at birth, the tibial nerve, common peroneal nerve or sural nerve were stimulated on the reinnervated and control side and reflex responses were recorded from the L5 ventral spinal roots. Ventral root responses (VRRs) to tibial and peroneal nerve stimulation on the side of the nerve lesion were significantly smaller in amplitude representing only about 15% of the mean amplitude of VRRs on the control side. The calculated central delay of the first, presumably monosynaptic component of the VRR potential was 1.6 ms on the control side while the earliest VRR wave on the side of the nerve lesion appeared after a mean central latency of 4.0 ms that seems too long to be of monosynaptic origin. These results suggest that neonatal sciatic nerve injury markedly alters the physiological properties and synaptic connectivity in spinal cord neurones and causes a marked depression of spinal cord responses to peripheral nerve stimulation.  相似文献   

The low transduction efficiency of various proteins is an obstacle to their therapeutic application. However, protein transduction domains (PTDs) are well-known for a highly effective tool for exogenous protein delivery to cells. We examined the effects of pergolide mesylate (PM) on the transduction of PEP-1-catalase into HaCaT human keratinocytes and mice skin and on the anti-inflammatory activity of PEP-1-catatase against 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA)-induced inflammation using Western blot and histological analysis. PM enhanced the time- and dose-dependent transduction of PEP-1-catalase into HaCaT cells without affecting the cellular toxicity. In a mouse edema model, PEP-1-catalase inhibited the increased expressions of inflammatory mediators and cytokines such as cyclooxygenase-2, inducible nitric oxide synthase, interleukin-6 and -1β, and tumor necrosis factor-α induced by TPA. On the other hand, PM alone failed to exert any significant anti-inflammatory effects. However, the anti-inflammatory effect of co-treatment with PEP-1-catalase and PM was more potent than that of PEP-1-catalase alone. Our results indicate that PM may enhance the delivery of PTDs fusion therapeutic proteins to target cells and tissues and has potential to increase their therapeutic effects of such drugs against various diseases.  相似文献   

Effect of morphine applied to the spinal cord segments L4-S2 or C6-tI on pressor reflexes evoked by supramaximal stimulation of radial and tibial nerve with low frequency (I-2 Hz) was studied in anesthetized cats. Only pressor reflexes elicited by excitation of the tibial nerve afferents were suppressed by morphine applied to the L4-S2 segments. This effect was characterized by diminution of amplitude and steepness of the reflexes and by augmentation of their latency. Both the degree and the rate of the reflex suppression were found to enhance with increasing of morphine concentration from 0.02 to 0.5%. When applied to C6-tI segments, morphine did not suppress the pressor reflexes to the tibial nerve stimulation while reflexes to the radial nerve signals were decreased considerably. In addition to this local action of morphine, the effects resulting from it's distant action, namely, some reduction in systemic arterial pressure and an increase of pressor reflexes evoked by afferent signals entering into the spinal cord segments remote from the application region, were found to occur. All these effects were reversed by naloxone (0.2 mg/kg i. v.). It is concluded that along with attenuation of different withdrawal components of the defence reaction, action of morphine on the opiate receptors of some neurons situated near the entrance of afferent signals into the spinal cord results in suppression of the circulatory components of this reaction.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of post-tetanic potentiation has been studied in the cat spinal cord with particular reference to polysynaptic responses. Following tetanization of dorsal roots, these reflexes show an increased response, as measured in terms of their voltage-time area, with a predominant change in the earlier reflex pathways. Both of these changes in the reflex discharge have a time course of 15 to 25 seconds. Post-tetanic potentiation is also observed in response to stimulation of a dorsal rootlet following tetanization of another rootlet in the same or in a neighboring segment. This effect can be explained by post-tetanic changes in the terminals of secondary, and possibly higher order, internuncial cells, essentially similar to those changes in the primary afferent terminals which give rise to potentiation of the monosynaptic reflex.  相似文献   

Neutrophil infiltration has been implicated in the secondary destructive pathomechanisms after initial mechanical injury to the spinal cord. Tissue myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity has been shown to be an exclusive indicator of the extent of post-traumatic neutrophil infiltration. We have studied the effect of magnesium sulphate on MPO activity after spinal cord injury in rats. Rats were randomly allocated into 5 groups. Group 1 was control and normal spinal cord samples were obtained after clinical examination. Forty g-cm contusion injury was introduced to Group 2. Group 3 was vehicle, 1 ml of physiological saline was injected post-trauma. Group 4 was given 30 mg/kg methylprednisolone sodium succinate (MPSS) immediately after trauma. Group 5 was given 600 mg/kg magnesium sulphate immediately after trauma. Animals were examined by inclined plane technique of Rivlin and Tator 24 h after trauma. Spinal cord samples obtained following clinical evaluations. Magnesium sulphate treatment improved early functional scores and decreased MPO activity. These findings revealed that magnesium sulphate treatment possesses neuroprotection on early clinical results and on neutrophil infiltration after acute contusion injury to the rat spinal cord.  相似文献   

Interaction of electrocutaneous stimulation with an impaired human motor control system may result in unstable reflex loops causing excessive spastic reactions. These contractions are usually excluded from analysis since the presence of spasm is one of the criteria commonly applied for discarding a contraction. They may, however, provide interesting information on the nature of spasticity. The dorsiflexor muscles of four SCI subjects were activated by means of surface electrical stimulation and the isometric ankle moment was measured. Short bursts of constant stimulation frequency at seven different frequencies (8, 12, 16, 20, 25, 33, 50 Hz) triggered spastic reactions in all subjects. The onset times of spastic activity during an electrically elicited contraction shortened with increased stimulation frequency. A stimulation burst may also have a spasticity reduction effect on a subsequent burst, indicating potential short term therapeutic effects of stimulation on spasticity in isometric conditions.  相似文献   

Twenty five patients with hyperprolactinaemia were treated with pergolide mesylate, a new dopamine receptor agonist. Twenty three received treatment for six to 20 months, and in all serum prolactin concentrations were considerably reduced. In most patients prolactin concentrations were maintained in the normal range by a low, once daily dose of pergolide and reversal of associated reproductive disorders was observed. Tumour volume as assessed by computed tomography decreased considerably during treatment in three out of four patients with a pituitary tumour. The drug was well tolerated. Side effects were similar to those of bromocriptine, but four out of eight patients who had been forced to stop taking bromocriptine because of untoward effects were subsequently able to tolerate treatment with pergolide. Pergolide mesylate promises to be a useful addition to the currently available long acting dopamine agonists in the management of hyperprolactinaemia.  相似文献   

In anesthetized cats, tyramine application on the dorsal surface of C6-TI spinal cord segments suppressed the pressor components of blood pressure reflexes evoked by radial nerve A sigma or A + C afferent stimulation. Tyramine application on L4-SI spinal cord segments suppressed pressor reflexes to tibial nerve stimulation. Both the degree and the rate of reflex suppression increased with the rise in tyramine concentration from I to 4%. Along with these local effects "distant" tyramine action was demonstrated: pressor reflexes to radial nerve stimulation increased when tyramine was applied on L4-SI segments, but after its application on C6-TI segments pressor reflexes to tibial nerve stimulation increased in some cats, decreased in the other ones, or remained practically unchanged.  相似文献   

Changes in transport, receptors and production of extracellular adenosine have been observed after induction of hyperthyroidism. Adenosine is associated with inhibitory actions such as reduction in release of excitatory neurotransmitters and antinociception at spinal site. In contrast, ATP acts as an excitatory neurotransmitter and produces pronociceptive actions. ATP may be completely hydrolyzed to adenosine by an enzyme chain constituted by an ATP diphosphohydrolase and an ecto-5'-nucleotidase, as previously described in the spinal cord. Thus, we now investigated the effects of the hyperthyroidism on adenine nucleotide hydrolysis in the spinal cord and verified the nociceptive response in this pathology during different phases of development. Hyperthyroidism was induced in male Wistar rats, aged 5, 60 and 330 days by daily intraperitoneal injections of L-thyroxine (T4) for 14 days. Nociception was assessed with a tail-flick apparatus. Rats starting the treatment aged 5 days demonstrated a significant increase in ADP and AMP hydrolysis and increased tail-flick latency (TFL). In contrast, in the spinal cord from hyperthyroid rats aged 60 and 330 days old, the hydrolysis of ATP, ADP and AMP were significantly decreased. Accordingly, the tail-flick latency was decreased, indicating a hyperalgesic response. These results suggest the involvement of ecto-nucleotidases in the control of the hyperthyroidism-induced nociceptive response in rats at distinct developmental stages.  相似文献   

Chronic pain is a debilitating condition with unknown mechanism. Nociceptive sensitivity may be regulated by genetic factors, some of which have been separately linked to neuronal progenitor cells and neuronal differentiation. This suggests that genetic factors that interfere with neuronal differentiation may contribute to a chronic increase in nociceptive sensitivity, by extending the immature, hyperexcitable stage of spinal cord neurons. Although adult rodent spinal cord neurogenesis was previously demonstrated, the fate of these progenitor cells is unknown. Here, we show that peripheral nerve injury in adult rats induces extensive spinal cord neurogenesis and a long‐term increase in the number of spinal cord laminae I–II neurons ipsilateral to injury. The production and maturation of these new neurons correlates with the time course and modulation of nociceptive behaviour, and transiently mimics the cellular and behavioural conditions present in genetically modified animal models of chronic pain. This suggests that the number of immature neurons present at any time in the spinal cord dorsal horns contributes to the regulation of nociceptive sensitivity. The continuous turnover of these neurons, which can fluctuate between normal and injured states, is a dynamic regulator of nociceptive sensitivity. In support of this hypothesis, we find that promoters of neuronal differentiation inhibit, while promoters of neurogenesis increase long‐term nociception. TrkB agonists, well‐known promoters of nociception in the short‐term, significantly inhibit long‐term nociception by promoting the differentiation of newly produced immature neurons. These findings suggest that promoters of neuronal differentiation may be used to alleviate chronic pain.  相似文献   

Testosterone propionate (TP) has a quantitative influence on sexual reflexes mediated at the spinal level in male rats. The possibility that this influence reflects the direct action of androgen on neural elements in the cord, rather than on sensory receptors in the penis was examined indirectly by the use of dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Spinal castrated male rats maintained initially on TP and then switched to DHT showed a significant decline in sexual reflexes paralleling the decline of another group of spinal rats receiving no hormone after initial TP treatment. Yet the number of penile papillae and weight of the penile shaft for the DHT subjects were not significantly different from these measures of penile morphology in a third group of subjects receiving continuous TP and in which reflexes did not decline. These and other observations are consistent with the hypothesis that neural elements within the spinal cord, related to the mediation of the ejaculatory pattern in intact male rats, are directly influenced by gonadal androgen.  相似文献   

Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) immunoreactive neural elements have been detected in the mouse spinal cord. The discrepancy of PACAP actions in the role of sensory transmission has been proposed to have potentiation and inhibition on nociceptive responses after intrathecal application of PACAP. The aim of the present study was to assess nociceptive transmission of PACAP in the mouse spinal cord by comparison with that of substance P (SP). The intrathecal injection of PACAP induced licking or scratching behavior similar to that of SP. These PACAP-induced aversive behaviors showed different manner from SP-induced responses in point of time course. SP-induced aversive responses quickly increased and suddenly disappeared almost within 1 min. Meanwhile, following a long latency after the injection, PACAP-induced aversive responses gradually appeared, and then persisted more than 60 min. In the early phase, PACAP produced an increase of tail flick latency. Pretreatment with 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) which destroys noradrenaline neuron of descending pain inhibitory systems in the spinal cord markedly abridged the latency and augmented the duration of PACAP-induced aversive responses. In this way, PACAP exhibits diverse effects on nociception, such as an analgesic role in early phase of the injection and subsequently lasting algesia. These results suggest that PACAP as a neurotransmitter or neuromodulator might have crucial role in nociceptive transmission system.  相似文献   

Single unit extracellular recordings from dorsal horn neurons were performed with glass micropipettes in pentobarbital-anesthetized rats. A total of 60 wide dynamic range (WDR) neurons were obtained from 34 rats. In normal rats (20/34), spinally administered D-serine (10 nmol), a putative endogenous agonist of glycine site of NMDA receptors, significantly enhanced the C- but not Abeta-, and Adelta-fiber responses of WDR neurons in the spinal dorsal horn. When 1 nmol of the glycine site antagonist 7-chlorokynurenic acid (7-CK) was co-administered with 10 nmol D-serine, the facilitation of D-serine on C-fiber response was completely blocked. 7-CK (1 nmol) alone failed to influence Abeta-, Adelta-, and C-fiber responses of WDR neurons. In contrast, in carrageenan-injected rats (14/34), 10 nmol D-serine had no effect on C-fiber response, while 1 nmol 7-CK per se markedly depressed C-fiber response of WDR neurons. These findings suggest that under physiological conditions, glycine sites in the spinal cord were available but became saturated following peripheral inflammation. Thus, increased endogenous d-serine or glycine may be involved in nociceptive transmission by modulating NMDA receptor activities. The glycine site of NMDA receptors may become a target for the prevention of inflammatory pain.  相似文献   

Yu LC  Lundeberg S  An H  Wang FX  Lundeberg T 《Life sciences》1999,64(13):1145-1153
The present study was performed on rats with experimental mononeuropathy induced by left common sciatic nerve loose ligation. Unilateral sciatic nerve loose ligation induced decreases of the hindpaw withdrawal latency to the hot-plate test, cold-plate test and the Randall Selitto test. Sciatic nerve loose ligation induced hyperesponsiveness to touch at room temperature also. Intrathecal administration of either 3 or 6 nmol of galanin, but not 1 nmol, induced significant bilateral increases in hindpaw withdrawal latencies to the hot-plate test, cold-plate test and the Randall Selitto tests in rats with left mononeuropathy. The results indicate that galanin may play important roles in transmission of presumed nociceptive information in the spinal cord of mononeuropathic rats.  相似文献   

Methylprednisolone (MP) has been widely used as a standard therapeutic agent for the treatment of spinal cord injury (SCI). Because of its controversial beneficial effects, the combination of MP and other pharmacological agents aimed at enhancing functional recovery is desirable. The phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4) inhibitor rolipram has been implicated in promotion of regeneration due to elevating cAMP. In the present study, we sought to determine the effects of MP and rolipram, administered in combination, after spinal cord injury (SCI) in adult rats. Here we show that in vitro administration of rolipram and MP significantly increased neuron survival and promoted neurite outgrowth of neurons on the inhibitory substrate CSPGs by upregulation of MMP-2 expression; in vivo administration of rolipram and MP inhibited CSPG expression and increase CSPG digestion after rat SCI. Rolipram and MP combining treatment promoted significant neuroprotection through reduced motoneuron death, minimized lesion cavity, and increased regeneration of lesioned corticospinal tract (CST) axons beyond the lesion site after SCI. Enhanced functional recovery was also observed. Overall, our study strongly suggested that the combination treatment of MP and rolipram may represent a promising strategy for clinically applicable pharmacological therapy for rapid initiation of neuroprotection after SCI.  相似文献   

The effects of Ba2+ were studied in vitro on the isolated frog spinal cord. Ba2+ (25 microM-5 mM) caused a concentration-dependent depolarization of ventral (VR) and dorsal (DR) roots. TTX and Mg2+ substantially reduced the depolarization suggesting that interneuronal effects were involved. Ba2+ (25-500 microM) markedly increased the frequency and duration of spontaneous VR and DR potentials and substantially enhanced the duration (and frequently the amplitude) of VR and DR potentials evoked by DR stimulation. Higher concentrations of Ba2+ (1-5 mM) reduced both spontaneous and evoked potentials. Ba2+ (25-500 microM) enhanced the amount of K+ released by a DR volley and by application of L-glutamate and L-aspartate. The cation reduced VR and DR root depolarizations produced by elevated [K+]0. VR potentials induced by L-glutamate, L-aspartate, GABA and glycine and DR depolarizations caused by GABA were reduced by Ba2+. These results show that Ba2+ has complex actions on reflex transmission, interneuronal activity, the postsynaptic actions of excitatory and inhibitory amino acids and the evoked release of K+.  相似文献   

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