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We have isolated and analysed a 2 kb region of the mitochondrial genome of Arabidopsis thaliana (Columbia) showing a high level of nucleotide identity with the mitochondrial (mt) rps14 small-subunit ribosomal protein gene from Oenothera berteriana and Vicia faba, as well as with an open reading frame (ORF) located upstream of the nad3 locus in O. berteriana. The rps14 locus is present as a single copy in the A. thaliana mt genome and has a translational stop codon located near the initiation codon, as well as a deletion of one nucleotide that disturbs the coding sequence. The cloning and sequencing of nine amplified mt rps14 cDNAs clearly demonstrated that this gene is transcribed and that the mRNA precursors are edited at three positions, all involving C-to-U conversions. No editing events changing the stop codon and restoring the correct coding sequence were witnessed within the 9 individual cDNA clones. Therefore, we conclude that the single rps14 sequence of the mitochondrial genome from A. thealiana is in fact a pseudogene that is transcribed and edited but not translated.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial ribosomes contain bacterial-type proteins reflecting their endosymbiotic heritage, and a subset of these genes is retained within the mitochondrion in land plants. Variation in gene location is observed, however, because migration to the nucleus is still an ongoing evolutionary process in plants. To gain insights into adaptation events related to successful gene transfer, we have compiled data for bacterial-origin mitochondrial-type ribosomal protein genes from the completely sequenced Arabidopsis and rice genomes. Approximately 75% of such nuclear-located genes encode amino-terminal extensions relative to their Escherichia coli counterparts, and of that set, only about 30% have introns at (or near) the junction in support of an exon shuffling-type recruitment of upstream expression/targeting signals. We find that genes that were transferred to the nucleus early in eukaryotic evolution have, on average, about twofold higher density of introns within the core ribosomal protein sequences than do those that moved to the nucleus more recently. About 20% of such introns are at positions identical to those in human orthologs, consistent with their ancestral presence. Plant mitochondrial-type ribosomal protein genes have dispersed chromosomal locations in the nucleus, and about 20% of them are present in multiple unlinked copies. This study provides new insights into the evolutionary history of endosymbiotic bacterial-type genes that have been transferred from the mitochondrion to the nucleus.  相似文献   

A subset of mitochondrial carrier proteins from plants contain a cleavable N-terminal extension. We have used a reconstituted protein import assay system into intermembrane space-depleted mitochondria to study the role of the cleavable extension in the carrier import pathway. Insertion of carrier proteins into the inner membrane can be stimulated by the addition of a soluble intermembrane space fraction isolated from plant mitochondria. Greater stimulation of import of the adenine nucleotide carrier (ANT) and phosphate carrier (Pic), which contain N-terminal cleavable extensions, was observed compared to the import of the oxoglutarate malate carrier (OMT), which does not contain a cleavable extension. Removal of the N-terminal cleavable extension from ANT and Pic resulted in loss of stimulation of insertion into the inner membrane. Conversely, addition of the N-terminal extension from ANT or Pic to OMT resulted in significantly enhanced insertion into the inner membrane. The polytopic inner membrane proteins TIM17 and TIM23 that are imported via the carrier import pathway contain no cleavable extension, displayed high-level stimulation of insertion into the inner membrane by addition of the intermembrane space fraction. Addition of the N-terminal cleavable extension from carrier proteins to TIM23 enhanced insertion of TIM23 into the inner membrane even in the absence of the soluble intermembrane space fraction. Together, these results demonstrate that the cleavable N-terminal extensions present on carrier proteins from plants are required for efficient insertion into the inner mitochondrial membrane, and that they can stimulate insertion of any carrier-like protein into the inner membrane.  相似文献   

Yeast is a facultative anaerobe and uses diverse electron acceptors to maintain redox-regulated import of cysteine-rich precursors via the mitochondrial intermembrane space assembly (MIA) pathway. With the growing diversity of substrates utilizing the MIA pathway, understanding the capacity of the intermembrane space (IMS) to handle different types of stress is crucial. We used MS to identify additional proteins that interacted with the sulfhydryl oxidase Erv1 of the MIA pathway. Altered inheritance of mitochondria 32 (Aim32), a thioredoxin-like [2Fe-2S] ferredoxin protein, was identified as an Erv1-binding protein. Detailed localization studies showed that Aim32 resided in both the mitochondrial matrix and IMS. Aim32 interacted with additional proteins including redox protein Osm1 and protein import components Tim17, Tim23, and Tim22. Deletion of Aim32 or mutation of conserved cysteine residues that coordinate the Fe-S center in Aim32 resulted in an increased accumulation of proteins with aberrant disulfide linkages. In addition, the steady-state level of assembled TIM22, TIM23, and Oxa1 protein import complexes was decreased. Aim32 also bound to several mitochondrial proteins under nonreducing conditions, suggesting a function in maintaining the redox status of proteins by potentially targeting cysteine residues that may be sensitive to oxidation. Finally, Aim32 was essential for growth in conditions of stress such as elevated temperature and hydroxyurea, and under anaerobic conditions. These studies suggest that the Fe-S protein Aim32 has a potential role in general redox homeostasis in the matrix and IMS. Thus, Aim32 may be poised as a sensor or regulator in quality control for a broad range of mitochondrial proteins.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of c-Myc on threonine 58 (T58) stimulates its degradation by the Fbw7-SCF ubiquitin ligase. We used a phosphorylation-specific antibody raised against the c-Myc T58 region to attempt to identify other proteins regulated by the Fbw7 pathway. We identified two predominant proteins recognized by this antibody. The first is Ebna1 binding protein 2, a nucleolar protein that, in contrast with a previous report, is likely responsible for the nucleolar staining exhibited by this antibody. The second is Zcchc8, a nuclear protein that is highly phosphorylated in cells treated with nocodazole. We show that Zcchc8 is directly phosphorylated by GSK-3 in vitro and that GSK-3 inhibition prevents Zcchc8 phosphorylation in vivo. Moreover, we found that Zcchc8 interacts with proteins involved in RNA processing/degradation. We suggest that Zcchc8 is a GSK-3 substrate with a role in RNA metabolism.  相似文献   

Reconstitution of novel mitochondrial uncoupling proteins, human UCP2 and UCP3, expressed in yeast, was performed to characterize fatty acid (FA)-induced H+ efflux in the resulted proteoliposomes. We now demonstrate for the first time that representatives of physiologically abundant long chain FAs, saturated or unsaturated, activate H+ translocation in UCP2- and UCP3-proteoliposomes. Efficiency of lauric, palmitic or linoleic acid was roughly the same, but oleic acid induced faster H+ uniport. We have confirmed that ATP and GTP inhibit such FA-induced H+ uniport mediated by UCP2 and UCP3. Coenzyme Q10 did not further significantly activate the observed H+ efflux. In conclusion, careful instant reconstitution yields intact functional recombinant proteins, UCP2 and UCP3, the activity of which is comparable with UCP1.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial genomes of plants are much larger than those of mammals and often contain conserved open reading frames (ORFs) of unknown function. Here, we show that one of these conserved ORFs is actually the gene for ribosomal protein L10 (rpl10) in plant. No rpl10 gene has heretofore been reported in any mitochondrial genome other than the exceptionally gene-rich genome of the protist Reclinomonas americana. Conserved ORFs corresponding to rpl10 are present in a wide diversity of land plant and green algal mitochondrial genomes. The mitochondrial rpl10 genes are transcribed in all nine land plants examined, with five seed plant genes subject to RNA editing. In addition, mitochondrial-rpl10-like cDNAs were identified in EST libraries from numerous land plants. In three lineages of angiosperms, rpl10 is either lost from the mitochondrial genome or a pseudogene. In two of them (Brassicaceae and monocots), no nuclear copy of mitochondrial rpl10 is identifiably present, and instead a second copy of nuclear-encoded chloroplast rpl10 is present. Transient assays using green fluorescent protein indicate that this duplicate gene is dual targeted to mitochondria and chloroplasts. We infer that mitochondrial rpl10 has been functionally replaced by duplicated chloroplast counterparts in Brassicaceae and monocots.  相似文献   

Most mitochondrial preproteins are maintained in a loosely folded import-competent conformation by cytosolic chaperones, and are imported into mitochondria by translocator complexes containing a preprotein receptor, termed translocase of the outer membrane of mitochondria (Tom) 20. Using two-hybrid screening, we identified arylhydrocarbon receptor-interacting protein (AIP), an FK506-binding protein homologue, interacting with Tom20. The extreme COOH-terminal acidic segment of Tom20 was required for interaction with tetratricopeptide repeats of AIP. An in vitro import assay indicated that AIP prevents preornithine transcarbamylase from the loss of import competency. In cultured cells, overexpression of AIP enhanced preornithine transcarbamylase import, and depletion of AIP by RNA interference impaired the import. An in vitro binding assay revealed that AIP specifically binds to mitochondrial preproteins. Formation of a ternary complex of Tom20, AIP, and preprotein was observed. Hsc70 was also found to bind to AIP. An aggregation suppression assay indicated that AIP has a chaperone-like activity to prevent substrate proteins from aggregation. These results suggest that AIP functions as a cytosolic factor that mediates preprotein import into mitochondria.  相似文献   

Summary TheRicinus communis (castor bean) 2S albumin is a heterodimer of glutamine-rich, disulphidelinked 4 and 7 kDa polypeptides. A cDNA library was constructed using mRNA from maturing castor bean endosperm as template. Clones containing sequences complementary to albumin mRNA were isolated by hybridization using as a probe a mixture of synthetic oligonucleotides representing sequences predicted for a peptide present in the 2 S albumin large subunit. The nucleotide sequence contained an open reading frame encoding a preproprotein of 258 amino acid residues. The preproprotein included both polypeptides of the previously sequenced 2S albumin. In addition, this precursor included two further glutamine-rich sequences which, in terms of their size and conserved cysteine residues typically found in seed proteins of the 2S albumin superfamily, possibly represent the small and large polypeptide subunits of a second heterodimeric storage protein. A post-translational processing scheme is proposed which would result in a single preproprotein generating two distinct heterodimeric 2S albumins. The generation of a second heterodimer seems likely since polypeptide candidates for its small and large subunits were found in theRicinus 2S albumin fraction, and N-terminal protein sequencing confirmed the existence of the putative small subunit.  相似文献   

A gene coding for a protein that shows homologies to prokaryotic ribosomal protein S2 is present in the mitochondrial (mt) genome of wheat (Triticum aestivum). The wheat gene is transcribed as a single mRNA which is edited by C-to-U conversions at seven positions, all resulting in alteration of the encoded amino acid. Homologous gene sequences are also present in the mt genomes of rice and maize, but we failed to identify the corresponding sequences in the mtDNA of all dicotyledonous species tested; in these species the mitochondrial RPS2 is probably encoded in the nucleus. The protein sequence deduced from the wheat rps2 gene sequence has a long C-terminal extension when compared to other prokaryotic RPS2 sequences. This extension presents no similarity with any known sequence and is not conserved in the maize or rice mitochondrial rps2 gene. Most probably, after translation, this peptide extension is processed by a specific peptidase to give rise to the mature wheat mitochondrial RPS2. Received: 20 November 1997 / Accepted: 29 January 1998  相似文献   

Defective mitochondria exert deleterious effects on host cells. To manage this risk, mitochondria display several lines of quality control mechanisms: mitochondria-specific chaperones and proteases protect against misfolded proteins at the molecular level, and fission/fusion and mitophagy segregate and eliminate damage at the organelle level. An increase in unfolded proteins in mitochondria activates a mitochondrial unfolded protein response (UPRmt) to increase chaperone production, while the mitochondrial kinase PINK1 and the E3 ubiquitin ligase PARK2/Parkin, whose mutations cause familial Parkinson disease, remove depolarized mitochondria through mitophagy. It is unclear, however, if there is a connection between those different levels of quality control (QC). Here, we show that the expression of unfolded proteins in the matrix causes the accumulation of PINK1 on energetically healthy mitochondria, resulting in mitochondrial translocation of PARK2, mitophagy and subsequent reduction of unfolded protein load. Also, PINK1 accumulation is greatly enhanced by the knockdown of the LONP1 protease. We suggest that the accumulation of unfolded proteins in mitochondria is a physiological trigger of mitophagy.  相似文献   

Ribosomal protein L2 is a primary 23S rRNA binding protein in the large ribosomal subunit. We examined the contribution of the N- and C-terminal regions of Bacillus stearothermophilus L2 (BstL2) to the 23S rRNA binding activity. The mutant desN, in which the N-terminal 59 residues of BstL2 were deleted, bound to the 23S rRNA fragment to the same extent as wild type BstL2, but the mutation desC, in which the C-terminal 74 amino acid residues were deleted, abolished the binding activity. These observations indicated that the C-terminal region is involved in 23S rRNA binding. Subsequent deletion analysis of the C-terminal region found that the C-terminal 70 amino acids are required for efficient 23S rRNA binding by BstL2. Furthermore, the surface plasmon resonance analysis indicated that successive truncations of the C-terminal residues increased the dissociation rate constants, while they had little influence on association rate constants. The result indicated that reduced affinities of the C-terminal deletion mutants were due only to higher dissociation rate constants, suggesting that the C-terminal region primarily functions by stabilizing the protein L2-23S rRNA complex.  相似文献   

Although several proteasome subunits have been shown to bind ubiquitin (Ub) chains, many ubiquitylated substrates also associate with 26S proteasomes via “shuttling factors.” Unlike the well-studied yeast shuttling factors Rad23 and Dsk2, vertebrate homologs Ddi2 and Ddi1 lack a Ub-associated domain; therefore, it is unclear how they bind Ub. Here, we show that deletion of Ddi2 leads to the accumulation of Ub conjugates with K11/K48 branched chains. We found using affinity copurifications that Ddi2 binds Ub conjugates through its Ub-like domain, which is also required for Ddi2 binding to proteasomes. Furthermore, in cell extracts, adding Ub conjugates increased the amount of Ddi2 associated with proteasomes, and adding Ddi2 increased the binding of Ub conjugates to purified proteasomes. In addition, Ddi2 also contains a retroviral protease domain with undefined cellular roles. We show that blocking the endoprotease activity of Ddi2 either genetically or with the HIV protease inhibitor nelfinavir increased its binding to Ub conjugates but decreased its binding to proteasomes and reduced subsequent protein degradation by proteasomes leading to further accumulation of Ub conjugates. Finally, nelfinavir treatment required Ddi2 to induce the unfolded protein response. Thus, Ddi2 appears to function as a shuttling factor in endoplasmic reticulum–associated protein degradation and delivers K11/K48-ubiquitylated proteins to the proteasome. We conclude that the protease activity of Ddi2 influences this shuttling factor activity, promotes protein turnover, and helps prevent endoplasmic reticulum stress, which may explain nelfinavir’s ability to enhance cell killing by proteasome inhibitors.  相似文献   

In this study we report the molecular genetic characterization of the Arabidopsis mitochondrial phosphopantetheinyl transferase (mtPPT), which catalyzes the phosphopantetheinylation and thus activation of mitochondrial acyl carrier protein (mtACP) of mitochondrial fatty acid synthase (mtFAS). This catalytic capability of the purified mtPPT protein (encoded by AT3G11470) was directly demonstrated in an in vitro assay that phosphopantetheinylated mature Arabidopsis apo‐mtACP isoforms. The mitochondrial localization of the AT3G11470‐encoded proteins was validated by the ability of their N‐terminal 80‐residue leader sequence to guide a chimeric GFP protein to this organelle. A T‐DNA‐tagged null mutant mtppt‐1 allele shows an embryo‐lethal phenotype, illustrating a crucial role of mtPPT for embryogenesis. Arabidopsis RNAi transgenic lines with reduced mtPPT expression display typical phenotypes associated with a deficiency in the mtFAS system, namely miniaturized plant morphology, slow growth, reduced lipoylation of mitochondrial proteins, and the hyperaccumulation of photorespiratory intermediates, glycine and glycolate. These morphological and metabolic alterations are reversed when these plants are grown in a non‐photorespiratory condition (i.e. 1% CO2 atmosphere), demonstrating that they are a consequence of a deficiency in photorespiration due to the reduced lipoylation of the photorespiratory glycine decarboxylase.  相似文献   

Mitochondria complex II (succinate dehydrogenase, SDH) plays a central role in respiratory metabolism as a component of both the electron transport chain and the tricarboxylic acid cycle. We report the identification of an SDH assembly factor by analysis of T‐DNA insertions in At5g51040, a protein with unknown function that was identified by mass spectrometry analysis as a low abundance mitochondrial protein. This gene is co‐expressed with a number of genes encoding mitochondrial proteins, including SDH1‐1, and has low partial sequence similarity to human SDHAF2, a protein required for flavin‐adenine dinucleotide (FAD) insertion into SDH. In contrast to observations of other SDH deficient lines in Arabidopsis, the sdhaf2 line did not affect photosynthetic rate or stomatal conductance, but instead showed inhibition of primary root elongation with early lateral root emergence, presumably due to the low SDH activity caused by the reduced abundance of SDHAF2. Both roots and leaves showed succinate accumulation but different responses in the abundance of other organic acids and amino acids assayed. Isolated mitochondria showed lowered SDH1 protein abundance, lowered maximal SDH activity and less protein‐bound flavin‐adenine dinucleotide (FAD) at the molecular mass of SDH1 in the gel separation. The short root phenotype and SDH function of sdhaf2 was fully complemented by transformation with SDHAF2. Application of the SDH inhibitor, malonate, phenocopied the sdhaf2 root architecture in WT. Whole root respiratory assays showed no difference between WT and sdhaf2, but micro‐respirometry of the tips of roots clearly showed low oxygen consumption in sdhaf2 which could explain a metabolic deficit responsible for root tip growth.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis thaliana L. yellow variegated (var2) mutant is defective in a chloroplast FtsH family metalloprotease, AtFtsH2/VAR2, and displays an intriguing green and white leaf variegation. This unique...  相似文献   

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