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青海湖地区植被及其分布规律   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
青海湖地区位于青藏高原东北部。境内复杂的地貌类型及青海湖的存在对植被有重要影响。本区植物种类贫乏,现有种子植物52科、174属、445种。主要植被类型有寒温性针叶林、高原河谷灌丛、高寒灌丛、沙生灌丛、温性草原、高寒草原、高寒草甸、沼泽草甸、高寒流石坡植被等。植被分布表现出明显的规律性变化。草原分布于湖盆及河谷地带,由东而西植被类型有更加适应寒旱趋势。温性草原以青海湖为中心;呈环带状分布,而高寒草原的分布则与生境寒冷干旱相一致。山地垂直带谱表现为草原带、高寒灌丛与高寒草甸带以及高寒流石坡植被带。本区植被水平地带性分异受到青海湖的影响,其植被组合及特征表现出与青藏高原植被的明显相似性。作为祁连山南麓中部地区的一个大型山间盆地,其东西方向界于青海省东部地区和柴达木盆地之间,植被东西方向的水平地带性并未表现出明显的过渡特征。根据植被特点及分布规律分析,本区植被有其自身的特殊性,并与青藏高原隆升之后气候寒冷干旱相一致。因此,青海湖地区就整体而言应属祁连山地区植被一个相对独立的组成部分。  相似文献   

青海湖地区植被及其分布规律   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
青海湖地区位于青藏高原东北部,境内复杂的地貌类型及青海湖的顾在对植被有重要影响,本区植物种类贫乏,现有种子植物52科,174属,445种,主要植被类型有寒温性针叶林,高原河谷灌丛,高寒灌丛,沙生灌丛,温性草原,高寒草原,高寒草甸,沼泽草甸,高寒流石坡植被等,植被分布表现出明显的规律性变化。草原分布于湖盆及河谷地带,由东而西植被兴型有更加适应寒旱趋势,温性草原以青海湖为中心,呈环带状分布,而高寒草原的分布则与生境寒冷干旱相一致,山地垂直带谱表现为草原带,高寒灌丛与高寒草甸带以及高寒流石坡植被带,本区植被水平地带性分异受到青海湖的影响,其植被组合及特征表现出与青藏高原植被的明显相似性,作为祁连山南麓中部地区的一个大型山间盆地,其东西方向界于青海省东部地区和柴达木盆地之间,植被东西方向的水平地带性并示表现出明显的过渡特征,根据植被特点及分布规律分析,本区植被有其自身的特殊性,并与青藏高原隆升之后气候寒冷干旱相一致。因此,青海湖地区就整体而言应属祁连山地区植被一个相对独立的组成部分。  相似文献   

新疆地区雪峰林立,生态环境多样,植物种类丰富,植被垂直带谱明显、完整,且人烟稀少,植被破坏较小,许多植物还保持着原始的生长状态。因此,这些地区是观察和研究植物多样性,了解植被分布规律以及植被与环境关系的好课堂,同时也是植物分类学、生态学野外实习较为理想的场所。   为了使学生在短期的植物学野外实习中取得较好的效果,首先是实习地点的选择,指导教师在带队实习之前,应先选择具有山地荒漠带、山地草原带、山地草甸草原带、山地寒温性针叶林带、亚高山灌丛草甸带、高山草甸带、高山流石坡植被带和高山冰雪带的地点作…  相似文献   

青藏高原高山植被的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
青藏高原是我国高山植被类型最丰富、独特和分布最广泛的区域,发育有大面积的高山灌丛、高寒草甸、高寒草原,高寒荒漠、高山流石坡稀疏植被及零散分布的高山垫状植被。它们占据着森林上线至永久雪线之间的高山带和广阔的高原面,从高原东南部至西北部有水平方向的地域分异。联系高山带以下各垂直带的植被特征及各地的气候条件分析,初步认为高原东南部的山地植被垂直带谱属于湿润型山地垂直带结构类型,高原腹地及西北部的山地植被垂直带谱属于干旱型山地垂直带结构类型。此外,还对青藏高原高山植被类型的丰富性及高山垫状植被的生态地理分布特点进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

色季拉山区高寒山地植物的生态特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过野外调查和现有文献资料,分析了色季拉山高寒地带植物的构成特征,结果表明:该区有种子植物33科103属285种,其中双子叶植物有26科77属236种,裸子植物有1科1属4种,中国特有植物125种,占总种数的44.01%,西藏特有植物53种,占18.66%。在整个高山寒带中,草本有239种,占83.86%,其中多年生草本230种。植被区系组成、群落植物生活型和叶的性质等特征总体都反映了植被的温带性质。并阐述了该区高山植物对高山恶劣气候环境相适应的形态结构特征。  相似文献   

中昆仑山北坡及内部山原的植被类型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
 中昆仑山西始乌鲁乌斯河,东迄安迪河,东西迤逦600余公里,平均海拔高度6000m。该区有野生种子植物52科,211属,398种。植物区系以种类成份单纯、地理成份复杂为特征。北坡中山带和高山带下部年降水量300—500mm,草原带发育完整,尤以中段的策勒山地草原发育最好。草原带以上高寒荒漠不存在,高寒草甸则有一定发育。中昆仑山北坡植被类型的垂直带谱是:1)山地荒漠,自山麓线多在2200—2500m,个别在3000m;2)山地荒漠草原在3000—3200m;3)山地真草原在3200—3600m;4)高寒草原在3600—3800m(阳坡上升到4200m以上);5)高寒草甸在3800—4200m;6)高山垫状植被仅见于东段山地和高寒草甸复合分布;7)高山流石坡稀疏植被在4200—5000m。中昆仑山内部山原极端寒冷干旱,多为砾漠所占据,高寒荒漠和高寒荒漠草原呈片状星散分布。  相似文献   

基于中天山山间盆地58个表土样品花粉谱特征,结合植物群落样方物种调查结果,分析了该区域表土花粉与现代植被分布的对应关系。结果表明:(1)中天山山间盆地表土花粉组合与现代植被分布相一致,聚类分析结果将研究区分为5个植被带,按海拔由低到高的顺序分别对应荒漠草原带、山地草原带、山地森林带、亚高山草甸带、高山流石坡植被带。主成分分析第1轴揭示,湿度是植被带形成的重要影响因素。植被带之间花粉组合差异显著,荒漠草原带藜科-蒿属花粉组合优势明显,山地草原带则表现为蒿属-禾本科-藜科花粉组合,云杉属-蒿属-禾本科-藜科花粉组合及云杉属含量25%共同指示山地森林带的存在,亚高山草甸带花粉组合表现为莎草科-斗篷草属-蒿属-禾本科-藜科,高山流石坡植被带以蒿属-藜科-莎草科-斗篷草属-禾本科花粉组合为主。(2)蒿属、藜科、禾本科、云杉属、莎草科、斗篷草属是中天山山间盆地的代表物种,可作为古环境重建的重要参考。蒿属、藜科表现出超代表性,禾本科则相反。(3)中天山山间盆地植被带表土花粉分布及含量影响因素复杂,云杉属花粉受西风环流影响较大,蒿属、藜科花粉受人类活动影响显著。  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐河源区高寒冰缘植被的生态特征研究   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:13  
对乌鲁木齐河源区高寒冰缘植被进行了调查和生态环境分析。研究了高寒冰缘植物对寒区环境在形态结构和繁殖方式等方面的适应特征及其生态对策,在该区域垂直带谱中,植被包括了两个垂直带;高山草甸和高山垫状植被。主要植物群系有:苔草群系、蒿草群系、早熟禾群系、四蕊山莓草系、高山红景天群系、族生柔籽草群系、珠芽蓼群系等7个,共包括27类植物群(群丛)此外,在高山流石堆上具有有牌演替早期阶段的高山植物群聚。决定该区  相似文献   

秦岭南坡旬河中上游地区植物区系初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
植物各类组成是植被的重要特征之一,研究一个地区的植物区系有助于加深化对植被的认识。旬河流域中上游地区位于秦岭南坡。该地区植物种类丰富,共有种子植物112科395属750种。植物区系地理成分十分复杂,具有明显的温带特征。但和热带植物区系有一定联系。其起源也很古老,有8种植物属于原始的被子植物,并有8个单型属笔11个少型属,还有许多孓植物。  相似文献   

中国黑戈壁植物多样性分布格局及其影响因素   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
我国西北地区内陆分布着近20万km~2的黑戈壁,由于其环境的特殊性,使其具有独特的生态系统,境内分布着多样的植被,蕴藏着大量特有的自然资源。但由于自然环境苛刻与交通条件不便,目前我国关于黑戈壁区系统的植被与物种多样性的研究还很缺乏。针对黑戈壁区植物多样性组成与分布特点,基于遥感及实地调查,采用DCCA排序和半变异函数模型等分析方法,对黑戈壁区植物群落组成,植物多样性特点及影响因素进行分析。研究结果表明:研究区植物以藜科和蒺藜科灌木或半灌木为主,群落物种生活型具有逐渐趋于简单甚至单一的特性,重要值0.1的植物主要有梭梭、红砂、白刺等13种;群落物种多样性呈现区域性的斑块化分布,结构性因子引起的物种多样性空间异质性占主导地位;作为极端干旱区,该区植物群落类型具有贫乏化及单一化的趋势,群落结构简单,植被覆盖度低,植物生长随环境的变化具有明显的可塑性,群落空间分异明显,群落空间演变具有明显的水分及土壤结构梯度;DCCA结果显示气候、土壤、地形是群落物种及类型变化的主要原因,海拔、坡位、土壤机械组成、降水、温度等环境因子对群落有着显著的影响,水土条件的空间异质性是戈壁植物多样性维持的关键因素。  相似文献   

Abstract. Exposed cliffs of the Swiss Jura mountains harbour a highly diverse flora with many rare and endangered plant species. Many cliffs are frequently visited by rock climbers. We examined the impact of rock climbing on vascular plants in the lower part of four cliffs of the Gerstelflue (NW Switzerland) by comparing the vegetation of climbed and unclimbed areas. In climbed areas plant cover and species density were reduced. Similarly, the density of forbs and shrubs decreased, whereas the density of ferns tended to increase. In addition, rock climbing caused a significant shift in plant species composition and altered the proportions of different plant life forms. Rock climbing can be a threat to sensitive plants of the limestone cliff community.  相似文献   

Coastal barrens in Nova Scotia are heathlands characterised by short, predominantly ericaceous vegetation, sparse tree cover, exposed bedrock, pockets of Sphagnum bog, and stressful climatic conditions. Although coastal barrens are prominent in the physical and cultural landscape, they are largely unprotected. We selected six barrens along the Atlantic coast, and surveyed 20 1-m2 plots at each barren for vascular plants, macrolichens, mosses and environmental factors. We recorded 173 species (105 vascular, 41 macrolichen, 27 moss), including six provincially rare vascular species found predominantly in nearshore areas with high levels of substrate salt and nutrients, variable substrate depth, and short vegetation. Although vascular plant and moss richness were similarly correlated with vegetation height, substrate depth, organic matter content, and rock exposure, there were no clear correlations between vascular plant, macrolichen and moss richness across all sites. Vascular plant rarity and species richness were not correlated, but had inverse relationships with key environmental gradients. Tailoring conservation efforts to protect areas of high richness may thus mean that rare species are missed, and vice versa. Ordination and ANOSIM show that barrens vegetation differs widely among sites; therefore, protecting any singular coastal barren will not protect the entire range of vegetation communities and species in this heathland type. Conservation planning should emphasize protecting environmental gradients correlated with richness, rarity and plant community structure, including substrate depth and moisture, and vegetation height. Additionally, protected areas should include a coastal-inland gradient and a diversity of substrate types, including exposed rock and trees.  相似文献   

目的:为有效保护和合理利用山东茶山国家级生态示范区植物资源提供科学依据.方法:对茶山进行了植物物种综合普查,调查范围涉及植物物种及野外分布、群落结构和区系组成.结果:记录到高等植物352种,隶属90科250属,其中国家二级重点保护植物4种.本区地带性植被为黑松人工林及次生杂木林,主要森林植被为黑松群落Pinus thunbergii community.其植物区系以热带分布类型和温带分布类型为主,纬度因素和"岛屿效应"应是形成该格局的主要成因.受强烈人为活动干扰,该区域原生植被类型已遭严重破坏,珍稀植物灭绝风险很高.结论:调查表明该区域群落结构简单,灌木层和层间结构不发达,群落演替时间短.  相似文献   

The ratio of dead to alive succulent shrubs as an indicator of turnover was investigated to test whether the accepted notion of rapid turnover rates and cyclic succession in the Succulent Karoo Biome are applicable in the southern Namib. Based on counts of dead and alive plants, twelve species in two habitat types were investigated. These short‐term data which could not incorporate recruitment rates or changes over time, generated, however, some hypotheses. (i) Rapid turnover rates are likely not supported by all succulent plants at the Succulent Karoo Biome's northern boundary. With the exception of one species, mortality rates in succulent shrubs across a range of plant functional types were lower than reported in other parts of the biome. (ii) Sand plains appeared to support some transient species, indicating that there may be differences in vegetation dynamics between habitats. (iii) Species of different plant functional types showed no differences in ratio of dead to alive plants related to habitat. These species may have broad ecological tolerance limits and are perhaps less affected by changes in their environment. (iv) Shrubby Mesembryanthemaceae have high turnover rates and hence a short live span in the investigated area, but are longer lived than elsewhere in the Succulent Karoo Biome. As these hypotheses have implications for management and conservation of succulent species in this global biodiversity hotspot, a detailed evaluation of vegetation turnover, balancing mortality versus recruitment, should be investigated over a longer time span.  相似文献   

浙江省珍稀濒危植物物种多样性保护的关键区域   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
浙江省植物资源丰富,有野生维管植物215科1196属3283种,其中包含了我国特有属49个,浙江省特有植物约200余种,许多物种十分稀少,并受到严重威胁,亟待保护。但浙江省需优先保护的植物物种的分布并不是均匀的,有些地区的重要保护对象比较集中,对这些地区我们应该给予更多的保护。本文根据维管植物物种多样性、珍稀濒危植物的物种数量及个体数量特征、受威胁状况以及浙江省特有植物的分布情况,提出了浙江省珍稀濒危植物保护的7个关键区域:以西天目山为中心的浙西北山区,以古田山为中心的浙西山区,以九龙山为中心的浙西南山区,以凤阳山-百山祖为中心的浙南山区,以括苍山为中心的浙东山区,以天台山为中心的浙东丘陵,以普陀山为中心的舟山群岛。最后提出了浙江省植物物种多样性保护的几点建议。  相似文献   

通过野外调查,对世界地质公园四川兴文石海的小岩湾代表性园区植物群落物种组成进行统计分析,结果表明,该园区共有植物48科82属90种,其中天坑物种最丰富(75种),3个溶蚀洼地52种,猴子潭种类最少(12种)。采用香农指数对几个植物群落物种的多样性进行比较,香农指数H'由高到低依次为:天坑(4.056) >溶蚀洼地Ⅰ(2.882) >溶蚀洼地Ⅱ(2.878) >猴子潭(2.821) >溶蚀洼地Ⅲ(2.258),表明天坑物种多样性指数最高,溶蚀洼地Ⅰ和Ⅱ其次,猴子潭地区物种多样性较低,溶蚀洼地Ⅲ最低。建议对石漠化地区植被和植物群落进行深入研究,同时加强对该区植被的保护力度。  相似文献   

Trans-Himalayan mountains, owing to harsh climatic conditions and a short growing season support low vegetation cover (<20%), yet it is known to harbour a unique assemblage of flora and fauna which have not been systematically inventoried and documented so far. This paper deals with spatial and non-spatial information on landscape units, vegetation characteristics and plant species diversity of Nubra Valley in Ladakh, India. Based on digital – visual (on screen) interpretation of remote sensing data coupled with knowledge-based classification we delineated 19 cover classes (11 vegetation types and 8 non-vegetation categories). The vascular plants (angiosperms and gymnosperms) were systematically collected using stratified random sampling of different landscape/vegetation to characterize plant communities and assess the distribution patterns of species. The study reveals that nearly 78–80% of plant species in Nubra are restricted to the valley bottoms. In all, 414 species of vascular plants were recorded from the study area. These belongs to 56 families and 202 genera. Of these, 102 species were reported to be used in traditional system of medicine by Amchis over 80 species are largely associated with cultivated fields and human habitation. As many as 49 species were cultivated which include several varieties of crop plants especially those of barley and buckwheat. Aspects of bioprospecting and conservation of valuable species have been discussed.  相似文献   

During the first scientific expedition to the Hoh Xil area of Qinghai, the author had collected about 210 speceis of seed plant, which belong to 30 families and 102 genera. Among these plants, 48 species are cushion plant included 8 families and 15 genera. They occupy respectively 26.7% of the total number of the family, 14.7% of the total number of the genus and 22.9% of the total number of the species of the seed plant in this area. Therefore, Qinghai Hoh Xil is the most developed area for the growth of the cushion plant. These cushion plants are morpho-structural and roughly divided into four types: Typical (spongy) cushion plant; Dense clumping cushion plant; Brevi-rhizome or collar tillaring cushion plant; and collar radial dense branching cushion plant. These cushion plants are very much adaptable to the special harmful climate and the adverse nature environment on the plateau platform of Hoh Xil. The community or the population of cushion plant occurs extensively of the various of types of vegetation are very luxurient in the Hoh Xil area. They often become the dominant community or together with often vegetation form a huge landscape of cushion vegetation. The cushion plants are the pioneers in the Hoh Xil area. Their growth cycle, from sprouting, growing, multiplying, flourishing until dying, contribute to the accumulation of soil rich in organic nutrients and create a favourable condition for migration, growth and development of the flora and vegetation in the Hoh Xil area.  相似文献   

北京百花山野生岩生植物资源及其开发利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对百花山地区的岩生植物资源进行了初步调查。调查结果显示:北京百花山地区的岩生植物资源非常丰富,大约有25科56属74种,其中很多岩生植物不但拥有较高的观赏价值,而且还具有很强的抗性。在此基础上,对这些岩生植物的园林应用价值进行了分析和评价,并对我国野生岩生植物资源的开发利用提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

青海可可西里地区垫状植物   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
首次考察青海可可西里地区,共采集到种子植物约210 种,隶属于30 科102 属。其中垫状植物有8 科15 属约48 种,分别占该地区全部种子植物科的26.7% 、属的14.7% 、种的22.9% 。该区是青藏高原上垫状植物最发达的地区。垫状植物按其形态结构可以划分为4 种类型:典型(海绵体)垫状植物;密丛垫状植物;短根茎或根蘖型垫状植物;根颈辐状分枝型垫状植物。垫状植物种群或群落广泛存在于该地区各种植被类型中,并且非常发达,甚至可组成优势群落或群丛,形成大面积垫状植被景观。垫状植物是可可西里地区的先锋植物,它们的存在、繁衍、发达和衰退为其它类型植物迁入生长和漫延积累了细土和有机质,改善了生境  相似文献   

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