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Uptake of dimannoside clusters and oligomannosides by human dendritic cells   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Knowing that human blood monocyte-derived dendritic cells express cell-surface mannose-specific lectins, we prepared various mannoses containing glycoconjugates with the aim of developing highly specific synthetic carriers of oligonucleotides and genes. Conjugates were prepared from oligosaccharides obtained by hydrazinolysis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae invertase glycopeptides. The reducing saccharides were converted into glycosynthons, i.e., into glyco-amino acids. Fluorescein derivatives were obtained by coupling the free carboxyl group of oligosaccharyl-pyroglutamate to the -amino group of -fluoresceinyl-thiocarbamyl lysine methyl ester. It has been shown by others that glycosylated linear oligolysines containing up to six -D-mannopyranosylphenylthiocarbamyl units have a high affinity for the human mannose receptor. In order to obtain fully biodegradable clusters and to improve both the specificity and the selectivity, disaccharides transformed into glycosynthons were coupled to pentalysine carriers (Lys5-Ala-Cys-NH2). Glycosylated pentalysyl cysteine conjugates were made fluorescent upon substitution of the cysteine thiol group with fluorescein iodoacetamide. As shown by flow cytofluorimetry, both the dimannoside clusters and yeast oligomannosides were very efficiently taken up by DC, conversely lactoside clusters were not.  相似文献   

The nonstructural protein 3 helicase (NS3h) of hepatitis C virus is a 3′-to-5′ superfamily 2 RNA and DNA helicase that is essential for the replication of hepatitis C virus. We have examined the kinetic mechanism of the translocation of NS3h along single-stranded nucleic acid with bases uridylate (rU), deoxyuridylate (dU), and deoxythymidylate (dT), and have found that the macroscopic rate of translocation is dependent on both the base moiety and the sugar moiety of the nucleic acid, with approximate macroscopic translocation rates of 3 nt s− 1 (oligo(dT)), 35 nt s− 1 (oligo(dU)), and 42 nt s− 1 (oligo(rU)), respectively. We found a strong correlation between the macroscopic translocation rates and the binding affinity of the translocating NS3h protein for the respective substrates such that weaker affinity corresponded to faster translocation. The values of K0.5 for NS3h translocation at a saturating ATP concentration are as follows: 3.3 ± 0.4 μM nucleotide (poly(dT)), 27 ± 2 μM nucleotide (poly(dU)), and 36 ± 2 μM nucleotide (poly(rU)). Furthermore, results of the isothermal titration of NS3h with these oligonucleotides suggest that differences in TΔS0 are the principal source of differences in the affinity of NS3h binding to these substrates. Interestingly, despite the differences in macroscopic translocation rates and binding affinities, the ATP coupling stoichiometries for NS3h translocation were identical for all three substrates (∼ 0.5 ATP molecule consumed per nucleotide translocated). This similar periodicity of ATP consumption implies a similar mechanism for NS3h translocation along RNA and DNA substrates.  相似文献   

We have studied changes in the binding of fluoresceinated lectins to human sperm during in vitro capacitation. We first determined the surface labeling pattern of viable sperm obtained by the swim-up procedure. Sperm were labeled with 100 μg/ml FITC-conjugated lectin at 4°C for 30 min. We simultaneously used Hoechst stain 33258 as a supravital stain to help differentiate surface from intracellular lectin labeling. Of 14 lectins studied, six (phytohemagglutinin-E, concanavalin A, Ricinus communis agglutinin-I, and the lectins of wheat germ, Lens culinaris, and Pisum sativum) bound to the entire surface of sperm, sometimes with minor local heterogeneity. Three lectins (from peanut, Maclura pomifera, and soybean) usually bound in a punctate manner, with more label on the tail than on the head. Five lectins (Ulex europaeus, Dolichos biflorus, Helix pomatia, and Vicia villosa lectins, and lectin II of Griffonia simplicifolia) bound very poorly or not at all to the sperm surface. Sperm were also inspected for changes in surface lectin binding patterns after 0, 5, and 23 hr of incubation in a capacitating medium. Two lectins showed reproducible changes. The labeling by Maclura pomifera agglutinin decreased by 5 hr in eight of ten experiments, and among sperm labeled with concanavalin A, the incidence of sperm with a highly fluorescent anterior margin of the sperm head increased by about 3.5-fold between 0 and 5 hr. The labeling pattern of the other lectins did not change.  相似文献   

The potassium uptake by potato tuber discs tissues freshly cut and after 24 h of ageing in the presence or not of abscisic acid was investigated. Uptake kinetics revealed a biphasic dependence on external K+ concentrations. At concentration less than 10 mM, uptake was mediated by a saturable component and a linear component became apparent at higher concentrations. At low K+ concentrations (lmM), the capacity of K+ uptake diminished by 2 times after ageing. Treatment of tissues with ABA increased the rate of K+ uptake. In both fresh and aged tissues the uptake was strongly enhanced by fusicoccin and decreased by several metabolic inhibitors and ATPase inhibitors, underlying the active nature of uptake and suggesting the involvement of a plasmalemma H+-ATPase in K+ transport system. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

pVVP3和pVHN核酸疫苗的构建、表达及对肿瘤细胞的作用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用pVAX1载体构建抗肿瘤核酸疫苗 .将鸡贫血病病毒 (CAV)的VP3基因和鸡新城疫病毒(NDV)HN基因插入载体pVAX1的多克隆位点 ,构建了 2个重组基因疫苗pVVP3和pVHN .转染OS732细胞 ,Western印迹及血凝试验检测HN基因表达状况及表达产物的活性 .RT PCR、DNALadder、TUNNEL染色检测VP3基因的表达及表达产物诱导OS732细胞凋亡作用 .酶切鉴定证实成功地构建了两个核酸疫苗 ,并能在真核细胞内表达 .含HN的核酸疫苗pVHN表达后具有血凝活性并致肿瘤细胞表面唾液酸含量降低 (P <0 0 5 ) .pVVP3的转染能导致OS732细胞凋亡 ,凋亡率可达87% .试验结果表明 ,pVVP3和pVHN两个核酸疫苗体外应用后能诱导肿瘤细胞凋亡并显著降低肿瘤细胞表面唾液酸含量  相似文献   

Amphiphilic anionic peptides have been used to enhance the efficiency of transfection by helping plasmids to escape from endosomes to the cytosol. It has been shown that efficiency of an eicosamers containing five glutamyl residues (E5), can be considerably enhanced either by transforming it into a dimer or by adding a tripeptide WYG in a C-terminal position (E5WYG). The dimerization of the peptide E5WYG leads to a more efficient tool when the dimerization device includes the tripeptide WYG unit and a longer spacer arm made of Gly-Ala-Ala residues, but to a 10-fold less efficient tool when the dimerization device includes a shorter spacer, a glycyl residue. Both dimers are taken up by the cells to a similar extent. Both dimers seem to be surrounded similarly as far as the environmental pH is concerned. In contrast, we found a correlation between the propensity of the peptides to adopt a helical structure at neutral pH and the gene transfer efficiency.  相似文献   

Six new examples of intercalating nucleic acids were synthesized in order to evaluate the dependence of the length of the linker between oligo and intercalator on the thermal stability of their corresponding duplexes and triplexes.  相似文献   

The uptake of (32)P-labeled polyoma virus deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) (I and II + III) by mouse embryo cells was increased from two- to fivefold in the presence of 500 mug of diethylaminoethyl-dextran (DEAE-D) per ml. This concentration of DEAE-D gives maximal enhancement of infectivity; however, the increase is many thousand-fold. As the DEAE-D concentration was increased from 0 mug/ml, uptake and infectivity increased to flat maxima and then decreased in a similar manner, except that at low DEAE-D concentrations uptake was relatively much greater than infectivity. Several other polycations also increased DNA uptake but did not enhance infectivity, and uptake of viral DNA was unaffected by the presence of mouse DNA, although infectivity was reduced. Thus, increased uptake is not the sole basis for the enhancement of infectivity produced by DEAE-D. The possibilities that DNA complexed with DEAE-D penetrates more rapidly or is stabilized against degradation do not completely account for enhancement since complexes formed in mixtures of DNA and DEAE-D, which sedimented heterogeneously from 40 to 60S, were infectious only for monolayers treated with DEAE-D. A more likely factor in enhancement is inhibition of the cellular nuclease activity detected, since virus DNA exposed to cells was much more degraded in the absence than in the presence of DEAE-D. The nuclease activity produced single-strand breaks in double-stranded DNA. Treatment of monolayers with deoxyribonuclease after adsorption of DNA in the presence of DEAE-D reduced cell-associated radioactivity by about 70%, although the number of plaques formed was not affected. In the absence of DEAE-D, 90 to 100% was removed by deoxyribonuclease. Thus, in both cases most of the DNA was adsorbed extracellularly. The greater deoxyribonuclease-resistant fraction in the presence of DEAE-D would be consistent with another possibility: that enhancement results from an increase in DNA penetration rate due to some action of DEAE-D on the cell.  相似文献   

为了解桃果实发育过程中细胞内糖酸的分布、变化规律对果实甜酸风味的影响,采用区室分析方法研究了‘白凤’桃(Prunus persica‘Hakuho’)果实不同发育时期细胞内糖酸组分、含量及其分布对甜酸风味的影响。结果表明,成熟果实中(花后100 d)可溶性糖(蔗糖、葡萄糖、果糖和山梨醇)在液泡、细胞质和细胞间隙中的含量分别为27.3、11.6、9.0 mg/g,有机酸(苹果酸、柠檬酸、奎宁酸和莽草酸)含量为2.09、0.94、0.35 mg/g;未成熟果实中(花后60 d)可溶性糖在液泡、细胞质和细胞间隙中的含量分别为0.97、2.2、2.3 mg/g,有机酸含量为0.25、0.44、0.82 mg/g。‘白凤’桃果肉细胞内不同的糖酸分布对成熟果实的甜酸风味具有显著影响,而对未成熟果实影响较小。成熟果实中糖酸在液泡、细胞质和细胞间隙三者之间的分布差异可能是导致果实甜度变化的主要原因。  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to evaluate the transfection effectiveness of retroviral vector PLNCX2 in yak sperm-mediated gene transfer (SMGT) and the effect of SMGT on sperm motility and fertilizability. Human lactoferrin (hLF) DNA was ligated into PLNCX2 to construct recombinant plasmid PLNCX2-hLF, then, using PLNCX2-hLF+FuGene 6 to generate SMGT yak spermatozoa for fertilizing bovine oocytes. The result showed that DNA-binding rate increased with the extension of incubation period and DNA treatment did not decrease sperm motility. Oocytes inseminated with SMGT-spermatozoa had a lower (P < 0.05) cleavage rate (57.7%) than the control (73.4%), but development up to blastocyst stage was not different (26.8 vs. 31.7%). It appears that PLNCX2 is useful for generating transgenic yaks by SMGT.  相似文献   

光和糖对水稻Rubisco活化酶基因表达的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水稻黄化苗在光照2h内其Rubisco。活化酶的mRNA和蛋白量明显增加,然后维持在相对稳定的水平。光对水稻Rubisco活化酶的基因表达的诱导作用主要在转录水平上。Rubisco活化酶主要在绿叶中表达,这与Rubisco基因表达的器官特异性完全一致。用等渗葡萄糖喂养成熟的水稻叶片1h,促使水稻Rubisco大、小亚基和Rubisco活化酶可翻译mRNA含量下降。同样蔗糖对Rubisco小亚基和Rubisco活化酶的表达也有抑制,其作用弱于葡萄糖。  相似文献   

环己酰亚胺和放线菌素D明显降低小麦幼苗中BADH基因的表达,表明BADH基因表达在转录和转译水平上受到调控。氯霉素则有增加表达的效应。线粒体可能形成阻遏蛋白参与调节。H7和甘露糖降低BADH基因表达,相应地冈田酸(Okadaic acid)明显增加表达,说明蛋白磷酸化积极参与小麦幼苗中BADH基因表达的调节。  相似文献   

The enantiomeric ratio for hydrolysis and synthesis of 1-phenyl ethanol esters of straight chain aliphatic carboxylic acids catalyzed by Candida cylindracea lipase was determined. A distinct maximum in enantiomeric ratio was observed for valeric and caproic acid in the hydrolytic direction. No significant maximum could be determined in the esterification reaction. Even though the enzyme provided larger enantiomeric ratios in the synthetic direction the enantiomeric excess of the alcohol was not higher. The enantiomeric excess was depressed by racemization reactions in the esterification as the reaction approached thermodynamic equilibrium at an insufficient conversion. While choosing the optimal chain length of the acyl donor is important in hydrolytic reactions it seems to be of greater value to raise the equilibrium conversion in the esterification reactions.  相似文献   

Amorphous solid dispersions (ASDs) are inherently unstable because of high internal energy. Evaluating physical and chemical stability during the process and storage is essential. Numerous researches have demonstrated how polymers influence the drug precipitation and physical stability of ASDs, while the influence of polymers on the chemical stability of ASDs is often overlooked. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the effect of polymers on the physical and chemical stability of spray-dried ASDs using dipyridamole (DP) as a model drug. Proper polymers were selected by assessing their abilities to inhibit drug recrystallization in supersaturated solutions. HPMC E5, Soluplus®, HPMCP-55, and HPMCAS-LP were shown to be effective stabilizers. The optimized formulations were further stored at a high temperature (60 °C) and high humidity (40 °C, 75% RH) for 2 months, and their physical and chemical stability was evaluated using polarizing optical microscopy, FTIR, HPLC, and mass spectrometry (MS). In general, crystallization was observed in all samples, which indicated the physical instability under stressed storage conditions. Also, it was noted that the polymers in ASDs rather than physical mixtures, induced a dramatic drug degradation after being exposed to a high temperature (HPMCP-55 >?80% and HPMCAS-LP >?50%) and high humidity (HPMCP-55 >?40% and HPMCAS-LP >?10%). The MS analysis further confirmed the degradation products, which might be generated from the reaction between dipyridamole and phthalic anhydride decomposed from HPMCP-55 and HPMCAS-LP. Overall, the exposure of ASDs to stressed conditions resulted in recrystallization and even the chemical degradation induced by polymers.  相似文献   

The utilization of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) molecules by Acer pseudoplatanus cells is governed mainly by a glucosylation process. Evidence that 2,4-D glucoside molecules are biologically inactive is presented. 2,3,5-Triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA), by inhibiting 2,4-D glucosylation, has a sparing effect on 2,4-D molecules; thus TIBA treatments increase growth yield (expressed as the ratio of the maximum number of cells produced to the initial concentration of 2,4-D in the culture medium).  相似文献   

It has been reported that Gap1p on the plasma membrane of Saccharomyces cerevisiae can catalyze the uptake of many kinds of amino acids. In the present study, we found that Gap1p also catalyzed the uptake of putrescine and spermidine, but not spermine. The Km and Vmax values for putrescine and spermidine were 390 and 21 microM, and 4.6 and 0.59 nmol/min/mg protein, respectively. The uptake of putrescine was strongly inhibited by basic amino acids, lysine, arginine, and histidine, whose Ki values were 25-35 microM. Thus, it is deduced that spermidine and basic amino acids have almost the same affinity for Gap1p. When the concentrations of amino acids in the medium were reduced to one-third and 0.5 mM putrescine or 0.1 mM spermidine was added to the medium, accumulation of putrescine or spermidine by Gap1p was observed. Furthermore, when yeast was transformed with the GAP1 gene and cultured in the presence of 60 mM putrescine, cell growth was inhibited through overaccumulation of putrescine. GAP1 mRNA was found to be induced by polyamines. This is the first report of the identification, at a molecular level, of a polyamine uptake protein on the plasma membrane in eukaryotes.  相似文献   


Inspection of stereochemical models suggests a possible correlation between the proportion (Yg-/Yt) of the g? and t rotamers and the S pucker populations irrespective of the anti-syn conformational composition of the base. Interpretation of the NMR vicinal coupling constants in terms of conformational populations shows a decline of Yg-/Yt with Xs approaching zero, consistent with high unfavorability of the Ng? conformational combination in solution, a result supported by a X-ray crystallographic data survey. Hence, the underlying assumption introduced into the present study is that the g? rotamer and the N pucker do not coexist together in solution. Therefore, the limiting value of Yg-/Yt corresponding to the S pucker could be determined for each compound individually. Finally, populations and relative free energies of all conformational combinations of Ng+, Nt, Sg+, St and Sg? (except Ng? which is not important) have been estimated.

Results of the present study suggest several interesting regularities concerning the syn-anti effect on populations and energies of the conformational combinations in ribo- and deoxyribo-nucleosides. (a) In the anti-type nucleosides, the Ng+ conformation is about 2 kJ/mol more stable than Nt, but in the syn-type, the Ng+ and Nt have comparable energy, (b) No important changes are observed in the Ng+ population comparing the anti-type and syn-type of ribo- and deoxyribo-nucleosides separately, (c) The Nt is considerable stabilized and simultaneously the Sg+ is strongly destabilized in the syn-type nucleosides relative to the anti-type, (d) Irrespective of the syn-anti composition the St is always more stable (1–2 kJ/mol) than the Sg? conformational combination.  相似文献   

Preparations of synaptosomes isolated in sucrose or in Na+-rich media were compared with respect to internal pH (pH1), internal Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i), membrane potential and45Ca2+ uptake due to K+ depolarization and Na+/Ca2+ exchange. We found that synaptosomes isolated in sucrose media have a pHi of 6.77±0.04 and a [Ca2+]i of about 260 nM, whereas synaptosomes isolated in Na+-rich ionic media have a pHi of 6.96±0.07 and a [Ca2+]i of 463 nM, but both types of preparations have similar membrane potentials of about –50 mV when placed in choline media. The sucrose preparation takes up Ca2+ only by voltage sensitive calcium channels (VSCC'S) when K+-depolarized, while the Na+-rich synaptosomes take up45Ca2+ both by VSCC'S and by Na+/Ca2+ exchange. The amiloride derivative 2, 4 dimethylbenzamil (DMB), at 30 M, inhibits both mechanisms of Ca2+ influx, but 5-(N-4-chlorobenzyl)-2, 4 dimethylbenzamil (CBZ-DMB), at 30 M, inhibits the Ca2+ uptake by VSCC'S, but not by Na+/Ca2+ exchange. Thus, DMB and CBZ-DMB permit distinguishing between Ca2+ flux through channels and through Na+/Ca2+ exchange. We point out that the different properties of the two types of synaptosomes studied account for some of the discrepancies in results reported in the literature for studies of Ca2+ fluxes and neurotransmitter release by different types of preparations of synaptosomes.Abbreviations used BCECF 2,7-Biscarboxyethyl-5(6)-carboxyfluorescein - BCECF/AM acetoxymethyl ester of BCECF - [Ca2+]i Internal free calcium ion concentration - CBZ-DMB 5-(N-4-chlorobenzyl)-2,4-dimethylbenzamil - DMB 2, 4-dimethylbenzamil - DMSO dimethyl sulfoxide - Indo-1/AM acetoxymethyl ester of Indo-1 - MES 2-|N-Morpholino|ethanesulfonic acid - NMG N-methyl-D-glucamine - pHi internal pH - TPP+ tetraphenylphosphonium - p plasma membrane potential  相似文献   

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