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Mutations in the exons of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor gene CDKN2A are melanoma-predisposition alleles which have high penetrance, although they have low population frequencies. In contrast, variants of the melanocortin-1 receptor gene, MC1R, confer much lower melanoma risk but are common in European populations. Fifteen Australian CDKN2A mutation-carrying melanoma pedigrees were assessed for MC1R genotype, to test for possible modifier effects on melanoma risk. A CDKN2A mutation in the presence of a homozygous consensus MC1R genotype had a raw penetrance of 50%, with a mean age at onset of 58.1 years. When an MC1R variant allele was also present, the raw penetrance of the CDKN2A mutation increased to 84%, with a mean age at onset of 37.8 years (P=.01). The presence of a CDKN2A mutation gave a hazard ratio of 13.35, and the hazard ratio of 3.72 for MC1R variant alleles was also significant. The impact of MC1R variants on risk of melanoma was mediated largely through the action of three common alleles, Arg151Cys, Arg160Trp, and Asp294His, that have previously been associated with red hair, fair skin, and skin sensitivity to ultraviolet light.  相似文献   

Twenty years ago, the first familial melanoma susceptibility gene, CDKN2A, was identified. Two years later, another high‐penetrance gene, CDK4, was found to be responsible for melanoma development in some families. Progress in identifying new familial melanoma genes was subsequently slow; however, with the advent of next‐generation sequencing, a small number of new high‐penetrance genes have recently been uncovered. This approach has identified the lineage‐specific oncogene MITF as a susceptibility gene both in melanoma families and in the general population, as well as the discovery of telomere maintenance as a key pathway underlying melanoma predisposition. Given these rapid recent advances, this approach seems likely to continue to pay dividends. Here, we review the currently known familial melanoma genes, providing evidence that most additionally confer risk to other cancers, indicating that they are likely general tumour suppressor genes or oncogenes, which has significant implications for surveillance and screening.  相似文献   

To clarify the relationship between variation in mtDNA and the development of cardiomyopathy (CM), the complete sequences of mtDNAs of two brothers with dilated CM were compared with those of 181 patients who had CM and with those of 168 control subjects. Five patients with CM shared a novel homoplasmic point mutation (G12192A tRNA(His)), and all of them demonstrated the evolutionarily related D-loop sequence. The results suggest that this novel mutation originated from the same ancestor and that its presence strongly predisposes carriers to CM.  相似文献   

A correlation of various aspects of the protein structures and substrate and mechanistic specificities of the aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases has led to the identification of at least one family of enzymes probably derived from a common ancestral synthetase. While strong correlations exist only in one part of the array of 64 codons comprising the Genetic Code, this itself may be interpreted as a meaningful pattern, most consistent with a development of the present code from earlier codes containing fewer amino acids and fewer available codons. Specifically, strong correlations in the enzymes whose cognate tRNAs respond to codons containing a central pyrimidine, including the enzyme family of Ile-, Phe-, Val-, Met-, and Leu-tRNA synthetases, suggests that these enzymes evolved last, and that, therefore, an earlier version of the Genetic Code was comprised solely of codons containing a central purine. It is suggested that further study of the historical interrelationships of these enzymes could lead to a fairly detailed picture of how the Genetic Code developed.  相似文献   

Aberrant folding of important proteins caused by genetic mutations is closely correlated to many diseases. Due to the important physiological role in excitable cells, the activity and level of creatine kinase (CK) play a crucial role in maintaining body functions. Muscle CK deficiency disease was identified by an unusual CK activity decrease in an acute myocardial infarction patient caused by the single point mutation D54G. In this research, it was found that the D54G mutant had substantially decreased activity, substrate binding affinity and stability. Spectroscopic experiments indicated that the mutation impaired the structure of CK, which resulted in a partially unfolded state with more hydrophobic exposure and exposed Trp residues. The inability to fold to the functional compact state made the mutant be prone to aggregate upon microenvironmental stresses, and might gradually decrease the CK level of the patient.  相似文献   

Summary Ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T) is an autosomal recessive disease involving chromosomal instability, susceptibility to cancer and X-ray hypersensitivity. The latter two features are expressed to a limited extent in the heterozygous carriers of A-T mutations. Although fibroblast lines from A-T heterozygotes clearly show increased susceptibility to the lethal effect of X-irradiation, the difference in post-irradiation survival between cell lines and normal controls is not always large enough to allow the use of X-ray sensitivity as a laboratory assay for carrier detection in A-T. Recently, we have shown in a blind study, that the extent of chromatid damage induced in the G2 phase of the cell cycle by moderate doses of X-rays is markedly higher in A-T heterozygous cells than in normal controls. We have now applied this test to 6 additional obligatory heterozygotes and 24 individuals with different risks of being A-T carriers, from three Israeli A-T families. All 6 cell lines from the obligatory heterozygotes showed the typical hypersensitivity to the clastogenic action of X-rays in G2; of the 24 cell lines with unknown A-T genotype, 16 showed the same hypersensitivity, and 8 responded in a normal way. The proportion of cell lines showing the A-T-heterozygous phenotype was in accord with the expected value, based on Mendelian chance calculations. Since these observations were made, a daughter of two hypersensitive parents in one of these families has been diagnosed as having A-T. This confirmed the presumed A-T heterozygosity of the parents, as indicated by the laboratory assay.  相似文献   

In previous paper, we showed that W62G mutation caused ill effects at the early stages of folding of the reduced hen lysozyme in vitro. Here, we investigated whether the single mutation brings about drastic turn to in vivo folding of lysozyme. W62G lysozyme was secreted from yeast cells and then purified with ion-exchange chromatography. From the results of gel chromatography and peptide analysis, the species with two cysteines, Cys80 and Cys94, and non-native cystine, Cys64-Cys76, was partially present in secreted product of yeast containing gene for W62G lysozyme. Thus, it was suggested that W62G mutation also affected the in vivo folding of lysozyme.  相似文献   

We report here the clinical, genetic, and molecular characterization of five Chinese families with Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON). Clinical and genetic evaluations revealed the variable severity and age-of-onset in visual impairment in these families. Strikingly, there were extremely low penetrances of visual impairment in these Chinese families. Sequence analysis of the complete mitochondrial genomes in these pedigrees showed the distinct sets of mtDNA polymorphism, in addition to the identical ND4 G11696A mutation associated with LHON. Indeed, this mutation is present in homoplasmy only in the maternal lineage of those pedigrees but not other members of these families. In fact, the occurrence of the G11696A mutation in these several genetically unrelated subjects affected by visual impairment strongly indicates that this mutation is involved in the pathogenesis of visual impairment. Furthermore, the N405D in the ND5 and G5820A in the tRNA(Cys), showing high evolutional conservation, may contribute to the phenotypic expression of G11696A mutation in the WZ10 pedigree. However, there was the absence of functionally significant mtDNA mutations in other four Chinese pedigrees carrying the G11696A mutation. Therefore, nuclear modifier gene(s) or environmental factor(s) may play a role in the phenotypic expression of the LHON-associated G11696A mutation in these Chinese pedigrees.  相似文献   

收集了3个具有典型临床特征的中国汉族Leber遗传性视神经病变(Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy, LHON)家系。通过对先证者和家系其他成员进行眼科临床(如视力损害程度和发病年龄)检查, 发现这些家系成员中视力损害的外显率很低, 经mtDNA测序分析, 在tRNAGlu 上发现了A14693G同质性突变位点, 多态性位点分别属于东亚单体型Y1b、Y1和Y1, 没有发现其他高度保守和有功能意义的突变位点。A14693G突变位于线粒体tRNAGlu高度保守区(通用位点为54位), 可能导致tRNA空间结构和稳定性发生改变, 继而影响tRNA的代谢, 导致线粒体蛋白合成功能受损和ATP障碍, 最终导致视力损害。所以, tRNAGlu A14693G突变可能是与视神经病变相关的致病性线粒体突变位点。  相似文献   

We have analyzed the clinical and molecular characterization of a Chinese family with aminoglycoside-induced and non-syndromic hearing impairment. Clinical evaluations revealed that only those family members who had a history of exposure to aminoglycoside antibiotics subsequently developed hearing loss, suggesting mitochondrial genome involvement. Sequence analysis of the mitochondrial 12S rRNA and tRNA(Ser(UCN)) genes led to the identification of a homoplasmic A827G mutation in all maternal relatives, a mutation that was identified previously in a few sporadic patients and in another Chinese family with non-syndromic deafness. The pathogenicity of the A827G mutation is strongly supported by the occurrence of the same mutation in two independent families and several genetically unrelated subjects. The A827G mutation is located at the A-site of the mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene which is highly conserved in mammals. It is possible that the alteration of the tertiary or quaternary structure of this rRNA by the A827G mutation may lead to mitochondrial dysfunction, thereby playing a role in the pathogenesis of hearing loss and aminoglycoside hypersensitivity. However, incomplete penetrance of hearing impairment indicates that the A827G mutation itself is not sufficient to produce clinical phenotype but requires the involvement of modifier factors for the phenotypic expression. Indeed, aminoglycosides may contribute to the phenotypic manifestation of the A827G mutation in this family. In contrast with the congenital or early-onset hearing impairment in another Chinese family carrying the A827G mutation, three patients in this pedigree developed hearing loss only after use of aminoglycosides. This discrepancy likely reflects the difference of genetic backgrounds, either mitochondrial haplotypes or nuclear modifier genes, between two families.  相似文献   

Genetic predisposition plays an important role in the development of nearly 10% of cases of cutaneous malignant melanoma (CMM). The CDKN2A gene has been described as responsible for melanoma susceptibility in a proportion of families with CMM linked to 9p. CDKN2A encodes a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor also implicated in the carcinogenesis of several sporadic tumors. Even though the incidence of other cancers is higher in CMM families, pancreatic adenocarcinoma is the only other well demonstrated cancer associated with CDKN2A mutations in some CMM pedigrees. We describe a family with four cases of CMM, eight patients affected by other cancers, and nine patients affected by dysplastic nevus (DN) syndrome. A CDKN2A frameshift mutation (358delG) was present in all the CMM patients, in at least three of the patients with other cancers (CDKN2A status is unknown in four patients), and in only two of the DN patients (CDKN2A status is unknown in one patient). An absence of linkage between chromosome 9p markers and the 358delG CDKN2A mutation and DN was detected, indicating genetic heterogeneity for DN and CMM in this family. The study strongly suggests that CDKN2A mutations are involved not only in the predisposition to CMM but also to several other types of cancer. Received: 2 June 1997 / Accepted: 11 August 1997  相似文献   

Summary Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) is characterized by acute or subacute bilateral (usually permanent) loss of central vision, caused by neuroretinal degeneration. The maternal inheritance is explained by the mitochondrial origin of the disease. Recently, a single mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutation, a G to A substitution at position 11778 that converts a highly conserved arginine to histidine, has been associated with LHON. The mutation eliminates an SfaNI restriction enzyme recognition site and thus provides a method for detection of the muation by amplification, enzyme digestion and agarose gel electropheresis of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products. Leukocyte mtDNA from 7 German families with LHON, diagnosed by clinical criteria, was tested for the presence of the G to A mutation at bp 11778. The mtDNa mutation, detected as a loss of the SfaNI site, was seen in one family. The G to A mtDNA mutation is the only known gene alteration associated with LHON so far. It has been identified in patients of different ethnic origin and recent reports strongly support the hypothesis that it represents the most frequent cause of LHON. Identification of the mtDNA replacement mutation using PCR and restriction enzyme digestion requires only a small amount of blood and can be performed rapidly. This method is thus a useful tool in the diagnosis of LHON.  相似文献   

Usher syndrome type IIa is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by mild-to-severe hearing loss and progressive visual loss due to retinitis pigmentosa. The mutation that most commonly causes Usher syndrome type IIa is a 1-bp deletion, described as "2299delG," in the USH2A gene. The mutation has been identified in several patients from northern and southern Europe and from North America, and it has been found in single patients from South America, South Africa, and China. Various studies have reported a range of frequencies (.16-.44) among patients with Usher syndrome, depending on the geographic origin of the patients. The 2299delG mutation may be the one that most frequently causes retinitis pigmentosa in humans. Given the high frequencies and the wide geographic distribution of the mutation, it was of interest to determine whether the mutation resulted from an ancestral mutational event or represented a mutational hotspot in the USH2A gene. Haplotype analysis was performed on DNA samples from 116 unrelated patients with Usher syndrome type IIa; the patients were from 14 countries and represented 148 2299delG alleles. On the basis of six single-nucleotide polymorphisms within the USH2A gene, 12 core haplotypes were observed in a panel of normal chromosomes. However, in our analysis, only one core haplotype was found to be associated with the 2299delG mutation. The data indicate that the widespread geographic distribution of the 2299delG mutation is the result of an ancestral mutation that has spread throughout Europe and into the New World as a result of migration.  相似文献   

Mutations in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) have been found to be associated with sensorineural hearing loss. We report here the clinical, genetic, and molecular characterization of four Chinese pedigrees with aminoglycoside-induced and nonsyndromic hearing impairment. Clinical evaluation revealed the variable phenotype of hearing impairment including audiometric configuration in these subjects, although these subjects share some common features: bilateral and sensorineural hearing impairment. Strikingly, these Chinese pedigrees exhibited extremely low penetrance of hearing loss (5.2%, 4.8%, 4.2%, and 13.3%, respectively, and with an average 8% penetrance). In particular, four of all five affected matrilineal relatives of these pedigrees had aminoglycoside-induced hearing loss. Sequence analysis of the complete mitochondrial genomes in these pedigrees showed the distinct sets of mtDNA polymorphism, in addition to the identical homoplasmic A1555G mutation, associated with hearing impairment in many families from different genetic backgrounds. The fact that mtDNA of those pedigrees belonged to different haplogroups R9a, N9a, D4a, and D4 suggested that the A1555G mutation occurred sporadically and multiplied through evolution of the mtDNA in China. However, there was the absence of functionally significant mutations in tRNA and rRNAs or secondary LHON mutations in these Chinese families. These data imply that the nuclear background or/and mitochondrial haplotype may not play a significant role in the phenotypic expression of the A1555G mutation in these Chinese pedigrees. However, aminoglycoside appears to be a major modifier factor for the phenotypic manifestation of the A1555G mutation in these Chinese families.  相似文献   

Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) is among the leading causes of cancer related death. Despite of extensive efforts in identifying valid cancer prognostic biomarkers, only a very small number of markers have been identified. Several genetic variants in the 9p21 region have been identified that are associated with the risk of multiple cancers. Here, we explored the association of two genetic variants in the 9p21 region, CDKN2A/B, rs10811661, and rs1333049 for the first time in 273 subjects with, or without ESCC. We observed that the patients with ESCC had a higher frequency of a TT genotype for rs10811661 than individuals in the control group, and this polymorphism was also associated with tumor size. Moreover, a CC genotype for the rs1333049 polymorphism was associated with a reduced overall survival (OS) of patients with ESCC. In particular, patients with a CC (rs1333049) genotype had a significantly shorter OS (CC genotype: 34.5 ± 8.9 months vs. CG+GG: 47.7 ± 5.9 months; p value = 0.03). We have also shown the association of a novel genetic variant in CDKN2B gene with clinical outcome of patients with ESCC. Further investigations are warranted in a larger population to explore the value of emerging markers as a risk stratification marker in ESCC.  相似文献   

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