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Antibody-dependent enhancement of virus infection is a process whereby virus-antibody complexes initiate infection of cells via Fc receptor-mediated endocytosis. We sought to investigate antibody-dependent enhancement of feline infectious peritonitis virus infection of primary feline peritoneal macrophages in vitro. Enhancement of infection was assessed, after indirect immunofluorescent-antibody labelling of infected cells, by determining the ratio between the number of cells infected in the presence and absence of virus-specific antibody. Infection enhancement was initially demonstrated by using heat-inactivated, virus-specific feline antiserum. Functional compatibility between murine immunoglobulin molecules and feline Fc receptors was demonstrated by using murine anti-sheep erythrocyte serum and an antibody-coated sheep erythrocyte phagocytosis assay. Thirty-seven murine monoclonal antibodies specific for the nucleocapsid, membrane, or spike proteins of feline infectious peritonitis virus or transmissible gastroenteritis virus were assayed for their ability to enhance the infectivity of feline infectious peritonitis virus. Infection enhancement was mediated by a subset of spike protein-specific monoclonal antibodies. A distinct correlation was seen between the ability of a monoclonal antibody to cause virus neutralization in a routine cell culture neutralization assay and its ability to mediate infection enhancement of macrophages. Infection enhancement was shown to be Fc receptor mediated by blockade of antibody-Fc receptor interaction using staphylococcal protein A. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that antibody-dependent enhancement of feline infectious peritonitis virus infectivity is mediated by antibody directed against specific sites on the spike protein.  相似文献   

Unlike for serotype II feline coronaviruses (FCoV II), the cellular receptor for serotype I FCoV (FCoV I), the most prevalent FCoV serotype, is unknown. To provide a platform for assessing the pattern by which FCoV I attaches to its host receptor(s), HEK293 cell lines that stably express the ectodomains of the spike (S) proteins derived from a FCoV I feline enteric coronavirus strain UU7 (FECV UU7) and a feline infectious peritonitis virus strain UU4 (FIPV UU4) were established. Using the recombinant S proteins as probes to perform S protein affinity histochemistry in paraffin‐embedded tissues, although no tissue or enteric binding of FECV UU7 S protein was detected, it was found that by immunohistochemistry that the tissue distribution of FIPV UU4 S protein‐bound cells correlated with that of FIPV antigen‐positive cells and lesions associated with FIP and that the affinity binding of FIPV UU4 S protein on macrophages was not affected by enzymatic removal of host cell‐surface sialic acid with neuraminidase. These findings suggest that a factor(s) other than sialic acid contribute(s) to the macrophage tropism of FIPV strain UU4. This approach allowed obtaining more information about both virus–host cell interactions and the biological characteristics of the unidentified cellular receptor for FCoV I.

A recombinant infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), BeauR-M41(S), was generated using our reverse genetics system (R. Casais, V. Thiel, S. G. Siddell, D. Cavanagh, and P. Britton, J. Virol. 75:12359-12369, 2001), in which the ectodomain region of the spike gene from IBV M41-CK replaced the corresponding region of the IBV Beaudette genome. BeauR-M41(S) acquired the same cell tropism phenotype as IBV M41-CK in four different cell types, demonstrating that the IBV spike glycoprotein is a determinant of cell tropism.  相似文献   

A case of feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) in an 11-month-old European shorthair cat is reported. The infected cat displayed loss of weight, respiratory distress, ascitis, anemia and died within 15 days after the first appearance of clinical signs. Lesions typical of a mixed form (effusive and non-effusive) of FIP were observed and by RT-PCR a feline coronavirus (FCoV) type I strain was detected in several tissues. The RT-PCR results were confirmed by sequence analysis of the amplified products. Phylogeny carried out on fragments of the M and S genes showed that the FCoV strain segregates with typical type I FCoVs.  相似文献   

A new protein of feline infectious peritonitis coronavirus (FIPV) was discovered in lysates of [35S]cysteine-labeled infected cells. Expression of open reading frame (ORF) 6b of FIPV in recombinant vaccinia virus-infected cells was used to identify it as the 6b protein. Further characterization revealed that it is a novel type of viral glycoprotein whose function is not clear. It is a soluble protein contained in microsomes; its slow export from the cell is caused by the presence of an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) retention signal at the C terminus. This amino acid sequence, KTEL, closely resembles the consensus KDEL signal of soluble resident ER proteins. A mutant 6b protein with the C-terminal sequence KTEV became resistant to digestion by endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase H with a half-time that was reduced threefold. In contrast, a mutant with the sequence KDEL was completely retained in the ER. The FIPV 6b protein is the first example of a viral protein with a functional KDEL-like ER retention signal.  相似文献   

Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) is a fatal immunity-mediated disease caused by mutants of a ubiquitous coronavirus. Since previous attempts to protect cats under laboratory and field conditions have been largely unsuccessful, we used our recently developed system of reverse genetics (B. J. Haijema, H. Volders, and P. J. M. Rottier, J. Virol. 77:4528-4538, 2003) for the development of a modified live FIP vaccine. With this objective, we deleted the group-specific gene cluster open reading frame 3abc or 7ab and obtained deletion mutant viruses that not only multiplied well in cell culture but also showed an attenuated phenotype in the cat. At doses at which the wild-type virus would be fatal, the mutants with gene deletions did not cause any clinical symptoms. They still induced an immune response, however, as judged from the high levels of virus-neutralizing antibodies. The FIP virus (FIPV) mutant lacking the 3abc cluster and, to a lesser extent, the mutant missing the 7ab cluster, protected cats against a lethal homologous challenge; no protection was obtained with the mutant devoid of both gene clusters. Our studies show that the deletion of group-specific genes from the coronavirus genome results in live attenuated candidate vaccines against FIPV. More generally, our approach may allow the development of vaccines against infections with other pathogenic coronaviruses, including that causing severe acute respiratory syndrome in humans.  相似文献   

The type I glycoprotein S of coronavirus, trimers of which constitute the typical viral spikes, is assembled into virions through noncovalent interactions with the M protein. Here we demonstrate that incorporation is mediated by the short carboxy-terminal segment comprising the transmembrane and endodomain. To this aim, we used the virus-like particle (VLP) system that we developed earlier for the mouse hepatitis virus strain A59 (MHV-A59) and which we describe now also for the unrelated coronavirus feline infectious peritonitis virus (FIPV; strain 79-1146). Two chimeric MHV-FIPV S proteins were constructed, consisting of the ectodomain of the one virus and the transmembrane and endodomain of the other. These proteins were tested for their incorporation into VLPs of either species. They were found to assemble only into viral particles of the species from which their carboxy-terminal domain originated. Thus, the 64-terminal-residue sequence suffices to draw the 1308 (MHV)- or 1433 (FIPV)-amino-acid-long mature S protein into VLPs. Both chimeric S proteins appeared to cause cell fusion when expressed individually, suggesting that they were biologically fully active. This was indeed confirmed by incorporating one of the proteins into virions which thereby acquired a new host cell tropism, as will be reported elsewhere.  相似文献   

Wu G  Yan S 《Peptides》2003,24(12):1837-1845
In this study, we analyzed the amino acid pairs affected by mutations in two spike proteins from human coronavirus strains 229E and OC43 by means of random analysis in order to gain some insight into the possible mutations in the spike protein from SARS-CoV. The results demonstrate that the randomly unpredictable amino acid pairs are more sensitive to the mutations. The larger is the difference between actual and predicted frequencies, the higher is the chance of mutation occurring. The effect induced by mutations is to reduce the difference between actual and predicted frequencies. The amino acid pairs whose actual frequencies are larger than their predicted frequencies are more likely to be targeted by mutations, whereas the amino acid pairs whose actual frequencies are smaller than their predicted frequencies are more likely to be formed after mutations. These findings are identical to our several recent studies, i.e. the mutations represent a process of degeneration inducing human diseases.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), the agent of AIDS, frequently infects the central nervous system. We inoculated adult human brain cultures with chimeric viruses containing parts of the env gene of a cloned primary isolate from brain tissue, HIV-1 JRFl, inserted into the cloned DNA of a T-cell-tropic strain. A chimeric virus containing the carboxy-terminal portion of HIV-1 JRFl env did not replicate in these brain tissue cultures, while a chimera expressing an env-encoded protein containing 158 amino acids of HIV-1 JRFl gp120, including the V3 loop, replicated well in brain microglial cells, as it does in blood macrophages. Infection of brain microglial cells with such a chimera was blocked by an antibody to the V3 loop of gp 120. Thus, env determinants in the region of gp120, outside the CD4-binding site and comprising the V3 loop, are critical for efficient viral binding to and/or entry into human brain microglia.  相似文献   

The full-length genome of the highly lethal feline infectious peritonitis virus (FIPV) strain DF-2 was sequenced and cloned into a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) to study the role of ORF3abc in the FIPV-feline enteric coronavirus (FECV) transition. The reverse genetic system allowed the replacement of the truncated ORF3abc of the original FIPV DF-2 genome with the intact ORF3abc of the canine coronavirus (CCoV) reference strain Elmo/02. The in vitro replication kinetics of these two viruses was studied in CrFK and FCWF-4 cell lines, as well as in feline peripheral blood monocytes. Both viruses showed similar replication kinetics in established cell lines. However, the strain with a full-length ORF3 showed markedly lower replication of more than 2 log(10) titers in feline peripheral blood monocytes. Our results suggest that the truncated ORF3abc plays an important role in the efficient macrophage/monocyte tropism of type II FIPV.  相似文献   

The envelopes of murine hepatitis virus (MHV) particles are studded with glycoprotein spikes that function both to promote virion binding to its cellular receptor and to mediate virion-cell membrane fusion. In this study, the cysteine-rich spikes were subjected to chemical modification to determine whether such structural alterations impact the virus entry process. Ellman reagent, a membrane-impermeant oxidizing agent which reacts with exposed cysteine residues to effect covalent addition of large thionitrobenzoate moieties, was incubated at 37 degrees C with the JHM strain of MHV. Relative to untreated virus, 1 mM Ellman reagent reduced infectivity by 2 log(10) after 1 h. This level of inhibition was not observed at incubation temperatures below 21 degrees C, suggesting that virion surface proteins undergo thermal transitions that expose cysteine residues to modification by the reagent. Quantitative receptor binding and membrane fusion assays were developed and used to show that Ellman reagent specifically inhibited membrane fusion induced by the MHV JHM spike protein. However, this inhibition was strain specific, because the closely related MHV strain A59 was unaffected. To identify the basis for this strain specificity, spike cDNAs were prepared in which portions encoded either JHM or A59 residues. cDNAs were expressed with vaccinia virus vectors and tested for sensitivity to Ellman reagent in the fusion assays. The results revealed a correlation between the severity of inhibition mediated by Ellman reagent and the presence of a JHM-specific cysteine (Cys-1163). Thus, the presence of this cysteine increases the availability of spikes for a thiol modification that ultimately prevents fusion competence.  相似文献   

We report that cells refractory to canine coronavirus (CCV) and feline infectious peritonitis virus (FIPV) became susceptible when transfected with a chimeric aminopeptidase-N (APN) cDNA containing a canine domain between residues 643 and 841. This finding shows that APN recognition by these viruses is species related and associated with this C-terminal domain. The human/canine APN chimera was also able to confer susceptibility to the porcine transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV), whereas its human/porcine homolog failed to confer susceptibility to CCV and FIPV. A good correlation was observed between the capacity of CCV, FIPV, and TGEV to recognize the different interspecies APN chimeras and their ability to infect cells derived from the relevant species. As an exception, TGEV was found to use a human/bovine APN chimera as a receptor although itself unable to replicate in bovine cells.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the intracellular transport of the spike (S) protein of infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), an avian coronavirus. Surface expression was analyzed by immunofluorescence microscopy, by surface biotinylation, and by syncytium formation by S-expressing cells. By applying these methods, the S protein was found to be retained intracellularly. Tyr1143 in the cytoplasmic tail was shown to be a crucial component of the retention signal. Deletion of a dilysine motif that has previously been suggested to function as a retrieval signal did not abolish intracellular retention. Treatment of the S proteins with endoglycosidases did not reveal any differences between the parental and the mutant proteins. Furthermore, all S proteins analyzed were posttranslationally cleaved into the subunits S1 and S2. In coexpression experiments, the S protein was found to colocalize with a Golgi marker. Taken together, these results indicate that the S protein of IBV is retained at a late Golgi compartment. Therefore, this viral surface protein differs from the S proteins of transmissible gastroenteritis virus and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus, which are retained at a pre-Golgi compartment or transported to the cell surface, respectively. The implications of these differences are discussed.  相似文献   

The spike (S) protein of SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV) has been known to recognize and bind to host receptors, whose conformational changes then facilitate fusion between the viral envelope and host cell membrane, leading to viral entry into target cells. However, other functions of SARS-CoV S protein such as proteolytic cleavage and its implications to viral infection are incompletely understood. In this study, we demonstrated that the infection of SARS-CoV and a pseudovirus bearing the S protein of SARS-CoV was inhibited by a protease inhibitor Ben-HCl. Also, the protease Factor Xa, a target of Ben-HCl abundantly expressed in infected cells, was able to cleave the recombinant and pseudoviral S protein into S1 and S2 subunits, and the cleavage was inhibited by Ben-HCl. Furthermore, this cleavage correlated with the infectivity of the pseudovirus. Taken together, our study suggests a plausible mechanism by which SARS-CoV cleaves its S protein to facilitate viral infection.  相似文献   

棘突(spike, S)蛋白是冠状病毒表面必不可少的跨膜糖蛋白,在病毒进入宿主细胞时具有结合受体和诱导膜融合的双重作用。大部分冠状病毒S蛋白的受体结合域位于S1-CTD(即相对应的结构域B),而经典的乙型冠状病毒模型鼠肝炎病毒(mouse hepatitis virus, MHV)的受体mCEACAM1a与S1-NTD(即相对应的结构域A)结合,其结构域B的作用仍未完全清楚。本研究通过构建结构域B和S2膜融合元件的缺失突变体,并使其在鼠神经母细胞瘤细胞系Neuro-2a内成功表达,证实了结构域B对病毒S蛋白导致的细胞-细胞间膜融合是必需的。用不同方法处理的病毒颗粒作为抗原免疫小鼠,所获得的多克隆抗体进一步显示,结构域B不但是S蛋白的主要抗原决定簇,而且能诱导中和抗体明显抑制病毒感染和S蛋白介导的膜融合作用。此结果为阐述不同冠状病毒的致病性与感染性差异提供了新思路。  相似文献   

F Taguchi 《Journal of virology》1995,69(11):7260-7263
The receptor-binding capacity of the S2 subunit of the murine coronavirus S protein was examined by testing the inhibition of virus-receptor binding. Sp-4 virus and S1N(330), which consists of the N-terminal 330 amino acids of the S1 protein, both of which exhibited receptor-binding capacity, were able to prevent the binding of cl-2 virus to the receptor, while the mutant protein S1N(330)-159, which failed to bind to the receptor protein, and S2TM-, which lacks the transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains normally existing in the S2, were unable to prevent the binding of cl-2. By using cultured DBT cells, it was revealed that the infection of cells by cl-2 virus was significantly inhibited by S1N(330) but not by S2TM-. These results indicate that the S2 protein is not involved in the receptor binding of murine coronaviruses.  相似文献   

Bat SARS-like coronavirus (SL-CoV) has a genome organization almost identical to that of SARS-CoV, but the N-terminus of the Spike (S) proteins, which interacts with host receptor and is a major target of neutralizing antibodies against CoVs, of the two viruses has only 63–64% sequence identity. Although there have been reports studying the overall immunogenicity of SSL, knowledge on the precise location of immunodominant determinants for SSL is still lacking. In this study, using a series of truncated expressed SSL fragments and SSL specific mouse sera, we identified two immunogenic determinants for SSL. Importantly, one of the two regions seems to be located in a region not shared by known immunogenic determinants of the SSARS. This finding will be of potential use in future monitoring of SL-CoV infection in bats and spillover animals and in development of more effective vaccine to cover broad protection against this new group of coronaviruses.  相似文献   

It has been found that a domain composed of 330 amino acids of the N terminus of murine coronavirus spike protein [S1N(330)] is involved in receptor-binding activity (H. Kubo, Y.K. Yamada, and F. Taguchi, J. Virol. 68:5403-5410, 1994). To delineate the amino acid sequences involved in receptor-binding activity, we have compared the S1N(330) proteins of seven different mouse hepatitis virus MHV strains that are able to utilize the MHV receptor protein. Three conserved regions (sites I, II, and III) were found to consist of more than 10 identical amino acids, and they were analyzed for receptor-binding activity by site-directed mutagenesis. S1N(330) with a substitution at position 62 from the N terminus of S1 in region I and that with substitutions at positions 212, 214, and 216 in region II showed no receptor-binding activity. The S1N(330) mutants without receptor-binding activity were not able to prevent virus binding to the receptor. These results suggest that the receptor-binding site on S1N(330) is composed of regions located apart from each other in the protein's primary structure, in which Thr at position 62 as well as amino acids located at positions 212, 214, and 216 are particularly important.  相似文献   

The spike protein (S) of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) is responsible for receptor binding and membrane fusion. It contains a highly conserved transmembrane domain that consists of three parts: an N-terminal tryptophan-rich domain, a central domain, and a cysteine-rich C-terminal domain. The cytoplasmic tail of S has previously been shown to be required for assembly. Here, the roles of the transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains of S in the infectivity and membrane fusion activity of SARS-CoV have been studied. SARS-CoV S-pseudotyped retrovirus (SARSpp) was used to measure S-mediated infectivity. In addition, the cell-cell fusion activity of S was monitored by a Renilla luciferase-based cell-cell fusion assay. S(VSV-Cyt), an S chimera with a cytoplasmic tail derived from vesicular stomatitis virus G protein (VSV-G), and S(MHV-TMDCyt), an S chimera with the cytoplasmic and transmembrane domains of mouse hepatitis virus, displayed wild-type-like activity in both assays. S(VSV-TMDCyt), a chimera with the cytoplasmic and transmembrane domains of VSV-G, was impaired in the SARSpp and cell-cell fusion assays, showing 3 to 25% activity compared to the wild type, depending on the assay and the cells used. Examination of the oligomeric state of the chimeric S proteins in SARSpp revealed that S(VSV-TMDCyt) trimers were less stable than wild-type S trimers, possibly explaining the lowered fusogenicity and infectivity.  相似文献   

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