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Résumé LeChrysosporium keratinophilum var.denticolum diffère du type par ses spores caténées et son habitat. La formation des aleuriospores a été particulièrement étudiée.
Summary Chrysosporium keratinophilum var.denticolum is distinct from the type by its catenate spores and its substrate. The genesis of the aleuriospores has been specially studied.

The decreased androgen levels in the ageing male have an evident effect on libido, sex life and coital frequency, whereas its role in impotence, the frequency of which increases dramatically in old age, is only marginal. Sperm quality as well as its fertilizing capacity decreases only minimally with age: there is some decrease in motility as well as an increase in percentage of spermatozoa with abnormal morphology, but sperm density remains unchanged, notwithstanding decreased spermatogenesis. After age 25, apparent fecundability of the woman decreases; this is attributable, on the one hand to an increase of the intrauterine mortality and, on the other hand to the declining coital frequency. After age of 35, female fecundity decreases more rapidly, due to changes in female physiology (increased frequency of anovulatory cycles, short luteal phase etc), whereas the normal, age dependent, decrease in coital frequency has little impact on the age pattern of fecundability. As far as the influence of the age pattern on the fecundity of the couple is concerned, it is concluded that the age of the female partner, rather than the age of the husband is the predominant factor determining the fecundability of the couple.  相似文献   

A comparative morphological, physiological and biochemical study ofGilbertella persicaria andGilbertella persicaria var.indica has been made. The two organisms differ not only in the morphological characters (phototropic branched hyphae bearing sporangia and rate of growth) but also in their cellular contents, with regard to amino acids, organic acids, lipids and fatty acids.Quantitative determinations of the free amino acids during the course of development of the species and the variety in media containing different sugars, show that the two organisms differ in the following groups of amino acids: glutamic acid group, glycine-alanine group and tyrosine group.The species synthesizes citric acid, malic acid, succinic acid, fumaric acid and one unknown organic acid, whereas the variety synthesizes glyceric acid, lactic acid and two unknown acids in addition to the first four organic acids of the species.The amount of lipids in the variety is higher than that of the species under all the cultural conditions. Further, the difference between the two organisms lies in oleic acid. This acid is three times and less than one time more in quantity in the species than in the variety with mannose and trehalose, respectively. From the biochemical studies it is evident that the metabolism of the two organisms is different.The taxonomic position ofGilbertella has been discussed. The important morphological and physiological characters in which the genus shows similarities with the Choanephoraceae are: morphology of asexual apparatus and negligible or no growth in the absence of thiamine. On the other hand, the genus exhibits a number of morphological and physiological differences from the family Choanephoraceae.Sporulation inGilbertella is more intense than in the family. Besides, it produces phototropic branched hyphae bearing sporangia. Normally the family produces two different asexual structures (sporangia and sporangiola inBlakeslea: sporangia and conidia inChoanephora), whereas in the genus only sporangia are produced. Sporangia in the genus, unlike the family, deliquisce at maturity.Zygospores in the genus, unlike the characteristic sexual spores of the family, are Mucor-type.Gilbertella persicaria (IMI 101698) is found to develop a good number of Mucor-type zygospores, when mated withMucor luteus (obtained from Prof.Montant). No such mating is reported between Choanephoraceae andMucor spp.The rate and amount of growth ofGilbertella is generally much superior to that of the family. The genus grows and sporulates satisfactorily at low pH values (2.5 and 3.0) which are not suitable for the family. Besides, it utilizes quite satisfactorily both nitrite and nitrate nitrogen, whereas the family fails to grow on these nitrogen compounds.The genus may be separated from the family Choanephoraceae in view of the characteristic physiological differences and Mucor-type zygospores, and suitably placed in the Mucoraceae after broadening the concept of the family to include forms with appendaged sporangiospores (Hesseltine, 1960). A detailed study of lipids inG. persicaria by column chromatography has been made and the thirteen different fractions have been analysed. The fraction no. 12 richest in phospholipids (with and without amino groups) was analysed for amino acids. It was found to contain 33.14% of ethanolamine. Further, it contained glycerol, mannose and an unidentified sugar.A new method for measuring sporulation inGilbertella persicaria with the help of Densitometer Chromoscan is described. This method is suitable for fungi with intense and homogenous sporulation on solid agar medium.
Resume Une étude comparative morphologique, physiologique et biochimique deGilbertella persicaria etGilbertella persicaria var.indica a été effectuée. Les deux organismes diffèrent non seulement par les caractères morphologiques (les hyphes phototropiques ramifiées portant des sporanges; et la vitesse de croissance) mais aussi par leurs contenus cellulaires en ce qui concerne les acides aminés, les acides organiques, les lipides et les acides gras.L'analyse quantitative des acides aminés libres constitutifs au cours du développement de l'espèce et de sa variété, cultivées sur différents sucres, montre des différences importantes entre les deux organismes. Ces différences résident dans les groupes suivants d'acides amines: groupe de l'acide glutamique, groupe du glycocolle-alanine et groupe de la tyrosine.L'espèce synthétise les acides citrique, malique, succinique, fumarique et un acide organique inconnu, tandis que la variété synthétise les acides glycerique, lactique et deux acides organiques inconnus; en plus les quatre premiers acides organiques de l'espèce.La synthèse des lipides chez les deux organismes est influencée par les facteurs physiques ainsi que par les facteurs nutritifs. De plus, la quantité de lipides synthétisée chez la variété est généralement plus élevée que chez l'espèce. Une différence très importante entre les deux champignons relative à l'acide oléique apparaît lorsqu'ils sont cultivés sur un milieu contenant du mannose ou du tréhalose. Avec l'espèce cet acide est trois fois plus abondant qu'avec variété sur le tréhalose, cet acide n'excède guère la moitié de la valeur obtenue avec la variété.La position taxonimique deGilbertella a été discutée. Les caractères morphologiques et physiologiques importants par lesquels le genre montre des similitudes avec les Choanéphoracées sont: la morphologie de l'appareil asexué et une croissance négligeable ou nulle en absence de thiamine. Par contre, le genre montre un certain nombre de différences morphologiques et physiologiques avec la famille.La sporulation deGilbertella est plus importante que celle des diverses espèces de Choanéphoracées. Il existe d'autre part dans le genre des hyphes phototropiques très caractéristiques. La famille des Choanéphoracées forme deux types de fructifications asexuelles: sporanges et sporangioles (Blakeslea): sporanges et conidies (Choanéphora) alors queGilbertella ne produit que des sporanges déliquescentes à maturité.Gilbertella forme normalement de très nombreuses chlamydospores à l'inverse des Choanéphoracées.Les zygospores deGilbertella sont de typeMucor et peuvent même provenir du croisement deGilbertella persicaria (IMI 101698) etMucor luteus, alors que cette aptitude n'a pas été observée avec les Choanéphoracées.La croissance deGilbertella est plus rapide que celle des Choanéphoracées et le poids sec normalement plus élevé; les pH acides (2.5 et 3) sont mieux supportés parGilbertella que par les Choanéphoracées; ces dernières à l'inverse deGilbertella n'assimilent pas l'azote minéral (nitrite ou nitrate).En définitive, les différences d'ordre morphologique entre le genreGilbertella et les Choanéphoracées sont donc confirmées par les caractéristiques physiologiques et biochimiques que nous venons de mettre en évidence et nous adopterons la conception d'Hesseltine (1960) qui suggérait de rangerGilbertella chez les Mucoracées et la considérerons comme parfaitement acceptable.Une nouvelle méthode pour mesurer la sporulation chezGilbertella persicaria à l'aide du Densitomètre Chromoscan est décrite. Cette méthode est convenable pour les champignons sporulant d'une manière intense et homogène sur les milieux gélosés.

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2003,2(3):231-240
Evolution of the Phyllocerataceae, the variability of the dimensional and relative parameters. Variability of the complexity of the suture line. Variability and paedomorphosis. A recent study has shown the importance of heterochronies in the development of Phyllocerataceae. It was attractive to estimate with precision the variability of some morphological characters of the shell and of the suture line in order to study how this variability changed in the course of time (from Jurassic to terminal Cretaceous). This note gives the averages of the calculations of variability in dimensional and relative variables in the shell of Phylloceratidae and variability in the complexity C of their suture lines. Coefficient of variation V is the statistical parameter used here, because it allows the comparison between the dispersions of different populations. This study shows that the variability of the complexity in the suture line and h1 + h2 is more fluctuating among the taxa (usually subfamilies, genera and species) in which heterochrony is evident. On the other hand, the variability of other parameters (V1, V2, D) first grows and then slowly decreases till the branch or the lineage is extinct. This schema is mostly acceptable down to the Lower Cretaceous-Upper Cretaceous in the Tethys and in the marine shelf of Gondwana. In the family of Neophylloceratidae, very clearly in the Tethys, less clearly in marine shelf of Gondwana (it is less obvious in the genus Phyllopachyceras), the variability grows as far as the terminal Cretaceous. The extinction of this family may result from a catastrophic event and not from internal causes. In short, the decrease of variability comes before the extinction of the taxa and consequently it agrees with a Darwinian classic schema. On the other hand, the extinction of Neophylloceratidae that occurs when the variability is maximal probably takes place in another perspective, an external « catastrophic » event. To cite this article, B. Joly, C.R. Palevol 2 (2003).  相似文献   

Charles Kaminski 《Planta》1971,99(1):63-72
Summary The specific peroxidase ( and phenoloxidase ( activities are quantitatively measured during the life of Coleus, from germination until flowering. In most organs investigated, the peroxidase activity increases rapidly with growth while the phenoloxidase activity remains low. The latter activity is higher in root apices than in more differentiated regions of roots. From the results obtained it may be concluded that the phenoloxidase activity accompanies cellular proliferation. It is suggested that the peroxidase activity plays an indirect role in root initiation through its role in cellular differentiation.

Extrait d'une thèse de doctorat soutenue à la Faculté des Sciences de l'Université de Liège.  相似文献   

Summary In a previous paper, we have used the density of the population as a sort of measure of the unknown size n of the isolates in Dahlberg's model, and shown an inverse relation between the coefficient of inbreeding and the density of the arrondissements. In the present paper, as the considered communes are smaller territorial subdivisions than arrondissements, we used, instead of the density, the population size of the communes. The results are even more eloquent as before: the inbreeding coefficients are large when the observed population size is small; the relative importance of second cousin marriages (233) versus cousin marriages (222) is greater in the latest period considered. The basic data have been collected for each commune in Belgium by Centre National de Radiobiologie et de Génétique.  相似文献   

The anatomical criteria for the identification of the genera Larix and Picea defined on wood samples by Bartholin (1979) and Anagnost et al. (1994) have been tested on charcoal in order to permit a taxonomic discrimination between two European alpine species, Lark decidua Mill. and Picea abies (L.) Karst. Examination under an episcopic microscope with a high magnification (× 1 000) of the bordered pits of the ray tracheid walls, the only really discriminating criterion, shows a new type of indented pit. This makes it possible to identify the two species more accurately. Thus, these two species can now be distinguished on charcoal instead of only on wood. However, this distinction remains uncertain if the fragment size is under 1 mm, which is often the case in pedoanthracological samples from high altitude soils.  相似文献   

Many parameters can affect the patient's dose and the CT image quality. It is therefore essential, in order to optimize the patient's dosimetry, to know the influence of these parameters as well as their link with the dose modulation tools.  相似文献   

《L' Année biologique》1999,38(3-4):149-168
Tropical arboreal ants are distributed in a mosaic pattern in the canopy of forests and tree crop plantations each of them characterised by their status of dominance. One can distinguish ‘dominant’ species, characterised by extremely populous societies and highly developed interspecific as well as intraspecific territorial behaviour. They tolerate on their territory nonterritorial and less populous species classified as ‘non-dominants’. Nonetheless, many species do exist whose status is intermediary. Usually, they behave like non-dominant species but are able, under certain conditions, to defend a territory. They are cited as ‘sub-dominant’. According to the chemical trapping method employed by researchers, the structure of mosaics have most often been studied using an index of dominance, characterised by the number of negative or positive associations between one species and the others. This index only covers the relative presence or absence of the different species on the same trees. It only gives a punctual statement on the structure of the mosaic without any notion of evolution of the mosaic in time. It does not take into account the behavioural intra- and interspecific interactions. Aggressive interactions between species depend on genetic and environmental factors. Many studies have shown that aggressiveness is closely related to a mechanism of interindividual discrimination, permitting an individual to discriminate between nestmates and non-nestmates. This colonial recognition is based on the existence of a ‘colonial odour’ as a result of a blending of ‘individual odours’. Each individual odour is due to cuticular hydrocarbons which play the role of a contact pheromone. The colonial odour also depends on the environmental odour of the nest. Aggressiveness which results from this mechanism of recognition can be expressed through different mechanisms such as territorial behaviour, dominance hierarchy, and ritualised aggressive behaviour. Territorial behaviour is the expression of a strong intraspecific aggressiveness, by which workers of a colony defend an area of their vital domain against neighbouring conspecifics. In arboreal ant mosaics, dominance hierarchy can exist between dominant ants, and should explain the overturning of dominant ants in time. Ritualised behaviours were observed under intra- and interspecific low-aggressiveness conditions and allow to economise the loss of one or several workers during fights whose issue are uncertain. Their systematic study would greatly facilitate understanding of the evolution of arboreal mosaics.  相似文献   

Semen analysis, especially estimation of sperm motility and morphology, is an important part of infertility investigation. The “Biologie Prospective” Nancy-France website (www.spermionet.com) proposes modern tools for clinical pathologists designed to promote common clinical practice and teaching by Internet. The aim of this study is describe these new techniques of on-line visualisation and diffusion for the study of human semen preparations. The virtual slide allows external quality control of sperm cytology. Video data of sperm motility are acquired by phase-contrast and dark field microscopy. The sequences are then compressed and published on line. The data have been evaluated by more than 480 laboratories. These new tools allow multicentre studies and collaboration based on standardization of semen analysis.  相似文献   

Anna Grabinski 《Andrologie》2004,14(4):412-418
At the present time, legal texts in application of bioethics laws only briefly mention cryopreservation. The conditions of cryopreservation differ according to the type of tissue stored: while cryopreservation of oocytes and ovarian tissue corresponds to the field of biomedical research, semen cryopreservation corresponds to medically assisted procreation. Cryopreservation activity is more clearly defined in the draft revision of the bioethics law. Concerning the cryoconservation of ovarian tissue and oocytes, these difficulties result in particular in this activity’s mixed nature. It is located indeed, halfway between research and care. These two spheres of medical activity are subjected to their own distinct and exclusive, and their application is conditioned by the qualification of the implemented act. However, this qualification is dubious here, because of, in particular, the impossibility of determining which acts of sampling, cryoconservation and use might be concerned with a research protocol. Concerning the cryoconservation of sperm, the texts, first of all, seem to assimilate the activity of cryoconservation within an activity of assisted medical procreation. However, such assimilation would be equivalent to the impossibility of its implementation, because of the difficulty of respecting all of the legal conditions of assisted medical procreation. However, another more favourable interpretation of the provisions seems to be possible. Taking into consideration these uncertainties, contradictions and difficulties, the legislator intervened and devoted, by the widening of the indications of assisted medical procreation, the activity of cryoconservation in the project of revision of the laws of bioethics. He however did not solve all the difficulties. These cryoconserved elements can be restored only to the depositor. Indeed, the texts make obstacle to a delivery for a third party of the cryoconserved sperm, whatever the moment. They can also be used. This use can consist of assisted medical procreation, which is the first finality of cryoconservation — but it could only be implemented in respect of the whole of the legal conditions. It seems that the cryoconserved elements could also be used within the framework of research, whatever its nature (biomedical or not) and the moment of its implementation (while the person is alive or after his death). Its implementation should however be subjected to prior agreement and expressed while the person, whose elements were preserved, is alive. Such a use is expressly made possible in the project of revision of the laws of bioethics. Following a partial use or a lack of such a use, the destruction of the cryoconserved elements can be considered, as well as the continuation of the cryoconservation. However, these hypotheses raise difficulties that have not yet been resolved in the draft revision of the bioethics law.  相似文献   

L P Durocher  R Cloutier  N Meunier  P Ricard 《CMAJ》1984,131(9):1047-1049
This paper presents a simple method for evaluating the extent of impairment in occupational dermatosis based on the portion (P) of the anatomic area involved (A) and the coefficient of physiologic disturbance (C). A percentage value is assigned to each anatomic area on the basis of its functional importance. The coefficient of physiologic disturbance is the average of four factors (stiffness, dehydration, thickening, and pruritus or pain). The formula (P X A). C gives the final percentage of impairment.  相似文献   

将金边阔叶麦冬(Liriope platyphylla Wang et Tang var.variegata Hort.)不同部位外植体块,接种于附加不同激素配比的MS培养基上,实验结果表明,取自根状茎芽点,培养基为MS BA 1.5mg/L NAA 0.5mg/L的不定芽诱导率最高(100%),长势较旺,不定芽和愈伤组织均较多,但极易造成性状分离。用MS BA 3.0mg/L NAA 0.5mg/L液体培养可以直接“芽生芽”,避免了脱分化过程,从而稳定保持嵌合性。不定芽每月可转接1次,适宜的生根培养基为1/2MS大量 IBA 0.25mg/L。试管苗在蛭石中炼苗后即可移栽。  相似文献   



To assess the efficacy and safety of percutaneous testicular biopsy to provide sperm cells for ICSI in male patients with azoospermia not amenable to surgical treatment.

Materials and methods

From October 1995 to December 2001, 175 biopsies were performed in men with azoospermia to provide material for intracytoplasmic sperm injection. Azoospermia was obstructive (OA) in 41 cases and non-obstructive (NOA) in 134 cases. Open biopsy was performed in the first 15 patients in the series and percutaneous biopsy was performed on an outpatient basis, under local anesthesia, with a Biopty Gun® (14G needle), in the subsequent patients as the first step in management. Open surgical biopsies were performed in another 15 patients following a sperm cell-negative percutaneous biopsy.


All biopsies performed for OA were positive, but only 51/134 biopsies (38%) were positive in the NOA group. The material provided by percutaneous biopsy, when positive for sperm cells, was always sufficient to perform ICSI. When percutaneous biopsy was negative, open surgical biopsy failed to give better results. Five men developed minor complications (acute hematocele) following percutaneous biopsies requiring reoperation for hemostasis (3.12%). No major complications were observed. Results were comparable in terms of fertilization and pregnancy rates whether fresh or frozen-thawed sperm was used.


Percutaneous testicular sperm extraction is a safe, well-tolerated and cost-effective procedure in the management of male-factor infertility related to azoospermia.  相似文献   

Eric Thybaud 《Hydrobiologia》1990,190(2):137-145
Acute toxicity and bioconcentration capacities of lindane and deltamethrin were studied in Rana temporaria tadpoles and in mosquitofish. These studies show that the toxicity of deltamethrin is about 100 to 1 000 times greater than that of lindane and bioconcentration factors are very different for these two insecticides. The bioconcentration factor of lindane, a stable chemical, low volatility, hydrophobic and a poorly metabolized molecule is considerable in either static or flow through contamination systems. For deltamethrin, an quickly metabolized molecule, this factor is weak or null. Moreover a comparison of various methods of contamination (static or flow through systems) showed that the experimental conditions of exposure to the insecticide strongly influence the concentration in the tested species.
Toxicité aigüe et bioconcentration du lindane et de la deltaméthrine par les tetards de Rana temporaria et les gambusies (Gambusia affinis)

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