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OBJECTIVE--To determine whether maternal smoking during pregnancy causes impairment in growth after birth. DESIGN--Longitudinal study. SETTING--Six medical university centres of six towns of north, central, and south Italy. SUBJECTS--12,987 babies (10,238 born from non-smoking mothers, 2276 from mothers smoking one to nine cigarettes a day, and 473 from mothers smoking > or = 10 cigarettes a day) entered the study. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Difference in weight gain between children born to smoking mothers and those born to non-smoking mothers. Weight was measured at birth and at 3 and 6 months of age. Maternal smoking habit was derived from interview on third or fourth day after delivery. RESULTS--Compared with children born to mothers who did not smoke during pregnancy, the birth weights of children born to mothers who smoked up to nine cigarettes a day were 88 g (girls) and 107 g (boys) lower; in children born to mothers who smoked > or = 10 cigarettes a day weights were 168 g and 247 g lower. At six months of age for the first group the mean weight for girls was 9 g (95% confidence interval -47 g to 65 g) higher and for boys 64 g (-118 g to -10 g) lower than that of children born to mothers who did not smoke. The corresponding figures for the second group were 28 g (-141 g to 85 g) lower for girls and 24 g (-136 g to 88 g) lower for boys. CONCLUSIONS--The deficits of weight at birth in children born to mothers who smoked during pregnancy are overcome by 6 months of age. These deficits are probably not permanent when smoking habit during pregnancy is not associated with other unfavourable variables (such as lower socioeconomic class).  相似文献   

Health status of 53 babies delivered by diabetic mothers are discussed. Neonatal period was uncomplicated only in 12 cases. The remaining babies suffered from respiratory disorders, edema, neurological disturbances, prolonged jaundice, infections etc. Metabolic disorders in diabetic female are unfavourable for the development of pregnancy and neonate health. it may be improved by the proper diagnostico-therapeutical management prior to and during pregnancy and by intensive care of neonates after delivery. It requires, however, the establishment of health institution with highly qualified teams well equipped which will be able to carry out diagnosis and therapy of diabetes mellitus in females in the reproductive age, during pregnancy as well as proper care of the neonates.  相似文献   

To elucidate the relationship between the mother's TSH-receptor antibody activities and the status of thyroid dysfunction in their offspring, blood was taken from 5 mothers with chronic thyroiditis with potent thyrotropin (TSH)-receptor blocking activity, and the potency of TBII and TSBAb activity was assayed more quantitatively. In those mothers whose infants suffered from neonatal hypothyroidism, the 50% inhibition of binding of labeled TSH to its receptors was obtained at more than 30 to 50-fold dilution, while in those mothers whose infants had transiently increased TSH or were euthyroid, the titers were of less than 30-fold dilution. Similarly, in those mother whose infants suffered from neonatal hypothyroidism, the 50% inhibition of TSH-induced cAMP accumulation was obtained at approximately 400 to 3000-fold dilution, while in those mothers whose infants had transiently increased TSH or were euthyroid, the titers were of less than 50-fold dilution. On the other hand TBII activity was much less potent in serum from patients with Graves' disease. These results suggested that the titration of serum with dilution to obtain 50% inhibition of labelled TSH binding to its receptor may be the simplest way to predict thyroid dysfunction of the newborn infants born to mothers with chronic thyroiditis.  相似文献   

Low birth weight (LBW) is associated with a large number and variety of risk conditions during pregnancy. The number and types of risk conditions per pregnancy were determined in 1,864 white and 872 black mothers delivered at the University of Kansas Medical Center between 1975 and 1978. The incidence of LBW infants increased steadily among white and black mothers as the number of risk factors increased from none to three or four per pregnancy. Among pregnancies without spontaneous premature rupture of membranes (PROM), 51 percent of the LBW infants were born to mothers who had multiple risk factors associated with their pregnancies, even though only 18 percent of these pregnancies were associated with multiple risk factors. Among pregnancies with PROM, 72 percent were associated with multiple risk conditions, and 31 percent resulted in LBW infants. About 90 percent of LBW infants from PROM pregnancies had mothers with multiple risk factors. For all numbers of risk conditions, black mothers had a higher incidence of LBW infants than white mothers. Among black mothers without spontaneous premature rupture of membranes (PROM), the incidence of LBW infants increased from 3.2 percent (10/308) in low (zero)-risk condition pregnancies to 33 percent (16/49) among mothers with three or four risk conditions during the pregnancy. Among white mothers without PROM, the incidence of LBW infants increased from 1.7 percent (12/708) in low (zero)-risk condition pregnancies to 30 percent (19/64) in pregnancies with three or four risk conditions.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The role of lysosomal enzyme acid alpha-glucosidase in fetal lung development was investigated with the aid of a specific inhibitor, the pseudosaccharide acarbose. The drug was added to a Waymouth culture medium of fetal rat lung explants cultivated for 48 h from gestational stage 19.5 days, an in vitro system previously shown to allow morphological and biochemical maturation of alveolar epithelium. Glycogenolysis was reduced by 40% as compared with tissue cultivated on control medium, which means that alpha-glucosidase could account for as much as 40% of fetal lung glycogenolysis, the remaining 60% being presumably achieved by cytosolic phosphorylase and by a microsomal neutral alpha-glucosidase. By the same time, the increase of phospholipids of surfactant fraction extracted from cultivated explants was partially inhibited: total and saturated phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylglycerol and phosphatidylinositol were about 30-40% lower than in lungs cultivated on control medium. It should be emphasized that DNA concentration and increases in non-surfactant phospholipids were unchanged by the drug. alpha-Glucosidase activity was evidenced in the lysosomal fraction, in the microsomal fraction and, although in lower amounts, in the surfactant fraction extracted from term fetal lung. The results suggest that lysosomal alpha-glucosidase plays a major role in lung maturation and could facilitate glycogenolysis for the specific use of glycogen stores in providing substrates for surfactant phospholipid biosynthesis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The aim of the present study was to study the effect of catch-up growth on the offspring's length at birth among females born short for gestational age. METHODS: Data of 1,363 females born short for gestational age (<-2 standard deviation scores) were obtained from the Swedish Birth Register. The females were included in the register both as babies and mothers. The effect of catch-up growth on the offspring's birth length was studied. RESULTS: Short adult stature was associated with a threefold increase in the risk of giving birth to a short infant [OR 3.08 (CI 1.73-5.50)] and smoking increased the risk in a dose-dependent manner. Overweight was associated with a reduced risk [OR 0.46 (CI 0.22-0.96)] of giving birth to a short infant. CONCLUSION: Catch-up growth to normal adult stature among women born short for gestational age is associated with a reduced risk of giving birth to a short-for-gestational-age infant.  相似文献   

In order to examine birth weight characteristics of twins delivered to nulliparous mothers in relation to maternal age, we used a population-based cohort of Israeli twins delivered between 1993-98 to select all 4793 (37.6%) nulliparas who delivered twins. Maternal age was subdivided as less than 20 years, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, and 40 years or more. We counted the frequencies of each total twin birth weight (twin A + twin B) in each of three categories (less than 3000, 3000-4999, and more than 5000 g) and the frequency of very low birth weight (VLBW, less than 1500 g) neonates in each of the six maternal age categories. There were significantly more nulliparas in the twin population at age groups less 30 years and significantly less at ages 30 years or more. We found a highly significant inverse correlation between the proportion of nulliparas and maternal age group, decreasing from 71.8% at less than 20 years to 18.6% at age 35-39 years (% nulliparas = 85 - 13.7 x age group, Pearson R2 = 0.98). However, this trend changed abruptly to the observed figure of 25.9% nulliparas aged 40 years or more instead of the expected 2.8%. We failed to reveal any significant difference in birth weight characteristics between the maternal age groups (all p > 0.05, all confidence intervals included 1.0). The more than tenfold deviation of the observed from the predicted frequency of nulliparas aged 40 years or more suggests that a different relationship between parity and age occurs at this age group. Maternal age of nulliparas is not associated with different birth weight characteristics of their twins.  相似文献   

The influence of relative maternal undernutrition on growth, endocrinology, and metabolic status in the adolescent ewe and her fetus were investigated at Days 90 and 130 of gestation. Singleton pregnancies to a single sire were established, and thereafter ewes were offered an optimal control (C; n = 14) or low (L [0.7 x C]; n = 21) dietary intake. Seven ewes receiving the L intake were switched to the C intake on Day 90 of gestation (L-C). At Day 90, live weight and adiposity score were reduced (P < 0.001) in L versus C dams. Plasma insulin and IGF1 concentrations were decreased (P < 0.02), whereas glucose concentrations were preserved in L relative to C intake dams. Fetal and placental mass was independent of maternal nutrition at this stage. By Day 130 of gestation, when compared to C and L-C dams, maternal adiposity was further depleted in L intake dams; concentrations of insulin, IGF1, and glucose were reduced; and nonesterified fatty acids increased. At Day 130, placental mass remained independent of maternal nutrition, but body weight was reduced (P < 0.01) in L compared with C fetuses (3555 g vs. 4273 g). Body weight was intermediate (3836 g) in L-C fetuses. Plasma glucose (P < 0.03), insulin (P < 0.07), and total liver glycogen content (P < 0.04) were attenuated in L fetuses. Fetal carcass analyses revealed absolute reductions (P < 0.05) in dry matter, crude protein, and fat, and a relative (g/kg) increase in carcass ash (P < 0.01) in L compared with C fetuses. Thus, limiting maternal intake during adolescent pregnancy gradually depleted maternal body reserves, impaired fetal nutrient supply, and slowed fetal soft tissue growth.  相似文献   

The study aimed at evaluating an infectiousness of HBV-positive mothers and mothers with the acute hepatitis B to their progeny in various periods of their lives, and elaborating the effective ways of HBV infection prevention during the first two years of child life as well as evaluating HBIG in prophylaxis. It was found, that prophylaxis should be carried out in children of HBs-positive mothers independent of a routine system. An infection is usually asymptomatic in the first two years of life. It seems, that routinely used prevention methods are insufficient. Three HBIG doses should be given every 4 months. However, the best way to prevent HBV infection is passive-active immunization.  相似文献   

Growth alters the ability of rat brain to incorporate [2-3H]glycerol into glycerides; indeed, 12 min after the intracranial administration of the precursor, diglyceride becomes more radioactive in newborn than in 19-day-old brain, the reverse being true for total glycerophospholipid and triglyceride. The ratio between the labeling of phospholipid and that of neutral lipid in the experimental conditions described in this paper is proposed as a marker of brain maturity. The distribution of labeling among phospholipid classes also varies with age, and the increase of labeling in total phospholipid occurring with increasing age is almost entirely due to phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylcholine. The metabolism of myelin lipids might be responsible for these age-dependent variations. The administration of ethanol to dams during pregnancy and lactation alters the distribution of the label among neutral glycerolipid and total glycerophospholipid in an age-dependent manner. The labeling distribution among phospholipid classes is also affected.  相似文献   

The annual variation in sea-age of maturation for a hatchery dependent stock of Atlantic salmon was compared to variation in post-smolt growth as evidenced by circuli spacing patterns. The proportion of returns of 1-seawinter (1 SW) and 2 SW salmon and the fraction of the smolt year class or cohort that maturated as 1 SW fish, were compared to seasonal growth indices determined from circuli spacing on the scales of smolt class survivors returning as 1 SW and 2 SW spawners. Using image processing techniques, we extracted inter-circuli distances from scales from 2244 recaptured fish. Spacing data for the first year at sea were collected and then expressed as seasonal growth indices for the spring period, when post-smolts first enter the ocean; the summer, when growth appears maximal; and winter, when growth appears to be at a minimum. In general, circuli spacings were wider for 1 SW than for the 2 SW returns of the same smolt cohort. The 1 SW fraction was significantly and positively correlated with late summer growth, suggesting that growth during this season is pivotal in determining the proportion of a smolt class that matures early.  相似文献   

Relationships between growth at sea, smolt size and age at sexual maturation of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar were tested. The fish were offspring of brood stocks sampled in eight Norwegian rivers at latitudes between 59° and 70° N, hatchery reared and released at smolting at the mouth of the River Imsa (59° N). Smolt size influenced the subsequent growth rate of Atlantic salmon. The larger the fish were at release, the slower the yearly length increment at sea. Mean sea age at sexual maturity, measured as proportion of the returning adults attaining sexual maturity at sea age 2 years, was significantly correlated with mean growth rate during the first year at sea and mean smolt size ( r 2= 0·74, P < 0·001). Fish attaining maturity at a relatively high sea age were more fast growing during their first year at sea than those maturing at a younger age. The results indicate that high sea age at sexual maturation is a population-specific characteristic and associated with high early growth rate at sea.  相似文献   

Zou H  Chen Y  Duan Z  Zhang H 《PloS one》2011,6(10):e26748


Despite the use of hepatitis B (HB) vaccine and hepatitis B immunoglobulin (HBIG), a portion of infants are still non- or low-responders, or even immunoprophylaxis failure. We aimed to determine the immune response in the infants from the mothers being positive for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), by which the infants received three doses of HB vaccine in combination with two-dose 200 IU HBIG injections.


In this retrospective study, 621 infants from HBsAg-positive mothers in Beijing YouAn Hospital between January 2008 and December 2009 were included. All the infants were given three doses of 10 µg HB vaccine (at 0, 1 and 6 months of age) and two-dose of 200 IU HBIG (at birth and in 2 weeks of age). Serum HBsAg and antibody to HBsAg (anti-HBs) in all the infants were determined at 7 months of age.


Of the 621 infants, 2.9% were immunoprophylaxis failure (positive for HBsAg), 1.4% were non-responders (anti-HBs undetectable), 95.7% were responders. The 594 responders could be categorized into three subsets, 22 were 10 to 99 IU/L for anti-HBs levels, 191 were 100 to 999 IU/L, and 381 were ≥1000 IU/L. The immunoprophylaxis failure rate was at 0% and 5.2% for the infants of HBeAg-negative and HBeAg-positive mothers(P<0.001). Infants from mothers with detectable HBV DNA had higher incidence of immunoprophylaxis failure than those of mothers without detectable HBV DNA (P = 0.002). The factors including gender, birth weight, gestation weeks, the rates of maternal HBeAg-positive, and detectable HBV DNA did not contribute to the no response to HB vaccination.


Through vaccination by three doses of HB and two-dose of HBIG, majority of the infants (95.7%) achieved a protective level of anti-HBs at 7 months of age. Maternal HBeAg-positive and HBV DNA detectable were associated with the immunoprophylaxis failure, but not contribute to the non- or low-response to HB vaccination.  相似文献   

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