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The new animal phylogeny inferred from ribosomal genes some years ago has prompted a number of radical rearrangements of the traditional, morphology based metazoan tree. The two main bilaterian clades, Deuterostomia and Protostomia, find strong support, but the protostomes consist of two sister groups, Ecdysozoa and Lophotrochozoa, not seen in morphology based trees. Although widely accepted, not all recent molecular phylogenetic analyses have supported the tripartite structure of the new animal phylogeny. Furthermore, even if the small ribosomal subunit (SSU) based phylogeny is correct, there is a frustrating lack of resolution of relationships between the phyla that make up the three clades of this tree. To address this issue, we have assembled a dataset including a large number of aligned sequence positions as well as a broad sampling of metazoan phyla. Our dataset consists of sequence data from ribosomal and mitochondrial genes combined with new data from protein coding genes (5139 amino acid and 3524 nucleotide positions in total) from 37 representative taxa sampled across the Metazoa. Our data show strong support for the basic structure of the new animal phylogeny as well as for the Mandibulata including Myriapoda. We also provide some resolution within the Lophotrochozoa, where we confirm support for a monophyletic clade of Echiura, Sipuncula and Annelida and surprising evidence of a close relationship between Brachiopoda and Nemertea.  相似文献   

Gastrotricha are the small meiobenthic acoelomate worms whose phylogenetic relationships between themselves and other invertebrates remain unclear, despite all attempts to clarify them on the basis of both morphological and molecular analyses. The complete sequences of the 18S rRNA genes (8 new and 7 known) were analyzed in 15 Gastrotricha species to test different hypotheses on the phylogeny of this taxon and to determine the reasons for the contradictions in earlier results. The data were analyzed using both maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods. Based on the results, it was assumed that gastrotrichs form a monophyletic group within the Spiralia clade, which also includes Gnathostomulida, Plathelminthes, Syndermata (Rotifera + Acanthocephala), Nemertea, and Lophotrochozoa. Statistical tests rejected a phylogenetic hypotheses considering Gastrotricha to be closely related to Nematoda and other Ecdysozoa or placing them at the base of the Bilateria tree, close to Acoela or Nemertodermatida. Among gastrotrichs, species belonging to the orders Chaetonotida and Macrodasyida form two well-supported clades. The analysis confirmed monophyly of the families Chaetonotidae and Xenotrichulidae from the order Chaetonida, as well as the families Turbanellidae and Thaumastodermatidae from the order Macrodasyida. Lepidodasyidae is a polyphyletic family, because the genus Mesodasys forms a sister group for Turbanellidae; genus Cephalodasys forms a separate branch at the base of Macrodasyida; and Lepidodasys groups with Neodasys between Thaumastodermatidae and Turbanellidae. To confirm these conclusions and to get an authentic view of the phylogeny of Gastrotricha, it is necessary to study more Gastrotricha species and to analyze some other genes.  相似文献   

Ribbon worm relationships: a phylogeny of the phylum Nemertea   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
We present the most extensive phylogenetic analysis to date, to our knowledge, of higher-level nemertean relationships, based on sequence data from four different genes (the nuclear genes for nuclear large subunit rRNA (28S rRNA) and histone H3 (H3), and the mitochondrial genes for mitochondrial large subunit rRNA (16S rRNA) and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI)). Well-supported clades are, in general, compatible with earlier, more limited, analyses, and current classification is largely in agreement with our results, although there are some notable exceptions. Bdellonemertea (represented by Malacobdella) is found to be a part of Monostilifera, and Polystilifera is the monophyletic sister group to Monostilifera. Cratenemertidae is the sister group to the remaining monostiliferans (including Malacobdella), a group to which we apply the new name Distromatonemertea. Heteronemertea is monophyletic and forms a clade with Hubrechtella; for this clade we introduce the name Pilidiophora. Finally, Pilidiophora and Hoplonemertea (with Malacobdella) form a monophyletic group, and we introduce the name Neonemertea to refer to this group. Palaeonemertea is found to be non-monophyletic and basal among nemerteans.  相似文献   

Complete coding regions of the 18S rRNA gene of an enteropneust hemichordate and an echinoid and ophiuroid echinoderm were obtained and aligned with 18S rRNA gene sequences of all major chordate clades and four outgroups. Gene sequences were analyzed to test morphological character phylogenies and to assess the strength of the signal. Maximum- parsimony analysis of the sequences fails to support a monophyletic Chordata; the urochordates form the sister taxon to the hemichordates, and together this clade plus the echinoderms forms the sister taxon to the cephalochordates plus craniates. Decay, bootstrap, and tree-length distribution analyses suggest that the signal for inference of dueterostome phylogeny is weak in this molecule. Parsimony analysis of morphological plus molecular characters supports both monophyly of echinoderms plus enteropneust hemichordates and a sister group relationship of this clade to chordates. Evolutionary parsimony does not support chordate monophyly. Neighbor-joining, Fitch-Margoliash, and maximum-likelihood analyses support a chordate lineage that is the sister group to an echinoderm-plus-hemichordate lineage. The results illustrate both the limitations of the 18S rRNA molecule alone for high- level phylogeny inference and the importance of considering both molecular and morphological data in phylogeny reconstruction.   相似文献   

Amyloporia pinea sp. nov. is described and illustrated on the basis of collections from southern China. Morphology and phylogenetic analysis of rDNA ITS sequences support this new species. Morphologically, it is characterized by resupinate, annual basidiocarps, cream to yellowish buff pore surface when fresh, which becomes yellowish brown to clay-buff upon drying, a dimitic hyphal system with clamped generative hyphae and inamyloid skeletal hyphae, fusoid cystidioles, and cylindrical basidiospores; moreover, it causes a brown rot. Molecular phylogeny inferred from ITS sequence data suggested a close relationship between A. pinea and Amyloporia crassa sensu lato. Antrodia subxantha has amyloid skeletal hyphae, and grouped within the Amyloporia clade, hence, it is transferred to Amyloporia, and a new combination Amyloporia subxantha is proposed.  相似文献   

Abstract. A cladistic analysis based on 33 morphological characters was performed for the 31 genera currently assigned to the order Macrodasyida (Gastrotricha). Outgroup analysis indicated that the order is monophyletic and that it is defined by the structure of the pharynx and the complex distribution of duo-gland adhesive organs. Of the 6 currently recognized families in Macrodasyida, our analysis confirmed that 4 families are monophyletic: Dactylopodolidae, Macrodasyidae, Thaumastodermatidae and Turbanellidae. Dactylopodolidae was further confirmed as the most basal family within the order based on the retention of several plesiomorphies. The other three families have well-defined autapomorphies but will require further investigation to increase inter- and intrafamilial phylogenetic resolution. Planodasyidae appeared to be a paraphyletic taxon with no obvious autapomorphies; genera clustered among members of a polyphyletic family, Lepidodasyidae. We recommend that future research on macrodasyidan phylogeny focus on issues of comparative morphology and ultrastructure in lesser-known taxa such as the Dactylopodolidae, and on the taxa Lepidodasyidae and Planodasyidae.  相似文献   

Xenoturbella is an enigmatic animal that is merely a ciliated bag with epithelial epidermis and gastrodermis, a subepidermal nerve plexus and a ventral mouth, but without an anus or any distinct organs. It is marine, free living, and up to 4 cm long. Its simplicity in organization has led to diverse interpretations during the last 50 years: as an acoelomorph flatworm, a paedomorphic holothurian or enteropneust, or a unique representative of a plesiomorphic phylum. I report here the previously unknown embryology of Xenoturbella that unequivocally corroborates a bivalve relationship and thus once and for all dismisses the potential new phylum. The simplicity of the adult Xenoturbella is due to neither plesiomorphy nor paedomorphy. It is caused by metamorphosis from a trochophore larva of molluscan type with a defined organ system, including a concentrated nervous system with ganglia, to an adult without any defined organs.  相似文献   

Abstract. Recent independent phylogenetic analyses of membracid relationships based on molecular and morphological data have identified monophyletic lineages within the family. However, the results of these studies have not fully resolved treehopper phylogeny, and relationships among some higher membracid lineages remain in doubt. Portions of three datasets (958 aligned nucleotides from elongation factor‐1α, 2363 aligned nucleotides from 28S ribosomal DNA, and eighty‐three morphological features of adults and nymphs) introduced in recent studies were reanalysed separately and in combination with two new molecular datasets (321 aligned nucleotides from wingless and 1829 aligned nucleotides from 18S ribosomal DNA). The results of the combined data analyses, contrary to previous analyses of morphological data alone, grouped membracids into two well‐supported lineages, one comprising Stegaspidinae and Centrotinae, the other comprising Membracinae, Darninae and Smiliinae. The analyses recovered Centrotinae, Membracinae and Darninae as monophyletic groups, but Stegaspidinae was paraphyletic with respect to Centrotinae, and Smiliinae was polyphyletic with Micrutalini placed as a sister group to the clade comprising Membracinae, Darninae and Smiliinae. These results are consistent with the following hypotheses, proposed previously based on an analysis of morphological data: (1) the posterior pronotal process was derived and lost multiple times during the evolution of Membracidae; (2) Membracidae originated in the New World and reached the Old World subsequently via dispersal; (3) maternal care evolved independently multiple times and may or may not have been preceded by the acquisition of ant mutualism.  相似文献   

Recent progress in molecular techniques has generated a wealth of information for phylogenetic analysis. Among metazoans all but a single phylum have been incorporated into some sort of molecular analysis. However, the minute and rare species of the phylum Loricifera have remained elusive to molecular systematists. Here we report the first molecular sequence data (nearly complete 18S rRNA) for a member of the phylum Loricifera, Pliciloricus sp. from Korea. The new sequence data were analyzed together with 52 other ecdysozoan sequences, with all other phyla represented by three or more sequences. The data set was analyzed using parsimony as an optimality criterion under direct optimization as well as using a Bayesian approach. The parsimony analysis was also accompanied by a sensitivity analysis. The results of both analyses are largely congruent, finding monophyly of each ecdysozoan phylum, except for Priapulida, in which the coelomate Meiopriapulus is separate from a clade of pseudocoelomate priapulids. The data also suggest a relationship of the pseudocoelomate priapulids to kinorhynchs, and a relationship of nematodes to tardigrades. The Bayesian analysis placed the arthropods as the sister group to a clade that includes tardigrades and nematodes. However, these results were shown to be parameter dependent in the sensitivity analysis. The position of Loricifera was extremely unstable to parameter variation, and support for a relationship of loriciferans to any particular ecdysozoan phylum was not found in the data.  相似文献   

Among dsDNA tailed bacteriophages (Caudovirales), members of the Myoviridae family have the most sophisticated virion design that includes a complex contractile tail structure. The Myoviridae generally have larger genomes than the other phage families. Relatively few "dwarf" myoviruses, those with a genome size of less than 50 kb such as those of the Mu group, have been analyzed in extenso. Here we report on the genome sequencing and morphological characterization of a new group of such phages that infect a diverse range of Proteobacteria, namely Aeromonas salmonicida phage 56, Vibrio cholerae phages 138 and CP-T1, Bdellovibrio phage φ1422, and Pectobacterium carotovorum phage ZF40. This group of dwarf myoviruses shares an identical virion morphology, characterized by usually short contractile tails, and have genome sizes of approximately 45 kb. Although their genome sequences are variable in their lysogeny, replication, and host adaption modules, presumably reflecting differing lifestyles and hosts, their structural and morphogenesis modules have been evolutionarily constrained by their virion morphology. Comparative genomic analysis reveals that these phages, along with related prophage genomes, form a new coherent group within the Myoviridae. The results presented in this communication support the hypothesis that the diversity of phages may be more structured than generally believed and that the innumerable phages in the biosphere all belong to discrete lineages or families.  相似文献   

Monophyly of Arthropoda is emphatically supported from both morphological and molecular perspectives. Recent work finds Onychophora rather than Tardigrada to be the closest relatives of arthropods. The status of tardigrades as panarthropods (rather than cycloneuralians) is contentious from the perspective of phylogenomic data. A grade of Cambrian taxa in the arthropod stem group includes gilled lobopodians, dinocaridids (e.g., anomalocaridids), fuxianhuiids and canadaspidids that inform on character acquisition between Onychophora and the arthropod crown group. A sister group relationship between Crustacea (itself likely paraphyletic) and Hexapoda is retrieved by diverse kinds of molecular data and is well supported by neuroanatomy. This clade, Tetraconata, can be dated to the early Cambrian by crown group-type mandibles. The rival Atelocerata hypothesis (Myriapoda + Hexapoda) has no molecular support. The basal node in the arthropod crown group is embroiled in a controversy over whether myriapods unite with chelicerates (Paradoxopoda or Myriochelata) or with crustaceans and hexapods (Mandibulata). Both groups find some molecular and morphological support, though Mandibulata is presently the stronger morphological hypothesis. Either hypothesis forces an unsampled ghost lineage for Myriapoda from the Cambrian to the mid Silurian.  相似文献   

The marine genus Tetrastemma contains monostiliferous hoplonemertean (phylum Nemertea) species which mostly undergo direct development with no free-swimming stages of larvae. The lack of a pelagic phase, and the fact that many benthic species lay eggs attached to the bottom substrate, are obvious restrictions on dispersal and gene flow. Nevertheless, some of the species, for example T. candidum and T. melanocephalum , are described as ubiquitous and are reported from waters all over the world. We studied genetic variation and evolutionary relationships in order to assess whether they are concordant with external characters in samples of nine morphologically distinct forms formally named as different Tetrastemma species, from different geographical localities. We estimated the phylogeny and species network based on 539 base pairs of the mitochondrial protein-coding gene cytochrome oxidase-1 (CO1) for 30 ingroup specimens. From this, we assessed the evolutionary history and phylogenetic relationships between these forms. We conclude that in most cases there was no correspondence between evolutionary lineage and morphotype. Our results thus indicate that morphological species delimitation in nemerteans may be questionable, and that this in turn may have a profound effect upon estimates of species diversity within the phylum.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 86 , 201–212.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of salmonid fishes has been the focus of intensive study for many years, but some of the most important relationships within this group remain unclear. We used 269 Genbank sequences of mitochondrial DNA (from 16 genes) and nuclear DNA (from nine genes) to infer phylogenies for 30 species of salmonids. We used maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood to analyze each gene separately, the mtDNA data combined, the nuclear data combined, and all of the data together. The phylogeny with the best overall resolution and support from bootstrapping and Bayesian analyses was inferred from the combined nuclear DNA data set, for which the different genes reinforced and complemented one another to a considerable degree. Addition of the mitochondrial DNA degraded the phylogenetic signal, apparently as a result of saturation, hybridization, selection, or some combination of these processes. By the nuclear-DNA phylogeny: (1) (Hucho hucho, Brachymystax lenok) form the sister group to (Salmo, Salvelinus, Oncorhynchus, H. perryi); (2) Salmo is the sister-group to (Oncorhynchus, Salvelinus); (3) Salvelinus is the sister-group to Oncorhynchus; and (4) Oncorhynchus masou forms a monophyletic group with O. mykiss and O. clarki, with these three taxa constituting the sister-group to the five other Oncorhynchus species. Species-level relationships within Oncorhynchus and Salvelinus were well supported by bootstrap levels and Bayesian analyses. These findings have important implications for understanding the evolution of behavior, ecology and life-history in Salmonidae.  相似文献   

Molecular phylogeny: reconstructing the forest   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Phylogeny, be it morphological or molecular, has long tried to explain the extant biodiversity by the Tree of Species, which is a logical consequence of strict Darwinian evolutionary principles. Through constant improvement of both methods and data sets, some parts of this diversity have actually been demonstrated to be the result of a tree-like process. For some other parts, and especially for prokaryotes, different molecular markers have, however, produced different evolutionary trees, preventing the reconstruction of such a Tree. While technical artifacts could be blamed for these discrepancies, Lateral Gene Transfers are now largely held for responsible, and their existence requires an extension of the Darwinian framework, since genetic material is not always vertically inherited from parents to offspring. Through a variety of biological processes, sometimes large parts of DNA are exchanged between phylogenetically distant contemporary organisms, especially between those sharing the same environment. While mainly concerning prokaryotes, Lateral Gene Transfers have been also demonstrated to affect eukaryotes, and even multicellular ones, like plants or animals. Most of the time, these transfers allow important adaptations and the colonisation of new niches. The quantitative and qualitative importance of genetic transfers has thus severely challenged the very existence of a universal Tree of Species, since genetic connections, at least for microbes, seem more reticulated than tree-like. Even traditional biological concepts, like the concept of species, need to be re-evaluated in the light of recent discoveries. In short, instead of focusing on a elusive universal tree, biologists are now considering the whole forest corresponding to the multiple processes of inheritance, both vertical and horizontal. This constitutes the major challenge of evolutionary biology for the years to come. To cite this article: P. Lopez, E. Bapteste, C. R. Biologies 332 (2009).  相似文献   

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