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A protein inhibitor of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) was identified and designated as PIN. PIN was reported to inhibit nNOS activity in cell lysates through disruption of enzyme dimerization. However, there has been lack of direct characterization of the effect of PIN on NO production from purified nNOS. Furthermore, nNOS also generates superoxide (.O(2)(-)) at low levels of L-arginine. It is unknown whether PIN affects .O(2)(-) generation from nNOS. Therefore, we performed direct measurements of the effects of PIN on NO and .O(2)(-) generation from purified nNOS using electron paramagnetic resonance spin trapping techniques. nNOS was isolated by affinity chromatography and a fusion protein CBP-PIN was used to probe the effect of PIN. While the tag CBP did not affect nNOS activity, CBP-PIN caused a dose-dependent inhibition on both NO and L-citrulline production. In the absence of L-arginine, strong .O(2)(-) generation was observed from nNOS, and this was blocked by CBP-PIN in a dose-dependent manner. With low-temperature polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, neither CBP nor CBP-PIN was found to affect nNOS dimerization. Thus, these results suggested that PIN not only inhibits NO but also .O(2)(-) production from nNOS, and this is through a mechanism other than decomposition of nNOS dimers.  相似文献   

Elevated exhaled nitric oxide (NO) in the breath of asthmatic subjects is thought to be a noninvasive marker of lung inflammation. Asthma is also characterized by heterogeneous bronchoconstriction and inflammation, which impact the spatial distribution of ventilation in the lungs. Since exhaled NO arises from both airway and alveolar regions, and its level in exhaled breath depends strongly on flow, spatial heterogeneity in flow patterns and NO production may significantly affect the exhaled NO signal. To investigate the effect of these factors on exhaled NO profiles, we developed a multicompartment mathematical model of NO exchange using a trumpet-shaped central airway segment that bifurcates into two similarly shaped peripheral airway segments, each of which empties into an alveolar compartment. Heterogeneity in flow alone has only a minimal impact on the exhaled NO profile. In contrast, placing 70% of the total airway NO production in the central compartment or the distal poorly ventilated compartment can significantly increase (35%) or decrease (-10%) the plateau concentration, respectively. Reduced ventilation of the peripheral and acinar regions of the lungs with concomitant elevated NO production delays the rise of NO during exhalation, resulting in a positive phase III slope and reduced plateau concentration (-11%). These features compare favorably with experimentally observed profiles in exercise-induced asthma and cannot be simulated with single-path models. We conclude that variability in ventilation and NO production in asthmatic subjects impacts the shape of the exhaled NO profile and thus impacts the physiological interpretation.  相似文献   

iNOS-mediated nitric oxide production and its regulation   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
Aktan F 《Life sciences》2004,75(6):639-653

The interactions between NO and O(2) in activated macrophages were analysed by incorporating previous cell culture and enzyme kinetic results into a novel reaction-diffusion model for plate cultures. The kinetic factors considered were: (i) the effect of O(2) on NO production by inducible NO synthase (iNOS); (ii) the effect of NO on NO synthesis by iNOS; (iii) the effect of NO on respiratory and other O(2) consumption; and (iv) the effects of NO and O(2) on NO consumption by a possible NO dioxygenase (NOD). Published data obtained by varying the liquid depth in macrophage cultures provided a revealing test of the model, because varying the depth should perturb both the O(2) and the NO concentrations at the level of the cells. The model predicted that the rate of NO(2)(-) production should be nearly constant, and that the net rate of NO production should decline sharply with increases in liquid depth, in excellent agreement with the experimental findings. In further agreement with available results for macrophage cultures, the model predicted that net NO synthesis should be more sensitive to liquid depth than to the O(2) concentration in the headspace. The main reason for the decrease in NO production with increasing liquid depth was the modulation of NO synthesis by NO, with O(2) availability playing only a minor role. The model suggests that it is the ability of iNOS to consume NO, as well as to synthesize it, that creates very sensitive feedback control, setting an upper bound on the NO concentration of approximately 1 microM. The effect of NO consumption by other possible pathways (e.g., NOD) would be similar to that of iNOS, in that it would help limit net NO production. The O(2) utilized during enzymatic NO consumption is predicted to make the O(2) demands of activated macrophages much larger than those of unactivated ones (where iNOS is absent); this remains to be tested experimentally.  相似文献   

Chondrocyte CD44 receptors anchor hyaluronan to the cell surface, enabling the assembly and retention of proteoglycan aggregates in the pericellular matrix. Hyaluronan-CD44 interactions also provide signaling important for maintaining cartilage homeostasis. Disruption of chondrocyte-hyaluronan contact alters CD44 occupancy, initiating alternative signaling cascades. Treatment with hyaluronan oligosaccharides is one approach to uncouple CD44 receptors from its native ligand, hyaluronan. In bovine articular chondrocytes, treatment with hyaluronan oligosaccharides or purified hyaluronan hexasaccharides induced the production of nitric oxide that mirrored nitric oxide production following interleukin-1 treatment. In contrast, 120 and 1,260 kDa hyaluronan did not induce production of nitric oxide. Human chondrocytes responded similarly to treatment with hyaluronan or hyaluronan oligosaccharides. Nitric oxide production from chondrocytes was mediated by activation of the inducible nitric oxide synthase, as confirmed by mRNA expression and inhibition of nitric oxide production by diphenyleneiodonium. Co-treatment of chondrocytes with hyaluronan oligosaccharides and interleukin-1 did not demonstrate additive effects. Blocking interleukin-1 receptors with an antagonist did not abolish the production of nitric oxide induced by treatment with hyaluronan oligosaccharides. Moreover, only COS-7 following transfection with a pCD44, not the CD44-null parental cells, responded to treatment with hyaluronan oligosaccharides by releasing nitric oxide. This study demonstrates a novel signaling potential by hyaluronan fragments, in lieu of endogenous hyaluronan-chondrocyte interactions, resulting in the activation of inducible nitric oxide synthase.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) has been pointed out as being the main mediator involved in the hypotension and tissue injury taking place during sepsis. This study aimed to investigate the cellular mechanisms implicated in the acetylcholine (ACh)-induced relaxation detected in aortic rings isolated from rats submitted to cecal ligation and perforation (CLP group), 6h post-CLP. The mean arterial pressure was recorded, and the concentration-effect curves for ACh were constructed for endothelium-intact aortic rings in the absence (control) or after incubation with one of the following NO synthase inhibitors: L-NAME (non-selective), L-NNA (more selective for eNOS), 7-nitroindazole (more selective for nNOS), or 1400W (selective for iNOS). The NO concentration was determined by using confocal microscopy. The protein expression of the NOS isoforms was quantified by Western blot analysis. The prostacyclin concentration was indirectly analyzed on the basis of 6-keto-prostaglandin F(1α) (6-keto-PGF(1α)) levels measured by enzyme immunoassay. There were no differences between Sham- and CLP-operated rats in terms of the relaxation induced by acetylcholine. However, the NOS inhibitors reduced this relaxation in both groups, but this effect remained more pronounced in the CLP group as compared to the Sham group. The acetylcholine-induced NO production was higher in the rat aortic endothelial cells of the CLP group than in those of the Sham group. eNOS protein expression was larger in the CLP group, but the iNOS protein was not verified in any of the groups. The basal 6-keto-PGF(1α) levels were higher in the CLP group, but the acetylcholine-stimulated levels did not increase in CLP as much as they did in the Sham group. Taken together, our results show that the augmented NO production in sepsis syndrome elicited by cecal ligation and perforation is due to eNOS up-regulation and not to iNOS.  相似文献   

This in vivo study evaluates the effect of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) administration on nitric oxide (NO) production by the inducible form of nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). NO production was induced in the rat by the ip administration of 2 mg/100 g lipopolysaccharide (LPS). This treatment caused: (1) a decrease in body temperature within 90 min, followed by a slow return to normal levels; (2) an increase in plasma levels of urea, nitrite/nitrate, and citrulline; (3) the appearance in blood of nitrosyl-hemoglobin (NO-Hb) and in liver of dinitrosyl-iron-dithiolate complexes (DNIC); and (4) increased expression of iNOS mRNA in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). Rat treatment with 15 mg/100 g NAC ip, 30 min before LPS, resulted in a significant decrease in blood NO-Hb levels, plasma nitrite/nitrate and citrulline concentrations, and liver DNIC complexes. PBMC also showed a decreased expression of iNOS mRNA. NAC pretreatment did not modify the increased levels of plasma urea or the hypothermic effect induced by the endotoxin. The administration of NAC following LPS intoxication (15 min prior to sacrifice) did not affect NO-Hb levels. These results demonstrate that NAC administration can modulate the massive NO production induced by LPS. This can be attributed mostly to the inhibitory effect of NAC on one of the events leading to iNOS protein expression. This hypothesis is also supported by the lack of effect of late NAC administration.  相似文献   

Evaluation of nitric oxide production by lactobacilli   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Six strains of Lactobacillus fermentum and Lactobacillus plantarum were investigated for nitric oxide (NO) production. First, the potential presence of NO synthase was examined. None of the strains of L. fermentum and L. plantarum examined produced NO from L-arginine under aerobic conditions. Interestingly, all L. fermentum strains expressed strong L-arginine deiminase activity. All L. fermentum strains produced NO in MRS broth, but the NO was found to be chemically derived from nitrite, which was produced by L. fermentum from nitrate present in the medium. Indeed all L. fermentum strains express nitrate reductase under anaerobic conditions. Moreover, one strain, L. fermentum LF1, had nitrate reductase activity under aerobic conditions. It was also found that L. fermentum strains JCM1173 and LF1 possessed ammonifying nitrite reductase. The latter strain also had denitrifying nitrite reductase activity at neutral pH under both anaerobic and aerobic conditions. The LF1 strain is thus capable of biochemically converting nitrate to NO. NO and nitrite produced from nitrate by lactobacilli may constitute a potential antimicrobial mechanism. studied in a rat acute liver injury model (Adawi et al. 1997). The results indicate that Lactobacillus plantarum DSM 9842 may possess NOS (Adawi et al. 1997). However, NO production from L-arginine has not been investigated in pure cultures of L. plantarum. According to the results of a 15N enrichment experiment, traces of (NO2-+NO3-)-N (total oxidised nitrogen: TON), which seemed to be formed by the resting cells of Lactobacillus fermentum IFO3956, appeared to be derived from L-arginine (Morita et al. 1997). Therefore, it was suggested that L. fermentum may possess a NOS. However, NO produced from L-arginine was not directly measured and a NOS inhibitor test was not performed by Morita et al. (1997). It is known that L-arginine deiminase (ADI) in bacteria may convert L-arginine to NH4+ (Cunin et al. 1986), which may be further oxidised to TON via nitrification by bacteria. Therefore, 15N enrichment experiments could not definitely conclude that L. fermentum possess NOS to convert L-arginine directly to NO. In this study, six Lactobacillus strains belonging to L. plantarum and L. fermentum were measured for NO production in MRS broth. The metabolism of nitrate and L-arginine by the Lactobacillus cell suspensions was also studied. The possibility that NO and nitrite production by lactobacilli may be a potential probiotic trait is also discussed.  相似文献   

Endothelium-derived nitric oxide: actions and properties   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
Vascular smooth muscle relaxation in response to chemically diverse naturally occurring neurotransmitters and autacoids has been attributed to the formation and/or release of one or more vascular endothelium-derived relaxing factors (EDRFs) distinct from prostacyclin. The chemical, biochemical, and pharmacological properties of one such EDRF resemble closely the properties of nitric oxide (NO). Thus, both arterial and venous EDRFs as well as authentic NO cause heme-dependent activation of soluble guanylate cyclase, endothelium-independent vascular and nonvascular smooth muscle relaxation accompanied by tissue cyclic GMP formation, and inhibition of platelet aggregation and adhesion to endothelial cell surfaces. EDRF from artery, vein, and freshly harvested and cultured aortic endothelial cells was recently identified as NO or a labile nitroso species as assessed by chemical assay and bioassay. Endothelium-derived NO (EDNO) has an ultrashort half-life of 3-5 s due to spontaneous oxidation to nitrite and nitrate, both of which have only weak biological activity. EDNO can be synthesized from L-arginine and possibly other basic amino acids and polypeptides, perhaps by oxidative metabolic pathways that could involve polyunsaturated fatty acid-derived oxygen radicals. Inorganic nitrite could serve as both a stored precursor and an inactivation product of EDNO. EDNO and related EDRFs may serve physiological and/or pathophysiological roles in the regulation of local blood flow and platelet function.  相似文献   

Cadmium (Cd) perturbs vascular health and interferes with endothelial function. However, the effects of exposing endothelial cells to low doses of Cd on the production of nitric oxide (NO) are largely unknown. The objective of the present study was to evaluate these effects by using low levels of CdCl2 concentrations, ranging from 10 to 1000 nmol/L. Cd perturbations in endothelial function were studied by employing wound-healing and MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) assays. The results suggest that a CdCl2 concentration of 100 nmol/L maximally attenuated NO production, cellular migration, and energy metabolism in endothelial cells. An egg yolk angiogenesis model was employed to study the effect of Cd exposure on angiogenesis. The results demonstrate that NO supplementation restored Cd-attenuated angiogenesis. Immunofluorescence, Western blot, and immuno-detection studies showed that low levels of Cd inhibit NO production in endothelial cells by blocking eNOS phosphorylation, which is possibly linked to processes involving endothelial function and dysfunction, including angiogenesis.  相似文献   

Liu LY  Wu D  Li QJ  Li WB  Guo XH 《中国应用生理学杂志》2007,23(1):30-34,I0004
目的:观察甲醛炎性痛过程中大鼠痛行为、海马一氧化氮合酶(NOS)活性及一氧化氮(NO)含量的变化以及变化的时程及区域特征。方法:采用辐射热甩尾法测定大鼠痛阈变化;采用NADPH—d组织化学法和硝酸还原酶法分别测定大鼠海马NOS表达和No含量。结果:皮下注射甲醛溶液后,大鼠出现伤害性感受反应及痛阈降低。注射甲醛后6h,海马CA1、CA2~3区及DG区NOS阳性细胞数目、阳性细胞染色深度均显著增加。海马NO含量亦显著增加;注射甲醛后12h时这些改变最为显著,48h时恢复至对照组水平。结论:甲醛炎性痛可诱导海马NOS活性增强及NO生成增多.这种改变可发生在海马各区.并具有一定的时程特征。  相似文献   

Nitric oxide exerts a stimulatory role during postnatal angiogenesis. Although soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC) mediates many of the effects of nitric oxide (NO) in the vascular system, the contribution of cGMP-dependent vs cGMP-independent pathways in NO-induced angiogenesis remains unclear. Herein, we determined the effects of a NO donor (sodium nitroprusside; SNP) and a NO-independent sGC activator (BAY 41-2272) in the growth and migration of rat aortic endothelial cells (RAEC). RAEC lack enzymatically active sGC as suggested by their inability to accumulate cGMP upon exposure to SNP. However, treatment of RAEC with SNP promoted a modest increase in their proliferation and migration that was dependent on extracellular signal regulated kinase1/2 activation. Moreover, when RAEC were exposed to vascular endothelial growth factor we observed an increase in migration that was inhibited by NO synthase, but not sGC, inhibition. Infection of cells with adenoviruses containing sGC greatly increased the efficacy of SNP as a mitogenic and migratory stimulus. We conclude that NO is capable of stimulating EC proliferation and mobility in the absence of sGC; however, increased intracellular levels of cGMP following sGC activation greatly amplify the angiogenic potential of NO.  相似文献   

Microbial production and uptake of nitric oxide in soil   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract Fluxes of NO from three different soils have been studied by a flow-through system in the laboratory as a function of gas flow rate, of NO mixing ratio, and of incubation conditions. The dependence of net NO fluxes on gas flow rates and on NO mixing ratios could be described by a simple model of simultaneous NO production and NO uptake. By using this model, rates of gross NO production, rate constants of NO uptake, and NO compensation mixing ratios could be determined as function of the soil type and the incubation condition. Gross NO production rates were one to two orders of magnitude larger under anaerobic than under aerobic conditions. NO uptake rate constants, on the other hand, were only 5–8 times larger so that the compensation mixing ratios of NO were in a range of about 1600–2200 ppbv under anaerobic and of about 50–600 ppbv under aerobic conditions. The different soils exhibited similar NO uptake rate constants, but the gross NO production rate and compensation mixing ratio was significantly higher in an acidic (pH 4.7) sandy clay loam than in other less acidic soils. Experiments with autoclaved soil samples showed that both NO production and NO uptake was mainly due to microbial metabolism.  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharide of E. coli (LPS) injected to mice one day before the total gamma-irradiation caused a substantial increase in the level of endogeneous colonies formed in the spleen. It is known that this type of endotoxin may result in considerable production of nitric oxide from macrophages in different tissues. Therefore it is possible that the activation of hemopoietic stem cells after LPS-treatment was completely or partially stimulated by nitric oxide, which is the most important physiological mediator, or by action some other mediators (cytokines and growth factors) produced by hemopoietic microenvironment elements in response to the action of nitric oxide. This assumption was checked in experience with combined treatment of mice by LPS and a nonspecific inhibitor of nitric oxide production--N omega-nitro-1-arginine (NA). NA used in high dose (250 mg/kg) reduced partially (approximately by 30%) the LPS-increased level of spleen endogeneous colonies. When LPS was injected to mice 15 minutes after gamma-irradiation, this led to a slight increase in level of spleen colonies. In case when LPS was used together with NA after gamma-irradiation, this increase was still found.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO), produced by NO synthase (NOS), plays a critical role in multiple processes in the lung during the perinatal period. To better understand the regulation of pulmonary NO production in the developing primate, we determined the cell specificity and developmental changes in NOS isoform expression and action in the lungs of third-trimester fetal baboons. Immunohistochemistry in lungs obtained at 175 days (d) of gestation (term = 185 d) revealed that all three NOS isoforms, neuronal NOS (nNOS), endothelial NOS (eNOS), and inducible NOS (iNOS), are primarily expressed in proximal airway epithelium. In proximal lung, there was a marked increase in total NOS enzymatic activity from 125 to 140 d gestation due to elevations in nNOS and eNOS, whereas iNOS expression and activity were minimal. Total NOS activity was constant from 140 to 175 d gestation, and during the latter stage (160-175 d gestation), a dramatic fall in nNOS and eNOS was replaced by a rise in iNOS. Studies done within 1 h of delivery at 125 or 140 d gestation revealed that the principal increase in NOS during the third trimester is associated with an elevation in exhaled NO levels, a decline in expiratory resistance, and greater pulmonary compliance. Thus, there are developmental increases in pulmonary NOS expression and NO production during the early third trimester in the primate that may enhance airway and parenchymal function in the immediate postnatal period.  相似文献   

Possible modulation of Brewer's yeast-induced nociception by centrally (icv) administered nitric oxide (NO) modulators, viz., NO synthase (NOS) inhibitors, NO precursor, donors, scavengers and co-administration of NO donor (SIN-1) with NOS inhibitor (L-NAME) and NO scavenger (Hb) was investigated in rats. Administration of NOS inhibitors and NO scavenger Hb increased the pain threshold capacity significantly, whereas NO donors SIN-1, SNP and NO precursor L-arginine were found to be hyperalgesic. D-arginine, the inactive isomer of L-arginine and methylene blue, inhibitor of soluble guanylate cyclase failed to alter the nociceptive behaviour in rats. Co-administration of SIN-1 with L-NAME and Hb found to increase the nociceptive threshold. The results indicate, that centrally administered NO modulators alter the nociceptive transmission induced by Brewer's yeast in rats.  相似文献   

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