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The aim of the present study was to compare the expression of PTHrP in the epididymes of adult European bisons, and 12- and 5-month-old calves. The highest PTHrP expression was observed in adult animals in muscle cells and endothelium of large vessels, and in muscle cells of the epididymal duct. In one-year-old calves, the reaction was weaker than in adult bulls, being the weakest in 5-month-old calves. However, in small vessels of adult animals, in vascular cells and smooth muscle cells the reaction for PTHrP was considerably weak, being weaker in one-year-old calves, and negative in 5-month-old calves. A similar trace reaction was observed in muscle cells of the epididymal duct in 5- and 12-month-old calves. The present study has revealed that PTHrP expression in vascular and extravascular smooth muscle cells and endothelial cells in European bison is correlated with the animal age and size of the organ.  相似文献   

The present study deals with immunohistochemical localization of PTHrP in European bison and pine vole testis and epididymis. PTHrP immunoreactivity was observed in spermatogenic cells of seminiferous tubules in European bison and pine vole testis, with the strongerst reaction occurring in spermatozoa of pine vole testis and epididymal duct. We also observed PTHrP expression in vascular smooth muscle of epididymis and testis in both animal species, as well as slightly weaker reaction in endothelial cells of European bison epididymis. PTHrP was also expressed in the smooth muscle of the epididymal duct in European bison and pine vole. In conclusion, PTHrP is a multifunctional peptide showing both paracrine and autocrine action. Its presence in vascular endothelium and smooth muscle of testis and epididymis is connected with the regulation of vascular muscle tone, thus affecting blood flow in the vessels. PTHrP expression depends on a number of local factors. Moreover, we suppose that PTHrP also contributes to the proliferation and differentiation of spermatogenic cells.  相似文献   

The present study deals with immunohistochemical localization of S-100 protein in mouse, bank vole and pine vole testis and epididymis. S-100 protein immunoreactivity was observed in the endothelia of capillaries and lymphatic sinusoids of pine vole testis. A reaction to S-100 protein of the same intensity as that noted in the endothelia of testicular capillaries was found in myoid cells of pine vole and bank vole seminiferous tubules. Moreover, a positive reaction to S-100 protein was observed in bank vole and mouse Leydig cells. In the epididymis, a weaker reaction to S-100 occurred in smooth muscles of pine vole and mouse epididymal duct. Despite difficult interpretation of physiological role of S-100 protein we suggest that it may be a part of the blood-testis barrier. It may also participate in the processes of transcytosis and contractility; its cellular expression is regulated by local factors. However, location of S-100 is not specific to the representatives of the same order.  相似文献   

In the European bison, Bison bonasus (L), 15 proteins coded by 20 loci have been studied. Two of these loci (Es-3 and Ca) are polymorphic and the remaining 18 are monomorphic. The average heterozygosity of bisons in Polish herds is 3.5%. The value does not differ from those found in populations of other large mammals in spite of restoration of the European bison population from a mere 13 individuals.  相似文献   

S100A1 and S100B are members of a family of 20 kDa Ca2++-binding homodimers that play a role in signal transduction in mammalian cells. S100A1 is the major isoform in normal heart and S100B, normally a brain protein, is induced in hypertrophic myocardium and functions as an intrinsic negative modulator of the hypertrophic response. In order to examine the function of S100A1, we first showed that, in contrast to S100B, S100A1 was downregulated in rat experimental models of myocardial hypertrophy following myocardial infarction or pressure overload. Second, in co-transfection experiments in cultured neonatal rat cardiac myocytes, S100A1 inhibited the 1-adrenergic activation of promoters of genes induced during the hypertrophic response including the fetal genes skeletal actin (skACT), and -myosin heavy chain (MHC) and S100B, but not the triiodothyronine (T3) activation of the promoter of the -MHC gene, that is normally expressed in adult myocardium. These results suggest that S100A1 is involved in the maintenance of the genetic program that defines normal myocardial function and that its downregulation is permissive for the induction of genes that underlie myocardial hypertrophy.  相似文献   

The paper presents the values of total protein (TP) and protein fractions in the serum of 57 European bisons from the Bia?owieza Primeval Forest, 47 of these animals being free-ranging and 10 living in enclosures. It was found that the amount of TP and amount of alpha 1- and gamma-globulin fractions are significantly lower in adult females than males. The amount of TP and gamma-globulin fraction increase significantly with age in all examined Europeans bisons, whereas the amount of alpha 1- and alpha 2-globulin fractions increase only in free-ranging animals.  相似文献   

Development of spermiogenesis and sizes of seminiferous tubules of the testes and epididymal duct were studied in 45 young European bisonBison bonasus (Linnaeus, 1758) males from an enclosed breeding centre and a free-ranging population in the Białowieża Forest. Of 13 males in age class II (up to two years), four showed the presence of elongated late spermatids: one male aged 15 months from the enclosed breeding centre and three from the free-ranging population (2 males aged 18 months and one about 24 months old). Of 7 males from age class III (up to 3 years), four showed spermiogenesis, of which the youngest, 26 and 32 months old, were from enclosed breeding. Spermiogenesis was observed in males with high body weight in a given age class. In males of age class I (up to one year old), the mean diameter of the seminiferous tubules was 49.8 μm, in class II — 110.7 μm, and in class III — 162 μm, the mean diameter of the epididymal duct being 110.8 μm, 187.2 μm and 273.4 μm, respectively. Measurements of seminiferous tubules and epididymal duct were significantly correlated with age and body weight of males and differed significantly between the three age classes.  相似文献   

为了研究梅花鹿S100A4 (S100 calcium binding protein A4)基因在鹿茸生长过程中的作用。用RT-PCR 法
从生茸骨膜细胞总RNA 中克隆了梅花鹿S100A4 基因,在NCBI 中对基因序列进行比对;将完整的基因序列与逆
转录病毒表达载体pLEGFP-C1 重组,获得了重组质粒pLEGFP-S100;用脂质体法将pLEGFP-S100 与pVSV-G (被
膜载体)共转染包装细胞GP2 - 293,获得重组病毒上清液,感染角柄骨膜细胞后逆转录病毒携带的基因进入宿
主细胞。结果显示:S100A4 基因是一个相对保守的基因,与多个物种的匹配度达到90% ;重组逆转录病毒载体
pLEGFP-S100 可以形成重组逆转录病毒粒子,将S100A4 基因导入靶细胞,并表达S100A4 与GFP (Green fluorescent
protein)的融合蛋白。  相似文献   

In solution, S100B protein is a noncovalent homodimer composed of two subunits associated in an antiparallel manner. Upon calcium binding, the conformation of S100B changes dramatically, leading to the exposure of hydrophobic residues at the surface of S100B. The residues in the C-terminal domain of S100B encompassing Phe(87) and Phe(88) have been implicated in interaction with target proteins. In this study, we used two-hybrid technology to identify specific S100B target proteins. Using S100B as bait, we identify S100A6 and S100A11 as specific targets for S100B. S100A1, the closest homologue of S100B, is capable of interaction with S100B but does not interact with S100A6 or S100A11. S100B, S100A6, and S100A11 isoforms are co-regulated and co-localized in astrocytoma U373 cells. Furthermore, co-immunoprecipitation experiments demonstrated that Ca(2+)/Zn(2+) stabilizes S100B-S100A6 and S100B-S100A11 heterocomplexes. Deletion of the C-terminal domain or mutation of Phe(87) and Phe(88) residues has no effect on S100B homodimerization and heterodimerization with S100A1 but drastically decreases interaction between S100B and S100A6 or S100A11. Our data suggest that the interaction between S100B and S100A6 or S100A11 should not be viewed as a typical S100 heterodimerization but rather as a model of interaction between S100B and target proteins.  相似文献   

S100 protein is a low molecular weight calcium-binding protein widely distributed in the central nervous system of vertebrates. Recent evidence suggests that S100 protein may play a role in the regulation of glial proliferation and neuronal differentiation. The gene for S100 protein has been mapped to the 21q22 region, a chromosomal locus whose duplication has been implicated in the generation of Down Syndrome (DS). This raises the possibility that abnormalities in S100 protein gene dosage at a critical period during development may be responsible for some of the neurologic abnormalities associated with DS.  相似文献   

In this study radioimmunoassay, immunohistochemistry, Northern blot analysis, and a gel overlay technique have been used to examine the level, subcellular distribution, and potential target proteins of the S100 family of calcium-modulated proteins in adult and developing rat skeletal muscles. Adult rat muscles contained high levels of S100 proteins but the particular form present was dependent on the muscle type: cardiac muscle contained exclusively S100 alpha, slow-twitch skeletal muscle fibers contained predominantly S100 alpha, vascular smooth muscle contained both S100 alpha and S100 beta, and fast-twitch skeletal muscle fibers contained low but detectable levels of S100 alpha and S100 beta. While the distribution of S100 mRNAs paralled the protein distribution in all muscles there was no direct correlation between the mRNA and protein levels in different muscle types, suggesting that S100 protein expression is differentially regulated in different muscle types. Immunohistochemical analysis of the cellular distribution of S100 proteins in adult skeletal muscles revealed that S100 alpha staining was associated with muscle cells, while S100 beta staining was associated with nonmuscle cells. Radioimmunoassays of developing rat skeletal muscles demonstrated that all developing muscles contained low levels of S100 alpha at postnatal day 1 and that as development proceeded the S100 alpha levels increased. In contrast to adult muscle S100 alpha expression was confined to fast-twitch fibers in developing skeletal muscle until postnatal day 21. At postnatal day 1, developing contractile elements were S100 alpha positive, but no staining periodicity was detectable. At postnatal day 21, S100 alpha exhibited the same subcellular localization as seen in the adult: colocalization with the A-band and/or longitudinal sarcoplasmic reticulum. Comparison of the S100 alpha-binding protein profiles in fast- and slow-twitch fibers of various species revealed few, if any, species- or fiber type-specific S100 binding proteins. Isolated sarcoplasmic reticulum fractions and myofibrils contained multiple S100 alpha-binding proteins. The colocalization of S100 alpha and S100 alpha-binding proteins with the contractile apparatus and sarcoplasmic reticulum suggest that S100 alpha may regulate excitation and/or contraction in slow-twitch fibers.  相似文献   

The myeloid cell-derived calcium-binding murine protein, S100A8, is secreted to act as a chemotactic factor at picomolar concentrations, stimulating recruitment of myeloid cells to inflammatory sites. S100A8 may be exposed to oxygen metabolites, particularly hypochlorite, the major oxidant generated by activated neutrophils at inflammatory sites. Here we show that hypochlorite oxidizes the single Cys residue (Cys41) of S100A8. Electrospray mass spectrometry and SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis indicated that low concentrations of hypochlorite (40 microM) converted 70-80% of S100A8 to the disulfide-linked homodimer. The mass was 20,707 Da, 92 Da more than expected, indicating additional oxidation of susceptible amino acids (possibly methionine). Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate activation of differentiated HL-60 granulocytic cells generated an oxidative burst that was sufficient to efficiently oxidize exogenous S100A8 within 10 min, and results implicate involvement of the myeloperoxidase system. Moreover, disulfide-linked dimer was identified in lung lavage fluid of mice with endotoxin-induced pulmonary injury. S100A8 dimer was inactive in chemotaxis and failed to recruit leukocytes in vivo. Positive chemotactic activity of recombinant Ala41S100A8 indicated that Cys41 was not essential for function and suggested that covalent dimerization may structurally modify accessibility of the chemotactic hinge domain. Disulfide-dependent dimerization may be a physiologically significant regulatory mechanism controlling S100A8-provoked leukocyte recruitment.  相似文献   

Carbonic anhydrase (CA) is implicated in the acidification of epididymal fluid and thereby in the regulation of sperm maturation and motility. Among the CA isoenzymes, CA IV and II have been shown to be present in the rat epididymal duct epithelium. In the present study, we examined the expression and androgen regulation of CA IV and II mRNAs along the epididymal duct. Northern blot analysis revealed the presence of CA II mRNA in all regions of the epididymis with the strongest signal in the corpus region, while CA IV mRNA was expressed predominantly in the corpus epididymidis. Three days after bilateral castration, CA IV and II mRNAs were decreased by 80-90% in the corpus epididymidis. Testosterone (T) replacement maintained the expression of CA mRNAs at 50-60% of the control levels, indicating that circulating androgens alone are not sufficient to recover the CA expression in the corpus region. However, unilateral castration did not affect the mRNA levels of CA IV and II, suggesting that factors in testicular fluid do not play a major role in the regulation of CA expression in the corpus epididymidis. Immunoblot analysis showed that CA IV protein levels decreased 3 days after castration, while T administration maintained the protein expression virtually at the precastration levels. These data demonstrate that mRNAs for CA IV and II are predominantly expressed in the corpus region of the rat epididymis and can be regulated by androgens in that region. The present data suggest that the regulation of CA expression in the corpus epididymidis by androgens contributes to the known androgen effects on epididymal acidification.  相似文献   

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