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Regulation of nuclear receptor (NR) activity is driven by alterations in the conformational dynamics of the receptor upon ligand binding. Previously, we demonstrated that hydrogen/deuterium exchange (HDX) can be applied to determine novel mechanism of action of PPARγ ligands and in predicting tissue specificity of selective estrogen receptor modulators. Here, we applied HDX to probe the conformational dynamics of the ligand binding domain (LBD) of the vitamin D receptor (VDR) upon binding its natural ligand 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25D3), and two analogs, alfacalcidol and ED-71. Comparison of HDX profiles from ligands in complex with the LBD with full-length receptor bound to its cognate receptor retinoid X receptor (RXR) revealed unique receptor dynamics that could not be inferred from static crystal structures. These results demonstrate that ligands modulate the dynamics of the heterodimer interface as well as provide insight into the role of AF-2 dynamics in the action of VDR partial agonists.  相似文献   

A pair of nuclear receptors, ecdysone receptor (EcR) and ultraspiracle (USP), heterodimerize and transduce ecdysteroid signals. The EcR and its nonsteroidal ligands are being developed for regulation of transgene expression in humans, animals and plants. In mammalian cells, EcR:USP heterodimers can function in the absence of ligand, but EcR/retinoid X receptor (EcR:RXR) heterodimers require the presence of ligand for activation. The heterodimer partner of EcR can influence ligand sensitivity of EcR so that the EcR/Locusta migratoria RXR (EcR:LmRXR) heterodimers are activated at lower concentrations of ligand when compared with the concentrations of ligand required for the activation of EcR/Homo sapiens RXR (EcR:HsRXR) heterodimers. Analysis of chimeric RXRs containing regions of LmRXR and HsRXR and point mutants of HsRXR showed that the amino acid residues present in helix 9 and in the two loops on either end of helix 9 are responsible for improved activity of LmRXR. The EcR:Lm-HsRXR chimera heterodimer induced reporter genes with nanomolar concentration of ligand compared with the micromolar concentration of ligand required for activating the EcR:HsRXR heterodimer. The EcR:Lm-HsRXR chimera heterodimer, but not the EcR:HsRXR heterodimer, supported ligand-dependent induction of reporter gene in a C57BL/6 mouse model.  相似文献   

The ability of vitamin D receptor-retinoid X receptor (VDR-RXR) heterodimers to induce a DNA bend upon binding to various vitamin D response elements (VDRE) has been investigated by circular permutation and phasing analysis. Recombinant rat VDR expressed in the baculovirus system and purified recombinant human RXR beta have been used. The VDREs were from 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25-[OH]2D3) enhanced genes (rat osteocalcin, rOC; mouse osteopontin, mOP, and rat 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3-24-hydroxylase, r24-OHase), and a 1,25-(OH)2D3 repressed gene (human parathyroid hormone, hPTH). As shown by circular permutation analysis, VDR-RXR induced a distortion in DNA fragments containing various VDREs. Calculated distortion angles were similar in magnitude (57 degrees, 56 degrees, 61 degrees, and 59 degrees, respectively for rOC, mOP, r24-Ohase, and hPTH). The distortions took place with or without a 1,25-(OH)2D3 ligand. The centers of the apparent bend were found in the vicinity of the midpoint of all VDREs, except for rOC VDRE which was found 4 bp upstream. Phasing analysis was performed with DNA fragments containing mOP VDRE and revealed that VDR-RXR heterodimers induced a directed bend of 26 degrees, not influenced by the presence of hormone. In this study we report that similar to other members of the steroid and thyroid nuclear receptor superfamily, VDR-RXR heterodimers induce DNA bending.  相似文献   

An increasing awareness of the radiological impact of the nuclear power industry and other nuclear technologies is observed nowadays on general population. This led to renew interest to assess the health impact of the use of enriched uranium (EU). The aim of this work was to investigate in vivo the effects of a chronic exposure to EU on vitamin D(3) metabolism, a hormone essential in mineral and bone homeostasis. Rats were exposed to EU in their drinking water for 9 months at a concentration of 40 mg l(-1) (1mg/rat day). The contamination did not change vitamin D plasma level. Vitamin D receptor (vdr) and retinoid X receptor alpha (rxralpha), encoding nuclear receptors involved in the biological activities of vitamin D, showed a lower expression in kidney, while their protein levels were paradoxically increased. Gene expression of vitamin D target genes, epithelial Ca(2+) channel 1 (ecac1) and Calbindin-D28k (cabp-d28k), involved in renal calcium transport were decreased. Among the vitamin D target organs examined, these molecular modifications occurred exclusively in the kidney, which confirms that this organ is highly sensitive to uranium exposure. In conclusion, this study showed that a chronic exposure to EU affects both mRNA and protein expressions of renal nuclear receptors involved in vitamin D metabolism, without any modification of the circulating vitamin D.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein E (apoE) is an important protein involved in lipoprotein clearance and cholesterol redistribution. ApoE is abundantly expressed in astrocytes in the brain and is closely linked to the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD). We report here that small molecule ligands that activate either liver X receptors (LXR) or retinoid X receptor (RXR) lead to a dramatic increase in apoE mRNA and protein expression as well as secretion of apoE in a human astrocytoma cell line (CCF-STTG1 cells). Examination of primary mouse astrocytes also revealed significant induction of apoE mRNA, and protein expression and secretion following incubation with LXR/RXR agonists. Moreover, treatment of mice with a specific synthetic LXR agonist T0901317 resulted in up-regulation of apoE mRNA and protein in both hippocampus and cerebral cortex, indicating that apoE expression in brain can be up-regulated by LXR agonists in vivo. Along with a dramatic induction of ABCA1 cholesterol transporter expression, these ligands effectively mediate cholesterol efflux in both CCF-STTG1 cells and mouse astrocytes in the presence or absence of apolipoprotein AI (apoAI). Our studies provide strong evidence that small molecule LXR/RXR agonists can effectively mediate apoE synthesis and secretion as well as cholesterol homeostasis in astrocytes. LXR/RXR agonists may have significant impact on the pathogenesis of multiple neurological diseases, including AD.  相似文献   

Many members of the thyroid hormone/retinoid receptor subfamily (type II nuclear receptors) function as heterodimers with the retinoid X receptor (RXR). In heterodimers which are referred to as permissive, such as peroxisome proliferator activated receptor/RXR, both partners can bind cognate ligands and elicit ligand-dependent transactivation. In contrast, the thyroid hormone receptor (TR)/RXR heterodimer is believed to be nonpermissive, where RXR is thought to be incapable of ligand binding and is often referred to as a silent partner. In this report, we used a sensitive derepression assay system that we developed previously to reexamine the TR/RXR interrelationship. We provide functional evidence suggesting that in a TR/RXR heterodimer, the RXR component can bind its ligand in vivo. Ligand binding by RXR does not appear to directly activate the TR/RXR heterodimer; instead, it leads to a (at least transient or dynamic) dissociation of a cellular inhibitor(s)/corepressor(s) from its TR partner and thus may serve to modulate unliganded TR-mediated repression and/or liganded TR-mediated activation. Our results argue against the current silent-partner model for RXR in the TR/RXR heterodimer and reveal an unexpected aspect of cross regulation between TR and RXR.  相似文献   

Cholesterol is required for chondrocyte differentiation and bone formation. Apolipoprotein A1 (apoA-1) plays a major role in lipoprotein clearance and cholesterol redistribution. We report here that apoA-1 is expressed during chondrocyte differentiation in vitro and in vivo. In differentiating chondrocytes, the expression of the liver X receptor (LXR) is modulated and its expression correlates to the expression of apoA-1. The expression of other LXR target genes related to cholesterol homeostasis such as ABCA1 cholesterol transporter and sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1 (SREBP1) is similarly regulated. Small molecule ligands activating either LXR or retinoid X receptor (RXR) lead to a dramatic increase in apoA-1 mRNA and protein expression in cultured chondrocytes. These ligands strongly induce ABCA1 cholesterol transporter expression and effectively mediate cholesterol efflux from hypertrophic chondrocytes. In addition, we report that, in the same cells, the ligands down modulate Serum Amyloid A expression induced by bacterial lipopolysaccharide. Our studies provide evidence that LXR/RXR mediate a fine regulation of cholesterol homeostasis in differentiating chondrocytes.  相似文献   

Human vitamin D receptor (hVDR) fused to glutathione S-transferase was utilized to detect a VDR-interacting protein (VIP) of approximately 170 kDa. VIP(170) is expressed in osteoblast-like ROS 17/2.8 cells and, to a lesser extent, in COS-7 and HeLa cells. VIP(170) may be a coactivator because it interacts only with 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D(3) (1,25(OH)(2)D(3)) ligand-bound hVDR and because a mutation (E420A) in the activation function-2 (AF-2) of hVDR abolishes both receptor-mediated transactivation and VIP(170) binding. Unlike L254G hVDR, a heterodimerization mutant with an intact AF-2, the E420A mutant is only partially attenuated in its association with the retinoid X receptor (RXR) DNA-binding partner. Finally, the ability of overexpressed hVDR to squelch glucocorticoid receptor-mediated transactivation is lost in both the L254G and E420A mutants. These results suggest that several protein-protein interactions, including VDR association with RXR and VIP(170), are required for stabilization of a multimeric complex that transduces the signal for 1,25(OH)(2)D(3)-elicited transactivation.  相似文献   

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