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Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH, EC 1. 1. 1. 1), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH, EC 1. 1. 1. 27) and alanine aminotransferase (AlaAT, EC 2. 6. 1. 2) activity in wild rice ( Zizania palustris L.) root tissue increased after 4 days of exposure to hypoxic stress. The activities of ADH and AlaAT also increased in leaf tissue under these same conditions, whereas LDH activity did not. Isozyme banding patterns indicate that wild rice has at least two functional Adh genes, only one of which is hypoxically induced in root and leaf tissue. The isozyme profile of LDH also indicates the presence of two functional Ldh genes in wild rice. Two bands of AlaAT activity are visible on native electrophoretic gels of root and leaf tissue. Neither of these bands appears to increase in activity in hypoxic samples, even though spectrophotometric assays indicate an increase in AlaAT activity. Ethanol accumulation was the highest of all the metabolites measured. Alanine and malate also accumulated under hypoxic conditions but only to about one-fifth the level of ethanol. Succinate, aspartate and lactate showed no observable changes throughout the induction period. These results show that wild rice differs from domesticated rice ( Oryza sativa L.) in its metabolic responses to anaerobic stress. The possible role of these responses in conferring flood tolerance is discussed.  相似文献   

利用数据库中已有的部分菰(Zizania latifolia Turcz.)核基因组序列,采用in silico方法开发其SSR引物,并选取我国不同纬度的5个菰野生种群,对合成的64对引物进行筛选。结果显示:64对引物中有15对至少在一个种群中表现出多态性;共发现84个等位基因,每个位点平均有5.6个等位基因。在5个种群中,观察杂合度为0.000~0.941,预期杂合度为0.072~0.625。种群间的基因流(Nm=0.576)水平较低导致了种群间表现出较高的遗传分化(FST=0.432)。进一步对稻族其他物种的通用性检测发现,15个多态位点中,有8个位点在亚洲栽培稻(Oryza sativa L.)中得到扩增,有9个位点在普通野生稻(O.rufipogon Griff.)中得到扩增。  相似文献   

We investigated the histology and developmental morphology of flowers of wild-rice (Zizania aquatica), a member of grass subfamily Oryzoideae, to determine whether male flowers in this species develop in a manner similar to those in the subfamily Panicoideae, a group that includes many species with unisexual flowers. Zizania has evolved unisexual flowers from hermaphrodite ancestors and is only distantly related to the Panicoideae; the origins of unisexual flowers are independent in the two taxa. Ontogenetic evidence indicates that many species within the subfamily Panicoideae develop male flowers by a process similar to that already described for maize (Zea mays), a panicoid grass. Unisexual male flowers in maize initiate both the stamen (androecium) and the pistil (gynoecium), but the gynoecium aborts early in development through the death of the subepidermal cells. Cell death in gynoecia of maize is known to be controlled by the product of the gene tasselseed2 (ts2), and an orthologue of ts2 has been shown to have the same effect in the sister genus Tripsacum. It seems likely that ts2 orthologues mediate cell death throughout the Panicoideae, but the phylogenetic range of the cell death mechanism is not known. In this study we show that male flowers of Z. aquatica show neither the distinctive pattern of cell death nor the ontogenetic timing of abortion that are characteristic of male flower formation in studied species of Panicoideae. This indicates that these unisexual flowers may be produced by an entirely different mechanism from that employed by the Panicoideae. Either ts2 does not control sex expression in Zizania, or it is deployed at a different time, and possibly in different tissues, with a different histological result. Our results indicate that the independent origins of male flowers in Gramineae apparently do not have a common system of genetic control.  相似文献   

Wang YM  Dong ZY  Zhang ZJ  Lin XY  Shen Y  Zhou D  Liu B 《Genetics》2005,170(4):1945-1956
To study the possible impact of alien introgression on a recipient plant genome, we examined >6000 unbiased genomic loci of three stable rice recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from intergeneric hybridization between rice (cv. Matsumae) and a wild relative (Zizania latifolia Griseb.) followed by successive selfing. Results from amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis showed that, whereas the introgressed Zizania DNA comprised <0.1% of the genome content in the RILs, extensive and genome-wide de novo variations occurred in up to 30% of the analyzed loci for all three lines studied. The AFLP-detected changes were validated by DNA gel-blot hybridization and/or sequence analysis of genomic loci corresponding to a subset of the differentiating AFLP fragments. A BLAST analysis revealed that the genomic variations occurred in diverse sequences, including protein-coding genes, transposable elements, and sequences of unknown functions. Pairwise sequence comparison of selected loci between a RIL and its rice parent showed that the variations represented either base substitutions or small insertion/deletions. Genome variations were detected in all 12 rice chromosomes, although their distribution was uneven both among and within chromosomes. Taken together, our results imply that even cryptic alien introgression can be highly mutagenic to a recipient plant genome.  相似文献   

野生扬子鳄种群动态变化及致危因素   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1998—2003年,采用问卷调查、走访居民、夜间灯光照射计数等方法,对可能有野生扬子鳄(Alligator sinensis)分布的安徽省、浙江省和江苏省的45个地点进行了调查。结果发现:目前野生扬子鳄呈点状分布在至少23个地点,个体总数约120条,主要集中分布在安徽扬子鳄国家级自然保护区内。通过连续调查和对比分析表明:自20世纪50年代扬子鳄数量急剧下降(从5000—6000条下降为120条),但1998年至今其数量保持相对稳定(120条),种群的致危因素主要是栖息地破坏、人为捕杀、环境污染、自然灾害、繁殖力低等。在不同时期导致数量下降的因素不同:1950—1990年问,主要是由于栖息地丧失、人为捕杀等;目前的主要致危因素是缺乏适宜的自然栖息地,环境污染和遗传多样性丧失是潜在的致危因素。旱灾对野生扬子鳄生存的影响并不明显。  相似文献   

Hybridization between different species plays an important role in plant genome evolution, as well as is a widely used approach for crop improvement. McClintock has predicted that plant wide hybridization constitutes a "genomic shock" whereby cryptic transposable elements may be activated. However, direct experimental evidence showing a causal relationship between plant wide hybridization and transposon mobilization has not yet been reported. The miniature-Ping (mPing) is a recently isolated active miniature inverted-repeat transposable element transposon from rice, which is mobilized by tissue culture and gamma-ray irradiation. We show herein that mPing, together with its putative transposase-encoding partner, Pong, is mobilized in three homologous recombinant inbred lines (RILs), derived from hybridization between rice (cultivar Matsumae) and wild rice (Zizania latifolia Griseb.), harboring introgressed genomic DNA from wild rice. In contrast, both elements remain immobile in two lines sharing the same parentage to the RILs but possessing no introgressed DNA. Thus, we have presented direct evidence that is consistent with McClintock's insight by demonstrating a causal link between wide hybridization and transposon mobilization in rice. In addition, we report an atypical behavior of mPing/Pong mobilization in these lines, i.e., the exclusive absence of footprints after excision.  相似文献   

Jarosław Kobak 《Biofouling》2013,29(3):141-150

The effects of several factors (shell length, exposure time, substratum orientation in space, illumination, temperature, conspecifics) upon the attachment strength (measured with a digital dynamometer) of the freshwater, gregarious bivalve Dreissena polymorpha were studied under laboratory conditions. A rapid increase in attachment strength was observed on resocart (a thermosetting polymer based on phenol-formaldehyde resin, with paper as filler) substrata during the first 4-d exposure, after which it stabilised at ca 1 N. The attachment strength increased also with mussel size. Mussel adhesion on variously oriented surfaces (vertical, upper horizontal and lower horizontal) was similar. Illumination inhibited attachment strength, as expected for a photophobic species, but only after a 2-d exposure. After 6 d, no effects of light were detected. Thus, illumination seemed to influence the attachment rate, rather than the final strength. The optimum temperature for mussel attachment was 20 – 25°C. At lower and higher temperatures (5 – 15°C and 30°C), their adhesion strength decreased. The presence of conspecifics stimulated mussel attachment strength.  相似文献   

We present the first genetic map of wild rice (Zizania palustris L., 2n=2x=30), a native aquatic grain of northern North America. This map is composed principally of previously mapped RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism) genetic markers from rice (Oryza sativa 2n=2x=24). The map is important as a foundation for genetic and crop improvement studies as well as a reference for genome organization comparisons among species of Gramineae. A comparative mapping approach with rice is especially useful because wild rice is grouped in the same subfamily, Oryzoideae, and no other mapping comparison has yet been made within the subfamily. As rice is the reference point for mapping and gene cloning in cereals, establishing a consensus map within the subfamily identifies conserved and unique regions. The genomes of wild rice and rice differ in total DNA content (wild rice has twice that of rice) and the number of chromosome pairs (wild rice=15 versus rice=12). The wild rice linkage map reported herein consists of 121 RFLP markers on 16 linkage groups spanning 1805 cM. Two linkage groups consist of only two markers. Colinear markers were found representing all rice linkage groups except #12. The majority of rice loci mapped to colinearly arranged arrays in wild rice (92 of 118). Features of the map include duplication of portions of three rice linkage groups and three possible translocations. The map gives basic information on the composition of the wild rice genome and provides tools to assist in the domestication of this important food source. Received: 25 August 1998 / Accepted: 20 February 1999  相似文献   

Tang  Haoran  Chen  Fangyuan  Bai  Jiangshan  Lou  Yanjing 《Aquatic Ecology》2022,56(3):619-629
Aquatic Ecology - Environmental stress, such as intense rainfall, drought and salinization, is predicted to increase not only in intensity, but also in frequency under future climate scenarios....  相似文献   

Zizania palustris L. (northern wild rice, NWR) is an aquatic grass native to North America that is notable for its nutritious grain. This is an important species with ecological, cultural and agricultural significance, specifically in the Great Lakes region of the USA. Using flow cytometry, we first estimated the NWR genome size to be 1.8 Gb. Using long- and short-range sequencing, Hi-C scaffolding and RNA-seq data from eight tissues, we generated an annotated whole-genome de novo assembly of NWR. The assembly was 1.29 Gb in length, highly repetitive (approx. 76.0%) and contained 46 421 putative protein-coding genes. The expansion of retrotransposons within the genome and a whole-genome duplication (WGD) after the ZizaniaOryza speciation event have both led to an increase in the genome size of NWR in comparison with Oryza sativa L. and Zizania latifolia. Both events depict a genome rapidly undergoing change over a short evolutionary time. Comparative analyses revealed the conservation of large syntenic blocks between NWR and O. sativa, which were used to identify putative seed-shattering genes. Estimates of divergence times revealed that the Zizania genus diverged from Oryza approximately 26–30 million years ago (26–30 MYA), whereas NWR and Zlatifolia diverged from one another approximately 6–8 MYA. Comparative genomics confirmed evidence of a WGD in the Zizania genus and provided support that the event occurred prior to the NWR–Zlatifolia speciation event. This genome assembly and annotation provides a valuable resource for comparative genomics in the Oryzeae tribe and provides an important resource for future conservation and breeding efforts of NWR.  相似文献   

Decomposition of aboveground and belowground organs of the emergent macrophyte Z.latifolia was investigated using a litterbag technique for a period of 359 days in a freshwater marsh in Japan. Aboveground parts were classified into: leaves, sheaths and stems. Belowground parts were classified into: horizontal rhizomes (new rhizome, hard rhizome, soft rhizome) and vertical rhizome (stembase). The decay rate (k) was 0.0036 day−1, 0.0033 day−1 and 0.0021 day−1 for leaves, sheaths and stems, respectively. For belowground parts, the decay rate varied considerably from 0.0018 day−1 to 0.0079 day−1, according to differences in the initial chemical compositions of rhizomes. After 359 days of decay, new rhizomes lost 94% of their original dry mass, compared with a loss of 48–84% for the other rhizomes. There was a significant positive relationship between litter quality and decay rate for horizontal rhizomes. For the new rhizomes, which had an internal nitrogen content of 24.2 mg N g−1 dry mass, the mass loss was 40% higher than that of soft rhizomes, which had an internal N content of 9.8 mg N g−1 dry mass. Over the period of 359 days, the nitrogen concentration in all rhizome types decreased to levels lower than initial values, but the phosphorus concentration remained constant after an initial leaching loss. Most nitrogen and phosphorus were lost during the first 45 days of decay. Changes in carbon to nitrogen (C:N) and carbon to phosphorus (C:P) ratios basically followed inversed trends of the nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations.  相似文献   

We present the first genetic map of wild rice (Zizania palustris L., 2n=2x=30), a native aquatic grain of northern North America. The map is composed principally of previously mapped RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism) genetic markers from rice (Oryza sativa 2n=2x=24). The map is important as a foundation for genetic and crop improvement studies, as well as a reference for genome organization comparisons among Gramineae species. A comparative mapping approach with rice is especially useful because wild rice is grouped in the same subfamily, Oryzoideae, and no other mapping comparison has yet been made within the subfamily. As rice is the reference point for mapping and gene cloning in cereals, establishing a consensus map within the subfamily identifies conserved and unique regions. The genomes of wild rice and rice differ in total DNA content (wild rice has twice that of rice) and chromosome pairs (wild rice=15 versus rice=12). The wild rice linkage map reported herein consists of 121 RFLP markers on 16 linkage groups spanning 1805 cM. Two linkage groups consist of only two markers. Colinear markers were found representing all rice linkage groups except #12. The majority of rice loci mapped to colinearly arranged arrays in wild rice (92 of 118). Features of the map include duplication of portions of three rice linkage groups and three possible translocations. The map gives basic information on the composition of the wild rice genome and provides tools to assist in the domestication of this important food source. Received: 25 August 1998 / Accepted: 20 February 1999 (Corrected version. Originally published in TAG 99:793–799)  相似文献   

Wild rice Zizania latifolia is a perennial emergent aquatic plant widely distributed across China. Wild populations of Z. latifolia are important to aquatic ecosystems and are valuable genetic resources for breeding. However, they have been faced with significant habitat losses in recent decades. For 10 nuclear microsatellites, high levels of genetic diversity (HE = 0.572–0.636) were found across seven surveyed populations from central China. The main factors responsible for that were its long life history and predominant outcrossing reproductive system. Low genetic differentiation among populations was found based on Wright's FST = 0.098. Similarly, AMOVA analysis showed only 7.73% of the total molecular variation was attributed to inter‐population differentiation. The weak population structure of Z. latifolia could be due to high gene flow mediated by water or birds (Nm = 2.30, M = 2.18). Importantly, most populations exhibited mutation‐drift disequilibrium, suggesting a recent population decline. Based on the results, wild populations of Z. latifolia are expected to lose genetic diversity and increase genetic structure in future generations. Therefore, conservation management is urgently needed to maintain the genetic resources of Z. latifolia.  相似文献   

Sediment chemistry of productive and non-productive wild rice sites was measured over 3 consecutive growing seasons Although productive sites differed from non-productive sites in terms of pH, N and potential N mineralization, redox potential was considered to be the major factor which distinguished these site classes. Productivity of wild rice in commercial stands could not be consistently correlated to sediment nutrients. However, growth appeared to be restricted in strongly reduced sediments and sediment Eh is considered to be a rapid, accurate method of estimating site potential. Good growth is expected if Eh is above –150 mB while poor growth is expected when Eh drops below –200 mV. Eh values of sediment samples changed as storage time increased. It is therefore recommended that Eh is recorded on-site.  相似文献   

Studies were carried out on B-group vitamins production by mycorrhizal fungi grown in vitro at different pH values. It was found that not all the fungi investigated produced all the B-group vitamins studied. Production of the vitamins varied between species and was influenced by the pH of the medium. Out of seven fungal species studied three did not produce biotin. Suillus bovinus synthesized this vitamin both in the acidic and neutral medium. Thiamin was produced by the fungi in minute amounts mainly in the acidic medium. The greatest amounts of nicotinic acid were produced by Hebeloma crustuliniforme (No 5392). Pantothenic acid was not detected only in the culture of Cenococcum graniforme.  相似文献   

G. Massei    P. V. Genov    B. W. Staines    M. L. Gorman 《Journal of Zoology》1997,242(3):411-423
This paper analyses the temporal variation in the size of home range and activity of adult wild boar ( Sus scrofa L.). Eighteen boar were radiotracked between 1991 and 1993 in the Maremma Natural Park (Central Italy). Variations of home-range size and activity were related to sex, winter food availability and population density. The hypotheses that home-range size was inversely related to food availability and population density, and that the amount of activity was directly related to population density and inversely related to food abundance, were tested. The size of the acorn crop was used as a measure of winter resource level. No differences were found in the size of ranges, core area, and activity between males and females. In 1991–92 home-range size was larger than in 1992–93; conversely, activity increased from 1991–92 to 1992–93. Winter food availability was high in 1991–92 and low in the following year. Population density increased greatly in spring 1992 but crashed in spring and summer 1993, when a high mortality of wild boar occurred due to starvation.
The decrease in home-range size during the food shortage was explained as a possible strategy adopted by wild boar to cope with starvation. The difference in home-range size and amount of activity found between the first and the second year of study were probably influenced by differences in population density, although the individual effects of food availability and population density were not clearly separable.  相似文献   

Factors influencing production of cationic starches   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The main factors – the amount of catalyst NaOH, the temperature and composition of reaction mixture – influencing the effectiveness of starch cationization with glycidyltrimethylammonium chloride (GTAC) were investigated. It was found that cationic or cross-linked cationic starches with preserved microgranules, a degree of substitution from 0.2 to 0.85 and reaction efficiency from 82% to 93% could be obtained during etherification of starch or cross-linked starch with a mixture containing GTAC, “free” water and 0.04–0.08 mol/AGU sodium hydroxide in heterogeneous condition. The activation energy of the GTAC main reaction is lower than that of the side reactions, thus starch cationization at a lower temperature proceeds with higher reaction efficiency.The amount of NaOH in the cationization mixture has a great influence on the rate of the main and side reactions of GTAC. Only the main reaction – cationization of starch – proceeds when all the NaOH present in the reaction mixture is adsorbed from the liquid phase by the starch. The duration of this “first reaction stage” decreases with increasing reaction temperature and the amount of NaOH in the reaction mixture. NaOH present in the liquid phase of the reaction mixture catalyzes the side reactions of GTAC and changes their character.  相似文献   

Strains of Zymomonas mobilis grown in media containing either glucose or sucrose were assessed for the production of hydrogen sulphide (H2S). In a liquid medium with low glucose concentration (20 g l?1) only a proportion of the strains tested formed H2S, but in medium containing a higher glucose concentration (100 g l?1) all the strains tested produced H2S. Four Z. mobilis strains were assayed quantitatively for H2S production and strain ZM4 was found to produce the most H2S in glucose medium. The amount of yeast extract and glucose, and the type of sugar used in the medium affected the amount of H2S formed by strain ZM4. A mutant, designated ZM4701, of strain ZM4 was isolated which did not produce any detectable H2S in liquid medium containing yeast extract plus either glucose or sucrose. The nutritional requirements of ZM4701 were investigated.  相似文献   

Root colonisation byGlomus fistulosum BEG 31 of a plant population from the outbreeding wild strawberry (Fragaria vesca) ranged from 42 to 80%; this was correlated with a significant increase in fruit trusses, berries and leaves. The mycorrhizal plants produced significantly more primary and secondary runners but less lateral runners. One hundred randomly selected seeds were multiplied in vitro and 4 clonal populations were selected. Root colonisation in the clones varied from 16 to 75%, with significant difference in the % colonisation between some of the clones. Percentage mycorrhizal colonisation was positively correlated with effects on host growth.The positive correlation between mycorrhizal root colonisation and growth effects in the clones was not reflected in their respective susceptibility, in the non-mycorrhizal state, toPhytophthora fragariae infection. Clones showing the highest and lowest mycorrhizal root colonisation showed high disease susceptibility whereas a clone with intermediate colonisation was resistant. When the clones were colonised with mycorrhizal fungi, the two susceptible clones became resistant toP. fragariae whereas the resistant and partially-resistant clones were less affected. Only one clone showed variation in vesicle formation when challenged withP. fragariae.  相似文献   

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