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The relationships between abundance of the blowfly Lucilia sericata (Meigen) (Diptera: Calliphoridae), climate, animal management procedures and the incidence of cutaneous myiasis (blowfly strike) in sheep were examined in three sheep pasture systems in southwest England during the summers of 2002 and 2003. In each year, flies were collected using liver-baited sticky targets, daily weather and routine husbandry practices were noted and the age-class of each animal infested and body position of each strike were recorded. On sites where no strike control was used, 5.8-12.1% of ewes and 5.7-15.8% of lambs were struck. Ewe strikes predominated at the beginning of the season. The incidence of ewe strikes was significantly associated with higher mean temperature, rainfall and shearing; shearing was associated with a 95% reduction in the risk of ewe strike. In lambs, the incidence of strike was significantly related to higher fly abundance, ewe shearing, treatment and mean ambient temperature. Lambs were 4.6 times more likely to be struck after the ewes had been shorn than before; however, the strongest relationship was with mean L. sericata abundance. Average minimum threshold temperatures of 9.5 degrees C for lamb strikes and 8.5 degrees C for all strikes were extrapolated, below which oviposition did not occur. Over 80% of ewe strikes occurred in the breech region in 2002, as did 100% in 2003. However, in lambs both body and breech strikes occurred in both years. The distribution of lamb strikes appeared to change over time, with breech strikes predominating in May, June and July and body strikes occurring increasingly later in the season. The incidence of lamb breech strikes was significantly associated with higher L. sericata abundance and ewe shearing but there was no relationship with weather conditions. By contrast, the risk of body strike in lambs was significantly associated with higher blowfly abundance, higher rainfall and higher maximum temperatures. The relationship between strike incidence and L. sericata abundance is important because it enhances our understanding of strike incidence patterns and management of this disease. Clearly, any factors that facilitate larger L. sericata populations, such as inappropriate carcass burial or increased average ambient temperatures, are likely to increase the incidence of strike.  相似文献   

  • 1 The control of ovine myiasis by suppression of populations of the blowfly Lucifia sericata was investigated experimentally on three farms in the south-west of England in 1992 and 1993.
  • 2 In blind trials, sheep on one farm (control) were given two doses of placebo, on a second two doses of the larvicide cyromazine (Vetrazin®, CibaGeigy), and on a third cyromazine and a subsequent dose of placebo.
  • 3 The first treatment was given shortly before the predicted spring emergence of L.sericata and the second shortly before the predicted emergence of the second generation. Previous simulation analysis had identified strategic early-season treatment as the optimum for blowfly population suppression.
  • 4 On both treatment farms significantly smaller L.sericata populations were recorded throughout 1992 and the incidence of strike was significantly lower than on the control farm. The results show that appropriate early-season timing of sheep treatment can suppress populations of L.sericata and could be used by farmers to reduce the incidence of blowfly strike.
  • 5 The results suggest, however, that the effectiveness of population suppression and strike incidence may have been influenced by immigration into the control areas and by adverse weather, the latter changing the susceptibility of sheep to strike and resulting in rising strike incidence even when L.sericata population densities were low. In practice, therefore, blowfly population suppression should be employed as a component of an integrated strike management programme.

A comprehensive simulation model for sheep blowfly strike due to Lucilia sericata (Meigen) (Diptera: Calliphoridae), which builds on previously published versions but also incorporates important new empirical data, is used to explain patterns of lamb and ewe strike recorded on 370 farms in south-west, south-east and central England and Wales. The model is able to explain a significant percentage of the variance in lamb strike incidence in all four regions, and ewe strike in three of the four regions. The model is able to predict the start of seasonal blowfly strike within one week in three of the four regions for both ewes and lambs, and within 3 weeks in the fourth region. It is concluded that the accuracy of the model will allow it to be used to assess the likely efficacy of new control techniques and the effects of changes in existing husbandry practices on strike incidence. The model could also be used to give sheep farmers advance warning of approaching strike problems. However, the ability to forecast future strike patterns is dependent on the accuracy of the weather projections; the more long-term the forecast, the more approximate the prediction is likely to be. When applied on a regional basis, model forecasts indicate expected average patterns of strike incidence and may not therefore be appropriate for individual farmers whose husbandry practices differ substantially from the average.  相似文献   

Sheep blowfly strike (ovine cutaneous myiasis) is a widespread economic and welfare problem in sheep husbandry in many parts of the world. Strike incidence is determined by a complex interaction of fly abundance, host susceptibility and climate, combined with farmer husbandry and intervention strategies. Sheep farmers adopt a range of approaches to the type and timing of the management used for the control of blowfly strike, the rational basis for which is often not robust. Here a deterministic model, based on existing data relating to fly abundance, seasonal risk and strike incidence, is used to compare the variable costs associated with different strike management strategies. The model shows that not employing prophylactic treatment is the lowest cost strategy only where strike risk is low. In all other circumstances, prophylactic treatment incurs lower costs than not doing so, because the deaths associated with strike outweigh the costs of prophylactic treatment. Lamb treatment, in particular, has a substantial effect on strike and cost reduction, since lambs are the most abundant age-class of animals and are at the highest risk over the period when fly abundance is the greatest. Early-season treatment of ewes before shearing is also an important component of the lowest cost strategies, particularly when the blowfly season is extended. While the rational choice of the most appropriate strike management strategy is essential in the context of farm economics, welfare considerations lend added importance to treatment decisions that reduce strike incidence.  相似文献   

The incidence of parasite‐mediated livestock disease is the result of a complex interaction of factors such as parasite and host abundance, host susceptibility, climate and, critically, farmer husbandry and intervention strategies, all of which change seasonally in space and time. Given the complexity of the interacting factors, the effects of environment changes on disease incidence are hard to predict, as accordingly are the optimal husbandry responses required to ameliorate any effects. Here a model system is used to explore these issues. Cutaneous myiasis (blowfly strike) is common disease of livestock and would be expected to be highly sensitive to even small changes in climate; it provides a good model for highlighting the problems inherent in attempting to predict the effect of climate change on livestock disease incidence. For this, a stochastic simulation model is used to examine the changes in the seasonal incidence of ovine cutaneous myiasis on farms in the United Kingdom and the likely effects of changes in husbandry and control strategies. The simulations show that the range of elevated temperatures predicted by current climate change scenarios result in an elongated blowfly season with earlier spring emergence and a higher cumulative incidence of strike. Overall, higher temperatures increased strike incidence disproportionately in ewes in early summer, but had relatively less direct effect on the pattern of lamb strike incidence; a +3 °C increase in average temperature approximately doubles the cumulative incidence of strike in lambs but results in four times more strikes in ewes. A range of strike management options is examined and the models show that changes in husbandry practices are also likely to have an important effect in reducing early season ewe strike incidences. The simulations suggest that integrated changes in husbandry practices are likely to be able to manage expected increases in strike, given the range of climate changes currently predicted.  相似文献   

Abstract. Field trials were carried out in 1995 and 1996 on farms in the south-west of England to assess the extent to which odour-baited targets could be used to suppress populations of the ectoparasitic blowfly, Lucilia sericata , in sheep pastures. Targets were constructed from 41 × 41 cm squares of aluminium sheet, covered by white cloth which had been dipped in a mixture of sucrose solution (50% w/v) and the chitin synthesis inhibitor triflumuron (10% suspension concentrate). Each target was baited with ≈ 300 g of liver and sodium sulphide solution (10%). Three matched sheep farms were used in the trials. In 1995, triflumuron-impregnated targets were placed around the periphery of sheep pastures at one of the farms in late June, at approximately one target per hectare. In 1996, triflumuron-impregnated targets were placed around the periphery of sheep pastures of a second of the farms in early May, at approximately five targets per hectare. Each year, five sticky targets, used to monitor the L. sericata populations, were also placed in fields at the experimental and the other two farms, which acted as controls. In 1995, the results provided some, although inconclusive, evidence that the triflumuron-impregnated targets had reduced the numbers of L. sericata relative to the populations on the two control farms. In 1996, however, the density of L. sericata on the experimental farm was reduced to almost zero and remained significantly lower than on two control farms throughout the period during which the triflumuron-impregnated targets remained in the field. The results are discussed in relation to the use of triflumuron-treated targets as a practical means of controlling L. sericata and sheep blowfly strike.  相似文献   

Abstract. In order to develop and evaluate control strategies for blowfly strike, a greater understanding of the epidemiology is essential. A postal survey of sheep farmers yielded information about ten farm and management factors and their relationship to blowfly strike prevalence. The risk of a farm reporting at least one case of blowfly strike increased as flock size and stocking density increased (adjusted odds ratio of 1.13 for an increase in flock size of 100 sheep and 1.38 for an increase in stocking density of ten sheep per hectare). As farm altitude increased, the risk of blowfly strike decreased (adjusted odds ratio 0.67 for an increase in farm altitude of 100 m). The risk of high strike prevalence (more than 2% of sheep struck) decreased as both farm altitude and flock size increased. High strike prevalence was also associated with on-farm sheep carcase disposal (odds ratio 1.35). Farmers in the south-west of England were more likely to report at least one case of blowfly strike and high strike prevalence compared to all other regions.  相似文献   

Populations of the blowfly, Lucilia sericata (Meigen) (Diptera: Calliphoridae), have a considerable potential for rapid increase; the lifetime reproductive output of each adult female has been estimated to be between 130 and 172 eggs. Nevertheless, in the field, absolute population densities of this species are relatively low. To account for this difference, the levels of mortality affecting the eggs, feeding and wandering larvae and pupae of L. sericata were assessed in the field and laboratory. Percentage egg hatch was dependent on relative humidity with no egg eclosion at humidities below 50%; there was no significant effect of temperature on egg hatch. On infested sheep, the mean mortality of feeding larvae was 53%, but this ranged widely from 0% to 96%. There was no effect of atmospheric temperature or humidity on the mortality of feeding larvae in vivo. In the laboratory, only 10% of wandering larvae pupariated at 10 degrees C. At above 20 degrees C pupariation was consistently almost 100%. Percentage emergence increased from 0% at 10 degrees C to about 80% between 20 and 30 degrees C. The upper lethal temperature for pupae was approached at 35 degrees C. Analysis of the predation of pupae in the field revealed a weak, but significant curvilinear relationship between temperature and proportionate mortality and a median mortality of 0.49% per 24 h exposure (interquartile range = 5.2%). There was no evidence of density dependence in pupal predation. Overall, it is estimated that pre-adult mortality accounts for losses of approximately 97% of each generation, but this figure is subject to considerable variation depending on factors such as climate, time of year and host susceptibility.  相似文献   

Understanding the spatial scale and temporal pattern of disease incidence is a fundamental prerequisite for the development of appropriate management and intervention strategies. It is particularly critical, given the need to understand the elevated risks linked to climate change, to allow the most likely changes in the distribution of parasites and disease vectors to be predicted under a range of climate change scenarios. Using statistical models, the spatial distribution and climatic correlates of a range of parasites and diseases have been mapped previously, but their development into dynamic, predictive tools is less common. The aim of the work described here, was to use a species distribution model to characterise the environmental determinants of the monthly occurrence of ovine cutaneous myiasis (blowfly strike) by Lucilia sericata, the most frequent primary agent of northern European myiasis, and to then use this model to describe the potential spatial changes that might be expected in response to predicted climate change in Great Britain. The model predicts that the range of elevated temperatures predicted by current climate change scenarios will result in an increase in the risk of strike and an elongated blowfly season. However, even for the most rapid warming scenario predictions over the next 70 years, strike is not predicted to occur throughout the winter. Nevertheless, in this latter case, parts of central and southern England are likely to become too hot and dry for strike by L. sericata, to persist in mid-summer. Under these conditions, it is possible that other, more pathogenic Mediterranean agents of myiasis, such as Wolfhartia magnifica, could potentially replace L. sericata. Where the phenology of strike is altered by climate change, as predicted here, significant changes to the timing and frequency of parasite treatments and husbandry practices, such as shearing, will be required to manage the problem. The results suggest that the modelling approach adopted here could be usefully applied to a range of disease systems.  相似文献   

The ability of three commercially available trap types to catch Lucilia (Diptera: Calliphoridae) blowflies was assessed on three sheep farms in southwest England in 2008. The aim was to evaluate their relative value for the control of ovine cutaneous myiasis (sheep blowfly strike) on farms. There was a highly significant difference between the total number of female Lucilia caught per day by the traps, with an Agrilure Trap (Agrimin Ltd, Brigg, U.K.) catching more than the other trap types (Rescue Disposable Fly Trap, Sterling International, Spokane, U.S.A.; Redtop Trap, Miller Methods, Johannesburg, South Africa). However, there was no significant difference between the traps in the numbers of female Lucilia sericata (Meigen) caught. Nevertheless, consideration of the rate at which female L. sericata were caught over time showed that the Agrilure trap did not begin catching until about 30 days after its initial deployment. It subsequently caught L. sericata at a faster rate than the other two traps. The data suggest that the freeze‐dried liver bait used in the Agrilure trap required a period of about 30 days to become fully rehydrated and decompose to the degree required to attract and catch L. sericata. Once the bait was attractive, however, the trap outperformed the other two traps in terms of the rate of L. sericata capture. The Agrilure trap would appear to be the most effective of the designs tested for use against sheep blowfly and blowfly strike in the U.K., but care would be needed to ensure that the traps were deployed in advance of the blowfly season so that the bait was suitably aged when trapping was required.  相似文献   

Colonization by blowflies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) of mouse carcasses exposed in open agricultural land near Durham (54 45'N) changed from early spring monopolization by Calliphora vicina R.-D. to a summer pattern of multiple species exploitation by this species together with Lucilia caesar L., L. illustris Mg., L. silvarum Mg., L. sericata Mg. and L. richardsi Collin. In a garden at the edge of Durham, mouse carcasses were dominated by C. vicina from spring to autumn. Difference in mouse colonization between the agricultural and garden sites seemed to reflect differences in the blowfly species present, as measured by baited trap catches at the sites. In sets of C. vicina reared from mice under conditions of competition for larval food, it was found that resulting females were significantly larger than males, size being measured as mean wing length. Blowfly production from three sheep carcasses exposed successively at the agricultural site was dominated by C. vomitoria L. and L. caesar, but also produced other Lucilia species in small numbers, including L. sericata. These L. sericata females from sheep that had died from causes other than myiasis included full-sized specimens, in contrast to those produced from mouse carcasses that were all undersized individuals. As L. sericata females trapped on sheep pastures are predominantly full-sized, this suggests that large carcasses may, in part, be a source of the L. sericata population that attacks sheep as a myiasis agent. The nature of large carcasses as possible sources of L. sericata in lowland Britain is discussed.  相似文献   

The seasonal pattern of sheep blowfly strike in England and Wales   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. Information on 4049 cases of sheep blowfly strike on 495 farms in England and Wales was gathered in a longitudinal survey conducted in 1991. The breech was the most commonly infested area, accounting for 70.9% of all strikes recorded. Body strikes accounted for 19.7% and foot strikes 11.4% of all strikes. Early in the season the incidences of both breech and body strikes were higher in ewes than in lambs, but from June to October lamb strikes predominated. The incidence of foot strike was greater in ewes than lambs throughout the year, with a peak incidence in September. Regional differences in strike incidence were evident; the highest overall incidences were recorded in the southern regions of England where peak incidence occurred earlier in the year. The highest monthly incidence risk was recorded in August in the south-east of England where there were 14.2 strikes per 1000 lambs and 4.0 strikes per 1000 ewes at risk. The importance of faecal soiling and ambient temperature are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Adult mortality and oviposition rates were determined for populations of the blowfly Lucilia sericata (Meigen) (Diptera: Calliphoridae). This species is of economic importance as the primary agent of sheep myiasis throughout north-western Europe.
2. Populations of marked flies in six, 1 m3, outdoor field cages and unmarked wild flies at two farms in south-west England were studied simultaneously between May and September 1998.
3. In the field, wild female L. sericata were caught and aged using a combination of wing-fray and ovarian dissection techniques. Survivorship analysis gave estimates of mortality of 1.94% (± 0.037) and 2.09% (± 0.044) per day-degree and mean life expectancy of 51.5 and 47.9 day-degrees above a threshold of 11 °C, at the two farms studied. Mean lifetime reproductive output in the field was estimated to be 159.6 and 138.4 eggs per female at the two farms respectively.
4. The survivorship of cohorts of marked female flies in cages was followed by counting the number of dead individuals each day; the mortality rate of these flies was 0.81% per day-degree (± 3.49 × 10−4%) and the mean life expectancy was 123.1 day-degrees above a threshold of 11 °C. Mortality rate was shown to increase significantly with average ambient temperature and relative humidity lagged for two sample periods (approximately 10 days). Oviposition rate also increased with average temperature but declined with average relative humidity. A best-fit multiple regression model incorporating both ambient temperature and humidity explained 60.5% of the variance in the pattern of oviposition.
5. The differences between the field and cage populations highlight the caution required when extrapolating life-history parameters from artificial to natural habitats.  相似文献   

In traditional medical practice, the larvae of some Diptera: Calliphoridae, notably Lucilia illustris (Meigen), L.sericata (Meigen) and Phormia regina (Meigen), have been employed for maggot therapy, i.e. to help clean lesions antiseptically, especially for treatment of chronic osteomyelitis. This mode of treatment remains appropriate for cases where antibiotics are ineffective and surgery impracticable.  相似文献   

Maggot therapy (MT) is the clinical application of living fly larvae for the treatment of non-healing wounds and wounds that require debridement. This systematized and expanded literature review is the first study to investigate MT through the conceptual and disciplinary framework of supply chain management. The review of 491 selected academic papers was expanded to include the grey literature and online information resources to construct a first-pass theory of the medicinal maggot supply chain. It shows that the literature to date has focused on isolated discussions of echelon-specific issues such as diet improvement and sterilization protocols in the production echelon, and the relative effectiveness of medicinal maggot application methods in the treatment echelon. There is little knowledge in the public domain regarding the transport and distribution of medicinal maggots, but existing supply chains for vaccines, blood and pathology specimens may provide learning and supply chain integration opportunities. Maggot therapy knowledge across the treatment echelon is generally substantive but there is still insufficient knowledge regarding patients' and health care providers' attitudes toward the therapy, and their experiences of receiving and administering MT. Moreover, there is no research concerned with the humane disposal of medicinal flies during production and after treatment.  相似文献   

Abstract .Protein-fed Calliphora vicina , F1 offspring of wild flies in two cages with lower and higher fly densities showed variable delay in starting oocyte vitellogenesis at ambient semi-natural temperatures in warm July–August weather in 1996 and 1997 at Durham in northern England (54°45' N). The high-density flies in 1996 showed no delay, in that the thermal sum (degree-days) experienced was 133, comparable to 18°C constant, assuming the lower threshold for egg maturation to be 5°C. Low-density cages and flies in a large outdoor cage (2 m3) in both years showed delays in production of first eggs of 34 days (thermal sum 293 degree-days) in 1996 and 32 days (396 degree-days) in 1997, and longer delays for other individuals. Delays in egg production at low densities relative to high densities seem to be a group effect of unknown mechanism.  相似文献   

There is strong evidence to suggest that climate change has, and will continue to affect the occurrence, distribution and prevalence of livestock diseases in Great Britain (GB). This paper reviews how climate change could affect livestock diseases in GB. Factors influenced by climate change and that could affect livestock diseases include the molecular biology of the pathogen itself; vectors (if any); farming practice and land use; zoological and environmental factors; and the establishment of new microenvironments and microclimates. The interaction of these factors is an important consideration in forecasting how livestock diseases may be affected. Risk assessments should focus on looking for combinations of factors that may be directly affected by climate change, or that may be indirectly affected through changes in human activity, such as land use (e.g. deforestation), transport and movement of animals, intensity of livestock farming and habitat change. A risk assessment framework is proposed, based on modules that accommodate these factors. This framework could be used to screen for the emergence of unexpected disease events.  相似文献   

We describe here a rare case of traumatic myiasis occurred in August 2014, caused by an association of 2 Diptera species, Sarcophaga tibialis Macquart (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) and Lucilia sericata (Meigen) (Diptera: Calliphoridae), in a domestic cat in northern Italy. Species identification was based on adult male morphology. The present case is the first report of S. tibialis as an agent of myiasis in Italy, and also the first ever report of myiasis caused by an association of S. tibialis and L. sericata. The cat developed an extensive traumatic myiasis in a large wound on the rump, which was treated pharmacologically and surgically. The biology, ecology, and distribution of S. tibialis and L. sericata are also discussed. A literature review is provided on cases of myiasis caused by S. tibialis, and cases of myiasis by L. sericata involving cats worldwide and humans and animals in Italy.  相似文献   

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