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The purpose of this study was to employ the Salmonella/microsomal assay (Ames test) to investigate the mutagenic potential of a thermostable exotoxin of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. morrisoni. Bacteria are ideal for the detection of infrequently occurring point mutations because the large number of organisms (200 to 400 million bacteria per plate) exposed to the mutagen at any one time increases the possibility of observing a random mutational event. The exotoxin used in this study was produced using the shaker flask fermentation procedure with mineral casein broth. A Petri dish method of bioassay using fresh bovine feces was used to determine the efficacy of the exotoxin against horn flies. The LD50 was found to be 5.35 μl/g of feces. Five bacterial tester strains were identified and characterized for the genetic markers described by Ames et al. (B. N. Ames et al., 1975, Mutat. Res., 31, 347–364). Appropriate doses of the B. thuringiensis supernatant, solvent or positive control were added to agar plates. The supernatant was tested at five dose levels against all five strains of bacteria. Controls of bacteria only were included for spontaneous reversions. All treatments were performed in triplicate. The numbers of revertant colonies from each set of triplicate plates were averaged and the standard deviation calculated and compared to that found with the solvent control. The negative controls, positive controls, and sterility controls all fulfilled requirements for determination of a valid test. No detectable mutagenic activity was found for the thermostable exotoxin of B. thuringiensis morrisoni.  相似文献   

Clustered DNA damages are defined as two or more closely located DNA damage lesions that may be present within a few helical turns of the DNA double strand. These damages are potential signatures of ionizing radiation and are often found to be repair resistant. Types of damaged lesions frequently found inside clustered DNA damage sites include oxidized bases, abasic sites, nucleotide dimers, strand breaks or their complex combinations. In this study, we used a bistranded two-lesion abasic cluster DNA damage model to access the repair process of DNA in condensate form.Oligomer DNA duplexes (47 bp) were designed to have two deoxyuridine in the middle of the sequences, three bases apart in opposite strands. The deoxyuridine residues were converted into abasic sites by treatment with UDG enzyme creating an abasic clustered damage site in a precise position in each of the single strand of the DNA duplex. This oligomer duplex having compatible cohesive ends was ligated to pUC19 plasmid, linearized with HindIII restriction endonuclease. The plasmid–oligomer conjugate was transformed into condensates by treating them with spermidine. The efficiency of strand cleavage action of ApeI enzyme on the abasic sites was determined by denaturing PAGE after timed incubation of the oligomer duplex and the oligomer–plasmid conjugate in presence and absence of spermidine. The efficiency of double strand breaks was determined similarly by native PAGE. Quantitative gel analysis revealed that rate of abasic site cleavage is reduced in the DNA condensates as compared to the oligomer DNA duplex or the linear ligated oligomer–plasmid conjugates. Generation of double strand break is significantly reduced also, suggesting that their creation is not proportionate to the number of abasic sites cleaved in the condensate model. All these suggest that the ApeI enzyme have difficulty to access the abasic sites located deep into the condensates leading to repair refractivity of the damages. In addition, we found that presence of a polyamine such as spermidine has no notable effect in the incision activity of ApeI enzyme in linear oligomer DNA duplexes in our experimental concentration.  相似文献   

The three human LIG genes encode polypeptides that catalyze phosphodiester bond formation during DNA replication, recombination and repair. While numerous studies have identified protein partners of the human DNA ligases (hLigs), there has been little characterization of the catalytic properties of these enzymes. In this study, we developed and optimized a fluorescence-based DNA ligation assay to characterize the activities of purified hLigs. Although hLigI joins DNA nicks, it has no detectable activity on linear duplex DNA substrates with short, cohesive single-strand ends. By contrast, hLigIIIβ and the hLigIIIα/XRCC1 and hLigIV/XRCC4 complexes are active on both nicked and linear duplex DNA substrates. Surprisingly, hLigIV/XRCC4, which is a key component of the major non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) pathway, is significantly less active than hLigIII on a linear duplex DNA substrate. Notably, hLigIV/XRCC4 molecules only catalyze a single ligation event in the absence or presence of ATP. The failure to catalyze subsequent ligation events reflects a defect in the enzyme-adenylation step of the next ligation reaction and suggests that, unless there is an in vivo mechanism to reactivate DNA ligase IV/XRCC4 following phosphodiester bond formation, the cellular NHEJ capacity will be determined by the number of adenylated DNA ligaseIV/XRCC4 molecules.  相似文献   

Glycogen synthase kinase-3β (GSK-3β) is an evolutionarily conserved serine/threonine kinase, functioning in numerous cellular processes including cell proliferation, DNA repair, cell cycle, signaling and metabolic pathways. GSK-3β is implicated in different diseases including inflammation, neurodegenerative disease, diabetes and cancers. GSK-3β is involved in biological processes of tumorigenesis, therefore, it is rational that GSK-3β inhibitors were employed to target malignant tumors. The effects of GSK-3β inhibitors in combination of radiation and chemotherapeutic drugs have been reported in various types of cancers, suggesting GSK-3β would play important roles in cancer treatments. GSK-3β is involved in multiple signal pathway including Wnt/β-catenin, PI3K/PTEN/AKT and Notch. GSK-3β also functions in DNA repair through phosphorylation of DNA repair factors and affecting their binding to chromatin. This review focuses on the molecular mechanism of GSK-3β in DNA repair, special in base excision repair and double-strands break repair, the roles of GSK-3β in inhibition of apoptosis through activation of NF-κB, and the effects of GSK-3β inhibitors on radio- and chemosensitization of various types of cancers.This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: GSK-3 and related kinases in cancer, neurological and other disorders edited by James McCubrey, Agnieszka Gizak and Dariusz Rakus.  相似文献   

The antibiotic, aphidicolin, is a potent inhibitor of DNA polymerase α and consequently of de novo DNA synthesis in human cells. We report here that in γ-irradiated normal human cells, aphidicolin (at 5 μg/ml and less) had no significant effect on the rate of the rejoining of DNA single strand breaks or rate of removal of DNA lesions assayed as sites sensitive to incising activities present in crude protein extracts of Micrococcus luteus cells. γ-irradiated human ataxia telangiectasia cells are known to demonstrate enhanced cell killing and exhibit resistance to the inhibiting effects of radiation on DNA synthesis. Under conditions of minimal aphidicolin cytotoxicity but extensive inhibition of de novo DNA synthesis, the radiation responses of neither normal nor ataxia telangiectasia cells were significantly modified by aphidicolin. Firstly, we conclude that human DNA polymerase α is not primarily involved in the repair of the two classes of radiogenic DNA lesions examined. Secondly, the radiation hypersensitivity of ataxia telangiectasia cells cannot be explained on the basis of premature replication of damaged cellular DNA resulting from the resistance of de novo DNA synthesis to inhibition by ionizing radiation.  相似文献   

In reflexion contrast (RC) microscopy, cells with plane contact to the glass surface show interference lines which correspond to lines of equal altitude or thickness. Between two neighbouring dissimilar interference lines the thickness of layer is about 0.1 μm (depending on refractive index and wavelength). The interference lines of RC are evaluated by means of semi-automatic image analysis and used for both three-dimensional reconstruction of the cells and calculation of the surface, volume and angle of climb of surface structures. Determination of the absolute thickness of cells is carried out either by measuring the shadows at one-sided illumination or by the two-filter method at different wavelengths. Equations for various simple reference figures of normocytes and a layer method are given which allow the three-dimensional analysis of optionally formed structures. The methods were tested using erythrocytes.  相似文献   

This paper concerns oscillations arising in a sequence of biochemical reactions   相似文献   

The circadian rhythm of the liver, namely organ weight, cellular structures (by light-microscopy), glycogen content (by periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) reaction) and mitotic activity, was studied in 166 male Sprague-Dawley rats orally treated daily at 0800-0900 with 70 (study 1) or 50 (study 2) mg/kg phenobarbital (PB) for 7days. Thereafter, eight (study 1) or five (study 2) rats each were studied at 4-hr intervals at 1000, 1400, 1800, 2200, 0200, 0600 and 1000 through till the following day. The lighting schedule in the colony was 12:12, light:dark (light from 0600 to 1800). The liver weight was raised in PB-treated rats at all times of the day compared to controls and showed a distinct circadian rhythm with a peak at 1000 and a minimum at 2200 in PB-treated rats and the controls. The circadian rhythm of cellular structures was closely related to the hepatic glycogen content which was in good agreement with the controls, but at 1400 and 1800 the glycogen particles were more distinctly diminished in the enlarged centrilobular hepatocytes of PB-treated rats. The mitotic activity of hepatocytes was markedly increased in rats treated with PB but showed the same circadian rhythm as controls with a peak at 1000.  相似文献   


Pα-methyl deoxynucleoside triphosphates are used as substrates for E. coli DNA polymerase I in template-directed polymerase reactions. It is shown that the modified compounds are incorporated together with the unmodified deoxynucleoside triphosphates into DNA under both nick-translation and Klenow reaction conditions.  相似文献   

I seek to explain phenomena observed in simulations of populations of gap junction-coupled bursting cells by studying the dynamics of identical pairs. I use a simplified model for pancreatic β-cells and decompose the system into fast (spike-generating) and slow subsystems to show how bifurcations of the fast subsystem affect bursting behavior. When coupling is weak, the spikes are not in phase but rather are anti-phase, asymmetric or quasi-periodic. These solutions all support bursting with smaller amplitude spikes than the in-phase case, leading to increased burst period. A key geometrical feature underlying this is that the in-phase periodic solution branch terminates in a homoclinic orbit. The same mechanism also provides a model for bursting as an emergent property of populations; cells which are not intrinsic bursters can burst when coupled. This phenomenon is enhanced when symmetry is broken by making the cells differ in a parameter.  相似文献   

The purpose of the review is to show that the tetrameric (bacterio)chlorophyll ((B)Chl) structures in reaction centers of photosystem II (PSII) of green plants and in bacterial reaction centers (BRCs) are similar and play a key role in the primary charge separation. The Stark effect measurements on PSII reaction centers have revealed an increased dipole moment for the transition at approximately 730 nm (Frese et al., Biochemistry 42:9205-9213, 2003). It was found (Heber and Shuvalov, Photosynth Res 84:84-91, 2005) that two fluorescent bands at 685 and 720 nm are observed in different organisms. These two forms are registered in the action spectrum of Q(A) photoreduction. Similar results were obtained in core complexes of PSII at low temperature (Hughes et al., Biochim Biophys Acta 1757: 841-851, 2006). In all cases the far-red absorption and emission can be interpreted as indication of the state with charge transfer character in which the chlorophyll monomer plays a role of an electron donor. The role of bacteriochlorophyll monomers (B(A) and B(B)) in BRCs can be revealed by different mutations of axial ligand for Mg central atoms. RCs with substitution of histidine L153 by tyrosine or leucine and of histidine M182 by leucine (double mutant) are not stable in isolated state. They were studied in antennaless membrane by different kinds of spectroscopy including one with femtosecond time resolution. It was found that the single mutation (L153HY) was accompanied by disappearance of B(A) molecule absorption near 802 nm and by 14-fold decrease of photochemical activity measured with ms time resolution. The lifetime of P(870)* increased up to approximately 200 ps in agreement with very low rate of the electron transfer to A-branch. In the double mutant L153HY + M182HL, the B(A) appears to be lost and B(B) is replaced by bacteriopheophytin Phi(B) with the absence of any absorption near 800 nm. Femtosecond measurements have revealed the electron transfer to B-branch with a time constant of approximately 2 ps. These results are discussed in terms of obligatory role of B(A) and Phi(B) molecules located near P for efficient electron transfer from P*.  相似文献   

The distribution of F-actin, -tubulin, aldolase, and fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (FBPase) in ovarioles of four heteropteran species (Ilyocoris cimicoides, Coreus marginatus, Lygus pratensis, and Notostira elongata) was investigated biochemically and immunocytochemically. Aldolase was found to be uniformly distributed in the cytoplasm of trophocytes and follicular cells, with the highest concentration in prefollicular cells. Its concentration in follicular cells increased during differentiation and reached a peak in ovarian follicles at the stage of late choriogenesis. FBPase was observed in the cytoplasm (weak reaction) and on cell borders (strong reaction) of both germ line and somatic cells. No FBPase or aldolase signal was observed on the F-actin trophic core mesh or on stress fibers.  相似文献   

In a pilot project 2,122 schoolchildren were screened for symptomless urinary tract disease by the examination of midstream urine specimens. These were tested for albumin, blood, and glucose with Labstix commercial strips, together with microscopy for abnormal cellular excretion.One case of renal glycosuria was found but none of previously undiagnosed diabetes mellitus. Out of 1,096 boys, 11 (1%) had pyuria—a leucocyte count greater than 10/cu.mm.—but only four showed abnormal counts on retesting. None had urinary tract infection.Out of 1,026 girls, 96 (9·3%) had pyuria initially but 35 were normal on retesting. Of the remaining 61 girls, 59 attended the outpatients department for further investigation, and in 30 vulvitis appeared to be the sole cause. Ten were proved to have significant bacteriuria and six of them showed radiological abnormalities.It is suggested that careful long-term studies are needed to study the economics and the implications of screening on a national scale.  相似文献   

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