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During chick embryogenesis, massive alterations occur in the migrating cell's substratum, or extracellular matrix. The possibility that some of the components of this milieu play a regulatory role in cell differentiation was explored in a cell-culture system derived from embryonic chick skeletal muscle tissue. In particular, the effects of collagen and the glycosaminoglycans were studied. Collagen is required for muscle cell attachment and spreading onto plastic and glass tissue-culture dishes. A major constituent of the early embryonic extracellular space, hyaluronate (HA), while having no significant effect on collagen-stimulated cell attachment and spreading, was found to inhibit myogenesis. The muscle-specific M subunit of creatine kinase was preferentially inhibited. Control experiments indicated that the inhibition was specifically caused by HA and not by other glycosaminoglycans. A general metabolic inhibition of the cultures was not observed. Muscle cells could bind to HA-coated beads at all stages of differentiation but were inhibited only when HA was added within the first 24 h of culture. Endogenous GAG in the culture is normally degraded during the first 24 h after plating as well; this may parallel the massive degradation of HA that occurs in the early embryo in vivo. These findings suggest a regulatory role for HA in modulating skeletal muscle differentiation, with degradation of an inhibitory component of the cell substratum a requirement for myogenesis.  相似文献   

This work describes the step-by-step development of a novel, serum-free, in vitro cell culture system resulting in the formation of robust, contracting, multinucleate myotubes from dissociated skeletal muscle cells obtained from the hind limbs of fetal rats. This defined system consisted of a serum-free medium formulation developed by the systematic addition of different growth factors as well as a nonbiological cell growth promoting substrate, N-1[3-(trimethoxysilyl) propyl] diethylenetriamine. Each growth factor in the medium was experimentally evaluated for its effect on myotube formation. The resulting myotubes were evaluated immunocytochemically using embryonic skeletal muscle, specifically the myosin heavy chain antibody. Based upon this analysis, we propose a new skeletal muscle differentiation protocol that reflects the roles of the various growth factors which promote robust myotube formation. Further observation noted that the proposed skeletal muscle differentiation technique also supported muscle–nerve coculture. Immunocytochemical evidence of nerve–muscle coculture has also been documented. Applications for this novel culture system include biocompatibility and skeletal muscle differentiation studies, understanding myopathies, neuromuscular disorders, and skeletal muscle tissue engineering.  相似文献   

The amino acid leucine is thought to be important for skeletal muscle growth by virtue of its ability to acutely activate mTORC1 and enhance muscle protein synthesis, yet little data exist regarding its impact on skeletal muscle size and its ability to produce force. We utilized a tissue engineering approach in order to test whether supplementing culture medium with leucine could enhance mTORC1 signaling, myotube growth, and muscle function. Phosphorylation of the mTORC1 target proteins 4EBP‐1 and rpS6 and myotube hypertrophy appeared to occur in a dose dependent manner, with 5 and 20 mM of leucine inducing similar effects, which were greater than those seen with 1 mM. Maximal contractile force was also elevated with leucine supplementation; however, although this did not appear to be enhanced with increasing leucine doses, this effect was completely ablated by co‐incubation with the mTOR inhibitor rapamycin, showing that the augmented force production in the presence of leucine was mTOR sensitive. Finally, by using electrical stimulation to induce chronic (24 hr) contraction of engineered skeletal muscle constructs, we were able to show that the effects of leucine and muscle contraction are additive, since the two stimuli had cumulative effects on maximal contractile force production. These results extend our current knowledge of the efficacy of leucine as an anabolic nutritional aid showing for the first time that leucine supplementation may augment skeletal muscle functional capacity, and furthermore validates the use of engineered skeletal muscle for highly‐controlled investigations into nutritional regulation of muscle physiology.  相似文献   

Age-related changes in satellitecell proliferation and differentiation during rapid growth of porcineskeletal muscle were examined. Satellite cells were isolated fromhindlimb muscles of pigs at 1, 7, 14, and 21 wk of age (4 animals/agegroup). Satellite cells were separated from cellular debris by usingPercoll gradient centrifugation and were adsorbed to glass coverslipsfor fluorescent immunostaining. Positive staining for neural celladhesion molecule (NCAM) distinguished satellite cells from nonmyogeniccells. The proportion of NCAM-positive cells (satellite cells) inisolates decreased from 1 to 7 wk of age. Greater than 77% ofNCAM-positive cells were proliferating cell nuclear antigen positive atall ages studied. Myogenin-positive satellite cells decreased from 30%at 1 wk to 14% at 7 wk of age and remained at constant levels thereafter. These data indicate that a high percentage of satellite cells remain proliferative during rapid postnatal muscle growth. Thereduced proportion of myogenin-positive cells during growth may reflecta decrease in the proportion of differentiating satellite cells oraccelerated incorporation of myogenin-positive cells into myofibers.


During ex vivo myoblast differentiation, a pool of quiescent mononucleated myoblasts, reserve cells, arise alongside myotubes. Insulin/insulin-like growth factor (IGF) and PKB/Akt-dependent phosphorylation activates skeletal muscle differentiation and hypertrophy. We have investigated the role of glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK-3) inhibition by protein kinase B (PKB)/Akt and Wnt/beta-catenin pathways in reserve cell activation during myoblast differentiation and myotube hypertrophy. Inhibition of GSK-3 by LiCl or SB216763, restored insulin-dependent differentiation of C2ind myoblasts in low serum, and cooperated with insulin in serum-free medium to induce MyoD and myogenin expression in C2ind myoblasts, quiescent C2 or primary human reserve cells. We show that LiCl treatment induced nuclear accumulation of beta-catenin in C2 myoblasts, thus mimicking activation of canonical Wnt signaling. Similarly to the effect of GSK-3 inhibitors with insulin, coculturing C2 reserve cells with Wnt1-expressing fibroblasts enhanced insulin-stimulated induction of MyoD and myogenin in reserve cells. A similar cooperative effect of LiCl or Wnt1 with insulin was observed during late ex vivo differentiation and promoted increased size and fusion of myotubes. We show that this synergistic effect on myotube hypertrophy involved an increased fusion of reserve cells into preexisting myotubes. These data reveal insulin and Wnt/beta-catenin pathways cooperate in muscle cell differentiation through activation and recruitment of satellite cell-like reserve myoblasts.  相似文献   

The regulation of glycosphingolipid (GSL) synthesis in culture by fusion-competent (E63) myoblasts and fusion-defective (fu-1) cells was examined. Upon reaching confluency E63 cells fused to form multinucleated myotubes and demonstrated many characteristics of developing skeletal muscle including induction of creatine kinase activity and a shift in creatine kinase isozymes to the MM isoform. The fu-1 cells displayed none of these characteristics, despite the fact that both cells were cloned from the same parental myoblast line (rat L8). There was a transient increase in the synthesis of total neutral GSLs by E63 cells at the time of membrane fusion. In contrast, neutral GSL synthesis by fu-1 cells gradually decreased with time in culture. The major GSLs synthesized by both cell types were lactosylceramide and ganghoside GM3, with more complex structures being observed with prolonged time in culture. Several glycosyltransferase activities were assayed at varying times in culture. Generally, the changes in activities fell into three groups. One group was maximally activated at the end of the culture period (GalT-3, GalNAcT-1 and GalT-6). Another group was maximally activated during the time of active membrane fusion (GlcT and SAT-1). A third group was maximally activated at the time of cell contact and the beginning of membrane fusion (GlcNAcT-1 and GalT-2). In terms of the times of maximal activation there were few differences between E63 and fu-1 cells, with one notable exception. The activity of GalT-2 (lactosylceramide synthase) in E63 cells increased dramatically upon contact and the beginning of membrane fusion, whereas there were no changes in GalT-2 activity in fu-1 cells during time in culture. These results support our hypothesis that membrane glycosphingolipids play an important role in the differentiation of skeletal muscle cells.Abbreviations GSL glycosphingolipid - CK creatine kinase - HPTLC high performance thin layer chromatography - PMSF phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride - CTH ceramide trihexoside (GbOse3Cer) - GlcCer glycosylceramide - LacC N-acetylglucosamine - NeuNAc N-acetylneuraminic acid (sialic acid)  相似文献   

Calorie restriction (CR) extends life span and ameliorates age-related pathologies in most species studied, yet the mechanisms underlying these effects remain unclear. Using mouse skeletal muscle as a model, we show that CR acts in part by enhancing the function of tissue-specific stem cells. Even short-term CR significantly enhanced stem cell availability and activity in the muscle of young and old animals, in concert with an increase in mitochondrial abundance and induction of conserved metabolic and longevity regulators. Moreover, CR enhanced endogenous muscle repair and CR initiated in either donor or recipient animals improved the contribution of donor cells to regenerating muscle after transplant. These studies indicate that metabolic factors play a critical role in regulating stem cell function and that this regulation can influence the efficacy of recovery from injury and the engraftment of transplanted cells.  相似文献   

The differentiation of skeletal muscle is characterized by recognition, alignment, and subsequent fusion of myoblast cells at their surfaces to form large, multinucleated myotubes. Monoclonal antibodies were used to investigate anti-genie changes in the cell surface membrane specific for various stages of myogenesis. Chick embryonic skeletal muscle cells were cultured in vitro to the desired stage of differentiation and then injected into BALB/c mice. Spleen cells from the immunized mice were hybridized with NS-1 or P3 8653 mouse myeloma cells. Hybrid cell clones were selected in HAT medium and screened using an indirect radioimmunoassay for the production of monoclonal antibodies specific to myogenic cell surfaces. Target cells for the radioimmunoassay included three stages of myogenesis (myoblasts, midfusion myoblasts, and myotubes) and chick lung cells as a control for polymorphic antigens. Sixty-one clones were obtained which produced antibodies specific for myogenic cells. Thirty-five of these clones were generated from mice immunized with midfusion myoblast stages of myogenesis and 26 were obtained from mice immunized with the later myotube stage of myogenesis. Quantitative measurements by RIA of myogenic determinants per cell surface area on each target cell type revealed that most of the determinants decrease during myogenesis when midfusion myoblasts are used as the immunogen. When myotube stages are used as the immunogen, more determinants increase with cell differentiation. Therefore, the most common pattern of determinant change is for them to be present at all stages of myogenesis but to vary quantitively through development. There are determinants unique to each stage of myogenesis and marked quantitative differences within a cell stage for each determinant.  相似文献   

This study examined two putative mechanisms of new fiber formation in postnatal skeletal muscle, namely longitudinal fragmentation of existing fibers and de novo formation. The relative contributions of these two mechanisms to fiber formation in hypertrophying anterior latissimus dorsi (ALD) muscle were assessed by quantitative analysis of their nuclear populations. Muscle hypertrophy was induced by wing-weighting for 1 week. All nuclei formed during the weighting period were labeled by continuous infusion of 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU), a thymidine analog, and embryonic-like fibers were identified using an antibody to ventricular-like embryonic (V-EMB) myosin. The number of BrdU-labeled and unlabeled nuclei in V-EMB-positive fibers were counted. Wing-weighting resulted in significant muscle enlargement and the appearance of many V-EMB+ fibers. The majority of V-EMB+ fibers were completely independent of mature fibers and had a nuclear density characteristics of developing fibers. Furthermore, nearly 100% of the nuclei in independent V-EMB+ fibers were labeled. These findings strongly suggest that most V-EMB+ fibers were nascent fibers formed de novo during the weighting period by satellite cell activation and fusion. Nascent fibers were found primarily in the space between fascicles where they formed a complex anastomosing network of fibers running at angles to one another. Although wing-weighting induced an increase in the number of branched fibers, there was no evidence that V-EMB+ fibers were formed by longitudinal fragmentation. The location of newly formed fibers in wing-weighted and regenerating ALD muscle was compared to determine whether satellite cells in the ALD muscle were unusual in that, if stimulated to divide, they would form fibers in the inter- and intrafascicular space. In contrast to wing-weighted muscle, nascent fibers were always found closely associated with necrotic fibers. These results suggest that wing-weighting is not simply another model of regeneration, but rather produces a unique environment which induces satellite cell migration and subsequent fiber formation in the interfascicular space. De novo fiber formation is apparently the principal mechanism for the hyperplasia reported to occur in the ALD muscle undergoing hypertrophy induced by wing-weighting.  相似文献   

Resveratrol is a stilbene found naturally in various plants with the highest concentration in the skin of grapes and peanuts. The function of this compound in plants is to confer resistance against bacterial and fungal infection. The effects of resveratrol in animals and humans are currently an area of intense investigation. Resveratrol has been shown to have a plethora of health benefits including protection against cardiovascular disease, various cancers, type II diabetes, and also has life extending properties. The beneficial effects of resveratrol in skeletal muscle have been given less attention in the literature compared to other tissues. Therefore, the focus of this review is to highlight the cellular effects of resveratrol in skeletal muscle. Resveratrol has been shown to alter protein catabolism and muscle function, and confer resistance against oxidative stress, injury, and cell death of skeletal muscle cells. The mechanisms underlying these resveratrol-induced adaptations in skeletal muscle are discussed.  相似文献   

Morphometric analysis of the developmental processes of the satellite cells and myosimplasts has been performed in embryonal histogenesis of the skeletal muscle tissue in 17 human fetuses 8-27 weeks of the intrauterine development. The sequence of death of some myoblasts in embryonal histogenesis is described in details. Basing on the data obtained, a conception on existance of muscular-proliferative units (MPU) in composition of the skeletal muscles is put forward. The amount of the MPU determines the whole number of muscle fibers in the muscle. The anlage of the MPU occurs as a result of divergent differentiation of the stem myogenic cells at early stages of myogenesis (myosimplasts and myotubes) from the cells commited to mutual fusion. The fund of these cells is determined by the number of myogenic elements that are at the state of the proliferative rest. One of the mechanisms regulating the number of the resting cells is the growth rate of the simplast lengthwise. The resting cells, appearing at late stages of myogenesis (of the muscle fibers), are the sources for development of the myosatellites in mature muscle fibers. In dying myotubes there is a sharp disturbance in growth processes lengthwise, in biosynthesis of contractile proteins, in correlation between the number of nuclei in the satellite cells and those of simplasts.  相似文献   

The potential role of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) familyduring stretch-induced postnatal skeletal muscle hypertrophy wasanalyzed by using an avian wing-weighting model. After 2 or 11 days ofweighted stretch, anterior latissimus dorsi (ALD) muscles were, onaverage, 34 (P < 0.01) and 85%(P < 0.01) larger, respectively, than unweighted ALD control muscles. By using quantitative RT-PCR, FGF-1 mRNA expression was found to be significantly decreased in ALDmuscles stretched for 2 or 11 days. In contrast, FGF-4 and FGF-10 mRNAexpression was significantly increased 2 days after initiation ofstretch. FGF-2, FGF-10, fibroblast growth factor receptor 1, andFREK mRNA expression was significantly increased at 11 days poststretch. Increases in FGF-2 and FGF-4 protein could bedetected throughout the myofiber periphery after 11 days of stretch. Ona cellular level, FGF-2 and FGF-4 proteins were differentiallylocalized. This differential expression pattern and proteinlocalization of the FGF family in response to stretch-induced hypertrophy suggest distinct roles for individual FGFs during thepostnatal hypertrophy process.


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