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Aromatic diglycidyl compounds are very active mutagens when assayed in in vitro tests. In vivo, however, resorcinol diglycidyl ether provided no evidence for the clastogenic activity, while diglycidylaniline exhibited definite mutagenic activity in the micronucleus test. Since the only difference between these two compounds lies in the binding mode of the glycidyl groups to the aromatic nucleus (i.e. ether oxygen vs. aminic nitrogen), this apparent discrepancy in mutagenic activity led to the question of the mechanisms involved in such an activity difference. Although no clear signs of differential uptake or excretion could be detected in mice, differences could be seen in the spectrum of urinary metabolites; while resorcinol diglycidyl ether seemed to become fully converted to the genetically inactive bis-diol compound, a sizeable proportion of diglycidylaniline was converted only to the diol-epoxide. In vitro investigations and enzyme kinetic measurements with postmitochondrial supernatant of rat or mouse liver homogenate (S-9) finally yielded the biochemical explanation for this behaviour, as they showed a very low affinity of the diol-epoxide metabolite of diglycidylaniline for the epoxide hydrolase, normally involved in the degradation of such compounds. The diol-epoxide obtained from resorcinol diglycidyl ether, on the other hand, has an affinity to the degradation enzyme similar to, or even higher than, the one measured with the parent substance.  相似文献   

The mutagenic (TFT resistance) and toxic responses of mouse lymphoma (MOLY) L5178Y cells and human lymphoblast (HULY) TK6 cells were compared for 13 chemicals. The mutagenic activities of 8 of the 13 chemicals (62%) examined in the HULY and MOLY assays are in agreement - the results being judged positive in both assays. However, a dramatic difference is observed when the two conditions of metabolic activation are considered separately; the overall concordance of 8/13 has been achieved by combining a 13/13 (100%) agreement in the absence of S9 with a 1/6 (17%) agreement in the presence of S9. In the absence of S9, the concentration ranges, lowest significant doses, and shapes of the concentration-response curves for both toxicity and mutagenicity were similar in spite of the differences in exposure times (4 h for MOLY, 20 for HULY) and expression times (2 days for MOLY, 3 days for HULY). The general agreement observed in the absence of S9 contrasted with the differences manifested in its presence. 6 compounds which were negative in the absence of S9 were tested in both the MOLY and HULY assays in the presence of S9. Of the 6 chemicals, only 1 was positive in both MOLY and HULY under the latter condition; 4 others were positive in MOLY and negative in HULY whereas 1 was positive in HULY and negative in MOLY.  相似文献   

The lethal and mutagenic effects of ethyl, benzyl, 1-naphthylmethyl, 2-naphthylmethyl, 1-naphthylethyl, 2-naphthylethyl and 9-anthrylmethyl glycidyl ethers on Salmonella typhimurium (TA100, TA1535, TA98 and TA1538) were investigated. LD30-value became smaller with an increase in compound hydrophobicity. The mutagenicities of these compounds in TA100 increased in the order: 1-naphthylethyl glycidyl ether less than 2-naphthylethyl glycidyl ether less than benzyl glycidyl ether less than 2-naphthylmethyl glycidyl ether less than 1-naphthylmethyl glycidyl ether less than 9-anthrylmethyl glycidyl ether. 1-Naphthylmethyl and 2-naphthylmethyl glycidyl ethers were mutagenic toward TA1535. In TA98, 1-naphthylmethyl and 9-anthrylmethyl glycidyl ethers showed mutagenic activity and 9-anthrylmethyl glycidyl ether was more mutagenic than 1-naphthylmethyl glycidyl ether. 9-Anthrylmethyl glycidyl ether was also active in TA1538. In the reaction of glycidyl ethers with deoxyguanosine and related compounds, glycidyl ethers attacked at only N-7 of guanine. The alkylation rates of glycidyl ethers toward guanine residues in DNA were determined and the exciplex-formation ability of 7-substituted guanines was studied. The reactivity of glycidyl ethers with guanine residues in DNA has not provided a sufficient explanation for the variation in mutagenic potencies of glycidyl ethers.  相似文献   

L E Sal'nikova  Iu V Pashin 《Genetika》1988,24(11):2088-2090
Using mammalian somatic cells (CHO-AT3-2) we have demonstrated a synergistic effect of ethyl methane sulfonate and a carbamoylating agent, potassium cyanate. Potassium cyanate aggravated the toxic action of EMS and the induction of predominantly micro- and macroaberrational mutation, whereas the rate of point mutations of the base substitution type was not affected. No synergistic effect was observed when potassium cyanate was used in combination with heavy metal salts, regardless of the test employed.  相似文献   

Eight imidazo[1,2-alpha] pyrimidine derivatives and six cyclic guanidine derivatives were synthesized in order to study their physiological activity. Mutagenic effects were not detected with any compound in a modified Ames' Salmonella test using TA100, TA98, and TA1537, with or without S9. No inhibition of growth was observed with any test compound. Positive and negative controls behaved as expected.  相似文献   

A simple method for the measurement of the kinetics of reaction of potentially mutagenic alkyl halides with amines, based on the direct conductimetric monitoring of the quaternary ammonium salt produced in these reactions, is proposed and applied to the alkylation of p-nitrobenzylpyridine (NBP) and triethylamine (TEA) in different solvents. With respect to the classical colorimetric NBP-test, this method has the advantage that the rates can be measured continuously over the entire course of the reactions and the kinetic order and constants can be easily obtained. It is also shown that the previously proposed, NBP modified test', using simultaneously NBP and TEA, gives actually the sum of the rate constants for the reactions of the alkylating reagent with the two amines.  相似文献   

To determine correlations between the biological action pattern and chemical reactivity of alkylating agents, the rate constants for reactions of 1,3-propane sultone and 1,4-butane sultone with a series of nucleophiles at 37 degrees C have been determined. Previously published data on the mutagenicity of the two sultones and of some alkyl methanesulfonates and dialkyl sulfates towards Schizosaccharomyces pombe have been used in the evaluation of the dependence of mutagenic effectiveness on chemical reactivity. It is of interest to note that the mutagenic effectiveness of the two sultones, if expressed per alkylating event at a certain low nucleophilicity is the same as that of e.g. methyl methanesulfonate and ethyl methanesulfonate.  相似文献   

B Beek  G Obe 《Humangenetik》1975,29(2):127-134
The trifunctional alkylating chemical mutagen trenimon increases the frequency of sister chromatid exchanges in human leukocyte chromosomes in vitro, as revealed by a BUdR-Giemsa method. Treatment with lead acetate exhibited negative results in this respect. The use of sister chromatid exchanges as possible indicators for mutagenic activities is discussed.  相似文献   

The oxidation of yeast cytochrome c peroxidase by hydrogen peroxide produces a unique enzyme intermediate, cytochrome c peroxidase Compound I, in which the ferric heme iron has been oxidized to an oxyferryl state, Fe(IV), and an amino acid residue has been oxidized to a radical state. The reduction of cytochrome c peroxidase Compound I by horse heart ferrocytochrome c is biphasic in the presence of excess ferrocytochrome c as cytochrome c peroxidase Compound I is reduced to the native enzyme via a second enzyme intermediate, cytochrome c peroxidase Compound II. In the first phase of the reaction, the oxyferryl heme iron in Compound I is reduced to the ferric state producing Compound II which retains the amino acid free radical. The pseudo-first order rate constant for reduction of Compound I to Compound II increases with increasing cytochrome c concentration in a hyperbolic fashion. The limiting value at infinite cytochrome c concentration, which is attributed to the intracomplex electron transfer rate from ferrocytochrome c to the heme site in Compound I, is 450 +/- 20 s-1 at pH 7.5 and 25 degrees C. Ferricytochrome c inhibits the reaction in a competitive manner. The reduction of the free radical in Compound II is complex. At low cytochrome c peroxidase concentrations, the reduction rate is 5 +/- 3 s-1, independent of the ferrocytochrome c concentration. At higher peroxidase concentrations, a term proportional to the square of the Compound II concentration is involved in the reduction of the free radical. Reduction of Compound II is not inhibited by ferricytochrome c. The rates and equilibrium constant for the interconversion of the free radical and oxyferryl forms of Compound II have also been determined.  相似文献   

3-Methylcholanthrene and five related dihydrodiols have been tested for microsome-mediated mutagenicity towards Salmonellatyphimurium TA100 and for the induction of mutation to 8-azaguanine resistance in V79 Chinese hamster cells and malignant transformation in M2 mouse fibroblasts. In both mutagenicity test systems, the 9,10-diol was considerably more active than either the parent hydrocarbon, the related cis-2α,3-diol, the trans-4,5-, the trans-7,8- or the trans-11,12-dihydrodiols. At a non-toxic concentration (1μg/ml medium), the 9,10-diol induced the formation of more transformed malignant foci in cultures of M2 cells than 3-methylcholanthrene and the other diols were either inactive or only weakly active in this test system. The results obtained indicate that the 9,10-dihydrodiol derived from 3-methylcholanthrene is involved, presumably following conversion into the corresponding vicinal diol-epoxide, 9,10-dihydro-9,10-dihydroxy-3-methylcholanthrene 7,8-oxide, in the metabolic activation of this carcinogenic polycyclic hydrocarbon.  相似文献   

The kinetics of fungal peroxidase-catalyzed phenolic compounds (PCs) oxidation was investigated in presence of acetylenic-based surfactant Dynol 604 at pH 5.5 and 25 °C. It was shown that the presence of ppm concentrations of surfactant did not influence initial rate of PCs oxidation. The calculated apparent bimolecular rate constants were (1.8 ± 0.2) × 105 M−1 s−1, (1.4 ± 0.4) × 107 M−1 s−1, (1.30 ± 0.06) × 107 M−1 s−1 and 1.1 × 108 M−1 s−1 for phenol, 1-naphthol, 2-naphthol and 1-hydroxypyrene, respectively.During an extensive substrates conversion Dynol 604 showed diverse action for different PCs. The oxidation of phenol practically did not change, whereas the surfactant enhanced the conversion of 1- and 2-naphthol and 1-hydroxypyrene in dose response manner. The results accounted by a scheme, which contains a stadium of enzyme inhibition by oligomeric PC oxidation products. The action of the surfactant was explained by avoidance the enzyme active center clothing with the oligomers. The results acquired demonstrate a remarkable increase of substrates conversion in the presence of Dynol 604.  相似文献   

To develop a simple system for monitoring the presence of mutagens/carcinogens in the leachates from landfill sites, we used a micronucleus test and a single cell gel electrophoresis (comet) assay originally developed for mice and rats on goldfish (Carassius auratus). The goldfish were exposed for 9 days to the leachate with chemical and biological treatment (treated leachate) or without treatment (raw leachate). The goldfish exposed to several samples died because of the high concentrations of NaCl or ammonium ion (NH4+). In the comet assay using peripheral erythrocytes, the raw leachates showed higher mutagenic activity than the treated leachates. In the micronucleus test, it was difficult to detect the micronuclei in peripheral erythrocytes. On the other hand, the frequency of micronuclei was high in gill cells of goldfish exposed to the raw leachates compared to the treated leachates. A combination of the two bioassays was shown to be useful to evaluate the mutagenic activity of the leachates. We also propose a new scoring method for determination of water quality by using acute toxicity and mutagenic activity.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium sp. strain Pyr-1 cells, which were grown to the stationary phase in media with and without pyrene, were centrifuged and resuspended in a medium containing 1-nitropyrene. Cells that had been grown with pyrene oxidized up to 20% of the added 1-nitropyrene to 1-nitropyrene-cis-9,10- and 4,5-dihydrodiols. However, cells that had been grown without pyrene reduced up to 70% of the 1-nitropyrene to 1-aminopyrene but did not produce dihydrodiols. The nitroreductase activity was oxygen insensitive, intracellular, and inducible by nitro compounds. Nitroreductase activity was inhibited by p-chlorobenzoic acid, o-iodosobenzoic acid, menadione, dicumarol, and antimycin A. Extracts from cells that had been grown without pyrene activated 1-nitropyrene, 1-amino-7-nitrofluorene, 2,7-dinitro-9-fluorenone, 1,3-dinitropyrene, 1,6-dinitropyrene, and 6-nitrochrysene to DNA-damaging products, as shown in Salmonella typhimurium tester strains by the reversion assay and by induction of the umuC gene. Activation of nitro compounds, as shown by the umu test, was enhanced by NADPH. This study shows that Mycobacterium sp. strain Pyr-1 metabolizes nitroaromatic compounds by both oxidative and reductive pathways. During reduction, it generates products that are mutagenic.  相似文献   

Tris (1-aziridinyl) phosphine oxide (TEPA) and tris (1-aziridinyl) phosphine sulfide (thio-TEPA) induced base pair mutations in the Ames mutagenic assay. Thio-TEPA required metabolic activation while TEPA was active without metabolic activation. Growth of a human vaginal carcinoma (A431), a human breast carcinoma (MDAMB-231), and a human cervical carcinoma (HeLa) were inhibited in soft agar in vitro at concentrations which induced mutagenesis in the Ames Assay. A fourth line, JEG choriocarcinoma, was sensitive to the antigrowth properties of both drugs at concentrations below that which induced mutagenesis. These data suggest that as more antineoplastic agents become available, and as mean survival times increase, knowledge of the relative in vitro sensitivity of a patient's neoplasm to a specific antineoplastic drug (i.e., dose required for growth inhibition) as a function of its mutagenic index might be useful for prediction of clinical remission, as well as the risk of secondary neoplasm induction.Abbreviations TEPA tris (1-aziridinyl) phosphine oxide - thio-TEPA tris (1-aziridinyl) phosphine sulfide - MEM Minimal Essential Media This study was supported by PHS grant No. CA 30321 awarded by the National Cancer Institute (DHHS).  相似文献   

Hypoxanthine (Hx), thymidine (TdR) and deoxycytidine (CdR), at concentrations of 10(-5) M increased the yield of 8-azaguanine-resistant (AzGr) mutants induced by N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) in cultured Chinese hamster V79 cells. The cytotoxicity of MNNG was increased 2-fold in the presence of Hx, and more than 10-fold in the presence of TdR. This cytotoxic effect of TdR was abolished by equal concentrations of CdR, which by itself did not increase the cytotoxicity of MNNG. However, the yield of MNNG-induced AzGr colonies was increased 2--10-fold in the presence of both CdR and TdR. The AzGr colonies displayed phenotypes characteristic of hypoxanthine: guaninephosphoribosyltransferase-deficient (HGPRT-) mutants, or indicative of mutant HGPRT with altered substrate affinities. The nucleosides did not affect the growth or expression time of the HGPRT- mutants; the same extent of alkali-labile DNA damage occurred in cells treated with alkylating agents in the presence and absence of TdR and CdR; and the increase in mutation frequency in the presence of these nucleosides occurred not only with MNNG, but also with ethylating agents. Nucleosides treated with MNNG were not mutagenic, and treatment of the cells with TdR and CdR only prior to treatment with MNNG or only during selection with AzG did not increase the induced mutation frequency. Therefore, the interpretation is proposed that CdR, TdR and Hx produce nucleotide-pool imbalances that increase lethal and mutagenic errors of replication of alkylated DNA.  相似文献   

Two simple hemilabile P,O-coordinating phosphinoamidoester ligands 6a and 6b were synthesized and studied in the Pd(0)-catalyzed asymmetric allylic alkylation of rac-1,3-diphenylpropenyl acetate affording a highest ee of 83% ee with 6a. To gain an insight into the actual mechanism of this catalytic reactions, which had previously been investigated with a first generation family of P,O-coordinating phosphinoamido-alcohol ligands-4a and 4b-a semiempirical computational study was carried out with the Pd-allyl complexes formed from both 4a and 6a including Hitchcock's phosphinoamido-alcohol ligand 5 (R(1)= H, R(2)= Ph). The results of this study substantiate a working model that has previously been proposed for this reaction using hemilabile P,O-coordinating phosphinoamido-type ligands.  相似文献   

Four series of aniline mustards linked to a DNA-affinic acridine chromophore by alkyl chains of varying length (2-5 carbon atoms) have been studied for their mutagenic properties, as estimated in four strains of Salmonella typhimurium and in Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain D5. The four series have very different mustard reactivities, as determined by the aniline link group (-O-, -CH2-, -S- or -SO2-). Some of the derived compounds cause frameshift mutagenesis which can be detected in TA98 and also "petite" mutagenesis activity, neither of which occur to significant extents with the parent mustards or with 9-aminoacridine. None of the derived compounds are as effective as the parent mustards in mitotic crossing-over, nor do they show ability for frameshift mutagenesis in S. typhimurium TA1977 which is typical of acridines. Some of the compounds have comparable frameshift activity to compounds such as ICR-191, but appear to have a different base-pair preference. The results indicate clear structure-activity relationships for the spectrum of mutagenic activity, which relate to both chain length and alkylator reactivity, for these compounds.  相似文献   

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