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The sea urchin embryo is a classical model system for studying the role of the cytoskeleton in such events as fertilization, mitosis, cleavage, cell migration and gastrulation. We have conducted an analysis of gene models derived from the Strongylocentrotus purpuratus genome assembly and have gathered strong evidence for the existence of multiple gene families encoding cytoskeletal proteins and their regulators in sea urchin. While many cytoskeletal genes have been cloned from sea urchin with sequences already existing in public databases, genome analysis reveals a significantly higher degree of diversity within certain gene families. Furthermore, genes are described corresponding to homologs of cytoskeletal proteins not previously documented in sea urchins. To illustrate the varying degree of sequence diversity that exists within cytoskeletal gene families, we conducted an analysis of genes encoding actins, specific actin-binding proteins, myosins, tubulins, kinesins, dyneins, specific microtubule-associated proteins, and intermediate filaments. We conducted ontological analysis of select genes to better understand the relatedness of urchin cytoskeletal genes to those of other deuterostomes. We analyzed developmental expression (EST) data to confirm the existence of select gene models and to understand their differential expression during various stages of early development.  相似文献   

Mitotic cell division is the most fundamental task of all living cells. Cells have intricate and tightly regulated machinery to ensure that mitosis occurs with appropriate frequency and high fidelity. A core element of this machinery is the kinesin‐5 motor protein, which plays essential roles in spindle formation and maintenance. In this review, we discuss how the structural and mechanical properties of kinesin‐5 motors uniquely suit them to their mitotic role. We describe some of the small molecule inhibitors and regulatory proteins that act on kinesin‐5, and discuss how these regulators may influence the process of cell division. Finally, we touch on some more recently described functions of kinesin‐5 motors in non‐dividing cells. Throughout, we highlight a number of open questions that impede our understanding of both this motor's function and the potential utility of kinesin‐5 inhibitors.  相似文献   

Molecular motors move many intracellular cargos along microtubules. Recently, it has been hypothesized that in vivo cargo velocity can be used to determine the number of engaged motors. We use theoretical and experimental approaches to investigate these assertions, and find that this hypothesis is inconsistent with previously described motor behavior, surveyed and re-analyzed in this paper. Studying lipid droplet motion in Drosophila embryos, we compare transport in a mutant, Delta(halo), with that in wild-type embryos. The minus-end moving cargos in the mutant appear to be driven by more motors (based on in vivo stall force observations). Periods of minus-end motion are indeed longer than in wild-type embryos but the corresponding velocities are not higher. We conclude that velocity is not a definitive read-out of the number of motors propelling a cargo.  相似文献   

The function of the Golgi apparatus is to modify proteins and lipids synthesized in the ER and sort them to their final destination. The steady-state size and function of the Golgi apparatus is maintained through the recycling of some components back to the ER. Several lines of evidence indicate that the spatial segregation between the ER and the Golgi apparatus as well as trafficking between these two compartments require both microtubules and motors. We have cloned and characterized a new Xenopus kinesin like protein, Xklp3, a subunit of the heterotrimeric Kinesin II. By immunofluorescence it is found in the Golgi region. A more detailed analysis by EM shows that it is associated with a subset of membranes that contain the KDEL receptor and are localized between the ER and Golgi apparatus. An association of Xklp3 with the recycling compartment is further supported by a biochemical analysis and the behavior of Xklp3 in BFA-treated cells. The function of Xklp3 was analyzed by transfecting cells with a dominant-negative form lacking the motor domain. In these cells, the normal delivery of newly synthesized proteins to the Golgi apparatus is blocked. Taken together, these results indicate that Xklp3 is involved in the transport of tubular-vesicular elements between the ER and the Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

Abstract Bovine adrenal chromaffin cells were maintained in culture in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium containing 20% foetal calf serum and 10 units per ml of Nerve Growth Factor. Under these conditions, chromaffin cells developed up to five neurites per cell. The neurites showed lateral branches and varicosities along their trunk which ended with thick growth cone-like structures. Cultures of chromaffin cells were stained by indirect immunofluorescence with antibodies against (a) chromogranin A to follow the distribution of chromaffin granules, the catecholamine-storing organelles, and (b) tubulin, to study the microtubular system during outgrowth of neurites. Chromogranin A antibodies showed a very intensely staining punctate pattern, not randomly distributed but localized in neurites. Chromaffin granules were found to migrate from the cell body to reach neurite endings where they were densely packed. Intense staining was also observed in varicosities; a linear arrangement of granules was evident along neurite trunks. Tubulin antibodies decorated a complex network, clearly visible at the cell periphery and also in the growth cone-like structures, in the palm region of the growth cone. Colchicine treatment effected retraction of neurites and disappearance of organized microtubule networks; chromaffin granules were found in the perinuclear region of the cell. Some tubulin (0.2% of total membrane proteins) was found in the purified chromaffin granule membrane preparation; however, this tubulin is probably associated with contaminating plasma membranes. By the criteria of morphology and staining with antitubulin antibodies, adult bovine chromaffin cells in culture display characteristics similar to those of sympathetic neurones. In addition, they showed an exaggerated transport of granules. Adult bovine chromaffin cells in culture offer an excellent model for studying the role of microtubules and the contractile apparatus in relation to cell morphological changes and neurosecretion.  相似文献   

B. A. Palevitz 《Protoplasma》1981,107(1-2):115-125
Summary Thick sections of fixed, embedded stomatal cells ofPhleum pratense were examined using high voltage electron microscopy and stereological procedures. The cortex of guard cells and subsidiary cells throughout differentiation contains numerous microtubules adjacent to the plasmalemma. Although microtubules are usually aligned in one net direction, individual microtubules may diverge from this orientation in various ways, producing anastomosing or crossed arrays. Also present in the cortex of both guard and subsidiary cells are collections of membranous elements and amorphous material upon which microtubules seem to focus, terminate or overlap. Such structures may constitute microtubule nucleation centers. The significance of these observations is discussed in terms of the control of microtubule development, wall microfibril deposition and cell morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic and ontogenetic relationships between the plastids, cell endoplasmic reticulum, and plant transport communication have been reviewed. The initiating role of plastids (endosymbionts) in the origin of endoplasmic reticulum (buffer zone of endosymbiogenesis) has been shown, as well as a similar role of endoplasmic reticulum in the development of transport communication of xylem and phloem. Plastids, sugars and transport system for their distribution can be interpreted as leading sections in the mechanism of developmental control: gene expression of nuclear genome and genome of organelles, cell and tissue differentiation, and plant morphogenesis. The conflict between the bulk of plant genome and low percentage of its realization is explained as a result of limitation of the nuclear genome realization by plastid genome. The concept of development as applied to plant ontogenesis has been critically analyzed. The possibilities of the concept correction by with the help of symbiogenetic hypothesis are discussed.__________Translated from Ontogenez, Vol. 36, No. 3, 2005, pp. 165–181.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Gamalei.  相似文献   

K. Laporte  M. Rossignol  J. A. Traas 《Planta》1993,191(3):413-416
Using monoclonal antibodies we have studied the interaction of tubulin with the plasma membrane of leaves of Nicotiana sylvestris (Speg. et Comes) and tobacco suspension-culture cells. The results show that isolated plasma membranes contain tightly bound -tubulins. Their association with the plasma membrane is resistent to non-ionic detergent and to low and high ionic strength. Only extraction with sodium dodecyl sulfate is capable of dissociating these cytoskeletal proteins. It is unlikely that this membrane-bound tubulin is present in its polymeric form because electron-microscopical analysis does not reveal the presence of filaments, whereas treatment of membranes with oryzalin (which has been shown to destabilize microtubules in vitro) does not remove the tubulins from isolated plasma membrane. When living cells are treated with oryzalin, the amount of membrane-associated tubulin is drastically reduced, which could mean that its presence is related to in-vivo microtubule dynamics.Abbreviations Mes 2 (N-morpholino) ethane sulfonic acid - NP40 Nonidet P40  相似文献   

A concept is suggested, which supposes that assimilates are transferred within the plant downward through phloem sieve tubes and, after entering the stem apoplast, are carried up with the ascending flow of transpiration water. After entering the apoplast of fully expanded leaves, these solutes are reexported through the phloem. Thus, a common pool of assimilates with uniform concentration is formed in the plant apoplast. According to this concept, the mechanism of assimilate demand represents a response of photosynthetic apparatus to changes in the apoplastic level of metabolites consumed by sink organs. The ratios of labeled photoassimilates differ between the apoplast and mesophyll cells. Most of the apoplastic labeled carbon is contained in sucrose, less in amino acids, and even less in hexoses. The 14C-labeling of amino acids increases and the sucrose/hexose labeling ratio decreased under conditions of enhanced nitrate supply. The well-known effect of relative inhibition of assimilate export from leaves under conditions of enhanced nitrogen supply is explained by an enhanced hydrolysis of apoplast-derived sucrose due to the increase in invertase activity, rather than by diversion of primary photosynthetic products from sucrose synthesis to other pathways required for activated growth processes in leaves. This notion is based on observations that the sucrose/hexose ratio is reduced to a greater extent in the apoplast than in the symplast. The last assumption was supported by data obtained after artificial changes in the apoplastic pH. In these experiments intact plants were placed in the atmosphere of NH3 or HCl vapors, which induced opposite changes in relative content of labeled assimilates in the apoplast and in the photosynthetic rate.  相似文献   

Taizo Hogetsu 《Planta》1991,185(2):190-200
Arrangements of microfibrils (MFs) and microtubules (MTs) were examined in tracheary elements (TEs) of Pisum sativum L. and Commelina communis L. by production of replicas of cryo-sections, and by immunofluorescence microscopy, respectively. The secondary wall thickenings of TEs of Pisum and Commelina roots have pitted and latticed patterns, respectively. Most MFs in the pitted thickening of Pisum TEs retain a parallel alignment as they pass around the periphery of pits. However, some groups of MFs grow into the pits but then terminate at the edge of the thickening, indicating that cellulose-synthase complexes are inactivated in the plasma membrane under the pit. Microtubules of TEs of both Pisum and Commelina are localized under the secondary thickening and few MTs are detected in the areas between wall thickenings. In the presence of the MT-disrupting agent, amiprophosmethyl, cellulose and hemicellulose, which is specific to secondary thickening, are deposited in deformed patterns in TEs of Pisum roots, Pisum epicotyls and Commelina roots. This indicates that the localized deposition of hemicellulose as well as cellulose involves MTs. The deformed, but heterogeneous pattern of secondary thickening is still visible, indicating that MTs are involved in determining and maintaining the regular patterns of the secondary thickening but not the spatial heterogeneous pattern of the wall deposition. A working hypothesis for the formation of the secondary thickening is proposed.Abbreviations APM amiprophosmethyl - DMSO dimethyl sulfoxide - F-WGA fluorescein-conjugated wheat-germ agglutinin - M F microfibril - MT microtubule - PEG polyethyleneglycol - TE tracheary element I thank Ms. Aiko Hirata (Institute of Applied Microbiology, University of Tokyo, Japan) for help in taking stereomicrographs. This work was supported in part by a Grant-in-Aid from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan.  相似文献   

Conidia of Phyllosticta ampelicida germinate only after they have made contact with a substratum. Previous work has shown that external free calcium must be available to the spore for germination to be initiated. Transgenic strains of P. ampelicida expressing apo-aequorin, a calcium-sensitive luminescent protein, were developed to monitor cytoplasmic free Ca(2+) ([Ca(2+)]c). Transformants were verified by PCR and Southern hybridization. Apo-aequorin production was quantified for each of 21 transformants. The transformant that emitted the most light per unit of protein was found to contain 0.59 mg apo-aequorin/g total protein. To ascertain the feasibility of aequorin-based [Ca(2+)]c quantification, [Ca(2+)]c changes were measured in mycelia during various physiologically perturbing treatments: exposure to high concentrations of external Ca(2+), hypoosmotic shock, and mechanical perturbation. This is the first report of a plant pathogenic fungus for which aequorin-based Ca(2+) measurement protocols have been developed.  相似文献   

Pdr5 is the founding member of a large subfamily of evolutionarily distinct, clinically important fungal ABC transporters containing a characteristic, deviant ATP-binding site with altered Walker A, Walker B, Signature (C-loop), and Q-loop residues. In contrast to these motifs, the D-loops of the two ATP-binding sites have similar sequences, including a completely conserved aspartate residue. Alanine substitution mutants in the deviant Walker A and Signature motifs retain significant, albeit reduced, ATPase activity and drug resistance. The D-loop residue mutants D340A and D1042A showed a striking reduction in plasma membrane transporter levels. The D1042N mutation localized properly had nearly WT ATPase activity but was defective in transport and was profoundly hypersensitive to Pdr5 substrates. Therefore, there was a strong uncoupling of ATPase activity and drug efflux. Taken together, the properties of the mutants suggest an additional, critical intradomain signaling role for deviant ATP-binding sites.  相似文献   

An acyl-enzyme intermediate proposed in the reaction mechanism of lipase was inspected by the exchange of oxygen between substrate (oleic acid) and solvent (18O-labelled water). Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis supported the formation of an acyl-enzyme intermediate in the reaction mechanism through the observed incorporation of 18O into oleic acid. The incorporation did not occur in the absence of the lipase. When Ser residues were modified with diisopropylfluorophosphate, the activity of lipase OF 360 was markedly decreased. Photooxidation of His residues also resulted in a decrease in the activity of the lipase. Chemical modification studies suggested the existence of a charge relay system (Ser-His-Asp/Glu) in the active site. Based on these results, a model of the active site and reaction mechanism of the lipase are presented.  相似文献   

Rat brain slices, prelabeled with [3H]noradrenaline, were superfused and exposed to K+ depolarization (10-120 mM K+) or to veratrine (1-25 microM). In the absence of extracellular Ca2+ veratrine, in contrast to K+-depolarization, caused a substantial release of [3H]noradrenaline, which was completely blocked by tetrodotoxin (0.3 microM). The Ca2+ antagonist Cd2+ (50 microM), which strongly reduced K+-induced release in the presence of 1.2 mM Ca2+, did not affect release induced by veratrine in the absence of extracellular Ca2+. Ruthenium red (10 microM), known to inhibit Ca2+-entry into mitochondria, enhanced veratrine-induced [3H]noradrenaline release. Compared with K+ depolarization in the presence of 1.2 mM Ca2+, veratrine in the absence of Ca2+ caused a somewhat delayed release of [3H]noradrenaline. Further, in contrast to the fractional release of [3H]noradrenaline induced by continuous K+ depolarization in the presence of 1.2 mM Ca2+, that induced by prolonged veratrine stimulation in the absence of Ca2+ appeared to be more sustained. The data strongly suggest that veratrine-induced [3H]noradrenaline release in the absence of extracellular Ca2+ is brought about by a mobilization of Ca2+ from intracellular stores, e.g., mitochondria, subsequent to a strongly increased intracellular Na+ concentration. This provides a model for establishing the site of action of drugs that alter the stimulus-secretion coupling process in central noradrenergic nerve terminals.  相似文献   

The mechanism of epithelial fluid transport is controversial and remains unsolved. Experimental difficulties pose obstacles for work on a complex phenomenon in delicate tissues. However, the corneal endothelium is a relatively simple system to which powerful experimental tools can be applied. In recent years our laboratory has developed experimental evidence and theoretical insights that illuminate the mechanism of fluid transport across this leaky epithelium. Our evidence points to fluid being transported via the paracellular route by a mechanism requiring junctional integrity, which we attribute to electro-osmotic coupling at the junctions. Fluid movements can be produced by electrical currents. The direction of the movement can be reversed by current reversal or by changing junctional electrical charges by polylysine. Aquaporin 1 (AQP1) is the only AQP present in these cells, and its deletion in AQP1 null mice significantly affects cell osmotic permeability but not fluid transport, which militates against the presence of sizable water movements across the cell. By contrast, AQP1 null mice cells have reduced regulatory volume decrease (only 60% of control), which suggests a possible involvement of AQP1 in either the function or the expression of volume-sensitive membrane channels/transporters. A mathematical model of corneal endothelium predicts experimental results only when based on paracellular electro-osmosis, and not when transcellular local osmosis is assumed instead. Our experimental findings in corneal endothelium have allowed us to develop a novel paradigm for this preparation that includes: (1) paracellular fluid flow; (2) a crucial role for the junctions; (3) hypotonicity of the primary secretion; (4) an AQP role in regulation and not as a significant water pathway. These elements are remarkably similar to those proposed by the Hill laboratory for leaky epithelia.  相似文献   

Abstract: Glutathione, both reduced (GSH) and oxidized (GSSG), was effective in displacing binding of l -[3H]-glutamic acid (l -[3H]Glu) and dl -(E)-2-[3H]amino-4-propyl-5-phosphono-3-pentenoic acid ([3H]CGP-39653) in rat brain synaptic membranes, with less potent displacement of binding of dl -α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-[3H]-methylisoxazole-4-propionic and [3H]kainic acids. Liquid chromatographic analysis revealed that both GSH and GSSG were contaminated with l -Glu by <1%. Both GSH and GSSG potentiated (+)-5-[3H]methyl-10,11-dihydro-5H-dibenzo[a,d]cyclohepten-5,10-imine ([3H]MK-801) binding in a manner similar to that found with l -Glu. Pre-treatment with glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) induced a marked rightward shift of the concentration-response curve for l -Glu in the presence of NAD without affecting that in its absence, whereas GDH was ineffective in affecting the potentiation by both GSH and GSSG even in the presence of NAD. In the presence of GSH at a maximally effective concentration, both glycine (Gly) and spermidine potentiated [3H]MK-801 binding to a somewhat smaller extent than that found in the presence of l -Glu at a maximally effective concentration. The potentiation of [3H]MK-801 binding by GSH was invariably attenuated by addition of CGP-39653, d -2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid (d -AP5), and 5,7-dichlorokynurenic acid (DCKA), whereas GSH was effective in diminishing potencies of CGP-39653, d -AP5, DCKA, and 6,7-dichloroquinoxaline-2,3-dione to inhibit [3H]MK-801 binding when determined in the presence of both l -Glu and Gly. These results suggest that glutathione may be an endogenous agonist selective for the N-methyl-d -aspartate (NMDA) recognition domain on the NMDA receptor ionophore complex.  相似文献   

Ticks undergo tremendous osmoregulatory stress as they take on up to 100 times their body weight in blood, returning about 75% of the ingested water and ions via their saliva into the host. We postulated that water channels, or aquaporins, involved in this mass water transport might be good targets for acaricide development. An aquaporin (IrAQP1) identified in the sheep tick, Ixodes ricinus, was present only in tissues involved in mass water flux, namely the gut, rectal sac and especially abundant in the salivary glands. IrAQP1 was localised by in situ hybridisation in specific cell and acini types, possibly Type III acini, but absent from the type I acini that are responsible for rehydration of ticks in the non-feeding phase. Gene knockdown of IrAQP1 in isolated salivary glands completely inhibited dopamine-stimulated secretion. Further, IrAQP1 knockdown adult females had 50% reduced body weight gains over the first 5 days feeding on an artificial feeding apparatus and 21% at the point of engorgement on hosts. Haemolymph osmolarity was increased in the IrAQP1-knockdown ticks. Importantly, the blood volume ingested per body weight was reduced by 30%. Overall, it would appear that water passage from the gut to the saliva was disrupted and tick guts were simply too “full” to ingest more blood. However, double-stranded RNA interference of IrAQP1 did not affect mortality of the ticks which successfully fed to detachment at day 9. Overall, our data indicate that IrAQP1 plays a pivotal role in blood meal water handling through the gut and salivary gland, and although its disruption by double-stranded RNA interference dramatically affects feeding performance, ticks remained feeding on the host with subsequent potential pathogen transmission and, therefore, IrAQP1 is not a suitable candidate target for tick control.  相似文献   

Xanthine oxidase (XO) is conventionally known as a generator of reactive oxygen species (ROS) which contribute to hypoxic-reperfusion injury in tissues. However, this role for human XO is disputed due to its distinctive lack of activity towards xanthine, and the failure of allopurinol to suppress reperfusion injury. In this paper, we have employed native gel electrophore-sis together with activity staining to investigate the role human xanthine dehydrogenase (XD) and XO in hypoxic reperfusion injury. This approach has provided information which cannot be obtained by conventional spectrophotometric assays. We found that both XD and XO of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) and lymphoblastic leukaemic cells (CEMs) catalysed ROS generation by oxidising NADH, but not hypoxanthine. The conversion of XD to XO was observed in both HUVECs and CEMs in response to hypoxia, although the level of conversion varied. Purified human milk XD generated ROS more efficiently in the presence of NADH than in the presence of hypoxanthine. This NADH oxidising activity was blocked by the FAD site inhibitor, diphenyleneiodo-nium (DPI), but was not suppressible by the molybdenum site inhibitor, allopurinol. However, in the presence of both DPI and allopwinol the activities of XD/XO were completely blocked with either NADH or hypoxanthine as substrates. We conclude that both human XD and XO can oxidise NADH to generate ROS. Therefore, the conversion of XD to XO is not necessary for post-ischaemic ROS generation. The hypoxic-reperfusion injury hypothesis should be reappraised to take into account the important role played by XD and XO in oxidising NADH to yield ROS.  相似文献   

In order to characterize connexin expression and regulation in the epidermis, we have characterized a rat epidermal keratinocyte (REK) cell line that is phenotypically similar to basal keratinocytes in that they have the ability to differentiate into organotypic epidermis consisting of a basal cell layer, 2-3 suprabasal cell layers, and a cornified layer. RT-PCR revealed that REK cells express mRNA for Cx26, Cx31, Cx31.1, Cx37, and Cx43, which mimics the reported connexin profile for rat tissue. In addition, we report the expression of Cx30, Cx30.3, Cx40, and Cx45 in rat keratinocytes, highlighting the complexity of the connexin complement in rat epidermis. Furthermore, 3-dimensional analysis of organotypic skin revealed that Cx26 and Cx43 are exquisitely regulated during the differentiation process. The life-cycle of these connexins including their expression, transport, assembly into gap junctions, internalization, and degradation are elegantly depicted in organotypic epidermis as keratinocytes proceed from differentiation to programmed cell death.  相似文献   

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